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Elizabeth felt Sakura’s absence deeply as she watched the two college girls work the counter. It wasn’t that they reminded her of the young coed now living in her house, but because by all appearances they were nothing like her at all. They wore their sexuality like something extra, layered on top of their existence, something they could put on or take off at will. Sakura’s was hardwired into her blood. It was who she was, even if she had so much yet to learn of her own limits. If she had any.

The college girls’ makeup was spare except for the extra sweep of mascara mimicking Sakura’s naturally epicanthic eyes. Everything about them was pushing just a little too hard.

She supposed she herself must be somewhere in between.

The café had a small market section that carried a brand of lotion the blonde favored in its inventory of chemical free, fair trade zone products. It was a tattoo and granola crowd, and this was the first time Elizabeth had ever stayed long enough to order iced tea and sit. She could have ordered the lotion online, but now and then she like taking the drive out to the desert. Besides, her husband was having his late lunch with their houseguest, and she was experiencing the unflattering pangs of feeling left out.

It was ninety-seven outside, but shady and cool inside the café. In light grey yoga pants and a cropped T, the blonde found herself wishing she’d taken a table outside. The punishment of the late summer desert sun would feel sweet, but she’d been riding with the top of the car down again today, and the counter girls had captured her uneasy mind.

The taller of the two was slenderer, with raven black hair that fell most of the way to the small of her back. She was the “prettier” one. The one who skated through work with the kind of easy flair that made you believe she must have skated through the rest of her life the same way. She was build very much like Elizabeth was, but not so hard around the edges. The contrast made the blonde wonder if she’d spent the last ten years subconsciously transforming herself into something untouchable – the kind of creature many would admire but few would desire in that visceral, needful way.

Her own life was a vortex of fear and want, and it was all so deeply woven together she didn’t know where one part ended and the other began. But it was all the same, and she gave up the notion it mattered before it had a chance to take hold.

The shorter girl was the “plain” one, with dark brown hair, and a rounder face with bookish glasses. She was the one whose fuller, rounder breasts and ass would draw sidelong glances from the men who stood at the counter flirting with the tall one.

As Elizabeth watched her come from around the counter to wipe a few tables and then stand in front of the window looking out on the street, she tried to imagine how the girl would have responded to the kind of meetings and conversations she and Paxton had had with so many others. The long search that had led them to Sakura. She’d appeal to the man at first. On the surface. Her slight air of sweet cluelessness. Her apparent grace in conflict with a more natural clumsiness.

Would he sense a world of sensuous possibility turning in the deep recesses of her undoubtedly scattered mind? What if she were the one with him now, having a late lunch? Having their “talk” about the way things were going?

Speculation. Nothing but a game the mind plays with itself. Suddenly, it was impossible not to imagine either of the café girls stepping through the paces Sakura had been put through so far. The meeting with Lanyard, for instance. The taller one would’ve been over the top with brash self-confidence while the shorter, rounder girl would’ve been clumsy, wearing the guise like an ill-fitting cloak.

But how often were people ever what they seemed from the broad strokes of arm’s length first impressions? It could just as easily have been the other way around.

It was the shorter one the blonde found herself imagining in Sakura’s place the night before. Naked. Kneeling behind her brandished ass while Paxton spanked it, his aroused cock swaggering so close to the girl’s face. Glasses perched at the end of her nose. Thick, chestnut hair cascading around her shoulders. Rigid-tipped breasts pouting in the press between her arms.

Then the girl suddenly turned back in and spotted Elizabeth gazing at her. The blonde felt her face flare with heat as if her playful daydream had been written all over it. The girl’s face flushed seconds later, and it was she who finally broke the mutual stare and moved awkwardly between the tables to get back behind the counter.

The girl had beautiful lips. They were full and wide and looked a little shiny, probably from the simple lip balm a lot of desert dwellers used against the dryness of their environment. The girl’s mouth was not unlike Sakura’s, and it put the blonde in mind of how she’d kissed her young houseguest in the parking lot outside her academic advisor’s office building.

