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Wedding Blush

"A beautiful wife loves dancing for a handsome stranger, while her husband watches..."

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Thomas liked watching his wife Julia dancing, she really was ‘poetry in motion,’ as they say, he just wasn't so keen on Weddings. He found them rather boring. So there he was, sitting all alone, drinking a fairly bland whiskey, amazed at his gorgeous wife's ability, to literally dance the night away.

A young man sat down next to him, in his wife's seat. Thomas hadn't seen him before but he was dressed in a sharp suit, shirt and tie, so Thomas asked if he was with the bride or groom.

"Oh I see, no, I'm a businessman, I'm staying here at the hotel." replied the stranger.

"That must be tough, working away from home and having to listen to this racket?" said Thomas, sympathetically, pointing to the noisy band, churning out yet another cheesy wedding number.

"No, I love it."

"Really?" Thomas asked, surprised.

"Oh yes I like a good wedding," he chirped, "I love seeing the ladies, all dressed up and on the dance floor, after they've had a few, too many."

"I mean, just look at that sexy babe over there, what a tasty feast of eye candy she is," he said, pointing towards the dance floor.

Thomas looked over where he was indicating and thought, 'That's my wife he's pointing at,' with a sudden burst of pride. He knew full well his wife, Julia, was a 'sexy babe' and he liked being reminded of what a beautiful lady, she really was, it gave him a buzz of excitement.

Thomas was about to proudly declare, 'That's my beautiful wife, I'll pass on the compliment.'

When the stranger added, with a lecherous grin, "I'd love to give her a good seeing-to."

Thomas thought he better tell this gate crasher that the 'eye candy,' he wants to 'give a good seeing to,' is already spoken for, before it's too late and this gets more than a little embarrassing.

But it was already beyond the pale, as the stranger added lecherously, "Look at the tits on that honey, her lovely pointy nipples are so perky too, she just loves showing off those squirming puppies."

And it got worse, much worse, as if on command, Julia swivelled round, bent her knees and stuck her bottom out, as she sexily wiggled her shapely hips, in time to the music.

"Oh wow yes," the stranger chuckled happily, "what an ass, that's an absolute peach, look at her thrusting that yummy bummy, right out there on display."

Mercifully, that was the last dance, the music stopped and the lights came on, as Julia made her way back to their table. Thomas had forgotten that the leering letch was sitting in her seat, as she came right up to the stranger and looked over at Thomas, expectantly.

"Oh, this is 'your' wife?" said the stranger, standing tall, seemingly not in the least bit put out.

Thomas thought the stranger would look shame-faced and apologise as he made a hasty retreat, but no, he never even blanched, this was one cool customer.

"Charming to meet you," said the stranger grandly, before theatrically bowing and kissing the back of Julia's hand.

"Oh, a real gentleman," gushed Julia, beaming from ear to ear, "I'm Julia, pleased to meet you, kind sir," she countered, with a cute little mock curtsey.

"Your husband..." he said, looking over at Thomas.

"Thomas," replied Thomas, helpfully.

"Yes, your husband Thomas and I, call me Bob, by the way, were just admiring your wonderful dance moves, Julia."

"No, you weren't, you silly men," giggled Julia, as her pretty face lit up, secretly pleased with the compliment.

"You might have seen some decent moves," continued Julia, slightly blushing now, as she gazed into Bob's pale blue eyes, "if they'd played any half-decent songs tonight."

"I have a great Bose, mini sound system, in my room, here at the hotel," boasted Bob eagerly. "I always bring it with me, the sound is exquisite, why don't we all go up and listen to some of your favourite tracks now, Julia?"

Thomas definitely didn't want to go to this creepy guy’s hotel room, after he'd been ogling his wife. Lusting after Julia is excusable, he grudgingly supposed, she is a stunner after all, but 'Bob' didn’t even have the decency to look embarrassed, when he realised Thomas was her husband.

But before Thomas could say anything, Julia tilted her head coquettishly and smiled at Bob, as she pushed his shoulder, with a giggled squeal.

"Oh Bob, you bold boy, imagine asking a married lady, to go up to your room. No way Bobby boy and I thought you were a gentleman too... not unless you've got my, 'absolute' favourite songs?"

"Name your favourite songs, Julia," was the, increasingly annoying Bob's, rather clever riposte.

