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A Sofa Ride

"Couldn't wait for the bed"

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"Please be gentle - my first attempt"

Sunday morning was bright and sunny, the birds were singing, and everything was all right with the world.

Breakfast was the usual fayre—toast and cereal. I was trying to decide what I was going to do today; I had no lessons and after a long week; I needed a form of release. I had not seen you for over a week and would not for another. Work was getting in the way of our fledgling relationship.

It had started only a month ago—our first meeting, that is, the emails and text and chats had been flying back and forth for about nine months before our meeting. Getting to that time had been taking forever it seemed—yes, we were enthusiastic and horny for each other (the string of pictures exchanged was just adding fuel to the flames) and the messages were enough to satisfy the masturbatory acts we were having mutually. We were close—virtually—but not physically. Our lusts needed more. I needed more than my hand.

I showered—no, not a cold one! I shaved and dressed. A ride out on the bike was called for. It had been weeks since I last rode anywhere and today was dry and inviting me to join. I donned my riding jeans, comfortable socks, and a decent T-shirt. Walked down the stairs and into the garage. She was looking ready to be ridden.

I opened the garage door from the inside and pushed her out into the sunshine. Walking back inside the garage, I pulled my leather jacket off its hanger and put it on. My helmet was removed from its shelf, along with my gloves. I put my phone in its holder in my jacket—went back inside the house for my wallet and house keys, then retrieved my riding boots and put them on.

I walked through the garage and into the sunshine, my helmet in my hand. I placed it on the seat, turned and shut the garage door. I locked it and stood, admiring my bike. A Honda Deauville – 700cc twin mid-ranged tourer, built for comfort, not speed. I loved her, she and I had been down and around Switzerland a couple of times, not a short distance (about 900km from home to my first entry into Switzerland) but she did it with ease.

Today would not be anything as lengthy as that, though. Just a few miles today, maybe to the coast, have an ice cream and a wander, then back home. Maybe.

I usually just point it in a direction and see what happens. I checked over the bike, just in case; you never can be too careful. I am not a boy racer (been there done that and have the t-shirt) tyres, brakes, oil, and coolant levels were checked recently but were checked again. All were good, so I turned on the intercom on the helmet, placed it over my head and tightened the strap. Turned the key in the ignition. I closed the helmet up and waited for the helmet to tell me we were connected to the sat nav. A female voice said “Connected” rang in the helmet. Everything seemed ok. The phone vibrated in my pocket to confirm connection, also.

I pressed the start button, and she roared (well, a muted roar, this is no racing machine!) into life. I climbed aboard, settled myself comfortably, pushed up the side stand, pulled in the clutch, and put it into first. I gently pulled away and out onto the road. I was aiming for the coast that is south and went on my merry way.

The quickest route would be the motorway—boring—so across the country in a meandering fashion was the order of the day. The journey was great, country lanes and B roads abounded as I casually rode to the coast. An hour in and forty miles were weaved along—I was taking my time and enjoying the ride. I may not be fast and furious on my bike, but when the roads were clear, I was opening the throttle and enjoying the twists and turns.

My phone started vibrating, and the sat nav told me you were calling me. I slowed and punched the answer button.

“Hi, love.”

“Hello darling, where are you today?” She said.

“Oh, I’m out on the bike at present, going for a visit to the coast.”

I found a pull-off on the road and stopped.

“Did you want me for something, love?” I said after I had pulled in.

“Yes darling, I want you,” she said.

“I have a free day today and tomorrow. Why don’t you come over here instead of the coast?”

“Oh, that will be great love. I think I am about three hours away. I have no lessons tomorrow, so if you would like, I could stay over?” I said with growing excitement. This day was getting better.

“Yes, darling please, I want you to stay.”

“I need to get back home and pack an overnight bag, but that should not hold me up for long. I will call you when I am about to leave for yours, ok?”

“Yes darling, call me. Please be careful out there.”

“Yes, love, I will be careful, and I will call you as soon as I can. I will turn around and get home and pack a bag. Talk to you soon. Love you.”

I closed the call and then punched Home on the sat nav. Moments later, it had worked out the quickest route home. About forty-five minutes later, after a faster ride back, I pulled up outside my place. I turned the bike off and went inside to pack things for tonight. Not much, I admit—just enough.

Bag packed, I strode out to the bike, placed the bag in the top box, then proceeded to call you.

You answered quickly, and I told you I was about to leave. I asked if there was anything you wished me to bring or buy for you and me for the day, and night, ahead.

“Just yourself darling,” was your reply.

I had programmed the sat nav with your address a while ago—ever hopeful—I brought up the route and pressed ride. forty-five minutes was the estimate. My heart beat a little faster, my cock started to twitch too. I needed to focus, focus on the journey ahead, the quickest route took in the M25 – the UK’s biggest carpark! But it is Sunday hopefully it will be moving.

