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"Lisa gets her dream man"

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Lisa felt a mixture of nerves and excitement as the day for her appointment with Paul Riesner arrived. Paul had been the talk of the office for months, since the consulting company he owned had been hired by the large hospital Lisa worked for. Some rumors claimed he was gay, some claimed he was screwing Tina Mayfield, the head administrator of the hospital. Depending on who you believed, he was either married, divorced, engaged, or he was a confirmed bachelor who broke the heart of everyone he met. Some rumors claimed he was there to recommend downsizes, others that he was assessing the hospital in preparation for a buyout by another hospital system.

One thing was certain; he was very sexy, even though he was older than Lisa. He looked to be in his mid thirties, but with his incredibly fit body, he may have been older and just looked younger. He had dark hair, penetrating, hazel eyes, and a beautiful smile, which he flashed often. He was well spoken and charming to everyone he met, even those people who spread rumors about him behind his back.

The day of their interview, Lisa pulled out every nice outfit she had, continually changing her mind about what to wear. She hated her clothes, and wished she had something more appropriate for an important business meeting. After she had put on her favorite skirt suit, she changed her mind and put on a pant suit. Afraid of missing her bus, she settled for the pant suit and hurried out the door.

“I can’t believe I’m as nervous as a school girl,” she thought to herself as she rode to work. “After all, my job is safe.”

Since the head of the Medical Records department had left six months ago, Lisa had been the acting head of the department. She was the only employee they had with an RHIA certification. Her hospital needed to have at least one person on staff with that credential to remain compliant for accreditation. Lisa felt she didn’t have the experience to be the permanent head of the department, but knew her job was safe.

Paul knocked on Lisa’s open door right at nine o’clock.

“Hello, Lisa,” he said, flashing her his sexy smile. “Can I come in?”

Lisa got up and came around her desk.

“Yes, come on in,” she said, shaking his hand.

She led him to the small table in her office and they sat across from each other. Lisa heart raced in her excitement at being so near him. She knew that he would never be interested in a young, inexperienced nobody such as herself, but it didn’t stop her from hoping.

Now twenty seven years old, Lisa had never had a serious boyfriend. She wasn’t a virgin, but her experience with men was very limited. Looking at Paul’s sexy body, beautiful straight, white teeth and penetrating eyes that seemed to look right into her soul, she fantasized about him holding her, kissing her, loving her. She forced herself to stop so she could follow the conversation.

Paul explained that, initially, his company was hired to provide an assessment prior to the hospital’s audit by the Joint Chiefs on Accreditation, an audit that occurred once every three years. During the assessment, Paul had found many issues that were sub-standard. Paul’s company had been retained to address those issues, and the audit had been completed with only minor issues to address. Everybody knew that; the question was, why was he still working at the hospital? That’s what was fueling all the speculation.

Paul went on to explain that after the audit, the hospital’s board of directors retained him to stay on for two additional projects; the conversion to an electronic medical records system, and a revamp of the entire revenue cycle to improve billing and collections.

“The heart of the revenue cycle is the Medical Records department,” Paul continued. “Medical Records touch all other aspects of the revenue cycle. No invoice can be sent until the records are properly coded. Admissions, Physician relationships, Accounting, Collections; you name it, the medical records are the key. That’s why the first department I want to review is Medical Records, and I’m hoping that you’ll allow me to camp out in your department for a few days. I understand that it’s an inconvenience, but I’ll try to be as inconspicuous as possible. Can I count on your cooperation?’

“Sure,” Lisa said.

She knew that she had no choice; Paul could go over her head if she didn’t cooperate, and Lisa had no political capital with senior management. Still, she appreciated being asked. And she was looking forward to spending more time with this handsome hunk.

“You can use my office.”

“I appreciate that Lisa, but I don’t want to displace you. I’ll just take one of the available cubicles, if that’s okay with you. I’d like to meet with you for thirty or forty five minutes each day while I’m working in your department, to ask questions and discuss what I’ve observed.


