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Tom's Fantasy Realised

"Tom wanted to know what it was like to be spanked but got more than he had bargained for"

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Tom was tense but really excited, and even as he walked along the street, so he knew that he had an erection that was pushing out the front of his trousers. He laughed to himself as he looked down, although did blush as he looked around to see if anybody else saw. 

Tom was thirty-seven and for as long as he could remember he had fantasised about being spanked by a dominant woman. He was married and would be more than happy for his wife, Sarah, who was thirty-five years old, to spank him. However, Tom held a senior position at the office and was certainly an alpha male everywhere but around authoritative women, and even then, he hid the fact that he wanted to be submissive to them. He was also concerned that, as an alpha male, what would happen if Sarah insisted on treating him like a naughty boy all the time, including spanking him whenever he did something wrong? He knew he did something wrong fairly often, like drinking too much or staying out too late with work colleagues, and he really didn't know if he could cope with a life of being submissive to his wife. So, he settled for fantasy and masturbating in bed when he was alone.  

As time went on, Tom started to think whether there was a way in which he could experience being spanked and started to surf spanking websites. It was on one of those sites where dominatrix women could advertise their services that he came across Miss Kane. 

Tom and Miss Kane exchanged messages.  Miss Kane offered a service to men and women who wanted to submit to her, and she offered a selection of services which included school role-play with Tom as the naughty schoolboy who had to be disciplined by Miss Kane, the strict authoritative teacher. Miss Kane could also be the dominant secretary or personal assistant, boss lady, police officer, nurse, or girlfriend. 

Miss Kane explained how discipline could involve first of all a scolding, corner time, nose against the wall, or writing lines. It was made clear that the choice would be for Tom to make, but once that choice was made the implementation was solely by Miss Kane. On the other hand, she explained that safety was an important feature and every time there would be a safe word which, if spoken out loud, would mean the punishment could then stop if Tom couldn't cope with it. 

All of this made tremendous sense to Tom, and he was up for meeting with Miss Kane and submitting to her. He knew that he would have to pick a time when Sarah would not suspect that he was meeting with Miss Kane and so reckoned meeting her after work, whilst telling Sarah he was going out for a drink with his work colleagues. That would be quite a normal explanation and he doubted Sarah would query it. 

As most of the contact Tom had had with Miss Kane was via email, for his own protection he had set up a dummy email address and called himself Jeff as a false name. After all, he was hardly going to give his real name. Anyway, he doubted that Miss Kane was her real name either.  

The arrangement was made to meet, with the fee to be paid to Miss Kane agreed. Tom was told that when he arrived at Miss Kane's private apartment he would be met by her assistant, who would take the money and then direct him to the room where she would be. As it was agreed that Miss Kane would be Tom's personal assistant, the room would be laid out as an office. It had also been agreed that the punishment would be a hand spanking followed by several dozen very hard spanks with a thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrush. Tom had been too scared to ask for the cane. 

Once Tom got to just a few doors away from Miss Kane's apartment he had to admit to feeling worried. What if it went wrong and he wasn't able to deal with even a spanking let alone the hairbrush? How humiliated would he be? Of course, once he had paid the fee, he knew we would be able to just walk away and never speak to or hear from Miss Kane again, which at least helped his confidence. 

Then a new concern hit Tom. He wondered what would happen if the person before him, or after him, was there at the same time and they spotted each other. Worse, was what if he knew the person? He had kept his fantasy a secret from everyone for so many years but what would happen if that secret became publicly known? How humiliating would that be? Worse still, what if it led to some blackmail? 

Tom had all of these thoughts flying around his mind, but he managed to tell himself that he was worrying for nothing, or at least worrying unduly, and so went up to the entrance and rang the doorbell. 

Within moments a lady's voice came through the intercom asking, "Yes, can I help you?" 

Tom quickly looked around to make sure there was no one close enough to hear him and then he spoke into the intercom and said, "I'm Jeff and am here to see Miss Kane." 

The lady replied, "Come in, then come up to the first floor and it is flat number two." 

