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Booth Duty

"Jane has an embarassing accident but meets a new friend"

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It was just after 9:00 on Monday morning and I was just finishing up with unpacking boxes into my new cubicle when Jocelyn, Mr. Jeffries’ secretary, dropped by and said, “Jane, Mr. Jeffries would like to see you in his office if possible.”

“Sure,” I replied, “When?”

“Now, if you can.”

As I followed her back to his office I asked, “What’s up?”

“I don’t know,” she replied. “He just got off his weekly conference call with head office and asked me to see if you were free.”

As we approached his office, he saw me and waved me in and said, “Hi Jane. Thanks for coming to see me. How’s the unpacking coming?”

“I’m pretty much done,” I replied. “I’ve just got to rearrange my plants and computer screen and I’ll be done.”

“What’s on your calendar for the rest of the week?” he asked.

“Nothing much,” I said questioningly. “I have meetings set up with Asper Group and Joneston Corp to discuss a couple of joint ventures we’re thinking about and I’ve got to touch base with the three projects I’m coordinating. Nothing is urgent, however, as we’re in very preliminary discussion with the joint ventures and all three projects are humming along nicely. What’s up?”

“I just got off the phone from my weekly conference call with head office and Mrs. Grady asked if we had anyone who could cover for John Holly at out booth at Comdex in Las Vegas. John was in a car accident yesterday and has a broken arm and leg. She thought of us because two of our largest clients will be at the show. I told her that I’d get back to her before 10:00 to let her know.”

“Sure,” I said, “When do I have to be there?”

“Let me call her back,” he said. “I’ll let her know that you’ll be there and get the details.”

He put his phone on speaker phone and dialed a number. A woman answered, “Hi Graham.”

“Hi Louise,” he replied. “I’m on speaker phone with Jane Viscount. She’s able to go to Comdex.”

“Great,” she replied. “Thanks Jane. I know it’s short notice and I really appreciate you pitching in and helping us out.”

“No problem,” I responded. “When do I have to be there?”

“That’s the challenge,” she replied. “John and Fred were supposed to setup the booth last night and this morning. The rest of the team is supposed to be arriving around noon. The first visitors are expected to start arriving around 1:00. This first day is one of the heaviest in terms of traffic. Is there any way you could be there for 1:00 this afternoon?”

I looked at Graham and said, “I can try. I’m not sure of the flight situation.” As I said this, Graham left the room and I could hear him asking Jocelyn, “What’s the earliest flight we can get Jane on to Las Vegas and when does it arrive?”

I continued with Mrs. Grady, “I’ve been unpacking from moving cubicles so I’m not exactly dressed to man a booth. I can get a neighbour to pack clothes for me and bring them to the airport. What sort of dress are booth members supposed to wear?”

“Women are supposed to be in red dresses or suits with black skirts, a white blouse and a red jacket. Men are in black suits and white shirts with red ties. If you can’t fit the dress code today don’t worry about it. If you have to you can shop in the hotel for tomorrow. The company’ll pick up half of the cost. Is that fair?”

I replied, “If I can get hold of my neighbour it won’t be a problem. I have stuff that fits the requirements now.”

Graham came back into the room and said, “There’s an 11:00 flight that gets into Vegas at 12:40. Jocelyn has booked her on it. She can be at the show shortly after 1:00.”

Turning to me, he continued, “Can you get your neighbour to get your clothes to the airport so that you can make the 11:00 flight?”

Seeing that it was just before 9:30, I replied, “If she’s home, there shouldn’t be a problem. Can someone pick me up at the airport in Vegas?”

Mrs. Graham replied, “I’ll have my secretary, Jackie, meet you and get you to the convention hall. What do you look like?”

“I’m about five feet nine inches tall with short black hair,” I said. “I should be easy to spot as I’ll probably be the only woman in jeans, a lime green tank top and a pink jacket.”

I continued, “I’ll call my neighbour and see if she can pack for me. If I have a problem I’ll call back and Jackie might have to pick up a red dress for me.”

“Okay,” she said. “Oh, by the way. Pack a dress you could wear to a reception. There’s a get together tomorrow night where a lot of our clients will be attending. I’d like it if you could attend it with the rest of the team.”