Even now, Elizabeth still wasn’t sure which part had been the bigger source of arousal: to kiss a mouth as lovely as Sakura’s, or the possibility of being seen. Maybe it had been the younger woman’s apparent surprise, but then her hungry response. Maybe it was all those things.

She brought her eyes back to the curvier girl behind the counter. She didn’t care if the girl caught her looking again. She wanted to find an excuse to get her to sit down at the table and talk just to watch those lips move and squirm around the syllables of whatever she had to say. To catch glimpses of the wet muscle of her tongue snaking behind her teeth.

It was clear. Elizabeth simply wanted to kiss that girl so much she could feel the ache in her nipples. And along with the heightening awareness of her thickening nubs came the image of her lips encircling them, suckling, her tongue curling around each one in turn.

Other than Sakura, the blonde had only ever kissed one other woman. Something about that struck her as wrong, like some kind of deficit in her life. It wasn’t as if the urge struck her often, but when it did, there always seemed more and bigger reasons not to follow her instincts than the other way around. Fear, jealousy, social convention.

Could her life have been reduced to little more than the continual navigation of barriers?

But they were doing everything they could to break free of the deprivations that didn’t make sense. Weren’t they?

It had been ten years ago, her last year in college, and the kiss had actually been the idea of Elizabeth’s boyfriend at the time. He’d wanted to explore the age-old male fantasy of watching two women at play. When Denny first made the suggestion, it appealed to her innate sense of adventure and sensuality. Two things that had always been repressed through her strict, conservative upbringing. But it had seemed like nothing more than playful conjecture. Something naughty to talk and fantasize about. At least it had been until the night they were visiting Shanae.

She’d been a graduate assistant who taught a course Denny had taken the prior semester. She was raven haired and pneumatically curved, bigger and thicker than the supposed ideal Elizabeth had spent the bulk of her life working to live up to. But Shanae had a kind of fluid grace the blonde had rarely seen. She was comfortable in her skin, and the quality seemed to radiate from every pore.

Or maybe it had only been the wine they were drinking around Shanae’s kitchen table that night. She’d been full of compliments for the blonde senior, telling Denny what good taste he had in women. When Denny remarked what a great kisser Elizabeth was, she instantly felt as if she’d been set up, but along with the feeling came a sharp quickening of her pulse.

“I’ll bet she is,” Shanae had said, looking at the blonde with a smile that was at once coy and hungry.

Elizabeth took a sip of wine, pausing, buying time to think. When she put the glass down, she turned to the dark haired, caramel toned woman and said the first thing that popped into her mind.

“You have a beautiful mouth.”

There was a moment of silence, and then the two women leaned toward each other across the table and kissed. Lightly at first. Shanae’s lips felt supple and soft, but there was a feeling of strength in them, too. After a brief pause, they kissed again, longer and harder. The tips of their tongues met just within the juncture of their lips.

Elizabeth almost forgot Denny was there until he sighed loudly and said “oh yeah”. Before long, Shanae got up and guided the blonde to her feet by taking her hand.

The senior and the grad student stood in the dimly lit kitchen and kissed again. Shanae’s hands settled onto Elizabeth’s hips, moving to her ass to fondle her cheeks through the leggings she’d been wearing that night. The clench of a woman’s hands had been an exciting novelty at first, but there was an eager agility to her touch that soon brought a flush of heat to the blonde’s pussy.

Shanae’s lips felt delicate yet forcefully agile, much the way her hands felt, too. When the idea of it had still been only playful talk with Denny, she expected it would be a lark for her, but he real excitement would all be his. She’d thought exciting him would be the exciting part for her, but Shanae was a delicacy the blonde had never tasted before. She kissed the other woman back hungrily. Her wider, curvier body had seemed like a wonderland to explore with roaming hands.

As they stood together in that small apartment kitchen eagerly kissing, Shanae’s bigger, heavier breasts ground against Elizabeth’s. By the time they broke for air, the blonde’s panties were well on their way to becoming saturated.

