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When Staying With Her Neighbour

"Lucy stays with her neighbour and is subject to her discipline"

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Lucy, who was seventeen, wasn't particularly worried when told by her parents that they were going away for three months, and she would be staying with Mrs M, their long-time neighbour. Lucy liked Mrs M and saw it as better than staying in the house by herself and doing all of the household chores as well as her college work.  

Mrs M was thirty-four, single, and lived alone. She liked Lucy, even at times realising that she had a crush on her, with her haughty voice and slim figure, well-developed breasts, and long dark brown hair. She liked how Lucy always seemed to dress in skimpy clothes, normally a vest top with bare midriff and shorts, so showing off her well-toned arms and legs which always set Mrs M's vulva vibrating. She wasn't into other women who were so much younger than herself, but there was just something about Lucy that got her aroused every time she saw her, and more so whenever they chatted. So, she was very happy to have her stay with her for three months.  

Lucy saw Mrs M as being just a woman, albeit very friendly towards her, but wasn't into older women at all.  

It had been made very clear to Lucy that all of the rules that applied to her behaviour when at home would also apply when living with Mrs M. That meant, that whenever she was naughty, she could expect to be grounded for anything from three to seven days, although the days that she was grounded were restricted to weekends and not to any day that she was going to college. During each day she was grounded, there would also be the loss of her electronics. Lesser misbehaviour might just mean the loss of her electronics. Lucy knew she hated both of those punishments because of the boredom, and it always made her behave better than she would otherwise have done.  

When moving in, Mrs M explained to Lucy that she might well be stricter than her parents because she was used to people doing as she told them to.  

Lucy didn't see that as being a particular problem and preferred it when told what to do so she didn't have to make her own decisions. She was always indecisive and so preferred guidance before making decisions.  

Everything was fine for the first week, but that Saturday evening Mrs M had set a curfew of 11 o'clock. Lucy was used to there being a curfew and being home on time, and on those rare occasions when she was late it normally meant the loss of her electronics the whole of the following day, but she wouldn't be grounded and so could go out and be with her friends.  

That first Saturday night Lucy lost track of the time and didn't get home until 11:30. She reconciled that she was going to lose her electronics the following day, but she was due to go to one of her friends, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue for her. Even better, they had tickets for their favourite boy band.  

Lucy wasn't expecting Mrs M to be waiting up for her, but she was in the hallway in her sleeveless nightdress, and Lucy momentarily was shocked to think that she found her very sexy. That only lasted a few moments as she saw that she was very cross with her, saying sternly, "I told you to be back by 11 o'clock. I was really worried about you."  

Lucy wasn't too concerned because the penalty was hardly very much for her as she was still going to a friend the following day, and she said an off-hand, "Sorry, Mrs M."  

Mrs M said very sternly, "You don't seem to be that worried, Lucy. Well, the punishment is up to me. You will either be grounded for three days or submit to a bare-bottom spanking. The choice is yours, but it is one of those two choices?"  

Lucy shot back with, "I am going to Lucy tomorrow, as you well know. We have tickets to the boy band. What am I supposed to do with them?"  

Mrs M replied, "Show a bit more respect than that, young lady. I have given you two choices, one of which means that you will be able to go tomorrow. So, once again, the choice is yours."  

Lucy was really annoyed with Mrs M. She was changing the rules and, at seventeen, wasn't she too old to be spanked? Still thinking, though, the choice did look an easy one to make, but she found making decisions so hard. She did calm down and started to think what was the difference between the two choices, either grounded for three days or getting a spanking.  

First, what if she was grounded? As well as tomorrow's boy band concert, the day after tomorrow she was due to go shopping with Amy, and the day after that was going to Natasha's house. In fact, she had a pretty busy diary for the whole of the week, and the following week. So, she had to avoid being grounded.  

On the other hand, a spanking would hurt, be embarrassing, even be humiliating, but then it would be over, well, except for no doubt the fact that her bottom would sting for quite a long time.  

The more she thought about it, the more she knew that, out of those two choices, a spanking was the one to choose. If she did, though, would it be the only time she was spanked, or would Mrs M insist on doing it again? Having said that, if she did spank her again at least she wouldn't be grounded the next time, and maybe each time after that as well.  

