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Adventure In Arizona

"A Stopover on Vacation"

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Jane and I have finally found the time and money to take the USA “Road Trip” we've always talked about. We have been a couple, though not completely exclusive, for several years now, and we are feeling (too?) comfortable in our home in London.

Jane is a very attractive young woman, dark-haired and (to my eyes) sultry. She is tall and shapely, and makes even the cheapest, dullest clothes look ultra-fashionable. I think she could have been a model, but I am glad she is not! She already attracts enough attention to divert her from me on occasion, but usually with another woman.

I am Simon, and established as a senior partner in a business in London. I rarely take holidays and work too hard, I think, but that history gives me the entitlement to extended sabbatical leave, which I now call upon.

An inheritance has allowed us to take three months out from work, and fly to the US- we have purposely NOT made detailed plans and schedules, preferring to wander more freely, though of course there are many highlights we want to take in somehow. We want to visit LA, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Chicago, New York and so many other familiar-sounding places in between! The only 'plan' we have is to fly from London to LAX, hire a car, and wander across the continent to New York, from where we will fly home.

The whole trip is an adventure, of course, but the real drama begins when our car breaks down near Tucson. We have already spent some time in LA, recovering from the very long flight, then some time in San Francisco. From there, we visited the Sequoia National Park, and drove through Death Valley, to spend a short time in Las Vegas. Then of course, we had to visit the Grand Canyon, and after that we decided to head down to Phoenix, to see the desert which features in so many films.

We are on a fairly remote desert road, when the hire car slowly cruises to a halt! It had survived a journey through Death Valley, where road signs had advised us to turn off Air Con to save battery and strain, but there are no such warnings here. We have no idea what the problem is with the car really, but we are in a remote spot with little or no passing traffic, limited water in the heat, and of course, our mobiles are almost out of charge! We have obviously been very naïve in our preparations for driving through desert areas.

We don't have much time to panic, though, as a car soon pulls up alongside us, and the driver asks whether we are in some trouble. The driver is an attractive woman in dark sunglasses, with red wavy shoulder-length hair, above a lightweight shift dress, entirely suited to the climate. When we explain our difficulty, she immediately offers us a lift to her nearby home; of course we accept her help gratefully.

We all introduce and explain ourselves as we drive, having loaded our cases into her trunk. She is called Tiffany, but goes by “Tiff”, and says how pleased she is to meet us. It seems her home is fairly remote, and she would welcome some company, as her husband is away on business- I suspect she would have been more doubtful about a single male, but Jane's presence seems to reassure her.

We are astonished when it turns out that she lives in a truly luxurious home, complete with pool, in the desert near Tucson. Her husband is no doubt away earning the sort of money necessary to fund such a property!

Tiff calls a local garage and establishes that they won't be able to recover the car until tomorrow at the earliest. We suggest that we should find a hotel in Tucson, but Tiff will not hear of it, and insists that we should stay in her Guest Room, beside the pool. We can hardly believe our luck, and her generosity, but obviously we welcome her offer, and over dinner, we exchange more information about ourselves.

It seems that Tiff is rather bored and lonely when her husband has to travel away, but realises that it has to be so. She has very few local friends of either sex, because of the remoteness of the property; privacy and seclusion may sound appealing, but can easily tip into isolation and loneliness.

We settle into easy conversation, lubricated by a few drinks, perhaps, and soon reveal more about ourselves. Tiff is fascinated by our open relationship, and in particular, how we maintain a committed partnership, while accepting occasional diversions. She wishes her husband would adopt such an attitude; it seems she suspects that he occasionally has 'affairs' on his trips away, and she is prepared to forgive that, but she thinks he would not tolerate any digression by her, however minor.

“You do seem like a very loving couple!” says Tiff. “It is a good balance you have, I think. It shows a deep trust in each other.”

“Simon is all I need, really,” you say, “but I have occasionally been tempted by my girlfriends. It is a very different experience, even though Simon is very skilled at oral sex; in fact, I think I learned how to go down on a girl from Simon, but somehow, a girl-on-girl full-body coupling triggers different feelings- its difficult to explain in words.”

Tiff seems slightly shocked at Jane's outspokenness. She draws a deep breath and says,” Well, no doubt you two are tired after your travels. Let me show you to your room; if there's anything you need, just ask.”

