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A Stud Recalls

"A once shy eighteen-year-old finds young females suddenly willing."

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The first week of my final year at Norton HighSchool and I was determined that, with my new-found confidence, I would, at last, get to screw Jan Vickley, who I’d lusted after for months. She was the school certainty according to my school mates, who boasted at how they’d parted her thighs so easily.

Jan was no raging beauty, but her face, with full lips and a sultry glint in her green eyes, supplemented by generous breasts, curvaceous hips and provocative posing, just screamed a promise of sex. But during the last school year, I just hadn’t the nous to break through her thin veil of resistance. In fact, on one occasion, she had laughed at my insipid attempts at seduction.

The pre-graduation ball was always a feature of the first week of the new school year, and that, I saw as my opportunity to make it with Jan. So, that first Thursday evening, the school hall was, as always, crowded and with a rich array of lustful young men viewing nubile girls, most of whom were, I guessed, professional virgins.

When I finally spotted Jan Vickley, she was, not surprisingly, in a group consisting of her friend, Mandy Summers, and a gaggle of wide-eyed guys. From time to time she would be up on the dance floor, swaying provocatively.

In a bright red flowing skirt and a low-cut black blouse, Jan's voluptuous body was certainly eye-catching. But just getting near her was going to be the challenge.

However, at one point she and her friend slipped away to the toilets and I lingered near enough at that end of the hall to ask her for a dance as they returned. Her face showed some surprise.

"Asking me to dance, Jack? Aren’t you being the brave one?" She obvious remembered my pathetic efforts during the previous year.

On the dance floor, Jan certainly knew how to project her sexuality, coming in close her thighs meshing against mine until the natural happened, and her eyes widened as she said with a wicked smile, "Oh, dear, I’m making it hard for you."

Taking a deep breath, I quietly asked if we could take a walk afterwards. She frowned, "I've already promised Jake Regis." And as my disappointment showed, she quickly added, "But meet me outside anyway. You could be up for it—” Sly pause, "-this time.” And, with a flick of her skirt, she walked away.

Later, I waited among the dispersing crowds outside. Jake Regis was hanging around too. Jake was one of the big talkers about his conquests, tall and, I suppose, fairly good looking with his fair hair and blue eyes.

Jan arrived, with all the swagger of a female who knows how her movements affected men. Jake moved towards her. So did I. Her green eyes viewed us together before she said, "I suppose I can handle you both. Come on."

And like a pair of sheep, we followed her provocative sway down to the river-bank, which was always a popular courting area.

"Since there's two of you I'm just doing handjobs tonight, but you can see my tits."

Kneeling on the grass, she unbuttoned her blouse to reveal two melon-sized breasts, all brown tipped and snuggly looking.

We kneeled on either side of her, "I'm first," Jake said, scowling at me. I shrugged at Jan and she proceeded to open Jakes flies to reveal an only semi-erect penis. "Needs work," she commented and proceeded to stroke it gently. Then her hand jerked with greater vigour.

That did the trick, for, in less than a minute, Jake was groaning, and Jan had released him to spurt his load into the grass. He lay back with a satisfied sigh, as Jan’s head shook contemptuously.

The anticipation from my holiday experience had given me a lift so that when Jan unzipped my flies my erection lunged out solidly like a striking cobra. I was pleased to see, by the widening of her eyes, that she was surprised and impressed. Her hand grasped it firmly and she began tugging.

I reached out my hand and stroked down the side of her face. Her eyes flashed to my face and there was a little frown of uncertainty on her brow. As she pumped away at my cock, I allowed my fingers to glide down her neck and under her open blouse onto the start of the hillock of her breasts.

"I said, just for looking."

"You're giving me pleasure, " I replied. "I'd like to return the compliment."

My index finger was tracing over one of her nipples and I felt it rising under my touch. Spreading my hand over the ample breast, I applied all I had recently learned to the movement of my fingers and hand. I knew from Jan's breathing, the look on her face, and the tug of her hand on my cock, that I was getting results.

Encouraged, I lowered my mouth to her breast and began gently tonguing her nipple, while my fingers continued to flutter over the other breast. She didn't stop me.

