Tina knew that she was benefiting from her relationship with Lucy ma'am, because she needed someone to control her life and give her the guidance that she so desperately required.
Although loving, the relationship wasn't altogether normal. Tina was sixty-one-years-old whilst Lucy ma'am was eighteen-years-old, and whereas Tina was lacking in a sense of responsibility, Lucy ma'am was a police officer who guided Tina in keeping to the rules, but with the added incentive of a discipline regime that involved Lucy spanking and caning Tina when she broke any of the rules or boundaries set for her. However, Tina always saw herself as being extremely lucky to have a police officer, especially one of Lucy's age, prepared to take responsibility for her and deal with her shortcomings in just about the best way that Tina could have wished for to give her the incentive she needed to behave.
Of course, it didn't always work out as planned, and Tina did regularly break one or more of the rules and boundaries set for her, and Lucy did have to punish her, mainly using spanking and caning. This always left Tina with a glowing red and raised welted bottom, and, quite naturally, in floods of tears. Afterwards, though, Tina was once again a good girl and the loving relationship took over. At least until the next time.
That being said, they had a hugely loving relationship and, when Tina was a good girl, shared a bed and made love, giving each other tremendously satisfying orgasms. That was so different from when Tina was naughty and banned from Lucy ma'am's large double en-suite bedroom and had to sleep in the tiny box room. Again, their bedroom sizes were the opposite to what normally happened given their respective ages, but both knew it was right for them.
Today, Tina had been sent to the scout training academy, which was where Lucy had been the group leader just a year back. As a punishment for breaking too many rules, Lucy had enrolled Tina in the team of volunteers who, once every week, spent six to eight hours on such things as cleaning the toilets and stables, gardening, and all other sorts of odd jobs. This work was carried out on the day of the week when the scouts weren't there, but all of the leaders were.
It wasn't just Tina who was allocated to work at the scout training academy, as there were lots of people Tina's age, most of whom, like Tina, were ex-offenders.
Today, therefore, Tina reported to Alicia ma'am, who was currently the scout group leader and, like Lucy, was very strict even though just seventeen. She and the other leaders would supervise Tina and the other elderly offenders, scold them for any wrongdoing, and maintain a log of their work standards. In the case of Tina, that log was then sent to Lucy ma'am for her to correct those shortcomings through a well-earned severe punishment.
Tina arrived in her normal sleeveless low-cut summery floral dress with a hem that only just covered her bottom. She knew that the dress showed off her turtleneck, bat wings, and fleshy thighs, but she always felt good when in that dress or one like it. On the other hand, she also knew that Lucy ma'am preferred her to dress like that, even in colder weather, because it was ideal for letting her smack her legs whenever she wanted, and it was also very easy to raise the hem above her fleshy waist before putting her across her lap, taking her knickers down, and giving her one of her usual very long and very hard spankings.
Tina certainly didn't enjoy doing so much voluntary work because she found it so tiring and boring. She was so scared of Alicia ma'am, though, just as she was scared of Lucy ma'am, but because she hated the dreary work decided on her third visit to try to bunk off. She arrived, as usual, and reported to reception with a deception in mind. She really did think that she was being particularly smart when she said to the receptionist, "I am feeling sick and would like to be excused for today, ma'am." Tina thought she was being clever because she had read the rulebook where it said that a sick offender can be excused from work that day.
Tina thought that her lying ruse had worked because the receptionist, who was just seventeen and so, Tina reckoned, too wet behind the ears to realise it was a ruse, smiled at her and explained that she would be escorted by Alicia to the main gate. Therefore, Tina thought, she would get the day off.
As always, the receptionist addressed Tina by her first name, although the elderly offenders had to address the teenage scout leaders and other staff more respectfully, as ma'am. Tina happily did that even though they were all just teenagers.
Tina was suddenly worried when the receptionist suddenly said rather sternly, "Please write down the reason for your sickness, Tina."
Tina was still okay even with the stern tone of the receptionist's voice because she thought that she was just moments away from being released for the day. She therefore happily wrote on the form that she was suffering from a fever.
As Tina handed the form back to the receptionist, she could feel that something wasn't quite right, though. The receptionist maintained her firm tone of voice as she told Tina to go and stand in the corner. She even pointed to the corner and ordered, "Go and press your nose right into the corner of the wall, and put your hands on your head, Tina, until Alicia ma'am gets here."
