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When We Were At School

"Two middle-aged women reminisce about schooldays leading to them both again feeling the cane"

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Sylvia Merchant was a divorcee aged in her very late fifties and she was having a few days holiday, on her own, in a seaside town. It was late afternoon and she was currently the only customer in a cafe and, as she was sipping her coffee, a group of schoolgirls were outside.

The girls were probably aged seventeen or maybe eighteen and a couple of them were smoking. Their language, which could be heard within the cafe was very fruity with 'fuck' and 'cunt' being frequently audible.

"My God, if I had behaved like that when I was at school, I know what would have happened to me," said Sylvia to the woman behind the counter who Sylvia took to be the cafe owner.

"Me too, I would be bent over in the headmistresses study and getting a cane across my arse," replied the woman who was of similar age to Sylvia.

"I think if a group of girls behaved like that at my school they would get their canings in front of the whole school, in assembly," said Sylvia.

"Yes you are probably right; a dose of the cane would certainly do those little madams good," replied the other woman.

"Didn't do me any harm; bloody hurt at the time though," laughed Sylvia.

"Oh yeah, it hurt like hell and trying to sit down afterwards was no fun," agreed the cafe owner.

"Were you caned often?" Sylvia asked the woman.

"Three times at school, and several times since," answered the woman, looking as though she wondered if she should have mentioned about 'since.'

"Since? you have been caned since school?" asked a curious Sylvia.

"Let's just say that I developed a liking for having a cane across my backside, the after-effects anyway," replied the woman.

"I haven't been caned since school but I must admit that after the last one that I got as an eighteen-year-old I felt, um, a bit funny," said Sylvia.

"If you mean funny as being turned on then yeah, my school canings made me want to feel like that again; so from time to time, I do," said the woman.

"You mean you still get caned?" asked a shocked Sylvia.

"Yeah, a lady friend of mine has me bent over sometimes," replied the woman.

Sylvia did not speak, she was amazed. She knew that some adult women and men got sexual pleasure from getting beaten but this was the first time, to her knowledge, that she had met one.

"Janet PurvIs by the way, my name is Janet PurvIs," said the woman to the still startled looking Sylvia.

"Um, Sylvia, Sylvia Merchant," replied Sylvia, having got her voice back.

"Sorry if I shocked you; obviously you have never thought of getting that feeling again?" said Janet.

"Ha, well I must admit that after my headmistress gave me that last sore arse, I felt very horny but no, it never occurred to me to get caned again," replied Sylvia.

"Maybe it should have done, just once perhaps to see if you got the same feeling," reasoned Janet.

"Well I will never know now, will I?" said Sylvia.

"It's not too late, do you live in town?" asked Janet.

"I am here on holiday but what do you mean, not too late?" replied Sylvia.

"I mean I am sure that the lady I see would happily give you a caning, I am about due to see her again anyway," said Janet.

The cafe had been empty apart from Janet and Sylvia until now but at this point, an elderly couple walked in.

Janet and Sylvia looked at each other, Sylvia rather red-faced. What Sylvia probably should have done was to finish her coffee and leave the cafe but she, almost inexplicably, found herself sitting there looking at her almost empty cup and willing the elderly couple to leave.

As the couple slowly sipped their drinks, Janet and Sylvia's eyes met from time to time. Janet knew that the fact that Sylvia was still here meant that she was at least interested in her proposal. Sylvia was wrestling internally with the thought that she might actually want to feel a cane across her backside for the first time in about forty years.

With the couple still there, Sylvia was wondering what Janet's relationship was with her 'lady friend.' Sylvia was wondering if both women were lesbians, she thought it quite likely. She was then thinking what did that make her if she was considering letting a woman cane her, or even wanting the woman to do so.

Although Sylvia had had a crush on her headmistress and another teacher at school and had rather fancied her friend Susan Hall when they were in the sixth form, she had never actually had sex with a female.

Sylvia was still pondering all sorts of things when Janet spoke. Sylvia had not even noticed the elderly couple leave. "So Sylvia Merchant, you are obviously interested in meeting my lady friend," said Janet.

"No, no, I never said that," protested Sylvia.

"So why are you hanging around with the remnants of a cold coffee in your cup?" smiled Janet.

The two women looked at each other, Janet was very much a lesbian and thought Sylvia very attractive. Sylvia had hardly had a lesbian thought since her schooldays but she was finding Janet strangely fascinating.

