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Coming Home

"Coming home leads to a realization and a moment of passion for Susan and Glenn"

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Susan was surprised to see Glenn enter the Eversham train station. She had expected to meet his younger sister Rebecca, who had been her best friend since childhood. In fact, last Susan heard, Glenn was still living in Vancouver where he worked for an accounting firm.

Glenn had changed a lot in the years since Susan had last seen him. Once a rather scruffy young man with long, unkempt hair and perpetual five o’clock shadow, Glenn had now cleaned up. He sported a neatly trimmed beard and his hair was cut short and carefully styled. His attire, on the other hand, was classic Glenn; a black Van Halen t-shirt and tight, ripped jeans. And he looked, as always, damn good in them. Better, in fact, with his new look.

“Glenn!” Susan called out when she realized he had not yet noticed her.

He spun, a grin on his handsome face. Susan was surprised to feel her heart skip a beat as their eyes met.

“Suzy!” he yelled back, then bounded across the waiting area.

They hugged, Susan enjoying the momentary closeness with Glenn. She had nursed a crush on her friend’s brother in high school and that attraction had never completely gone away. However, Susan didn’t harbor any illusions about her relationship to Glenn. Rebecca had talked about meeting Glenn’s girlfriend when she had gone out to visit her brother a year before so Susan figured he was off the market.

“Becky had to work late and sent me to get you,” he explained, “Let’s roll.”

“So what brings you back to Eversham?” Susan asked when they were in the car.

“Becky needed help with Mom,” Glenn told her, “We finally moved her into a home last week. And I’d like to move closer to home anyway, so I’ve lined up a couple interviews while I’m in the area.”

Susan sighed. Her friend’s mother had been going downhill for years.

“That’s sad to hear about your mother, Glenn. I knew she wasn’t well when Becky moved back home to look after her but didn’t know how bad,” she said softly, touching Glenn’s arm.

“She really needs twenty-four-seven care now and Becky and I aren’t really in a position to provide that. We had someone coming in but it wasn’t enough.”

“I am surprised to hear you’re moving back East, though. Becky said you were doing well at the firm and had a girlfriend out there,” Susan said.

“I’m doing well but I’m bored stiff,” he responded with a sigh, “I’m looking for something new, maybe a controller or other corporate accounting job. One of my interviews is with a software startup in Waterloo where a classmate is CTO. That seems more exciting than doing my umpteenth audit. And the girlfriend is gone. We broke up a couple months ago after she turned down my marriage proposal.”

“Bummer. She doesn’t know what she’s missing.”

Glenn laughed.

“I think she had her sights set on someone else even before that,” he said with a shrug, “I was just too dense to realize it until the ball dropped.”

“Sounds sadly familiar,” Susan sighed, “I was the last one to know my fiancé had moved on.”

“That’s why you’re coming home?”

“It is. I only moved to Ottawa because of him so there’s no reason for me to be there now,” Susan confirmed, “Becky says I can crash with her until I find a place. Like you, I have some job interviews lined up.”

“It’ll be like old times with the three of us together.”

“Maybe. I hope so.”

A couple hours later, Glenn stood over his mother’s sink washing the dishes. He felt a bit weird living in his family home without his mother around. The place was listed for sale so it wouldn’t be for long. They needed the money to pay for Mom’s long-term care.

Susan was in the living room catching up with Becky. Glenn could just barely see her from the sink. She had not changed much from when he had last seen her, a petite redhead with a pretty, freckled face and just enough curves to be interesting. Even Susan’s clothing was pretty much what she had been wearing back when he left Eversham. The only change he noticed was a shorter hairstyle.

Glenn had been surprised by the feelings that had hit him when he saw Susan in the train station. It was more like seeing an old lover than just a friend. Had he really felt that strongly about his sister’s best friend back in the day?

“Oh my God, he even does dishes,” said Susan, giggling as she came into the kitchen.

“Hey, I’ve been on my own for a while. You learn these things,” Glenn responded with a mock snarl.

Becky came in after Susan and got out some ginger ale to refill their drinks.

“I set up the futon in the den for Suzy,” Becky told her brother, “It’s fairly new and rarely used so should be comfortable.”

“Sounds good. And I’ll be next door to keep the nightmares away,” he answered, winking at Susan.

Susan had once awakened screaming from a nightmare while sleeping over at the Mitchells’ house. Becky had been scared at first, then sympathetic. Glenn had been cranky about being awakened, but had teased Susan mercilessly afterwards.

