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Two For the Price of One

"A new neighbor spanks a Mother and her daughter for differnet reasons with different results"

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"It looks like someone bought Mrs. Mulligan's house," Alison Kilpatrick called to her mother. "The realtor is taking the sign down."

"I hope it's a nice family," came the reply. "Mrs. Mulligan was a good neighbor. I'm going to miss her." Tom, Jane, and Alison Kilpatrick had moved next door to Mrs. Mulligan twelve years ago. Alison was eight at the time. They got on very well with their elderly neighbor. Tom mowed her lawn in the summer and kept her driveway and steps clear of snow. Mrs. Mulligan reciprocated by babysitting Alison whenever it was needed. It was a mutually beneficial relationship.

Then came that awful day six years ago. A call saying Tom had been in an auto accident, sent mother and daughter hurrying to the hospital. Only to be told, when they arrived, that he had died. Killed by a drunk driver who had crossed the center line. The absence of the love and discipline he provided left a hole in their lives that would never properly close. Though the insurance settlement they received was enough to provide for them, it couldn't replace the husband and father they both adored.

Mother and daughter both were familiar with being taken over his knees for a thorough spanking. Alison much more often than Jane. She could be quite a handful, but Tom knew how to handle her. A good bottom warming followed by loving forgiveness always settled her down. Jane had tried to take his place as a disciplinarian, but her efforts were largely ineffective. Alison had grown into a headstrong and reckless young woman.

"I wonder how long it will be before they move in," Jane said. "Mrs. Mulligan passed away six months ago and that house has been empty too long. It's going to take a lot of cleaning before anyone will want to live there." They didn't have to wait long. A week later, A bright red convertible caught their attention when it pulled into the driveway next door.

"Mama, come look. I think our new neighbor is here." Alison watched as a very fit looking man climbed out of the car. "Oh, my God," she intoned as her mother joined her. "He's gorgeous. I would jump on his pole any day."

"Alison! Shame on you! If your father ever heard you talk like that, he would take his belt to your bare bottom and you wouldn't sit comfortably for a week," It was times like this that Jane missed Tom the most. For her own good, Alison needed discipline, but there was nobody to take her in hand.

"Yeah, well he's not here. So, I don't have to worry about that, do I. Enough about Dad. Let's go meet him."

"Wait." Jane had to stop her from running out the door. "We should take him something to welcome him into the neighborhood. Help me bake some brownies. That will give him time to get settled before we go over." Alison wasn't much help. While Jane did the baking, she spent most of the time peering through the curtains. An hour later. mother and daughter, a plate of warm brownies in hand, were waiting for their new neighbor to answer their knock.

"Hello Ladies," said the handsome young man as he opened the door. "what can I help you with today?"

"I'm Jane Kilpatrick and this is my daughter Alison. We live next door and wanted to welcome you into the neighborhood. These are for you," she said as she held up the plate of warm brownies.

"Thank you very much, that's very gracious of you. They smell wonderful. Would you like to come in for a moment? It will be easier to get acquainted inside than standing on the porch." He held the door for them as they entered. "I'm John Cooper," he said, offering his hand to both women in turn. "Please forgive the mess." He motioned for them to have a seat at the only furniture visible. A dining room table with six chairs placed around it.

"We understand completely. I see you still have a lot to do. You haven't moved much in yet."

"Most of my things are in storage and will stay there until I finish the remodeling. The house is in fairly good shape, structurally, but it desperately needs updated. The kitchen and bathrooms must be totally redone. Besides painting, I'm replacing the windows and all the flooring. The contractors are starting Monday morning. That will give me the weekend to get started on the painting."

"If this is all you have. How are you going to fix your meals?”

"Take out, mostly. As a bachelor, I'm quite used to pizza and burgers."

"I won't hear of it." Jane's instincts as a mother did not like the idea of anyone living on junk food. "You need a balanced diet if you're going to be doing that much work. I want you to eat with us until you're settled in." She held up her hand as he was about to protest.

"It will be no inconvenience. I cook for us every day. Setting a place for you will not be a problem. Dinner tonight will be ready in about two hours. Why don't you come over now? It will give us a chance to get to know each other before we eat." Alison was beaming. Spending the next few hours with this handsome man was more than she had hoped for.