"Um, are you chucking me out of your cafe?" asked Sylvia, with just a hint of indignation.

"No, of course not; sorry if I misinterpreted you still being here as an indication that you might be interested in getting your arse caned," replied Janet, with a slight smirk.

"I am not, I don't think I am, I mean..." said a confused Sylvia.

"What if I phone my lady friend to arrange a caning for myself and tell her that there might be another lady for her to cane?" suggested Janet.

"But I am only in town for two more nights," said Sylvia, not discounting the suggestion.

"I can see if she can see us tonight; are you staying in a hotel?" said Janet.

"Yes, The Royal, but what difference does that make?" replied Sylvia.

"Just that you might be going there with a sore arse; I was wondering if you would rather spend the night with me," said Janet.

"Hey, wait a minute, I am not a, um..." protested Sylvia.

"A lesbian? I was going to offer you my spare room but I would certainly not refuse you entry to my bed," smiled Janet, thinking how sexy Sylvia looked when she was confused.

At this delicate juncture, another customer entered the cafe and Janet looked at Sylvia almost pleading with her eyes for Sylvia to stay. Sylvia understood the pleading and, once the other customer had been served, asked for another coffee.

Further customers drifted in and out of the cafe over the next thirty minutes, by which time the remnants of Sylvia's second coffee were cold. Janet and Sylvia's eyes often met and Sylvia was feeling amazingly aroused. Aroused because she was finding Janet increasingly attractive and aroused because there was the possibility of her feeling a cane across her bottom.

At last, a point was reached where Janet and Sylvia were the only ones in the cafe. "I am going to phone her now and see if she can see us tonight, okay?" said Janet.

"Okay," was Sylvia's answer, she was now almost looking forward to the prospect.

Sylvia could hear all that Janet was saying on the phone so she knew that Janet had first asked if the other lady was available this evening, which it seemed that she was, and had also said that there might be a second woman to cane.

The conversation continued until Janet ended it in a way that made a very interested Sylvia sit up. "Yes Miss, my cottage seven o'clock," said Janet in a very submissive voice.

"She will cane me and cane you if you want it," Janet said to Sylvia with the call ended.

"Does this lady cane lots of women?" asked a mixed up Sylvia.

"She canes men too, she is very good at it," replied Janet.

"You mean she does it professionally?" asked a shocked Sylvia.

"Well, I don't pay her but I believe some people do," answered Janet.

"Do you and she... I mean, is she...?" started Sylvia, wondering if Janet did anything instead of paying.

"Ha, she goes both ways and I have had sex with her but not usually at the time of a caning," answered Janet.

There was then a brief silence before Janet decided she should tell Sylvia of the arrangements. "If you come back here for when I close at six we can then go to my cottage and Miss will meet us there," said Janet.

"Do you only call her Miss?" asked Sylvia, out of curiosity.

"When she has a cane in her hand I do, yes; I suggest that you do the same," responded Janet.

Janet then continued with her thoughts for later that evening. "You are very welcome to stay the night at my cottage, you will probably not feel like going back to your hotel if you have been caned," said Janet.

Janet half expected further protests from Sylvia about spending the night but Sylvia's attitude had softened a lot. "Thank you, Janet, I think I would like to stay although I am still not sure whether I want to be caned," replied Sylvia.

"Yes, I understand; perhaps if you watch Miss cane me then that will help you make up your mind," said Janet.

"I remember seeing two senior girls get caned in front of the whole school, that did not make me want to be caned though," replied Sylvia, doubting if watching Janet get caned would make her want to take a caning.

Just then, another customer came in. "See you at six," said Sylvia with a smile as she saw that as an opportunity and reason to leave.

"Yes, see you later," replied Janet.

The time now was close to five o'clock and Sylvia reflected on what had happened since she had remarked upon the behaviour of the schoolgirls outside the cafe. She also pondered what might happen because she was going to have the opportunity to see a mature woman get caned and then if she decided to do so, to take a caning herself. Beyond that, she was aware of what else might happen.

Sylvia went back to her hotel and had a bite to eat, although she had little appetite, changed her clothes and took her toiletries and her nightdress, something else that she was unsure about, for the night.

Sylvia got back to the cafe just before six and, with no customers in there, Janet was in the process of finishing up. "Hi, how are you?" said Janet to Sylvia, who she was finding increasingly attractive.