Julia brushed her fingertips through her long blonde hair and proceeded to rhyme off three songs in quick succession, all of which her husband, Thomas, could readily vouch for. God knows, he'd been dragged out, kicking and screaming, onto the dance floor, by his wife, whenever they were played.

"I love those songs too Julia, I have them all," replied a very assured and confident Bob.

"Well that's settled then," said Julia firmly, with a big sexy smile on her face. She was obviously delighted, that the impending finish, to this seemingly endless day, of nonstop dancing was on hold and whoopee doo, there might be more dancing to come.

'Not so fast Julia,' thought Thomas to himself, 'when I explain later, why we couldn't go up to his room, she'll understand... I think.'

But Bobby boy must have sensed Thomas' reluctance, as he quickly turned to him and added, "I have a rather pleasant bottle of whiskey there too, it's really good and I mean, really good. Thomas, I bet you'd love a tipple or two?" he said, pointing at Thomas' empty glass.

"Oh, all right then," replied Thomas, with a resigned sigh, not wanting to be a party pooper. Another drink might be quite nice. He didn't want Julia calling him a 'fuddy-duddy' again, as she had been, all night long, at Thomas' increasing unwillingness to dance with his lovely but insatiably boogying wife.

'This isn't so bad.' Thomas thought to himself, pleasantly surprised, sitting in a very agreeable hotel room, sipping, what proved to be, a very fine whiskey indeed. He really felt relaxed now, with the wonderful soft, warm kick from the creamy smooth whiskey, soothing his throat and making him feel a little bit dreamy, pleasantly mellow and totally chilled.

"Oh yes, this is soooo nice," declared Julia, smiling happily, as she squeezed in beside Thomas, on the armchair. She was slightly tipsy now, with a fresh and rather large, strawberry daiquiri cocktail in hand, courtesy of their generous host.

Thomas liked having Julia squished in close to him, she was so soft and warm and deliciously sexy. She nuzzled her head onto Thomas' shoulder and brushed her hand across his chest. He was about to put his arm around her and hug her close to him when she jumped up excitedly.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, you promised to play my favourite songs, Bob. I hope you haven't been stringing me along, Bobby boy?" She poked his chest playfully and wagged her finger at him, with a big sexy smile, as she shook her head, mockingly. "You better not buster, or you'll find out what happens to a cheeky chappy when he teases a lady."

"I haven't forgotten, Julia," responded Bob charmingly, with a disarming smile, "a gentleman never forgets, a promise to a lady."

'He's really milking it now.' thought Thomas, to himself. A few minutes ago, his tongue was hanging out and his eyes were on stalks, gawping at his wife. Now it's a 'gentleman' this and a 'lady' that, or was this just Thomas, being churlish.

And Thomas had to give bold Bobby boy the Bobster, his dues, he had all of Julia's favourite songs, he thought that was just a ruse to get them up to his hotel room but he was as good as his word. Julia's lips formed a sexy 'O' shape, as the first song played, with a deep quality base. She smiled with her eyes, as she stared at Thomas and Bob with a smouldering look, on her gorgeous face. Julia grinned wickedly, as she started to dance, slow and sexy, with her arms up and her hips swaying from side to side.

Thomas had to admit, it was kind of hot and sexy, watching Julia dancing to her beloved tunes, now that she was away from the bustling dance floor, with just Bob and him for company. The heady mix, of the wonderful whiskey, coupled with the intimacy, of Julia dancing alone for them, was sensuous and alluring.

Then Julia's, 'all-time favourite song... of all time,' came on and she was in her element. She was really going for it now, obviously determined to show off, some of the 'decent moves,' she'd promised them.

Thomas watched, totally mesmerised, as Julia swirled and shuffled and swivelled her shapely hips. The soft sensuous swaying, of Julia's wonderful curves, was strangely hypnotic. Thomas glanced over at Bob and he could tell from his slack-jawed, drooling mouth, that he was rather enjoying it too.

Where did Julia learn, to be such a saucy little temptress, wondered Thomas, with a pang of jealousy. 'Why haven't I been treated to a foxy dancing show like this, before, this is spellbinding,' he thought, slightly miffed, that he'd been missing out. This gorgeous, smouldering Goddess, was Thomas' wife, he thought happily and she really knows how to get a chap excited, or in this case, two lucky chaps.

Then she started that, super sexy, knees bent, lovely bottom shimmying action, bordering on twerking, which had so enamoured their salivating host, Bob, earlier in the evening.

"Oh wow yes please," Bob said encouragingly, "you weren't joking Julia, when you promised us, some sexy dance moves."

