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Bar Special In The Morntide

"A small fairy wishes to interact with the humans."

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Springmarsh was a town full of strange occurrences, despite the town seeming normal. There was a two-story tavern, a couple of small shops, a few shack-like houses, and a gypsy caravan that only opened at night. This town was one of the poorest in Eriwald, albeit it looked decent enough, and the establishment that stood out most was the tavern. 

From the lazy spin of the fans to the recumbent light of morntide that would soon light up a vibrant white and blue sky, the bar soaked in the ambience of this early morning. A curious little fairy entered the tavern, and she moved like smoke: a glittery, pink smoke at that. All she could see were two people bickering, a man and a woman. Soaring up to a lone air vent in the wall, the fairy started to observe the scene, and she leaned forward, curling a hand over the rim of her ear as a way to listen carefully. 

The man shrugged, "I'm somewhat of a regular. Not that it does me much good, socialization-wise. I sometimes wonder why, Anja."


Dropping down from the air vent, Rosie glided closer, little pink wings fluttering, and she soon parked herself at the bar counter. Fairy dust followed behind her, decorating the air and ground with its confetti. There appeared to be a trail from the entrance over to the bar, so people were bound to know she was here. 

Anja gave a thoughtful look for a moment as she idly tapped her fingernails along the bar counter, and without it being intentional, the vibrations caused the fairy to bounce repeatedly. These vibrations were like waves for someone as small as her. 

"It could be the approach? Or a way of speaking. Sometimes people just don't like others, so it could be out of your hands," she spoke softly before offering up a wave to the small fairy.

"Some people say it's my attitude. Granted, it's not that I don't have friends. Just that...I generally don't seem to get along with most people," stated the man, also spotting the pink fairy.

Out of confusion, the fairy cocked her head to one side, as her cerulean orbs darted in between the man and the woman at the bar. Swallowing a lump in her throat, the fairy immediately hid behind a random bottle of ale. 

"Wait! Can you all see me?" 

The man blinked, staring down at the fairy. 

"I can, at least. You seem solid enough to me. Why?" He tilted his head and finished his cup of coffee, soon placing his mug down on the counter again, "I wonder, were you hiding yourself somehow?"

Rosie shrugged, snickering, "Nope!" was her only response on the matter. 

Anja continued with her conversation with the man, disregarding the fairy in the process. 

"If that is so, you have two options. Either compromise and ease up with your attitude, or others can go fuck themselves," she put.

The man pondered Anja's words. 

"I could speak of my issues, or how others describe them. Even if I believe they are inaccurate," he shrugged and glanced over at the coffee pot, checking if there was enough for a refill.

Amidst the bickering, it seemed like a chill, laid-back morning for these two. The fairy snuck out from behind the bottle as, of course, some lowlife would be drinking it soon anyway. At this time of morning, too, with it currently being seven o’clock. Fluttering her small wings, the fairy took a seat on the man’s shoulder. Her blue eyes continued to watch him, and then Anja, and soon enough, a small beam graced her lips. 

At that, Anja would be the lowlife to grab the bottle that the fairy previously hid behind and poured the frothy liquid into an empty used glass. Anja didn't care about the brand or even the liquor. Like most alcoholics, Anja just wanted to drink whatever was there.

"You could, but it's better to mull them over and speak of them with a loved one," she finally replied to the man.

To his surprise, the woman knocked the drink back with a content exhale, leaning herself onto the counter as she was finally starting to fully wake up. 

"Then not. You must hold your drink well, to take it like that," noted the man. 

He poured himself more coffee from the coffee pot and then glanced at the fairy, stretching a hand to offer her a back pet. 

"I'm Ram. What's your name?" Turning back to Anja, he said, "I suppose…what would you rather talk about this morning?"

The fairy started to kick her legs while she listened to Anja's words, and she mumbled to herself, thinking of possible words to respond back with. She had only begun to interact with humans for a whole few days, and so she was picking up new behaviours as she went along with her study. But when Ram introduced himself, the fairy jolted in place, not at all expecting that. She appeared to be the size of a pear on Ram’s shoulder.

"Ram, huh? Nice to meet ya!" she answered, presenting a toothy grin, "I'm Rosie! Like the flower..." But then Rosie hummed, looking up into the air while she thought about it. "I don't think the flower is a Rosie, though." 

Anja noticed the direction of conversation change as she poured herself a second load of ale, albeit she didn’t neck it back this time. 