He arrived early the next day, and spent the morning observing. Lisa had explained to the people in her department what he was doing. That afternoon, Paul asked Lisa about the backlog of records waiting to be coded and re-filed. He wanted to know how many weeks backlog had existed when Lisa’s previous supervisor had left, and what it was now.

Many of the best practices that Paul discussed during their daily meetings were things that Lisa had never learned in school or on the job. During their conversations, it became clear that Paul knew Lisa’s previous supervisor, and over the next few months of conversations Lisa surmised that Paul didn’t think much of his leadership or capabilities. Lisa gradually learned how little she had been prepared for her job, and how much she had to learn.

At the end of the week, Paul moved on to another department. She missed the close contact with him, and constantly had fantasies that he would hold her in his arms. She was smitten. Occasionally she would see him in the hall, or he would call her or email her to ask a question, causing her heart to speed up, but she saw little of him over the next few weeks.

One day he requested a meeting with her the next week. She had trouble concentrating on her work, able to think of nothing except Paul. The day of their meeting, she again agonized over what to wear. She hated her clothes, and kicked herself for not upgrading. She picked out a nice skirt with a silk camisole and a jacket to wear over it. She completed her outfit with a pretty scarf around her neck. Checking herself in the mirror, she left for work, promising herself she’d buy some different clothes soon. It was difficult on her salary; she was living on her own, without financial help from her parents for the first time in her life, and everything cost more than she had anticipated.

“Thanks for meeting with me, Lisa. How have you been doing?”

“I’ve been fine. I’ve researched some of the practices you discussed with me before and have tried to implement them. We’ve actually reduced our backlog since you were last here.”

“Yes, I’ve noticed. You’ve done a great job.”

Lisa blushed. She hadn’t meant to sound like she was bragging. She hoped it didn’t come across that way.

“Lisa, after looking at billing and collections, I’m concerned that the hospital is losing a lot of money unnecessarily. I’ve decided to request the board of directors to take an ambitious, bold and unusual step of combining the implementation of electronic medical records, and implementing changes in the revenue cycle at the same time. It carries some risk, and I’m afraid that it will place an increased burden on your department. Without your department making a huge contribution, it won’t succeed, so I wanted to talk to you before proceeding.”

“You can count on me,” Lisa said.

“Not so fast,” Paul said. “Let’s talk about the additional work from your staff. I want you to know what you’re signing up for.”

After they discussed what would be required, Paul said, “Lisa, if this implementation blows up, the blame will be laid completely on me. The easiest thing in the world is to blame the consultant, even if the department heads sabotage the implementation. Not every department head will buy into changes, especially if they see a threat to their empire. However, if this implementation is successful, you’ll be one of the hottest commodities in the industry. There are few people in the country that will have the knowledge that you’ll have in implementing an Electronic Medical Records system and implementing a state of the art revenue cycle initiative.”

Lisa felt overwhelmed, and was nervous that she wouldn’t be up to the challenge, but Paul promised that he would coach her through the entire process. He assured her that he had done this many times before, and knew that she was more than capable. With Paul to support her, she felt more confident in her abilities than ever before. So began the arduous months of work involved. Lisa had never felt so challenged by her job, and was gaining confidence in her abilities by leaps and bounds.

She received almost daily coaching from Paul. He never told her what to do; they simply talked until she came to an understanding of the best way to proceed. He almost always answered her questions with one of his own, preferring to allow her to find the answers she needed. Her learning curve was steep, but she worked tirelessly. One day she realized that her relationship with her subordinates had changed, as they had begun to respect her capabilities. With Paul’s coaching, she was becoming a better leader, and she had adopted his supportive, consensus building management style.

Lisa, like most of the other single women in the office, and not a few of the married women as well, had fantasies involving Paul. After working so closely with him for several months, she was beginning to fall in love with him. It wasn’t just his insanely sexy looks, but it was also the way he treated her. He talked to her as an equal, though he was clearly more knowledgeable. He reveled in her success more than he did his own, and in meetings he always deferred praise to others, rather than himself. He was genuinely nice. As the project began to wind down, she knew that she was going to miss him immensely.