Tina knew that she couldn't argue with the receptionist even though she was horrified and even though she was just seventeen. So, obediently, and feeling rather more concerned, Tina went and did as she was told and a few moments later had her nose pressed against the wall with her hands on her head. She could hear movement and sound behind her but knew that she mustn't turn around, and just hoped she would be released soon.
In the event, it was another two or three minutes before Alicia ma'am came and stood behind her, leaned in so that when she barked her next question her breath blew over the back of Tina's neck, as she snapped, "So you have a fever, do you, Tina?"
Tina was now shaking as she replied in an uncertain tone, "Yes, Alicia ma'am, I don't feel very well at all."
Alicia replied in an even sterner tone, "We will need to check that out because you certainly look okay." Alicia then grabbed one of Tina's wrists, pulling it down and holding it behind her back, and immediately placed her wrist in a handcuff. She then took the other arm and placed the other wrist in the other half of the handcuff, before clasping Tina's ear between her thumb and finger, squeezing hard, and ordering, "You had better come with me, old woman."
Alicia then led Tina out of the reception and along the corridor to what Tina knew was the medical room. She felt like a criminal as she was led past other leaders and workers who looked aghast at her, as though reckoning she was in some kind of trouble. Tina saw the looks and got even more concerned as she was almost running to keep up with Alicia ma'am, who walked ever so quickly.
Once inside the medical room Alicia removed the handcuffs and ordered, "Get undressed, old woman, so I can check out this suggestion that you have a fever."
Tina continued to have a deep foreboding as she unzipped her dress, slipped it down her arms and past her waist, catching her knickers on the way, pushing her dress and knickers to the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, and then putting them on the desk. She then put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught it, and put the bra with her other clothes. She then turned and looked at the very strict seventeen-year-old Alicia ma'am and waited for instructions.
Alicia glanced up and down Tina's body, as she rather liked older women, just as Lucy did. The two teenagers were very alike, both being very strict and eager to control the relationship that they were in. Alicia, like Lucy, enjoyed controlling old women her granny's age, and would certainly have enjoyed controlling Tina and dealing with all of her shortcomings in the tried and tested way involving spanking and caning.
After enjoying savouring the sight of Tina's gorgeously large drooping breasts with her suckable and kissable nipples, which she noted were actually taut right then, and then looking down her body at her fleshy tummy and her hair mound which, she wasn't quite sure, but looked as though was already glistening with her sex juice, Alicia focused on the job at hand and ordered, "Go to the medical table and lie on your tummy."
Tina had to admit to being aroused by the way the authoritative teenager was dealing with her but at the same time was almost shaking at the instruction and as she lay down on the medical bed, she also felt so humiliated because she knew what was about to happen. So, as she glanced sideways, her worst fears were realised when she saw that Alicia ma'am was indeed holding a rectal thermometer which she was cleaning with what looked like a soapy solution. Once cleaned, she shook the thermometer, which Tina knew was intended to ensure that the mercury level went to a level below normal temperature. After that, she dipped the thermometer into what Tina knew to be petroleum jelly which would help ease it into her anus. As expected, Alicia ma'am then inserted it inside her anus, leaving it there waiting for the beep.
Tina gulped as the thermometer was slipped into her bum hole, and, worse, she knew that it would now be found out that she was lying about having a fever. It was just a short while before Tina heard the thermometer beep and felt Alicia ma'am ease it out of her bum hole and hold it up to read it. Tina did squirm around and saw that Alicia ma'am had a smirk on her face and, although she must already have known the answer, humiliated Tina even further by easing the rectal thermometer back into her bum hole and leaving it there until it beeped again.
This time, when Alicia ma'am took the rectal thermometer out of Tina's bum hole, she raised her hand and brought her palm down very hard on Tina's far bottom cheek, snapping at her, "You lying old woman. Now you will have to pay the penalty for lying," and she raised her hand again and brought her palm down just as hard on Tina's near bottom cheek.
Tina was now really scared and reckoned that she was on the point of wetting herself. However, she did manage to control herself although didn't like it at all when ordered, "Now get off that bed so I can deal with you."
Tina was already regretting trying to avoid working there today but knew it was a waste of time to say that she had learned her lesson and knew that Alicia ma'am was going to deal with her every bit as strictly as her Lucy ma'am would have done when she was the leader. So, she eased herself off the bed and stood up and waited for her worst fears to be realised.
