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Ancestry - Part 1

"A man searching for his ancestors in Sweden happens upon a woman who is also searching for something"

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After going through a horrible divorce where I lost my house, my car and the right to see my son for more than once a month, I decided to look into my ancestry. I’m over six feet tall with broad shoulders. My hair is blonde and I have blue eyes. My last name is Kallberg, first name Hans. They are both Swedish names and my family came over in the mid nineteenth-century. Originally they were farmers in the province of Dalarna. By car it takes about four hours from Stockholm to Mora which is one of the larger towns in the area. My family came from a small village called Ek, or Oak in English.

After spending a few months on the internet and hundred of phone calls I finally tracked down one of my family members who was still alive. He was a man in his mid eighties and named Karl. His English was passable, both spoken and written. He invited me over for a couple of weeks during the summer and told me that the family farm still stood, even though no one had lived there for at least twenty years. He came by as often as his old body would let him, which was once a month to make sure no one had broken in or lived there illegally.

When I arrived in Mora he was at the bus station waiting for me. I had come by bus from Stockholm and he had driven down in an old yellow Volvo. It was in mid June and the weather was very pleasant. While we drove back to Ek he told me a bit about the area and the history. I knew most of it from reading on the internet, but I let the old man talk. It felt like he was a lonely man and liked the company I gave him.

Ek turned out to be a hamlet and not a village. There was a small church made of wood, a school, two grocery stores, one of them was also the post office and the other functioned as an off licensee. When I asked Karl about that he explained that in Sweden you can only buy low alcohol beer in a grocery shop, and if you want wine or spirits you had to go to a government owned shop and buy it. Since Ek was so small there was no such place, but you could order the bottles from Mora and the grocery store served as the place to make the order and pick up your bottles. I was thirsty so I asked him to stop so I could buy a drink.

From outside it had looked tiny, but the shop was bigger than I had thought and was filled with all kinds of things, not only food. You could buy books, fishing gear, some clothes and so on. It looked like an old General Store from the Wild West. I located a cooler and took out a bottle of water, but when I got to the counter to pay there was no one there. I waited a minute, and then called out. “Hello?”

I heard a voice who spoke a few words which I didn’t understand, so I waited. Then I heard footsteps and then a head with blonde hair walked up to me behind a shelf. The head belonged to a young woman who smiled at me and said something in Swedish.

“Sorry, I only speak English,” I said.

“Oh, has the tourist season already begun,” she said with a smile.

“I guess. I’m here because my family was originally from this area.”

She rang up my water and asked. “What’s your last name?”


She put my bottle in a bag and handed it over to me. “There is a Karl Kallberg, I see him sometimes out by the old farm. I have to bicycle past it on my way to and from work.”

“He is the one who picked me up.”

“He is such a nice man. I hope I’ll see you again.”

I hope so too, I thought to myself. She was an outstanding example of the female sex. She was wearing jeans that sat perfect on her. On top she had a simple white blouse with a wide neck. Her face was angular with a small nose. Her eyes were blue like mine and her blonde hair was long and slightly curly. What had most attracted me was the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could clearly see her nipples touch the fabric of her blouse.

“What do you think?” said Karl.

I drank some of my water and said, “About what?”

Karl smiled and gave me a sideways look. We were driving on an overgrown dirt track between tall pines and leaf trees. “About Annie, of course.”

“The girl in the shop?”

“That’s the one.”

I played it cool. “She was very polite.”

“Mm, she usually is.”

The way he had said it made me wonder what he was after. “Why do you ask?”

The track was really bad and when we hit a pot hole I spilled some water on my pants and shirt.

“Nothing, she is just, how do you say, special.”

“She didn’t seem retarded.”

Karl looked confused, and I guessed he didn’t understand the word, so I gestured to my head.

“No, no, her head is fine. Her heart is not.”

