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Cumming Home

"Man cums back from war to fuck the woman he has wanted for a long time..."

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Cumming Home

For the last ten months the only contact he had was email, when he had the time, and it had to be basic. Thank goodness she sent him pictures and voice clips to keep his morale up or he might have gone insane. This tour of duty had been hard on him, one man can only take so much. This one was the third 'going to war' and it felt emptier then any other time. This time, he figured, it was because he had someone to go home to.

They met only six months before he left in an online chat room. They had discussed things he wasn't sure he would ever be able to tell anyone. They stayed up hours just talking on the phone about feelings and thoughts. They threw in hopes and dream conversations along the way. He had fallen in love with someone he had never met. He felt like he knew her better then he had ever known anyone and that she knew him just as well.

When he got the call that he was to go on another tour he had a plane ticket to see her, since she was a couple states away. But he shipped out when he'd planned on visiting her, so he canceled his trip and went back to the 'war zone'.

They, of course, had talked about the disappointment they both felt for not being able to meet and spend time together as they planned. But she said she understood and would keep in contact with him the best she could. With email it was a lot easier now then it had been for soldiers in the past. So almost daily he got a picture of her doing something in her life. One day it had been her with a coffee cup, looking half awake. It made him smile.

He had to admit that he liked the sexy pictures best. One time she got frisky and sent him a picture of her fingers in her pussy. Her juices were dripping around her finger in the picture. She also sent him an email explaining, in great detail, how she had used her fingers to cum. She gave him details such as how her pussy clamped around her fingers and her body shook as her cum released. He had to take her email and photo to the boy's room so that he too could cum as he thought of her.

There were many other emails and each one of them was special to him for a different reason. They were exciting, sweet and some of them were arousing. He couldn't wait to get home and speak to her on the phone again. Then buy another plane ticket and see her in person. He had to calm down, he was getting way too excited and the helicopter wouldn't come to pick him up for another half hour. He had to get his bags packed.

Finally, he heard the helicopter approaching, he grabs his bags then runs to the landing point. The helicopter is only the first part of his journey back home but he is excited. He gets the all clear and hurries onto the chopper, settling his bags beside him and easing into the seat. He relaxes as he prepares for the hour long ride to the nearest airport.

Looking around he notices the faces of the other men and women that are also returning home after this tour. Some of them from his camp and others that were picked up before he got on board. As he looks from face to face all the emotions that have been devoid from combat are there. Their eyes telling a story of elation and trepidation, knowing all the things that have happened, things they've seen and heard. It will not be as it was before they left. The unknown is written all over them hands and feet twitchy, the salty sweat wafting through the cabin but most of all the guilt of things they went through and things they missed back home. No one knew what to expect when they got back to life as it was before.

Shaking his head, his thoughts go back to the woman he intends to hold soon. He thinks of how he will hold her, running his hands over her body as he places gentle kisses on her collar bone. Smiling, he keeps wandering to her smile and thinks about how his hands will roam every inch of her. He'll then follow his touch with kisses, leading all the way down her body to her sweet spot. Mmmmm, her sweet spot. How many times had he wrapped his hand tightly around his cock and pumped it until cum shot out the tip? Well it had been far too many to times to count and all because this woman was always on his mind. The way she would feel, smell, and taste drove him to a hardness he had never experienced.

Adjusting to his uncomfortable uniform pants he decides to change his thoughts or the airport restroom stall will be a place to cum before his flight home. Smiling as he adjusts again he makes a checklist in his mind of things to do once he gets home. Get the dog, clean the cobwebs from the corners of the house and get the car out of storage. It's been ten months after all and his house was probably drab and musty from being empty.

He got to the airport and boarded his flight. Keeping his mind on the trip back to civilization he decides that he should settle in since its a long 8 hours before touchdown. He asks the flight attendant if there are any cabins remaining, then upgrades when she says there is one left. He falls asleep thinking of his to do list.