I ran back to my desk and called Lucy. I was just about to hang up after four rings when the phone was picked up and Lucy said in a gasping voice, “Hello?”

“Hi Lucy. It’s Jane. Sorry if I made you run.”

“I was in the can,” she replied, “and had to finish. What’s up?”

“I need a favour,” I said hurriedly. “I’ve got to make an 11:00 flight to Vegas to man a company booth at a trade show. Could you pack my carry-on and meet me at the security gate at the airport?”

“Sure,” she said. “What do you need?”

“My red jacket dress, my black skirt, two white silk blouses, and red jacket, my black pumps, my pearl earrings and necklace, and my black party dress. Could you put the red jacket dress, my black pumps and the jewelry in a separate bag inside my carry-on? I need to be able to grab it quickly so I can get changed for the booth as soon as I get to the show. I’m on duty as soon as I get there.”

“Okay,” she replied. “I’ll see you at the airport in thirty minutes.”

“Thanks Lucy,” I said. “You’re a life saver. See you soon.”

As I rushed out of the office I stopped by Graham’s office and gave him a thumbs up.

Jocelyn said, “You’re flying with Mountain. Your ticket is waiting at the prepaid ticket counter right beside the first class counter. There should be a Mr Taxi cab at the front door. Have a good trip.”

“Thanks,” I said. “See you next Monday.”

As Jocelyn had promised, there was a cab at the front door. After an uneventful trip to the airport I found the Mountain Air counter and the pre-paid ticket counter. Just after signing for my ticket I heard Lucy call out and turned around to see her running towards me carrying my carry-on.

As she handed it to me she said, “I got everything you asked for. I put your gym bag inside with the red dress, your shoes and your jewelry. Have a good trip. When are you back?”

“I don’t know,” I said as I looked at the ticket. “Sunday evening about 8:00. Looks like I have a couple of days to kill in Vegas. If it’s not too late, I’ll give you a call when I get in.”

I got in the security line up and waved goodbye to Lucy.

After a rather uneventful flight I entered the arrivals area of Vegas airport. As I did I saw a sign with my name on it being held up by a middle-aged woman.

As I approached the woman with the sign she said, “Ms. Viscount?”

“Jackie,” I replied.

“I’m parked at a meter out front. You should be at the Convention Hall just before 1:00,” she said.

“Great,” I replied, as she took off toward the doors.

On a straight stretch I said, “Would it be possible for you to take my bag and jacket to my hotel for me? They’ll just be in the way at the booth.”

“No problem,” she replied. “We’ve put you up at the Tropicana. I’ll get you checked in if I can. If I can’t they’ll put your bag into storage and you can retrieve it when you check-in later.”

She dropped me off at the main door of the convention centre and I ran in with my gym bag to find a washroom in which to change clothes.

I asked one of the centre hostesses for a washroom and she said, as she pointed across the foyer, “There’s one over there. If it’s busy, there’s another down this hallway. When you get to the end turn right and it’s about twenty feet down on your right.”

Seeing a line of women standing at the door of the one across the foyer, I took off at a brisk walk down the hallway.

The alternate turned out to be empty. I entered a stall and unzipped the gym bag. I pulled out the shoes and found that Lucy had stuffed my jewelry into the toe of one of the shoes. As I then pulled out the red dress I thought, ‘Oh shit! This is my red jacket. It’s not the dress.’ I looked back in the bag and thought, ‘There’s nothing else. She didn’t pack a bra or pantyhose.’

As I dropped the empty gym bag and sat down to figure out what I was going to do my cell phone went off. Answering it, I heard, “Jane? Jane Viscount?”


“This is Frank Grant. I was just checking to see when you expected to arrive. We’re really going to need you as soon as you can get here. One of the show organizers I know just told me that this looks like the largest crowd they’ve ever had for the opening of the show. He expects that there’s about fifty percent more people than last year.”

“I just got to the building,” I replied, “and I’m getting changed. “I’ve …”

“Great,” he said. “I’ll see you shortly. Got to go. The crowds have just been let in. It’s like a tidal wave of people advancing down the aisle.”