Jake had sat up, "You didn't let me do that," he grumbled.

Jan was shuffling from the kneeling position without stopping her hand action on my iron-hard cock. Now her legs were splayed out in front of her and the invitation was just irresistible. Without checking my mouth's pampering of her breast, my hand trailed down over her belly to the waistband of her skirt.

It was elasticated. My hand slipped easily underneath, over the swell of her lower belly and under her panties.

"Steady," she gasped.

"Should I stop?" I asked, raising my head from her breast.

In the dark, our eyes held for a moment. Then she moved her face closer, and our mouths came together, tongues searching. I took this as a positive sign and my hand continued its journey to romp through her pubic hair, which felt particularly thick and bushy compared with Mary Maddison’s

"Hey, I didn't get that?" Jake protested, getting to his feet.

Jan broke away from my lips to growl, "Oh, just fuck off, Jake."

I saw Jake drift away in the gloom but fancy he lingered on the edge of the clearing. My fingers began gliding into that mellow groove when she shuffled again and said, "Just a minute." She hoisted up her skirt and almost in the same movement slipped her panties off and even in the evening darkness, I could see that her thick dark bush was indeed expansive.

"Lie back," I told her, without comment she did as she was told and I immediately stooped my head to that dark furriness and my tongue searched into the open crevice, already moistening. Back and forwards along the swelling labia, I operated the very tip of my tongue until she was gasping.

With just another deeper flick my tongue encountered her clit, and I concentrated on that, enjoying the sounds of her laboured breathing. Then I moved my fingers ahead of my tongue so that they could probe for that secret place and it was no problem. Two fingers sank deep into her opening and she began to make squeaking noises, hips lifting to meet the ministrations of my tongue.

"Oh, God I'm cumming," she squealed. Next second, she was bumping and heaving so much that I lost my place and could only sit back and watch her ecstatic movements.

As she quietened, she raised her head, "I'm sorry. I didn't think it could be so quick. And I haven't made you cum. Do you want to fuck me?"

Ah, the question I’d dreamed of her asking. I lay over her, "If you want me to," I whispered, "The best is yet to come."

Lying between her thighs, I placed my cock head against her soaking opening, "I've never come twice," she said apologetically and gave a little gasp as I slid easily into her moistened depths, allowing my rod to plunge right to her upper reaches.

Very slowly I retracted, then plunged. And continued like that for a while, slow retraction, swift plunge, slow retraction, swift deep plunge. I listened for her breathing, heard it quicken. Then, raising my body slightly, I made sure that each forward stroke, faster now, was riding over her clit. Her vaginal walls began drawing at me and her breaths became low grunts as our rhythms merged.

When I felt the timing was right, I changed to a series of rapid hard thrusts and knew I was close to climax and saw from the tossing of her head and her gasps and moans of delight that she was almost into her second orgasm.

With my balls about to explode, her hips heaved up from the ground and a strangled scream escaped her lips, as with two final hefty strokes I erupted inside her, sure that my cock head struck against her cervix as we heaved and grunted in those final ecstatic throes.

As we lay cooling down she said, "I know I have a reputation, but I've only ever gone all the way twice before tonight. But it was nothing like that. Why haven't I heard about you before?"

What could I say? I'm just a learner? Hardly. Secretly elated, I just said tactfully, "I save myself for the best."

After we'd lain there for a short while she murmured, "Could we do it again sometime?"

I placed my hand over her pubic mound, "What about now?"

She sat up in some surprise, "You could do it again?" Looking down at where I deliberately made my rising cock twitch. Would I become such a show-off? "He looks interested."

"Oh, God, this is terrific."

And the second time around it was.

When we parted, she was still rambling about how wonderful it had all been, while I was feeling simply thankful that Mary Maddison’s tutelage had worked out better than I could have hoped.

That tutelage came about because during school holidays, I had taken a lone ten-day cycling tour of the east coast. I had intended a one-night stay in the Highbow Boarding House in Felixstowe.