"I hold myself well. As for conversation? Nothing specifically, I am just enjoying some downtime with company," she gave a small raise of her glass to both Rosie and Ram, providing a toast. Anja glanced at Rosie, receiving her name, "I think you’re mistaken as the flower is a rose," she added politely as she gave the fairy a small bow of the head. "Anja." A curt introduction as she cradled the glass in her palm.

Ram lifted an index, letting go of Rosie's body. 

"Flowers, huh? I kinda prefer sunflowers and the like." 

"Yeah, sunflowers are pretty! Shame they only grow in the summer," she snickered. 

Raising a small hand, Rosie brushed a few pink strands to the side of her face. Rosie's short pink hair appeared chin-length, taking the appearance of a cute bob. Her small frame was slender, and the fairy herself was at least the same length as a pear. Rosie decided to switch shoulders, moving away from Ram's as she now parked herself on Anja's shoulder. Anja’s gaze followed Rosie as the fairy shifted shoulders, bringing the glass to her lips to knock down a swig. Rosie glanced down, eyeing the mug in Anja’s hands. 

"Hehe! Do you drink often at this hour?" Rosie asked, tongue-in-cheek. 

"I drink when I like. The hour doesn't matter," answered Anja. The soft tone was followed by a pair of fingertips giving the fairy a gentle pat on the head, “I suggest you mind your own business.”

Anja had propped a cheek into her palm as she watched the two, idly swirling the drink as her attention shifted downward to the flowing liquor. 

"And what does the drink taste like? I heard a curious rumour that beer tastes like dark fruits...or stale bread..." Rosie remarked, continuing on with the cheeky attitude. 

Blue orbs flicked their gaze over at Ram, and Rosie merely giggled, darting her gaze from his cup of coffee and then up to his face again. 

"What does your drink taste like? It smells a little bit like toast." 

At those two questions regarding the drinks, Anja merely rolled her eyes in contempt.

“Little fairy, if you wish to stay in my bar, be reasonable with your questions. I’m a retired knight, okay? Let me drink whenever I want, and leave my customers alone,” she stated.

Curious by the fairy’s question, Ram pondered this. 

"I'd say it depends on the drink. I usually take stronger stuff like vodka or whiskey. Which is said to have less of a taste. I have to confess, however, alcohol has very little effect on me. My body's just like that. Right now I’m drinking coffee, which is more sensible than an alcoholic beverage."

Skimming the brown-coloured bottle, Anja gave a quick glance at the bottle’s label. She didn’t really read it, though. A low, drawn-out groan rumbled in Anja’s throat. 

"Beer burns and tastes of smoke. I don't know many people who drink for the taste?" Anja was blunt about it, not really caring in the slightest. 

"Resistant to alcohol?" Rosie questioned, eyes opening wide, "I've seen most alcohol make people sleep or act really weird. Like super weird. I've seen those people puking up when they drink too much as well. But I've never tried alcohol, and whenever I see a bottle, I start to wonder what it'll do to the person drinking it." 

Rosie leaned forward on Anja's shoulder, looking closely at Ram and his drink. "I wonder what coffee does to someone...does it make people act weird, too?"  

Clearly, the term ‘weird’ referred to people becoming drunk over alcohol.

"Coffee just makes people more active, and prevents them from falling asleep," stated Ram as if he was teaching a child, "I admit, my resistance to toxins is because of my species. But I'd rather not talk of that yet." Ram seemed somewhat ashamed of that.

Letting out a sigh, Anja scooped Rosie up into both her hands as she placed the fairy onto Ram's shoulder. 

"I am all ears whenever you wish to talk about your species, Ram. For now, though," a yawn slipped her lips as she took a room key from the bowl, leaving her half-empty mug of beer on the counter, "I have to rest. It was a pleasure to sit with both of you. I’ll clean up the bar later. Can either of you flip the sign on the window before you leave?"

"Species? Are you an enhanced human or something? I come from a land of elves and they kinda look human...kinda...and especially the higher race of elves..." Rosie mentioned, glancing up at Ram. 

Her wings continued to flutter, despite her sitting at this time. Ram’s shoulder felt bigger compared to Anja’s, whereas Anja’s shoulder felt more slender than muscular. Anja was still a muscular woman, however. Rosie didn't even acknowledge Anja's goodbye just yet, but she flicked her gaze over to the woman and immediately sent an energetic wave in her direction. Anja was now walking up the stairs to the set of bedrooms upstairs.