I was too tired from the long flight to get into a complicated medical discussion with Karl so I drank my water in silence. We drove on for another fifteen minutes until the track ended in an open space about the size of a baseball field. I sat up straight. The area was covered in grass and surrounded by trees on three sides. On the opposite side from where we were stood a big two story building painted red with white corners and window frames.

“Wow, it’s big,” I said.

“You had a big family. Sometimes up to fifteen people would live here. Only the main building remains, the others have rotten away over the years.”

He put the car in gear and drove across the open space and parked in front of a set of wide stairs leading up to the front door. We got out and I followed him up the stairs.

When Karl opened the door my first reaction came from the smell, or better, the lack of it. I had assumed the place would stink of mildew and rot, but it smelled fresh and dry. The second thing I noticed was that it was clean. The wood floor was polished; the walls were covered in wallpaper, old, but in very good shape. There was no dust in the corners or any other dirt.

“Who cleans it?”


I was surprised. “Why would she do that?”

“Come, I will tell you, but first, we make coffee.”

I wasn’t a big coffee drinker and I asked if there was any tea. He looked at me like if I was insane, and said. “You are in Sweden, we drink coffee.”

I followed him inside and found myself in a large living room with windows on two sides and in front of us were a staircase leading up and a door. Karl pointed at the stairs. “Eight bedrooms and three bathrooms on the second floor.”

He opened the door and when we walked through I found myself in a large kitchen. The fridge looked like something from the eighties and so did the stove. There was an antique wood stove against the short wall.

“Both stoves work, I suggest you use the electric one, the other has problems with the smokestack. I think there is a bird’s nest in it, but I am too old to get up there and clean it.”

I sat down at the long wood table. There was a bench on one side also made of wood and six chairs on the other side. I watched Karl while he made the coffee. He was slow, but knew where everything was. He must have felt my stare because he turned around. “I bought some basic things for you, and left it here. You might want to go to the store in a couple of days.”

“Oh, thank you. How do I get to the store?”

“Walk, or use the bicycle I left you locked behind the house. Here are the keys.”

He handed me a set of keys, which after I looked at them contained not only the key for the bike but for the house too.

When the coffee was ready he placed two mugs of the black brew on the table and a plate of cookies with some red jelly in the middle. He took a cookie and dipped it in the coffee and shoved the whole thing in his mouth and chewed slowly. I sipped my coffee and remembered why I didn’t like it.

“Do you recall that I told you no one has lived here in twenty years?” he said after sipping from his mug.


“Well, that wasn’t completely true. There were some people living here about a year ago.”

“Who were they and what happened?”

He sighed and dunked another cookie in his coffee. When he had swallowed it, he said. “I don’t know all the details, but there were ten of them, five couples and they moved up from Stockholm. Apparently they were some kind of sect that believed in free love.”

“All right, that sound fantastic,” I said, thinking about my own shitty sex life.

He nodded his head slowly, like if he knew what I was thinking. “Not so fantastic. One of the men became jealous and killed another man. The man who died was Annie’s fiancé.”

“Oh, and what happened to the killer?”

“He was arrested, and sent to jail. The other members moved back to Stockholm, but Annie stayed. She once told the woman in the café that she wanted to stay where, Frank, which was her fiancées name, spirit lived. Since then she has lived in a small house in the forest some ten minutes from here by foot.”

“So that’s why she cleans the house, to be close to her husband?”

Karl shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe, I don’t understand such things. All I know is that behind the happy smile and polite front, she is sad.”

He finished his coffee and stood. “I’m leaving. Like I told you, there is food in the fridge and a couple of bottles of beer and wine. I didn’t know if you drank, but around here there isn’t much else to do.”

I thanked him for his help and when he got into his car I closed the door and turned around. It was time to explore my ancestor’s home.


