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Delayed Reflection

"Friends finally take it to the next level, regrettably?"

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The plan was to go for wings and maybe a drink after work. I got home, stepped out of my work clothes, and still had enough time for a quick shower. I was already thinking about what I was going to wear while the smell of coconut relaxed the day's stress away. I always underestimate how many bubbles my loofah can create.

While the scented, soapy white flow continued down my body, I decided on my classic but cute go-to outfit that never failed in a rush. For better or worse, my OCD with color made getting dressed quicker sometimes. By the time the last of the bubbles were swirling the drain, I'd landed on a black lace thong, black lace plunge bra, light blue skinny jeans, black V-neck t-shirt, silver jewelry, black leather jacket and done.

He was running behind so I drove to his house so we could drive over together. I stepped in to wait; I'd never been inside before. Before he put on his shoes and jacket, he offered a tour of his townhouse and I accepted. I'm always curious to see if my idea of someone's house lines up with reality. We finished off the main floor. I was impressed how clean the kitchen was and the living room was moderately decorated.

We went to the basement next. No surprise it was a bit of a man cave - flat screen, gaming, and gym equipment. We made our all the way upstairs, just continuing to poke my head in the rooms after all we had somewhere to be. We were in the hall outside of the master bedroom.

Now this is where the details get a little sketchy as to how we ended up in what is to follow. I consider myself to be pretty funny, a bit of a smart ass too, who enjoys a challenge of wit and words. From what I remember, it started with a very simple but loaded question, "Want to come into my room?" and that's how it happened. I'm sure my unwillingness to lose face to his emphasis on the word "come" and smug grin is what led to this game of sexy chicken. But here we were, face to face in his hallway outside his bedroom door.

Over the last few years, we'd met up dozens of times before; for coffee, lunch, walks, even at the gym. We were acquaintances who became friends, who occasionally flirt with the idea of taking it to the next level. The mutual attraction was obvious and understood but remained unexplored. There was no one reason why we hadn't, just one huge concern; bells can't be un-rung, and actions have consequences. No doubt friends can become lovers but often only one of those relationships survives. This is strictly an anecdotal opinion of mine, but inevitably, someone's feelings change and alter the relationship.

Conversely, some opportunities and moments only happen once, and regrets can haunt.

And now that moment was here, and it was time to decide what to make of it.

Honestly, I've been anticipating this encounter for some time; it was inevitable. I've touched and played with myself while imagining how we would cross that line. And if I were Caucasian, you would have seen me blushing on the outside, matching how hot and flush it always made me feel on the inside.

I've come up with so many answers to how he would look over top of me, naked. How he would smell before our scents commingled. How his hands would feel gliding along my skin. How his almost shaved bald head would feel in between my legs. I've wondered if his thick fingers would be gently playing with my clit, and how far in they could reach.

And now the moment was here. No excuses to leave, no amount of witty remarks and avoidance was going to work now and I'm not sure I would want to leave.

It's time.



I guess my pause gave him time to move closer and the next thing I knew he had me pressed up against the wall, my breaths were getting more rapid. While still looking at him, I could see my chest rising and falling. My V-neck t-shirt was doing my full cleavage justice.

I unbuttoned his shirt to see two tattoos by the light from the window. That's now a total of five by my count, but who knew what else would be revealed?

I touched his muscular chest gingerly, first with my hands while my mouth was kissing and nibbling its way down from his earlobes to his neck. His skin just looked so smooth and inviting. I licked him from his collarbone all the way back up his neck to land on his ear. I took a deep inhale of his sweet and lightly scented cologne and exhaled a very light moan. Being so close to his ear combined with air finding the path I'd licked gave him goosebumps. All the while, I could feel him hardening against me.

The black lace panty wasn't doing much to hide how much I wanted him either.

In my fantasies, I always undressed him, first his shirt, then his belt that maybe I would let him use on me later. Obviously, his pants came next; I'd unzip them and while they were falling down, I'd be lowering myself down too. By the time they landed around his feet, I'd be kneeling to pull down his boxer briefs, revealing exactly how much I would be having.

But in this reality, before I even had a chance to make my next move, my arms were up and my shirt was over my head and on the floor.

My locks are quite long and most had fallen on my shoulders and in my face after clambering through my shirt. This seemed to present the opportunity for him to caress my face and swoop my hair back.

And like in the movies, he craned my neck towards his face, holding it there by my chin. To most, this may have been a highly romantic gesture, but the intimacy, the eyes locked and searching each other, triggered more of a fight-or-flight reaction.