She shows us to a beautiful room, with sliding glass doors overlooking the pool, and a king-size bed, covered only with a light sheet. We thank her profusely and she leaves us alone, though we note that the door remains open. It seems rude to close it when she leaves, so we just ignore the fact.

It doesn't take long for us to strip off, and being so warm, there seems no need for any cover- we normally sleep nude anyway, and even a cotton sheet seems superfluous.

We stand naked at the glass doors, hardly able to believe our good luck, and look out at the subtly-lit pool. There is enough light for you to see that I am very aroused, and you smile as you begin to stroke my cock gently.

“Do you think Tiff would like this?” you say. “I know I do.”

“ Well, you're entitled,” I say, “ and I certainly wouldn't say 'no' to Tiff- she's a very attractive woman- but it would be rude to take advantage of her, especially when she is being so kind to us. She seemed more interested when you were talking about your girl-on-girl experiences, to be honest.”

“No,” you say, “ she was very interested in that, I admit, but I also caught her eyeing you up in a distinctly 'interested' way!”

We chuckle together, and cuddle full length, my erect cock pressing against your belly; you wriggle against me, grasping my ass to press me even harder against you.

I lead you to the bed and sit you on the edge, spreading your thighs, to kneel between them; before I can drop my head to nestle against your pussy, you bend your head low and whisper, “Simon, I think Tiff is outside the door! I don't know whether she can see us, but...”

“Well,” I say quietly, “it's her home, after all! If she can see, I'm happy to give her a good show, and if she can only hear us, I'm sure you'll be your usual vocal self!”

You grin and lie back, looking slyly towards the doorway for any signs of life, while I press your thighs wider apart, and slowly lick your shaven pussy lips, to enhance the moisture that is already naturally there.

I tease your dark outer lips apart with my tongue, then with my fingers, while my tongue probes more deeply between your inner folds. As I lift my head, and press back the hood to reveal your swollen clit, I think I hear a sharp intake of breath from the doorway. I hear another as I slowly insert one finger, then a second, inside your drooling vagina, and slide them in and out of you, curling them up to reach your most sensitive spot.

I clamp my mouth over your clit and suck it between my lips, then flicker my tongue all around. You are beginning to writhe on the bed, and I know that you will soon reach a climax, and probably noisily.

And so it is. You wrap your thighs around my head, threatening to crush my skull, and your hands press me against you, while you curse loudly again and again. You are shaking, and your pussy is fluttering, while your vagina clamps tightly onto my fingers, trembling and trying to hold them firmly inside you. You squeal very loudly.

I think I hear suppressed moans from the doorway; I am sure that Tiff is watching us.

I push you further up the bed and stand between your legs, while your tremors subside. Then I take your legs by the ankles, and raise them onto my shoulders, moving up the bed to bend you double beneath me; your ass is raised and your open pussy exposed to view from the doorway, as I lodge the swollen head of my cock inside the entrance to your dripping vagina.

Conscious of the 'show' I may be giving for Tiff, I very slowly press my cock, inch by inch, inside your welcoming pussy. Then I withdraw, equally slowly, feeling the shaft being coated in your glistening juices, ready for more serious thrusting to begin.

I hear distinct groans now, not only from you, but also from Tiff, as I move in and out, more and more firmly, and more and more quickly, until you are panting with anticipation of the inevitable finale. In this position, you can hardly move, and are held helpless beneath me.

You have to shout, “Simon, please, please cum...” and your red nails scratch firmly down my back, to my ass, as I pump rhythmically in and out of you, harder and harder.

I cannot delay any longer, and with two or three very hard and deep thrusts, I reach my own climax. That prompts another orgasm in you, and your pussy clenches tight around my cock as I pump cum deep up inside you. We both shout out loudly, and collapse together, as cum leaks from the junction between my cock and your vagina.

I think I hear suppressed squeals for the doorway, then movements away, and the closing of another door. I roll away from you, and we both giggle.

“I think she enjoyed that too, Simon.” you say. “Shall I ask her tomorrow?”

“No, no, that would be mean!” I say. “Let her think she was unnoticed. If we've impressed her enough, perhaps she will want to participate next time?”

“I'm sure she will want to,” you say, “but I think I will have to make the running tomorrow. Would you like to fuck her, Simon?” But I am already asleep.