“Yeah, a lot of help you were,” Susan replied with a wink of her own.

Glenn finished the dishes and the three of them retreated to the living room with their drinks. They chatted until late, then headed to bed.

“No nightmares last night,” Susan said in a cheery voice when she came out to the kitchen in the morning.

Glenn looked up from his coffee. His gaze was momentarily arrested by her attire of a loose oversized t-shirt. It was slightly sheer and the morning sun created a dim silhouette of Susan’s body underneath. Glenn swallowed hard, trying to wrestle down the feelings that vision awoke.

“Guess my comforting presence in the next room worked,” he responded.

“Could be.”

“Got plans?” Glenn asked.

“Not really. I need to start looking at apartments on Kijiji, I guess. And maybe see if I can find some more jobs to apply to,” Susan said as she made her breakfast.

“I’ll help connect you up to Beck’s wi-fi,” Glenn suggested, “She got a decent Internet connection put in so she could work from home while she was caring for Mom. If you find places you want to see, I can drive you.”

“You don’t have to. I have an Uber account,” Susan protested.

Glenn shrugged.

“I’m not doing much today, just a meeting with the lawyer about POA stuff. My first interview isn’t until tomorrow. And I’m a hell of a lot cheaper than Uber.”

“This is the best one yet,” Susan commented five minutes into her third showing of the day. They had left after lunch to view several apartments that she had found online.

Glenn nodded.

“Definitely beats the first one. That place was a bit sleazy,” he commented, wrinkling his nose as he remembered the odour in the hallway.

“And the second one was rather ‘meh’,” Susan added, “I could see myself living here, though.”

It was a large one-bedroom apartment on the top floor of a four-storey, recently renovated building in a complex of four buildings. There was a swimming pool shared by all four and a laundry in each building.

“Going to take it?” the super asked, looking a bit impatient.

Susan smiled at her brightly and said, “Yes, I think so. Feels right to me.”

Glenn’s phone rang. He frowned at it, then disappeared into the bedroom to take the call while the two women talked.

“Is he your boyfriend?” the super asked quietly, a grin on her face.

“Nosy bitch,” Susan thought, but out loud she just answered, “No. His sister is my best friend so he’s just helping me out.”

“Oh, that’s nice. So you’ll be living alone?”

“For now. I mean, I’m single but that’s not necessarily forever.”

Memories of the relationship that had recently ended passed through Susan’s mind. At the time of the breakup, she had decided to go celibate for a year or two. That seemed rather rash looking back.

“Okay, I’ll go down and get the paperwork ready. You can come to my place to sign when you’re ready,” said the super as she left, “Just close the door. I’ll come and lock up later.”

Glenn was still in the bedroom, so Susan did another quick inspection of the living area and kitchen. When he finally emerged, Glenn’s face was pale and worried.

“Mom’s slipping fast. Beck’s already there. I’ll take you home and then head over,” he explained, his voice shaky.

“I can come. In fact, from the look of you, I should probably be driving,” Susan countered, “I spent so much time at your place as a kid, I feel like part of the family. I’d like to be there for you and Rebecca.”

Glenn managed a smile and nodded.

“Okay, that’s fine. Becky will probably be glad to see you. Let’s go.”

The funeral was three days later. Susan sat next to Glenn and Rebecca during the service.

Glenn had been quiet and seemingly calm through the hectic last few days and into the morning. However, Susan sensed that was a facade. Every now and then his voice would get shaky or a tear would escape. She wasn't sure how to handle his grief, how to help him let go with his emotions.

Halfway through the eulogy, cracks appeared. A sob brought Susan's attention to her friend. His body was quivering a little and tears were running down his cheeks. Grabbing his hand, Susan gave it a squeeze and smiled at him.

“It's okay,” she mouthed, “Let it out.”

Glenn squeezed Susan's hand back and nodded her way, then turned his attention back to the proceedings. She snuggled against him and kept a grip on his hand for the rest of the service.

After the service, as they went to another room for a luncheon reception, Susan pulled Glenn aside. She took him in her arms and held him briefly.

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“It's over, Glenn. And I am here for you, okay?” she said in her softest, most soothing voice.

“I know, Suzy. Thank you. You're a wonderful friend,” Glenn replied, giving her a tight squeeze back. His hands even brushed her ass through her skirt.

