The soft pitter-patter of rain, accompanied by a steady, heavier plop-plop-plop outside, enshrouded the room in isolation. Outside, nature raged and stormed, as if to ward off its two children inside the sheltered space. The room, untroubled by intrusion, was cast in the orange light of the few candles, that had not yet consumed themselves.
Previously, there had been quite the number of little flames, each burning brightly and merrily performing their unsteady dance. Although the ambitious ones among them certainly tried, none burned brighter than the flame between the two, currently laying motionless and entangled inside the soft bed.
It had started, as the brightest and most violent fires do, with a vapor, that caught a spark. His face inches away from her neck, he had smelt her heady scent. The electrical sensation coursing through his veins whenever he looked at her, had been enough to spark the burning desire inside him. He had looked into her eyes and seen a reflection of himself. He did not see his own clear cut features or the color of his eyes in hers, however, but rather the abstract. Within her eyes, he had found the same burning fire, threatening to consume her, if she did not act upon it.
Her lips, heated by desire, trembled below his soft touch, the unsteady rhythm not unlike the tiny flickering flames around them. For a moment, time had seemed to freeze. A tableau of anticipation, uncomfortable to the observer, like an unresolved cadence. Then, as if time was hurrying to catch up, he seized her face with surprising speed, or perhaps she was simply too focused upon his finger to notice his other hand moving up to her cheeks.
He kissed her, soft and steadily, his big hands framing her delicate face. Their tongues intermingled, as if playfighting, pushing, pulling, prodding, and testing. She was so focused on the giving and receiving, the subtle assertions of power, that she failed to notice the obvious ones. His hands had dropped from her face, falling onto her shoulder and seizing her closer, her bare breasts now resting against his chest. She broke free with a low moan, her head swirling with a thousand thoughts at once, and saw that they had crept up her neck, firmly encircling its delicateness.
He pushed her down, now on top of her, with his hands still firmly on her neck, and his lips and tongue steadily exploring the soft curves of her neck and shoulders. She started with a small cry of protest, her hands digging further into his hair, as he bit her, right where her shoulder met her neck. He squeezed a little more tightly and the cry turned into a purr, his kisses upon her neck appearing more pronounced than ever.
Each one left a burning imprint upon her and excited her more. Her breathing intensified, her nipples now rubbing themselves against his warm chest, producing a rather pleasant sensation. He had felt them harden too. Now, his hands moved down her shoulders, across the sides of her chest, all the way down to her waist, firmly holding her down, before lingering ever so slightly above her belly button, before cupping her tits. He was rubbing them, massaging them, squeezing them, each brush of his long fingers against her nipples sending waves of pleasure and excitement through her body.
By now, she had become quite aware of the hot wetness running down her thighs, her pussy sorely neglected. She wished for his touch, all over her body, but especially down between her legs. As if he had infected her with a fever, that showed no signs of illness but still produced a madness of thoughts and a sensation inside her body, that seemed to burn her alive with pleasure, she moaned and twisted underneath his touch.
She was longing, yearning, wishing for him to pay attention to her most sensitive part. Surely, he had not failed to notice how she kept rubbing it against his leg, whimpering while she did. His hands moved down her body, towards her hips once again. With a quick pull, he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. His hands upon her thighs, he quickly spread her all too willing legs apart and revealed her pussy, glistening with desire. His lips lightly touched hers, a quick shudder already seizing her legs. Deftly, his fingers found her most sensitive spots, brushing against them to elicit the briefest of sensations, rubbing them, to torture her with pleasure, and exposing them, to his skillful tongue.

Her moans drove him to an even more enthusiastic performance, her chest now rising and falling in the same rhythm as his tongue. He reached for her tits, grabbing them and pressing her down on the bed at the same time, as his tongue found her clit and the two connected, just as their eyes had done earlier. She was running her hands through his hair, all worries and problems swept from her mind, as her thoughts swirled on and on. Unable to catch any one of them, she simply decided to scream, to moan, to pound the sheets with her fists, as she shuddered and twitched.
Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. She lay there, blinking as if blinded by sudden sunlight, dazzled by the intense coloration of his eyes, now only inches away from her. He pulled her in for a quick kiss and before she knew it, she felt herself being dragged upwards by her hair.
Now, she was face to face with his throbbing manhood, the intricate details of it that so plainly marked it as familiar as hers, all too clear. Still shaking, her fumbling hands found his cock, running her fingers up and down his shaft, as her mouth tentatively found his head. She could feel it twitching and growing ever harder inside her and yearned for nothing more than to feel it inside her, but she knew this was not the way things were done. And so she continued running her lips up and down his head, her tongue finding and tracing the prominent vein that ran along his dick.
Going deeper, she traced it with the top of her tongue until she, at last, reached his base. His dick now filled her throat and the pulsating feeling of it throbbing so deeply inside her drove her almost mad. He gave a long deep groan and pushed her towards him all the more firmly, as she felt herself getting lightheaded and dizzy. Painfully aware that it was now getting difficult to breathe, she prolonged the moment of eventual departure as long as she could, unwilling to give up the pleasure of being filled for the emptiness and the yearning that were soon to follow.
Panting, she fell down backwards, towards the bed. His arms caught her and suspended her in mid-air, as he bent down to kiss her. Pulling her closer, he sat her down on his dick, the sudden sensation almost stunning her reeling mind. She began to wiggle her hips, spreading her legs to allow him deeper access into herself. His mind exploded with the pleasure, that her pussy provided him, his heart racing madly as it realized that it was so close to its counterpart. She had a beatific smile upon her face, as she sat on her throne, her chest glistening with sweat and the rising and falling of her tits was almost hypnotic.
Stunned as he was, by this display of beauty, he soon began to thrust inside her, unable to contain himself. The perfect length for each other, his dick just barely pushed past her cervix, eliciting a little gasp of surprise each time he parted the small opening and forced himself deeper inside her. Their hands running up and down each other's bodies, each feature as familiar as it was refreshing, they soon lost themselves in their love play. Time ceased to exist, the only measure of it being the next thrust and the regular moans and groans that soon became more rapid.
Frantically scrambling for her hands, interlocking his fingers with hers and pulling her closer to him, he locked eyes with her. Unable to break the gaze, they stared deep into each other's souls and knew, that at this point, they were one, as he spilled his seed inside her and her legs gave a tremendous shiver, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through her body. As she fell forwards onto his chest, still shuddering madly from the ecstasy that threatened to burst the veins that it flowed through, he wrapped his arms around her and gently lowered them both onto the bed.
And as the last candles burned down, their once so bright flames unable to hold the darkness at bay, they knew, that their love would guide them through it forever.
In admiration and dedication.