“The project will be complete day after tomorrow,” he told her one day while they were meeting.

She had known the end of the project was near, but had blocked it, not wanting to think about not being near Paul anymore.

“Oh,” she said. “What will you do next?”

“I’m going to take a week off, to take care of all the personal issues I’ve been putting off, then I’ve got another assignment with a system in Detroit.”

“Oh,” she said. She couldn’t think of anything else to say to that.

“Lisa, I couldn’t have done this project without the sacrifices you’ve made. This project was successful because of all your hard work. I’d like to take you out for dinner on Friday night, if you’re free.”

This was the first time Paul had ever suggested seeing anyone from the office during non-work hours, and Lisa was pleasantly surprised. Though Paul had never asked about her personal life, they had worked together enough that he would have been aware if she had a significant other, so she assumed he knew she was unattached.

“I’d love to,” she said. Her heart skipped with joy.

There was no way Lisa could concentrate on her work the rest of the week. She played out her date with Paul a million times in her head, though she continually warned herself that this was strictly a celebratory dinner for a job well done, not a date. She seriously doubted that Paul, who could have had his pick among all the women in the hospital, would choose her for anything beyond that.

Shortly before she left the office on Friday, Tina stopped by and asked if she could have a word with her.

“Sure,” Lisa said. “Come in.”

Tina came in and shut the door behind her, then sat at the table in her office. Lisa came around from her desk and sat across from her. Her heart skipped a beat, as she frantically tried to think what she could have done wrong.

“Lisa, I want you to know that all your hard work since you’ve been the acting head of Medical Records has been noticed. I think you’re more than qualified to take the position permanently.”

Tina pulled a letter from a folder she was carrying and pushed it across the table to Lisa. It was the official offer letter. Lisa looked at it. The offer included a raise that would almost double her salary, to $80,000 per year. She couldn’t believe it.

Standing up to leave, Tina said, “Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and you’ll be great. Congratulations, Lisa.”

“Thank you,” said Lisa. “I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” she said as she left. “You’ll need to sign that letter and give it to Fred in HR when you’re ready to accept the offer. You can do it today, or think about it over the weekend if you need to.”

Paul picked her up in front of her apartment building and drove downtown to Alinea, one of the top restaurants in Chicago. He drove a large, powerful, new BMW. Dropping off the car with the valet parking attendant, they entered and checked in for their reservation.

While they waited, Paul put his arm around her shoulder, gave her a little squeeze and said, “You look fabulous, as always. Thanks for coming with me.”

Lisa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Maybe, just maybe, this was a real date, and not just a celebration of the project.

“Thank you,” she said. “By the way, I got some pretty exciting news at work today.”


“Yes. I was given the permanent position as the Director of the Medical Records department.”

“That’s great, Lisa. Congratulations. Nobody deserves it more. You’ll be great. So I guess we have double the celebrating to do.”

“You aren’t surprised, are you? You already knew about this, didn’t you?”

“Maybe,” Paul said, with a sheepish grin.

“Did you have something to do with this?”

“It was all you, Lisa. You earned it.”

It suddenly dawned on Lisa that she would never have gotten that promotion without approval from Paul. Management put a lot of faith in his opinions.

The meal was fantastic. Lisa had never seen such creative dishes.

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Every dish was like a work of art, every bite a delicious explosion of various flavors. They talked easily, as though they were best friends. Paul always made it easy to be comfortable.

Lisa found out that he had been the CEO of a large hospital system in St. Louis until they were bought out. He decided to go to work for himself when they gave him a buyout, and had been on his own for three years. He didn’t plan to ever work for anyone else again. He got to take on projects that interested him, set his own schedule and work with different people on different projects all the time. It seemed he had contacts with every important leader in the industry. He had moved to Chicago because of the larger number of non-stop flights available.