"Nervous actually, about a lot of things," replied Sylvia.

"I always get nervous too when I am about to see Miss," said Janet.

"Do you?" asked Sylvia.

"Oh yeah, I know that I want a caning and I know that I am going to get one but I still get nervous beforehand," replied Janet, smiling a bit weakly.

Janet finished the clearing up and locked up the cafe. On the drive to her cottage, which was just outside town, the two women established that they had both gone to university and had both then gone into business. Janet had had a change of direction and had purchased the cafe about fifteen years previously. Sylvia was already aware of Janet's sexuality but she did discover that Janet had once had a long term lesbian relationship but that ended a few years previously.

Sylvia revealed that she got divorced from her husband three years ago and had no man in particular in her life. Sylvia did confess that she fancied her headmistress at school though.

"Did you fancy her even more after she caned you?" asked Janet.

"I don't think so but her caning me certainly did not stop me from having a crush on her," answered Sylvia.

They were now at the cottage and Janet showed Sylvia her room for the night although Janet hoped that she did not use it. Janet then made a bombshell announcement. "When Miss arrives she will expect us to be in uniform," said Janet.

"In uniform?" responded Sylvia, in disbelief.

"Yes, you and I are about the same size and I have two complete sets," said Janet.

Sylvia was dumbstruck. "Whether you are going to take a caning or not I advise you to wear a uniform; Miss would be most displeased if you did not," warned Janet.

Janet handed Sylvia a uniform comprising of a skirt, blouse, tie, blazer and knickers and suggested that a still stunned Sylvia get changed in her designated room.

Both women were about the same size which meant that both uniforms were a size or two too small. Sylvia was particularly aware of the knickers revealing a lot of arse cheek as they disappeared into the crack between her quite large buttocks. Sylvia was also aware that she was highly sexually aroused.

She was aware of Janet tapping on the closed bedroom door. "Can I come in Sylvia? Are you decent?"  said Janet.

"You can come in but I am not sure that I am decent," replied an extremely confused Sylvia.

Janet opened the door and the two women looked at each other, both with their own thoughts. Janet was longing to make love to the very sexy looking adult schoolgirl that had only entered her life a few hours previously. Sylvia was thinking that soon she would be seeing this other schoolgirl get a caning.

"We had better go downstairs, Miss will be here very soon," said Janet.

When she started to walk, Sylvia was even more conscious of how big her bottom must look in those knickers. She was also conscious of the fact that she had to decide very soon whether to feel a cane on that bottom.

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Downstairs the two women smiled nervously at each other and they were both genuinely nervous. After about five minutes, a car pulled into Janet's driveway and Sylvia looked nervously out of the window as a statuesque woman, probably a few years older than Sylvia, got out of the car.

The woman went to the boot of the car and took out a small suitcase and a very whippy looking cane and Sylvia let out an audible gasp and Janet gave her a non-descript glance.

Janet hurried to open the door. "Good evening Miss," said Janet.

"I will give you good evening Miss, you little madam, you know why I am here," said the very authoritative woman.

"Miss, this is Sylvia Merchant," said Janet, by way of introduction.

"Another brat in need of correction, I understand," said the woman looking into Sylvia's eyes.

"No, yes, I mean..." stammered Sylvia.

The woman put the suitcase that she was holding down and gave Sylvia an almighty slap on the left cheek of her face. "You will address me as Miss and you will not argue with me, you brat," said the woman, her eyes dark with rage.

"Yes Miss, sorry Miss," said Sylvia, rubbing her face and with tears in her eyes. Janet looked from the woman to Sylvia, open-mouthed.

"I will tell you when I am ready for you," said the woman, picking up the suitcase again and going into a room that she obviously knew well.

"Yes Miss," said Janet followed by Sylvia saying the same, before the woman closed the door.

Sylvia, still rubbing her face, looked at Janet but neither of them spoke. Sylvia's mind went back about forty years to her being outside her headmistresses study door in the knowledge that she was very likely about to be caned.

After about a minute a voice bellowed from the other side of the closed door. "Enter," boomed the woman's voice.

Janet knocked on the door and entered, followed by Sylvia. The scene was no surprise to Janet but Sylvia was stunned. The room itself was almost a replica of a headmistresses study, complete with a large desk. On the desk was the cane and behind the desk, in full headmistress type gown, was the woman.