The next morning, Tiff brings us fresh juice and breakfast breads to have by the pool.

We sit and talk, but it seems that Tiff is not going to mention anything about last night- the closest she comes to it is to ask if we were comfortable in the room, though something flashing at the back of her hazel eyes tells me that she wants to say so much more. It seems that she is really quite inhibited, but I think she is craving to be set free, if only temporarily.

Tiff has already been in touch with the garage, who will recover the car today, but they think it may be another day or two before they can fix or replace it. Again, we offer to move to a hotel, but she insists that we stay, and we happily agree.

Tiff suggests that we should all enjoy the pool in the sunshine today, and we go to our room to change into swimming costumes, while Tiff does likewise.

I ask you what you think we should do, and you say, “Don't worry, Simon. I will bring her out of her shell today. I'm sure she wants us to, but let me make a start.”

So I return to the pool and dive into the welcoming cool waters, while you and Tiff chatter animatedly about life, the universe and everything, but especially about men, women, and sex. I catch some scraps of the conversation, which certainly seems to be heating up, as it usually does when women talk in private.

I rest my arms on the side of the pool, and watch you take your bikini top off. Your breasts are medium sized, and firm, topped by dark brown walnut areolae, with hard nipples standing proud, above your flat belly and widening hips, spanned by the briefest of bikini panties. You look stunning, and I can tell that Tiff thinks so too.

She is more reticent than you about removing her bikini top, even here by her own pool, but I assume it is because of my presence. I swim away to leave you alone for a while, and return after a few lengths to find Tiff also topless, and you sitting alongside her with sun oil at the ready. Her breasts are full, with light pink areolae spreading around darker nipples, already erect.

You start by oiling her back, down to her bikini pants, then down the back of her thighs and calves. Tiff groans with the pleasure of your touch. I know how firm your massages can be, probing each and every muscle in turn, almost painfully.

I watch from the pool as you ask her to turn over, fully exposing her breasts. You start to massage sun oil around her breasts and belly, and I notice her appreciative glances at your firm breasts while you do so. She is oblivious to my presence now.

Even from the poolside, I can see dampness staining Tiff's panties between her parted thighs. Suddenly, she looks up at you and reaches out to cup and fondle one of your breasts, seeming fascinated by the weight and by the hardness of your nipple.

You look towards me and wink, as your hands move down to oil Tiff's thighs, which part willingly as you stroke upwards, ever closer to her pussy. You look into Tiff's eyes, and without a word being spoken, she lifts her ass from the sunbed, to allow you to remove her panties. Tiff seems quite oblivious to my presence now. You clamp your mouth firmly over Tiff's and give her a deep and passionate kiss.

I watch fascinated as you drop your head to take each of Tiff's nipples into your mouth in turn and suck on them, swirling your tongue around, as you soon will around her clit. You massage her breasts firmly as you play your mouth around them, then one hand slips down between her thighs and strokes her gently.

I see that she is waxed completely smooth, allowing her thick, dark pink outer lips to show as they swell into full bloom. Your fingers tease them apart, revealing her dark red inner lips, and her prominent clit, already hard and erect, begging for your touch.

Her hips begin to move in response to your stroking fingers, and now you move your mouth down too. It seems that if you did learn from me, then I have taught you well!

Tiff is pressing her pussy against you, and moaning more and more loudly. You stand and deftly remove your own bikini pants, exposing your own clean shaven pussy to Tiff, who instantly reaches out to touch.

“Do you want to sixty-nine?” you ask.

Tiff cannot form words any more, but nods vigorously and reaches out to grasp your hips on either side, pulling you towards her. You swing a practised leg over her, to give her full access to your pussy above her, while you press your mouth down on hers.

From the poolside, it is difficult to see the full detail, but clearly you are both enjoying yourselves immensely! I know it is not your first taste of pussy, but I am unsure about Tiff- I suspect it is something she has dreamt of, but never performed.

If so, she seems to relish her first taste, and attacks your pussy with gusto, while you take a more leisurely, practised approach. It seems to work for both of you though, and you are soon both gasping for breath as your hips buck wildly against mouths, tongues and fingers. You both have to break free to breathe, and Tiff shouts, “Fuck, fuck, FUCK!”

