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Tina and Miss Cindy’s Anniversary Celebration

"Tina and Miss Cindy celebrate their first anniversary together, but not as Tina expected"

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It was coming up to the very special anniversary for Tina and Miss Cindy. It was now a year since they first met and, since then, the relationship has been one in which the now nineteen-year-old Miss Cindy controlled the now sixty-year-old Tina. Tina never minded being under the disciplinary control a woman so young compared to herself and, in fact, found the need to submit to someone just a third of her own age as something of a turn on.

Tina happily carried out all the menial tasks that Miss Cindy asked to do, which included cleaning her house, washing and ironing her clothes, making her bed, washing up and putting away after meals, and shopping. Equally, whenever they were out together, Tina liked it that those there saw that she had obeyed every word that Miss Cindy said and, when she didn’t, was given a very public bare bottom spanking.

The relationship was certainly two way. As much as Miss Cindy disciplined Tina, it was very much like a mother and daughter relationship, where the maternal love was always there even when angry with the daughter. The difference clearly was that, in this very loving relationship, Miss Cindy took on the loving maternal role and Tina the daughter who needed to be disciplined so regularly.

Tina continued to wear very short dresses which showed off her chubby legs. Miss Cindy never mind that, because it meant that Tina’s legs were always available to be smacked when she wanted to catch her attention, such as when out shopping together. Her dresses were always sleeveless which showed off her fleshy arms with their bat wings, which is Cindy always liked to point out to people, as well as her very full cleavage. Her grey hair would sit on her shoulders but stretched skin was clearly visible right across her face, arms and chest.

Miss Cindy told Tina that she wanted to celebrate their anniversary in a way that completely portrayed their relationship and respective roles. Miss Cindy told Tina that she was going to do dinner tonight and, in preparation, wanted Tina to come early in the day so that she could make sure the whole of the house was perfectly clean and the dinner got ready in time.

Tina loved the idea of having dinner with Miss Cindy, and was more than happy to carry out her usual role of cleaning her house. She did it willingly and without pay, and with the added incentive that if any part of her cleaning fell below Miss Cindy’s very high standards, she would have her legs slapped throughout the time she was cleaning and then at the end have to suffer either a bare bottom spanking, or the cane, or both.

Tina arrived at Miss Cindy’s house straight after breakfast and as usual was dressed in her sleeveless very short very low cut very tight dress.

Tina started by putting the washing on, then tidied up all of the bedrooms and living rooms as she waited for the washing was done. She then took out the washing, ironed everything, and put it away in the cupboards. Once that was done she dusted and then hovered each bedroom and living room in turn. She then wanted to start on the bathrooms and toilets, and still had to wash the kitchen floor, but suddenly realised that she hadn’t brought a change of clothes. She told Miss Cindy, hoping to borrow something from her wardrobe.

Miss Cindy was not sympathetic and said in a very direct tone, “Well if you are that silly to forget a change of clothes then you had better clean the bathrooms and toilets without any clothes on.”

Tina supposed that was the exact response she should’ve got because it was she who failed to remember. She therefore unzipped her dress and pushed it down to the floor and stepped out of it. Tina didn’t think twice before unclipping her bra and sliding the straps down her arms, catching it and putting it on top of her dress. Finally, she pushed her knickers down to the floor, stepped out of them, and put them on her dress and knickers and bra.

This wasn’t the first time by a long way that she had done the cleaning whilst naked and so she went happily into the en-suite bathroom to start to clean in there. Then she went back downstairs and started to clean the kitchen floor. She knew that she had to be thorough or suffer the consequences and so worked hard to try to clean perfectly

Tina also knew that Miss Cindy sometimes left dirty marks, or pieces of paper or the like, in several places on purpose which was done deliberately to test Tina and if she failed and didn’t clean well enough that led to a spanking and caning being earned. The punishment regime helped maintain the respective dominant and submissive roles of Miss Cindy and Tina, both of whom enjoyed what they did, but also knew the need for it to ensure Tina paid enough attention to her cleaning duties. It gave them both a sense of satisfaction, but once the spanking was over and Tina was again a good, ‘granny girl,’ they were both turned on and that lead to finger and tongue sex, which both enjoyed.

Tina was quite relaxed when she finished the kitchen and was ready to ask Miss Cindy to do her usual supervisory role and check that the cleaning had been done sufficiently well. Tina loved following Miss Cindy around the house as she checked things, always carrying a notebook and pen and making notes of what she decided were Tina’s failures to clean properly. Tina winced when a note was made in the kitchen as she knew that would lead to the inevitable punishment but accepted it was her own fault and hoped to learn for next time.