I began upstairs with the bedrooms. Seven of them were the same size and had the same furniture. There was a king size bed, a wardrobe, a desk with a chair and a lamp. They were all impeccably clean. The last bedroom was much bigger and the bed was not your standard king size. It was round with pillars on four sides, and a ceiling. It looked like something out of a fairy tail. I lay down on it and as I suspected there were mirrors above me. I lay there for a while listening to the silence. There were sounds coming from outside, birds mostly and the buzzing of a bee bouncing of a window close to me, but the house was dead silent. I got up and checked out the bathrooms. All clean and pretty much standard. The living room like I said was furnished and looking closely I saw it all came from IKEA, which made me smile. I had had some furniture from that company in my house. Now my ex bitchy wife had them.

There was a big book case next to the entrance door with a double door on it. When I opened them there was a plasma TV and a sound system. I turned on the TV and looked for a channel I could understand. I got CNN and left the remote on the table in front of the sofa group. I went back to the kitchen and did a quick inventory, meats, cheeses, ham, bread, milk, and more fucking coffee, all the things I would need, but no tea. I sighed and checked my watch. It was ten to four in the afternoon. The shop would be open, and it would give me an opportunity to talk to Annie again. She interested me.

To my surprise the bike Karl had left me was not an old iron thing from the last century, but a pretty new looking Mountain Bike. I got on it and headed out across the open space and into the woods.

It took me half an hour to get to Ek, which wasn’t bad considering I was out of shape and hadn’t used a bike in a long time. I made it to the grocery store and when I walked in Annie was talking to two elderly women. I browsed the shelves and picked up two boxes of Lipton Yellow and some snacks for the evening. Karl hadn’t left me any chips or other unhealthy food. When the women had left I walked up to the counter with my things. “Hi!”

She smiled and rang up the items. “It’s nice to see you again, and so soon.”

“I don’t like coffee and Karl didn’t leave any tea.”

“What about these?” she said and held up two big bags of BBQ flavored chips.

“Guilty, I like my snacks, and since I’m using a bike I can stay fit.”

Her eyes ran over me, top to bottom. “You look pretty fit for a man your age.”

I made a face. “I’m only forty five, but thanks anyway.”

She rang up the last item and put everything in a bag. “Like I said, at your age you need to be careful about what you eat. High cholesterol can lead to heart problems.”

“Yes, doctor,” I said and looked down.

“You know what’s good for your heart?”

“Exercise, I suppose.”

She gave me a wink, and leaned over the counter. “Sex and lots of it.”

I just stared at her. Was she coming on to me? She couldn’t be more than half my age, tops. I had heard Swedish girls were hot, but this was too much. I regained my composure, and said. “Well, I would, but I’m single at the moment.”

She looked down at my hand that was on the counter. “That looks like the mark from a wedding ring.”

“A divorce and it took me a long time to accept it. I just took the ring off a couple of months ago.”

“Sorry about that, then I guess sex is out of the question, at least for the moment.”

“I guess so. Ek doesn’t seem to be a place full of young women looking for middle aged men.”

She laughed and her teeth were perfect and white. She looked beautiful when she laughed and the sound of it was like nothing I had heard in a long time.

“Anyway, I won’t be here long enough for a relationship. By the way, you don’t happen to have a bottle of whiskey or vodka somewhere?”

She thought for a second, and without a word disappeared down the shelves. I heard a door open and close. A couple of minutes later it opened and closed again and I could see her blonde head move towards me behind a shelf. When she was visible she was carrying two bottles.

“I got whiskey, but no vodka. Will Gin do?”

I couldn’t believe my luck. After what Karl had told me I was sure she wouldn’t have any. She must have noticed the surprise, and said. “These belong to Mr. Jarlsson, but he is an alcoholic and shouldn’t drink. I’ll just tell him they messed up in Mora and his bottles didn’t arrive.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Have a nice evening, and come back soon.”

When I came back home after carefully bringing my bottles and other goods back on the bike I made myself a long drink with Whiskey, ice and water. When I had looked for the bike I found that on the back of the house there was a deck with some chairs and a table made out of planks. I sat down and enjoyed the evening wondering what it had been like to live there two hundred years ago. I must have drifted off when I heard someone call my name. I opened my eyes and looked around. Then I saw Annie straddling her bicycle. She was maybe fifty yards from me and I realized there was another track in the forest. She waved at me and I got up and then walked through the undergrowth and made it to where she was.

