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17 and Hot, Part 3 of 3

"Was it okay that he had thought of her as his 'sister'?"

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Bob was speechless. He felt he had just crossed some sort of line. Charlie and Paul climbed out of the pool, picked up their flip-flops and t-shirts and headed toward the gate. Over his shoulder, Paul said, “We'll be at my house... if you get time for us, that is.”

“I'll be there,” Bob yelled as the gate snapped shut . “Just give me a few minutes with Sandy.”

“That was rough, I'm sure,” said Sandy.

“Yeah... well it was brewing even before the summer break, but it really came to a head after that other day in the pool,” Bob said, “I just wasn't ready to admit it.”

“Uh huh, me too. I mean uh, you are talking about us aren't you?”

Of course,” Bob said emphatically. “Can we go in the house?”

Sandy looked into Bob's eyes. “Kiss me first, like you did in the pool.”

Bob took a step toward Sandy, narrowing the distance between them. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. Sandy was still dripping wet and wearing only a pair of wet, almost transparent panties and Bob did so much want to press that gorgeous body against his. Still, he wasn’t sure he should even be touching her. After all, she had been his stepsister until their parents divorced. Bob kept his hands at his side.

Sandy, at seventeen, was two years younger and not yet a senior in high school. Still, she had no such reservations. She closed the remaining distance between them and putting her hands around Bob's waist, pulled his body into hers. As their tongues became entwined, his hands encircled her butt and grabbed hold of her wet panties.

As they continued to kiss, Bob moved his hand slowly up Sandy's side, caressing the bare flesh along the way. His fingertips reached the side of her breast and danced lightly across the skin, coming ever nearer to their ultimate prey, one of the rock-hard nipples that was currently pressed against his chest. As he was about to realize his quest, Sandy, still very much in tease mode, broke their kiss and said, “I promised you lunch.”

Bob stepped back and eyed Sandy with a look of befuddlement. After a brief pause he said, “That you did.” Still not sure what was going on, Bob took Sandy's hand and led her up the steps of the pool, toward the back-door of the house, hoping he would have the answer soon.

On a shelf, inside the back-door, was a pile of fresh towels. Sandy took one for herself and handed another to Bob. Although they studied each other intently as they toweled off, nothing of consequence was said by either.

After drying off and patting the moisture out of her panties, Sandy wrapped the towel around herself. As Bob threw his damp towel into the soiled linen basket, Sandy said, “I know this doesn't make a bit of sense. I have been running around practically naked in front of you and your friends for like, well at least the last hour, but for some stupid reason, I want to put some clothes on. Would you mind terribly?”

Bob hesitated, then said, “Truthfully? I was feeling a bit uncomfortable myself, us being alone in the house and all. No, you put on whatever makes you comfortable. I'll go out in the yard and get my shirt and flip-flops.”

Bob was sitting in the kitchen when Sandy returned. He was still wearing his damp cutoffs but at least his shirt was dry. Sandy was wearing a button-front blouse and ripped jeans with the top and bottom buttons of the blouse left undone. She was probably braless but the heavy material of the blouse left that as an uncertainty. Her look was sexy, but certainly within the norms of what a girl her age might wear to the mall.

Sandy remembered Bob's favorite lunch – it was hers too. After frying up some bacon and toasting several slices of bread, Sandy assembled a couple of BLT's on toast. She placed these on the table along with a couple of soft drinks, then sat down across from Bob, who was still trying to accept that he was not only 'in lust', but also quite probably 'in love' with the girl who - for a time at least - he had thought of as his sister.

Between bites and with frequent pauses for chewing and swallowing, the two carried on a semblance of a conversation.

“Did you have fun today?” Sandy asked.

“Uh huh,” Bob answered, “especially when it was you and me fighting for the ball.”

“Which did you like best, me kissing you, or you sucking on my boobies?” She reached up and undid the second button on the blouse.

Bob pretended not to notice, although he definitely had. He choked momentarily before responding, “Uh... I think I liked them both.”

“But you didn't like it when Paul was playing with my, uh...”

Bob interrupted, “No, no, you don't understand.”

“So tell me then. What?”

“From where I was sitting, I couldn't really tell what was going on, but I could tell from the look on your face that something was, and that you weren't acting all that upset about it.”

“And...” Sandy prompted.

“Look, I told you I was okay about you playing with my friends. Yes, I get a little jealous, but it also uh... well it turns me on.”

“But you acted upset.”

“A little, I suppose. Hey, I trust Paul. He'd never do anything to hurt either of us, especially not you. You're the sister he wishes he had.”

“Then what?”

“Charlie - its not the same with him. Oh, he loves you too, just not the same way.”

Sandy gave several seconds of thought to Bob's last statement. She looked intently at him and said, “You're going to have to explain what you mean.”

Bob complied, “When I was home over Christmas, Charlie and I got to talking about you.”

Sandy’s face lit up. “Oh yeah? And what were you saying?”