As you compose yourselves, and turn to lie side by side on the sunbeds, I lift myself out of the cool water and walk over towards you.

You smile up at me, and Tiff looks a little more sheepish, until she realises that she is now staring at my hard cock desperately trying to emerge from my trunks. Watching you both in action has been very arousing for me, and it is impossible to hide the fact.

You sit up on the sun lounger, your face level with my hips, and turn to Tiff, saying “Would you like to see Simon now, Tiff?”

She can only nod mutely, but here eyes remain fixed firmly on my bulging shorts while her head moves up and down.

You reach out to grasp the waistband of my shorts and ease them outwards away from my body. That allows the head of my cock to spring up into the sunlight, while you roll my wet shorts down my thighs, to fall to the ground.

“You can touch him, Tiff,” you say, “We both give you permission; I'm sure Simon will be happy for you to do as you wish...”

Tiff swallows hard and reaches out to touch my cock. “He is so hard!”, she says, “his cock is standing up flat against his belly! I don't think I have ever seen such a firm erection. My husband usually points outwards from his body, not upwards.”

I simply stand with my hands behind my back, allowing you and Tiff to do as you wish. Tiff traces the length of my cock with her hot pink nails, from the tip, slowly down the shaft, to the root, and cups my balls in her hands with a sigh.

You reach out to encircle the shaft with one hand, pulling the soft skin downwards, so that the head swells tight, the shiny red surface throbbing with pulsing blood. You force my cock downwards so that you can engulf the head with your red lips, and look up at me as you suck your cheeks inwards around me.

Tiff is still holding my balls, and gently squeezing them, while she closely watches you suck on me.

Suddenly, Tiff says, “I love to suck cock, Jane. May I try Simon too? I want to see how much of him I can take, if that's OK with you both.”

“Of course,” we both say, in unison, and you relinquish control of my cock to Tiff.

She raises herself onto her knees at the end of the sunbed, and takes the head of my cock into her mouth, just as she had seen you do. But she does not simply suck on the head; she presses the head against the insides of her cheeks, one after the other, making them bulge with the pressure from inside.

“Mmmm,” you say, “that looks just delicious, from here!”

Encouraged, Tiff takes my cock deeper inside her mouth. She has one hand on each hipbone now, and presses against me firmly. I can see half of my cock disappear inside her mouth, and then she moves gently back and forth, sucking all the while.

You are impressed with Tiff's technique and tell her so, but ask if she wants to really deep throat me.

Tiff withdraws me and says, “Oh yes! I really, really do, Jane. I don't think I've ever swallowed a cock as big as Simon before, but you must have, obviously.”

You ask Tiff to lie on her back on the sun lounger, with her head hanging back over the edge. I know exactly what you have in mind now, so I kneel on the ground with my cock before Tiff's face. She is very flushed now, and breathing rapidly.

You say,” If you want Simon to fuck your mouth, now, I'm sure he'll oblige! The question is whether you want me to play with your pussy while he does that. If you want either of us to stop what we're doing, just give us a slap!”

Tiff nods her understanding, and drops her head back, opening her mouth before me. At the same time, she spreads her legs to give full access to you, kneeling between her thighs.

I look at you and raise an eyebrow. I am not sure whether this is going too far, too fast, but you seem sure that Tiff can handle all these new experiences.

As we begin, Tiff is shaking with half-suppressed emotions. I force my cock downwards and lodge the head inside her mouth again.

“Just keep calm, Tiff, and breathe steadily through your nose,” you advise.

I slowly press my cock halfway into Tiff's open mouth, which she closes around me, to suck as hard as she can. I feel her jolt with shock as you drop your head between Tiff's thighs, and part her pink inner lips, to suck her prominent clit inside your mouth, rolling it about and flickering your tongue around it.

I suspect that Tiff doesn't know where to focus her attention first, but she soon realises that she doesn't have to choose between these pleasures; if she relaxes and accepts this novel situation, she can enjoy everything at once. Her body relaxes a little as she accepts the flood of pleasurable sensations from both directions at once.

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I press my cock cautiously into her mouth, deeper and deeper, noting that she is taking your advice about breathing. Even so, she gags momentarily as I feel the head of my cock engage with her throat. I move carefully back and forth until she relaxes, then begin to press all the way inside her.