Thomas wasn't sure his wife had promised some 'sexy' dance moves but he was being churlish again, he felt the same, as the audibly groaning Bob. Julia was clearly enjoying herself and she looked so cute and sexy too, with a beautiful big smile, on her gorgeous face, as she teased them both with her sassy dancing.

"Oh yes that's nice Julia," acknowledged Bob, approvingly, "stick that sexy bottom out, girl, that is beautiful."

Surely that was almost as racy as his earlier comments, thought Thomas, those salacious remarks, he was so keen to keep Julia from hearing.

But apparently, he was a fool for trying to protect her modesty, as Julia didn't seem to mind them at all. In fact, Bob's lecherous observations only seemed to encourage her further.

She responded to his slavering, silver tongue, by sticking her pert bottom out and wiggling her candy-sweet cheeks deliberately and arousingly, in their direction. She stood with her back to them and slowed her dancing down, her hips swaying gently and seductively, while her arms floated above her head, as she swirled, in time to the rhythm.

Hypnotically, back and forth she fluttered, like a dancing flame. The thrill of this erotic scene, made Thomas groan out loud. 'Just look at those curves,' he thought, as his heart raced and his pulse quickened, for this insanely exciting woman, 'she's intoxicating.'

Julia glanced at Thomas, with her lips pouted and her eyes daring and dangerous. She twirled around and arched her back, as she pushed her hips out, in his direction. Julia caught his eye again and wiggled her bubble bottom, for her husband Thomas, with a cheeky giggle.

She looked over to Bob, with a seductive smile and mouthed 'Oh Bobby boy,' as she pointed her, big broad bottom, in his direction, then back to Thomas, then Bob. Thomas should have been jealous and angry that she was so openly flirting with a handsome stranger, but he didn't want this to end, Julia's exhilarating tease made his heart race.

Then the third song came on, with a huge grin and a wide-eyed squeal of delight, from Julia. Thomas thought the last song was his wife's, 'all-time favourite... of all time' but apparently this one was, 'the best song ever.’ Could both really exist in the same universe?

Thomas wasn't sure and he just didn't care, as he felt his todger tingle with excitement, as Julia increased the tempo. Not just wiggling her piping hot bot, for her captivated audience now, she was dancing backwards, right up to Thomas, so her shapely bottom, was gyrating, right in his face. Then over to the, no doubt, stiff-cocked Bob and wiggling her full firm round bottom, right in his face too.

"Oh yes, that's well naughty," said Bob cheekily, "I'm loving this Julia."

Thomas was ‘loving’ it too, he didn't seem to care, that Julia was dividing her attention, equally between them. She looked so happy and beautiful, as she flirted wickedly, with Bob. He'd never seen his wife being so teasingly pleasing and outrageously provocative before and certainly not with anyone else present and it was strangely liberating.

It was thrilling to see Julia excitedly responding, to Bob's flirty comments, she was positively glowing, as she teased them, with her shockingly sexy dancing. She openly enjoyed being the centre of attention and relished the power she had over her drooling spectators, as their hungry eyes followed her every move.

As Julia approached Bob, bottom first again, he turned to Thomas, grinning and said,

"Oh yes, she's got a lovely ass, Thomas, that is such a juicy succulent peach, you're a very lucky boy."

"Do you like my 'peach' Bob?" teased Julia, doing the finger quotes, around the word 'peach,' as she glanced tauntingly over her shoulder, at him. With a cheeky grin on her face for Bob, she said seductively, "Do you like me wiggling, my married 'peach,' for you, Bobby boy?

"Oh yes please," he chirped happily, "I'm mad for it, Julia." He eagerly licked his lips, as he reached forward and playfully slapped her wiggling bottom.

"Oh no Bob, you naughty, naughty, boy, you're not allowed to spank a lady," scolded Julia flirtatiously, over her shoulder, with a cheeky giggle, as she continued to shake her bouncy bubble bottom, for him.

"But you've been so naughty, Julia," chided Bob, "you've been teasing us something rotten, you really do need a spanky for that."

Then turning to Thomas, Bob added, "Perhaps your husband should give your cheeky peach a spanking, for teasing us so mercilessly?"

"My husband's not man enough to spank me," replied Julia boldly, as she saucily danced backwards to her husband, wiggling her quivering bottom, all the way over and stuck it right out in front of him,

"Oh yes, that sounds like a challenge," said Bob, with obvious delight, as he rubbed his hands together, with a wicked grin, on his beaming face and looked at Thomas expectantly.