“Oh great,” I thought. “Now what am I going to do? Let’s see how bad it is.”

I stripped off my jeans and tank top. As I went to take off my panties I thought, ‘Shit I’m going to have to wear these. Lucy didn’t pack any pantyhose.’

As I came to this conclusion I also remembered what I’d put on this morning – one of my sexiest red thongs. All my other panties had been dirty and I’d planned to do a wash this evening, so I’d put on one of the thongs I always wore when going out on a hot date where I expected to have some action.

Like all thongs, it consisted of a tiny strap that went up between the cheeks of my butt leaving my ass totally bare. The front, however, was just a small decorative patch in the shape of a butterfly above an open crotch. While the red butterfly sort of covered my pubic hair it left my vagina totally open.

I pulled on the jacket and did up the one button of the double-breasted jacket. Looking down I thought, ‘Thank God I’m small chested. The jacket doesn’t gape.’

I opened the door of the stall and looked at myself in the mirror. ‘I might be able to get away with this,’ I thought. ‘The jacket comes about six inches below my crotch. Because it’s double-breasted I’m fully covered even as I move around.’

I put on my pearls and then my shoes. After packing my jeans, tank top and runners in the gym bag, I left for the booth.

As I walked down the hallway I called Frank and said that I was on my way. He told me to go to the exhibitor’s door on the far left of all the doors and pick up my badge. He said that he’d given my name to the person at the door. He then told me that once I was in the hall I should go to the far left aisle and that our booth was about a third of the way down just at the intersection of the first cross aisle.

As I approached the booth I saw about a dozen people milling about while the three of our folks were talking to small groups. I dumped my bag behind the booth and approached a small group of women that were standing by one of the tables.

The next three hours flew by. I got a brief moment to say hello to Frank – I knew it was him from his name tag – but the rest of the time was spent talking to individuals or groups of visitors.

At about 4:15, the crowds started to thin out. As I finished talking to an individual I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Frank.

“Wow!” he said. “That was intense. This is the third one of these I’ve done and it’s been the busiest. The conference opening ceremonies are happening now so it’ll be fairly quiet until about 5:30. It’ll be intense then for about another hour. After that rush we’ll essentially be done as folks go to dinner.”

He looked over my shoulder and said, “Let me introduce you to Karen and Jason.”

We chatted as a group for a couple of minutes in the lull. As Frank left to greet a visitor he said, “Jason and Karen, why don’t you two take a fifteen minute bio-break? Jane and I can hold the fort. When you get back we’ll take a break.”

After Frank finished with the visitor he said, “Let’s restock the brochures on the tables from the boxes under the tables while we have a moment.”

We were just approaching the first table when his cell rang. After hanging up he turned to me and said, “Do you think you could man the booth by yourself for about ten minutes? That was Jackie. Mrs. Graham wants an update on how this first session went. She used to work these shows on a regular basis and can’t let the thrill go, I guess.”

“I’ll be fine,” I replied. “This isn’t my first show. In my previous job, for about a five year stretch, I did two or three shows a year.”

Looking around, I continued, “Given there’s hardly anyone around I’ll probably be able to restock the brochures as well. Go keep the bosses happy.”

With that, Frank took off to find somewhere where it was quiet enough to talk on the phone.

I looked around the booth and saw that we were in fact quiet low on brochures. I took a glance around as I walked to the first table and, not seeing anyone approaching our booth, squatted down in front of the table. I lifted the table skirt and reached into each of the boxes to bring out brochures. After I finished that table, I moved onto the second one and repeated the process. Still not seeing anyone close to our booth, I moved onto the third table.

I was unable to reach the brochure boxes when I squatted in front of this table however. I tried every way that I could but the boxes were just out of my reach. Unthinkingly I waddled backwards, dropped to my hands and knees and crawled under the table. I removed a stack of brochures from each of the boxes and placed them beside me. As I started to back out from under the table and felt the table skirt slide my jacket up my back, I suddenly realized what I had done. ‘Oh shit,’ I thought. ‘My bare ass is hanging out for anyone to see.’