As for John, the afternoon and evening he spent with two attractive women was a welcome change. He was devoted to his career as an engineer. That devotion consumed his time and was responsible for the failure of two long term relationships. The last one ended six months ago and since then he had done little else besides work. Relaxing in their company made him realize how much he missed female companionship.

John was a little surprised when Jane said they were mother and daughter. They resembled each other so closely, he thought they might be sisters. They both had trim figures with ample breasts and well-rounded bottoms. The main difference between the two wasn't physical. Jane's maturity was evident in her attitude. Alison, however, showed all the signs of being out of control. She was not shy about flirting with him. She did everything short of dropping her pants to let him know she was available.

Over the next few weeks, the remodeling progressed on John's home. As each room was finished, he would furnish it with the things he had in storage. On the day he was to bring in the last items, Jane baked him an apple pie to celebrate.

"Take this over to John," Jane said as she handed the pie to Alison who was only too happy to use it as an excuse to see John. After all her flirting failed to produce the desired advance, she was beginning to think he wasn't interested, but she was not ready to give up.

Alison rang the bell, discovered he wasn't there, and an idea came to her. When she was young, Mrs. Mulligan tended to her needs after school until her parents finished working. She had showed Alison how to open the back door without a key in case she wasn't home when Alison arrived. If John hadn't repaired it yet, she would be able to gain entry. She went around back and with a certain twist and a little shake of the doorknob, the door came open.

Once inside, she couldn't resist the temptation to do a little snooping. Alison left the pie on the kitchen table and went upstairs to John's bedroom. She was just starting to go through his dresser when she heard him pull into the driveway. Running down the stairs, she made it to the kitchen just as he came in the back door.

"Alison, what are you doing here?" His tone conveyed suspicion more than surprise. "How did you get in?"

"Mama asked me to bring you this apple pie. I didn't want to leave it outside, so I checked the back door. It was unlocked so I brought the pie inside." John knew she was lying about the door but decided not to challenge her on it.

"I appreciate everything you and your mother have done for me since I moved here and I'm grateful. But this is my home and I'm very protective of my privacy. I must insist that you do not enter my home when I'm not here. You could have taken the pie back to your place and waited until I got here."

"I'm sorry if I offended you," she said petulantly. I only wanted to bring you the pie." She left in a huff. John just shook his head. There was a girl who needed to be taken down a peg.

Alison eventually got over her pout and returned to her attempts to snare the handsome bachelor. Once again, Jane baked a treat for John and was about to take it over herself when Alison intercepted her.

"Mama, let me do it. The last time I took something to him, he wasn't too happy with me. I would appreciate a chance to make things right between us." Reluctantly, Jane gave into her, hoping her daughter had enough sense to keep her pants on.

Though John's car was in the driveway, the front door was locked, and no one answered the bell. Not to be denied, Alison went to the back door and let herself in.

"John," she called as she stepped through the door. “Anyone home?" While she received no answer, Alison cautiously stepped through the kitchen. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear the shower running on the second floor. 'This is too good to pass up,' she thought. Knowing better but doing it anyway, she crept up the stairs and waited outside the bathroom. When the shower turned off, she almost changed her mind and fled, but impetuosity overruled reason and she held her ground. John came out of the bathroom drying his hair, putting on quite a show for Alison as the only thing the towel covered was his head.

"Now that was worth waiting for." Her voice startled him so badly he almost dropped the towel.

"What the hell, Alison! How did you get in? I know the doors were locked." From the look on John's face, Alison knew she had made a mistake. "Get your ass downstairs and wait for me." Alison hastily retreated down the stairs, afraid a line had been crossed that could permanently ruin her chances with John. Anxiety tied her stomach in knots when she heard him coming down the stairs. The anger etched into his expression turned her apprehension into alarm.

"What did I tell you about invading my privacy? You have no right to come into my home like that."

"You said not to come in when you weren't home, and I didn't. You're home so what's the problem." Alison's arrogant defiance was the last straw. John grabbed her by the arm and dragged her toward the couch.

