I was borne in Bangladesh but I'm sure I was conceived in an office not far from Canary Wharf. We came back to England a while later - me and Nikki my non-identical twin, and the rest of my family. Well, I say 'family', but that could mean anything and frequently does. We stayed in some rooms over a clothes shop in Bristol for a time while things were being sorted out, and the paperwork completed.
We were happy in that home. Too soon, however, we were taken down to the clothes shop below, me and my twin, and set to work decorating our first window display. They had noticed that, young as we were, we had the peculiar ability to create marvellous pictures, scenes of life which we could dangle in front of people's faces as they walked along the street past our shop window. These scenes were photographed by a weird guy with a camera and posted on the shop's website, too. Looking out onto the street the other side of the glass every day was kind of fun, and we both wondered out loud to each other what the people's lives might be like. We could do that twin thing of knowing what the other was saying without them having to say it, like some weird kind of mind-reading.
There were all sorts of people that we observed from our viewpoint. Men, women, teenagers, and children. Old, young and somewhere in between. They were happy, sad, busy, lack-a-daisical, tall, short, noisily chattering to their companions or stonily silent and staring at their phones. Behind them was the rest of the street, crowded with buses, trucks, cars, motorbikes, mopeds and push-bikes. It was fun making up stories to each other about the lives of some of the people we saw from our window. Happy stories, sad stories, respectable stories and sexy ones as well.
I think it was much later that the first really exciting thing happened. Someone came into the shop - in fact, one of the young women we'd seen a few times as she passed the shop window, about whom we'd made up a few stories to pass the time. I was taken out of the shop window, and given to this young woman. She took me into one of the fitting rooms and this is where the fun began. I watched as she put me down on a small chair then pulled the curtain across the entrance to the fitting room, in essence, a very small changing room barely big enough for one person but with a curtain instead of a proper door. To my surprise, she slipped her tee-shirt top off over her head revealing a bra with images of cute kittens all over it and with cups that I knew were too small for her bust. Her hands went behind her back as she stared fully at me, and the bra slipped off her chest and fell onto the floor on top of the tee-shirt revealing her two darling boobs, each one a beautiful fully rounded tear-drop shape with a small nipple just like a cherry on a baker's bun standing proud from her chest.
I heard someone talking to me but I didn't know how they knew my name.
“Debra, look down on the floor at us, Mia's tee-shirt and bra.”
I looked down at them while Mia massaged her breasts after having them held for most of the day in a bra two sizes too small. She gently massaged them and stretched them around her chest now they were free from her bra. I could tell the bra size was wrong with a single glance at Mia when she still had the bra stretched around her chest. I looked at Mia's cute kitten bra, and found, to my amazement that it was talking to me.
“I'm Braelyn, how do you do.”
Amazed, I managed to introduce myself too without getting myself in a twist.
“Hi, I'm Debra. What ...” I began.
“Didn't you know? You're a bra and someone will buy you and wear you over their breasts.”
A few pennies dropped into place when Debra said that. It's amazing how long it takes me sometimes to put two and two together to get the required four. I tried to say something but my cup had runneth out, so to speak. I had thought that the mannequin that me and Nikki were attached to was everything. I thought that the sole purpose of my life was to be on that mannequin with Nikki in that shop window and to make people stop and stare at us both, to make them feast their eyes on Nikki and me adorning the mannequin and to enjoy the artwork surrounding us in that shop window, women and men alike. Especially the men.
Soon enough, Mia had finished rubbing some circulation into her upper chest area, and picked me up from the chair where I was sitting. Mia did me up with my clips at the front, then dragged me around a half-circle so my clips were on her back and my cups just below her curvy boobs. One arm went through a strap loop, followed by a shoulder roll, repeated for the other side, and finally, she pulled my band up and popped her breasts into my cups. Oh, the warmth from Mia's body was so beautiful! I had thought that my mannequin, now languishing in the shop window with no bra, was the be-all and end-all of my existence. I hadn't realised how much excitement there would be from a warm body, real skin and, above all, the movement of arms, torso, shoulders, and breasts as Mia lived an everyday life, as opposed to being attached permanently to a cold static plastic statue in a shop window. I could feel every breath she took, every ripple of her skin and flesh, every stretch and relaxation of her body. I could feel her nipples pushing into the soft inside material in each cup, and I could feel each one hardening and pushing out from each breast as Mia decided she liked me around her body. She breathed in more deeply and I felt her heart rate speed up.