I prepared to set off again, put on my helmet and gloves, and as a side thought, checked I had my ‘wet weather’ gear stowed in the panniers. Yes, all good. I climbed aboard and started the bike, settled comfortably again, and headed off and what was hoped would be an enjoyable day ahead.

The journey was uneventful; the M25 flowed well, there was no need to weave in and out of traffic and I could relax and enjoy my thoughts of our first physical encounter. My thoughts did not distract me and made the journey bearable; I hate traffic. I turned off the motorway and headed along the main road towards your place, following the sat nav’s directions. After ten minutes, I was outside your front door and pulled onto the driveway. I turned off the engine, put down the sidestand and got off the bike.

I locked the bike, removed my bag and chain from the top box. Fitted the chain to the bike (yes, over cautious!) and removed the sat nav from its holder.

Helmet removed and held in my hand. I walked to your door. I did not get a chance to ring the bell. It was opened before I got there and there you stood. Then four kids of various ages rushed out to meet me, though I think really to look at my bike.

I knew about the kids. This was another reason for our first meeting being delayed. They were her life. The kids crowded around the bike and me secondly, aged thirteen to three, two boys and two girls, the bike impressed them more. Then you walked over to me smiling as broadly as I.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hello darling” was your reply.

Then we hugged each other—well, as best as I could, holding a bag and helmet.

Then, after a short while, we all traipsed indoors. I asked where I could put my gear and you led me upstairs to your bedroom.

“Put them on the chair," you said. “Would you like a drink? Tea?”

“Please,” I replied. I removed my jacket and boots and placed them, along with the helmet and bag on the chair indicated. Then we hugged and kissed again, longer, and more intense this time. Our arms encircled each other, and I could feel my cock harden, your breasts pressed into my chest, and we kissed open-mouthed, and our tongues danced.

We broke off our embrace and walked downstairs. You went into the kitchen to make us both a drink and I sat on the sofa and chatted with the kids. I say chatted—it was an interrogation!

I have kids of my own, so I knew what to expect with the questioning, but mine are all grown and fled the nest. I was polite and answered all their questions and made the older one laugh with my replies. You came in and handed me tea, and then we all sat down. You sat next to me on the sofa, and it felt good. Comfortable and relaxed – I could get used to this.

After a while, you suggested we all go for a walk. I agreed and asked if there was a park nearby, so we could walk around. “Yes,” you replied, and once I remembered to retrieve the shoes from the bike panniers, we all set off. You held my hand and the hand of a daughter; I held the little ones’ buggy, and we all set off.

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The park was a ten-minute walk away. The three oldest ran off to play in the playground, whilst you and I chatted and amused the youngest. We were both making lots of eye contact and kept holding hands—sometimes our hands rested on each other’s thighs. The feeling, to me, was electric. I hoped you felt the same.

We let the kids play for an hour. The smallest Jonathan was pushed on the swings, first by me, then you and then us both. All of us had fun. We called the kids back to us and said it was time to go. It was close to 6 pm! The day had been a blur. We all walked home, and once settled, we both started preparing something for the kids to eat. You had prepared meatballs earlier, so I put the pasta on to cook and the kids set the table for themselves.

Your food looked great, and the kids all ate well. I helped you wash up the dishes, then we retired to the living room to watch a family movie together. You and I sandwiched in the middle of the sofa with a kid on either side and two sat on the floor in front. Our hands rested upon each other’s thighs, and I struggled to keep my hand from moving up your thigh.

The film was ok we all enjoyed it. The kids were either tired out or knew something. They wished me goodnight and three of them traipsed off to bed, taking the youngest (who could hardly stay awake) with them. You went up to see them about ten minutes later, doing what mothers do and joined me 10 minutes later still.

“Shall we eat?” You asked.

“Would you like me to order something in?” I asked.

“No, my love, I have something prepared. It will not take long. Dessert as well.” You winked and smiled.

I could well imagine.

“Would you like a hand?” I asked.

“Just open the wine for me and pour me a glass while I set the meal in motion. The glasses are in the cupboard next to the fridge.”

I duly obliged and handed you a glass of red. You put it down and called me over. I walked up to you, and you pulled me close, kissing me hard. Your hands reached around me and moved down to my bum. I reciprocated. Our tongues were doing a tango as we kissed, and I could feel myself hardening. You felt it too and ground your pelvis into my groin. Both of us moaned a little.

We slowly moved apart, but there was lust in each other’s eyes. Your hand moved to the front of my jeans and gently rubbed my hardening cock. My left hand ran down the front of your jeans and between your thighs. I rubbed firmly but gently, and another moan escaped your lips. We kissed again, passion rising. You pulled away and unbuckled my belt and pushed my jeans down. You reached for my cock through my underpants and pushed them down. You started wanking my cock gently till I was hard, then you sank to your knees and kissed my cock. You licked the pre-cum from the tip, then slowly opened your mouth and my cock nearly disappeared into your mouth. I moaned with pleasure.