While I’m normally not one to panic, I did in this case. I tried to stand but my head wasn’t fully past the edge of the table and I whacked it hard against the edge. Stunned, my upper body collapsed onto the floor leaving my bare ass thrust up in the air. As I tried to raise myself off the floor, my left arm collapsed and I rolled onto my left side and then onto my back.

As I raised the table skirt that was resting on my midsection, I caught sight of several pairs on panted legs standing in the aisle. As I groaned, I heard a man say, “Are you alright? Can you get up?”

As I wiggled out from under the table, he grabbed the table skirt and lifted it as he continued, offering me a hand, “Let me help you stand.”

He pulled me to my feet. As he let go of my hand, I started to collapse and fell into his arms as I groaned, "Ohh.”

He put his arm around me and said, “Is there a chair you can sit down on?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “Behind the booth.”

He directed, half carried me behind the booth and sat me in a chair. He said, “You really hit your head. It`s bleeding quite a bit. You need to put some pressure on it.”

He gave me a paper towel and said, as he put it against my head, “Press this on the wound. I’ll get you a bottle of water from the cooler.” As he opened and handed me the bottle, he said, “Take a couple of swigs. The cold water will help clear your head.”

As he saw me open my eyes he said, “How are you feeling? You really whacked your head.”

“I’m still a bit dazed,” I replied as I closed my eyes. “The back of my head really hurts.”

As I opened my eyes again I saw that, rather than looking at my face, he was looking at my chest.

As I looked down, I saw that my antics under the table had caused my jacket to rise up so that the buttoned portion was lodged just under my breasts. As such, the top had ballooned out and my breasts were fully exposed to him.

On top of that, from my midriff on down was completely exposed. While normally this wouldn’t have been a problem, the design of my thong, along with the way I was sitting on the chair, meant that he had a great view of my vagina.

In a panic, I grabbed the bottom of the jacket and yanked it down in an attempt to cover myself. Unfortunately, my panic gave me a little too much strength and the button flew off the jacket. My eyes followed its trajectory and I saw it hit his crotch and noticed a very distinct bulge.

Noticing my actions he blushed and looked away as he said, “I’m sorry.”

After a moment of awkward silence, I crossed my legs and my arms to hold the jacket together. He then said as he stuck out his hand, “Hi, I’m Neil. Neil White. I work for RDG. We are a customer of yours.”

I instinctively reached for his hand with my right hand. As I stood up to shake his hand, I said, “Jane. Jane Viscount.”

Unfortunately, reaching for his hand released the right side of my jacket and it fell open revealing my breast to him. I saw his eyes drop and figured out what had happened I dropped his hand and started to cover myself again.

This elicited another “Sorry” from him.

“It’s okay, Neil,” I said. “It’s only natural. Besides, I don’t know why I’m trying to be so modest. You’ve already seen everything.”

“I know,” he admitted. “But still, I shouldn’t take advantage of the situation to ogle you. Regardless of how good looking you are.”

“Look,” I said with a smile, “if it’s okay with you, I rather not expend the effort trying to keep the jacket closed. I’d just like to focus for a moment on clearing the cobwebs. Could you please get me another bottle of water?”

“Sure,” he replied with a smile. As he walked back to me with the water and a bag of ice, I saw him concentrating on keeping his eyes focused on my face.

As he reached me, he said, “Put the ice on the bump. It’ll help keep the swelling down.”

We talked for a few moments until I saw Frank come behind the booth followed by Jason and Karen.

I covered myself unobtrusively as I said, “Hi guys. I had an accident and whacked my head on the underside of one of the tables. Neil helped me up and is just making sure that I’m okay. Neil works for one of our customers.”

Neil shook hands with Frank, Jason and Karen.

As they were chatting, I removed the bag of ice from my head and saw that it was all red. Frank said, “Let me see your head, Jane.”

As he looked at it, he said, “Oh my God. You really hit it. There’s quite a bit of blood.

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Take the rest of the afternoon off and see someone about this. We’ll handle the rest of the visitors."

“Are you sure?” I replied.

“Yeah,” he said.

The other chorused in, “We’ll be fine. Get that looked at."

Frank continued, “I’ll give you a call later this evening to see how you are. Now get going.”