As the Miss Rosie affair was fresh in everyone’s to mind, Miss Cindy was particularly strict today. She found several things wrong with the standard of cleaning and ordered, “Fetch me the hairbrush and meet me in the dining room.”

Tina went back upstairs to the box room, where she had to sleep when staying the night but in Miss Cindy's bad books, and collected the wooden-backed hairbrush. Of course, it was one of the large stock that Miss Cindy kept because each brush only lasted a few spankings. It was Tina’s job to buy replacements and she would normally have to buy six at a time. She went to the same shop and all the staff had wondered why she had to buy so many hairbrushes at the same time. Tina blushed as she said the brushes were for the young lady she cleaned for, but saw the knowing looks on the faces of the staff and saw one mouth to another, ‘She gets spanked.’ Tina did enjoy the humiliation, though, of the staff knowing that the brushes were used on her bottom.

Having got one of the brushes Tina made her way quickly downstairs and into the dining room and saw that Miss Cindy had already turned one of the dining chairs into the room and was sitting down with her legs and arms crossed, waiting, with an angry look on her beautiful face. Tina Miss Cindy looked so cross and wasn’t surprised that she would have to suffer a spanking on their anniversary.

Miss Cindy knew she was particularly finicky today but, like Tina, wanted to make today special and to reinforce the relationship that they had. Miss Cindy relished her domination over a woman old enough to be her granny and took it very seriously, although she was always turned on when she punished Tina. She thought humiliation an important part of any punishment and she fully intended humiliating Tina on their anniversary. So although Tina had cleaned most of the house almost perfectly, she did notice a few bread crumbs on the floor in the kitchen right in the corner and that was sufficient to justify the hairbrush spanking.

Tina also found being humiliated a turn-on, although equally knew every punishment Miss Cindy gave her was always for the right reasons and were fully justified. She supposed, quite rightly, that Miss Cindy had found too many areas of her cleaning that she was unhappy with and so needed to deal with her in her usual strict manner.

Miss Cindy took the hairbrush and ordered, “Get across my lap Tina. Your work today was shoddy and you have earned a very hard spanking.“

Tina winced as she looked down at Miss Cindy’s bare thighs as her dress had been yanked right up, although loved to be across Miss Cindy’s bare thighs.

Miss Cindy saw Tina glance at her thighs and whilst she knew Tina loved to have her bare tummy on them, she also knew that Tina often leaked her sex juice across when across her lap and didn’t want her dress stained. Once Tina had bent down across her lap, Miss Cindy tapped the hairbrush on Tina’s bottom cheeks twice then raised her arm and brought the heavy wooden-backed hairbrush down with a loud thwack.

Tina hated actually being spanked with the horrid hairbrush but accepted that Miss Cindy had the right to deal with her any way that she wanted to. As the hairbrush landed Tina yelped with the pain but knew that this was the first of many spanks. Indeed, the hairbrush spanked down on her bottom time again and the pain intensified until she felt her eyes filling with tears which then dribbled down her face.

Miss Cindy was only satisfied that the spanking had been sufficiently hard when she saw both of Tina’s bottom cheeks were glowing red and with a tinge of blue bruising. Only then did she order, “Get up, Tina, and come with me to my bathroom.”

Tina had to climb the stairs in front of Miss Cindy who kept on landing smacks on her bare bottom which both enforced her authority and ensured that Tina went up the stairs as quickly as she could. Once upstairs, Miss Cindy ordered Tina to stand in front of the toilet and as she did she was told she watched Miss Tina lift the toilet seat cover. Tina immediately saw the two very small poo stains and now knew why she had been spanked. She had expected to be told to clean them but, instead Miss Cindy squeezed her nipple and pulled her to the sink. This was becoming quite a normal way for Miss Cindy to lead Tina around the house but, again, she had every right to do so.

Once in front of the sink, she saw Miss Cindy pick up the bar of soap and wave it in front of Tina’s face and said sternly, “I want you to be on your best behaviour for dinner and, as a reminder that you can be quite rude, I am going to soap your mouth.”

Tina again winced as she watched Miss Cindy turn on the tap and run the water over the bar of soap and raise a lather.

Miss Cindy then ordered, “Open your mouth, Tina.”