Meanwhile, you are busily teasing Tiff's clit with your mouth and tongue, while your long fingers probe deep inside her vagina, flexing against her inner walls to find her sensitive spots.

In the end, I am moving fully in and out of Tiff's throat, feeling the tightness there and the occasional grip of tension as she swallows. I can see her throat bulge as my cock moves in and out of her, but I am desperately trying not to cum.

She seems to be accepting the situation with pleasure shining in her eyes, until you bring her to a shattering orgasm, which causes her to slap my thighs. I withdraw from her immediately, while she gasps desperately for breath, and her entire body shakes uncontrollably. You pull back too, and look up at me with a broad smile.

“I beat you to it!”, you smirk.

It does take Tiff a little while to compose herself again, and in the meantime, you maintain my erection with slow, steady strokes, but you can feel the weight of cum in my balls now and know that I will have to be brought to a conclusion soon.

When Tiff has recovered herself somewhat, she sits up alongside you while I stand in front of you both.

“My God, Simon, you are still waiting?” says Tiff.

“He wouldn't want you to miss the denouement!” you say. “But we do have to decide where and when we want him to cum... don't we, Simon!”

I say, “We are Tiff's guests, and she has been very kind to us, so I think it should be her choice entirely.”

Tiff seems surprisingly embarrassed. She doesn't want to put it into words, I think, but she reaches for my cock again. She drops her mouth over the head, and drools saliva down the length of the shaft, then spreads it with her hand, while she looks up at me.

She raises herself up a little, to press her ample breasts around the wet shaft of my cock, and smoothly raises and lowers herself around me, pressing her breasts more and more tightly. At each stroke, she bends her head to kiss the head of my cock as it presses upwards between her breasts.

We are both clearly enjoying these sensations, but my cock needs a firmer grip than she can really provide with her soft breasts. She sits back a little, and bravely says, “Simon, are you ready to cum for me now?”

I can only nod, and you stare wide-eyed as Tiff begins to pump my hard cock, oiled with her saliva. Her grip gets tighter and tighter, and one hand grasps my balls, massaging them firmly. My balls are tight against my body now, and she relinquishes them in favour of using both hands on the shaft of my cock, pumping harder and faster, while I try my best to stand still before her.

It becomes impossible, though, and my hips begin to move in sympathy, thrusting my cock between her hands, just as I had thrust it deep into her throat. I have to throw my head back, and let out a tremendous roar as I feel the cum surging from my balls, and pulsing up the shaft held tight in Tiff's hands.

She squeals out loud as the first pulse shoots high in the air, falling back to land squarely on her breasts, causing her to jump in shock. The second pulse follows, as she stares so closely at the throbbing red head of my cock, and then a third, before the surges slow. She leans forward to take the head into her mouth again, and swirls her tongue to gather the dribbles of thick white cum.

I am shaking with released tension, as her tongue caresses my ultra-sensitive cock, and I can hardly remain standing. You stand to support me as my knees begin to buckle, and guide me to sit alongside Tiff.

We are all smeared with sticky white cum now, all trembling slightly, and all feeling exhausted from our performances.

To break the residual tension, I think, you stand and say, “So, who fancies a skinny-dip?” You laugh and take Tiff by the hand, motioning me to take the other, and the three of us run to throw our exhausted bodies into the welcoming, cool water.

When we surface, we gather at the poolside to talk.

Tiff says, “ You two are just amazing. I don't think I have EVER had such an exciting time in my entire life. I don't know how I will ever feel satisfied again, when you have to leave!”

“Don't think about that yet,” I say, “there must be at least one more night ahead, before we leave you.”

We all climb from the pool, to stand completely naked in the bright sun. There is no point in dressing again, so we spend the whole afternoon naked together. We seem very comfortable in each other's presence now, and we sit and talk over a light lunch.

It seems that Tiff is happy with her husband in very general terms—he is kind and considerate, and works hard—but she is not entirely happy with their sex life. She has confided in one or two girlfriends, but they are in similar circumstances. She has never dared to approach her girlfriends sexually, but found her new experience with you very satisfying, as well as enjoying my company.

You suggest that Tiff might be able to create circumstances which allow more intimate contact with her girlfriends to develop; perhaps she should confess her experiences with us? We would be happy to pose for pics, if they could act as a stimulus between Tiff and her girlfriends. Tiff says she will think on that.