He wakes with a knock on the cabin door letting him know the plane is landing and he needs to be in his seat. Minutes later another knock and someone comes in to check that he is in fact up and ready for landing. Hearing the Captain over the intercom he realizes just how real coming home is. Finally, after so long he can call her. Once the plane stops with his hands shaking he picks up the phone and dials her number. She isn't at home so he hangs up and dials her cell phone.

"Hello," She answers.

"Cyndy? Is it you?" He is almost jumping up and down with excitement.

"Welcome home baby! It's so good to hear your voice," She says with strong emotion in her voice

"I am finally back, we are just deplaning now. I will call you to talk more when I get home." He hangs up fast.

He feels silly just calling to hear her but his nerves get the better of him. He didn't even think to ask where she was or if she might be busy when he got home. He wasn't sure he cared, he knew that he needed her. Needed those hours and hours worth of conversation that they had always had. The ones where they got so tired they were giddy and couldn't stop laughing. She had a voice that was so sweet and innocent, but then she could sound sexier then hell if she talked just right. He was getting hard again thinking of the phone sex they had on many occasions.

He got his bags and made his way to customs filling out the paperwork with immunizations statements signed. Then once it was all done he made his away around the corner to the lobby. Seeing all the families there to greet their loved ones made him envious that he had no one. He hears his name and looks down at his phone; no he'd hung it up. So he looks around and he sees her standing there. Suddenly he can't breathe, he can't move and he swallows hard. She is scared but smiling as she searches his face for some sign that everything is okay.

He moves closer with his arms outstretched, taking his hand and placing it on her cheek as he strokes it with his thumb. He brings her closer, kissing her forehead, each cheek and then kissing her hard on the lips. He is so happy to see her, so glad to have her in his arms that he is speechless.

He pulls her in tighter to his body, he runs his hands over her slowly as he looks around, wishing they were alone. She goes to move away but he holds her in place, their bodies so close he is sure that she can feel his arousal. They had never met yet he felt as if he had known her all this time. His mind had made up the scene he was living too many times but it had never been like this. His palms were feeling clammy, his nostrils were inhaling her sweet vanilla smell, but he still couldn't say anything. What do you say after so much time. She had been patient and waited for him, surprised him and been here when he really needed her.

Finally he pulls away gently so he can look at her face, his eyes meeting hers, and his breath is gone again. He regains his composure and starts to speak in a hushed tone. Leaning into her as his breath tickles her ear.

"I can't begin to tell you what you being here means to me. I am elated that you are finally where I can touch you." He pushes his pelvis into hers a little more and continues, "but as you can feel my cock is rock hard and has a mind of its own. It needs to get you alone very soon. Baby, I can't wait to fuck you and make you cum."

He felt her whole body shutter and then her hips wiggle as she gyrates into his cock a bit. He had to use his hands to keep her hips still. He held her in place and smiled at her reaction to him. He looked into her eyes again and smiled at her, using his lips to kiss hers with a passion he had only seen in the movies. Then breaking the kiss and taking her hand while holding his backpack in front of him to hide his obvious arousal, he leads her outside the terminal.

"Where did you park your car?" He asks.

"Not far. I can see it from here," She responds with a smile.

She is so happy that he likes what he sees and it feels as though they have been together all this time. She walks beside him carrying one of his bags as he carries the others. Cyndy has been trying to figure out how he could have lived over there for ten months with just these three bags. She decides it's not important and opens the trunk for him to put in the bags. After closing the trunk he leans his back on it and again pulls her in to kiss her.

He growls into her as his cock twitches inside his pants, almost painful from being hard so long. He reminds himself the quicker they get home the quicker he can have her to himself.

He opens the passenger seat for her and then walks to the driver's side. He grunts as he gets in because the seat is so close to the steering wheel. Laughing he looks at her and says, "We need to talk about you at least pushing the seat back for me after you drive. Gosh, you are short baby!"

He takes a minute to adjust the car to suit him for driving and looks at her. He grins wide because she is really here, sitting beside him as he drives home. He backs out of the parking spot and starts to ask her questions about how long she's been in town and how long she's staying.

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The drive to his house seems shorter than it had before, maybe because he was in a hurry to get her into bed. Now he was thankful he talked to a cleaning service to have clean sheets and towels laid out for him and have the furniture uncovered.