Alicia maintained her control over Tina by standing behind her and grabbing both arms and securing them behind her back once again in the handcuffs. She then led Tina by the ear to a cupboard by the wall, opened the cupboard, and took out leg shackles and a thick wooden spatula.
Tina was horrified to see the shackles. It was bad enough having her hands cuffed, although she had been used to that when breaking the law before Lucy ma'am took control of her. She had never before been put into leg shackles, though, but Alicia ma'am knelt on the floor and tied both legs into the shackles. When she stood up, she again clasped Tina's earlobe between her thumb and finger, squeezed hard, and led her out of the medical room.
Across the corridor, there was a stool where Alicia took off the cuffs but left on the shackles and made Tina bend over and grab with her hands. Tina hated bending over as not just her fleshy tummy and bottom were on show but also her thick hair mound and her large drooping breasts swung below her.
Alicia then stood behind Tina and the next thing Tina felt was the pain cascading around her far bottom cheek. She heard the thwack and realised it was the thick wooden spatula that Alicia ma'am had taken from the cupboard inside the medical room. As she gasped with the pain, so the next spank landed on her near bottom cheek, and then spank after spank with the spatula landed on alternate bottom cheeks as Tina let out louder and louder gasps.
Alicia ma'am added to Tina's humiliation because she made her say after every few spanks with the spatula, "I am a naughty old liar." The humiliation was increased because several of the other scout leaders and elderly helpers walked along the corridor and stood watching for a few moments as Alicia spanked Tina with the thick wooden spatula and heard her repeated confession. Tina also heard the scout leaders saying how large her bottom was, and that it was now turning a well-deserved blue bruised colour.
After having her bare bottom spanked a good few dozen times with the spatula, Tina could not stop herself crying, which, of course, was exactly what she deserved, as, after all, she knew she had lied and had been caught out and couldn't argue against the punishment that she was being given.
Once happy with the almost totally blue bruised bottom cheeks, Alicia stopped spanking Tina and savoured the uncontrolled crying for a few moments. However, she then ordered, "Right then, you naughty old liar, get up."
Tina pushed herself up from the stool but knew not to rub her bottom. She had done that once after being spanked by Lucy ma'am, which earned her another equally hard spanking there and then. That was a lesson that she never needed to have repeated and was just the incentive she always had to obey the rules. Of course, that was also why Tina knew that being spanked and caned was exactly the right discipline measure for her, although it still wasn't perfect because she did break the rules from time to time. Telling the truth, though, was never a strong point for her and, once again, she was caught out lying with such painful but perfectly correct consequences.
Alicia waited for Tina to stand before clasping her ear between her finger and thumb and leading her down the corridor once again. They arrived at one of the larger changing areas for the staff, which Tina knew contained about forty shower cubicles and fifteen toilets. She was aghast when Alicia ma'am ordered, "Now clean all of these, you naughty old woman. You have four hours to do it or you can expect another spanking."
Tina knew that this was all part of her punishment, although, to be fair, cleaning toilets was something she did even when she turned up and worked without lying. She did find it humiliating this time, though, when any of the scout leaders came in and used the toilets or showers as she was cleaning. It wasn't so much that they were using the facilities, but because she was still naked, and they were making derogatory comments about her because they knew that she had lied and could tell from the state of her blue-bruised bottom and tear-stained face that she had been taught a lesson.
Tina did regret one further action. One of the scout leaders made a particularly derogatory comment about her huge drooping breasts, and Tina turned to the teenager and said rudely, "Well I bet you'd rather have my huge tits than your small ones." Of course, as soon as she said it, she realised she shouldn't have done.
The young scout leader, who could only have been sixteen or seventeen, slipped the leather belt from around her waist, folded it, glared at Tina, and ordered, "Kneel on the floor, you naughty old woman."
Tina really did regret her rude comment but knew she had to obey all of the scout leaders. She, therefore, knelt down onto the floor on all fours and arched her tummy downwards, knowing that would push out and stretch her bottom cheeks, and when the scout leader stood behind her knew that she was going to use that leather belt on her already bruised bottom. As she thought it, so she realised the scout leader had pulled her arm back, and the next moment landed the leather belt right across both of her bottom cheeks. Tina yelped as her bottom was already tender and sore from the spanking with the spatula, but, nevertheless, the scout leader proceeded to land another good few spanks with the leather belt, and once again Tina was reduced to uncontrolled crying.
Once the scout leader was finished, she glared at Tina and demanded, "Say thank you, you naughty old woman, and then kiss my boot."