"Purvis, your behaviour has again been disgraceful and I will deal with you accordingly; Merchant, we will discuss your behaviour after I have disciplined Purvis," said the woman, looking every inch the strict headmistress.

Both middle-aged women, dressed as schoolgirls, responded weakly. "Yes Miss," they both said.

"Purvis, bend over the desk; twelve strokes, bare bottom," said the woman, picking up the cane.

Janet did not speak but put herself over the desk. Her skirt rode up revealing a lot of a large bottom, at the moment partly covered by school knickers.

"Merchant, pull her knickers down," the woman instructed Sylvia who took a split second to react but the glare from the woman had her move forward and drag Janet's knickers down to behind her knees. Sylvia got a very close up view of Janet's bare arse before stumbling away.

The woman, cane in hand, moved behind Janet and flipped her skirt up her back, leaving her large backside totally exposed. Janet was spellbound. She was also very sexually aroused.

The woman tapped the cane against Janet's buttocks before raising it high above her head and slashing it down CRACK sounded around the room and both Janet and Sylvia gasped. The woman waited several seconds and a thin red line started to form across Janet's backside before the cane was raised again and a second CRACK produced gasps from Janet and Sylvia and then, a second red line.

The cane continued to rise and fall and the sounds that Janet was making was indicating how much it was stinging. Sylvia became aware of Janet's cunt lips between her legs which were showing very obvious dampness. Six strokes had now been administered and over the next sixty seconds or so, six more were delivered.

Janet's arse was patterned by red lines and her body writhed and twisted on the desk as she sobbed and her cunt looked soaked. Sylvia had one hand to her mouth during the second part of the beating, her other hand was touching her wet vagina, through her knickers.

"Stand up and pull your knickers up, girl," the woman instructed Janet.

"Yes Miss, thank you, Miss," sobbed Janet as she slowly stood and pulled her knickers gently over her caned arse.

"Now Merchant, we need to discuss your behaviour, don't we?" said the woman, still with the cane in her hand.

"Yes Miss," replied Sylvia, taking her hands away from both her mouth and her cunt.

"Do you think that your behaviour merits a caning girl?" asked the woman, who was only phrasing the question like that because of the doubts about whether Sylvia wanted to go ahead with it.

After quite a long silence, during which Sylvia seemed to have trouble moving her lips, she spoke. "Yes Miss, I do," she heard herself answer. Janet, who was standing to one side clutching her own caned buttocks, managed a half-smile.

"So do I; six strokes, bare bottom," pronounced the woman.

"Yes Miss, thank you, Miss," said Sylvia.

"Bend over Merchant, Purvis, lower her knickers," said the woman.

Sylvia bent over and felt Janet pull her knickers down. She knew that Janet would be getting a similar view of her bare arse to the one that she had had of Janet's. 

Janet had orgasmed during her caning and there was every prospect of her cumming again as she watched Sylvia's punishment.

The woman flipped up Sylvia's skirt and then measured the cane across her bare bottom. Sylvia's mind went back forty years although her canings at school had been over knickers, not that they gave much protection.

CRACK again sounded in the room but Sylvia did more than gasp on impact, she cried out.

The woman lashed five further strokes across her behind and Sylvia reacted verbally every time but managed to resist the urge to jump up. Janet, as she thought she might, came in her knickers and she could see that Sylvia's cunt lips were wet.

"Stand up Merchant, pull your knickers up," said the woman.

Sylvia got up very slowly and sobbed loudly as she pulled up her knickers, she did echo what she had heard Janet say though. "Yes Miss, thank you, Miss," she managed to stammer

"Purvis, I dare so that I will have to deal with you again one day, Merchant, I hope that your caning was satisfactory," said the woman, in a slightly softer voice than previously.

"Yes Miss, thank you, Miss, " said both Janet and Sylvia. The woman removed her gown, put it in the suitcase and then went to her car, having let herself out of the cottage, cane and suitcase in hand.

Janet and Sylvia, both red-faced and rubbing buttocks, looked at each other. "Well, what do you think?" Janet asked.

"I don't know how you took twelve," said Sylvia.

"I get used to it; did getting caned turn you on?" asked Janet.

"Yeah, and so did watching you get it," replied Sylvia, honestly.

"It is up to you but if you want, I could soothe your bottom for you," said Janet.

"Ha, and I bet you would like me to soothe yours," said Sylvia, managing a smile.