He parks in his driveway and leans over to kiss her, his hand at the back of her head holding her close. The space between them was too much so he breaks the kiss and exits the car to help her out of the passenger seat. He looks her in the eyes and quite seriously states, "I need you to know that once you come into my house with me there are no guarantees what will happen. If I decide to keep you then you will stay. Right now I can tell you that my heart is fond of you but my dick wants you worse than it's ever wanted anyone. Will you come inside?"

That shiver runs through her body again, and he sees her visibly shake it off and then look into his eyes. He can see her hesitation and fear. Yet he sees something else that he has never known. He can't think too clearly since his cock is as hard as the metal on the car, his nose breathing her in every time he inhales; it's all he can do to keep from flinging her over his shoulder and taking her inside whether she agrees or not.

He runs his hand up the side of her body and cups her cheek, leaning in to once again kiss her. He kisses her with want and hunger. His patience is wearing thin as he really does need to take her soon. "Baby what do you say?"

She exhales hard and slow as she says, "I want you, I even believe myself to..." she pauses and then says, "love you. I am just worried that you will not want me after our first night. That you will ask me to leave in the morning and not return. That being said, and all the mushiness aside, my pussy is dripping wet and it wants your cock deep inside of it."

At that he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, carrying her to his front door and unlocking it. Finally, setting her on her feet once inside the door, he took a minute to peek out the door and push the lock button on her car. He promptly snatches her back into his arms and carries her up the staircase to his bedroom. Gently placing her on the bed as he kisses her. He has to keep reminding himself that taking her rough and hard the first time is not a good idea.

He stops to think that it's been a long time since he has had a nice long shower, then smiles down at her as he starts to unbutton her shirt. Lifting her up he removes it. Her breasts catch his attention through the black lace bra she has on. He slides the bra up and over her breasts as he kneels down and takes each one into his mouth. Using his teeth he grinds the nipples a little. She arches her back and he tugs at her nipple to see her reaction. Instead, he hears it as she cries out and wriggles under him.

He stops his assault on her breasts, and stands at the side of the bed. He offers his hand to her then helps her stand. He puts his arms tightly around her again and squeezes. He leans down to cover her mouth with his sweeping his tongue inside when she parts her lips. Growling loud and primal, he feels the urge to take her now.

"Take the rest of your clothes off for me baby," He says as his eyes roam over her.

Watching her closely as she slowly removes her bra, undoing each clasp, she looks into his eyes as it drops to the floor. He can't stand it, his patience are gone since he's wanted her for so long. He moves quickly and rips the jeans from her hips, pulling them down hard as they resist. She gasps with shock as he leaves her in just black lace panties.

He eyes those like they are in the way too. His hand grabs the front of the lace and a loud tearing sound is heard throughout the room as her panties come off in one strong pull.

She feels vunerable as she stands before him completely naked. He wants to turn her over and place her face down on the bed then fuck her hard from behind without any tenderness. Yet his conscience won't let him and he starts to remove his pants as though in a slow strip tease. Watching her face as each piece of clothing comes off, he sees her smile as all his muscles are revealed, especially his large engorged cock.

He takes her hand and leads her to the bathroom, reaching into the shower to turn the water on. He lets it heat up while he entwines his hand in her hair and brings her to him. Kissing her fiercely, he pushes her to her knees. His hand still wrapped with her hair he brings her head over his cock. Growling low and demanding, "Open your mouth wide baby, you will take all of me deep in your throat. I will make you gag on my cock."

All she can do is moan as he shoves his cock deep into her mouth. Her gagging sounds echo against the bathroom walls. He smiles as she slurps and gags around him. He throws his head back and enjoys the grip her mouth has on him. She's so sweet and tight as he rams his cock down her throat again and again. Then without warning he jerks back and leaves her mouth, her spit dripping off of him. She complains and looks at him with eyebrows raised.

"I was enjoying that. May I suck you more please?" She begs.

"I was enjoying that more than you my dear. Your mouth is so wet, hot and damn tight down your throat that I was about to shoot my load!" He groans as he gently strokes himself.