Tina knew that she had deserved every last spank that the scout leader gave her, and, with the utmost respect for how such a young girl had dealt with her so well, turned, looked up more like a naughty puppy dog than the adult she was, and immediately responded with, "Thank you for spanking me, ma'am. I know I deserved it." After her grovelling apology, Tina then, still on her knees, kissed both booted feet. She had to admit, though, that she did enjoy this type of submission and, even with her bottom stinging so madly, she felt slight quivers flying around her vagina.
The scout leader wasn't aware of Tina's arousal and seemed happy with her full submission, and then instructed, "Now continue with cleaning the showers and toilets and make sure you clean all of the walls properly, you naughty old woman."
Tina was relieved when the scout leader left the shower room, and she was alone once again to continue cleaning. It was quite difficult because her legs were still shackled, but she did continue even with her stinging bottom, knowing that she had no choice. So, for the next three hours, she cleaned and accepted every comment every scout leader made who came in to use the facilities and never made another retort.
Eventually, Tina finished cleaning the whole of the area and knelt down, intending to rest. However, within minutes, Alicia ma'am arrived to inspect her work. To be fair, she did seem satisfied with the standard of work, although made some notes in the log which Tina knew would be given to Lucy ma'am later on.
Alicia ma'am messaged for another scout leader to bring a tray of food which she did and put it on the floor in front of the still kneeling Tina. She then said in a stern tone, "Here is your lunch, you naughty old woman."
Tina was really hungry and, once Alicia ma'am and the other scout leader left the toilet area, she happily gulped down the food. She was feeling a bit more relaxed as well, believing that she would then be released.
However, once again Tina was incorrect because, within minutes of her finishing the lunch, Alicia ma'am and another scout leader came in and once again put her arms behind her back and cuffed them. Alicia ma'am then grabbed her ear with her thumb and finger, pressed really hard, and led her out of the changing area back into the corridor. Tina continued to be humiliated as they passed other scout leaders who mocked her as they saw that her arms were cuffed behind her back and her bottom cheeks were bruised and knew that she had been severely punished.
All the time Tina feared that she wasn't going to be released and would be required to carry out further work. That fear increased as Alicia continued to lead her by her ear whilst the other scout leader kept smacking her bottom as a reminder not to slow down.
It wasn't helped that Tina still had her legs shackled and therefore couldn't take large steps and almost had to shuffle run to avoid even harder spanks. However, eventually, she was led out of the building, across the yard, and into the stables.
Once in the stables, Alicia ma'am took off the handcuffs, although left Tina's legs shackled, and instructed, "Now clean out the stables."
Tina was again left alone as she worked hard to clean the stables. She had done this before under supervision, and so knew what to do, and did manage to do a good job but it did take another four hours and so she realised she wasn't going to get away much earlier than she would have done anyway had she turned up for work in the correct frame of mind.
In those last couple of minutes before Alicia returned, Tina thought over just how naughty she had been, and how deserved the punishment was. She certainly told herself that she would never lie again, and would turn up for work every week, as instructed by Lucy ma'am, and do whatever cleaning the scout leader required her to do. After all, there were several other women her age who were cleaning obediently, as they did every week without complaining. Tina wondered whether they had all been disciplined in the way that she had been and, like her, told themselves that they would never lie again. She thought she might try to ask one or two of them next time.
When Alicia ma'am returned, Tina could see from the clock in the stables that it was about six o'clock and was thankful that her working day was over, although still knew that the log had to be given to Lucy ma'am, who might well decide to punish her further. However, Tina was exhausted by this stage and just wanted to get away.
Once again, though, Tina became concerned because, instead of releasing her legs from the shackles, Alicia ma'am secured the handcuffs on her wrists again and clasped her ear between her thumb and finger, led her out of the stables, across the yard, and back into the main building. Again, as Tina was led along, so the other scout leader kept on smacking her bottom and seemed to enjoy the gasps that Tina let out with each spank. Alicia ma'am also berated Tina who knew that she was being treated like the criminal that she was, even at her age, and by two very strict teenagers. However, it was no better than she deserved, and, if anything, had a growing respect for both girls.
Alicia led Tina along the corridor and stopped outside the door that had a sign on it that read, 'Punishment Room.' It was then that Tina realised to her horror that her punishment wasn't yet over and that she was likely to get the most intense punishment so far given to her today now that she was going into a proper punishment room.