“Hi, did you have a nice snooze?” she said.

I looked back to the house and it was impossible that she could have seen that I had my eyes closed. “How did you know?”

“I heard you, you snore loudly.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No need to be, I guess it’s a good way to keep the wolves away.”

I looked around. No one had told me about wolves. “Are you sure?”

She giggled. “You are safe. No one has seen one in years. I have been told that years ago, it was quite common to hear them at night, but not any longer. It’s kind of sad, you know.”

Hell no, I thought. The fewer wolves I had in my backyard the happier I was.

“Would you like to come for dinner,” she asked.

“We hardly know each other.”

“Then it’s even better. What’s the point having a dinner conversation with a person you already know?”

I thought about what she had said, and she did have a point. And having dinner with Annie would be much better than eating alone.

“Sure, let me lock up and pick up my bicycle.”

“Just bring your keys, it’s not far.”

I grabbed them and a bottle of wine and after locking up, I ran back to her. “What time is it?” I asked.

“Seven thirty.”

We were walking among the trees and it was still very light. The sun shone down threw the crowns and left shadows on the ground. “What time does it get dark around here?”

“During the summer, around ten, but it doesn’t really turn into night. The light just dies a little, but you can still see well enough to walk back.”

I followed behind her and took the opportunity to check out her ass. In my opinion, there are two kinds of men, the ass men and the boob men. I am defiantly an ass man. When I was in my teens I liked big boobs, but the girl’s ass was what turned me on. Annie had a small round ass. At first glance it could be a man’s ass. She didn’t have the rounded hips most women have. Not that she was manly in any way; she just didn’t have the typical female hips. Up front, as I already knew, she was just fine.

We walked and talked for ten minutes and then we reached a clearing.

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Her cabin looked like something out of a Brothers Grimm story. Low roof and squat, I thought a witch would come out any moment or that the cabin was made out of gingerbread. There were flower beds on either side of the door and in long urns along the windowsills. Red, yellow, and purple were the prominent colors. Even at this time in the evening I could hear bees and bumble bees. I followed her along a narrow path that twisted and turned among the flower beds. She left her bike leaning against the house and opened the door with her key.

“Welcome to my home.”

She stepped aside and I walked in. The place was small. The living room was so tiny it hardly fitted the sofa and the one arm chair it contained. There was a small TV set and a few books lined up on the floor next to it.

“It’s not much, but it’s mine,” she said behind me.

“It’s adorable, like something out of a fairy tail.”

“Thanks, there is a bathroom and one bedroom. If you need the bathroom, it’s over there,” she pointed to a corner where I could see a door.

“Okay. What are you cooking, something typically Swedish?”

She took my hand and led me into the kitchen to the left and swung me around so I sat down on a wood chair next to a round table in the same material. There was only one other chair. I figured she didn’t entertained many guests and if she did, they would arrive one by one.

“Nothing special, some roasted potatoes and beef with onions, very healthy.”

“Sounds good.”

“Open the wine bottle while I cook and pour me a glass. There are glasses over there, above the sink.”

I opened the cupboard and was surprised. Apart from normal drinking glasses there were some very fancy wine glasses. I took one out, and said. “These are really nice.”

She turned to me where she was standing by the stove. “Yeah, they belonged to my late fiancé. He was a wine collector. I have over a hundred bottles stored in the little house you saw outside.”

When she mentioned it, I did remember seeing a shack outside. I had thought it was for gardening tools. “Oh, you mean the shack.”

She laughed. “That’s the one. It looks that way because I don’t want nosy people in there. It is actually a wine cellar. Some of the bottles are worth over a $1000.”

“Aren’t you afraid someone will find out and try to steal the collection?”