'No, I'm not falling for that one,' thought Thomas, 'good try Julia, but no.' Thomas could picture his wife's angry face, staring daggers at him, in the morning, during the 'inquest,' into the night before, with an incredulous.

'You spanked my bottom, Thomas, in front of a stranger, you smacked my bum with a stranger looking on, some husband you are.'

"I told you, he wasn't man enough, Bob," goaded Julia, giggling, delighted with the troubled look on her husband's face. Her cheeky bottom, still jiggling, so daringly and tantalisingly, well within striking distance, from Thomas.

'To hell with the post-mortem, at the breakfast table, tomorrow morning,' thought Thomas. His naughty wife was questioning his manhood, in front of a stranger, who she'd been openly flirting with, surely that's a spanking offence on its own?

Thomas reached over and landed a smarting slap, across Julia's firm, plump bottom and boy did it feel good, with his heart pumping like crazy, as he slapped that naughty bottom, a good stinging spank.

"No, didn't feel a thing," goaded Julia, cheekily over her shoulder, with a naughty wink to Bob. Her face looked so pretty, beaming with mischief, as she continued to brandish, her achingly spankable bottom, right under her husband's gaze. She looked back over her shoulder, at Thomas and pulled a silly face, as she stuck her tongue out and wiggled her jiggling bottom. Her face flushed bright pink, as she teased and tormented her husband. She licked her lips and winked at Bob again, as she presented, her broad feminine bottom, to her husband, as a handsome stranger looked on with beaming delight.

This earned Julia, another scorching spank from Thomas, on her sticky-out bottom. With no reaction again and her husband's face now blushing furiously, he landed a third resounding slap, that left his palm stinging.

Thomas' cock was good and hard now, spanking his wife, while Bob looked on, delighted, with a big leering grin, on his boyish face.

After a short delay, Julia retorted, calmly, "I told you Bob, my husband's not man enough to spank me."

"Allow me to demonstrate," said Bob, menacingly.

In a split second, he'd taken hold of Julia's hand and with a startled squeal from her, he'd flipped her over his knee. "Oh no, I'm in for it now," she giggled, as she squirmed across Bob's lap, "a real man is going to spank me."

'God that looks so hot and sexy, seeing my wife, face down, over another man's lap,' thought Thomas helplessly, with a guilty gasp. After a quick and appreciative rub, from Bob's large hand, on Julia's, delightfully upturned bottom, he landed an absolute stinger, on her bouncy buttocks.

"Oh," yelped Julia, as her head shot up in surprise, "Bob knows how to spank a lady."

Thomas wasn't sure he liked having his manhood questioned by his wife and then confirmed, by a stranger's demonstration. But he couldn't deny that seeing Julia's quivering bottom, jiggling across Bob's knee, was a dick-hardening delight.

It was a strangely engrossing sight too, Julia and her beautiful bubble bottom, seemed to be totally separated now. She was way over at the far end of the couch, with her pretty face buried in a silky cushion, while her adorable bottom, was at the other end, languishing over Bob's lap.

From where Thomas was sitting, there appeared to be a completely unattached bottom, squirming and wriggling delightfully, over Bob's knee. The fact that it was his wife's bottom, just seemed to add to the rapidly mounting excitement.

Bob was holding Julia's, only free hand, firmly in his, with the same arm resting on her back, which left his, 'spanking' hand, totally unfettered and free to roam at will.

"That's how it's done," goaded Bob, looking at Thomas and smirking, "that's how you spank a naughty wife," he hissed, as he landed another, resounding slap, on Julia's quivering bottom. The sound of his huge hand, spanking down hard on Julia's springy buttocks, echoed around the room, like a pistol shot. A loud squeal and a throaty moan, from her, signalled how the stinging slap, had struck home with a vengeance.

Being draped over Bob's knee, had the effect of stretching Julia's, light blue pants, tight across her firm round bottom, so the squirming mounds of her beautiful booty cheeks, presented a tantalisingly teasing target.

There's something incredibly intimate and outrageously exciting about a spanking, Thomas marvelled to himself. He was captivated by the sight of Bob, eagerly rubbing his wife's buttocks, in big swirling motions, and then peppering her jiggling bottom, with pats and slaps and hard spanks.