“Your boyfriend was right. You’re gorgeous…and an amazing kisser,” Shanae had told her. Her breath was pulsing lightly against Elizabeth’s lips, and there was something in her tone that seemed to suggest more.

“You fucked him, didn’t you?” the blonde asked, running on pure instinct and suspicion.


The reply had been a few seconds coming, Shanae’s face a soft deadpan. Elizabeth kissed her again, tracing the billowy sides of the other woman’s breasts through her tank top.

The confession hadn’t surprised her so much, but it triggered a sudden shift in her understanding of her relationship with Denny. It had surprised her to realize she felt relieved. In that instant, she was free from wondering how seriously to take the relationship. She stopped wondering if it would ever go anywhere but to the amusement park for a few rides together.

Like Sakura, Elizabeth had been a virgin when she reached college. Denny had been her first. The experience had been nice, if not explosive, and perhaps more valuable for the way it had relieved her of those occasional bouts of feeling like a freak. And more than the feeling of having missed out, she felt a new awareness of her cruel repression of her life up to then. At that point, no matter what happened, she knew she would never go back to her hometown again.

The blonde remembered how she’d immersed herself in Shanae. The grad student felt like a temporary refuge from the thoughts that threatened to plunge Elizabeth into an abyss of doubt and self-recrimination. She kissed the other woman voraciously, insinuating her hands further between their bodies to grasp at her breasts. Shanae’s response had come on like a wave of heat curling around the blonde and enveloping her tight, slender body.

When Denny materialized behind her, his hands competing with Shanae’s to fondle Elizabeth’s ass, his breath on her neck as he brushed her hair aside, she felt a sense of clarity. That she’d been set up for this was obvious to her by now. She’d know Denny well enough to assume it had been his idea. Shanae had been anything but hesitant, and must have been easily receptive. The blonde also remembered feeling the distinct impression she’d been far from being Shanae’s first woman.

Denny had been thinking of his own pleasure, putting himself first. Then Shanae’s next. An easy assumption. Elizabeth’s reaction would have been the only wild card. And in the moment Shanae’s hand slipped between her thighs to cup her aching pussy, Denny kneading her ass while he kissed her neck, she resolved to make her own part in it all about her own pleasure.

The remembered the way she’d leaned into the kiss with a fresh wave of vigorous hunger. She’d thrust her hands under the other woman’s tank and pushed her bra upward to release the full weight of her breasts. Shanae’s hand ground into her pussy through her leggings while Denny gripped her hips and pressed the confined hardness of his cock into his girlfriend’s ass.

Now, as she sat in the café going over these past events in her mind, her focus on the shorter girl behind the counter grew sharper. She created a brief, mental inventory of the similarities and differences between her and Shanae. The girl was a few short years younger than Shanae had been. She didn’t have the same air of self-assurance, and physically, she was a lighter, more compact version.

But Elizabeth was drawn out of her reverie enough to imagine the young woman’s body under her hands. The warmth and texture of her fine skin. How her lips would move behind her kiss.

Her memory of Shanae was ten years old now, but the experience had been etched into her senses. They’d moved from the kitchen into the bedroom where the two women undressed each other in turn. Denny had been on the periphery, undressing himself and then stroking his cock as he watched. He was just there. The way she’d realized that was what their relationship had come down to. She hadn’t felt as if her feelings had changed, only that she was suddenly understanding them more clearly.

Denny had sat on the side of the bed stroking himself while the blonde and Shanae explored each other beside him. It had been Shanae who finally pulled him into the fray, urging him onto his back. The blonde sat by and watched the other woman suck her boyfriend’s cock. She joined for a brief time. Denny’s flesh had been as inflamed as she’d ever seen. He was groaning and writhing heatedly as they shared his cock, the it had been the touches of the other woman’s lips and tongue as they clashed across his shaft that cranked Elizabeth’s pulse into overdrive.