The landlady, the sensuous Mrs Mary Maddison, was a widow in her mid-forties, whose voluptuous body had quickly caught my virgin eye. Maybe my lustful glances had prompted her into arriving at my bedroom door that first night, clad only in a see-through robe, my shock, and nervousness were quickly turned to delight, as she offered to “help me sleep.”

What I learned from her that night, with several references about how ‘well endowed’ I was, led to her convincing me that my one-night stay should extend to five. I didn’t take much convincing, as each extra night was full of wild abandon, and Mary Maddison’s guidance through the nuances of sexual technique on pleasing a woman.

And here I was having proved that my five nights in Felixstowe servicing and being serviced by Mrs Mary Maddison could well pay dividends.

Those dividends began to show the next day when I learned how quickly reputations can be formed. Quite a few girls treated me to up and under glances or turned away giggling. A couple of the guys in my year came up to me and one of them said, "Jake tells me you really qualified big with Jan Vickley"

When I went into class, there were a couple of whistles and, did I imagine it, or did Miss Orry, our class tutor, give me a long hard stare? I'd had a secret passion for her, with her trim little figure and curling blonde hair, since she'd arrived at the school three years earlier.

But the first real indication of what lay ahead of me was when Mandy Summers, Jan's friend approached me as we changed sessions. "I know this sounds awful," she began tentatively. "But Jan's told me about—well, you know." She licked her lips and I waited, admiring the swell in her sweater and her long hair. "It's just that—Oh, well, Jack, I’ve never had a real orgasm."

Just a little shaken, I tried to remain calm, "You think there's something I can do about that?"

"From what Jan's told me—yes. Would you, Jack?"

Would I? My hesitation was brief. I couldn’t yet surmise what was to follow, but in no time we'd agreed to meet that night. The nights had been warm, and to my mind, the sand dunes were high, wide and as private as you could get. And I was about to do a young lady a favour, I hoped. Yes, I still had some lingering doubts about my own ability

But, by nine-thirty that evening, with Mandy, having jerked squirmed and moaned when my tongue licked her clit, now giving out groans and little squeals of pleasure as my iron-hard cock thrust deep into her, all doubts were gone.

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In no time, she was heaving against my thrust, gasping, moaning, squeaking, almost every noise possible, as she achieved the orgasm she had never had. And I had done it. I don't know whether it was that feeling of triumph alone which brought me to my own vigorous climax.

On the way home, she asked if we could do it again sometime. Without being too positive I told her I was sure we could. But reputation is a surprising thing. I felt I was becoming a wanted man. The hunt for the elusive orgasm seemed unending. Few girls were as direct as Mandy had been, but I began to recognise the meaningful suggestiveness in the way she blinked her eyes or simply asked what plans I had for the evening.

Yes, my love life certainly increased 100%, and I wallowed in it. If a week went by without having had at least two bedding sessions it was rare.

Anyway, ever since my sessions with Jan and Mandy I had the feeling that Miss Orry had been giving me long inquisitive looks. Well, the last session one Friday our group had a mixed gym session in which we did some circuit training and I was surprised to see Miss Orry come in and take over from Mr Martin, our usual instructor.

"I didn't know this was your area of expertise," I said to her as we crossed over between apparatus.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," she said, which could have been innocent, but the look that went with it intrigued me.

When the session finished and the others dashed off to the showers, Miss Orry called me over and asked if I'd help put away the rest of the equipment. Fair enough, I thought. As we placed the last mattress in place in the storage cupboard she said, "Thank you, Jack." And treated me to a lovely smile.

When I got to the boys' changing rooms, they had all gone. The floor was pretty dry, so I guessed that not many had bothered to shower. Feeling I needed a freshening up I stripped off my athletics gear, noticing that seeing Miss Orry bending in the tight shorts she had been wearing had brought my cock semi-erect.

And magically, at that very moment, Miss Orry popped her head around the door, her eyes glanced quickly down, and widened. She apologised weakly, as I stupidly tried to reach for a towel to cover up. Then, as she stepped further into the room, I saw that she was wrapped in only a towel.

"I really am sorry," she breathed. "But my shower isn't working. I wondered if I might use yours." She paused and glanced again to where my towel was making a poor job of covering the effect she was having on me. "When you're finished."