“Good luck with that. Under the wood is ten inches of steel and concrete. There is an expensive alarm system hooked up directly to a private security firm. In any case, people around here don’t drink wine; they are more into beer and schnapps.”

While she cooked I went out to the living room with my glass. I found some photos on the coffee table next to the sofa and I figured it was her parents. The books on the floor were best sellers, and all paperbacks. I had read a few of them and I smiled when I realized we had the same taste in authors. On the wall behind the sofa was a photo of a young man, maybe in his early thirties. He had longish hair and stubble on his cheeks and chin. His eyes were piercing green and he had a funny smile on his face. Like if he knew something I didn’t.

“That’s Frank, my fiancé.”

I turned and Annie was leaning against the door post with her glass in her hand. The sun was coming in through the window in the kitchen and lit up her hair. The light also shone through her blouse and I could see the silhouette of her boobs. They looked tasty, I thought.

“Oh, did you break up?” I said, not wanting to let her know Karl had told me about him.

“No, he is dead. Come and sit down, dinner is ready.”

The food was excellent and when we finished eating the bottle was also empty. “I should have brought another,” I said.

“Not to worry. If you do the dishes and I will get another one from the shack.”

She left and I collected the dirty plates and by the time I was done, I heard the entrance door open and close.

“Here we go; I hope you’ll like it.”

I took the bottle from her and looked at the label. It was from some château in Bordeaux, France. I had never heard about the place, but I uncorked it and served. When I drank it, a smile grew on my face. “Wow, this is amazing.”

She sipped a little of the wine. “Yeah, it’s quite nice, I like the fruity ending.”

“The what?” I said and drank some more.

“Doesn’t matter, but I should tell you this, drink it slowly, it’s worth about $500 a bottle.”

“Holy shit, I’m sorry; I didn’t want you to take the last bottle.”

She laughed, and said. “Don’t worry; I have twelve more of this label.”

She walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. She pulled up her legs under her ass and I followed, but sat down in the armchair. “If you don’t mind me asking, but how did Frank die?”

“He was murdered in the house you live in.”

I knew that he had been killed, but not that it happened where I was staying. “Really, was it a robbery gone bad?”

“No. She looked at her watch. “Okay, I will tell you the entire story about how I ended up here, but first, tell me, who is the rightful owner of the house, you or Karl?”

“I’m. I come from a line closer to the original owners. Karl is off on a branch with third and fourth cousins. Why?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

She leaned back in the sofa and closed her eyes, and then she opened them. She took a deep breath and told me her story.


She began by telling me about her family. She had a sister that was a few years younger and still lived in Stockholm. From what I gathered she came from an upper middle class family where the father kept a tight leash on his daughters. Her mother was pretty much a ghost in the household, cooking and cleaning, that sort of thing. Annie had gone to University to study social science and there she had met Frank during her second year. He was three years older and very exciting. He had lived in France, Africa, and Asia. They began dating and it didn’t take long before she was deeply in love with him. He would take her out, buy her flowers, and pick her up at home and so on.

Her father was not happy about the situation because he felt there was something off with the young man. After a huge argument, Annie packed her bags and moved into Frank’s apartment. They would sit up late at night trying wine and talking. He came from a wealthy family, but had little contact with them. His father would deposit money into his account without asking what he used it for. Annie didn’t pay much attention at first, but when she found a receipt from a strip bar for several thousands Kronor she confronted him. He said he was sorry, but that he was a free spirit who needed to have new partners often, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love her.

At this point I figured the guy was a fake and just using her for his own sexual needs, but it turned out he had big plans. Annie continued and told me that a week after the fight he had asked her to sit down with him and listen to an idea he had. Frank wanted to rent a house somewhere off the grid and live with four other couples in a commune. They would share the work around the house and each other’s partners. At first, Annie was against the idea, not wanting another man touching her, but Frank was insistent. After two weeks she agreed and he went to work.

