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When We Were At School - Part 2

"Mature woman returns to the town where she had received her first caning in forty years and had had her first ever lesbian sex."

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Sylvia Merchant, aged in her late fifties, had had a few days away on her own in a coastal town but the last two days of it were certainly not as she had envisaged. The change from the norm had come about when she was sitting in a cafe and had remarked to the female owner about the behaviour of some late teenage schoolgirls outside the cafe.

Sylvia and the cafe owner, who was named Janet Purvis and of a similar age to Sylvia, agreed that a girl would very likely receive a caning for such behaviour in their day. After further discussion, it transpired that Janet had developed a liking for being caned and still got her bottom cane marked from time to time.

Further talking lead to Janet asking Sylvia if she wanted to feel a cane across her backside for the first time in about forty years and, after initial reluctance, Sylvia conceded that she might do. Janet contacted the woman that gave her those adult canings and arranged for the woman, known simply as 'Miss' in these situations, to visit Janet's cottage that evening to cane Janet and also to cane Sylvia if Sylvia so decided.

It was established that Janet was a lesbian, which Sylvia was not, and that 'Miss' was an occasional sex partner of hers but Janet respected Sylvia's assertion that she was not interested in all-female sex. Sylvia did, however, agree to stay that night in Sylvia's cottage rather than return to her hotel room with a sore bottom, if she did indeed take a caning.

Sylvia first witnessed Janet taking twelve strokes of the cane across her bare bottom, something that aroused Sylvia very much, and then Sylvia took six strokes on her bare arse. Witnessing Janet's caning and getting caned herself had turned Sylvia on and, with 'Miss' having left, the two recently caned mature women made love with it being a brand new experience for Sylvia.

The two women spent the night together and they spent the next night together in Sylvia's hotel bed and, with that being Sylvia's last night in town, on parting they agreed to stay in touch and they kept the possibility of Sylvia returning to town open. It was taken as read that if she returned to town it would be to have lesbian sex with Janet and also very likely that another encounter with 'Miss' and her cane would be included.

Sylvia and Janet had frequent telephone and email contact in the days and weeks that followed and they were both anxious to get together again. Janet had sex with quite a few women in this time and once again bent over for a bare arsed caning from Miss. Sylvia, to her own amazement, did not resist too much when a much younger female workmate came on to her in a pub on a girls night out and later that night, Sylvia had a female mouth on her cunt as she again tasted female cum. Sylvia and her workmate were likely to have more than one night of sex.

Sylvia was now getting anxious to see Janet again and also she was wanting to have that whippy cane applied again to her buttocks by Miss. Sylvia phoned Janet intending to fix a date. "Hi Janet, I would very much like to visit you again very soon," she said.

"Yes Sylvia, I would love that too: are you wanting to see Miss again?" responded Janet.

"Yes: I can't believe that I am saying this but I want another caning," answered Sylvia.

"It is not all that long since I had one but if you can wait another two weeks, I will be more than ready for another dose of the cane by then," said Janet.

"Yes, of course: whatever suits you, Janet," said Sylvia, who would really like it to be sooner but was happy to go along with Janet's wishes.

"I will contact Miss and let you know. Um, were you thinking of staying in a hotel or, um..." started Janet, hoping that she was correctly assuming the answer.

"I would hope to stay in your bed, Janet: but if you want me to book a hotel room for me I can," replied Sylvia, sounding a little disappointed.

"Ha, of course I want you in my bed. I was just wondering if you had gone straight again," teased Janet.

"I am swinging much more your way actually, there is this gorgeous twenty-something girl at work that I have been to bed with a couple of times," confessed Sylvia.

"You fucking dyke: you had not told me about her," laughed Janet.

"Yeah well, you gave me a taste for it, literally: she tastes good too," giggled Sylvia.

"Does she taste as good as me though?" asked Janet.

"Well, I had better taste you again to refresh my memory before deciding," replied Sylvia.

"Oh Sylvia, we have got to get together. I want to kiss your just caned buttocks again," sighed Janet.