Your lips and tongue worked all over my cock while your hand fondled my balls. I was in heaven again and was close to cumming. You sensed this and stopped sucking and licking, allowing my need to cum to abate slightly. You kissed my balls and gently sucked them before kissing and licking my shaft back up to the tip of my cock. Then your mouth opened, and you took me into your mouth. Your tongue worked all around the length of your mouth. I could resist no longer and ejaculated.

I say ejaculated, but cancer treatment had left me with nothing to give anymore. But you had already told me before it was me, not just my cock you wanted. If you were disappointed, you never let it show.

You slowly stood up and kissed me gently on my lips. I rearranged my clothing and asked if there was any help needed to prepare dinner.

“No, my love,” you replied. “Set the table, then sit and relax.”

I duly did as asked and sat down and waited. You brought out our dinner a simple fayre of cold meats, cheese, olives and hummus. My favourite! There was a small bowl of olive oil and balsamic vinegar too, along with ciabatta bread sliced. We chatted and ate and enjoyed our time alone together. I replenished our wine glasses. We were not rushing to eat. I was enjoying myself; I had all my favourite foods, wine, and girl. What more to ask for?

After a while we had our fill of food and cleared the table together, then we sat down to relax on the sofa chatting about this and that, just general stuff while music was playing in the background. I stood up to get a glass of water from the kitchen and asked if you wanted some as well.

“No thank you, love; I am happy with my wine.”

I got my water, drank one, and brought a full one back to the sofa and you. I sat down next to you; you shuffled a little and stretched out with your head on my lap and your legs stretched out. We continued chatting and listening.

The warmth of your head on my lap made me a little aroused, but I ignored it. I rested my hand on your belly and gently started to rub it. You reached a hand up and stroked my face. I leaned down and kissed your lips gently. You responded with a little passion, and we kissed again, more furtively. I moved my hand down your belly and lightly stroked your pussy through your panties and you moaned gently. I pressed harder on your panties and could feel you getting wet. I continued rubbing you through your panties and our kissing became more enthusiastic.

I stopped rubbing your pussy and made my way up to your breasts, gently rubbing them through your bra and shirt. I eased my hand up your shirt and started rubbing the tops of your breasts. The warmth of your head and our enthusiastic kissing had made me hard. I stopped kissing you and sat up straighter, then I gently eased you to a sitting position and removed your shirt and unhooked your bra so I could start to suck on your nipples, gently biting them till they are standing hard.

Your hand was in place on my lap, rubbing my cock through my jeans. I stroke the sides of your breasts while sucking a nipple in turn. I move up and kiss you again. Our kiss was enthusiastic our tongues danced.

My left hand was rubbing your breasts, and my right was encircling your waist. Your hand was still rubbing me through my jeans, but you now start lowering my zipper. Your hand sneaks inside under my pants and gently your fingers are stroking my cock.

I pushed you back on the sofa till you were lying flat. I parted your legs gently and l removed your panties. I removed my glasses and placed my head between your legs. I gently licked your pussy vertically from the bottom to the top, slowly up and down. Now I licked you, side-to-side, then I sucked on your clit. You were moaning again and pushing down on my head pushing me hard. I sucked harder and licked quicker and inserted a finger into your pussy slowly.

Faster and faster, I licked and suck and finger you. Your moans are becoming more frequent, and I now insert two fingers into your pussy, I fingered you harder while I continued licking and sucking you. You orgasmed and cried out. I sat up and then stood, removing my clothes. I walked round to your face and fed my cock into your mouth. You reached up and grasped it and helped to guide it in. I reached for your breasts while you sucked on me. I gently tweaked your nipples in turn, then started to gently rub your breasts as I slowly fucked your mouth.

You rubbed my balls gently. Your hand went to your pussy and gently rubbed it while I rubbed your breasts and fuck your mouth. Now my hand moved on top of yours. You rubbed your pussy and I fingered your hole with two fingers. My cock was getting harder and harder in your mouth, your pussy was wetter and wetter. I withdrew from your mouth and your hole.

I turned you over, open your legs and climb behind you. I push my cock into your pussy hard and start riding you quickly, knowing it will not be long till I cum.

Your juices were running down my cock, soaking my balls. I withdrew for a while so that I do not come too quickly. You begged for me to continue, but I made you wait for my cock, but obliged your passion by finger-fucking you hard. After a while, I replaced my finger with my cock and, drawing you up onto all fours, continued to fuck you properly, hard and fast, then slow and gentle—then hard and fast, then slow and gentle. I slapped your arse and gently fingered your arse with my wet finger. Harder and harder I fucked you from behind till we both came together. Then we collapsed side by side on the sofa breathing hard (well maybe I was more than you xx). Then we kissed passionately and gently stroked our bodies.

Written by Johnfrog
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