I kept my left arm folded in front of me to keep my jacket closed and let Neil take my right arm.

“What hospital do you want to go to?” he asked as we walked away.

“Before we go to a hospital,” I replied, “I’d like to get into something a little more presentable. This isn’t how I normally dress for work. It’s a long story but I’ve got some more decent clothes up in my room. I’d like to get changed before I go to the hospital.”

“Where are you staying?" he asked.

“The Tropicana,” I said.

“That’s where I am, too,” he replied. “I found a short cut from there through the back of the convention centre. It’s a lot faster than taking a cab. I got here in about five minutes. It’s over this way.”

He supported me as we walked down a corridor, through a set of doors, and then down another corridor. After five minutes we were standing in the lobby of a hotel and he said, “This is the Tropicana. What room are you in?”

“I haven’t had a chance to check-in yet unless Jackie was able to do it for me. Let’s go over to the front desk and see.”

As I came up to the front desk a young man greeted me, “Good afternoon. How can I help you?”

“I’m Jane Viscount,” I replied. “Was Jackie able to check me in or is that something I have to do?”

“She gave us all the details except your signature,” he said as he handed me card that had just been printed. “If you could sign here I’ll give you your key. I’m sorry to say that I am very short of rooms because of the convention. I’ve had to put you up in one of our staff rooms. As I explained to Ms. Gracefield, I will not be charging you for your stay with us because of this inconvenience.”

“Oh,” I said, “What’s the difference compared to a regular room?”

“It’s a little smaller than our regular rooms, the television is only thirty-two inches, and there’s no mini fridge, but it still comes with a queen-size bed. As well, the bathroom has a tub shower and is quite small.”

“Jackie had my bag,” I started to say.

“It’s just here,” he said as he walked over to a doorway behind the counter. He came back with my bag and, as he handed it to me, said, “Here it is. Do you need help with it up to your room?”

I picked it up and said, “No thank you. I’ll be fine. Where are the elevators?”

“Just over there,” he replied.

I turned and, as I walked away, Neil came along side me.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “Do you want me …”

“Could you carry my bag up to my room for me please,” I asked with a grimace. “I must have strained the muscles in my neck. Carrying my bag hurts my neck.”

“Sure,” he said with a look of concern.

We took the elevator up to the forty-third floor and proceeded down the corridor to room 43112. I used the pass card key to let us in.

When we’d entered the room I turned to Neil and said, “Just put the bag on the bed please. I’ve got to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back out.”

As I sat on the toilet I looked around and thought, ‘It is small. I’m glad I’m not too tall or my knees would be hitting the wall. There’s just over a foot between my knees and the wall.’ As I washed my hands I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, ‘Whoa. Do you look rough girl.’

After flushing, I glanced at myself in the side mirror by the sink I saw blood on the back of my neck. I used the makeup mirror to examine it further and saw why Frank had been so concerned.

Seeing that the stream had rundown past the edge of the collar I took off the jacket to see where it had ended up. I saw that it had not gone past the collar. I took a look at the back of the jacket and saw that there was a bloodstain.

‘Thank God it’s a red jacket,’ I thought. ‘Any other colour and I’d have to get a new jacket.’

After wetting a washcloth, I tried to wipe off the blood on the back of my head and neck. Not getting too far too fast I stopped and tried to think how I could clean myself up. Seeing a detachable shower head I thought, ‘I can lean over the tub and use the water to wash off the blood.’

I called out to Neil, “Hang on a minute. I’m just going to wash the blood off.”

I placed a towel on the edge of the tub and, after turning on and adjusting the water, leaned over the edge of the tub. It was a tight fit between the wall and the toilet. In fact, my hips were hitting the wall and the toilet so I could only just lean my upper chest on the edge of the tub.

The strength of the water, when I finally able to direct water onto the back of my head, was very painful when it hit where I’d bumped my head. Not being able to see what I was doing I couldn’t easily miss the area. Frustrated I called out, “Neil, could you give me a hand please?”

I heard the door open and Neil say, as he came into the bathroom, “Sure Jane. What do … uh … you … want … me ...”