As Tina looked at the sign, as well as her increased concern about the impending pain, she also knew that she found being punished sexually arousing. It was certainly painful, but the sensation afterwards of her stinging bottom sent quivers flying around her vagina, and usually gave her quite extraordinary orgasms. She felt those quivers flying around just then, as she looked at the sign, and more so as the door was opened, and she was led through it and into the punishment room. She never did understand how come she hated being spanked and caned but loved it as well, but she did, which at least was better than not getting aroused by it.
Tina also had to admit that she was aroused because Alicia ma'am and the other scout leader were both tall and athletic looking with well-toned arms and legs, and their overbearing attitude was to be extremely strict. Those things also aroused Tina because they were signs of the type of dominant teenager that she loved to be submissive to. So, as much as she hated to be punished, she knew it was the best foreplay she ever had, and at least wasn't boring like cleaning the toilets and the stables.
Tina looked tensely around the punishment room and saw several canes and leather straps hanging on the wall. There was also a proper punishment bench with leather cuffs to secure her wrists and ankles and tummy and upper thighs. She knew this was a room for very serious punishments, and, as her cuffs and the shackles were removed and she was ordered to go and bend over the table, she did so with trepidation. However, still obedient, she did bend over the table and stretched her arms up so that they were right next to the cuffs. She looked up and saw Alicia ma'am securing one wrist in the leather cuff, whilst the other scout leader was securing her other wrist in the other leather cuff. Both then walked down the table and secured another strap over her waist. They then went and stood behind Tina and secured her ankles into more cuffs, making her part her legs so leaving her hair mound on show to anyone standing behind her, and then secured her upper thighs into the final cuffs.
Tina pulled at the wrist cuffs and couldn't move and that told her that she would have to accept whatever punishment the two scout leaders decided upon. However, she also knew she deserved this punishment for lying as she looked at the wooden surface an inch from her face.
As Tina heard movement she looked up and saw that Alicia ma'am was standing in front of her holding her very thick belt and heard, "You will be getting thirty-six of these, you very naughty woman."
Alicia ma'am then walked slowly around the table and stood behind Tina, looking at her already blue-bruised bottom cheeks, but felt no sympathy for the persistent liar that Tina was. She then focussed, pulled her arm back, and landed the first spank with the thick leather belt.
Tina yelped but didn't have time to recover before Alicia ma'am then proceeded to land spank after spank with the belt, reducing Tina again to crying uncontrollably. She had been beaten with a leather belt before by Lucy ma'am but never by as many as thirty-six spanks. She knew that that number of strokes was more regularly given to offenders at the local discipline centre, but they were criminals, and then she realised, as the leather strap continued to land across her aching, stinging bottom cheeks, that she was being treated like a criminal, which of course she was.
Tina lost count of the spanks with the belt very early on, and just knew she deserved and had to take every single spank, and it didn't matter that she was crying because she knew now that this young ma'am wasn't sympathetic at all, but then, of course, why should she as she had been lied to? Again, through the pain, Tina felt nothing but respect for Alicia ma'am, who reminded her so much of her darling Lucy ma'am, who, of course, she respected even more.
The punishment did eventually end, although Tina couldn't move because her hands and legs were still secured to the caning table. At least then she suddenly found the cuffs removed and heard the order, "Now get up."
Again, Tina thought that the punishment was over but then saw the other scout leader come up to her with what she could see was a bar of soap. She heard the order, "Open your mouth, you naughty liar." Tina did and that was when the bar of soap was stuffed into her mouth and pressed down onto her tongue and the order given, "Now close your mouth and make sure you don't spit out the bar of soap."
This was the first time Tina had ever been mouth-washed for lying and hated the horrible salty taste of the soap but knew she had no choice but to stand still and suffer as the droplets of soap slid down her throat. It was yet another new punishment for her and one that she immediately hated. Once again, though, she had to remind herself that she was the one who lied, and mouth-soaping was a common penalty for liars. Therefore, once again, she couldn't complain about how she was being punished and had even more respect for Alicia ma'am for dealing with her so correctly.
It was several minutes of suffering before Tina heard the order, "Open," and the soap was taken out of her mouth. Surely now the punishment was finally over, she hoped.
Once again, though, Tina discovered her punishment was not over because she was ordered, "Bend across the caning table again."