"Get it sorted, Janet. I want to watch Miss giving you a good thrashing," said a really turned on Sylvia.

"I will phone Miss and get back to you," said Janet.

Janet contacted the lady with the cane and arranged for her to visit her cottage on a Saturday evening in two weeks. Janet got back to Sylvia and arranged for her stay Friday, Saturday and Sunday night although Sylvia had in the back of her mind to make the Sunday night a hotel room night. There was no need for it to be in a hotel but Janet thought that using a hotel added to the sexiness.

Sylvia added to her experience of lesbian sex with her workmate a couple of times before the planned weekend and Janet was rarely short of lesbian sex if she wanted it. Sylvia booked Friday afternoon off work to drive to the seaside town. She felt a little bit guilty about not telling her workplace lover what her weekend away would entail although she did not yet consider them to be an 'item.'

She was aware that Janet would be in her cafe all day Saturday but as it was now out of season, she did not open on Sundays. Sylvia parked in town on her arrival and went to the cafe to see the woman whom she would be sharing a bed with for the next three nights and also be sharing the experience of getting caned.

There were two customers in the cafe but Janet's eyes lit up when she saw Sylvia walk in. Although it was pretty common knowledge in the town that Janet was a lesbian, she did not make a show of it in her cafe. "Hello, how are you? good to see you," was Janet's quite restrained greeting.

Although Sylvia wanted nothing more than to have a long snog with Janet, she too was restrained. "I am very well thank you. How are you?" responded Sylvia.

"I am well too. What can I get you?" said Janet.

"Coffee please," replied Sylvia, hoping that the other two customers would soon disappear.

"Nothing to eat?" said Janet, with a bit of a smirk.

"No thank you, I will be eating later," replied Sylvia with her expression leaving Janet in no doubt as to just what Sylvia was thinking of eating later.

Sylvia sat sipping her coffee. One of the other customers left and Sylvia was willing the other one to do the same. Janet and Sylvia's eyes met from time to time. Janet went to collect the crockery from the departed customer's table and made a point of rubbing her right buttock, out of sight of the other remaining customer, and Sylvia smiled to herself and squirmed a bit on her chair with Janet's action invoking thoughts of Miss and her cane.

The other customer went so, with no other customers having yet entered, Janet and Sylvia could at least talk if not get physical. "You are looking very sexy, Sylvia," Janet announced.

"Thanks, you look pretty hot yourself," smiled Sylvia, in reply.

"So you are getting into this lesbianism thing then?" said Janet, referring to Sylvia's adventures with her much younger workmate.

"Yeah, I would not say that I have gone all the way there yet but I am certainly bi-sexual now," replied Sylvia, just before the door opened to announce the arrival of another customer.

The new arrival was a mature married woman that Janet had once bedded and Sylvia thought she detected something between them by the way that they interacted. When Sylvia's next made eye contact with Janet, Sylvia smirked knowingly and Janet's smile confirmed to Sylvia, in her mind, that Janet knew the other woman sexually.

It was late afternoon and Janet would be closing up soon so the two women did not have too long to wait before they could go to Janet's cottage and do whatever they wanted to do. Sylvia made a mental note to ask Janet about her relationship with the latest customer.

The customer, for her part, noticed how Janet and Sylvia looked at each other and was pretty certain that they would be sharing a bed. She decided that more sex for her with Janet would have to wait for another time. She had not entered the cafe intending to have sex with Sylvia but the atmosphere in there seemed strangely erotic.

"Goodbye, Janet. See you again," said the woman on returning her cup to the counter and departing, with a glance at Sylvia, who was on her second coffee.

"Goodbye, Sarah. Yes, see you again," replied Janet with her eyes on the woman's departing backside.

"I take it that you and she have, um.." said Sylvia, once the door was closed.

"Yes, just the once, so far," said Janet, her eyes flashing.

Closing time was reached and Janet locked up and pulled down the blind over the door. Sylvia followed Janet behind the counter and initiated their first physical contact of the day, by touching Janet's arse. "Yeah, that feels good," said Janet, thinking how things had changed since she had made all of the running the first time that they had met.

