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Confessions of a Small Town Girl- College 2

"Allie finds he first Fuck Buddy."

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A couple of months after arriving at college, I had really gotten into the swing of college life, and loved it. I loved the fact I had no one to answer to. As long as I went to class, work and practice, no one cared what I did in my spare time. Kate and her boyfriend Daniel were back to being hot and heavy, so she was busy with him most nights. If they were not getting it on at our apartment, they were at his. Many nights I went to bed hearing her moaning, and to be honest I was a little jealous.

Kate and I had been having sex regularly since the night she introduced me to waxing, but she did not want our relationship to be public. She kept telling me she loved me, but she was not a lesbian, and she really loved Daniel too. I was torn. I had not felt so strongly about a person, since Ben, and every time I heard her and Daniel fucking, I would get mad, and she knew it. So many times after Daniel was asleep, she would sneak into my room. She would crawl up the bed while pulling the covers off my body. Each time I would act like I was asleep. It pissed me off that she would fuck him then come to me. Then her soft lips would touch my clit and it was over. She would lick and suck me to an amazing orgasm then leave my bed to go back to him.

Like I said before, I had met a lot of people, and had gotten pretty close to a few. One guy in particular that seemed to show interest in me was Mark. He worked with me at the bar as a bartender. He was a senior in college and was really sweet. He had asked me out several times, but each time I gave him the same answer, I was not looking for a relationship, but that never stopped him. If I had wanted a relationship, I would have placed Mark at the top of my list of potentials. He was gorgeous. He had muscular arms, flat hard stomach and the way he filled out the jeans he wore caused all the girls at the bar to look when he walked by. He had sandy, curly blond hair and the prettiest hazel eyes, but his most melting feature was his dimples. Each time he smiled he had the cutest dimples on his cheeks.

It was a Tuesday night, Mark and I were closing up when Kate sent me a text telling me she was staying at Daniel’s. I rolled my eyes as I read the text and replied a simple ok. Mark sensed something was wrong and poured me a beer, and asked if I wanted to talk about it. I explained to him how lonely it was going home to an empty apartment. I tried really hard not to let out mine and Kate’s secret. We continued to talk while we finished cleaning the bar and locking up. When we started to leave, he invited me to go back to his place, so I would not be alone. I was vulnerable, but I wasn’t desperate. I explained to him again, that I was not looking for a relationship. He insisted we were just friends and he understood that, but he could not rest knowing I was lonely. I figured what would it hurt? So we walked to his truck and I got in.

Mark lived on the edge of town in a small house. He lived alone. When we arrived. We got out of his truck and he walked me to the door. I had an image of a college guy’s pad in my head. I expected to see beer bottles and pizza boxes all over the floor, and dirty laundry thrown everywhere, but I was surprised. Everything in Mark's house was in order, and well decorated. It was a small house, with a kitchen, living room, pantry and two bedrooms and a bath room. In his living room was a love seat, TV and coffee table. When we walked in he went to the kitchen to get us something to drink while I went into the living room and sat on the love seat.

After finishing our drinks, he asked if I needed a shower, and I did, but told him I didn’t have any clothes. So he got up and went into the bed room. When he came back he had a T-shirt and a towel. He handed it to me and walked me to the bathroom, and left. I started the water and undressed. I didn’t know what was about to happen. I liked Mark and had no problem having sex with him, but I didn’t want to lead him on. I stepped into the shower, and cleaned the night’s bar-be-que and beer smell off my body. I could not help to get a little excited. It had been months since I was alone with a guy. My nipples hardened as I thought about how the night would progress.

When I finished my shower and began to dry off, I realized I didn’t have clean panties. I picked up my dirty ones, and could not bring myself to put them back on. I had worn them all day, so they were sweaty, and well dirty. I put on the t-shirt Mark had given me. It seemed big enough to cover me up so I chose not to wear the dirty panties. I dried my hair as best as I could with the towel and placed it in the hamper. I picked up my clothes and walked back out into the living room where Mark was waiting. I laid my dirty clothes on my back pack and turned toward Mark. It was at that moment that I realized he had taken his shirt off, sitting on the love seat with his feet propped up on the coffee table.

I knew Mark was built, but this was the first time I saw him without a shirt. It was then I regretted not wearing panties. I felt myself begin to dampen as I looked at his ripped abs and pecks. He was into whatever show he was watching and didn’t seem to notice I was even there, until I walked around the chair and sat down. When I sat, he looked at me and smiled. Damn those dimples. He asked if I felt better, and I acknowledged I did. We talked a little bit then he excused himself to take a shower. I watched him as he got up and left. God he was gorgeous. It was then I made up my mind that I was going to fuck him. I sat there as I listened to the water running. I imagined him being naked, the water cascading down his god like body, over his cock. Then began to wonder what his cock looked like. Was it big? Was he cut? The more I thought, the wetter I got.