Tina grimaced as she once again bent over the caning table and her wrists, tummy, thighs and ankles were again secured in the cuffs. Her heart beat faster although she had to admit that she was feeling more and more aroused again because she reckoned that she was now going to get the cane. She knew that she was always aroused just before Lucy ma'am started to cane her, although her arousal quickly disappeared once the caning started, and then as quickly returned as she struggled with her stinging bottom.
Tina then heard some movement behind her and squirmed around and saw that Alicia ma'am had gone to a wall and taken down what Tina reckoned to be a senior cane with a hook end just like the ones Lucy ma'am used on her when she was particularly naughty, and so knew she was going to suffer further stinging pain. But what she didn't know, was how many strokes she was going to get.
Tina thought her shocks were over but then felt her bottom cheeks being parted and realised that a large ginger fig was being pushed into her bum hole. Tina gasped as the fig was inserted, and again when her bottom cheeks were squeezed together. She had never suffered this humiliation before by Lucy ma'am but knew it would increase the intensity of each stroke of the cane.
Alicia then snapped, "You are going to get fourteen strokes of the cane, you lying old woman. Make sure you count out each stroke."
Tina found it hard enough to cope with being caned, but having to remember to count out each stroke even as the pain cascaded around her bottom was going to test her. Then the cane was rubbed from side to side across her bottom and, just a few moments after the rubbing stopped, she heard a swishing sound, then a loud thwack, and immediately the pain cascaded around her bottom, just as she knew it would. She closed her eyes tightly because of the pain, remembered just in time to say, "One, ma'am," and then still had to cope with the pain from the stroke.
The second landed and again Tina remembered to call out the number, and also did after the third stroke, although felt she was struggling far more with the pain by then. The fourth stroke landed and then the fifth stroke and she still managed to count each stroke but because of the stinging pain it was more of a grunt, but after the sixth stroke landed it was less than a grunt and Tina gasped as she heard Alicia ma'am say sternly, "That wasn't clear enough, so that stroke doesn't count."
Tina focused as the next stroke landed, knowing that it was an extra stroke which was her own fault because she failed to speak clearly enough. This time, she forced herself to say as clearly as she could, "Six, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am." She thought that she ought to add the respectful addition, which in any case she was truly feeling for the so authoritative and correct Alicia ma'am.
Alicia didn't tell Tina whether or not she accepted her count and, as she landed the now seventh stroke, she smiled to herself as she heard Tina say quite clearly, "Seven, ma'am."
When the eighth stroke landed, Tina really wasn't coping very well at all and reckoned this was probably the hardest caning she had received for a very long time. However, she reminded herself to count out the stroke and said, "Eight, ma'am."
When the ninth stroke landed, Tina yelped and the pain felt like it was far greater than any of the previous strokes and she tensed her arms and legs even though secured in the leather cuffs, shook her head from side to side and hissed in and out through clenched teeth, and was too pain-filled to count out the stroke.
Alicia waited a few moments, realised that Tina had forgotten or more likely in too much pain to count, and said in a very stern voice, "That stroke won't count," and smiled to herself as she knew she had landed the stroke across the tops of Tina's thighs, on purpose, knowing that the pain was that much greater. After all, she was trying to teach Tina not to lie and saw that extra strokes would be a very good part of that lesson.
Tina was just about recovering as she heard Alicia had said that the stroke didn't count, but before she could say anything she yelped again as the cane bit into her bottom. Even so, she was focused again and remembered to say, "Nine, ma'am."
Alicia smiled again as she knew Tina really was learning her lesson and, as the now tenth stroke landed and she watched the raised welt appear, she heard Tina's plaintive, "Ten, ma'am."
Alicia was now pretty certain that Tina would remember to count out the last few strokes and, indeed, when the eleventh stroke landed, so Tina said, a little louder than before, "Eleven, ma'am."
What Alicia saw was that after each stroke Tina was clearly focused on making sure that the first thing that happened as soon as the stroke bit into her bottom was to count out the stroke, and then struggle with it afterwards, which she did by shaking her head from side to side and hissing in and out through clenched teeth. However, at least she discovered how to deal with the counting and that was part of learning her lesson as well and so she was satisfied that she had done everything she could do to teach Tina a very pain-filled but needed lesson.
When the twelfth stroke landed and Tina cried out a strained, "Twelve, ma'am," followed by gasps and pulling at the cuffs, she couldn't help but smile knowing that Tina made sure she didn't earn another stroke even with the pain. The same happened as Tina called out an even more strained, "Thirteen, ma'am." So, Alicia knew the caning was getting through to Tina just as it should and hoped the silly old woman would learn not to lie again.