As they walked down the hall to the reception, Susan contemplated that rather intimate embrace and touch. Was it just friendly affection? This was hardly the time to worry about that, she decided.

At a little after two the next morning, Susan awoke and stretched. She had stayed up until midnight chatting with, and comforting, Rebecca, then slept fitfully. Returning from the washroom, she noticed light leaking out under Glenn’s door. Susan paused for a moment, then gently knocked.

“Glenn? You awake?” she said softly.

“Yeah. Come in,” he answered.

Glenn smiled as Susan entered his room. She was wearing a white tank top and pink boxer shorts to sleep. The top was a bit tight, showing off her breasts perhaps a little more than was modest. He felt a wave of emotion and also a little tickle of desire at the sight of his friend. It seemed that his grief wasn’t strong enough to overcome other, more pleasant emotions.

“Having trouble sleeping?” Susan asked, sitting next to him on the bed.

Glenn nodded.

“I was the same after Dad died,” she said, holding his hand, “It passes eventually.”

“I think the hard part is that I was so far away the last few years,” he explained in a shaky voice, “I kind of feel like I wasn’t there for her.”

“Becky said you’ve helped a lot since you came back. And that you had done what you could from out there, too. You don’t have anything to ashamed of, Glenn,” Susan assured him.

“It doesn’t feel like it, though.”

He was starting tear up again. Susan moved a bit closer and held his hand tighter.

“Second guessing yourself is normal. But honestly, I think your Mom and Becky both knew you cared.”

“Thanks, Suzy.”

“Want me to stay for a bit?”

“It might help, sure.”

Glenn turned off the light and they settled under the covers. They chatted in the dark, reminiscing about old times, but Glenn soon fell silent. Snores replaced whispers.

As she lay next to her friend, Susan wasn’t sure how close she dared get. She really wanted to feel Glenn’s body against her own as she had when he hugged her. Was this really a good time to be contemplating such intimate feelings, though? Sleep overtook Susan before she came up with a good answer.

Glenn awoke the next morning to find Susan was already up. He lay still for a for a while, sorting through a tangled jumble of new and old feelings. Finally, he got out of bed and put on shorts and a t-shirt. He’d been wearing suits too much the last couple days and was glad to go casual again. Taking a deep breath, Glenn left his room.

Susan was in the living room, still in her sleeping attire. She was reading something on her tablet while nursing a mug of coffee. Her face lit up with a smile when she noticed him. Glenn had long thought that Susan had one of the prettiest smiles he knew.

“Good morning. Where’s sis?” he said, sitting next to her on the couch.

“Went in to work. Apparently, she’s way behind on something because of recent events and wants to start getting caught up.”

“Did she say how long?”

“She’s planning to put in a full day, I think. Took a frozen dinner in with her for lunch at any rate.”

So, he was alone with Susan for the day. Glenn suddenly felt the moment was right to let his feelings out.

“Suzy, I need to talk to you, to tell you something,” he said, his voice tense and bit shaky.

Putting her tablet aside, Susan turned to face him.

“What is it, Glenn?” she responded, wondering what was coming, hoping it was what she wanted to hear.

“The last couple days have been so … crazy, Suzy. I have never felt so sad in all my life. Even my breakup didn’t hurt this much. Or maybe losing Mom just compounded what I was still feeling from that,” Glenn began, looking close to tears again.

Susan moved a bit closer to him. Her hand rested on his.

“Go on, Glenn. I’m listening,” she whispered.

“There has been one light in all that, one thing that has comforted me and even cheered me up at times. And that’s being with you,” he went on, “Your presence at the visitation, the funeral, and in my room last night really told me everything was going to be okay. Even just you coming back to Eversham when you did… It’s like we were brought back together when I needed you, Suzy.”

Susan blinked back a tear of her own. She raised her hand and caressed Glenn’s cheek, brushing away his tear.

“Seeing you again has been wonderful for me, too,” she said softly, “Glenn, I had strong feelings for you for a long time and that doesn’t seem to have ended. Those feelings are back.”

“Me, too. I wanted you a long time ago, Suzy, but could never get past the fact that you were my little sister’s bestie. Somehow, it just didn’t feel right. But now … God, Suzy, these past few days have made me realize just how much I want and need you in my life. I’m only sorry it took this long.”

Susan smiled and giggled a little.

“Trust me, falling for Becky’s big bro felt weird to me back then, too. That’s why I never acted on it,” she said.