"Anything we do will be because you want to, okay?" said Janet, very hopeful that they would only need one bed this night.

"You might have to show me, but I am a quick learner, "said Sylvia, looking almost lovingly into Janet's eyes.

"Oh yeah, I will gladly show you," replied Janet, gently putting her hand on the side of Sylvia's face that the woman had slapped.

Sylvia looked into Janet's eyes with a request that Janet correctly interpreted as 'kiss me' and Janet moved her head towards Sylvia's and their lips met in a gentle kiss that then became a mouth-open, tongue probing passionate kiss. The two women, with their arses and cunts on fire, snogged and purred.

In many ways the situation was ridiculous. Here were two women, both aged close to sixty, in schoolgirl uniforms and both with cane marked buttocks. One of them was a lesbian but one was not but they were both highly aroused as they kissed passionately.

"Would you like to go to bed so that I can soothe your bottom now?" asked Janet.

"Yes please," replied Sylvia, her eyes sparkling with lust.

Sylvia then got reminded of something that she had long forgotten, how painful it was trying to walk with a recently caned arse, as the two women went upstairs and to Janet's bedroom.

"On your front on the bed," Janet instructed and Sylvia complied.

"Lift up, these will need to come off," said Janet, licking her lips, with her hands at the waistband of Sylvia's knickers.

Sylvia, very briefly, thought that she could not do this, then she lifted her midriff and Janet pulled her knickers down and off. Sylvia was aware, of course, that Janet was now looking at her bare, cane marked, arse but first Janet noticed something else. "These knickers suggest that you got a bit excited," said Janet, showing Sylvia the pool of cum in the gusset.

"Yes sorry, hope it washes out," said an embarrassed Sylvia.

"Oh, I mIght keep them like that as a souvenir," teased Janet, who suddenly realised how much her own caned arse was burning.

Janet then turned her attention to Sylvia's bottom and gently ran a finger along one of the cane marks, causing Sylvia to flinch. "I think kissing might help," said Janet and, on Sylvia's agreement, she gently kissed Sylvia's arse cheeks, the flinching now became an 'mmm.'

Janet continued to kiss and Sylvia squirmed and opened her legs. Janet was now kissing close to Sylvia's arse crack and the prone woman 'ohed.' Janet decided that as Sylvia was not objecting to anything that she was doing she would try touching her cunt lips with her fingers and Sylvia's reaction to that was to open her legs even wider.

"Do you want me to bring you off?" asked Janet.

"Fuck, yes," replied Sylvia who was having a woman finger her cunt for the first time in her life.

It did not take much fingering by Janet to have Sylvia humping the bed and yelling as she came. "Shit, oh fuck, oh fuck," shouted Sylvia as her body shook in orgasm.

Janet let Sylvia calm, pleased that she had brought her to orgasm Once calm, Sylvia wanted to soothe Janet's bottom and she had no trouble getting Janet to lay on her front and lift her midriff to have her knickers removed. Sylvia gazed at the large pair of sore looking buttocks before following what Janet had done to her and gently running a finger tracing the line of one cane stroke and then softly kissing the twin mounds.

Janet loved having her arse kissed by a woman, even a woman that had not kissed female arse before, and she was highly aroused. She desperately wanted Sylvia to finger her cunt but wanted it to be Sylvia's decision so Janet was delighted when Sylvia's fingers gently brushed her cunt lips before going inside. Janet came almost as quickly as Sylvia had done.

Having had her first experience of lesbian sex, Sylvia was soon having more as she was on her back with her legs spread with Janet's head in between them, licking her to another orgasm. She returned the favour and got her first taste of female cum.

They slept together and, in the morning, lay side by side as they each masturbated the other to another orgasm.

Their bottoms were still stinging in the morning, as well as showing evidence of the canings. Janet had to open her cafe so she drove Sylvia into town, both women fidgeting uncomfortably in the car seats.

They spent the next night, Sylvia's last in town, in Sylvia's hotel room and Sylvia had her first experience of an all-female sixty-nine.

Before they parted in the morning, they promised to stay in touch and Sylvia said that if she returned to town, she would like to see 'Miss' and her cane again.

As Sylvia drove out of town later that day she again saw the group of schoolgirls whose behaviour outside the cafe had led to the conversation between her and Janet and resulted in them both getting caned and them having lesbian sex.

Written by PJH
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