Tina automatically and without question did as she was told and moments later the lathered bar of soap was sitting on her tongue and she heard Miss Cindy order her to close her mouth around the bar of soap. As Tina did, so she got the awful taste of soap that almost made her choke. However, she knew she was quite often sharp-tongued with people is and this would be a very good reminder to watch what she said in future. This was the first time that Miss Cindy had mouth soaped her and Tina wondered if this would now be a regular punishment.

Miss Cindy’s watched Tina struggle with the soap in her mouth and, just to make things worse, she landed several spanks on Tina’s still stinging bottom cheeks, as well as on the backs of her legs. She heard Tina gasp whilst keeping her mouth closed around the soap, which was certainly an interesting sound, she thought, and decided mouth soaping was a good punishment to use in future.

Tina was soon sobbing both because of the additional spanks as well as because of the taste of the soap in her mouth and she knew that she would be very careful about what she said at dinner after this punishment.

Miss Cindy smiled as she watched Tina sob and grimace from several more minutes before ordering, “Open.”

Tina did and was thankful that Miss Cindy took our the bar of soap. However, she felt lots of lather still in her mouth and bent over the sink and spat it out, although the taste remained.  

Miss Cindy watched Tina continue to struggle and smiled at the sight but had no sympathy because it was intended to teach her a lesson, and hopefully it had. Miss Cindy then ordered, “You can start getting the dinner ready in thirty minutes. In the meantime, you will stand on your naughty spot in the living room whilst I read.“

Miss Cindy grabbed and squeezed one of Tina’s nipples and led her out of the bathroom, downstairs, and into the living room. Instead of making Tina face the wall, Miss Cindy made Tina stand in front of the window at the front of the house. She pulled the curtains back and ordered, “Stand there with your hands on your head.”

Tina was horrified because she was still naked and, as she stood there, several people walked past and they all stopped and stared at the elderly woman standing in the window facing them, topless, with her hands on her head like a naughty girl. Tina was used to being humiliated, by Miss Cindy, which always turned them both on, just as this experience did.

Half-an-hour later, Miss Cindy ordered, “You can now come away from the window, but I noticed something we both need to deal with.”

Tina turned and looked worried as she wasn’t sure what she had done wrong.

Miss Cindy did know, and pointed at her armpit and said sternly, “You have a stubble of hair under your arm, and you know that is punishable by a spanking and the cane. First, go and get rid of the stubble you naughty naughty granny.”

Tina was distraught as she thought she had shaved all of her hair and as she went quickly upstairs and into her bathroom and dealt with the stubble, she told herself that she really deserved the punishment she was about to get. As she got downstairs and walked quickly into the living room she saw Miss Cindy already had the cane ready and ordered, “Bend over the arm of the sofa. One stubble means three strokes.”

Tina grimaced as she obediently went to the sofa and bent over and stretched her arms forward. She looked sideways and saw Miss Cindy position herself and tap the cane on her bottom. Next moment she saw out of the corner of her eye the cane raised up and then brought back down and the pain was as awful as it always was. However, Tina knew the punishment was deserved and as the second stroke landed so she cried out but readied herself for the third stroke.

Miss Cindy saw the two red welts develop but being unsympathetic ensured the third stroke was harder than the first two, heard Tina’s louder pained-yelp, and saw the third welt appear. Good, she thought, and hoped that would teach Tina to make sure she shaved herself properly in future.

As Tina let out a sob, Miss Cindy remained unsympathetic and ordered, “Now get up and get the dinner ready, Tina.”

Tina went to the kitchen and started to prepare dinner. She found this quite relaxing and started to feel happier about the anniversary meal to come. She prepared this Miss Cindy’s favourite food and was looking forward to a celebratory evening with her beautifully dominant Miss Cindy.

Tina finished the preparation and was then surprised to hear the doorbell ring. She heard Miss Cindy go and answer the door, say, “Do come in,” and then heard the door close. Tina heard the visitors voice and realised it was Miss Rosie.

Tina felt it sounded as though Miss Rosie had been expected, and wished that Miss Cindy had told her so she could have prepared more food. Of course, she would still have preferred to have had dinner with Miss Cindy alone but, again, it was not her decision.

Miss Cindy led Rosie into the kitchen and Tina heard Miss Rosie say in a surprised tone, “Naked, huh? Cool Cindy.”

Tina was embarrassed although, of course, Miss Rosie had seen her naked before now. Miss Rosie added, “I see she has been naughty.” Tina realised that Miss Rosie had a full view of her reddened bottom from the hairbrush spanking, and the welts from the caning, but whilst she felt humiliated, she was no longer embarrassed as so many of Miss Cindy’s friends had seen her well spanked bottom.