The more she thought it through, the more she realised that being spanked would not be anywhere near as bad as being grounded. Yes, there would be the pain, but not the boredom. She even smiled to herself at the thought that it would be quite amusing to be watching TV sitting on a very thick cushion.  

Lucy looked up and saw that Mrs M was still annoyed, standing with her hands on her hips, clearly waiting for Lucy to make her decision.  

In fact, Mrs M was becoming very impatient, and clearly irritated, by Lucy's lack of decision-making, and said, "Of course, if you're not going to make a decision, I might presume that you want both to happen to you."  

Lucy felt that put her under tremendous pressure to decide. She thought she would delay things, though, by asking, "Please tell me, Mrs M, if it was you which would you decide?" She really hated the fact that she couldn't make a decision when it seemed such a straightforward one.  

Mrs M wasn't having any of that, and shot back with, "I find indecisiveness particularly aggravating, So, you have five seconds to decide, or you will get both punishments."  

Lucy was well aware that Mrs M knew from past experience with her that she didn't like to make decisions, but now she was forced to, she blurted out, "Okay, Mrs M, I'll take the spanking." For some reason, she felt relieved that the decision had been made, and, actually, by herself. Maybe being put under pressure was what worked for her, so long as she had made the right decision, which she hoped she had.  

Mrs M nodded her head as though indicating that Lucy had made the right decision. She then explained, "Every spanking will be with you across my lap and on your bare bottom. The first spanking will be with my hand. However, the next will be with both my hand and my wooden-backed hairbrush. I will decide how long and how hard every spanking will be, and that will depend on how naughty you have been. Is that understood, so far?"  

Lucy wondered if the decision had been made that she would be spanked again. She also wondered what Mrs M meant by, so far, but didn't dare ask, and replied, "Yes, Mrs M."  

Mrs M asked, "I know it's late, but I presume you would prefer that I spank you tonight rather than tomorrow morning. Is that correct, Lucy?"  

Lucy was pleased that the offer was made and replied enthusiastically, "Yes, please, Mrs M." She was then amazed that she had been so eager to agree to the spanking sooner rather than later. How weird was that, she asked herself.  

Mrs M instructed, "Go and have a shower but don't bother putting on your nightwear. Wrap the bath towel around you instead and come into my bedroom." 

Lucy was going to have a shower anyway and reckoned there was no difference between being spanked wrapped in a bath towel and being spanked with her nightdress pulled up. So, she did as she was told and went upstairs, got undressed, and had her shower. She did check her armpits in the mirror, and her legs, wanting to be sure that she was clean-shaven, and was happy that she was, given that she had shaved only that morning. She was quite particular about that.  

As she inspected herself in the mirror, she suddenly realised that her nipples were taut. She even felt that she was excited at the prospect of being spanked. She had never been spanked before, but now faced with it, she knew that she had thought about it before now, and looked at seated women and pictured herself across their lap. Even a few times she had imagined herself across Mrs M's lap, so did that mean she wanted to be spanked, and the excitement she was feeling increased with these thoughts. She supposed that these thoughts would also help her get through actually being spanked. Of course, she would cry, but that wouldn't be unexpected. She just wondered how she would feel afterwards. Would she be excited at having been spanked, or sorry that she had been?  

Still looking in the mirror, Lucy also wondered whether she should go out with the towel wrapped around her or naked. It would surprise Mrs M if she was naked, but then wondered if it would get her annoyed. Not wanting to risk that, after taking her shower and drying herself, she made sure the towel was wrapped around her and walked out of the bathroom, along the corridor, and into Mrs M's bedroom. She saw Mrs M standing close to her dressing table and that the chair had already been turned into the room. It was high-backed and armless, so she supposed was ideal for Mrs M to sit on and put her across her lap.  

As she looked at Mrs M she once again thought how sexy she looked in her sleeveless nightdress with her bare arms and bare legs and was again surprised she could even think about that with the impending spanking. It again suggested that she wasn't so against being spanked by Mrs M. 

Lucy watched as Mrs M sat down on the chair and pointed to the floor to her side and ordered, "Right, Lucy, come and stand there."  