“What about a family?” Lisa asked him.

He looked at her a moment before answering.

“I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that, if I’m prying.”

“No, it’s okay,” he said, flashing her his gorgeous smile. “I worked my way through college. When I graduated, I worked at a hospital and went to graduate school at the same time. After graduate school, I focused on my career to the exclusion of all else, working myself up to the top. I just never made time for a family.”

Paul asked her all sorts of questions about her childhood, her family, her friends, and everything else. Lisa felt that she did most of the talking during her meal, but Paul acted as though he was interested. He was a great listener. She already knew that, but she couldn’t believe he would be so interested in the minutia of her boring life.

An hour and a half flew by too quickly, and Paul gave the waiter the claim check to have his car brought to the front. As they pulled away from the restaurant, Paul said, “I want to show you something before I take you home.”


Paul pulled into the garage of a high rise, and used his keycard to gain access. He parked in a reserved spot and they got into the elevator, pushing floor 23.

“Is this where you live?” Lisa asked.

“Yeah, I want to show you my view.”

Paul opened the door and waited for Lisa to enter. He took her coat and put it over a chair. His condo was beautiful and impeccably decorated. It had high ceilings and was very contemporary. He flipped a switch and a gas fire flared up in the fireplace. He walked her over to the large picture windows. She looked out, but could see nothing but blackness.

He flipped off the lights in his condo, and before them lay the entire Gold Coast of Chicago, the most exclusive waterfront property in town, with row upon row of high rises with expensive condominiums. Beyond was Lake Michigan, dotted with the lights of boats out in the water. The view was breathtaking.

“Wow, it’s gorgeous,” Lisa said.

Paul came up behind her and put his arms around her waist while nuzzling her neck. Lisa stretched out her neck and sighed. She still couldn’t believe this was happening. The most awesome man she had ever known, and he was interested in her. She wanted to pinch herself to know that she wasn’t dreaming.

“How is it, Lisa, that such an incredibly intelligent…,” he said, pausing to kiss the back of her neck.

“Interesting,…,” he continued, with another kiss higher on her neck.

She could feel his warm breath on the nape of her neck, and it sent goosebumps down her arms. She closed her eyes and reveled in his touch.

“And attractive…,” he went on, with another kiss on the lobe of her ear. As he pulled his mouth away from her earlobe, he caught it between his lips and pulled it before it popped out of his mouth.

“girl can be unattached?”

He nipped at her neck, then starting kissing his way back up toward the other earlobe.

Lisa sighed, and said, “just waiting for you.”

“I have a confession to make,” Paul said.


“The reason that I combined the two projects into one is to finish sooner, because I was afraid that somebody would snatch you up before I had the chance.”

“You did that for me?”

“Yes. And I’d do it again. I can’t believe you’re finally mine.”

“umm,” Lisa moaned, as he began kissing her all over, and tugging on her earlobes.

She turned her head toward him and they locked lips, kissing deeply. Their mouths parted and they kissed passionately.

She couldn’t believe that he had worried about losing her, and had changed the project to finish sooner. In her wildest fantasies, she had never imagined him wanting her as badly as she wanted him.

“Would you like to know what I’m going to do, now that I’ve got you?” Paul said.

“Tell me,” she purred, still unable to believe all her dreams were coming true.

“I’m going to take off your clothes, and drink in your sexy body with my eyes. I’m going to bury my nose in you and smell the intoxicating scent that’s driven me crazy a thousand times before until I’m dizzy, then I’m going to touch every part of your gorgeous body until you think you’ll lose your mind if I don’t make you cum. Then I’m going to taste you all over until I hear and feel you cum on my mouth. I want to enjoy you with all of my senses.”

Lisa was a little taken aback. She had never had sex on a first date before, and had never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would. She was so aroused she didn’t know what to say, and before she had a chance to think of anything, Paul began unbuttoning her blouse and pulled it out of her skirt. He helped her out of it, and she stood in her bra, with the light from the fireplace reflecting off her.