They moved closer and locked eyes. Then Susan leaned in and lightly touched her lips to Glenn’s. Before she could withdraw, Glenn seized Susan in his arms. He pulled her body against his and mashed his lips hard to hers. His tongue slid in against hers. Desire exploded to life.

“That … felt so good,” Susan said breathlessly when they paused, “It’s what I’ve dreamed of.”

“The same.”

After another round of kisses, Susan eased out of Glenn’s arms. Body quivering with excitement, she stood up over him and pulled her top off over her head. Cupping her breasts in her hands, she smiled at him.

“Want more?” she purred.

Glenn stared at Susan’s naked torso for a moment, then stood up next to her and quickly shed his own t-shirt. He gently fondled his friend’s bare breasts as he kissed her once again.

Susan felt her pussy moistening. She was in a bit of a daze. While she had dreamt of this moment years before, Susan had never expected it to become real.

Staring into Glenn’s eyes, Susan smiled and pushed his shorts down. It was not, in fact, the first time Susan had seen Glenn’s cock. They had skinny dipped alongside Becky and other friends back in the day. However, it was the first time she had done so in intimate circumstances. Glenn’s cock was already getting hard. Susan gently caressed it as they kissed once again.

Glenn responded by pulling Susan close. He slid his hands down her boxers to caress first her ass, then her pussy. A finger gently stroked the hood of her clit before probing her wet opening.

“What do you want?” he whispered, the tip of his finger stroking her slit.

“You, Glenn. Nothing but you,” she hissed in reply.

Together, they got their shorts off. Glenn lifted Susan on to the cabinet that held his late father’s old record player. Stepping up between her legs, he squeezed her tits in his hands, digging in his fingers as he roughly fondled them. Then he took her nipples between thumbs and fingers to pinch and pull them.

“Oh shit, that’s good, Glenn,” Susan gasped, surprised at how intense the confluence of pain and pleasure felt.

Glenn moved a hand down between Susan’s legs. A finger penetrated her, seeking out her G spot while a thumb roughly rubbed her engorged clit. Glenn took her to the edge a couple times, backing off each time before she climaxed. Finally, he pulled his hand away and moved the head of his cock into position at her dripping slit.

“Now?” Glenn said softly, eyes locked on hers.

“Now,” Susan affirmed, wanting nothing more or less than him inside her.

Glenn drove his cock in hard. Susan gasped, but smiled. He was thick, filling her up in a most satisfying way. Slowly, Glenn moved inside her wet pussy. Susan leaned back, supporting herself on her arms, and closed her eyes. For a time, there was only the sound of their heavy breathing and the feel of Glenn's cock stretching her open.

Then Glenn slid out. He pulled Susan off the cabinet, then made her turn around and bend over it. Again, he drove his cock into her. This time, he went at it hard and fast. The sound of their bodies colliding was soon joined by Glenn moaning, rising to a cry as his climax hit. His cock pulsed inside Susan, splashing his rich warm cream within.

Susan felt him pull out, then a finger on her clit. Glen massaged the swollen bud firmly, even a bit roughly.

“Ah God, yes,” she howled as her orgasm shot through her body.

He kept at it until the touch became almost painful, then stopped. Susan straightened and turned to look at him. She felt cum run down the inside of her thigh as she tried to get her breath back.

“Jesus, Glenn. That was insane,” she said between gasps.

Glenn smiled and nodded, noting, “You want to clean that up before it gets to the rug.”

He tossed Susan her top. She giggled as she used it to wipe the mess from her thighs and loins.

“Damn, I’m hungry,” Glenn said as he pulled his shorts back on, “Should have breakfast before I fuck, I guess.”

“I haven’t eaten much either. I can whip up something,” Susan offered, “Or Becky tells me old Harry’s is still in business.”

“How about Harry’s? A nice greasy plate of his pancakes and sausages sounds appealing right now. It can be our first date.”

Susan laughed then walked up and hugged Glenn.

“So instead of sex on our first date, we’re doing the sex first? Kind of like dessert before dinner?” she said.

“Seems like it. I could sure go for more dessert, though,” he answered, running a hand down her body to lightly slap her ass.

Susan kissed him.

“Later,” she promised, “Let’s eat first.”

“I’m so glad I came home, Suzy,” Glenn said quietly.

“Me, too,” Susan responded.

They melted into each other’s arms for another kiss.

Written by Anonymous
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