Finding my breath and noticing how the tops of her breasts seemed to be heaving out the cover of her towel, breasts that I had long admired under jumpers and blouses, I said, "No, you go first. I'll wait outside."

She had moved real close, and her eyes looked up into mine, "Suppose I don't want you to go outside."

I tried being nonchalant, but the very nearness of her had me all but panting, and I felt my shaft rising to fully erect.

"Can I be very frank with you, Jack?"

Dumbly I nodded my head.

"Well, senior girls do talk, and much of it lately has been about you."

"Anything good."

"All of it good—very good." And to my delight, she reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder. "There’s something you could do for me. If you don’t mind."

And she went on to tell me about her boyfriend and the deal they had made to remain virgins until they were married. "I kept my part. But that bastard has been having it off with his secretary. Won't touch me. I mean not completely. Well, two can play at that game."

I stood there stupid with amazement. Was she asking what I thought she was asking?

"Would you—help me lose my virginity?" And she smiled at my shocked expression.

“But you're my teacher," I gasped.

"Well, from what I hear, you may be teaching me something. Will you?"

I could feel my head nodding, but I was paralysed at what I was being offered. ”But your job—it could be at risk.”

She nodded, “Yes, we must be discrete, but you wouldn’t go around blabbing that you’d fucked Miss Orry, would you?”

Oh, God, fucking Miss Orry. Uncertainty rode like a demon on my back, “You’re sure you want—”

“I’ve never been so sure,” she said huskily and dropped her towel. “I’ll shower first.”

Her body was everything I had dreamed it would be. Firm rounded breasts with rose pink centres, already jutting to be kissed. Delicious curves from waist over hips, temptingly rounded belly leading down to a fine fair little bush.

All of this, yet I was momentarily frozen in that fact. She was my teacher and I was ogling her nudity. Would a virgin display herself with such abandon?

As though reading my thoughts she smiled and touched my cheek. "I have never been self-conscious about my body," she said, before adding, "You like what you see?" I could only nod.

"Right, I'll shower." She stepped into the cubicle before turning back and breathing, "You can join me if you wish."

I immediately dropped my towel and stepped towards her, seeing her eyes lower to my thickening cock. "My goodness, Jan and Mandy weren't exaggerating."

As soon as I was under the steaming spray, she began soaping my chest, then handed the soap to me to return the favour. If I say it was a pleasure that would be to minimise the sensations that ran through me as my hands soaped those delicious breasts.

Her own hands glided down my body and her fingers strayed over and around my now high pointing cock. I soaped down her belly until my own fingers were roaming over her mound touching briefly at the sensitive corner of her labia. She gave a quick intake of breath.

"Time to rinse, dry, and then—" And her fingers tightened around my cock, and her eyes held mine, as she added, “This will be my first cock.”

“Hope it will give pleasure, Miss Orry, and not hurt you too much,” I just didn’t know what to expect.

She giggled, “Oh, you can’t call me that when like this. My name is Gina, and you needn’t worry about breaking anything. Horse riding took my hymen.”

We dried each other with intimate care and were both breathing faster as, wrapped in towels, we hurried to the obvious place. The store-room where we had recently replaced the mattresses. The pile of three were at neat bed height.

Gina pulled off her towel, yanked at mine and spread them on the mattress before sitting down on the edge. I sat beside her and she came into my arms her lips searching for mine. Her tongue immediately probed my mouth, wrestling with mine, while her hands rubbed up and down my back.

My own hands could not wait to caress those bountiful firm breasts, and my fingers lingered around the nipples, stroking and gentle tugging at them. She moaned with pleasure.

I broke from the kiss, ran my lips down her neck and shoulder, delightfully curvy and smooth. My tongue strayed across each of her breasts, before concentrating finally on the left nipple which I licked and suckled. The sensation was exciting to me, and her moans and bodily trembling told me it was having its effect.

"My boyfriend's done that," she whispered, near gasping her words, "But, oh, oh, never so effectively."