Tom then heard the buzzer telling him that the door could now be pushed open, which he did, walked through, made his way upstairs, found flat two, and knocked on the door. As he did, he again looked around anxiously in case someone came out of one of the other flats, but no one did. 

Moments later the door opened, and Ben saw the lady who he presumed he had spoken to over the intercom. She looked about twenty-five, was rather attractive, and she stepped back, clearly indicating that Tom should walk inside, which he did. The door was closed behind him. 

The lady said, "I'm Julie, and you are Jeff?"  

Tom replied, "Yes, I'm Jeff," but he did blush at the false name because he never was very good at lying. 

Julie replied, "Hello, Jeff, please come through." 

Tom followed Julie, who took him into the living room where she turned and said to him, "Have you got the payment, please?" She held her hand out. 

Tom took out the agreed amount that he had ready to hand over and gave the bundle of notes to Julie. 

Julie made a point of counting out the money and, when she was happy it was the correct amount, looked at Tom and said, "Thank you, Jeff. I will just go and check that Miss Kane is ready for you." 

Once Julie had walked out into the hallway again, Tom looked around and saw that this was a normal living room in what seemed to be just a normal flat. He then supposed that the room that Miss Kane was in would be the one that was the playroom and would have any implements and furniture that was necessary to fit in with the role-play. He could see it was quite a large flat, with several doors leading off the hallway and so supposed that it was even possible that whilst one of the bedrooms was an office, another could be laid out as a classroom.  

Anyway, he told himself not to be concerned about the layout of the flat but to focus on what was actually going to happen to him. It was a new experience after all, albeit he told himself this was going to be the reality instead of the fantasy that he had had up until then. 

Julie came back into the living room and said, "Miss Kane will see you now," and turned and walked out of the living room, expecting Tom to follow. 

Although initially expecting to be treated with more respect, bearing in mind he was paying for the experience, he realised then that the role-play had started, and he was the naughty boss about to be disciplined by his PA. So, he followed Julie, thinking how sexy this was even though he was about to be spanked by a total stranger. Of course, he knew that the woman he mainly imagined himself being spanked by was his wife, Sarah, and he even wondered whether this would then give him the confidence to ask her to spank him but wrote that thought off immediately. 

They arrived at another door which was closed and rather than opening it herself Julie pointed to it and said, "Miss Kane is in there, Jeff." 

Tom took a deep breath, said, "Thank you, Julie," and then pushed the door open. He was biting his lip and looking at the floor as he closed the door before turning around to look at Miss Kane. 

When he did look around, he was totally shocked, because not only did he know Miss Kane, but it was Sarah. He remained speechless. 

Sarah gave a wicked smile, saw the state of shock that Tom was in, and then asked, "Shall I call you Jeff or Tom?" 

Tom found his voice but all he could say was a startled, "What the," stopping just before he added an expletive that he knew Sarah didn't like him to say. 

Sarah ignored the near expletive, and replied, "In that case, I'll call you Jeff. So, Jeff, you have been a really naughty boss, and I am going to put you across my lap and give you a really hard spanking, first with my hand and then a hairbrush. That is what you asked for." 

Tom knew that Sarah had an authoritative-sounding voice at times but not like this one, which was such a dominant tone. He had so many questions, though, because she really was the last person he had expected to see there. However, he couldn't bring himself to ask those questions and thought it was just easier to play along and replied, "Yes, Miss Kane." The assistant in his office who he had imagined being spanked by had a different name, but he wasn't going to use that now as Sarah knew who she was. He told himself he was lucky that he hadn't mentioned her name in the exchange of emails as that would have given his wife far too much information. 

Sarah instructed, "You will need to be naked when I spank you. There will be no dignity whatsoever for you, just plain humiliation." 

Sarah wasn't sure whether that would turn Tom on or not but realised that it had already done so when she saw his erection develop, pushing out his trousers. Well, that was a win, she told herself. 

Tom replied, "Yes, Miss Kane," and immediately undid his shirt and slid it down his arms, quickly folding it, and putting it on the desk. He then undid his trousers and pushed them down towards the floor, catching his underpants on the way, pushing both items of clothing down to the floor and stepping out of them before scooping them up and then putting them on top of his shirt. He then stood back up and faced Sarah, still having all those questions to ask but not being able to and waited for further instructions. 