There was a strong aroma too, a heady mixture of fabric conditioner, an inexpensive (here meaning cheap) body scent and the unmistakable smell of sweat. I breathed her in, feeling the high notes of home and street filling my band and straps. I breathed in, too, and my straps tightened just a little, something I found I had no control over. But I liked it very much.
Wait till I tell Nikki, when I get back to the mannequin in the shop window!
Her nipples stood out from each breast much more than the mannequin's, and now that I think about it, the mannequin didn't have any nipples. Not one, not even a tiny little blister. Its bust was just two round semi-spheres of cold pink plastic.
Mia studied me from above, pulling me a little to the left and to the right as she jiggled me into a comfortable position. My cups closed around Mia's breasts, and I felt her curves sink deep into my core. The fit was perfect. Every square inch of my cups held her C's in place with just the right amount of support and lift. My straps, so loosely adjusted to the mannequin, suddenly found themselves pulled taut to exactly the right amount, serving to enhance Mia's bust. Every time she moved, her breasts would change their position slightly inside my cups. I loved holding them safe and secure for her. I took charge of them, keeping them in their right places as she moved around, admiring herself in the cubicle's mirror. Never again would skin or flesh balloon out from her too-small bra, or stretch themselves to pieces trying to hold it all in.
Mia seemed to like it too. She kept pressing the sides of her upper chest while settling each breast more snugly into its cup. My cups. Me. I loved the feel of Mia's hand delving around inside each cup, or simply pressing lightly on the outside of the cup and playing with different positions of each boob in each cup.
I looked down onto the floor where Braelynn was watching me.
“Hey, Braelynn, this is fantastic! I didn't know it could be like this!” I enthused.
Braelynn smiled up at me from the floor, a little sadly. She looked older, now, as she lay on the floor next to Mia's tee-shirt. I suddenly saw her faded straps, twisted one way, twisted back the other way and the strap adjuster far too near the back of the bra. I saw her band, with its stretch marks where there shouldn't be stretch marks, and stains where it goes under each arm. And I saw the curved plastic cup reinforcers, poking up out of their places between the two cups.
I suddenly realised what might happen to Braelynn. I had seen the fate of bras, knickers, and other pieces of clothing that had been returned to the shop as faulty, or when customers had decided to continue wearing their new purchases and leave their old ones behind in the shop which were simply tossed into the bin at the entrance to the fitting rooms. Rumour had it that these old clothes went for recycling somewhere, but we youngsters were far too cocky to worry about recycling yet.
“Is it alright?” a voice just outside the curtain asked, and a head suddenly peered around the side of the curtain.
“Yes, thanks - I like it,” Mia replied while the female shop assistant studied my straps, my band, and my cups around Mia's breasts. The shop assistant made a tiny adjustment to one of my straps on top of Mia's shoulder while Mia smiled happily into the mirror. She continued to fuss and primp me around Mia's shoulders and back, on the pretext of ensuring a good fit. Mia didn't object, so the shop assistant turned Mia to face her and began to move my cups without touching Mia's skin, just to see what happened.
“It feels great,” Mia said, looking down at the shop assistant's hand hovering around her bust.
The shop assistant allowed her fingers to brush Mia's skin. Again, Mia didn't appear to notice. The shop assistant boldly picked up one of Mia's breasts inside my cup and made as if to position the bra better over Mia's bust. Mia continued looking at her chest in the big mirror, looking at how I fitted her chest and allowing the shop assistant to make further 'adjustments' to Mia's front. Finally, the shop assistant had both hands on Mia's breasts, gently easing them up from my cups then easing them back into them. Mia turned sideways and looked at the shop assistant, then looked down at her bust, nestling under her shop uniform.