"I think it feels good, too," said Sylvia, continuing to caress Janet's backside through her skirt.

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Janet then turned and they had their first kiss since they parted at the hotel on Sylvia's previous visit to town.

"Shall we go back to my cottage and snack on pussy when I have sorted the till out?" asked Janet, thinking back to what Sylvia had said about eating later.

"I think that is a great idea," replied Sylvia.

As Janet did the cashing up, she referred to the other part of the planned weekend. "Miss certainly made my arse sting last time I saw her," Janet warned.

"How many strokes did she give you?" asked Sylvia.

"Fifteen; and fuck, she laid them on," reminisced Janet.

"Fifteen? I was amazed how you took the twelve she gave you when I was with you," admired Sylvia.

"Yeah, but it so fucking turns me on: she will not go easy on you a second time either," said Janet.

"She didn't go easy on me the first time did she?" said Sylvia, feeling slightly affronted.

"No, but I think you can expect more than six strokes tomorrow night," answered Janet.

"Oh, do you think?" responded Sylvia, who quite liked the idea of getting a cane across her buttocks again but had not considered that the number of strokes might be increased.

The conversation finished at that point and they left the cafe via the back door to make their way to Janet's cottage in their own vehicles. Sylvia thought she remembered the way but Janet waited so that she could follow just in case, although Sylvia could have put the address into her Sat Nav.

Indoors at the cottage, Janet again asked Sylvia if she wanted anything to eat. "Your succulent pussy, please," replied Sylvia.

"Ha, you horny slut: we would get our arses caned by Miss if she caught us doing that," laughed Janet.

"We are getting them caned anyway so let's do some cunt licking," said Sylvia, enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah, we are aren't we? So let's get naked," said Janet, leading Sylvia up the stairs by the hand.

The women got naked and then Sylvia had her head in between Janet's legs, lapping at her vagina. Janet squirmed on the bed as the other woman's tongue played her clit and Janet soon orgasmed. "Fuck, considering you are a late developer you have certainly learned how to suck a cunt," complimented Janet.

Soon Janet was returning the favour and Sylvia came loudly as her friend feasted on her snatch.

After a while, the naked women went downstairs and had some food to eat, had some wine and then returned to bed.

Janet was kissing Sylvia's buttocks and then reminded her friend of what the next day was going to bring. "I imagine that next time I kiss your arse you will have cane marks on it," said Janet.

"Yeah, you are probably right: your arse will be on fire then too," replied Sylvia.

The women then satisfied each other in a lengthy sixty-nine before Janet told Sylvia of her plans for Sunday night. "I hope you don't mind but I have booked a room in The Royal for us for Sunday night," said Janet.

"No, I don't mind. We had great sex there last time I was here," replied Sylvia.

Janet had a full day at her cafe on Saturday and Sylvia wandered around town, although she did pay two visits to the cafe. They were both aware that their appointment with Miss and her cane was getting closer. They were both at the stage of both dreading the flogging and looking forward to it.

When they got back to the cottage, they both changed into school uniforms well ahead of the expected arrival time of Miss. The combination of how they were dressed, how sexy the other looked, the anticipation of the canings and thoughts of watching the other woman ger caned had them both highly aroused. Both women had a damp patch in the crotch of their school knickers.

A car arrived at the cottage and Janet and Sylvia went to the cottage door to greet Miss. "Good evening, Miss," said both Janet and Sylvia as Miss got out of her car and collected her cane from the back seat, along with a small case. Sylvia felt her buttocks twitch on her first sight of the cane on this visit.

"Purvis, you are incorrigible. Merchant, you will feel my cane again," were the first words spoken by Miss.

Miss went into the room that doubled as a headmistress study and closed the door leaving Janet and Sylvia knowing that their canings were imminent.

Following the pattern of Sylvia's previous experience, after about a minute a strong female voice came from within the 'study.' "Enter," boomed Miss.

Janet tapped on the door and she and Sylvia entered. Miss was seated behind a desk upon which was the cane. Miss was wearing her headmistress gown. The two 'schoolgirls' stood side by side as the seated woman glared at them.