Shanae had started to finger the blonde’s pussy, sending her through two orgasms so close together they’d seemed to overlap. Then Elizabeth moved to straddle Denny and mount his cock while the curvy raven held his shaft steady. As she slid onto her boyfriend’s rigid stalk, Shanae moved behind her.

The other woman’s breasts had felt immense pressing tightly into her naked back. Her body moved up and down with Elizabeth’s as she rode Denny. Her hands went around to massage the blonde’s aching breasts until one slid down to massage her clit, bringing one explosion of sensation after another to the hard bud until the clasping walls of her pussy had wrung the last of Denny’s cum from his cock.

There in the café, Elizabeth was squeezing her thighs together against the heat of her memory. She saw the girl behind the counter riding her husband’s cock, and herself clutching her the way Shanae had held her while she’d been riding Denny an entire decade ago.

She didn’t know how it would feel to see another woman with her husband’s cock in her pussy. Thoughts like this had already swarmed her mind with Sakura at the center of them. It didn’t strike her it would be the same kind of experience as when Paxton had fucked Sakura’s mouth while the blonde had been tied to the bench. She’d felt removed and yet so intrinsically connected to both of them at the same time. Even after Paxton had left them on their own, his presence had still been palpable.

But that was his way. Love and pleasure were his way. He’d been that way since the first time they met. Even then, he was more experienced than she’d been. She’d fucked exactly four men in her life, and she’d fucked them all on the same night. In the same room.

The same night and room where she met her husband that first time, and learned how the deepest, most abiding love could blossom anywhere.

She looked at the girl behind the counter. The girl looked back, pausing from wiping the counter with a rag. Elizabeth studied her eyes and lips, wondering what kind of world it might be in which she could walk to the counter and kiss the girl for nothing more than the brief experience of the flavor and texture of her mouth.

It struck her what a complex organ the mouth was. Everything that sustained a person came and went through it. Air, water, protein. Wine, sugar and secrets. Dreams of love and perfection could be whispered to the silent heart of midnight. The touch of one pairing of damp lips to another could force the earth to implode while another random pairing could force a person’s soul into retreat.

The curvier girl’s nipples formed conspicuous knots in her T shirt. The apparent freedom in the way they quivered when she moved betrayed her lack of a bra. The blonde squeezed her sinewy thighs, raised the large, plastic cup to her face and sucked lemon and sugar-laced tea through the straw.

She set the cup back down and gazed out the window. The desert sun lay over everything as is the world were lit from inside. The night – that night – flashed through her mind in a matter of seconds.


Shanae’s apartment was the scene of the next crime. Two weeks after the threesome. Denny was there, along with three other men the blonde had never met. It was better that way. They were all in their early to mid twenties. Two were strappingly athletic. The other was more slender but looked tight and fit through his clothes. He was sitting beside Shanae on her sofa, casually rubbing her bare thigh as she sat close by in a bra and panties.

“I’m Dave,” one of the athletes said, holding out his hand. Elizabeth smiled and shook it without introducing herself. She did the same with the other after he introduced himself as Kyle. Denny was busy filling a pair of plastic cups with cheap jug wine.

“And this beautiful creature is Paxton,” Shanae said without moving. “He’s…well…mine.” The statement was followed by a half snicker that punctuated the weariness of the cliché.

His short hair was almost as dark as Shanae’s, and he had a tan that gave him a slightly swarthy appearance. He had a broad, supple mouth that almost looked more like a woman’s than a man’s. It seemed accidentally placed on a face that was softly chiseled and decidedly male. He cast dark, intent eyes on the blonde and nodded without a word, but held her gaze longer than would’ve seemed normal in any other kind of social situation.

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But nothing felt normal in any way. When the man’s smile finally curled his lips, Elizabeth looked away. She found herself looking at Dave and Kyle, who were milling around the room as casually as anyone could be expected under the circumstances. They were both drinking wine as well, and when Denny brought her one, she downed half of it in the first gulp. Mercifully, it wasn’t long before the first wave of the buzz started to settle her nerves.