As he stuttered, I remembered what I was wearing and how I was positioned – I was leaning over the tub with my ass and vagina, which were naked except for my crotchless panties, sticking up in the air facing the door. He must have gotten quite a surprise.

After a second he recovered and continued, “What do you want me to do?”

Blushing I said, with my face hidden, “Could you direct the stream of water and wash away the blood. I keep hitting where I hit my head and it’s still a bit tender.”

“Okay,” he said. “Let me have the shower head.”

He took the shower head from me and climbed over the toilet. Standing in the little space between the tub and the toilet he leaned over the tub and, supporting himself on the far wall, started to direct the water on my head.

“This is too awkward,” he said. “I’m going to have to sit down on the toilet beside you.”

As he started to sit down he said, “Hang on a second. I can’t sit here in my suit.”

“No,” I said. “Don’t get your suit wet.”

“Take the shower head for a minute. I’ll be right back,” he said as he handed me the shower head and left the bathroom.

A minute later he was back. When he sat down beside me I saw he was dressed only in a pair of high-cut briefs.

As Neil positioned himself on the toilet to rinse my head, I felt his body touching mine. First I felt his left leg between the cheeks of my ass and second the calf of his right leg touching the side of my breast.

He took the shower head from me and started gently directing the spray onto my head. As I looked down into the tub I saw a red stream flowing towards the drain. As he moved the spray around my head, his body shifted causing his right leg to caress the side of my breast. This erotic feeling was nothing though compared to the feeling his left leg, which was rubbing up and down the crack in my ass, was having on me.

I closed my eyes in an effort to not think about it but wasn't successful. 'Oh my God,' I thought as a tingling sensation started in my tummy. ‘I’m getting turned on.’

When I tried to adjust my position so his legs weren't having as much effect on me he said, "Hold still. I'm almost done your right side."

I stopped moving. Unfortunately, I ended up in a position where his movements had even more of an effect on me. His left leg was now continually rubbing up and down against my very sensitive asshole. 'Shit,' I thought. 'I have to stop thinking about this. I can't have an orgasm while he's doing this.'

"There," he said a moment later as he stopped moving. "That’s your right side. I can't quite reach your left side though. I'm going to have to stand up to get it. Hold still. This won't take long."

Tingling all over, I felt him stand up and lean over me and thought, ‘Thank God he stopped when he did. A couple more minutes and I would have had a very embarrassing orgasm.'

"I can't quite reach your head while I rinse it from here. I don’t bend that far," he said. "I'm going to have to keep pushing myself off the wall in order to use both hands. I've only got about a third of your head left to do so it won't be too bad."

Each time he pushed himself away from the wall though I felt his knee grinding against my perineum - the space between my vagina and asshole. The jolt that ran through my body was an excruciating sensation. I was getting more and more turned on. The sensations I was feeling weren't helped by his calf muscle vibrating, as it strained to keep him in position, against the side of my breast. I was getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

Finally, as he leaned against the wall, he said huffing, "There. It's all rinsed. Let me take a look and see if there are any cuts."

I then felt his fingers gently touching my scalp. Unfortunately for me, his left knee was still grinding against my perineum and his right calf was still caressing the side of my breast. As he explored my scalp my breathing was becoming more and more strained and I began slowly grinding my ass against his knee.

I was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Then he stopped moving and the pressure against my perineum eased as he said, "There's a small cut in your scalp. It's about a quarter inch long. There's not much of a bump, thank goodness."

“There’s nothing more that I can see. Head wounds always bleed a lot and that makes them look a lot worse than they really are. The ice seems to have reduced the swelling though. It’s going to be tender for the next couple of days but I think you’re all right. I have quite a bit of first aid and I’d say that you’re fine. I can still take you to the hospital if you want, but they’ll probably just examine you and prescribe a couple of aspirin for the pain.”

“I’ll wait a bit,” I said in a soft voice - tingling all over from an interrupted orgasm. “I don’t like hospitals very much so if I can avoid going I’d be a lot happier. Could you get me a towel, please?”

“Sure,” he said and he tried to stand up. Then I heard, "Shit. I'm stuck. I can't push myself up. Can you help me?"

"Sure," I gasped.

"Hang on. I'll push you up," I said in a strained voice.