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“The problem, young lady, is your insolence. If you think you can get away with doing whatever you want, you need a lesson that will change your mind.” Alison was no match for his strength and could not stop him from toppling her over his lap as he sat down, leaving her sprawled over well-muscled thighs.

"Don't you dare! You have no right!" Alison’s protests were answered by a firm swat to the center of her shorts covered bottom.

“I have the right to charge a trespasser with breaking and entering. That was a locked door you came through.” Two more hard spanks landed on the same spot as the first, bringing a loud yelp from the squirming miscreant. “I am doing you a favor by tanning your hide instead.” Alison's struggles to get off John’s lap were of no avail. He easily held her in place and began swatting her rump with the determination of a dedicated spanker.

"Ow! Ow! Stop that!” she cried while her legs began running a horizontal marathon. “It hurts! Stop!" Her protests fell on deaf ears. Smack after stinging smack landed on her upturned cheeks, lighting a fire that made her protests even more strident.

"Please," she wailed. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please stop!" He did stop. Alison thought her ordeal was over until she felt his fingers in the waist band of her shorts.

"No! Don't take them down! Not bare! Don't spank me bare!" John didn't hesitate. He exposed a quivering pair of crimson moons as he yanked her shorts and panties to her knees and renewed his assault on her bare butt cheeks. Determined to drive his point home, he smacked her fast and hard. Her legs resumed their effort to set an Olympic record as she burst into tears. A few more spanks on a very red bottom and he stopped again.

"Have you learned your lesson, Missy. Or do I need to continue?"

"I won't ever come in without being asked again," she sobbed. "Please don't spank me anymore." He landed one final swat, pulled her pants up and let her off his lap. Alison leapt to her feet, desperately rubbing her over-heated backside, and performing an animated spank dance.

"Go home and tell your mother why I spanked you. If she has any questions, I'll be right here." Alison ran from the house, crying and holding her bottom.

When he heard a knock on his door less than ten minutes later, John expected the worst. He had taken her daughter over his knees and given her a well-deserved bare bottom spanking. He assumed she would be furious and threaten to call the police. He was astounded to find her smiling when he answered the door.

"Jane, before you say anything, let me explain. She really had it coming. I warned her about letting herself in without being asked and she ignored me. If that wasn't bad enough, she waited in the hallway and caught me coming out of the bathroom after taking shower. When I complained, she gave me an attitude. I'm sorry I lost my temper, but I couldn't help it."

"I'm not angry with you, John. In fact, I think you let her off easy. Her father would have strapped her with his belt. Tom was the one who knew how to deal with her. Without him to keep her in line, she's more than I can handle. She's lucky you only used your hand. I came over to apologize for her behavior. It's really my fault. I'm not much of a disciplinarian. I'm afraid I'm not much of a mother.”

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Being a single mother is not easy. I think you've done a wonderful job. It's not your fault she's a headstrong young woman. We haven't known each other for very long, but I can tell you have a level head on your shoulders and you're ready to live up to your responsibilities. I have a lot of respect for that. In fact, you are just the kind of woman I find attractive. I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but I would like to be more than just friends."

"You surprise me, John. I thought you were more attracted to Alison. She's the one who has been flirting with you. Why would you want someone who is a decade older than you?”

"Jane, you are an extremely attractive woman. Beautiful in my eyes. For me, your beauty is not just your looks. It's in the way you think and act. You take pride in yourself without being boastful. You focus on your responsibilities and consider the consequences before you act. Not flirting with me is precisely why I prefer you over Alison. She is too immature for me. If I wanted to, I could have taken her to bed long ago. But she is too young to think beyond the physical aspects of a relationship. At this point in her life, she needs a father more than a boyfriend."

"You are right about her needing a father. She would never admit it, but she misses the discipline Tom provided. It showed her the path she needed to take and kept her on it. We both knew what it was like to be taken over his lap, for different reasons though."

"I cannot believe you would do anything that would earn you a spanking. You don't seem like the type that needs to be kept in line." She went to him and he took her in his arms.