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Tina also knew not to speak to any of Miss Cindy’s friends unless first spoken to them by them and was used to conversations happening about her but as though she wasn’t in the room. Tina did blush though as Miss Cindy explained to Miss Rosie why she had spanked her, and winced when Miss Cindy said, “Come over here, and I’ll show you why.” However, as usual Tina was aroused by the way Miss Cindy spoke about her in her very sexy haughty, ‘I’m in charge of this granny,’ voice.

Miss Cindy saw that Tina was turned on by being humiliated in front of one of her friends and, once again, grabbed and squeezed one of Tina’s nipples and led her to the corner of the kitchen where the breadcrumbs were. Once there, Miss Cindy let go of Tina’s nipple, placed a hand on her bare bottom cheek, and gave Tina a hard smack on each bottom cheek and said sternly, “Strand still.”

Tina then pointed to the breadcrumbs, and said, “See, she hasn’t cleaned properly has she.”

Miss Rosie agreed with Miss Cindy and said in a disdainful tone, “That’s not very good at all.”

Miss Cindy agreed and glared at Tina and ordered, “Now finish cleaning the kitchen floor.“

Tina winced as she wet a piece of kitchen roll, knelt down, and scooped up the breadcrumbs.

When she had finished and was standing up again, Miss Rosie said with a smirk, “If she is that slack then she shouldn’t have any dinner, should she?”

Miss Cindy said in a stern tone, “Well she isn’t having dinner with us. She will be serving us and, I can tell you, she had better be very well-behaved because there will be a cane on the dining table which will be used if she isn’t.”

Tina gasped at being told that the dinner for two was actually going to be Miss Cindy and Miss Rosie, and she was going to have to be the waitress. She was about to remind Miss Cindy that this was their anniversary day but when she saw the stern look on Miss Cindy’s face she told herself that as her cleaning had not been up to standard it served her right. She was now so used to Miss Cindy dealing with her strictly and knew that it was exactly what she needed and so accepted without question she would indeed be the waitress serving her very dominant mistress and her almost as dominant friend. She reconciled that at least she would be spending time with Miss Cindy, and, as things stood, she was still due to spend the night here as well.

Miss Cindy again squeezed Tina’s nipple and led her out of the kitchen and into the dining room. Once there she ordered, “Lay the table and make sure it is done as I like it.”

So, as Miss Cindy and Miss Rosie went and sat in the living room and were heard to be chatting happily, Tina set about laying the table for dinner. She put on the lace tablecloth and then set each place with a soup spoon, knife and fork for the main course, and spoon and fork for the desert. She added glasses for water and wine and put out placemats for the bowls of hot food that would be put on the table. She double-checked that everything was In its right place before going back into the kitchen.

Tina made the final preparations for dinner and then went into the living room and said, “Please ma’am, dinner is ready if you and Miss Rosie would care to take your places at the table.”

When Miss Cindy and Miss Rosie got to the table and sat down, Miss Rosie said, “The knife isn’t quite straight is it?”

Miss Cindy agreed and ordered, “Tina, go and stand next to Miss Rosie.”

Tina did as she was told and looked down at the table and saw that the knife was indeed slightly askew. She was horrified and then felt a hand rubbing the back of her leg. She realised that it was Miss Rose’s hand and next moment she felt the first hard smack on the back of her leg. She knew it was never just one smack and a moment later she felt the smack on the back of her other. Leg.

Miss Rosie asked, “How many shall I give her?

Miss Cindy said, shrugging her shoulders, “As many as you want Rosie.”

As Rosie proceeded to land smack after smack on alternate legs so Tina gasped after each one and let out longer and longer and more pain-filled “Owww’s” after each smack. However, she knew she deserved to have her legs smacked for her less than perfect laying of the table and stood obediently as Miss Rosie taught her the well-needed lesson.

Once Rosie stopped smacking Tina, Miss Cindy ordered, “Now serve the meal, and make sure you do it properly. I don’t want any chat other than a respectful ‘yes, ma’am’ or ‘no, ma’am’ or, ‘here it is ma’am.’ You will stand well away from the table by the wall, silently, with your arms folded behind your back, looking at the floor, and wait for our instructions. Is that understood, Tina?”

Tina said a very respectful, “Yes, ma’am,” and went to the kitchen to pour out the soup and brought the bowls in. As she served the soup she asked, “Is that all ma’am?”