Thomas' cock was blatantly at full mast now, watching enthralled, as Bob played patty cake with his wife's bottom. But an enraged Julia appeared in his mind's eye with a very annoyed, 'And you sat there Thomas, you just sat there, doing nothing and you let him spank my ass, you let a stranger spank your wife's bum. With his big strong hand, slapping away at my married bottom and you did nothing to stop him, what the hell's wrong with you?'

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Thomas had that awful alarm clock moment, when you feel like your head just hit the pillow and the buzzer goes off to tell you it's time for work and you have to drag yourself up. This was sensationally arousing and he didn't want it to end but he needed to put a stop to it, or he'd be in big trouble with Julia.

Thomas' stiffening cock was swelling against something else hard, in his pocket. Realising it was his phone, which Julia had bought for Thomas' last birthday, he begrudgingly thought, 'I know how to get us out of this pickle.'

"Oh no Julia," he called out, "I must have left my phone at our table, I'll just nip down and get it."

Bob's smile disappeared, as he looked up at Thomas, disappointed and stopped slapping and fondling Julia's bottom and released his grip on her... but there was no response from Julia. Thomas thought she would jump up, glad of the excuse to wriggle out of her, rather well-deserved spanking.

But no, clearly she was OK with being bent over a stranger's knee, for a damn good spanking, in front of her long-suffering husband, thought Thomas, feeling hurt and frustrated. 'I should just let this go on, see where it ends up, my throbbing joy stick, could definitely do with a wonderful adventure. A sexy little escapade, is just what the doctor ordered, to relieve my severe case of swollen todger.'

But again, Julia's angry morning face was shouting into his crystal ball, for not doing something to stop this, he better end this now, before it was too late

"OK, I won't be long," he called out over his shoulder, as he opened the Hotel room door and slammed it shut, with Thomas still on the inside.

He tiptoed back over to the couch, fully expecting to see, a flustered and furious Julia, leaping up, 'effing' and 'jeffing' that her husband had left her and what a moron he was.

Only for Thomas to pop up and say 'Ah... fooled you, Julia,' and she'd giggle and they'd head off home, arm in arm, just another happy, loving couple.

But Julia remained draped over Bob's lap, as a wickedly smiling Bob, resumed the big hearty, hand-rolling rubs and playful slaps, on Thomas' wife's, beautifully upturned bottom. Julia gasped and moaned and wriggled her curvy hips, as Bob eagerly slapped, her quivering bottom.

"Of course, to really sort out a naughty bottom, good and proper like..." teased Bob, "I have to be able to see the target." He glanced mischievously at Thomas, as he took hold of Julia's elastic waistband and yanked her pants right down to her knees, in one quick movement.

Thomas' todger, literally squirmed with arousal, as his wife's, creamy white thighs, flashed into view. Shapely bare legs and above them, the glorious globes of her jiggling buttocks, with just a tiny pair of light blue panties, barely covering, her full, firm, round bubble bottom.

"Oh no, no, no Bob," gasped Julia, squirming and wriggling frantically, as he peeled her pants down.

But lots of long, soothing caresses, interspersed with friendly little pats and slaps, on her pantied bottom, pacified Julia's urgent cries of complaint. Her pleas of, 'no, no, no' faded into, 'oh dear, oh dear, oh dear,' until her moans and groans were a distant whimper.

Thomas could see clearly now, where Bob's marauding hand, had slapped and spanked, Julia's buttocks, with his big red hand marks, peeking out on both sides, of her pretty little, bottom-hugging panties.

Thomas' cock seemed determined to burst out of his trousers, watching transfixed, as Bob continued to massage and pat and spank his wife's, scanty panty bottom.

Bob's hand started landing, big hard slaps, on Julia's bottom again. They were real stingers too, with just the thin, wispy material, of her panties, the only protection, for her jiggling bottom cheeks, from his smarting palm.

Bob had a rhythm going now, a spank on Julia's left cheek, a gentle rub, to ease the nasty stinging, then a hefty slap on her right cheek and a soothing rub again, with Julia, sexily wriggling, her bouncing bottom, with every smack.

Then Bob, subtly upped the tempo, still caressing Julia's booty cheeks, between spanks but moving faster now. Spank, rub, spank, rub, faster and faster with Julia wriggling frantically, between stinging slaps. The effect of Bob's 'handiwork,' made Julia's panties creep in towards the crack of her bouncing buttocks. Thomas' wife didn't seem to notice, that her panties were disappearing up her creamy bare bottom, as she continued to wriggle her shapely hips shamelessly, while Bob spanked and caressed her smarting cheeks.