He reaches down grabs her arms and yanks her to her feet. He opens the shower door, checks the temperature and steps inside taking her with him. Not seeing any soap he reaches for his shampoo. He squirts a little into his hand, lathers it up then with both hands starts to stroke his cock. He sees her watching him with lust in her eyes. She wants him almost as much as he wants her. He stops stroking and takes her hands in his, then dabs a little shampoo into her hands. She uses it to lather up just as he had, and then he gasps as her hands grab his hard cock tightly. She begins to stroke him with rhythmic up and down motions until she feels his balls slap against her hand.

"Oh baby! That feels too good, stop stroking or I will cum. It's too soon to cum. I want you to cum a couple times before I do." He declares as he pushes her hands away from his cock.

She again expresses her dissatisfaction at being stopped, and drops her hands to her side in fists while she thinks of what to do next. He captures her hands in one of his and holds them above her head. Slowly he trails nibbles down her torso until he reaches just above her clit. Running his hands along her body to meet his mouth he opens her pussy lips gently and swirls his tongue around her clit then sucks it into his mouth. She writhes and wiggles as the sensations of his mouth hit her hard, causing ripples of pleasure to course through her.

He continues to lick and suck on her taut clit with his tongue as his fingers massage her slit. As her juices leak out on his fingers he knows she is ready and gently urges two fingers inside of her. He wants to be rough but fights the demons calling out to him, and remains gentle with her. He wants what is between them to stay special and sweet, not rough and rushed... not yet anyway. Two fingers caress and stroke inside her until only his knuckles can be seen. God that looks good, his fingers deep inside her as his tongue works around her clit, her juices spilling from around his fingers to the shower floor and wasted down the drain.

He grunts as he holds back his temptation to pound his cock deep into her. He is so hard now it hurts. His balls are pulled tight expecting release, his cock has sprung to attention, throbbing hard and his engorged head is purple, just waiting to sink into her. He puts the thought of the pain aside and continues to use his fingers to stroke and stretch her. He doesn't want to hurt her, he wants her to have as much pleasure as she can. Then he realizes that she is bucking against his fingers as they work in and out. He feels her body tense and barely curls his fingers up to hit that sensitive spot. She cries out loud and rotates her hips while a gush of fluid flows out and onto the shower floor. He removes his fingers and inserts his tongue sucking her into his mouth lapping at her throbbing wet pussy.

"You taste better then I thought you would. You looked so sexy with my fingers in you," He moans under his breath between lapping and sucking. "Baby I can't hold out any longer, I have to take you. Come here."

He picks her up and leans her back against the wall as their hips join. His cock just pressed into her pussy lips, they both look down to see as he slowly lowers her onto his cock. They watch as her pussy grips him inch by inch. The head, then the shaft disappear inside her, and she squirms to adjust to being stretched. He wants to pump so bad, wants to just give her all of him fast and hard, but he knows he can't. He throws his head back and lets out a roar as he feels his cock sink into her, all the way to the hilt. She has her arms around his neck, using his shoulders as leverage as she lifts herself up then lowers back down onto him.

"You are so tight, your pussy gripping me with every muscle. Oh baby!" He huffs as he strains to hold back.

She senses his need to let go. She knows that he is holding back so she works her hips faster and deeper to milk him. She wants him to claim her, to make her his by draining his seed beside her womb. Not afraid of him or what he will think she gives into her own passion, "Cum for me John, please cum. I want you to cum deep inside me, don't hold back anymore."

He hears her speak and responds by taking her hips in his hands. He then moves her up and down, hard and fast, so hard that she screams. He can't stop now and continues to fuck her fast and rough, breathing faster and faster. One last push and he slams against her wall as he cums inside her. They are both shouting loudly and moaning as she cums with him. She collapses onto him as he holds her tight and presses her back against the shower wall to stay upright. Once his strength returns he lifts her off of him, her pussy making a slurping sound as it relinquishes his cock, and a little of his cum joins hers swirling down the drain.

By Kymmie Quinnell

Written by KymmieQuinnell
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