I moved my hands to the edge of the tub and arched my back to push myself up. I felt his semi-hard cock against my back. I continued to push myself up feeling his weight and his cock on my back.

Finally I felt his weight lift off my body. I turned to sit on the toilet and Neil handed me a towel from the towel rack.

I noticed a bulge in his briefs as I took the towel from him. Try as I might to keep my eyes away from it I couldn’t do it. I took the towel from him and started to dry my hair.

Feeling pain I said, “Neil. I hate to ask you but … could you help me dry my hair? I can’t see what I’m doing and I keep rubbing the sore spot.”

“Sure,” he replied hesitantly as I turned to face away from him.

He took the towel from me and started to dry the back of my head. As he leaned over me to dry the top of my head I dropped my head some forcing him to lean against me even more. As his cock touched me I felt him jerk away. When he jerked away he ran the towel over my sore spot. I jumped and said, “Uh. That’s the sore spot.”

“Sorry,” he said. He continued to dry the top, back and sides of my head. After a minute or so he said, “I think that’s all I can do with a towel. Can you turn around so I can do the front of your head?”

I rotated on the toilet so I was facing him. As he began drying my hair I found that I was looking at his cock tenting out his briefs. I closed my eyes to stop looking at it. As he finished up he said, “That’s all I can do with a towel. You’ll have to do the rest with the blow dryer.

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of his hard cock sticking out of the top of his briefs. When I saw it my eyes went back up to his as I gasped, “Oh!”

He looked down and, when he saw his exposed cock head, his hand moved to cover it as he said, "Sorry Jane. It's just ... well ... it's ... it’s just the sight of your boobs jiggling as I dried your hair coupled with the sight you presented me when I came into the bathroom has gotten to me."

Still looking into his eyes I, with a strained husky voice, said, "It's natural, Neil. Totally natural."

Continuing to look into my eyes he said, "That and it's just that ... well ... my body touching yours as I rinsed and ... feeling ... well feeling your ass moving against my leg ... well ... it was quite a lot to absorb ... I shouldn't have got excited. I feel like I'm taking advantage of the situation. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I said with a smile. "I'm not offended. I take it as a compliment."

My eyes moved back to where his hand was covering his cock head as I said, "Don't be embarrassed. You don't have to hide it. I'd love to see it. It’s only fair. You’re not the only one that enjoys seeing naked members of the opposite sex."

I looked back up into his eyes to reassure him that I was sincere as he finally said, "Are you ... are you sure?"

I nodded a couple of times as my eyes moved back down to his crotch. His hands slowly moved away from covering his cock head. My heart rate increased and my breathing became longer and deeper as I gazed at it.

After several seconds I said in a soft voice, as I looked back up into his eyes, "Can I see all of it? Please."

After several seconds of Neil looking into my eyes not saying anything or giving me any indication of yes or no, I lifted my hands to the waistband of his briefs. Still looking into his eyes, I hooked my thumbs under the band and began to push them down.

As I pushed them down my eyes left his eyes to focus on what I was uncovering. I saw more and more of his cock. Finally I saw it, and his balls, fully uncovered.

"Wow!" I gasped in a deep husky voice as I gazed at it. "It's beautiful. So beautiful."

As I looked at it, I saw it throbbing ... pulsing back and forth. Then I saw a small pearl of liquid seeping from the hole. As I stared at it the drop got bigger and bigger. Not really thinking about what I was doing, I tentatively reached up with my index finger and wiped the drop.

Hearing Neil gasp as I touched it, I looked into his eyes. I licked my finger clean savouring the sweet taste and heard Neil say, as he closed his eyes, a long drawn out, "Oh my."

Seeing another drop begin to emerge, I gently took his cock in my right hand. I slowly moved my mouth forward, stuck out my tongue and licked the new drop from his cock. I then kissed the tip running my tongue over the hole before slowly engulfing the head of his cock with my lips.

I heard Neil moan as I rolled my tongue around the head of his cock. The moan sounded like it came from deep within his body.

After a few moments, I started to move more and more of his cock into my mouth. After taking half of it into my mouth, I started to pull it out again while still trying to suck it in. I repeated this a couple of times each time taking more and more of his cock into my mouth.