When told by Miss Cindy that it was, Tina went and stood by the wall, with her back to the wall, her arms folded behind her back, and she stood silently and listened to Miss Cindy and Miss Rosie happily chatting. She even had to stand silently as Miss Cindy and Miss Rosie discussed her naked body, and although looking at the floor, was quickly aroused when they spoke of her grey hair, drooping breasts, creased skin, slight tummy, and fleshy legs but saying how sexy she looked. Tina reminded herself that she was far sexier than any other granny she knew and felt the quivers flying around her pussy as the teenagers discussed every detail of her naked body. It made every spank and smack and humiliation worth it to have the dominant Miss Cindy controlling her life and making it so much better.

Tina was feeling happier in her waitress role and, as it turned out, the starter and main course went very smoothly and there were no complaints. Tina even managed to serve the desert without any mishaps. However, as she poured another glass of red wine for Miss Rosie she spilt just drop on the tablecloth.

Miss Cindy said sternly straight away, “I told you to be careful, Tina. You will now have to be caned for your sloppiness.”

Tina winced, but knew that it never took very much to earn the cane when Miss Cindy was of a mind to punish her. Again, even though it was their anniversary, it seemed that Miss Cindy was intent on reinforcing a dominant position over Tina and, to be fair, Tina knew that Miss Cindy was right to deal with her carelessness.

Miss Cindy ordered, “Go to the far end of the table and bend over and clasp the sides.”

Tina did as she was told, although first folded the tablecloth up so that she was lying on the wooden surface.

Miss Cindy said sternly, “As the wine was split near you, Rosie, I think you should give Tina the cane.”

Rosie smiled as she stood up and picked up the cane. She held it in her hand and swished it a couple of times and then went and stood behind and to the side of the now stretched out Tina. She saw again the three cane welts, and knew she would be adding several more.

Rosie raised her arm and looked across at Cindy with a smile, and then she whipped her arm downwards and landed the first stroke on Tina’s already slightly bruised bottom. The two girls again smirked to each other as Tina let out a pained gasp.

Tina was looking at the surface of the table when the first stroke landed and, as she felt the awful pain, she shook her head, as she normally did when getting caned. She hated the cane but knew it was one of the best implements Miss Cindy used to teach her a lesson and never complained when she used it on her. Yet again she reminded herself that it was her own negligence in spilling the wine, even though it was just a drop, but she knew the consequences if you did and should’ve been more careful. That was why she was so thankful that Miss Cindy was so strict with her and rarely gave her a second chance because, if she did, she knew she would get away with things that she shouldn’t do.

When the third stroke landed Tina shook her head with her eyes tightly closed to try to cope with the pain, but that never worked. If it had worked, she would have told herself that the stroke was nowhere near hard enough. After all, she was an adult with very fleshy bottom cheeks, and so every stroke had to be a hard one. Miss Cindy had made it clear right from the start that there would be no second chances or any light punishments, and she had certainly kept to her word throughout the last year.

Tina also knew that Miss Cindy was only so strict because she really loved her and cared about her. Although so relatively young, compared to Tina’s sixty-years, Miss Cindy was very mature and responsible and only wanted what was right for Tina, and if that happened to be a punishment, then it naturally had to be a hard one. Tina fully understood that and thanked Miss Cindy time and again for acting so responsibly in their reversed roles.

The fourth stroke bit into Tina’s already intensely stinging bottom and produced yet another loud gasp and an extended, “Owwww,” and even a “Sorry ma’am.” That encouraged Miss Rosie to make sure that the fifth stroke was even harder and was rewarded with more intense pitiful pained cries.

Miss Cindy nodded to Miss Rosie and mouthed, ‘Last one,’ and Miss Rosie nodded and then made sure that the final stroke was much harder than any of the others. As the cane bit into Tina’s beautifully fleshy bottom, causing the bottom cheeks to cascade around as a result, so she heard Tina let out the loudest yelp of them all.

Satisfied with her work, Rosie put the cane back on the table. Miss Rosie and Miss Cindy then went and sat back down at the other end of the table and left Tina where she was sobbing her granny eyes out, and they happily finished their glasses of wine as they discussed the caning and listened to Tina’s continuing sobs.

Once dinner was finished, Miss Cindy ordered, “Tina, do all of the washing up and put everything away.”

Once again, Tina did as she was told and although her bottom was stinging she was quite content washing everything up, drying it, and putting it away, even with Miss Cindy and Miss Rosie chatting together in the living room.