When they first moved in everything was great. They all helped out and at night they would have group sex or just change partners. In the beginning Annie was shy and didn’t want to be part of it, but with the emotional support and a little prodding from Frank she eventually went along. After her first group sex session, she was hooked. She had never felt so alive before in her life. She and the others would walk around naked in the house and if you felt like being fucked, you just had to ask, or if someone needed their pussy licked or cocked sucked, you did them the favor.

I couldn’t believe what she was telling me, why didn’t something like that ever happen to me? My sexual adventures were limited to my ex wife, and three other women over the last twenty five years, pretty lame.

Then came the day when it all ended. Frank had asked Annie and another girl to try to pick up people in Ek and other surrounding villages. He wanted a bigger group of people around the house to share sexual experiences with. Annie and Veronica had met a young couple in a café in a town called Vestervik. They made arrangements to meet again and little by little they brought up the idea about swinging. They couple agreed to visit the house after two weeks of grooming. When they arrived they were treated to a lot of good food and wine. When it was time for sex the man was very drunk.

His girlfriend was also tipsy and after one of the full time residents flirted with her, she disappeared into a bedroom with him. The boyfriend was talking and drinking in the living room, but when he realized she wasn’t there he went looking. He found her and she was being fucked in the ass by one guy and blowing another. The boyfriend threw a fit and ran out to his car. When he came back he had a shotgun in his hands. Frank stepped up to him to try to avoid a terrible thing and was shot in the chest and died on the spot. When the police arrived, they found a group of naked and very shocked young people. The boyfriend was arrested, and the rest drove back to Stockholm the next day, all except Annie.


“Why did you decide to stay?” I asked.

She took a sip from her wine glass and adjusted her position. When she put the glass down, she said. “I guess I wanted to be close to him. His grave is in Stockholm, but I know his soul is here, somewhere, maybe in the house.”

I cleared my throat. “I understood from Karl that you are the person who cleans it.”

“Yes, and that’s why I asked you who owned it. I need a big favor.”

She looked lovely on the sofa. A little tipsy and her blouse had slipped down a bit over her shoulder, and I could see the beginning of the swelling of her boobs. How could I say no to her? “Sure, what is it?”

“In that house there is a suitcase hidden, and I want it back.”

I sat up a bit straighter. “What’s in it?”

“Videos, tapes of what we did in that house before everything went to shit.”

“Oh, sex tapes?”

She gave me a look and I regretted what I had just said. “Sorry, go on.”

“Yes, they are sex tapes, but so much more for me. Those tapes contain footage of Frank, and that’s all I have apart from the photo on the wall. I have spent a year trying to find the suitcase but since I can only be there for an hour at the time I haven’t had the time to look properly. Please let me in for a few days in a row. Maybe you could help me?”

I thought about having her around a few days and the idea sounded very good. “Sure, when do you want to start?”

“I’m off tomorrow, but I have other things to do. What about the weekend?”

Today was Tuesday, so it would be three days from now. “Sounds good, just come by anytime, I’ll be around.”

I was almost falling asleep. The trip had really knocked me out and she must have noticed it because she said. “Go home, you need rest. I’ll call you on Friday if I don’t see you before.”

She gave me a kiss on the cheek before I left and she smelled good. On the way through the forest I cursed my body for not being stronger so I could have spent more time with her. Seducing her was not possible at the moment. She was too hooked on Frank still. But maybe, just maybe if she got the suitcase and some closing, I could get into her panties. Yeah, I know. I’m a pig.


The next day I took my bike and rode to the church. I figured I could look up some of my family members in the old archives.

When I arrived, I found the priest, who turned out to be a woman in her late fifties outside. She was pruning rose bushes and looked up when I parked my bike. She said something in Swedish and I answered. “Sorry, I am an American doing research on my family.”

“How interesting, please come in.”

I followed her inside and found the church empty. The benches were old and had darkened over the years and the altar was very simple. The priest went over to a big bookcase. “What is your last name?”


She ran her hand over the back of the thick volumes and when she came to the fourth she took it out. After flipping some pages she waved me over. “Here is the last entry, a Mr. Karl Kallberg, born right here.”