Shit was getting real.

Maybe he could sense that it made me nervous because before I had a chance to decide if I wanted to run, he took a mini step towards me and was now holding me by the back of the head protecting me from hitting the wall while deeply kissing me.

We'd never kissed before, not even on the cheek. Evidently, we were equally pleasantly surprised and continued to explore this. A little harder, a little deeper with each passing moment. Now, I consider myself to be an excellent multitasker, but I would say he was a master. I was outstretching my arms to wrap around his body when he grabbed me with one hand by the wrists and had both above my head against the wall.

This freed up hand number two to investigate my lace bra. Being taller than me, he had to lower down a little more from my face to bite at my hard nipples through the thin material with his pursed lips and a little bit of teeth.

With this, he released my wrists so he could use both hands to squeeze my breasts. As big as his hands were, he couldn't fully cup them.

Now free, I finished sliding off his shirt. It joined mine in a crumple on the floor.

We were both shirtless, my heaving chest to his heaving chest.

Deep, rapid breathing was all I could hear, and it was deafening. Still, no words had been spoken, no names called. There was safety in the silence. Almost as though to talk and breach the air would break the spell of just being in the now. The continuous looks that were passing between us was really non-verbal agreement. We both wanted each other. If we left, no physical space and uttered no words than no thoughts of repercussions or reality could come pouring into ruining this.

Unintentionally, we seemed to be taking turns undressing one another. I guess it's back to his turn.


Remorse was setting in at my choice of jeans instead of a skirt. I wouldn't be mad at a panty slide to the side and being bent over right now or lifted up against the wall and pounded, to be honest.

For his turn, he decided to go for my jeans next. Never straying his gaze from mine, and without fumbling, he easily undid the only button and zipper. Did I mention these were skinny jeans?

He had both hands wrapped around my waist. I'm sure he'd noticed before my hips to waist ratio isn't even close, so they certainly weren't going to just fall down.

His hands moved in a crisis cross pattern across my backside until they reached the base of my ass. A quick jiggle gave them some bounce, and gravity help them land right back in his hands. He basically caught them on the downward trajectory and squeezed hard. He was back around my waist, but this time his fingers were gripping the inside of the band of my jeans. He gave a tight to pull to get them down, but they barely moved more than an inch. The top of my black lace thong was just becoming visible.

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His turn was going to last longer than I thought it would.

Realizing that this would take as much finessing and wriggling to get out of as he now imagined they took to get into, he changed his approach. With a little more deliberateness, he was getting them down and over my ass, caressing all the while. This method was making my pelvis sway forward, bumping into his. Even in those few seconds, I could still feel how hard he was. Now they were over my hips, the widest part of my lower body and sliding to the floor.

The pile of clothes in the hallway was mounting.

For a moment, he stopped touching me and just stared at me. I could only hope this was in admiration, but it made me feel naked even though I wasn't yet. The little space that had developed between us in that moment was quickly closed. He drew me to him with one hand on the small of my back, the other seemed to being showing the way to his kisses starting from my temple to my cheek, to my lips, chin, and finally pausing at my chest.

Patience is not my strong suit.

All that was left was to do was clear the thin lacy last line of defense, so to speak.

My turn. Again, not a competition, but I intend to make my turn last just as long.


The hallway seemed hot even though I was standing there in my bra and panty, him in his jeans still, an imbalance. Thankfully, his weren't as tight as mine so it wouldn't take as long to get off.

Just like how I imagined it, I undid his belt, a little rougher than I needed to; he didn't sway as much as I did, he firmly stood his ground. Legs apart in a wide stance, pants sagging a little now, but the belt was still in the loops. I debated continuing to remove it, to make sure it was some place handy for later, maybe like in my fantasy.

But the top of his boxer briefs was showing and while following from there down with my gaze, I could see his bulge and I wanted to see it all uninhibited. In one motion, I undid his button and pulled down his zipper, caressing his crotch simultaneously. His size was not going to disappoint. His jeans slowly slid down to show his muscular, lean legs. He stepped out and took my hand and led me into his bedroom to leave an even amount of clothes in the hallway. His touch was light; he wasn't pulling me; it was an invitation and I now accepted without hesitation.

His room was dark, sun blocking drapes hung over the two large windows that faced the street but the light from the hallway gave some illumination. Queen-size bed, dresser with a mirror, chair in the corner; ensuite bathroom off to the right.