Tiff leaves us briefly to call the garage about our car and establishes that a replacement vehicle will certainly be delivered to us tomorrow.

We all sit in silence for a while, then move into the shade to rest together. I am thinking that I will need my rest for the night ahead, given the sparkle in both girls eyes. We all doze in the warm shade, through the afternoon.

As the evening draws in, we prepare dinner together, and Tiff produces a bottle of excellent white wine, chilled to perfection.

We eat and drink in comfortable nudity beside the pool. When the first bottle of wine is finished, Tiff disappears briefly, to emerge with a second bottle. Inevitably, the conversation turns to our final night together, and Tiff asks whether she can join us in our Guest Room tonight.

“Of course!” I say, “It is your bedroom after all, and you have invited us into it. We are very grateful that you have welcomed us into your home so generously.”

Tiff has had more wine than us, I think, and she says that before we decide, she has a confession to make. We wonder what it might be, but she simply wants to tell us that last night- our first night here- she had eavesdropped upon us, and peeped into our room when we fucked.

We look at each other, and you say, ”Don't worry, Tiff! We thought you were there outside the door, but we weren't sure how much you could see or hear. It didn't matter in the slightest to us. In fact, even the possibility that you might be there made it all even more exciting for us!”

I say, “Yes, Tiff, don't worry! I was trying to give you a good show, if you were watching, but I wasn't completely sure.”

Tiff breathes a heavy sigh of relief, and says, “ I did listen at the door, and I found the sounds so arousing that I had to peep in at you. I saw Simon fuck you, Jane, and I could hardly contain myself. I had to reach inside my panties to play with myself while I watched Simon thrust that magnificent cock into you, but I could only use one hand- the other was a clenched fist, for me to bite on and keep myself quiet! I had to go quickly to my own bedroom, with the image of you fucking so hard, and use my biggest vibe to pretend it was Simon fucking me. It didn't take a moment for me to cum so, so hard!”

I say, “Tiff, that is wonderful! Tonight, there will be no need for you to hide. After dinner, we will all go to the room together, and do whatever you want, and as often as we can, until we are all satisfied. I don't think we should make plans in too much detail; let's just get together and see what happens; go with the flow!”

Tiff nods, and you say, “ Tiff, if you have any, erm.., aids you like to use, just bring them along. If there's anything special you'd like, you must tell us. Obviously, you have vibes, and they can always help- Simon sometimes uses one on me- when his tongue gets tired!”

We continue chatting- and drinking- for a little while, but it seems that Tiff is getting restless. When we finish the second bottle, she says, “It is getting a little cooler now, don't you think? Could we go to your room soon, and just cuddle for a while?”

We agree and head for our room, but Tiff diverts to her own bedroom first. When she rejoins us, she has a couple of vibes—one bullet and one much larger. She also has some restraints and a blindfold, and somewhat sheepishly admits that she does like to be bound. Her husband enjoys having her totally under his control, and she has come to enjoy it too.

I am not a great fan of BDSM, but I do appreciate that light restraint might be exciting and that a blindfold can focus the attention on senses other than sight. I am willing to experiment, of course!

Tiff shows us how to Velcro the restraints around her wrists and ankles, then tie them to the corners of the bed, She is already shivering with anticipation, as she lies there spread eagled on the bed. I am sure she could easily break free if she really wished, but she wants to feel helpless, I think.

As before, we agree that we will stop at any point if Tiff asks us to, but then we put on her blindfold. As a joke, I say, “I wonder if you'll be able to tell which of us is playing with you, Tiff, now that you can't see.”

Tiff just says, “I won't care, Simon, you can both have your way with me now!”

So we do.

We both stroke, massage and lick every part of Tiff's prone and helpless body. She makes no attempt to resist or escape in any way, but squirms with delight as four hands and two mouths explore her body simultaneously. The restraints simply prevent her from obstructing our access to her and the blindfold prevents her from anticipating which of us will touch her next, how and where we will touch her. Each fresh touch is a new and exciting thrill.

Now you reach for the bullet vibe, and play that around Tiff's body, focusing first on her nipples, then drifting slowly down her belly towards her exposed clit. Tiff jumps with shock the first time the buzzing bullet caresses her clit, but you are well aware of the sensitivity and proceed with caution.