"Purvis: how many strokes did I give you last time I had occasion to punish you?" asked Miss, although she was undoubtedly aware of the answer.

"Fifteen, Miss," replied Janet, anticipating what was coming.

"Fifteen. Yet here you are again: obviously not enough, was it?" demanded Miss.

"No, Miss," replied Janet, very softly and slightly nervously.

"Speak up, girl," shouted Miss.

"No, Miss," said Janet, considerably louder.

"No, Miss: eighteen strokes, bare bottom," announced Miss. Janet had taken eighteen before and she loved getting caned but even so, eighteen strokes on the bare arse!

Sylvia was just digesting that when she realised that Miss was addressing her. "Merchant: how many did I give you when you were last before me?" asked the seated woman.

"S-s-six Miss," stuttered Sylvia.

"Six, but here you are before me again," said Miss.

Sylvia did not know if she was expected to speak or not but moved nervously from one foot to the other as Miss studied her.

"Twelve strokes, bare bottom," pronounced Miss.

"Twelve? but, but..." started a shocked Sylvia.

"Don't you dare question me, girl or you will get more," said an enraged looking Miss.

Sylvia stood open-mouthed as she considered her fate. Miss turned her attention back to Janet as she got up from behind the desk and picked up the cane.

"Bend over the desk, Purvis. Merchant, lower her knickers," ordered Miss as she bent the cane and slashed it through the air.

Janet bent over the desk and Sylvia pulled her friend's knickers down. As she looked at the large white buttocks, she knew that they would very soon be decorated with red marks. Sylvia stepped back, her eyes moving from the woman with a cane in her hand to the arse cheeks that were about to receive it.

Miss tapped the cane against Janet's seat before raising it high and slashing it down. CRACK, it lashed across Janet's buttocks. Miss took her time in between strokes and the cane rose and fell and impacted on Janet's bottom for a full two minutes and still there were five strokes to come.

By this stage, Janet's backside was crisscrossed with red lines and she twisted and squirmed on the desk and Sylvia's cunt was soaked from the excitement of watching the thrashing.

The remaining five strokes found their target, including one particularly vicious one across the top of Janet's thighs, and Janet bucked on the desk. She also orgasmed.

"Pull your knickers up and stand up, Purvis," said a slightly breathless Miss.

Janet struggled up and slowly pulled her knickers up over her flogged arse cheeks. Her face was red and tear-stained.

"Merchant, bend over. Purvis, bare her bottom," Miss instructed and Sylvia could not suppress a sob.

The desk was slick from the sweating that Janet's body had done during her beating as Sylvia got in position. Janet looked at Sylvia's backside through tears as she pulled her friend's knickers down for her caning.

CRACK, CRACK, CRACK. Stroke after stroke lashed Sylvia's buttocks at about ten-second intervals. By the time she had received six, she was crying out and wondering why she was putting herself through this ordeal.

At last, twelve had been delivered and Sylvia was convinced that she would never sit down again as her fingers grasped at thin air as she writhed on the desk.

"Merchant, pull your knickers up and stand up," ordered Miss and Sylvia complied, with great difficulty.

"I hope you have both been suitably punished," said Miss before striding out of the room and out of the cottage, cane and suitcase in hand.

For a while, the only sounds were sobs or, in Sylvia's case, real crying before Janet managed to utter one word. "Fuck!" she said as she clutched her buttocks.

Neither woman could recall actually going upstairs but they found themselves face down on the bed and knickers off as they tried to get some cooling air to their whipped buttocks. A bit later still, they took turns to try to soothe the other's bottom with gentle kisses and the burning in their buttocks was then causing burning in their cunts.

The women lay side by side as they both feverishly masturbated themselves to orgasm before they then each brought the other off again with their mouths.

Sitting down was very difficult throughout Sunday and the short car journey to the hotel in the evening was painful but the sex that night was wonderful as they each paid a lot of attention to the other's cane marked arse.

Sylvia Merchant's second visit to the town had been very very memorable, maybe she would make a third visit one day.

Written by PJH
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