He said into the darkened space, "Siri, play RnB Mix."

And she responded.

Then he said into the darkness, "Take off your bra, slowly."

Guessing this instruction was for me now, I did.

Right strap, then left strap were lowered and resting halfway down my upper arm while I reached around and unhooked my D's. My bra fell to my feet, and my breasts were now displaying their fullness.

He watched me and I watched him. His eyes looked hungry.

Underneath the black lace panty was his meal. Come eat me.


I wasn't going to go to him; I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer. He'll come to me, he'll cum on me.

He strode over, eyes still locked with mine, his nine-inch cock in front of him.

Now his erection was in front of me, poking me, his hands gently pulled at the sides of my lace, the only thing left on me. Then his right hand moved to the front and continued to pull them down from the front with a very strong middle finger.

When he reached the top of my entrance and parting my lips with his finger did a quick 180-degree clockwise rotation and stroking what felt like my pulsating clit. Naturally, I parted my legs even more to give him full reign and the last line of defense I had finally dropped to the floor.

The years of anticipation all came to a head, and he was using all of his digits now and I had to rest my head on his shoulder to steady my wriggling.

I was enjoying the fingering trying to focus on the now, but I started thinking about what I'd imagined. I lifted my head off his shoulder and pushed down on them instead.

And he lowered himself down my body, his tongue very deliberate with its path down the center of my body. In between my breasts, continuing to follow the treasure trail over and in my navel.

In my head I was screaming hurry-up, keep going so loud I thought he might have heard, but obviously not because he went even slower. I smiled to myself; I can't believe even now he's trying to spite me.

Now holding on to my buttocks with both of his hands, he was on his knees and just like in my fantasy I rested my hand on the top of this almost clean-shaven head in guided him in. His tongue made first contact, then his lips. There was licking, sucking, swirling and still some fingering and they worked together like a well-practiced dance.

I quivered, and shit was so good my knees buckled. It was a very ungraceful way to make our way to the bed, but I didn't care. I just wanted his head back where it was, and his mouth wet with my pleasure.

I don't know how long he was down there for, I only noticed when he stopped to come up for air, but I was ready to explode. But I wanted to see beneath those boxers, feel the hardness in me, hold it in my hands and taste him back now.

On his next pause, he looked up and read my mind. I sat up and skootched back, my legs still open. He had enough room to be on his knees on the bed in front of me. Finally, the big reveal. I pulled down his boxers, and my excitement heightened even more.

It was like the movement of a panther stalking its prey. He came over me with one arm and then the next so he was straddling me but still not in me yet; I could only feel his tip teasing me.

We kissed gently, at first, then harder with more intensity.

Unconsciously I was moving my hips already to the familiar motion, but I was still only feeling his tip and I wanted the whole shaft.

Did he want me to beg?

No, that wasn't it, because he whispered in my ear, "I want to enjoy you, and I want to make you cum."

Well, shit, then we both want the same thing! And I took it upon myself to wait no more. I wrapped my legs around his torso and once in position, I took his manliness and guided it in.

It. Felt. Amazing.

Maybe it was all the years of buildup of what I had imagined, which can sometimes ruin the reality but thankfully that was not the case. Normally, after a few minutes, I would want to switch positions, but this simple missionary was doing it for me. He was in control, and I liked that, along with the varied angle, pace, and depth.

Now that I had him, I wanted to taste him and enjoy him back.

And I did slowly. I heard his delight at my skills and use of my mouth and hands simultaneously. I felt his excitement and although it was our first time; we were pretty in sync. We heard new noises and felt new things physically and emotionally from each other.

I was straddling him riding top, hands clasped in each other’s. He had a face full of hair, a mouth full of tits and when we finished, and we collapsed into each other. Hot, sweaty, sticky and spent.

Then it was quiet.

I got up, stealing the top sheet for cover and went to the ensuite and used the towel he offered me to freshen up and came out so he could use the bathroom.

There was a glass of Rye and ginger with two ice cubes on the nightstand waiting for me, very thoughtful. I brought it to my lips and the first sip went down so smooth. I had my head tilted back, savoring the burn in my bare chest. Then I saw myself in his mirror. I stared hard, passed myself to the disheveled bed behind me. Then refocused back to myself in the mirror and blinked hard. I shot back what was left of my drink and placed the empty tumbler on the dresser.

While the water was running in the bathroom, I quickly found my clothes in the hallway, dressed, and left.


To be determined by time.





Written by SexuallyPoetic
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