As I did this Neil exclaimed, "Oh Jane. Oh ... oh ... oh Jane ... that feels so good."

"My God, that feels sooo goood."

I continued to slowly move my lips down the shaft feeling the head rub against the top of my mouth and then the back of my throat. After a few more up and downs, I felt Neil’s hands move under my arms and pull me up to a standing position. My lips leaving his cock made a loud popping sound.

As I came to fully standing, his mouth met mine in a deep passionate kiss. Feeling his leg move between mine as our tongues entwined, I started to grind my pussy against his thigh.

After several minutes of this, he reached down a scooped me up into his arms. Still kissing me, he carefully carried me out of the bathroom and over to the bed. He gently lay me down and then lay beside me without ever breaking the kiss.

Over the next thirty minutes we slowly made love until, as I was riding his cock, I felt a lovely orgasm sweep through my body. As I collapsed onto his chest in pleasure he continued to pump in and out of me until, a minute or so later, I felt him push in and hold two or three times.

We lay there quietly, breathing in unison for a couple of minutes before I felt him roll me off him so we were lying side-by-side. He tenderly looked into my eyes as he said, “Thank you. That was wonderful.”

“Thank you,” I replied in a dreamy tone. “I enjoyed it, too.”

We lay side-by-side chatting softly until we were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Groaning, I rolled over and answered it.

“Hi Jane,” someone said. “This is Frank. How are you feeling?”

“Much better,” I replied. “Thanks for checking in with me, Frank.”

“Did you see a doctor?” he continued.

“No,” I replied. “Neil, the guy who helped me walk back to my room, was an experienced first-aider. He helped wash off all the blood and examined my head carefully. There was only a tiny cut and almost no swelling. Given my great dislike for hospitals, he suggested waiting a few hours to see how things developed.”

Looking at Neil, I smiled as I continued, “He said that he’d check in with me every hour or so through the course of the evening to make sure I don’t have a concussion.”

“Good,” Frank replied. “Are you up for grabbing some food with the gang?”

“No thank you. I think that I’ll just order some room service and rest up.”

“Okay,” he replied. “I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. See you tomorrow morning at 8:30. The hall opens at 9:00 but I want some time to get setup before the first visitor arrives.”

“I’ll see you then,” I replied. “Thanks for calling. Give my thanks to the rest of the guys for covering for me this afternoon. Have a good meal. Bye.”

After he’d said goodbye, I hung up the phone. With a big smile I said, “I hope you don’t mind having to monitor me every couple of hours this evening.”

Returning my smile, he replied, “As long as I can give you a physical exam each time there won’t be a problem.”

We ordered room service and, after making love two more times, fell asleep in each other’s arms around 10:30.

When I awoke the next morning just after 7:00, I found Neil still asleep. A minute or so later I watched him wake. Seeing me staring at him he said, “What’s up?”

Feeling between his legs, I felt his cock begin to grow and said, “Looks like you are.”

After a minute or so, he was completely hard and, after rolling him onto his back, I mounted him. We made slow love for the next twenty minutes.

After enjoying the afterglow, Neil got up from the bed as he said, “As much as I want to stay here the rest of the day with you, I think I’d better get back to my room and get ready for today’s sessions. Are you available tonight? I’d love to continue getting to know you over dinner and dancing.”

“That sounds delightful,” I said with a big smile, "but I’ve got to go to the vendor’s reception tonight. It starts at 8:00 and goes until midnight. I might be able to slip out a bit early but not much before 11:00. How about tomorrow night instead? Are you available tomorrow night? I’m done in the booth at 6:00.”

“Great!” he said enthusiastically. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

After he’d picked up his clothes and gotten dressed he leaned over to give me a kiss. Not wanting just the peck on the lips I was expecting to get, I wrapped my arm around his neck and, pulling him down on top of me, gave him a lingering French kiss.

As we broke away from the kiss, I looked him in the eye and said, “I don’t want you to forget about tomorrow evening.”

Looking at me he said, after giving me a peck on the lips, “I won’t, Jane. I won’t.”

Written by verytrustedsource
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