He began kissing her shoulders from behind her as he unhooked her skirt and unzipped it. It fell to the floor and she kicked it off, along with her shoes. He helped her down onto a thick rug in front of the fireplace, wearing only her bra and panties. She sat with her back to the fire, watching as Paul quickly removed his shirt. His body was even more gorgeous than she had imagined it to be, with long, wiry muscles and a thin, athletic waist.

His abs were absolutely ripped. She had never seen such a beautiful male body in her life. She had seen sexy men, and handsome men, but he was genuinely beautiful by any standard.

He kicked off his shoes and pulled down his slacks, then threw them onto the couch. Sitting down on the rug next to Lisa, he pushed her down onto her back on the plush rug, and leaned over her, kissing every part of her body. Lying next to her, they embraced with their arms and legs and rolled on the floor, kissing.

While they embraced, he unhooked her bra and took it off her. He kneaded her breasts, rolling the nipples between his fingers, then popping them into his mouth.

“Oh, Lisa, your titties are absolutely spectacular, just like the rest of you,” he said in a muffled voice, as he made love to her breasts with his mouth.

Lisa was breathing hard with arousal, and wanted nothing more than to be held and loved, just as he was loving her. She closed her eyes and reveled in the attention he was giving her. She gently stroked his hair as he sucked and licked her breasts. Even if she never saw him again after tonight, she would never regret what they were doing, even if it was their first date.

Reaching between her legs, he inserted two fingers into her wet, warm pussy as he continued sucking on her nipples. Lisa spread her legs and raised her hips to meet the thrusts of his fingers in her pussy. It felt so good, she tried desperately to get deeper penetration, panting heavily as she ground her pussy on his hand.

Paul pushed her onto her side and snuggled up behind her while he guided his cock into her pussy. His large dick pushed against the opening of her tight pussy, and he slowly worked it in and out of her as he continued playing with her nipples and covering her with kisses.

Lisa hadn’t had sex in a very long time, and she had never had a lover as experienced, or as sexy as Paul. She had been dreaming of Paul for months, but the actual event was even more spectacular than the fantasy.

Paul slowly worked his cock into her fully. In this position, behind her, he was able to penetrate her deeply. He slowly pushed it in and out, as deeply as he could. Her tight pussy gripped his large cock, creating wonderful sensations for both of them with every movement.

Every fiber of Paul’s body screamed out to ram his cock into her quickly and deeply until he spilled his seed in her, but he restrained himself. He had other plans. When he unexpectedly pulled his dick out of her, Lisa grunted involuntarily.

Paul grabbed a couple of pillows from a pile of throw pillows on the couch, and gave one to Lisa to put under her head. He put another under her ass, and kissed his way down her body, positioning his head between her legs. Lisa had never had oral sex before. On a couple of occasions, clumsy boys in her youth had started to lick her down there, but it made her self-conscious, and she didn’t encourage it. They had stopped fairly quickly, not really knowing how to pleasure a woman.

She really wanted Paul’s dick back inside her, but he was calling the shots. Right now, he was going to taste her. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he wasn’t going to be denied. He stretched out on the rug between her legs and brought his nose to her pussy.

He put his thumb inside her pussy and moved it in and out, then rested his chin on his hand to keep from rubbing her tender genitals with his stubble. He slowly licked the entire length of her slit, from the opening to her vagina up to her clit, then back down to her vagina, over and over again. He never varied the pace of his tongue strokes, nor did he change the intensity of the pressure.

Lisa lay back with her eyes closed and concentrated on the tongue touching her pussy. Her entire universe consisted of nothing but the connection between her slit and that tongue, which lapped relentlessly up and down her slit. Her aroused pussy opened to expose her clit to his attention.

As her lips opened and the tender clit emerged, Paul began concentrating his attention on it. He flicked it quickly and repeatedly with his tongue, gently lashing it over and over until Lisa could feel an impending orgasm. She was moaning, her head rocking side to side as she clutched Paul’s head in her hands.