When Tina finished, she went into the living room and stood in the doorway, silent and with her arms folded behind her back, and waited obediently for Miss Cindy to ask her to speak. It took a little while but eventually Miss Cindy asked, “Yes, Tina?”

Tina stepped forward and said a respectful, “I have finished ma’am.”

Miss Cindy gave Rosie a knowing look, stood up, went over to Tina, took hold of one of her nipples, and ordered, “Come upstairs with me.”

Miss Cindy lead Tina upstairs and into her own bedroom, with the large double bed that they shared when Tina was a good girl. Tina was suddenly hopeful that she would spend the night with Miss Cindy and was even more hopeful when Miss Cindy guided her onto the bed making her lie on her back with her legs apart.

Miss Cindy knelt between Tina’s legs, smiled at her and said, ”This is to celebrate our anniversary.” She then knelt down and started to kiss Tina’s inner thighs working her way up to her already very wet pussy lips. She certainly wasn’t rushing and wanted to give Tina the first of several huge orgasms to celebrate their anniversary. After all, it had been a wonderful year for Miss Cindy living out her fantasy of dominating a woman old enough to be her granny, including disciplining her, whilst having her do all the menial tasks around her house. She knew she couldn’t have hoped for a better and more loving chummy granny and, whilst being strict, it was a maternal type of care that included correcting mistakes and making her a better person

As Tina got closer and closer to her orgasm, she was just so thankful that she had found Miss Cindy almost by accident and that Miss Cindy has been prepared for the last year to be her friend, her lover, and her teacher, and saw the strict way she was dealt with and the intense but always correctly given punishments, as something that she needed. It also fulfilled her long-held fantasy of having a young lady, who was just eighteen or nineteen-years-old, controlling her in such a mature way. Today showed that perfectly in both correcting her mistakes and now making love to her. As she exploded in her orgasm she cried out, “I love you, Miss Cindy, always.“

Miss Cindy kept licking Tina’s wet pussy lips and flicking her taught clit, and when she heard Tina say such loving words as she came, she moved up so she could kiss Tina on the lips and then said, “I love you too so much even when I need to spank and cane you. I love being like a mother to you and correcting all your mistakes and being your girlfriend and lover and I will also love you always.“

Tina was just so happy with those words from her beloved dominant Miss Cindy and as she was once again being given the most wonderful finger and tongue sex, and reached a second even better orgasm, “Yes please ma’am, always deal with me strictly and not give me any second chances, because I know you are only doing what is best for me.“

Having both sworn their everlasting love for each other and the need to continue the disciplinary regime that Miss Cindy had put in place, Tina was brought to a third and even better organism. Now so relaxed and having had such a memorable anniversary, she knew that it had been a very tiring day and felt ready for bed.

Miss Cindy was also aware that Tina needed some rest. She smiled as she looked up and down Tina’s naked beautiful body with all it’s sagging skin and lines, and reminded herself how lucky she was. However, she knew Tina needed some rest and that it was her job to look after her maternally, so, kissing Tina once more on the lips, ordered, “Time for bed. You have been naughty today so will now go next door to the box room and sleep on the ‘naughty granny mattress.’ Don’t forget, you must not wear any nightclothes or have any sheets or blankets. Hopefully on our anniversary next year, you will be better behaved and it will be you and I in my bed making love.”

Tina was disappointed but knew that it was the right thing to happen tonight and she also hoped that by next year with Miss Cindy’s continued help she would be a better-behaved granny. It was something she would certainly work hard towards, hoping that Miss Cindy would never stop disciplining her every time it was needed until everything would be perfect.

Tina reluctantly but obediently eased herself up from the bed, threw her arms around Miss Cindy’s neck and gave her a huge hug, and said, “Happy anniversary ma’am. I love you and know your strict discipline helps me such a lot and I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Miss Cindy hugged Tina back and said, “Happy anniversary to you as well, Tina my love. You are my very naughty chummy granny but I love you so so much.’ And kissed on the lips lovingly as only the dominant chummy granddaughter can do.

Moments later, Tina was in the box room lying on the mattress and quite quickly falling to sleep. Downstairs, and Sunday and miserable already making out. We will give my granny a few minutes to go to sleep, and then will go upstairs to my bedroom.”

Rosie said, “You are so lucky to have such a wonderful relationship.”

Cindy smiled and said with feelings, “I know I am very lucky to have and I’m already looking forward to our next year together.”




Written by SusanHarper
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