“I’ve been horny out of my mind all day thinking about tonight,” Shanae announced.

Elizabeth found herself laughing. She’d been too nervous to think about feeling aroused. All of her speculations about getting gang banged centered around how she’d hold up to the experience mentally – emotionally. It had seemed more about testing her will, and the idea of being aroused by the power of four men taking turns between her legs seemed to exist off in some ether of afterthoughts.

Paxton slid his hand up Shanae’s thigh, and burrowed his fingers under her panties. “Mmm, you feel ready for anything,” he said as her started to massage her slit.

“I’ve been ready since I woke up this morning,” she snickered.

Elizabeth watch the other woman’s boyfriend boldly fondle her pussy, his fingers moving vigorously under the thin cover of her panties. She was fascinated as much by the handsome young man’s casual attitude as by the gesture itself. There was an ease about him. He exuded an air of being perfectly in tune with the moment.

Even though Dave and Kyle both came off as if they were used to situations like this, their brand of self-assurance had a completely different reading. An edge of narcissism. They were gorgeous in an academic sense. They even seemed like nice, like guys she would’ve dated. But that boyfriend of their irrepressible hostess…Elizabeth hadn’t even thought to become aroused until he turned his smile back on her as she watched him defiantly finger his girlfriend’s pussy.

The athletes were watching him, too, but Elizabeth far from escaped their attention. She’d worn a short, black sheath. It was tight and stretchy. She’d assumed it was better to wear something that would come off fast and easy. For the same reason, she’d only worn a thong underneath.

Denny handed her a cup of wine and placed his hand on her ass while he cradled his own in the other hand.

It was different being touched that way in front of the other men. She felt better not having to stand alone while Shanae was getting fingered, but it was the alluring sight of her boyfriend’s hand arousing her much more than Denny’s nervous grope.

Since the night they’d shared with Shanae, Denny had been more ravenous for sex than Elizabeth had ever seen. Their relationship had been just under a year old, and the previous two weeks had been the most sexually intense period of it all. At the same time, Denny seemed increasingly distant, as if Elizabeth herself were gradually ceasing to matter as much as the things she was willing to try.

That was how they ended up back at Shanae’s apartment wondering when and how the fucking was going to get started. Denny tucked his hand under the short hem of Elizabeth’s dress and fondled her ass with growing eagerness. When she turned to see his cock hard and swollen enough to distort the front of his pants, she surveyed the others and found they were all in the same condition. Dave caught her looking and grinned.

“Fuck this,” he said. “This shit is driving me nuts.” He undressed quickly, leaving his clothes on the living room floor. He flexed his ripped body and gripped a cock that looked so thick Elizabeth actually blanched.

Denny had never masturbated in front of her before, and she’d only ever seen a man stroke his cock in videos. She’d almost always fingered herself along with them in rapt fascination. Kyle was already undressing, and was soon standing naked as a Roman statue, stroking a longer, more slender cock than his friend’s.

The blonde caught a glimpse of Shanae gnawing her bottom lip as she watched the two athletes stroke themselves. Their eyes were trained on her boyfriend’s hand as he sawed his fingers in and out of her pussy. Denny’s fingers were working deeper into the cleft of her ass while her pussy started to warm and flush. Her thong was too scant to catch the seeping honey, and it was forming a tacky slick all over her mound and overflowing onto her upper thighs.

“A few of us are still way overdressed,” Dave said to no one in particular, though he was looking in Denny and Elizabeth’s direction.

Denny lifted the bottom of the blonde’s dress, lifting it off her as she raised her arms.

“Fuck, yes,” Kyle approved.

Denny chuckled deviously.

Dave moaned and fisted his beer can of a cock harder and faster.

Shanae smirked and reached behind herself to unfasten her bra.

Paxton looked the blonde straight in the eyes and sighed, but she could see his fingers never paused in fucking his girlfriend’s pussy. Her nipples throbbed, and felt immense.