I take the much larger vibe and begin to tease Tiff's slick pussy lips apart, running the tip up and down the groove, as I might with the head of my cock.

“Please, Simon, please fuck me with it now!” says Tiff, loudly.

I grin at you and hand control of the large vibe to you, so that you can press it between Tiff's inner folds, and deeply inside her vagina. Tiff groans with pleasure, and says, “Faster, Simon, harder!”

You obey Tiff's commands, while I move around the bed to position myself over Tiff's face. Thinking that it is me steadily thrusting her vibe in and out of her, Tiff is astonished when I present my cock to her lips, but she doesn't hesitate for a moment, and allows me to press the head of my hard cock inside her open mouth. She sucks noisily on me, while you increase the pace and depth of thrust with the large vibe, and play the smaller bullet around her clit.

It is not long before Tiff reaches a massive climax, and pulls her head away from my cock, to shout and scream in ecstasy. It continues for some time, even though both you and I have withdrawn from contact. We sit and watch in wonder as Tiff slowly calms and her shaking body begins to relax again. When we judge that it is all over, I remove Tiff's blindfold, and you set the vibes aside to release her restraints.

We lie on each side of Tiff now, and cuddle tight around her body. Both you and I are still hyper-excited by our toying with Tiff, and by her responses, and we each need our own relief now. But we want Tiff to participate fully, rather than be excluded.

I am still hard and erect, which Tiff does not fail to notice, but you need satisfaction too. So you ask Tiff if she will go down on you, and Tiff immediately dives enthusiastically down towards your pussy, burying her face between your thighs.

In doing so, she raises her ass invitingly between your legs, and I take up position behind her. She looks over her shoulder at me and shudders with anticipation as she sees my cock pointing to the sky.

“Simon,” she says, “I was a very naughty girl, spying on you both last night. I think I deserve a spanking, don't I?”

I would never normally do this, but she obviously wants me to, so I give her a sharp, open-handed slap across the ass, and she moans in ecstasy, between your thighs. You are holding Tiff's head against your pussy, your fingers twined through her red curls, and your own head is strained back as you accept her probing tongue and fingers.

I look down at Tiff's blushing ass, and give her one more sharp slap on the other cheek. They are both glowing now, and inviting me to fuck her. Tiff turns her head, and says, “Fuck me now, Simon; fuck me as hard and deep as you can, like I saw you fuck Jane last night.”

It is difficult to believe that we have only known each other for twenty-four hours!

I press my swollen cock between Tiff's thighs, and part her pussy lips, to allow me to force entry into her slick vagina. It is a very smooth entry, right up to the hilt, and I press hard against her pink ass to reach as deeply inside her as I possibly can. Then I begin to thrust in and out steadily.

Every thrust I make into Tiff forces her mouth more firmly against your pussy, and both of you gasp with every stroke. I have been waiting so long that I cannot wait a moment longer, and my thrusts get harder and deeper, with each stroke. I move my legs outside Tiff's thighs, to squeeze them tight around my cock as it stretches her pussy in every direction.

You are also getting close, and aware that I am about to flood Tiff with my cum. I give a few final, very deep, and very hard thrusts into her, forcing her mouth firmly against your clit.

I have to stop, pressed deep inside Tiff, holding her firmly against you, as you reach your own climax, while I pump surge after surge of cum inside Tiff. If Tiff could have drawn breath, I'm sure she would have shouted alongside you and I, but her mouth is buried in your pussy while it quivers and flutters in ecstasy.

I pull out of Tiff, who falls to one side of you, while I fall to the other. We all lie side by side, almost unable to move, and fall deeply asleep, while my cum oozes slowly from Tiff's pussy.

When we wake in the morning light, we all laugh and joke about the night before. It is tinged with a little sadness that we are to leave this morning, when the replacement rental car is delivered. In fact,Tiff seems quite distraught at the prospect of us leaving.

We all shower together, taking great care to clean each other gently, and wash away all the residues of cum and sweat from every cranny. Tiff notes that my cock responds a little to her touch, despite the exhausting schedule of the last day or so, and asks if she can have one last favour before we go.

