Melanie got the key from the lockbox and opened the door. Walking around the furnished but unoccupied home, she ensured nothing was out of place before her potential buyer arrived. Everything was okay, apart from a small puddle on the floor in front of the kitchen sink. She grabbed some paper towels and wiped it up not concerning herself with how it got there.
She was a little early and sat at the kitchen table with her laptop to do some work. Making some notes about her prospects in her CRM system, she got to the client she was expecting any minute. He was an attractive young man who found himself with a sizeable inheritance and decided to buy a house rather than continue renting. She remembered that, at the first showing, he was very polite and gentlemanly, treating her with respect while not immune to her female charms.
The stark contrast to the kind of men she seemed to attract lately reminded her of her last date. He was the touchy/feely type and made no mystery of what he hoped they’d do later that night. She’d rebuffed him early in the evening when he openly admitted his brutally honest strategy of not wasting much time on a woman who wasn’t going to bed with him. He’d told her of a recent seminar he’d attended where a new strategy for improving business processes was espoused, called ‘Fail early, fail often,’ which he had adopted for his female pursuits.
‘If only he weren’t so much younger than me,’ she thought again about Aaron, guessing him to be more than ten years her junior. The doorbell rang, and she put the thought aside.
“Hello, Aaron! Come in!” she greeted him in a genuinely friendly manner.
“Good afternoon, Melanie! It’s good to see you again!” he said, his eyes roving over her silky cream blouse, which was just tight enough to enhance two of her best assets. “What a lovely blouse that is on you!” he remarked.
“Thank you!” she replied, blushing slightly and noting how he’d complimented her. Her blouse was only ‘lovely’ because she made it so. “I think you’re going to like this house, Aaron! It ticks all the boxes on your list of requirements.”
“Well, let’s check it out!”
They went from room to room, with Aaro’s comments mostly favorable. He thought the secondary bedrooms were a bit on the small side for such a large home, and the yard hadn’t been kept up, but everything else was to his liking.
She saved the primary bedroom for last, as she’d been getting a different vibe from him than before. Some of his comments were just a bit more suggestive, but she cautioned herself against reading too much into it. In the basement, for example, he liked that it had been finished but furnished sparingly as a guest room, and he said something about the privacy a guest would have in such isolation. He, too, touched her at times but on her elbow or hand to emphasize a point, and she didn’t feel any aggression in it.
“And finally, this is the primary bedroom,” she said, personally liking the décor that was neither too feminine nor masculine. Soft colors, but not too pale, and the lack of flowery patterns gave it a calm feel, while the furniture, particularly the towering sleigh bed, offered a male quality.
“Didn’t they used to call them ‘master’ bedrooms?” he asked with a sly smile.
“Yes, that was before all this PC nonsense when there was a … a master in the home,” she said, surprising herself at how risque she’d made that sound.
“Well, it would be a master bedroom if I lived here!” he replied, looking straight into her eyes and making her look away with embarrassment.
She was sure he’d played off her comment with his response, and she couldn’t deny the arousal that had started in the basement and peaked with his response. He was a strong, muscular man, and she wondered what masterful qualities he might show, given a chance.
She led him back to the kitchen where she’d left her laptop and offered him a chair to discuss his feelings about the home. She’d no sooner sat down herself when she noticed a new puddle in the same place as before, but smaller.
“That’s funny. I wiped this up earlier,” she said, going for the paper towels again to repeat the process.
“Something leaking under the cabinet?” he questioned and got up to open the cabinet door. “There’s a larger puddle under here, leaking out when it gets over the outer lip of the cabinet. I’m sure I could fix it if you want? I have some tools in my trunk.”
“You don’t need to do that. I’ll make sure the owner knows it needs to be fixed,” she replied.
“It’s no bother! I’ll get them,” he said, heading for the front door.
A few minutes later, he was on his back, chest deep inside the cabinet, calling out tools for her to retrieve from his toolbox like a surgeon to his nurse. Standing to his side, her view was of his crotch in tight black slacks, and she felt a drop running an inch or two down her thigh at the sight of his large ‘package.’ She wondered whether it was a mistake or a premonition that she’d gone without panties under her medium-length skirt, as she so often did, usually being careful about her chosen days.
“Can you turn the water on?” he asked from beneath the sink. She stepped one foot over him to reach the handle. Straddling his body now, she turned the water on. “Cold only, please,” he requested. “Good, now hot.”
‘Yes, very hot!’ she thought, staring at the lump in his slacks, wondering if he was really that big or if he was as turned on as she was.
“Switch back and forth between cold and hot,” he instructed with an ulterior motive as he slid out from under the sink, looking up her skirt.
“Mmm, I didn’t know this was a room with a view!” he said as she played with the faucet.
“What?” she questioned, having heard the comment but didn’t understand it in the context of what they were doing. Then she looked down and saw his smiling face staring up from between her legs. “I told you this was a house with many surprises! Perhaps you’d like to take a better view? A – close-up view?” she replied meeting his eyes and not only making no attempt to cover up, she even pulled her skirt up a few inches to give him a better view.

“Perhaps I should, as it seems something else is leaking!” he quipped, her lips glistening with moisture and a drip on her thigh.