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Whilst he waited, he did look at his wife and saw that she was dressed in a vest top and short skirt, which wasn't how his staff at the office dressed, but was actually better as he would be lying across her bare thighs when he went across her lap. Maybe Sarah had decided on that herself, he wondered, as well as insisting that he was naked. 

Sarah was surprised that Tom was just doing what he was told right then but supposed that it could've been the shock of seeing her. Mind you, that hadn't stopped his erection, she reminded herself as she looked now directly at his stiffened penis. Maybe choosing to dress as she did had also turned him on, and it certainly was something she was going to enjoy as his stiffened penis would be pressing down on her bare thighs. Miss Kane had told her that some of the men who came to see her preferred her to dress like this, so she felt comfortable, and it was clearly something Tom was appreciating. 

Sarah went and sat on the chair and instructed, "I need to teach you not to be a bad boss, so come here and get across my lap, Jeff." 

Tom caught his breath because he had imagined Sarah saying that to him so many times but somehow now that she had actually given that order it sounded even more exciting. So, he quickly stepped to her side and then eased himself down across her lap. When he was fully across her lap, with his hands on the floor, his legs dangling under the far side of the chair, and saw Sarah's bare upside-down legs so close to his face, he wondered why he had been so worried about asking her to do this years ago. 

Sarah watched as her husband eased himself down across her lap and when she felt his full weight across her lap, she had to admit to being rather turned on by seeing his bare bottom staring up at her, ready to be spanked. She thought about all the times Tom hadn't done as she had wanted and now smiled to herself at the thought that, maybe, in the future, this would be the result each and every time he didn't do what she wanted in future. That thought excited her. 

However, first things first, and after rubbing Tom's bottom in circles a few times to make sure that he was going to stay across her lap she raised her hand and spanked it down on Tom's far bottom cheek, then again on his near bottom cheek, and then again and again on alternate bottom cheeks. As she continued spanking Tom she felt more and more in control and so spanked him even harder. She had half expected him to bottle it, and force himself up, but maybe he did have more submissive tendencies than she had thought because he just lay there as she turned his bottom redder and redder. Then she thought that maybe he specifically had submissive tendencies towards her, which got her even more excited. 

When the first few spanks landed, Tom thought that maybe it was a huge mistake. However, he quickly convinced himself that he had imagined himself being spanked by Sarah for such a long time and now that it was happening it was actually very erotic. Well, he had to admit, increasingly painful as well, but, yes, erotic. 

As the spanking still continued, so Tom knew that he was actually struggling. He never struggled in his fantasies although imagined that the spanking would hurt. Now he could see the reality was different, but he definitely thought that being across Sarah's lap, submitting to her, accepting her every spank, and letting her decide how long and how hard the spanking should be, was turning him on. When he decided to see a dominatrix, he told himself he was still an alpha male but as he was getting aroused by being submissive now, how could he be? Was he kidding himself, and if he was, should he be submissive at home and at the office? 

Still more spanks landed, now it seemed landing on the same bottom cheek several times and then several more on the other bottom cheek, and then that was repeated. As that happened and the stinging intensified so he was surprised but he told himself that being the submissive was such a great turn-on. However, maybe he was still alpha and came to that conclusion because he knew that if he wanted the spanking to stop, he could just say the safe word. Actually, therefore, being the submissive and the one in control whilst struggling to deal with a stinging bottom was certainly erotic. 

Things did get worse for Tom when Sarah stopped spanking with her hand and picked up the wooden-backed paddle hairbrush and started to spank him with that. It hurt more than he had ever imagined it would and, as well as his vision remaining blurred, so he knew the tears were dribbling down his face. He did think about saying the safe word but then this was his wife, and he hardly wanted her to remind him about that forever going forward.  

Tom wasn't sure how many spanks landed with the hairbrush but what he did tell himself by the time it ended was that he certainly didn't want to be spanked with it again. He was wondering how come he had got so paranoid about wanting to find out what it was like to be spanked, even to the extent of going online with a false identity and making the arrangements to come today to be thrashed so hard. He knew, though, that he was going to tell Sarah that this was a once-only situation and he would never want it to happen again. 