“It's very much the same as my bra,” the shop assistant said, looking at Mia in the eye. “My bust is about the same size as yours.”
Mia's gaze dropped down to the shop assistant's uniform and the aforementioned bust. She raised an eyebrow quizzically. The shop assistant pulled up her tabard and the plain tee-shirt underneath it, revealing a push-up bra in a natural skin colour with her breasts rising up from the cups. Mia looked down and studied the bra. The shop assistant brushed her fingers lightly over her own skin, then over Mia's, and left her semi-exposed boobs for Mia to touch if she wanted to. Mia's fingers reached out towards the shop assistant's, who didn't move or react. The fingers touched the shop assistant's skin and lightly traced over her curves, then descended onto the material of her bra and pressed gently on the small hard nipples at the front of each cup.
Someone, a customer or the other shop assistant, came into the entrance to the fitting rooms area, and both women stood back from each other, the plain tee-shirt and the tabard went back down and she wriggled herself back into conformity.
“Would you like to take the knickers that go with it?” asked the shop assistant as if nothing had happened. “It's a size 4 which looks just right for you.”
“Yes, please! But I'm a size 8, actually,” Mia called, as the talking head disappeared back through the curtain.
Now I might be a bra, but I'm also an expert in knickers sizes, and I knew that the shop assistant was flattering Mia. We both knew that Mia was a size 8 and that's pushing it. In a few seconds, the shop assistant was back again, holding a pair of knickers. Size 8. Nikki.
“Nikki!” I called. “It's you! Great, I'm having fun here!”
I shared my recent history using the twin's bush telegraph.
Mia spoke again.
“Can I keep the bra on, and can I have the knickers too?”
“Of course.”
The shop assistant took off my price and bar code and did the same for Nikki. Mia whipped off her own knickers and pulled Nikki on up to her waist.
You've no idea just how many men will stop and stare at a female mannequin in a clothes shop window which is wearing a pair of black knickers and nothing else. The men don't stop walking, particularly if they're with their girl friends but, oh, how they stare. They stared at me, they stared at the mannequin's boobs and they stared again at me. You'd think that a static figure displaying a sensuous pair of knickers and a push-up bra would be enough titillation for men, but apparently not. It seems they like it just as much without the bra. Several men were so not looking where they were going that they almost cannoned into men coming the other way also not looking where they were going.
Debra was gone for quite a few minutes, and I was worried where she was. But then the shop assistant opened the door of the window display and slipped me down the mannequin's legs and over the metal plate it stands on. I was whisked to the back of the shop, my gusset flapping in the air and my waist band straps jiggling up and down as the shop assistant hurried towards the fitting room area.
I was taken in and handed through a curtain to find Debra already wrapped around a young woman's boobs. She looked and sounded so happy. Debra, I mean, not the woman, although she looked happy, too.
I caught up very quickly on the recent gossip, and said 'hi' to Braelynn on the floor. The shop assistant disappeared, and Mia closed the curtain again. She put a couple of fingers into the waist band of her knickers, pulled them down and put them on the floor.
She was called Monica and we all said 'hi' to her, too. Mia bent down, put one foot at a time through my leg holes and pulled me up to her waist.
What an experience! Like Debra, I'd thought that the mannequin was 'it', but finding myself settled between Mia's legs, right at the top and covering her pussy was like nothing I'd ever felt. At once, I breathed in the scent coming from Mia's vagina. Musky, hot, with a touch of YSL and quite a bit of sweat, it filled my gusset and made me quite delirious. Mia had recently shaved except for a patch on her mound, so I found myself snuggling up Mia's skin. The patch of hair was a narrow strip cut very short lying just above her clitoris and extending halfway up to her tummy button, which softly nuzzled into the material just around the front of my waist band. Mia's hand came down inside me and moved me around a bit between her thighs, and between her ass cheeks too. I went a bit limp for a second or two, I'll admit, but I soon got control of myself again, with an effort. Debra and I were too excited and full of ourselves - and Mia - to say much, we were revelling in our new homes.