It wasn’t long until my thoughts were interrupted by the bathroom door opening. I raised my head to look and seen him wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked into his bedroom, and before I could stop myself, I was on my feet walking in his direction. When I got to his door, he was standing with his back to me. The towel had fell, and I could see his firm white ass. It looked better out of his jeans than it did in them. He was fumbling in his dresser looking for some underwear, I figured. He turned, still unaware that I was there. All my thoughts were revealed as I seen one of the prettiest cocks I had ever seen hanging between his legs. It was at that moment, he realized I was there.

It didn’t seem to bother him that I was standing there gawking at his naked body. He just smiled, and I smiled back at him. He began to walk toward me, I could tell his cock was hardening with each step. His cock was nice as I have stated. It was about seven inches long and thick. It reminded me a lot of Jeff’s but what made it stand out was there was not a hint of hair around or on his cock or balls. He walked closer, and by the time he was in front of me, his cock was almost fully erect. I looked into his eyes, and smiled. I was so nervous. I wanted him, but I didn’t want to hurt him. I knew he had feelings for me, and in the back of my mind I had feelings for him too, but I knew I didn’t want anything serious. I didn’t want the strings that went along with a relationship. I felt bad about what I was doing, but not bad enough to walk away. I wanted him, tonight, and was not going to deprive myself of what I wanted.

He brought his hand to my face and brushed my hair back. He complimented me on how beautiful I was without make up, then joked about him being the only one without clothes. So I took a step back, and lifted the t-shirt over my head. The look in his eyes was all the encouragement I needed as he looked at my naked body. My 34B breast topped with my hard eraser sized nipples, my flat stomach and bare pussy seemed to be all to his liking. He took my hand and raised my arm and turned me so he could see my plump bare ass. When he turned me back to face him, he stepped forward and our naked bodies touched. His cock pressed into my stomach as his arms wrapped around me. I stood on my tip toes and our lips touched for the first time.

His lips were so soft, and his kisses were sweet and tender. In a matter of seconds, we went from standing to laying on his bed. We laid on our sides kissing as our hands rubbed up and down each other’s bodies. He moved closer and his lips moved down my jaw and up to my ear. He nibbled on my ear as my hand moved down his back. He moved his lips down my neck as he rolled me over to my back. Sitting up so his upper body was over me, he kissed down my neck to my chest. My body was tingling all over. I could smell the aroma of sex building, and when his mouth covered my breast, I moaned loudly.

His mouth completely enveloped my breast, his tongue pressed gently against my nipple.

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My back arched instinctly, pressing it against his mouth. He sucked and licked on my right breast, then kissed his way to my left. He softly bit my nipple, brushing his tongue against it. My hands went to his head, pressing him harder. I pressed my ass into his bed, as my body come to life. He rotated back and forth between my breasts, bringing me to the edge before swapping to the other. I felt my juices begin to pour out of me, and coat my inner thigh. When his mouth left my breasts and begin kissing down my stomach, my legs parted. As he kissed my lower stomach it jerked with anticipation.

He pulled me up on the bed and laid my head on a pillow. Then positioned himself between my legs. He planted several soft gentle kisses on my inner thigh, making his way up to my pussy. When his tongue touched my lips, I raised off the bed, He was making my body react like no one, including Kate, had ever done. His lips sucked my clit into his mouth as my legs tightened around his head. His hands moved under my ass, lifting it as his tongue snaked in between my pouty lips into my wetness. I felt my orgasm build as he licked and sucked. He never wavered from his gentleness. He took his time pleasuring me, even as my body began to tremble and my breathes shortened, signaling my eminent orgasm, he never changed his approach. I could not hold it back any more. As he sucked on my clit, I felt my toes begin to curl. I pressed his head into me as my ass lifted off his hands, and then it hit me. My juices flooded out onto his tongue and face. My body jerked as wave after wave of pleasure washed through it and escaped my drench pussy.

He lifted his head, and smiled. I could barely see him as the haze of pleasure faded my vision. He kissed his was back up my body and kissed my lips. Our tongues intertwined as I tasted my juices on his lips. I reached down and positioned his cock at my leaking pussy. He pressed his hips to mine and entered me. We continued to kiss as he slowly moved his beautiful cock in and out of me. His cock was touching all the right places, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed him deeper into me. He broke his kiss, and braced himself on his arms looking down at me. His eyes were so full of lust and pleasure. He kept saying over and over how good it felt to be inside of me. I had to agree. It may have been because it had been so long since I had a cock inside of me, or maybe it was because he was that good of a lover, but it was one of the most amazing feelings I had ever had.