Thomas moaned out loud, as Julia's wriggling bottom, made her tiny blue panties, slip right up, her blushing pink bottom cheeks. Before long, Julia's panties had completely disappeared up the crack of her bare bottom and her beautiful creamy pink and white cheeks, were fully exposed, jiggling and bouncing delightfully, with every smarting spank, from Bob's stinging hand. She groaned and gasped breathlessly, as she wriggled her bottom and her curvaceous hips writhed in time, to Bob's spanking rhythm.

'God this is just so achingly arousing, watching my wife's bottom, being manhandled by a stranger.' thought Thomas groaning in frustration. He couldn't explain why, his heart was pounding as he watched the scene unfold, in horror. It was a total car crash and yet he couldn't tear his eyes away from the shockingly appalling spectacle.

Bob must have known he was rooted to the spot and totally captivated, by this wicked exhibition. With a quick glance at Thomas and a big stupid grin on his face, he grabbed hold of the elastic waistband, of Julia's panties and lifted them straight up. Julia's bottom rose up, like a sexy puppet on a string, as her panties flossed between her bare bottom cheeks.

He lifted his arm up and down, toying with her, as Thomas' wife's bottom, bobbed up and down. Julia's panties disappeared into a tiny little G-string, lodged deep, in her happy valley. Her creamy bare buttocks, danced and jiggled, for puppet master Bob, as he pulled the panty strings.

Not content with giving Thomas' wife, an atomic wedgie, Bob leered wicked at him, with an evil smirk, as he yanked her panties, straight down to her knees. He just whipped Julia's knickers right down and bared her bottom. Bold as brass, he nonchalantly pulled Thomas' wife's panties down, like he was peeling the wrapper off a candy bar and exposed her scrumptious bare bottom goodies.

"No, no, no Bob, you mustn't, oh God no, no, no, no, no, no..." gasped Julia, urgently, as she wriggled her hips furiously, making her bare bottom, squirm and jiggle across his knee.

But a long tender and comforting caress, from Bob's big strong hand, on Julia's freshly bared bottom made her "no, no, no's" gently fade away... until they'd petered out completely.

'Oh my God, Bob just bared my wife's ass, right there in front me and I didn't even flinch,' thought Thomas shaking and gasping for breath. It was electrifying to see Julia's bare bottom, over Bob's knee, totally exposed and so shockingly vulnerable. With her freshly juiced honey pot, peeking out, so shamelessly, below her creamy white, marshmallow cheeks.

Bob was now spanking Julia's bare booty, hard stinging slaps, between intimate strokes, at her candy-sweet bottom. His spanks weren’t playful anymore and it was truly shocking to see Julia's, creamy bare buttocks, completely covered, in his big red hand marks.

The harder spanks were countered with long soothing rubs, not just on Julia's bare bottom but Bob was also intimately caressing the back of her legs too, lingering wilfully, between her silky smooth, velvety soft, milky white thighs.

Bob looked up at Thomas again, with a big hearty chuckle and an evil grin on his face. He teased his hand between Thomas' wife's inner thighs and Julia gasped out loud, as his finger slipped deep, into her piping hot pussy.

Julia's hips squirmed with arousal and she gasped and groaned, as Bob tickled her warm, moist, honeypot. He slowly rolled his tongue over his lips, as he played with her. He slid his finger out of her juicy pussy and rubbed his glistening digit, all over her cute little chocolate starfish, with Julia's love juice, lubricating her most secret and intimate parts.

Thomas watched transfixed as if in slow motion, as Julia raised her bare bottom. She blatantly lifted her bottom right up in the air, with her pussy lips pulsating, desperately seeking Bob's tender touch again but he cruelly landed a stingingly hard spank, on her upturned cheeks, as her bum hole twitched, with nervous excitement.

"Oh you like that, don't you Julia, you like it when I tickle your juicy bits, don't you girl?" goaded Bob.

"Yes..." whimpered Julia, in a gasped whisper, fighting for breath and losing control.

"You really are, a naughty little wifey, aren't you?" teased Bob, as he wickedly slapped, her quivering cheeks again, followed by, a full-force, open-handed smack that left Julia's bare bottom jiggling from the stinging blow.