The tee-shirt (Felicity) slid over Mia's head and down towards me, then a short flared skirt (Rosaline) was pulled up over Nikki and done up, then they were ready. Mia collected her clothes (Felicity and Monica) from the floor and shoved them into her handbag. She queued at the till, paid for us both and left the shop while we learned how to cope with Mia's walking and her handbag with the shoulder straps lying across Felicity and one of my cups.
The mannequin was fading fast into the distance now, in more ways than one. Firstly, we passed it in its shop window, the display now empty and lifeless, and the mannequin bare, plastic and still without nipples. We walked past it without even looking at it. Secondly, Nikki and I had changed up from a static display to a living, moving, scented human being with interesting possibilities for the future, leaving our previous existence far, far behind.
Nikki and I, the knickers and the bra, were beginning to merge into one person, one entity now. We felt our own feelings and we felt the other's, too. I noticed a new dimension, the sense of being tight between Mia's legs and pressed closely around her pussy, and I knew that Nikki was feeling all my sensations around Mia's breasts and armpits. We merged further together as one item.
I began to enjoy the smells and dampness coming from Mia's vagina. Nikki wriggled a little bit and I felt her gusset crease a tiny bit, sinking between Mia's lips to form the beginnings of a nice camel toe under her short skirt. She tried to sort the problem without putting her hand under her skirt in the middle of the street, by walking a bit funny for a few steps hoping the change in position would help her. This didn't have the desired effect so the hand went under the skirt, in and out very quickly while Mia hoped that no one was watching. It was a bit naughty, I know, so Nikki relented and pulled herself together and out from her lips, bringing a strong scent of Mia with her. Nikki and I giggled to each other and enjoyed the ride.
I felt Mia's handbag strap pressing directly over me on top of one of my cups, so I did a little jiggle and the handbag strap slipped neatly into the valley between each cup, creating a deeper curve and higher peaks. Nikki and Felicity both grunted with pleasure at the feel of the strap nestling over us, pressing Felicity nicely into a bra-shaped figure, setting off her extended and pushed-up bust to anyone who was looking. And a few people were.

Outside the shop and down the street for a bit, Mia went to a street café and headed for a table occupied by a young man, who spotted her coming.
“Did you get what you wanted?” he asked, drinking the last of his coffee.
“Mmmm, wouldn't you like to know?” she teased, arching her back a little. Obligingly, I pulled myself up into Level Two of the push-up bra stakes. Mia's boobs stuck out further than they had done recently, although I knew that Braelynn had done her best.
Max caught on immediately, his eyes nearly popping out of his head as he stared at Mia's new and improved bust. Mia was a slim young woman, about 5ft 7in high and a size 8 but with extra curves thanks to me.
“Tell you what,” Max said, his eyes still fixed on Mia's bust. “Why don't we go home and see what you've got?”
“Oh, it's going to be that good, is it? Mmmm!”
On the bus on the way home, Max kept looking at Mia's chest, she being very aware of it. And Nikki and I enjoyed the way Mia was sitting on the bus seat, her weight pressing on the back of Nikki, and leaning back in the seat making my band and straps press quite hard into Mia's back.
Max slid his hand towards Mia's chest.
“Don't, people are watching!”
“Who? Nobody's watching.”
“Yes, they are!”
The other passengers on the bus completely ignored Mia and Max. He slowly slid his hand up inside Felicity, Mia's tee-shirt, but each time he nearly reached me wrapped around Mia's breasts, she wriggled back and he had to begin again.
Nikki and I poked out Mia's boobs each time he snuck a peek. Her scents and smells increased gradually as we got closer to their bus stop, and by the time we were indoors and the handbag laid down on the kitchen table we were well worth a more detailed investigation from Mia and Max.
Max extended his hands towards Mia's chest, silently seeking permission to touch. Mia nodded her head, and Max's fingers touched us. Felicity first, then me.