She lay back and without stopping my ministrations to her nipple I went with her, my hand moving up the inside of her thigh, where the skin had that indescribable smoothness. My fingers ruffled through her bush, and delicately touched that first little hint of her crease. Her thighs parted and ran one finger along that eternal slit, feeling it swell under my touch.

"Nobody," she gasped, "has been beyond that point." And her hand began gently massaging my cock.

"Never this?" I queried and licked down over her belly until my tongue was fluttering over and moistening her lower lips. Her hand pulled frantically on my erection as her body shuddered, and she sighed, "Oh, God, that's, that's—amazing. No, never. No one. Ooh, don't stop."

I felt and saw her natural juices moistening those delicious lower lips as my fingers moved to part them and reveal the pinkness and her clit. My tongue flicked back and forward across it and her hips rose to meet my efforts. Her breathing was a series of grunted gasps while her hand worked furiously at my cock.

"What can I do? What can I do? Oh, it's—" I had quickened my movements, occasionally touching my tongue at her wet entry. Her head began thrashing and she almost howled, "I'm going to cum."

"Not yet you're not," I said and quickly moved between her trembling thighs, poising the tip of my cock at her opening. "Now just relax. I'll be gentle."

"I can't relax. I want it so much." She drew in a massive breath as I entered about two inches into her. "Oh, yes—I need it."

A further two inches and I felt the tightness of her unploughed passage. Now I was learning something. I raised my head to look into her eyes. and said, "This might hurt.” I didn’t know.

"Oh, God, go on. Don't stop now."

I drew back my hips and, worrying about any damage I might do, I ease my hardness through the tightness and felt her wince. But my problem was solved as she herself, heaved her hips up at me, and my cock was in to the high, slippery wetness of her.

Gina moaned, but was it pain?

“You all right?”

She was panting, as she moaned again, “Better than all right. Fucked, I am being fucked. Go on, Jack. Fill me.”

Freed and ecstatic at her response, I thrust with one long stroke heading for her cervix,

heard her squeal of undoubted delight, drew back and plunged again. Almost immediately she began humping her hips in tune with my own movements.

Within seconds she was yelling my name as her orgasm took her. I kept up the intensity of my strokes as she mumbled incoherently. Then my seed was pumping into her, and our juices mingled.

We lay for a moment on the mattress, "Thank you, Jack," she murmured.

“You enjoyed it?”

“You felt immense.”

She leaned over me, "Well, I’m no longer a virgin."
I slid my fingers between her moistened thighs. "Will you tell him?"

"Yes, the way I feel right now, I think I’ll tell him,” She paused, “to fuck off. Oh, Jack, you were so big." And her fingers strayed along my flaccid but twitching member. My own fingers were tickling at her clit. And she gasped, "Oh, can we do it again?"

"Might be nice. Now that you're qualified." I briefly raised my head to tell her.

She laughed and my cock twitched again under her fingers. "It's coming back to life." Then she surprised me by bending to my tingling member and running her tongue along it. Ignoring the taste and aroma of our recent coupling, her lips parted to take my hardness, as she made a little appreciative ”Mmm” sound, as she sucked on me.

I drew back her head, knowing I was stiff and ready again, and fearing I might cum in her mouth. Her eyes were clouded as she looked at me, and sighed, “You felt even bigger in my mouth. But she grunted as my finger worked her clit and her breathing was increasing in pace.

I entered her quickly and she growled her pleasure, as I ploughed her gently. My cock thrust through walls that immediately began to respond, drawing on me like a series of suction pads. For minutes on end, we moved in unison before her hips started bucking fiercely and I pounded more selfishly until we came with a massive mutual exclamation of triumph.

"So good," she sighed, lying back splayed like a starfish on the mattress.

God, I'd fucked my teacher the realisation wouldn't leave me. As I look back now on that particular year, from a distanced of many years, I feel only shame at my disrespectful attitude to the female sex. As though I was smugly doing them a favour.

Gina Orry had me in her flat maybe six times. I fucked Jan and Mandy again, oh, and so many others. Wasn’t I King Stud? Didn’t they want it? Yet now my lack of respect, the absence of any humility, any gratitude on my part in using their bodies just horrifies me.

Ah, c’est la vie!


Written by redwriter34
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