Another furious flurry, of scorching hot slaps, in quick succession, rained fire down on her pretty bare bottom. 'spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank,' before Bob relented and caressed her stinging cheeks. He sneaked his finger back inside Julia's tingling juice box and Thomas was shocked and stunned to see his wife spreading her legs, for ease of pussy access. She determinedly pushed her bare bottom, back up in the air again, her hips squirming, with her pussy positively throbbing, as her puckered bum hole, twitched and spasmed, desperately seeking the approval of Bob's, teasingly tickling fingers.

Even Bob's, mercilessly hard spanks, didn't deter Julia from raising her bare bottom, right up and spreading her legs wide for him. Bob leaned over, to get a damn good look, at Julia's soaking wet pussy and her bare brown eye, which were now shamefully on display for him.

"Are you a naughty wife, Julia?" asked Bob, in a deep gravelly voice.

"Yes... yes, Bob, I've been a naughty wife."

"What happens to naughty wives, Julia?"

"They get spanked, Bob."

"Do you deserve to be spanked, Julia?"

"Yes, oh yes Bob, spank me, spank my bottom, spank my bare bottom, spank my bare married bottom."

'Spank, spank, spank...'

"Harder, Bob, spank me harder... I've been a wicked bitch."

'Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank' Bob slapped Julia's bottom, increasingly harder, as she gasped and moaned, losing control.

"What did you do, you 'wicked bitch?'" goaded Bob, in a strict, no-nonsense tone.

"I showed myself, to our neighbour... naked Bob, oh God, it was so exciting. I knew he was looking into our bedroom window when I came out of the shower. I let the towel drop and showed myself, stark naked to him. He's so cute and handsome, Bob and it was soooooo exciting, knowing he could see me and it's such a naughty feeling, whenever I see him, knowing he's seen me naked. The next time I did it, was for a builder, working on our house, he was in the backyard and I went right up to the window, pressing my tits against the glass, my nipples were so hard and I stroked my pussy until I came."

'Spank, spank, spank.'

'God, I just can't take this anymore.' thought Thomas, hopelessly, with his face burning bright red, with shame and embarrassment. He whipped his rock-hard cock out and started stroking it off, as a stranger spanked and fingered his bare-bottomed wife.

Bob glanced up and caught Thomas, desperately rubbing at his bloated todger and with a lecherous chuckle, he continued remorselessly spanking and tickling Julia, as she started gasping 'oohs' and 'aahs,' breathlessly.

It was just so degrading and humiliating for Thomas, standing there with his dick out, as a complete stranger, spanked his wife's bare bottom and tickled her quivering pussy. Right there in front of him, another man was abusing his wife. While she confesses to him, how wicked she'd been, so shockingly intimate, as she brazenly moaned and groaned with unabashed pleasure.

Thomas' nemesis, Bob, had just caught him with his todger, in the cookie jar and it mattered not a jot. He just couldn't control this overpowering urge, to satisfy, his hideously engorged penis.

Bob started brushing his moistened fingertips, teasingly up and down, Julia's wide open honey pot, playfully pleasing, her pretty pink pussy lips. Wickedly lingering over Julia's hot little clitty, which was swollen plump and gently quivering with excitement and arousal, from his tantalising touch.

As Julia's 'oohs' and 'aahs,' were rapidly overtaken by cries of, 'Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,’ Thomas, just about ripped his cock off. He creamed his knob, spraying his todger juice, all over Bob's carpet and it just felt so good, so shockingly gratifying. A fantastically satisfying release, for his achingly swollen penis, as it bobbed up and down and pulsated with pleasure.

When Julia, slapped her legs together and came, crying "Oh Jesus Christ..." through gritted teeth, Thomas tiptoed backwards, towards the hotel door. Still watching enthralled, as Bob, lifted his wife off his knee, like she weighed nothing at all. She stood up straight, with her back to Thomas, visibly shaking and gasping for breath.

How astonishing to see Julia, standing there, bare-bottomed, with her trousers and knickers down to her knees, in front of a stranger. Shamefully, as if to add insult to injury, her pants and panties, almost immediately gave up the struggle against gravity and slid right down and puddled around her ankles, vanquished and defeated.

Quietly shuffling backwards, as he admired his wife's shapely legs and beautiful bare buttocks, freshly spanked and glowing, a lovely rosy pink, his hand fumbled against the door knob and he slipped out, into the hotel corridor, unseen and unheard.