I felt his fingers squeeze me, gently at first. He explored on top of my cups, then all around them, especially underneath, where my band did the actual work of holding Mia's boobs up and out. Felicity and I purred with pleasure, both of us settling ourselves around Mia like a protective skin around a precious object. Well, two precious objects. He put his hands underneath her bust, still outside Felicity, and played with moving her breasts around as far as they would go or as far as we would let him. He slipped both hands inside Felicity and slid his fingers up her tummy until they reached me. His breathing became deeper and he changed his position on the sofa next to us. His hands worked their way down Mia until they came to her skirt. He began to gently lift her skirt up her thighs and put his hands underneath.
“Wait, I've got something for you!” Mia said, taking Max's hands off her upper legs.
She reached into her handbag and pulled her old bra and knickers, Braelynn and Monica, and held them out towards Max. He looked at them, dubiously, without taking them.
“I want you to put these on,” Mia said, looking Max straight in the eye. “They're your size. I know you've always wanted to wear my underwear. Now, these are yours and I want you to wear them now.”
“Wha ...?”
“Yes, go on, I know you know you want to!”
She looked at the bra, saw where the tops of the curved plastic reinforcers were exposed between the cups, and shuffled the bra material until the plastic reinforcers were once again buried back where they should be.
Max took the bra and knickers slowly, like a man in a dream. He held them near his face and sniffed. Braelynn and Monica were all runkled up together, having been stuffed any old how into the handbag. He held them closer to his nose and sniffed again.
“Good luck, Braelynn, Monica!”, we both called at the same time.
“We shall need it!” they replied, almost as one.
Max put them down, stood up and pulled off his clothes. They ended up in a heap on the floor, and he ended up standing tall and completely naked. Mia stared at him all over, smiling naughtily. We both stared at him, too. I mean, we're a bra and a pair of knickers, we know what women look like down there, but men? What is all that ... stuff? We stared at him, aghast, then slowly turned to look at poor Monica, the one who was now going to find out what all that stuff actually was, close up.
From the floor, near Max's feet, I looked upwards to the human male figure towering over me. Well, I say 'towering', actually I already knew that Max and Mia were about the same size, height and weight, and that what she could wear he could too, at least in theory. But as we all watched, speechless, the theory began to diverge from the practice. Unlike Debra and Nikki, I'd seen Max in all his nakedness hundreds of times, usually while he was alone in the bathroom the day before laundry day when the dirty clothes basket was full. He would take me out of the basket and sniff me a few times, but didn't pursue it any further. But now, Mia was actively encouraging him to wear me, and Braelynn as well (although lucky Braelynn had less to deal with than me as he was quite skinny and had no bust at all). I looked up at him again and wondered how I was going to wrap myself around all that.
The theory and the practice were fast separating themselves, as Max's penis began to wake up and have a look around. Normally, his penis was quite small and drooped downwards in front of his balls. But now, it grew and grew as I looked at it. But, worse than this, Max bent down and put his feet through my leg holes and drew me up his legs towards the top. He tucked his balls into me quite easily. This was something that I could cope with although I was much happier with Mia's pretty little lips pushing me out by only a few millimetres.
I nervously studied his long shaft, with its glistening ridges and rounded red contours. The size of it worried me, the length and the diameter combined, as I tried to imagine what that would feel like being stuffed inside me.
I held my breath as Max s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d me out and tried to stuff his massive penis into my cotton panels. The best he could do, after trying for a few seconds, was to have his penis pointing upwards and outwards, the lower part covered by the cotton material from my gusset to my waistband and the top half sticking out of the top and waving around like a giraffe in a transport truck. I sucked in a fresh breath of air, because in trying to cover his entire penis within my cotton panels, he had just about stretched me out to the full, and still failed to get it all in.
In my gusset, I felt the skin on his balls contracting and wrinkling up as they drew themselves up closer to his crotch, so I found I could cope more easily with less down there. However, my poor overstretched waist band pulled itself tight across his penis, and as it continued to expand so did I. I had to take several extra breaths just to stop myself from fainting away to nothingness.
This delicate state of affairs lasted for several minutes while Max and Mia chortled, giggled and fondled each other while Braelynn, Debra, Nikki, Felicity and Rosaline wept bitter tears for me. Well, I say 'wept bitter tears', it was more like them crying with laughter but we'll pass over that.