Ram blinked at Rosie. 

"Something like that. I could tell you precisely, but not many believe me when I say it." 

Rosie tilted her head to one side, eyes still open wide. Rosie pouted her lips for a second, her eyes staring up at Ram still. 

"I'm kinda surprised that not many people believe you. I'll believe you, though. I mean, just look at me!" Her wings went on to flutter much faster now as her finger pointed to herself. 

“I'll whisper, but also tell you more during it. Fair?" Ram offered.

Leaning in close to the man, Rosie never stopped staring at Ram. His big secret captivated her to the brim at this point. 

"You can whisper! Tell me!" Rosie muttered, trying to keep her voice quiet as well, and the keyword here was ‘try’, "I wanna know so bad! Are you a secret magical person or something? I'm magical, too, and can make flowers grow!" Rosie shared a secret of her own as a give and take thing.

Ram shook his head and spoke in a voice too quiet for others to hear, smiling at Rosie as he looked toward her eyes.

"What is it?" Rosie squeed at this point, kicking her legs in the process, "I wonder what it is! If you're not magical, then maybe you're something else...maybe strong?" 

Ram spoke near her ear, calmly enough and still gently holding her waist. "Both notions I'm going to say will probably sound silly, but I'll tell'em anyway. First... I'm the god of cutting and resolve." He admitted. "And I can take alcohol easily because long ago an uncle of mine taught me a supreme healing power. So the effects just don't last long, unless I really tank myself." 

Ram reached in, bravely having his index finger now caressing her belly, feeling the satin material of her black dress. 

"The other thing is...I do find you attractive for some reason. Was checking you out earlier when we were in the company of Anja. I know it's silly because with our sizes, it makes little sense to do any carnal stuff. Does it?"

"Is that because I'm much smaller than you? I learned that males of any species tend to prefer smaller female partners!" Rosie huffed, placing her palms onto her hips for a moment, looking a tiny bit annoyed. This caught Ram off-guard. 

Rising up to her feet on Ram's shoulder, Rosie began to brush any imaginary or possible dust from her tiny shoulders with her hand. 

"So, you're like a super strong healing god or something?" Rosie checked, blinking, "I like that. It must be difficult to explore the world and hide your true form. I can understand. But really, you look like a regular brown-haired man, so you hide yourself well," she giggled.

Then, Rosie moved in closer, and she planted a little peck onto Ram's chin. A series of giggles escaped her mouth after she kissed him, she hurled herself forward when she laughed, her hands resting on her knees. Pink fairy dust sprinkled from her wings during the time she laughed, cascading over Ram’s shoulder.

Ram lifted a finger. 

"Um, there's a story about that, I'm also willing to tell if you wish. I vowed to keep this appearance, even if it is boring." Ram cleared up, before nodding to Rosie, sniffing her a bit after she smooched him. "As I said, it's silly in extreme. At most, we could just cuddle, or the like. But it’d be difficult to love you. I've decided to stop hiding my slight interest in you, for the most part."

Rosie pulled a wide, cheeky smirk. 

Her small, slender arms stretched out in the air, and she jumped on his shoulder, acting out a star. 

"I bet you're so big in your true appearance, like so large...TALL," she blurted out, no longer whispering or muttering, but she started to be herself around Ram. 

Then, she held her hands behind her back, while her gaze drifted off to one side and that one cheeky smirk slipped from her lips. 

"I admit I do have a regular form, but it takes up all my power if I use it. My form looks a regular normal girl...but the last time I used it, I fell asleep for an entire month just to regain my power again," she confessed, looking up at Ram again. 

Ram wiggled a finger. 

"I actually haven't decided anything about my allegedly true appearance. Yet, it'd be more of a combat form, usable to battle giant threats..." Ram snickered, "In the sense of someone that shared my body as a pilot, during the critical times. This is what he looked like too." And he shrugged. "About your human appearance, you'd have to make sure the person and times you had were worth it. No, I wouldn't force you to do that. Even if the temptation to touch you all over is there. Perhaps I could just finger you, depending on the flexibility."

Rosie popped a finger up to her lips, and she giggled cheekily, looking up at the ceiling with those twinkling blue orbs. 