Shanae finally stood up, tossing her bra on the floor. “Lets just go,” she said. “I need to fuck or I’m gonna scream.”

The athletes both laughed. They were first in line behind her as she swaggered into the bedroom. Paxton stood up calmly and offered Elizabeth his hand despite her boyfriend’s hand on her ass.

She took the proffered hand and followed. She was vaguely aware of Denny following on her heels. Paxton’s hand was warm and comforting. His broad smile was somehow comforting and unsettling at the same time, but he flashed her a look, brief yet so intent. In that moment, she felt like the only woman alive, and she thought she’d follow him anywhere.

When they entered the room, Shanae’s panties were already on the floor. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, her plush thighs boldly parted while Dave and Kyle flanked her, still on their feet. Both men reached for her breasts at the same time, each kneading one while she filled both of her hands with their hard, swaggering cocks.

Elizabeth stopped, hesitating but watching the trio at the edge of the bed. It seemed the kind of living tableau that existed only in videos or photographs, not the kind she’d find herself on the verge of being part of.

The one called Paxton had stopped along with her. He was still holding her hand. She squeezed his and he squeezed back, taking a step closer. Denny was hurriedly pulling off his clothes.

“Second thoughts?” Paxton asked quietly.

The blonde was a moment responding. Her eyes were on Shanae and the others. She leaned toward Dave and took his cock in her mouth. He was so thick it seemed a barely believable feat to encircle his shaft with her lips. But she did, and the raven made it look easy. She made the athlete’s cock seem a delicious treat with the way she eagerly bathed his flesh with her mouth.

“And third and fourth and fifth,” Elizabeth finally admitted. “But they’re not entirely negative.”

He smiled, and she felt he understood every veiled word. Denny was out of his clothes by now, and stepped into place directly in front of Shanae, between Dave and Kyle. She returned to stroking Dave’s cock, still stroking Kyle’s at the same time while she leaned toward Denny and took him into her mouth.

“Me, too,” he said. “Every time.”

“Every time?”

He nodded, leaving her to speculate. With her hand still in his, he placed the other on the side of her neck and kissed her. It was nothing like a haltingly tentative first kiss. He took her mouth with all the heat and hunger of a man who’d desired her for ages.

“Undress me,” he said when the kiss finally broke. “Do me this pleasure. You’re…exquisite.”

The blonde felt her face go warm and knew she had to be blushing. She unbuttoned his shirt without a word and pushed it off his shoulders. His attention was completely on her despite the growing chorus of moaning and sighs coming from the bed. When she started to unzip his pants, he proved to be just as hard and aroused as all the others. She knew he had to be thinking of joining them, and mostly likely pulling her along after him, but he had a way of making her feel like the only other person in the room in the moments his eyes were touching her.

She knelt as she pushed his pants toward the floor. He stepped out of them and she brought both her hands to his shaft and balls, taking his finely contoured head into her mouth. The tender musk of his precum met her tongue and goaded her into sucking him deeper.

Paxton groaned, his cock pulsing in response as he touched her hair. From the corner of her eye, she saw Shanae was now lying back on her bed with her feet dangling toward the floor. Denny was on his knees between her open thighs, his tongue laving her pussy while her ripe hips rolled at his face. Dave and Kyle were kneeling on top of the bed. Kyle’s cock was in her mouth while Dave was raining light spanks on her breast with his.

The man standing above Elizabeth started moving his hips with a slight rocking motion. His breath was coming hard and deep while he continued stroking her hair and giving her room to explore his finely crafted flesh with roaming fingers and searching tongue.

On the bed, Shanae uttered a deep moan that was barely muffled by the two athletes’ cocks battling for position over her lips. Denny was on his feet now, sliding his cock into her pussy. The blonde started to suck and fondle Paxton’s cock with a fresh wave of intensity while she thrust one hand into her panties to rake her fingers over her pussy.