After a few seconds, I'd got used to the new normal and began to sense the differences. Firstly, Max's balls were quite small and tight, and fitted inside me quite nicely in comparison to Mia's neat little pussy lips, which in fact were beautifully rounded and very comfortable for me to hold. I had more to cope with because Max's balls were a bigger load than Mia's lips, but I had fun acclimatising myself to that. The skin around his balls kept tightening and loosening, contracting and expanding as the fun continued. I enjoyed that, even more than I enjoyed looking after Mia's pussy which was much less mobile. Each time his skin changed, it slid one way or another on my cotton and I felt every delightful change.
The penis, however, was something I'd never felt before. Apart from the extra strain on my old and already over-used waist band, I began to sense new and impressive emotions. Max had shaved down there very recently, so my sensations were of a bare, hot pulsating rod, with new and unknown smells and activity zinging around a naked crotch. Max's hand began playing with himself both inside me and outside, smoothing his fingers on my cotton panels and squeezing and masturbating his penis, holding me as well as it. Mia joined in, so there were two or three hands and a lot of fingers poking, prodding, rubbing, smoothing, pulling, and pushing at his penis and me. It stayed hot and strong while they both played with it. Several times Max rushed over to a mirror and admired himself in his wife's old knickers while they both manipulated it and watched what they were doing in the mirror. Max's fingers found my cotton gusset seam and one of his fingers found the pocket and poked itself in a little, the cheeky beggar.
Mia was still wearing Nikki, Debra, Felicity and Rosaline - her new knickers, new bra, old tee-shirt and skirt. She reached down onto the floor and picked up Braelynn, her old bra, and handed it to Max. I watched from my position around his waist, having to look from one side so I could see past his giant penis, as Max took it from her and tried to unravel it and figure out which way was up and where to start putting it around his chest. After watching him for a few seconds (and while Braelynn was given what seemed like an ad-hoc fairground ride, being turned around and around, sometimes upside down and sometimes the right way up even if accidentally) Mia tutted and took it back from him. She flicked it into the right position and placed it around Max's chest. Max clumsily put his arms through Braelynn's straps while Mia did up her clips.
There was more laughter and giggles from all of us this time, as Max overreacted in embarrassment to having a woman's bra around his chest. He stuck his thumbs into Braelynn's cups, pinged the straps a few times, and readjusted the band around his chest and under his arms four or five times. The cups were completely empty and loose, so Mia jumped up and came back with a couple of clean pairs of Max's socks which she rolled into two blobs and stuffed into Braelynn's cups. Now, Max had a bust, real boobs, and a bra to hold them in place. Well, I say 'real boobs', more like fake little titties, but hey, who's complaining? Mia and Max played 'squeeze Braelynn's cups' and the two pairs of clean socks, for some time while the rest of us watched and wondered.
For my part, down around Max's nether regions, and with my view slightly obscured by his penis which kept going up and down like a yo-yo, the fun was enhanced by the sensations Max's penis and balls were giving me in spadefuls. But it didn't stop there. Suddenly, Max and Mia leaped up and dashed into their bedroom, taking us with them. Braelynn and her socks flapped around Max's chest, and his penis flapped around half inside me and half outside me, getting smaller then getting bigger again. They both dived onto the bed, him in a cute kitten bra and knickers and her still in everything. Felicity, the tee-shirt, came off first and went onto the floor in a heap then Max laid on top of Mia and pulled his penis further out from inside me, his knickers, pulled aside Rosaline, Mia's skirt, pulled aside Nikki, Mia's black knickers and stuffed himself up inside her without warning.