"Hm, then why not take advantage? Maybe we could find a lone place and find out what we could really do together despite our size differences?" Rosie hinted, pulling that same smirk again, "I heard in my land that a fairy can grant good luck in any heated situation..." 

"If you don't mind, I don't either. And I do keep a room here. Money's kinda cheap when one can go across realities and timelines easily," he admitted with a flashy grin. "Shall we go, then?" Ram offered, allowing his hand to find her rear.

At the hand against her backside, Rosie took a seat onto Ram's palm, blue eyes staring up at him as she did so. She was clad in a small black dress with golden buckles decorating the satin material. She also had a black cape running down her back, attached with a hod that rested idly against her upper back. Raising a hand, Rosie nervously brushed pink locks to the side of her face while her azure eyes continued to stare up. A simple nod of the head was her only response, and the fairy started to fiddle with the heart-shaped buckle on her bustier, as she soon cast it undone. Small, perky breasts were on show, but not yet her abdomen. 

It was fortunate the bar was still lonesome, and the pair even forgot to flip the sign from ‘open’ to ‘close’. With this being a twilight and night bar, however, it probably didn’t matter. Anja was fast asleep, all whilst Ram and Rosie were deciding to spend an hour or two in Ram’s special bedroom.

Ram started walking upstairs, not daring to distract himself by watching her stripping, even if his peripheral vision did catch it. His room, after he opened its door, was indeed the luxury type, with lacquered wood furnishings. Even if it was simple furniture such as a desk, chair, dresser, night table and a queen-sized bed by the window, the faucet and toilet room with a bathtub at the back showed how spacious it really was. Other than heatless magical light sources in cyan-white, the walls were decorated with posters showing teenage warriors of both genders, in strange outfits. For now, Ram sat on the bed, gently setting Rosie on the desk beside it to begin taking off his own garments, the man’s own muscled torso soon enough in view.

Rosie swallowed her own spit while she watched him in awe. Just by sitting on the desk's surface, Rosie halted her stripping, simply leaving her bustier folded down her torso. Small, perky breasts were still in view, and the small buds had already grown erect with the cool airstream teasing her skin. Rosie leaned back, hands pressing onto the area of the desk behind her. Her head tilted again, as her cyan orbs caught an eyeful of a stripping Ram. The desk's surface felt cold under her small hands and rear. 

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Without her knowing, though, there appeared to be a trail of pink dust behind her on the floorboards and even on the desk right now, but that wasn’t much of a surprise. Anja would just know Rosie’s been here.

"Wow, you really are strong-looking!" Rosie remarked, giggling again, "I really like that!"

Proceeding on with her own clothes, Rosie unbuckled her golden belts, now letting them come apart as well as her satin black dress. Now her smooth, lithe abdomen was on show, revealing warm-coloured skin all over her figure. As cheeky as she was, Rosie didn't even wear any knickers under her dress, and so her vulva was already on show, revealing a mere slit with no pubic hair to complete the look. She didn’t even appear shy.

Ram didn't hesitate to finish stripping as she did. 

"To clarify, I look like he would, should he have groomed properly and exercised every day. ‘He’ is my other appearance, of course," Ram smiled while having a good gaze at Rosie’s lithe body. 

Ram just lay on the bed, one arm reaching onto the clear, mirror-like desk to take hold of Rosie, slowly seating her onto his smooth, muscular chest.

"Anyway, what do you usually do while small, with a big guy like me? Like I said, but it'd need foreplay first? Hmmm-" And he pulled her close for a kiss, though he noted with the sizes, it'd be more about licking her face. Even so, his tan manhood was already erect!

Rosie kissed back, or at least she tried to, she still puckered her lips when he kissed, though.

"What would you like me to do? I can't exactly perform oral while small, but I guess I could give you a...handjob? Bodyjob?" Rosie proposed, thinking while she spoke, and she snickered at the thoughts that passed through her mind, "I suppose we could start with you fingering me like you offered before? I guess that'd be better first, but I don't mind full-on intercourse from the start." 

Ram smiled and slowly moved his digits over her small breasts and whole figure, brushing Rosie's shape with these long, calloused fingertips of his. He nodded to this, rubbing closer and closer to her inner thighs and crotch. 

"I could also lick you. And ah...if we do outercourse, you can suckle on me, I guess? Depends on your length. I would assume intercourse would be dangerous for you…so I wouldn’t do it." 

"I could," she answered with a chuckle.