He pressed his eye to the keyhole and watched, shocked and horrified, with his heart thumping wildly in his chest, as Bob unzipped his trousers and out popped his swollen cock. Bob thrust his hips forward, towards Julia, with his huge, mushroom-headed shaft, squirming for relief.

Julia reached out her dainty little hand, towards Bob's, hideously engorged manhood and teasingly stroked his pulsating love pole, up and down, with her fingertips. His cock writhed, to her tender touch and stood to attention. She squeezed his big thick penis and pulled his steel hard shaft towards her and then let go, giggling like a naughty school girl. Bob's smile disappeared, with a flash of fury, as his big springy cock, slapped back against his washboard stomach.

A frustrated Bob, thrust his hips forward again, with angry arousal, begging for some of Julia's hot loving but she playfully pushed him back against the couch and he involuntarily sat down. He must have landed on the remote control, as Julia's songs began playing on Bob's stereo again.

Julia squealed with delight and began dancing seductively, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She looked so cute and sexy too, with her pants and panties still down around her ankles, as she twirled round, wriggling her beautiful big bouncy bare bubble bottom, in time to the music.

She had a big sexy smile and a smouldering look on her face, for Bob, as she lifted her top for him. Thomas watched hypnotised, as first one, then two, bouncing bare puppies, popped right out, in all their jiggly goodness. Julia gyrated her shapely hips from side to side, with her perky, impudent nipples, swaying one way, while her broad bare bottom, wiggled the other.

Thomas could hardly breathe and his knees were shaking, as he took in the shocking sight of Julia's bare breasts, tumbling out and jiggling erotically. Her pretty pink nipples were all perky and hard for a stranger. Bob licked his lips and stroked his cock eagerly, as Julia shuffled round and wiggled her splendid, bare, freshly spanked bottom, for his inspection. A big cheesy grin, split his leering face, as Bob admired his handiwork, on Julia's glowing pink cheeks.

Thomas felt his stomach tie itself in knots, as he heard Julia say, "This is for you Bobby boy, I loved it when you told me you liked the way I danced. You made me feel so sexy and it was such a great feeling, when your eyes lit up, as you saw me on the dance floor. I can still feel that tingly sensation, that surge of excitement, the naughty thrill, of knowing you were eyeing me up. Oh yes Bob, I like being a naughty wife for you, you are so exciting, you make my heart race, I'm all yours Bobby boy."

Thomas' beautiful wife was dancing naked, for a handsome stranger and all he could think of was how arousing it was, to see Julia's gorgeous hourglass figure, as her creamy smooth curves, shimmered seductively. He felt his world crashing down around him but the tingling surge of excitement, rippling through his throbbing cock, was electrifying.

Thomas was shaking all over, as Julia smiled at Bob and tweaked her bullet-hard nipples, as she gazed into his piercing blue eyes. She twirled her pointy nipples, between her fingers and thumbs, as her hips swayed hypnotically. Julia was basking in the power she had over Bob. He'd spanked her bare, married bottom, panties down, over his knee, as she'd yelped and jiggled and danced to his tune. Now here he was, big bold bad Bobby boy, with his dick hanging out, thrusting his hips forward, begging her, to stroke and suckle, his pulsating penis, as she teased and tormented him, with her dirty dancing.

Julia started that achingly sexy, bottom-shimmying action again, which had Bob feverishly rubbing at his swollen cock. With her top held up, she danced around, showing Bob her velvety soft curves and creamy alabaster skin. Bob groaned and grimaced, as his huge, powerfully pumping penis, cried big salty tears, for Julia and her wonderful curves.

Still looking through the keyhole and shaking uncontrollably now, with the horrifying thrill, of seeing his wife, flaunting herself, Thomas reached up and tapped loudly, on the door. A panic-stricken Julia, quickly let go of her top, bent right down at the waist and pulled her pants and panties, straight up together, in one swift movement.

Thomas retrieved his phone, from his pocket and walked in, smiling bravely, with the mobile held aloft and declared…

"Got it, one of the cleaners found my phone at our table and left it behind the bar for me."

His dramatic entrance was greeted with a smirk and a knowing nod from Bob and a startled, rabbit caught in the headlights, wide-eyed stare from Julia.

Pocketing his phone, he glanced at his watch and said,

"Well this has been fun Bob but I think it's time to hit the road."

As Thomas escorted his lovely, spellbound wife, out towards the lifts, he couldn't help thinking how pretty Julia looked, blushing bright pink, as she nervously chewed her lower lip.

Written by JOHNKEY
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