“Oh, Oh, Oh,” she whimpered. “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”

She was on the edge of a powerful orgasm, but it wasn’t happening, and she desperately wanted him to continue licking her. She was panting heavily, and she raised her hips, pushing her pussy into Paul’s face.

“Awwwwww,” she cried out loudly as the orgasm washed over her entire body.

She had never had an orgasm quite like this one. Was it different because it was her first time to cum from oral stimulation? She didn’t know, but it did feel different. Warmth spread throughout her body. Paul could feel her pussy contractions with his mouth. He stopped licking her clit and lapped instead at her pussy, which was now gaping open.

Paul laid behind her, holding her in his powerful arms until she resumed normal breathing.

“Was that nice?” he asked her softly.

“Ummm,” she purred.

“Would you like to know what I have planned for you next?”

“Surprise me. You have this all planned out, don’t you?”

“I’ve had lots of time to plan it out. I’ve dreamed of this since the first time I ever saw you.”

“When was that?”

“The first day I worked at the hospital, Tina pointed you out as we passed through your department. You were wearing black pants and a white, sheer blouse. I thought you were the cutest girl I had ever seen. Then, when I had a chance to work with you, and realized how smart you were, I was even more impressed. Then, after getting to know you and seeing what a nice person you were, I knew I had to have you.”

Lisa still couldn’t believe that this fabulous man would be attracted her, a nobody. She was in heaven, wrapped in his arms in front of the warm fireplace, basking in the glow of her intense orgasm. She didn’t care if she stayed there forever.

Paul excused himself to the bathroom, where he washed his face and used mouthwash. When he came back, he helped Lisa up and led her to his bedroom. It was colder in there, away from the fireplace. They slipped in between his cold sheets.

It didn’t take much snuggling together to warm up the sheets, and each other. Lisa held Paul’s hard dick. She wanted to provide him the same pleasure he had provided her, but it seemed that he was going to be the one to decide when, and how. He took over absolute control in their lovemaking, and he appeared to be in no hurry whatsoever to finish. They rolled together on the bed as he kissed her face, his hands roaming all over her body.

Finally he pulled her on top of him as he laid on his back. Straddling his groin, she gently lowered her pussy on his thick cock, pushing against him until the head entered her. She pulled away, then lowered again, slowly working the large cock into her tight pussy until she had worked it all the way in.

He held her titties, playing with the nipples as she pumped his dick with her pussy.

“Cum for me,” she said softly. “I want to watch your face as you cum for me. I want to make you feel amazing.”

Paul’s face was contorted into a grimace as she relentlessly pumped his cock. She had a smirk on her face as she witnessed the ecstatic look on his face. His grunting and groaning told her that he was close. She rested her face on his chest, licking his nipples, and spread out her legs as she continued humping him.

“Cum for me, baby,” she sighed. “I want to feel your warm cum inside me.”

Paul put his hands on her butt and caressed it as she humped. Suddenly, he pushed her away and got up on his knees. He positioned Lisa on her hands and knees on the bed and entered her from behind. In this position, his penetration was almost uncomfortably deep. She was completely filled with his large, thick cock as he pumped her hard.

The inside of her pussy clasped Paul’s dick tightly as he slid it in and out. He grunted loudly as his dick began contracting, pumping wad after wad of sperm into her.

“Ungggh, Unggh, uhhhh,” he grunted incoherently, as the pleasure of his climax emanated from his sac throughout his body.

They plopped down together, still attached at the groin, spent. Paul caressed her face and hair until his dick had softened and fell out of her pussy, then they got out of bed.

Lisa wiped the cum out of her pussy and put her panties back on. Paul gave her a long, thick terry cloth bathrobe and a pair of socks for her to put on to keep warm, and he put on some sweats. They sat together on the couch, watching the fireplace and talking until it was time for bed.

Written by Sweetdreemz
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