She watched Denny begin to fuck from the corner of her eye. She supposed that must be how he looked from that angle when he was fucking her, too.

Paxton pushed her back from his cock, guiding her to her feet with his hands. “Lets join them, shall we?” he said. “This thing is kind of about you and Shanae.”

“Yeah. Kind of.”

She let him lead her to the bed where she lay down across the small open space at the foot. Dave was already moving to push his cock at her mouth while Paxton pulled off her thong. Everything from that point forward became a swirling mix of sounds, tastes and aromas.

Dave’s cock entered her mouth. She opened her lips and let him thrust. Paxton pushed her legs upward and apart, thoroughly laving her pussy and rosette with his tongue.

Then Dave moved to take Paxton’s place, but remaining on his feel to slide his cock deeply into her sodden pussy. Denny appeared in Dave’s former spot and pushed his cock into her mouth. His flesh was granite hard, gleaming with Shanae’s coating of dew. His cock tasted more like her than himself.

Despite her relationship with Denny, Paxton’s brief disappearance left her feeling momentarily lost and without a guide. The onslaught of her own sensations swarmed her, swept her up in a vortex of grinding lust.

Now Dave was between her legs, filling her pussy with cock while her boyfriend filled her mouth. She drifted on the turning storm cloud of brewing sensations. She closed her eyes and gave her body and every flickering nerve inside it over to the hard, steady pump of a near stranger’s cock.

The mattress rocked with the shifting of bodies. Strange hands groped and kneaded her breasts, tweezed and pulled at her aching nipples. The size and shape of the cock between her legs changed. The shaft filling her now was longer and more slender. It could’ve been any of the others, but she kept her eyes closed as she found herself relishing the feeling of not knowing who was fucking her. Then yet another cock nudged at her mouth, crowding in past Denny’s as he withdrew.

Shanae’s moans were close and growing deeper. Elizabeth was coming to know when she was cumming from the strangled cries she uttered. The blonde gave in to intense shudders of release as she came, too, her eyes still tightly closed. She wanted to know the feeling of cumming to the pump of a cock without knowing who was behind it.

But then whoever was fucking her moved too soon, pulling his cock free of her clenching sheath before the orgasm had reached its crest. She opened her eyes to find Kyle moving away and toward the space between the other woman’s thighs. That was when she saw it was Paxton who now had his cock in her mouth, but he pulled away and moved into the last man’s place between her legs.

She had the distinct feeling Paxton knew how frustrated Kyle had left her. There was nothing overtly expressed between them, but a deeply tangible feeling. Then he surged hard into her body with a forceful lunge. He grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her pussy at a frenetic pace. The motion of his rocking pumps almost felt circular.

The two cocks that had ardently plumbed her pussy before him had her sheath slick and primed, and he burrowed into her swiftly. The shudders came back through her body in a scorching rush, and the release she’d thought was lost was back on her again, riding harder and faster to that explosive crest before it could be taken away again.

Shanae was in motion, moving over a prone Dave, while Denny positioned himself behind her. The blonde watched both men press their cocks into the other woman’s body at the same time, Denny in her ass, Dave in her pussy. She took them both inside with a feline howl as she hunkered above the athlete and braced herself to be fucked by them both.

“I want that, too,” Elizabeth said, looking up at Paxton as if he were the one holding the power to grant her wish. But everyone had heard her, and when Paxton rolled with her, bringing her on top of him with his cock still buried inside her, Kyle was already moving toward her.

There was a small, foil packet of lube lying on the mattress. Kyle grabbed it hastily, then disappeared behind Elizabeth. Her knees were planted near the edge of the mattress, Paxton’s feet dangling to the floor as he ground long, slow thrusts into her pussy. Her heart was pounding while he massaged her breasts and held her eyes with his. His look was glazed with need, but there was something else, as if he were searching her face for the truth behind the veil of her desires.