Once Lucy was standing next to her, still clinging to the towel, Mrs M said, "When we are alone, I think a spanking should be given with you fully naked. It puts you in your place, as the very naughty girl who needs to be disciplined. You could keep the towel around your upper body, but quite frankly it won't protect your bottom, and I will give you a much longer spanking than if you are naked."  

Lucy had already told herself that having the towel wrapped around her body above her waist wasn't going to help her deal with the spanking. As she looked at Mrs M, and once again saw even closer her bare arms and that her nightdress had ridden up, and she saw her bare thighs, she got a pang in her vulva as though excited at the prospect of going across her bare lap. Maybe that, or maybe it was fear, she told herself, but was unable to decide which.  

Lucy had also hooked into the comment about being spanked naked when alone. Did that mean that she might be spanked when others were watching? Again, she couldn't understand why, but that thought also got her excited.  

Accepting Mrs M's instruction, she swallowed hard but was pleased that it was Mrs M's idea to be naked and let the towel slide off her shoulders, caught it, and threw it onto the bed. She then turned back and looked at Mrs M, wanting to cover her breasts or her pussy hair mound, but didn't want to aggravate Mrs M and so kept her hands down by her side.  

Mrs M did savour the sight of the naked Lucy for a few moments, then ordered, "Right, Lucy, bend down across my lap." 

Lucy immediately did as she was told, still thinking she didn't want to aggravate Mrs M. Moments later, her face was very close to the floor but also very close to Mrs M's upside down legs. She also saw her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair and realised that being across her lap wasn't actually as embarrassing as she had thought it would be. At least not when compared to the uncertainty about just how hard the spanking was going to be. After all, it was no longer about the fact that she was naked, but just that her bare bottom was perched across Mrs M's lap and was now the very direct target that she was going to spank.  

Mrs M knew that she hadn't actually planned any of this. When Lucy was late, she was concerned, but not particularly worried. She knew that the pre-set punishment was to lose her electronics the following day, but she was more concerned about punishments that involved grounding Lucy. She knew that she always had a busy diary that would be interrupted if she had to oversee a grounding punishment. That was when she thought about offering the alternative of a spanking. When she saw Lucy waver, she decided that she would push her in that direction, which is what she did.  

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Then, once Lucy had decided to accept a spanking, Mrs M thought it would be good fun to have her naked. She had seen Lucy sunbathe in a bikini but liked the idea of seeing her wholly in the flesh, so to speak. She had to admit that she was certainly excited when Lucy let the bath towel fall to the floor and saw her standing naked so close to her, and was pretty sure that her knickers were damp already, and likely to get far damper as she gave the spanking.  

One thing that did surprise her, was, looking at Lucy's breasts, she saw that her nipples were taut. Did that mean that she wanted to be spanked, or even found it exciting, and she certainly seemed happy enough to bend across her lap? She also realised that her own nipples were taut with excitement as well as having damp knickers. Having said that, she again focused on the job at hand and knew that she couldn't give Lucy anything other than a proper hard spanking to set the tone going forward, whether they were both excited or not. 

As Lucy lay there with her bottom perched across Mrs M's lap, she was still excited about this very new experience for her. When she felt Mrs M rub her bottom, and the backs of her legs, she found that erotic as well. She had made out with some of her girlfriends, giving each other finger sex and then later on tongue sex. She had found that such a pleasure and her nipples were always taut then, just as she had seen in the mirror in the bathroom how her nipples were taut as she thought about going into Mrs M's bedroom to be spanked, and wondered if she should go without the bath towel. She also did know that her nipples remained taut as she let go of the towel, and still were. 

As much as Lucy still felt excited at the prospect of being spanked, she couldn't explain why, although that was what had brought back those recent memories of her looking at other women and imagining herself across their lap. Did that mean she really did wonder what it was like to be spanked, or did she just want to be spanked to have that experience? If she wanted to be spanked, did that mean she only wanted to be spanked the once or in the future as well? These were things that she hoped to find out right now, although knew that Mrs M had already made the assumption she would be spanked again, so maybe that decision had already been made? 