Eventually, at least that was the way Tom was thinking because of so many spanks with the hairbrush, he heard the instruction, "Okay, Jeff, you can get up so we can have a discussion about how you will be dealt with in future." 

Tom heard the instruction and as he pushed himself up and back into a standing position, he was going to make his views very clear to Sarah about the mistake he had made. However, once he was standing all he could do was clutch his bottom cheeks, which were stinging so crazily, and he found himself stepping from foot to foot trying to cope with the pain. 

Once he had started to calm down and was about to speak, he heard Sarah say in such an authoritative tone, "I hope you have learned your lesson, Jeff, but make no mistake that I will spank you again and just as hard if you act like the bad boss again. Is that understood?" 

As Tom listened to the threat to be spanked again, he started to think of Sarah as his wife again rather than Miss Kane, and, whilst he did, felt his penis become more erect, which was exactly the feeling that he hoped he would have had when he thought he was coming to see a stranger. As his erection stiffened further so he even wondered if Sarah might spank him again as foreplay to making love. None of their friends need to know.  

As he was thinking these thoughts, Sarah stood up and put her arms around his neck and drew him in closely and gave him a kiss on the lips, opening her mouth, and Tom happily eased his tongue into her mouth and their tongues intertwined. Was Sarah as turned on as he was, Tom wondered. 

Sarah pulled herself away and was smiling as she said, "Back to normal yet, Tom?" 

Tom felt relaxed at Sarah's smile and then heard her say, "Just so you know, Tom, I did rather enjoy spanking you and I kept thinking about the times that you got home late or didn't do as I asked even though what I asked you to do was quite normal and sensible. So, going forward, whenever that happens again, you can expect another spanking just like this one, or even harder. I don't expect you to say that you agree or disagree but do expect you to accept what I've just said without question." 

Tom was still sniffing back tears and he wasn't sure if he liked what he had just been told because it was handing control to Sarah. What convinced him, though, that it was the right thing to do was the fact that his erection had now stiffened even more, and he was ready right then to make love. 

Just as Tom was thinking those thoughts, Sarah was going backwards guiding him towards the wall, and, once there, knowing she deliberately wasn't wearing any knickers, she let go of his neck and yanked her skirt up above her waist, and then guided his stiffened penis into her vagina. Soon they were gyrating, but only for a short while because Tom heard Sarah's erotic gasps, which he knew meant she had cum, and then he exploded inside her.  

They took a while to calm down with both of them breathing deeply, just as they did after giving each other orgasms when making love, well, actually, just like now. 

Once they both had calmed back down, Sarah took control again and reminded Tom, "Don't forget this can happen again and I will give you such a hard spanking whenever I think you deserve it." She left that comment hanging and then added, Tom thought with a smile judging from her tone of voice, but his vision was still too blurred to see it, "Of course, there will be other times when you might ask me to spank you, and I will."  

Tom knew right then that his reaction had fully returned, which told him all he had to know about his feelings. Surely, he was going to get the best of both worlds. He would have a wife who would spank him as foreplay to making love but also one who would spank him when he didn't do as she said. Well, he now knew it was true there were plenty of men who were alpha males at the office but submissive at home and that was something he had so often imagined happening to him.  

As Tom was thinking these thoughts, he heard Sarah say in her more authoritatively sexy voice, "Once again, you don't have to state your agreement, you just have to accept what I say without question." 

What a woman his wife was, he told himself. Right then Tom wasn't even wondering how come Sarah was here rather than Miss Kane. He was sure that Sarah would tell him, but the outcome was so much better than he could possibly have imagined if it had been Miss Kane.  

Tom then heard Sarah say in what he now saw as a really sexy authoritative tone of voice, "Another thing, you will not change your password to your computer or your false email address, and you will accept that as well. It cost an extra fifty pounds for me to step in here, so that won't need to happen again either." 

Tom realised that he now had all the answers and that his life had just got a million times better. 

Written by Peter242
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