Except that Mia was lying on her back holding her legs up and apart, with her black, sexy bra uppermost, almost yelping with pleasure and urgency. His thrusts missed Mia's pussy and landed on her tummy. She pulled him up further and pushed his massive throbbing penis up under her bra strap. Debra was tight and strong, and his penis thrust under her. It plunged up and down, rubbing hard between Mia's boobs which were held firmly in place by Debra, the new bra. He pushed and shoved in a powerful titty-fuck while Mia pleaded for more. His own breasts flopped around inside the old bra, and one at a time the rolled-up socks fell out of their cups and onto the bed leaving his bra empty and loose. But Mia's eyes were fixed on it, giving her senses extra kick so she started to boil over, glancing downwards occasionally to see her husband in her own dirty knickers while her new bra and knickers were getting smeared with his pre-cum and sweat. Again she stared at Max in her cute kitten underwear, his rock-hard penis pushing, shoving and thrusting, and something else gave way inside her and she yelped again with intense pleasure, wordlessly pleading for her husband to get on with it and make her come.
Max pushed the new bra to one side, it was now half over her chest and those gorgeous C-sized breasts, and half hanging off to one side, cutting into her skin tightly. The old bra was dangling downwards from Max's chest, two of the three hooks and eyes now undone. Mia's hands came up and squeezed his cups, now void and empty of the socks. Her hands led him to slide down her body. His penis retreated downwards as well, pulsating and leaving a trail of pre-cum between her breasts and all over her new push-up bra. She widened her legs still further and hitched her new knickers to one side of her lips. He slid himself into the gaping pussy, right in up to the hilt. Mia gasped and squeezed and mashed her own breasts, still mostly in her new bra, her fingers getting sticky from Max's pre-cum that he'd just put there. Her legs came together a bit, she couldn't help it they just did. Max felt the constriction around his penis. Max's knickers had covered half of his penis, now the waist band had been dragged further down his shaft as he entered Mia, leaving the tight elastic rubbing on Mia's lips each time he thrust.
Max couldn't contain himself any longer. He stopped thrusting, unable to move for three seconds. Suddenly he emptied himself into Mia. His cum exploded out of him, filled Mia then squirted backwards out of her vagina all over his old knickers and Mia's new ones. Mia came at that exact moment, almost blacking out as Max sank onto her body and lay there on top of her, leaking cum everywhere.
I must say, as an experienced pair of knickers (even if cute and kitteny), I've never experienced the like before. My waist band was stretched by Max's penis, my gusset filled by his balls and, to top it all, my cotton panels got smeared with his cum all over me, inside and out. I'm used to her juices leaking out into me when she gets excited, but I didn't know men could produce so much gunk so quickly. But what an experience!
Nikki (around Mia's waist but with her gusset pulled to one side of Mia's engorged lips, and covered in pre-cum and actual cum)
I'm the new knickers on the block around here. I am familiar with a plastic mannequin and now a real woman. I was made for this but it was more than I ever expected. Will they do it again? Bring it on!
Braelynn (hanging on to Max's skinny chest by one hook and eye, the cups empty and floppy)
Well, it's great to hear all your experiences, Monica, but I had less to do than normal. Those silly socks fell out of my cups and I was left almost unstrapped completely, I was hanging on by a hook and a prayer. But the smells and sensations of being a male bra were new to me, even in my old age. Let's have it again!
Debra (half on Mia's boobs and half off, also covered in pre-cum and actual cum)
In all honesty, my band isn't going to stay tight for very long if he sticks his colossal cock up inside me many more times, much as though I enjoyed it. And what is this sticky gunk that's slathered everywhere? Surely, some of it was supposed to go inside her?
Rosaline (still around Mia's waist, albeit bunched up and ruckled untidily, also covered in pre-cum and actual cum)
Yes, some of it did go inside her, Debra, but I got my fair share of it, too. However, I had the best view of all, ladies. Welcome to the Max house!
Felicity (lying on the floor, almost under the bed and having missed most of the action)
Did something just happen? C'mon guys, sort yourselves out!
Dramatis vestimenta:
Debra - the new black bra from the mannequin (De-bra).
Nikki - the new black knickers from the mannequin (Knick-y)
Braelynn - Mia's existing cute kitten bra (Bra-elynn.)
Monica - Mia's matching knickers (Mo-nicker.)
Felicity - Mia's tee-shirt (Felici-tee.)
Rosaline - Mia's short flared skirt. A-line. (Ros-aline.)