“Well, I don’t think that’s going to stop any time soon, so maybe you should just clean it up?” she said as she lifted her skirt and squatted on his face. “Oh God!” she cried as she felt his outstretched tongue first and then his whole mouth pressed into her slit.
She didn’t know if she was just extremely horny or that it had been such a long time since she’d had a man’s face between her legs, but she could practically see a climax rushing toward her as she rocked her hips over his munching mouth. Her knees weakening in the squatting position, they fell to the floor, and she moved forward to realign her dripping cunt with his mouth.
“Oh fuck, Aaron!” she cried as she lifted off his face, about to cum, but he pulled her down to smother himself with her pussy and ass, licking and sucking all he could taste. “Oh my! Oh! Oh! Ho! Ho! Ohhhhhhmmmmm!” she gasped as she came, her body shaking and thighs trembling.
Getting up from the floor, he helped her stand and held her in his strong arms. Tipping her head back, he planted his mouth on hers with short stabbing thrusts of his tongue between her panting breaths.
“There are more comfortable places here to … what’re you doing?” she cried as he grabbed her ass, lifted her off her feet to turn to his left, and plopped her down on the kitchen table.
“I’m sure there are, but I want another taste of that pussy right now!” he said forcefully as his hands squeezed her enticing tits through the silky blouse he’d complimented her on.
Shoving her laptop out of the way, he pushed her down on the table’s surface, spread her legs apart, and placed them on his shoulders while he leaned in with fingers and tongue to feast on her smoothly shaved pussy.
“Mmm, it doesn’t just taste good; it looks good too!” he commented.
She felt his hot breath on her tender, swollen lips as he spoke and decided just to lie back and let it happen. It had been years since she’d been ‘taken’ like this, and she would let him take all he wanted.
Guttural grunts, groans, and loud sighs were all that escaped her lips as she closed her eyes to concentrate on what she felt. Feeling his tongue traversing her sodden slit. Feeling a finger teasing her clit out of hiding. Feeling his long, thick fingers penetrate and curl upward to circle her g-spot and feeling another climax building to a peak she hadn’t reached in ages.
She was confused when she felt his hips push against her crotch when his fingers were still alternately fucking her and rubbing that spot. She opened her eyes to see him jerking his hips into his hand.
“You want something a little bigger in there?” he asked.
“Oh God, yes!” she replied but wished he’d make her cum again first.
As though reading her mind, his mouth returned to her sloppy wet crotch to nibble on her clit. With one set of fingers still inside, the others blindly pulled at the buttons of her blouse to open it enough to get a hand inside and push her bra up over her tits.
She couldn’t believe all the sensations; her tits manhandled, her pussy finger-fucked, and her clit teased to the point of no return. She looked up briefly to confirm what her senses told her, crying out vulgar exclamations as the orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks.
Still lying on the table, trying to recover, she heard the sound of a belt buckle and then a zipper and looked up, panting ‘Oh – My – God!’ at the sight of his huge cock about to push inside.
Aaron smiled as he looked at her shocked face, congratulating himself on reading this sexy real estate agent perfectly. Her eyes opened wide as she felt him stuffing his massive member into her neglected pussy. Her mouth formed a large ‘O’ while her eyes showed fear as he pushed his cock slowly but firmly toward its goal.
“Holy, fucking shit!” Melanie screamed when she could feel the whole thing inside her.
He moved an inch or two at a time to make sure her tight sheath was well lubricated before moving on to the final act. Pulling back further, he was satisfied she was ready but stopped to ask anyway.
“Uh-huh!” was all she could manage, and then repeated ‘Ungh!’ with each inward thrust. Stretched to the max, she was sure he was bigger than any she’d had before and worried she might not be able to take it.
She actually had to think about it for a second to decide that being split open like this felt genuinely spectacular. Every nerve ending in her abdomen was firing, delivering ungodly pleasure through her overworked pussy.
With his thumb on her clit the pounding increased in both tempo and ferocity, and she found herself praying for him to cum, as a new summit, even higher than before, was approaching. With all the other stimulation, she barely felt his hand moving from tit to tit, squeezing and pinching her hard nipples.
Just as she was about to cum, she was suddenly empty, and she opened her eyes to see him jerking his cock and spewing his seed onto her gaping pussy. His finger was still on her clit, and the sight of long strings of cum gushing from his cock triggered her climax as well, shooting thin streams of clear fluid back at him. She couldn’t speak with her body quaking and shaking spasmodically.
Leaning over her trembling body, he kissed her face and caressed one breast gently while watching her slowly come down from the tremendous peak he’d brought her to.
“Are you okay?” he asked when she finally seemed capable of speech.
“Oh. Um. Yeah. I’m okay,” she replied between still deep breaths. “So,” she started with a big smile, “What did you think of the house?”
“I don’t think I like it, Melanie. Better find another, okay? Let me know when I can see it,” he said as he closed his cum stained pants. “Oh, and I’ll be sure to bring my tool!” he laughed.
With a quick kiss on the mouth, he left her lying on the table, his cum dripping over her sides and legs, and her pussy a little sore.
As soon as she heard the front door slam close, she scrambled off the table, grabbed her laptop, and began looking at the MLS listings.
Seems Melanie has a new incentive for finding another house for Aaron! I hope you liked this quick story, and remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it if you did. Thanks For Reading!!