You say, “Tiff, you have been so helpful and generous to us, we can hardy refuse anything in our power to give! I'm sure Simon agrees...”

“Of course,” I say, “ What would you like, before we leave, Tiff?”

Tiff says, “I can hardly believe I'm saying this, when I have only known you for a day or so, but I would love to suck you off, Simon. I want to taste and relish and swallow your cum for breakfast!”

You laugh, and say, “I'm sure Simon will be happy to do that. I think I should take some pics too, so you have a memento of our visit. You may have to hide them from your husband, but I will take a few innocent selfies of the three of us first, which you could share. Then I will take some for your own private consumption, Tiff; perhaps when you use your vibe in your husband's absence.”

“Yes,” says Tiff, “I have already determined to call my bullet after you, Jane, because of the thrills you sent through my clit, And of course, the large vibe has to be called Simon now, because of the pounding you gave my pussy last night!”

And so, we line up together in the sunshine, beside the pool, and take numerous selfies of us all smiling into the camera; a happy little group, but just friends.

The rental car is delivered at that moment, and Tiff becomes quite emotional again.

“Please, Simon, grant me my wish before you go,” she says.

She sits at the breakfast table by the pool, while you sit opposite, with your mobile focused upon her. I stand alongside Tiff, and drop my shorts.

My cock is quite soft and hanging down my thigh, and you begin filming as Tiff reaches out with her fingertips at first, then her hands, and finally lifts my soft cock between her red lips, to suck it into full life. If ever there was a “kiss of life”, this was it!

You film the steady growth of my cock between Tiff's lips, and her pink nails teasing the lengthening shaft, until I am fully grown again. Tiff sits back to admire her 'handiwork' and you film the full length standing erect alongside Tiff's face; that is a 'selfie' she probably cannot show her husband!

Tiff has to force my cock downwards now, complimenting me on its resistant urge to stand upright, so that she can get her mouth over the swollen head and begin to suck. The sensations are delicious for me, and enhanced by the loud sucking sounds Tiff makes, as she drools her saliva down the shaft. She holds me with one hand while the other works furiously between her thighs. I notice that you are also holding the camera with only one hand now!

I stand still, allowing Tiff to please herself with my cock, occasionally removing it from her mouth to rub its wetness around her face, over her cheeks, and back inside her mouth. All of this is filmed for posterity by you, who seem to be enjoying yourself just as much as Tiff and I.

Finally, though, Tiff looks up at me and says, “I want you to feed me my breakfast now, Simon. I'm sure it will be the most nutritious and tasty meal I've ever had.”

When she wraps her lips and her hands around me again, and begins sucking hard, with firm strokes down the length, I cannot last long. She can tell from my grunts and growing hip-thrusts that I am about to cum; I think both of you are too.

When she take the firmest grip yet on my rock hard cock, and strokes down to my balls again and again, I just have to let loose. Her immediate reaction is to stop and swallow, but as more and more cum pulses into her mouth, she continues to milk my cock, swallowing gulp after gulp.

You are filming closely, and zoom in to capture the slight dribbles of saliva and cum oozing from the corners of Tiff's mouth. She is doing everything she can to swallow every last drop, but a little inevitably escapes, and you capture everything on film.

When Tiff is sure that she has sucked every drop from my softening cock, she relinquishes her grasp, and says, “Thank you so much, Simon. That was just delicious! The tastiest breakfast I've ever had.”

You come over to Tiff and give her a very deep passionate kiss, mouth-to-mouth, your tongue probing to share the taste of my cum, though you have tasted me so many times before.

We all sit now, and you promise all the pics and vids to Tiff, if she gives us her number. Once that is done, and I have dressed myself again, there is little more we can do than to say our goodbyes.

We gather our bags into the new car, and all three of us hug closely, in full body-presses against each other. There is no escaping the fact that we have to leave now, and there is a tear in Tiff's eye, and perhaps in yours too.

Tiff can't believe that we have only been with her for a little over a day, yet we have done, and shared, so much that we feel like old friends. Parting is difficult, and we all know that we are unlikely ever to meet again, but we exchange numbers and emails for the future.

Tiff will always have her pics and vids to remember us by, as will we.

So Jane and I drive off into the Arizona desert again, wondering whether future stopovers can ever surpass the adventure we have just had. Who knows?

Written by simoncam1
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