"John, I need a strong confident man. One I can surrender to completely and who knows how to meet my needs. I haven't been with a man since Tom was killed and I miss that very much. Not just the love making. I miss his firm control and the way he would accept my surrender. In some ways you are a lot like him. If you are willing to be my rock, the foundation of my being, I am ready to give you my all." His hand slid down to cup her bottom and he kissed her passionately.

"This is a bottom that needs my attention," he said as their lips parted. He lifted her off the floor as easily as one might pick up a child, carried her to the couch and set her on her feet. She did not resist when his hands reached for the button on her jeans and slowly pushed them over her curvaceous hips. John sat in front of her and removed her pants as she lifted first one foot and then the other. "What do you have to say for yourself." With her eyes fixed on the floor and her hands clasped in front of her, Jane slipped into the role she longed to play.

"I've been a very naughty girl. I neglected my responsibilities to my daughter and allowed her to become a troublesome young woman. If I had done my job properly, you would not have to spank her tonight. I am ashamed of myself and I deserved to be punished. You should take my panties down and give my bare bottom the spanking I deserve." Her eyes rose to meet his and held his gaze. "Teach me the lesson I need to learn.”

John hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties and gently pulled them down. He reveled in the joy of exposing her charms, a pleasure he had denied himself for too long. After she stepped out of the garment, he traced the outline of her hips and thighs with his fingers, absorbing the sight and feel of her beauty. He could feel her quivering with desire and anticipation. He patted his thigh and she lowered herself across his lap, presenting her bottom to him. His left hand rested on her back as his right rubbed and caressed her plush satiny flesh.

"You have the most gorgeous ass I have ever seen." When he leaned over to kiss each luscious mound, the aroma of her arousal engulfed him. "You want this." It was not a question.

"Yes," she breathed huskily.

"Tell me."

"I want to feel the sting of your hand as it slaps my bottom. I want to squirm as the heat it brings builds. I want to feel your strength. I want you to be my master. I want you for my man." Her spanking began slowly and lightly. John wanted to prolong this as long as possible. Not just to enjoy having her over his lap, but also to raise the sexual tension between them to a frenetic level. After a dozen smacks, her backside had only colored to a light pink.

He nudged her thighs apart and his fingers searched between them. He probed her wetness, finding her clitoris and began massaging it while she moaned softly as he took her to the edge of release. Just as she was about to orgasm, he stopped and resumed her spanking. This time a little harder and a little faster.

He didn't stop until her cheeks took on a bright pink hue. His fingers returned to her center of pleasure, teasing her to the brink and then denying her once more. Jane raised her hips lewdly displaying a pussy drenched with her love juices.

"Are you ready for all of it?"

"Oh yes! Yes! I want it. I need it. Show your naughty girl what it's like to be truly spanked." His hand flattened one mound and then the other. He swatted her rump almost as hard as Alison’s punishment. spanking. Unlike her daughter, there were no tears coming from Jane. She pushed her bottom up to welcome his hand as it painted her flesh a deep crimson. She kicked and squirmed as the fire in her hind quarters became a blazing inferno. Her breath came in gasps and John knew they were close to the end. A vigorous flurry to the tops of her thighs and it was over.

Jane slid to her knees between his legs, tearing at his shorts to free his turgid manhood. Once the garment was discarded, she pushed him onto his back. Straddling him she impaled herself. Cries of ecstasy filled the room as his cock thrust into her hungry vagina. Her flaming bottom pounded his loins and pent up desires exploded as they reached the pinnacle of arousal simultaneously. She collapsed across his chest and he held her tightly.

Afterward, John lay on his side, propped up on one elbow, gently rubbing Jane's well spanked globes as she lay on her tummy. She rolled into his embrace, snuggling her bottom into his groin.

"Hold me forever."

"I will hold you as long as you want me to."

"I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. You can give me what I want and Alison what she needs."

"I'm the lucky one. I now have two beautiful women to take care of. One as a wife and one as a daughter." The heat still emanating from her backside rekindled his desire. "Woman, I'm not done with you yet. Are you ready for round two?"

"I'm ready for as many rounds as you want." She climbed to her hands and knees, showing him her love nest. "Do with me as you will." He positioned himself behind her and two became one.

Written by Malcatraz
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