Spreading her legs apart, Rosie showed Ram the small, pink slit in between her thighs. It already appeared wet as the clitoris glistened in the natural light. Blue orbs glanced up at Ram, keeping her gaze locked on his features. With the large hand that rubbed her body, Rosie gripped onto a finger of his and pulled it closer to her love hole. 

"Try it," she offered, giving him a wink. 

Ram took a moment to instead suckle on either tiny breast. This could only be done with his lips, however. And as he did, Ram allowed his index fingertip to be guided between her legs and after brushing its bends on her thighs, did poke inside the vulva, rubbing in gentle motions. It just couldn't go very deep either, but he still tried to wiggle it against Rosie's sex.

"Does this excite you? Having someone much bigger to handle you so naughtily?"

Rosie scoffed at the question and merely nodded. 

"Especially by someone that's as strong as you!" Rosie hinted, giving the signal that Ram's true appearance and species excited her to no end, even if he just looked like an ordinary brunette-haired man.

Keeping hold of his finger, Rosie refused to let go. Her small g-spot had enlarged, swollen into a walnut-sized bean. Juices continued to form around the clitoris and her labia, smearing onto his finger in the process. The size of his finger stretched her hole right up to her g-spot area, but Rosie didn't find it painful, the high-pitched, sudden moan signalled that she liked it. Cyan orbs averted their gaze elsewhere, as the fairy started to pant, feeling the man's lips marking her tiny breasts. 

Ram blinked at this. 

"Yet I cannot be very rough with you. Need to go carefully."

And he noticed the changes in her loins, encouraging him to go closer to said enlarged bud and poke against that g-spot as he was being guided forwards. Ram’s other hand took hold of Rosie's waist, holding her for some more friction. Ram's gaze focused on her sex, and how it now glistened with juices. 

"In that case, guess you can enjoy it for quite a long time."

Rosie panted at the delicate thrusts. Fairy dust sprinkled while he held her waist, as his finger used her womanhood to his advantage. Rosie felt like she could trust him, so she released her small hands from his finger while she allowed him to penetrate her. The thrusts were gentle, and so she continued to watch, laying in his hand in the meantime. Her legs were stretched out, and she raised them upwards while he fingered her.

"I like it like this. But maybe you could go a little faster...maybe a tiny bit wouldn't hurt me, I promise." 

Ram did go a little deeper, letting his other hand move her. Even though he did move quicker as she asked, providing continuous stimulation to her slit's upper folds, Ram took special care to avoid touching her much with his smooth fingernails.

As his hold on her waist relaxed, he took that chance to rub on Rosie's thighs from the inside, and rub her belly near where she was being penetrated. Ram bit his lip, feeling his rod twitch and leak. 

"Do you want to cum from this? Or just get very close?"

"I think...I think something's coming..." Rosie confessed amidst the pants, feeling a flush of heat rush over her tiny figure. 

Blood rushed to her face, adding a reddish hue to her ashen features. A blush didn't add much colour to her warm-coloured skin, but it did add a pretty hue to her cheeks. Her small shoulders shared this same reddish hue, too, and so did her chest and abdomen. Her legs weren't affected much, but her knees did start to look blush-red as well. Her small legs draped themselves around his fingers or tried to anyway. Her head hung back, short pink locks following in the motion. A creamy texture appeared around his finger, much like a white goo-type fluid that came from inside her vagina. Due to the pressure of his finger against her g-spot, she began to feel a wave of pleasure course through her form, causing her to feel numb for a mere few seconds. Rosie squealed, holding onto his finger again. 

"R-Ram..." Rosie gasped, addressing him by his name. 

Ram waited for what he saw as a climax, or like it, to subside, slowing down his movements.  He nodded to Rosie. 

"I'll let you rest for a bit. But guess you ARE ready," he noted. 

He took that moment to turn her around so Rosie could have a good look at his already-peeled uncut pecker and tanned sack, both of which slowly twitched with each heartbeat, which by now were racing. And his stimulations continued, albeit on the outside.

"So do tell me, or just do it," Ram suggested, smiling before he kissed the back of her head. "And well, I guess you do enjoy the big stuff in there. Now I wonder about stretching spells. Even if you'd rather fully trust me before attempting that."

"W-what, for intercourse?" Rosie checked, flicking a glance over her shoulder at Ram's face. 