Lucy was thinking these thoughts whilst Mrs M continued to rub her bottom and also the backs of her legs. When Mrs M edged her fingers inside her thigh, Lucy automatically parted her legs and raised her bottom realising immediately how that invited Mrs M to run her fingers along her pussy lips. Were they damp, she suddenly asked herself in a panic. Should she bring her legs together again, or should she see what Mrs M did? Unable to decide, she stayed as she was, and when Mrs M ran her fingers along her pussy lips, she assumed that they were damp, and, if they were, that would certainly be something that Mrs M was aware of now.  

As Mrs M rubbed Lucy's bottom and the backs of her legs, bearing in mind she fully intended spanking both, she hadn't meant to purposely run her hand down between Lucy's thighs, and had to admit to being very surprised when she did and her legs parted, and her bottom was raised. She was pretty sure she knew what that meant but had to find out, so ran her fingers along Lucy's pussy lips, which confirmed that she was damp there. Did that mean that she was turned on by the thought of being spanked, or, had she actually been spanked before, maybe by a girlfriend, and just didn't tell her? That certainly set her mind spinning, bearing in mind that she did want spanking to be the one and only punishment she gave Lucy throughout her stay with her.  

Mrs M then gave one final look at the back of Lucy's head and her bare back and bare legs and thought how she loved having her across her lap, more so as she was seventeen so maybe too old to be spanked even if she was a naughty girl. However, Lucy was a naughty girl and was across her lap, so that spoke volumes in her own mind.  

Mrs M set that thought aside as she raised her hand and brought her palm down on Lucy's far bottom cheek, enjoying how her tight teenage, well-toned bottom cheek surrendered to her hand. Not stopping, she then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks. Mrs M certainly knew how to give a spanking, not so much because she had given so many spankings, but had spanked two of her cleaning ladies who actually took the spanking as their payment rather than money and happily told her how aroused they were by being spanked, and the orgasms they gave themselves afterwards as soon as they got back into their cars. However, she also looked on the Internet at spanking videos, and together with her actual experience, felt that she knew how to reduce whoever she was spanking to pain-filled crying, and got excited at the prospect of doing that to Lucy.  

As Mrs M changed tack to landing several spanks in a row on the same bottom cheek and then several spanks in a row on the other bottom cheek, she told herself again that she needed to give Lucy a hard spanking because if it was going to be the one and only form of punishment then it had to be meaningful. She was pretty sure that as soon as Lucy gave it some sensible thought, she would know and accept that being spanked might be painful but was also so much quicker than being grounded, and far less boring than losing her electronics. Mrs M certainly hoped that Lucy would see the benefits of accepting a spanking every time going forward. After all, she knew she couldn't really just impose spanking without Lucy's agreement, as that would be totally wrong, given that she was only the next-door neighbour.  

Mrs M didn't stop spanking Lucy even when she was squirming around on her lap and then started to cry. In fact, it just made her spank her even harder, knowing that a spanking was even more intense when she spanked exactly the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then another spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row and again for a third time spanking a different spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, before doing exactly the same to the other bottom cheek. It also worked well when spanking the backs of her legs like that, and she did think that Lucy had legs that just begged to be spanked.  

Whilst she continued to spank Lucy's bare bottom and bare legs, she did run her other hand up and down her back, and, as Lucy was holding onto the two legs of the chair, she was able to run her hand down the side of her body and then caress her breast, as well as check whether her nipple was still taut. It wasn't, so she wondered if it was the pain that stopped Lucy's nipple from being taut, and if that was the case, did she hate being spanked or was that natural because of the pain? She reckoned it was the pain, and went with that.  

Lucy knew that she was struggling with the spanking, which hurt much more than she had expected. That didn't surprise her, though, and actually she was pleased that was the case because she felt that she definitely still needed a punishment that she would find hard to cope with because the last thing she wanted to do was disobey Mrs M time and again because it was easy to do so as the resulting punishment was ineffective. Well, she knew that tears were dribbling down her face right then, so the spanking did hurt, although as she stayed obediently across Mrs M's lap, she took it that she was coping, at least to an extent.  

Mrs M continued to spank Lucy for rather longer than she used to spank her cleaning ladies for, and well after she started to cry, all the time trying to show Lucy that while she may have taken the quickest option, it really did have to be pain-filled for the very obvious reason that it had to be a meaningful punishment.  