After about fifteen minutes of slow and gentle fucking, Mark began to increase his thrusts. I could feel his cock growing inside of me and knew he was getting close. He raised my legs up and put them on his shoulders and pushed them until they were almost touching the pillow my head was on. He lifted his lower body onto his toes and began to piston his lovely cock. The sound of bodies slapping and a gushing pussy filled the room. The sound was quickly covered with the sound of both of us moaning on the brink of sexual bliss. His shoulders arched back and his cock sunk into the depths of my pussy. I felt his cock jump and the warm feeling of his cum filled me. He must have shot five healthy loads of cum into my womb, before he released my legs and fell limp on top of me. I kissed his shoulders as his cock grew soft and slipped from its sheath. I could feel our combined juices seep from me and run down my ass. Almost lifelessly, he rolled off of me with a big smile on his face. I got up from the bed, his cum still leaking, and turned off the lights. Then crawled back into bed. We cuddle together and went to sleep.

Sometime during the night, I had to pee. So I eased from the Mark’s arms and made my way through the darkness. While I relieved myself I thought back to the sex we had had a few hours earlier. I remembered how beautiful his cock was and how good it had felt being inside me. By the time I flushed, I had worked myself up into a frenzy and while walking back to the bed, it dawned on me that I had not been given the opportunity to suck him, so there was a big smile on my face when I pulled the covers back to reveal Mark’s cock sleeping on his leg.

I slowly moved my way down the bed. I didn’t want to wake him up any other way, than by my mouth on his cock. I lowered my head. The erotic aroma of sex, sweat, and musk filled my senses as my lips touched his flaccid tool. With no help from my hands, I lifted his lifeless cock off his leg with my lips. A soft moan escaped his sleepy lips. My tongue cupped and pressed into his cock as I begin moving my head back and forth. I felt his pulse begin to pump harder. With every heart beat his cock began to come to life. It was not long, before I was bobbing my head up and down on his fully erect cock. His cock tasted so good. Our mixed juices were dried to it, and the delicious nectar tickled my taste buds as I sucked him. Groggy and confused Mark finally woke. He moaned as my lips and tongue worked their magic.

I had no problem with Mark cumming in my mouth, and the way he was moaning and groaning, I knew it wasn’t going to be long before he did. The only thing was, I wasn’t ready for him to cum. I wanted to fuck him again, so I let his beautiful cock slip from my warm mouth and I threw my legs over his waist, straddling him. Even in the darkness of the room, I could see his smile as I positioned him to enter me. My hips slowly lowered, and I gasped a little when his cock penetrated me but I did not stop until my ass was sitting on his upper thigh. His hands immediately went to my breast and while I slowly ground and lifted my hips, he pulled and twisted my hard nipples. His cock felt so good in me. I placed my hands on his chest, tosses my head back and let out a soft moan as I began to move my pussy up and down his cock. Apparently Mark was enjoying himself because he was matching my thrust and the sound of bodies slapping soon refilled the room.

Mark took my hands and interlocked our fingers. Without either one of us missing a beat, he pushed me back and sat up. Our legs were stretched and we were both sitting up. I could feel his cock hit new depths. His big hands cupped my ass and he lifted me up, then pushed me back down on his cock. We kissed. There was no passion in the kiss, it was pure and unbridled lust. When he broke the kiss, his lips locked onto my nipple. His hands pressed against my back, as he moved his hips in a circular motion. Each time his cock hit my secret spot I moaned. He sucked my tit harder as he ground harder. I couldn’t breathe I gasp for air, but could not find any. I tried to scream, but nothing escaped my lips. My body began to convulse, while my legs tightened around him. When my orgasm started it didn’t seem to end. His cock had me so stimulated, I was finally screaming, and it seemed to trigger something in my mild mannered lover.

He lifted me up and pushed my upper body to the bed. I felt his tongue snake into my pussy as I buried my face into the pillow and screamed louder. He lapped at my juices as they flowed, making my orgasm continue. Then he raised up and with one hard thrust, he drove his cock back into me. I raised up on my hands, and when I did, he grabbed a handful of my blonde and hair and pulled back. All his gentleness had left, he was fucking me hard, and with a purpose. My small tits were bouncing all over the place as he pounded my pussy hard. I felt him press harder, and deeper and then a loud growl left his lips. For the second time that night, my pussy received the warm gift from his beautiful cock. With the final squirt, he released my hair, and we both fell to the bed.

When his alarm clock went off a couple hours later, he lifted off of me. When I tried to get out of the bed, my legs felt like rubber bands. I was exhausted still, but my sexual hunger had been fed. We got up and showered together. We both wanted to go again, but knew we didn’t have enough time. So when we were done, he gave me another t-shirt to put on, and he took me home to get ready for class.

I have to say that Mark had given me one of the best fucks of my life. We fucked many more times that year, and never once did he ask for anything more. At work, nothing changed. As far as I knew, no one ever knew of our extracurricular activities. Looking back, I really feel bad about how I treated him because I used him for sex. When I was lonely and had no one else to go to, I went to him, and he never turned me down, and never asked for anything more. He was my first friend with benefits and my favorite fuck buddy. He never told me, but I knew he loved me, and after he graduated, he moved back to his hometown and started his life. We exchanged emails, and Christmas cards, but eventually he married and we lost contact. Sometimes when I am lonely, I still yearn for his touch.

Written by alliet14
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