While still feeling slightly numb around the thighs and hands, Rosie began to crawl up to Ram's crotch, parking herself in front of his manhood. To her, it resembled a pillar and Rosie had to look up...UP at the mushroom tip, despite the fairy being around seven inches in length when she stood up. Rosie rose up to her feet, and in the process, she rose up to her tiptoes while her arms embraced his manhood. Her lips puckered, beginning to kiss the slick mushroom head of his penis. It started with her lips, then her tongue jutted out and began to lick. Her small wings weren't fluttering as much now, as they were slow, flapping gradually now. Her eyes closed shut while she licked, and her voice mumbled in the act. 

Ram nodded. 

"I was thinking of another position, with you facing me and laid over the length," Ram explained, beginning to move a bit, letting his thrusts rub against her lips with more gusto. His scent was of course, right against her nostrils, and seemed clean and healthy. 

The man made sure their movements matched, so his meat pole was pressed against Rosie's small chest and belly. Grunts signalled his mounting arousal, especially when he felt her tongue flick over the end.

"You want me to move around?" Rosie checked.

During the time Ram began to thrust upwards, Rosie struggled to move at first, but the fairy soon shifted without the aid of her wings to take her there. Now Rosie appeared to be facing Ram, looking like she was hiding behind his manhood at this point. Sticking out her small tongue, she continued to lick, grunting in the process. Her arms still embraced his length, hands resting over a bumpy vein. Her small, lithe body bounced while he drove, just due to the force of his movements. Rosie closed her eyes again. 

Ram showed Rosie exactly why he wanted her in that position, guiding her into laying onto his penis as it was placed in an obtuse upwards angle over the pelvis, that very pulsing canal's outside being brushed against her folds and with the proper length, its end was right by her mouth as he slowly guided her legs into straddling it. 

"Like this." 

And he started to thrust his hips, letting Rosie bounce somewhat after also guiding her hands over the foreskin. 

Rosie groaned at the motion. Rosie didn't know what was more intense, the fingering or this right here. Her small body shook, idly bouncing with his thrusts, and her body alone teased him just like her mouth did. Drool trickled from her bottom lip, all while her tongue kept on pleasing, running over the delicate head of his manhood. Her hands didn't attempt this intentionally, but Rosie started to tug on the manhood, letting her hands form fists. 

"And you, will you cum to this?" Rosie checked, taking a breather in between the licks and kisses, "If anything, give me a bath afterwards!"

Ram stroked along her spine with two fingers, avoiding the fragile wings as he kept his strokes up. 

"If you keep like this, I can cum. And that's one of the few things where I'm not the same as a man. My seed is quite abundant in volume," he warned. And it showed! Even now, the leak was enough to coat his tip and drip onto the belly as he gasped, giving faster strokes against her mouth.

"Yet, do you want that? To be really messed up by a titan's release? Guess you do." 


Rosie performed a simple, quick nod. 

The titan meant a strong and powerful person, previously overthrown by the Olympus gods. Rosie was quite shocked that a titan still roamed the Earth, even if Ram was undercover by a human appearance. Now she understood why he used another appearance, as he finally told her what his true species was. Ram appeared to be a titan, and that made Rosie wonder if Anja was something of the sort, too, considering she was a retired knight.

"You helped me release, so I wanna help you. Is that a bad thing?" Rosie questioned, teasing in her words. 

Cerulean orbs glanced up at his face while she licked, just to see the expression on his face. Rosie didn't hide her tongue away, and instead, she stuck it out as far as it could and proceeded to lick the mushroom tip much like a cat licking its paw. She kept on teasing the delicate flesh with her tongue, while her small hands tugged on the foreskin, caressing the overskin and even the lip of his manhood whenever it showed. Her abdomen and chest appeared wet with premature sperm already, as some have travelled down to Rosie already. Her small legs straddled his manhood, embracing it tightly like her arms did. This time, though, her blue eyes kept watch of Ram instead of having the eyelids closed. 

Ram's own eyes were half-closed, pupils dilated in arousal. And Ram's thrusts reached their full crescendo, warning of an imminent release.

Soon enough, after further undulations of his pelvis underneath, the tip began shooting torrents of warm, viscous jism all over Rosie's face. He aimed away from the eyes, choosing for most of it to shoot against her mouth, cheeks and neck. And as he'd stated, the size of that release was about a half pint, most likely coating the fairy's whole front torso in it, though most of the excess was flowing on his pelvis, over and on the pubic hair.