Alicia knew she had just one stroke to go and as she aimed at Tina's very red and welted bottom brought the cane down extra powerfully, crisscrossing some of the previous strokes, which she knew would make it the most painful stroke of them all, which the last stroke had to be, after all. Now Tina was crying as she said, "Fourteen, ma'am," and was then shaking her head from side to side and hissing in and out through clenched teeth with her eyes tightly shut although the tears flowed down her face.
Tina knew that she was crying uncontrollably having been caned so hard and had found that having to count out the strokes added to her punishment. However, the caning seemed to have stopped and she then felt the fig being eased from her bottom and realised that was also a reason why the pain was so much greater this time and really did hope that Lucy ma'am would not punish her in the same way.
Tina was then so relieved when she felt the cuffs being released first from her ankles, then her fleshy thighs, then from her tummy, and finally from both of her wrists and heard the stern order, "You can now stand up, you naughty old woman."
Even though Tina was crying uncontrollably she knew that she still had so much respect for Alicia ma'am, and the rest of her team, and deeply regretted lying. She knew that she deserved every punishment that she was getting, and, because of that respect, looked at Alicia ma'am through her tear-filled eyes and said, "I really am sorry, Alicia ma'am, and I thank you so much for spanking me with the belt and caning me."
Alicia knew that Tina couldn't see her face because her eyes were so full of tears, nor therefore would she see her smile at the sight of a sixty-one-year-old woman caught lying and given such a severe but well-intended and well-deserved punishment, apologising to her so sincerely. Alicia knew it really made it worthwhile for her to know that the offenders that she was controlling and punishing, when necessary, really were benefiting from her disciplinary regime, and it gave her the incentive she needed to make sure she only dealt with every offender strictly and severely.
Tina was sure now her punishment was over, and she would be released, but once again, she knew that she was wrong when her ear was clasped by the other scout leader, and she was led, gasping, to the corner and ordered, "Now press your nose against the wall and wait. This time, as well, there will be a piece of paper on the wall, and you will press your nose to secure it against the wall. If you let the paper drop then you will be getting another six strokes of the cane, each time. She then cuffed Tina's hands behind her back so knew that if the piece of paper was dropped, Tina couldn't pick it up and so she would definitely get the extra strokes.
With that, Tina realised the blurred wall was just an inch from her face, and also saw the piece of paper in front of her, and quickly pressed her nose against it. Even with her hands in the cuffs behind her back, she felt a very hard smack on her already stinging and welted bottom, and the moment after that another spank on the other bottom cheek. She gasped and then sighed with relief when that seemed to be the last spank, and she heard footsteps disappearing away from her.
Alicia then told Tina in her usual stern tone, "We have informed Lucy ma'am about your lying, and she has said that she will be dealing with you as well."
Tina was now even more worried because she knew that Lucy ma'am only ever gave her very hard spankings and very hard strokes of the cane and she was likely to get both before bedtime tonight. However, she heard both Alicia ma'am and the other scout leader leave the room and so she was by herself. Nevertheless, with her nose pressed against the wall and holding the piece of paper, she still knew that she could be subject to six more strokes of the cane, at least, if she let the piece of paper fall.
It was only a few minutes later that the scout leader came back into the room, walked up to Tina, stood behind her, and said sternly, "It seems that Lucy ma'am will be about another hour. Therefore, we have other plans for you." With that, she undid the cuffs securing Tina's wrists and pulled away the piece of paper. She then ordered, "Come with me."
Tina was relieved on the one hand that she no longer had to keep the piece of paper in place with her nose, but, as she turned around, she saw that the scout leader had placed the piece of paper she had been holding up, on the floor, and there was a pen next to it.
The scout leader instructed, "Now sit on the floor, and write out 100 times, 'I am a naughty old woman liar and mustn't lie again.' It will be checked for errors, all of which will earn you extra punishments of our choice."
Tina still felt as though she was being treated like a naughty girl rather than an adult woman of sixty-one, but, once again, knew that doing lines as a punishment was more akin to girls the scout leaders' age rather than to herself. Therefore, she realised this was a penalty very much related to the fact that she was a liar rather than a responsible adult. She, therefore, eased herself down onto the floor, knowing she had no choice but to do that anyway, and picked up the pen.