“Well, Charlie said he’d seen you a couple of times after he got back from his trip, but you had acted kind of cold. He didn’t know about our, quote, practicing, and chalked it up to the family splitting and things just not being the same.”

“You think he was guessing anything?”

“Nah. You and I had pretty much gone our separate ways. In fact that’s why it came up.”

“What? What came up?”

“He was still interested in you, talking about the time last summer when we were swimming and you had let me and him take your top off and play with your tits.”

“So he liked that, huh?”

“Shit yeah, he liked it. He thinks you’re just about the hottest girl he’s ever known.” Bob hesitated, looking at the sliver of bare skin being exposed by the two undone buttons. For sure not wearing a bra. He continued, “He was still thinking he might get hooked back up with you – asked me what I thought about him asking you for a date.”

Sandy turned kind of serious. “Well at least he was going to ask. He’d always just assumed before. That was why I kinda got fed up with him – him always acting so superior.”

“Well he is kind of that way, but he is still one of my best friends, and I expect a friend of yours too.” Sandy nodded. Bob slowed down and began to choose his words carefully. He looked off to the side as he said, “But that was when I realized I was thinking of you as more than a friend.” He returned to looking at Sandy. “So I told him I didn’t think it was a good idea.”

Oh wow!” Sandy's face turned a light shade of pink. “Let me guess then. In the pool, you knew Charlie wouldn't be playing, and you didn't want to take the chance I might like it.” Sandy ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh jesus!”

Bob looked down at the table. “Yeah, I guess something like that.” He looked up and suggested, “How about we talk about something else?”

Sandy nodded and said, “Okay.” She turned slowly to the counter behind her and picked up Bob's phone from it. “Sure,” she said, pushing the phone toward him. “Here's your phone. I deleted the girls' phone numbers, but I left the pictures of me.”

Bob's head jerked up, his eyes widened and he hastily covered his mouth with his hand. After several seconds he uncovered his mouth and said, “You saw the pictures.” It was a statement, not a question. “Oh my god, Sandy, how can you ever forgive me?”

“I don't have to. I'm not mad. I like it that you want pictures of me on your phone.”

“You do?”

“Uh huh. You want some more?” Sandy asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

“Well yeah, of course.

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You got some more I can have?”

“No, but you got your phone there.” Sandy bent low over the table in Bob’s direction. Let him have a peek. With two buttons undone her bare tits were showing, nipples too, and she looked at him suggestively as she said, “You could take some more… if you want.”

Bob’s eyes went wide. “You mean it?” he asked.

Sandy leaned back, all serious, “One condition though,” she said. “Mother was worried you might post them on the Internet or send them to someone else. Promise me you won't do that.”

Bob's eyebrows had shot up at the mention of Sandy’s mother. “Your mother saw those pictures?” he asked. “She must be ready to kill me!”

Sandy sat up straight. “Well, she might wish I was a couple of years older, but no, she doesn't have a problem with you, or us for that matter.”

“Right. Uh huh. And what if she'd shown up when you were straddling my lap in the pool?” Bob challenged.

“You mean when you had one of my nipples in your mouth?” Sandy smiled. “I’m sure she would have been embarrassed, but otherwise? No, I don't see her even getting terribly upset.”

“Not upset? Not mad?” snapped Bob. “You have got be nuts.”

“No, I don't think so. Mother knew I was going to invite you guys over for a swim, and although we didn’t really discuss it, I’m sure she guessed that I wouldn’t be wearing a whole lot.”

“You mean you actually discussed all that shit with her?” Bob interrupted.

“Well, maybe not everything. I mean, some of it just sort of got left unsaid. Like I didn't say anything about you taking more pictures.” Sandy grinned and bent over the table again. “In fact, I just thought that up while we were sitting here.”

Bob homed in on the bare breasts as he challenged, “But, if she comes home early again?”

“Well,” Sandy began seductively, “she did promise she'd call first, before doing that again.”

“So she really is okay with us?” Bob was clearly not believing everything. He lowered his head as he said, “No way Dad’s going to buy this though.”

Sandy put her hand on Bob’s. “Give Mom a chance to change his mind. They might be split up, but I’m betting she can still be pretty persuasive when she wants. So how about we not worry about it anymore.” Sandy’s eyes brightened as she prompted, “Lets do those pictures you wanted.”

“Right!” Bob's mood lightened considerably as he envisioned how sexy Sandy could be. “Out by the pool. Light's better there.”

“Whatever you want, big guy,” Sandy said as she headed for the door.

As Sandy turned toward him at the edge of the pool, Bob snapped the first picture.

Sandy reached for the buttons on her blouse. “You want me to undo a couple more of these?” she teased.

Bob nodded vigorously as Sandy slowly unbuttoned all but the one just above her belly-button. She spread the top and bottom of the blouse open, not exposing her breasts, but at least making it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. Bob adjusted the front of his shorts and snapped a couple more pictures.

Sandy placed her hand on the last button. “The light okay?” she asked.

“Oh yeah.” Bob licked his lips.