Rosie squeed at the release. Rosie was now coated in warm, white splurge and she was pretty positive it was a bath at this point. A cum bath? A ray of giggles escaped the fairy's mouth, and her eyes flicked their gaze down, spotting the pool of splurge in his pubic hair as well as on her own lithe body. She shook her body like a dog, having specks of sperm dot his thighs and quite possibly his legs with the amount that oozed from the slick slit of the head. Rosie coughed, raising her hands to wipe the sperm from her lips and face, albeit thankfully her eyes were untouched. 

"You weren't lying," Rosie snickered, looking up at him again, "I guess I could have that bath sometime soon? Not right now, but after our heart rate goes down. I really liked this, Ram, and I hope that one day you show me your true appearance...and I'll show you mine," she promised, offering a smile. 

Ram's quite insatiable manhood was still at full mast, even if that didn't last for much longer after he breathed deep, relaxing and gasping. He smiled at her. Ram didn’t answer her about his true appearance, though, since he felt ashamed of it.

“The faucet does have hot water, so that should do," he mentioned.

He idly stroked her back while they calmed down from the foreplay. But foreplay was all he could do with a fairy. 

"Why did you agree, however? Did you feel that same lust that got me back then, in the bar?"

"I liked you, even dreamt about teasing you," she admitted, "I'm glad I agreed with you, however, because I haven't felt this kind of lust in a long time. Usually, I wouldn't trust people, but you and Anja seemed nice and so I wanted to join in the conversation." 

Ram did find a towel, beginning to clean both of the fluids as he sat up on the bed. "Well, as you see, I'm somewhat easy to tease. But nice huh? I'm trying to be nicer," Ram smiled wide, "I guess that's okay. It does get me often, but well, not always a bad thing." 

Rising from the bed, Ram proceeded to head towards the bathroom with Rosie seated on his lower arm.

Rosie curled a pink eyebrow at the sight. 

"I think the basin will be enough to bathe me, unless you want to join me in the bath?" Rosie questioned, darting her gaze from him to the bathtub in the near distance. 

Despite Ram having cleaned them both with the towel, Rosie's body still glistened with the natural light and there seemed like there was a layer of goo over her form. Seated on his lower arm, Rosie stood up, now standing on his arm while her hand held his forearm. She was standing just before the bend of his elbow.

Ram set the drain cap and started to fill the faucet with warm water, seating her just beside the knobs he handled. He did notice the glow and nodded, poking the surface to check its temperature.

"Alrighty, it's ready. I'll wash you. After all, I was the one to mess ya up like that. It’s better for me to nap a bit, then clean up afterwards. You know, boys get sleepy after sex. Even I do," Ram replied with a shrug.

Standing in between the taps, the fairy leapt into the basin while the water was pouring, just wading in the clean water while she watched him. A snicker could be heard at Ram's remark. Cerulean orbs stared up at the brunette, not bothering to look elsewhere.

"Boys get tired after sex? I suppose girls do as well, but I think we prefer to be clean before we nap," she answered, "I guess I could nap with you after this. Maybe. If I can stand how dirty you are."

"I mostly sweat a bit. Not exactly the same. But I can wash up a bit before we nap together. A short shower," he rambled on. 

Ram began rubbing soap-lathered digits on Rosie’s figure, somewhat teasing her but indeed removing any fluids from around her body after it was rinsed, aiding himself in it with the faucet still pouring warm water itself.

"Anyway, I guess we could nap together. You could fly out the window afterwards?"

“Yes, I can fly out the window afterwards. I won't be able to stay here for long, but I really enjoyed your company."

Her body was wet, becoming clean and free from sperm. Even her chin-length pink hair appeared wet, also being washed with the same soap as her small body. Raising her arms, Rosie lifted her arms so Ram could rub the soap around her torso and sides clearly and thoroughly. Her nostrils twitched as she inhaled the soap's scent, and when she exhaled, she made a remark. Her eyes closed while she smelled the soap.

"I love lavender," she stated, "It's a good plant to make one fall asleep. I wonder why you chose this fragrance." 

“I’m pleased you do.”

When the time came, Rosie slept with Ram on his queen-sized bed by the window, sleeping on his shoulder. Her time in Springmarsh was well spent for the morning, and yet, Rosie was eager to see what other interactions she could gather from across the marsh. 

Written by TristyPixie
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