Kyle’s hands started caressing her ass, and she suddenly felt intensely aware of her state of exposure. The spheres of her ass were widely spread by the position she was in. She was acutely conscious of how her rim was exposed to the athlete standing behind her, along with a clear view of the other man’s cock steadily sliding in and out of her saturated core.

“Easy going,” Paxton said, bringing one hand to stroke her cheek. “Just let it all go and let your body do the feeling. Whether you ever do anything like this again or not, let the moment be right. Give the memory a chance.”

“Oh fuck yes…fuck…yes, fuck,” Shanae kept chanting.

Elizabeth focused her gaze on the other woman sandwiched between Dave and Denny. Her boyfriend’s eyes were lit with excitement as he stroked hard and steady into Shanae’s formidable ass. He’d never been in Elizabeth’s ass. He’d never asked. She’d never so much as experimented with a finger, but when the head of Kyle’s cock touched her rim and gave a firm nudge inward, her blood suddenly felt as if it were scorching her veins.

Denny’s balls were rubbing over Dave’s as they steadily fucked the woman between them. The blonde wondered if they even noticed, or if it was somehow heightening their pleasure.

“I want to feel what she’s feeling,” Elizabeth said to the man underneath her.

“Feel what you feel,” he said. Then he pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply while Kyle’s cock eased deeper.

She felt a vague burning sensation along her channel. A strange brand of discomfort she didn’t want to stop. Paxton’s arms encircled her, and she felt an unexplainable sense of safety. She realized Denny hadn’t kissed her once since they’d arrived, but this man she’d only just met was kissing her as if he’d desired her all his life. The more he fed her, the hungrier she became for what he had.

Just as Kyle began to establish a steady stroke in her ass, Paxton started thrusting harder into her pussy. Denny heaved a growl, his body tensed, and Elizabeth knew he was cumming in Shanae’s ass. After draining himself, he dismounted and sat off to the side to watch and catch his breath.

The blonde closed her eyes. The sweep and curl of the tongue in her mouth formed a distorted mirror image of the pumping cocks in her ass and pussy. Shanae and Dave filled the air with hot cries, and Elizabeth was sure they were cumming, but her eyes remained closed and her mind remained focused on the pure, hot slide of hard male flesh in and out of her body.

When the first release rushed through her, the second was close behind. Kyle’s cock started to pulse and give her that warm rush of his cum releasing inside her. Then a third, more powerful wave overtook her. Her ass and pussy seemed to clench and shudder in tandem, and Paxton soon unleashed a hard, hip-grinding rush of cum deep in her pussy.

By the time Paxton and Kyle disentangled themselves from her, the others were lounging across the other half of the bed. Shanae was still lying down, a look of dazed glee on her face. “Fuck,” she said, “lets have a couple more drinks and do that shit again.”

Elizabeth was floating, and she didn’t want to spoil the feeling by trying to recreate it so soon. She needed time to reflect. She was made of all the same flesh and bone as before, but she couldn’t help feeling as if she’d transformed into something new and different, however subtly.

Paxton lingered with her in the bedroom after the others went back to the living room where the wine awaited. She admitted she was anxious to leave, but she was sure Denny would’ve complained. They retrieved their clothes, and Paxton announced he was giving her a ride home.

He did. To his place.

His apartment was noticeably tidy and well appointed for a single grad student in fine arts.

They showered together. They took a long time touching and washing each other, but that was as far as it went. After, he took her to his bed where they lay naked in the dark, talking of everything that came to mind.

Everything except what they’d just experienced together.


Elizabeth gazed absently at the shorter girl at the counter. The sudden flash of profound memory had left her mind in a daze. She wondered if the girl had met her own Paxton. Or perhaps her own Shanae.

Who would one day become intoxicated beyond reason by the taste of the counter girl’s lips?

Paxton and Sakura would be well into their luncheon by now. Elizabeth rose from the table, leaving the tall, plastic cup half consumed, cast a final look at the girl behind the counter, and swung through the door into the unforgiving light of the desert sun.


Written by Frank_Lee
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