The scout leader then made the direct comment, "In addition, when at home you will write out seven hundred times that same line and bring them back to the scout centre when you come to work in a week's time. You can expect six strokes of the cane for every one hundred lines you are short, and there will be additional penalties for spelling mistakes."
With that, the scout leader stormed out of the room and closed the door behind her, again leaving Tina in the room by herself. Tina then set about writing the one hundred lines, being careful not to make any spelling mistakes, just as she knew girls the scout leaders age would do, and, as she kept on doing the lines, knowing she really had to concentrate to make sure she didn't make any mistakes, although again got more and more aroused just as she did when anticipating a hard spanking or caning.
It was a good hour later that Lucy ma'am and Alicia ma'am walked into the room. Lucy ma'am glared at Tina and said, sternly, "You really are a very naughty old woman. How dare you lie so blatantly just to get out of this work. Well, you were caught out, and I am going to give you the longest, hardest spanking I have ever given you before putting you to bed tonight." She then made Tina turn around and put the cuffs on her wrists and said sternly, "As a liar, I will be treating you like the offender you are."
Tina grimaced as the cuffs were again secured behind her back. She so regretted having lied but couldn't fault the way that Alicia ma'am had dealt with her, and also couldn't fault Lucy ma'am intending to continue that punishment tonight. It was no less than she deserved, she knew.
Tina turned just as Lucy ma'am and Alicia ma'am hugged each other with smiles on their faces as they knew they were in charge and loved it. Then, Lucy ma'am grabbed Tina's ear and, clasping it tightly, led her out of the building and to the car park.
Lucy ma'am and Tina travelled back in silence to the house, with Tina in the back seat like the offender she was, gasping as they went over speed bumps and she bounced around on her very sore bottom. Once inside the house, Lucy ma'am removed the cuffs and ordered, "Now get your clothes off and let me see your naughty bottom."
Tina really didn't mind getting undressed in front of Lucy ma'am, and quickly unzipped her dress, slid it down her arms and beyond her waist catching her knickers on the way, pushing them both down to the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, and putting them on the dining table. She then put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught it, and put her bra with her dress and knickers. She then turned around to show Lucy ma'am what she knew to be her very red and welted fleshy bottom.
Even Lucy ma'am was surprised at just how red and welted Tina's bottom was and knew that she had certainly been given a very severe thrashing. She wasn't sympathetic but thought that there was little point in adding a further spanking and caning, at least not tonight. She, therefore, ordered, "I can see you have been disciplined properly. Therefore, I will defer my punishment until tomorrow. Now get to my bed and I'll join you in a few minutes."
Tina knew that whilst Lucy ma'am always dealt with her strictly, it was also very fairly and with tremendous love. In fact, it was maternal love making sure that correction took place when needed, but with the love that only a true mother can give. On the other hand, when Tina was a good girl, Lucy ma'am's love was the best that anyone could have, and Tina hoped that that was going to happen tonight.
So, happier than she had been all day, Tina made her way up the stairs, walked past the door to her own very small bedroom, and into Lucy ma'am's huge en-suite bedroom and lay on her side under the covers, waiting for Lucy ma'am.
Lucy ma'am came up and made a point of undressing in front of Tina, which she knew Tina always loved to watch as she had such a well-toned body, just as Lucy loved so much to see Tina's creased skin and fleshy figure. She got into bed and cuddled up to Tina and they kissed and hugged and caressed, kissed the other's breasts and sucked the other's taut nipples and kissed the other's wet pussies, edging their tongues inside, and at the same time flicked the other's taut clits until they both reached tremendous orgasms which were the sign of their true love together.
Tina knew that tomorrow she would be dealt with, correctly and fairly and in the right way, but she hoped she would learn the very good lesson not to lie in future.
Tina also knew that she had to write seven hundred more lines and wasn't sure how she would fit that in with all of the cleaning, washing, ironing, shopping and cooking that she had to do for Lucy ma'am. However, she knew that was her problem to sort out or suffer horribly and told herself that even if she had to work through the night, then she would do it to show everyone that she had learned her lesson.
In the meantime, she relished how Lucy ma'am was again edging her towards another orgasm just as she was edging Lucy ma'am to her next orgasm. It was heaven for them both.
Yes, Tina respected her teenage mistresses so much and knew they had her best interests at heart and didn't want to change anything about her life and knew just how lucky she was, even being spanked and caned. After all, it was the love they felt for each other that really mattered and both wanted so so much.