Sandy undid the last button. The blouse was completely open but still covered her nipples. Sandy looked up at Bob just as he snapped away. Her hands went to the button holding her jeans together. After unbuttoning that, she slid the zipper down and folded the jeans open, exposing her panties.

The bulge in Bob's shorts grew. It tented the front of his shorts while he snapped a couple more pictures. “You are so hot!” he said. “I just hope what I'm feeling isn't all lust.”

Sandy looked a little below Bob's waist. “Ooo, I like the reaction I'm getting, but I hope its not all lust either.”

Sandy pushed the jeans down her hips a few inches and put her hands behind her head. Her blouse spread wider as she lifted her arms, revealing her breasts and hardened nipples. The opening in her jeans revealed the outline her pussy was making in her panties.

Sandy kept her eyes on the camera/phone as Bob moved around in front of her, taking numerous pictures from several angles. She pushed the jeans the rest of the way down her hips and let them drop to the deck. She stepped out of them and watched Bob as he took several more shots of her.

Sandy knelt on the pool deck, her bare knees spread wide, giving Bob a straight on view of her bare thighs and panties. As he continued snapping pictures, Sandy spread the blouse open, then took it off altogether, offering Bob an incredibly sexy view, and pictures, of her in nothing but panties.

Bob's hands were shaking. He was having trouble keeping the camera/phone aimed. Sandy lay down on her back, the pool still behind her, then turned sideways, turning her head so she was still watching Bob and his phone.

Sandy raised her knees, then lifted her hips slightly and slipped the panties off. Her raised legs blocked Bob from taking anything 'X rated', but if this had been a movie, they would have had some difficulty getting an 'R' rating.

“I've got enough,” Bob said as he put his phone on a nearby table. He removed some cushions from one of the deck loungers and put them under Sandy's naked body. He sat down on the pool deck next to her.

Sandy raised her arms over her head, inviting Bob's gaze to settle on her breasts. After a few seconds he tentatively put a hand on one of her breasts. Sandy’s hard nipples suggested she wanted more. He stroked her breasts and tweaked her nipples. She looked longingly into his eyes as he continued.

Bob leaned over and pressed his mouth to one of Sandy's breasts. He flicked his tongue over the nipple, then bit it gently between his teeth. Sandy moaned and reached her hand between his legs, gently rubbing his erection. Continuing to suck on her nipples, Bob slid himself into a reclining position beside her.

Sandy moved to the side, making room for Bob on the cushions, and began to unbutton his shorts. With help from him, she managed to get his cutoffs and undershorts down his legs and off. He pulled his t-shirt over his head. Both were naked.

With his mouth and one hand, Bob continued to lavish attention on Sandy's bare breasts. His other hand grazed her stomach lightly as it traveled downward and came to rest between her legs. Sandy lowered her knees and spread her legs as Bob's fingers slid along the the slick exterior of her pussy lips.

As one of Bob’s fingers entered her, Sandy wrapped a hand around his cock. Smearing his pre-cum along the shaft she slowly stroked him. Using her other hand, she coaxed Bob's lips to hers and sucked his tongue into her mouth.

As Bob pinched her nipples and fingered the walls of her love canal, Sandy squeezed his cock and purred, “I want this in me... puhleeese.”

“And there is nothing I want more,” concurred Bob, looking quite serious, “but there is the matter of a promise you required me to make.”

“Happily, that expired when you moved out," Sandy responded with a smile. "I’ve even been taking birth control pills, hoping this day would come.”

Without saying anything further, Bob rolled over on top of Sandy and positioned the head of his cock between her pussy lips. He began to inch his way in but Sandy wasn't as patient. She grabbed hold of Bob's ass and yanked him in with a jerk. “Oh my god!” she gasped.

“Are you alright,” Bob asked urgently.

“Oh yes, oh yes. Just an instant of pain, but now so good!”

Bob anxiously slid his cock in and out of Sandy's slippery pussy. “Like nothing I've ever felt before," he eked out between labored breaths. "Even better than I could have imagined. Please, tell me this doesn’t go away.”

“Oh no, baby, this is forever! I just so hoped you wanted it as badly as I did.”

The motion picked up. Talking ceased as the breaths came quicker. Bob raised himself on his hands and thrust deeply. Sandy let herself go, basking in the pounding she was taking.

She tightened her grip. Her vocals rose to a new level, “Oh... oh... oh... oh my god... just don’t stop...”

The tempo of Bob's thrusts shot up, his grunts sounding as if his life depended on it, “Uh... uh... uh...”

Sandy clamped down onto Bob’s ass cheeks and refused to let him withdraw. She held on even tighter as Bob's cum shot into her. “Oh yes. Oh yes. Give it to me,” she screamed as the sensations shot through her body.

They collapsed and pressed their lips together. For several minutes, they moved slowly with each other, allowing the sensitivity to drain away. They nibbled on each other's lips and tongue and looked into each other's eyes. Both knew - this was not a one time thing.

Written by TraceEkies
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