“I know him; I contacted him over the internet.”

“I have a few things to do, but as you see, his parents names are written down, so all you have to do is to cross reference them between the different books.”

I thanked her and sat down on one of the benches with a couple of logs. It was tedious work but after a couple of hours I had tracked back to the eighteenth century, about a hundred years before the first Kallberg arrived in North America. I collected my notes and put the logs back.

“Thank you so much, I might be back later this week.”

She was watering the rose bushes now and gave me a smile. “You are always welcome.”


On the way back I remembered it was Annie’s day off so I turned onto the track that led to her house. When I arrived, I saw her bike outside so I assumed she was at home. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I walked among the flower beds until I reached the shack, but that was locked as well. I stood there in the sunshine thinking about where she could be when I remembered she told me there was a natural pool some twenty yards behind the shack. She had told me that on warm days she would go there for a dip. I made my way through the undergrowth and trees and after a while I arrived at a clearing. I heard splashing and was about to call out her name when I noticed a pile of clothes thrown against a tree. Was she naked? I sneaked up closer and hid behind a fallen tree trunk.

Carefully I lifted my head above it. She was swimming in the clear water and when she reached the roc wall she turned and swam back the same way she had come, but on her back. I was not far from her and once in a while, her nipples showed above the water, small and pink. She turned and swam back, this time in a slow crawl. When she arrived, she climbed up on the smooth rocks and stood up. Using her hands, she wiped the water of her body and stood there in the sunlight. Her skin was a little tanned, but there were no tan lines so she sunbathed naked.

Her boobs were bigger than I had first thought, and beautifully shaped. When she turned in my direction I saw her pussy and she had a string of hair above her clit. She bent down and brushed something of her foot. I cursed her for not having her ass my way when she did it. My cock came alive and pressed against my jeans. I was slightly uncomfortable lying on the ground so I adjusted my position. Suddenly there was a sharp crack. I had broken a small branch under me.

“Who’s there?” she called.

I lay still behind the trunk, praying she wouldn’t see me. My heart was beating hard and I was sweating.

“Hans, is that you? Please come out, I’m not angry.”

I took a deep breath and lifted my head above the trunk and waved one hand. “Hi, sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

“Get up from there and join me.”

I did what she said, but realized there was no way I could walk to where she was on the other side. “Why don’t you come over here?” I said.

“The sun is here. Don’t be a prude. Take your clothes off and swim over.”

I looked at her and decided it was best to do what she asked. I took my clothes off, but kept my boxers on. Then I jumped in. The water was cold but after a few seconds I got used to it. When I arrived at the rock she was sitting on she gave me her hand and helped me up.

“Isn’t it nice here with the sun shining, and warming our bodies?”

I tried not to look at her boobs, or pussy. But the way she was sitting, cross legged on the rock it was hard not to. Her eyes were closed and her face turned to the sun. I chanced a quick glance and what I saw made my cock move.

Her pussy was beautiful. Her inner lips invisible and her outer looked swollen and ready to be kissed. Her small nipples were still hard after the cold water and her boobs were full and round. I swallowed hard, trying not to stare at her.

“It’s okay Hans; you can look, but not touch.”

“I wasn’t looking,” I said, feeling stupid.

She turned her head away from the sun and looked at me. “Are you gay?”


“Then you were looking at me. I take no offense, and I don’t mind men looking at me, as long as they keep their hands and cocks to themselves.”

I had nothing to say to that, so I did what she did, closed my eyes and turned my face to the sun. We must have sat there for half an hour before she spoke. “I’m ready to leave, if you are.”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, blinking hard against the bright light.

We got up but before we dove into the water, she took hold of my arm. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For respecting my wishes.” She looked down at my boxers where my cock was pressing against the fabric and continued. “You are a big man, and maybe one day, we could have some fun.”

Then she dove into the water and I was left standing like a fool with my cock hard and only Annie’s pussy on my mind.


Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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