Once Mrs M had turned Lucy's bottom cheeks, sit spots, and the backs of her legs, a deep red colour, she did stop spanking her but left her in place and continued to rub her bottom and the backs of her legs. After Lucy had calmed down but was still sobbing, she eased her fingers down her inner thigh, and this time Lucy didn't part her legs or raise her bottom, but just lay there sobbing. It told Mrs M that she had given a hard enough spanking, at least as it was just the first spanking, but she did know that harder spankings would come, indeed had to come, to make sure that Lucy continued to obey her. What was also clear was Lucy's desire to obey her because she didn't try to force herself up at any time during the spanking, and could have done so. That told her why her nipples weren't taut during the spanking, but she would have to see what happened afterwards.  

As Lucy lay across Mrs M's lap, sobbing still, struggling to cope with the stinging pain in her bottom and legs, she was so pleased that she had managed to stay in position, taking every single spank that Mrs M gave her, knowing that it was in her own interest to obey Mrs M. Now she had been spanked, she was even thinking that she wanted a spanking to be the punishment going forward. She certainly didn't want to have grounding being a punishment because of her busy social life outside college. Hopefully, that would be the result of today's spanking. 

After a while, Lucy heard Mrs M say, "Okay, Lucy, you can get up."  

As Lucy pushed herself up from Mrs M's lap and stood back up, she so wanted to rub and clutch her bottom but was worried that she hadn't been told that she could. The stinging was so, so, painful, but then she felt the flutters in her vulva similar to those she felt when fingering herself to an orgasm. She was also pretty sure that her nipples were once against taut, and as crazy as that did sound, she realised that she was turned on by being spanked. Would that change Mrs M's view on spanking her as a punishment, she asked herself, now worried that it might.  

As Mrs M watched Lucy stand back up, she could tell that she wanted to rub her bottom but didn't, presumably as she had not been told that she could. She happily saw that Lucy's nipples were quickly taut again, and she told herself that she wouldn't run her fingers along Lucy's pussy lips, but was pretty sure that they would be damp. Of course, she had another way of finding that out, as she said, "Okay, Lucy, go to the bathroom and wash your face. You have a lot of tears streaking down your face."  

Lucy was sniffing back tears as she went into the bathroom, and the first thing she did was look in the mirror and could make out those tear streaks. She quickly turned around and saw her bottom and could how red both cheeks were, and the tops of her legs. Then she couldn't help herself but ran her fingers along her pussy lips, and as she did so she gasped. All she wanted to do was finger herself to an orgasm, but couldn't with Mrs M maybe listening out for her, and forced herself to wait until she got to her bedroom.  

Mrs M deliberately went right up to the door to the bathroom, and she heard the gasp that Lucy made, and it certainly wasn't one of surprise but would be one linked to her damp pussy lips. That was all she needed to know to be confident that whilst Lucy might well try very hard to be a good girl, she would want to be spanked again because she was going to find out in just a little while what a huge orgasm she was going to finger herself to because of the spanking.  

 Of course, Mrs M knew that she would also finger herself to a huge orgasm, just as she did every time that she had spanked one of her cleaning ladies.  

When Lucy came back out into the bedroom, Mrs M held up a wooden-backed hairbrush and said, "In the future, your spanking will include rather a lot of spanks with this."  

Lucy couldn't understand why she felt aroused by the prospect and licked her lips in anticipation. Her arousal told her she had to earn another spanking soon to feel the even greater pain from the hairbrush. 

Mrs M saw the reaction on Lucy's face and knew that she would be using the hairbrush on her naughty bottom before very long. In fact, her very naughty but very pretty bottom. 

After that, Lucy went to her bedroom and before going to sleep fingered herself to a huge orgasm, feeling too aroused to even think that Mrs M would be listening out for it. Mind you, she was surprised to hear erotic gasps coming from Mrs M's bedroom but realised that meant that they were both aroused, one by giving a spanking and the other by receiving it. Lucy knew where that would lead to, she told herself, being another stinging bottom, lots of times hopefully, and lots and lots of huge orgasms.  




Written by SusanHarper
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