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Theft on Holiday

"The two grannies join the teenage prefects on holiday but are disciplined in public for stealing"

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Emma and Cathy were already settled into their cabin in the holiday park. Both eighteen-year-old girls were in skimpy bikinis that showed off their well-toned figures and had just got back from their daily swim. They sat on the veranda and looked out for the two grannies who were going to join them for their two-week break.

Mabel and Janet were in the car and were close to the camp. The two sixty-five-year-old grannies were thankful that Emma and Cathy agreed to let them join them on holiday, although as they got closer to the camp they voiced their mutual doubts.

Mabel asked, “They are very strict so do you think they will spank us again?”

Janet said, ruefully, “They made it clear that we were under their control. They were happy to have us join them so long as we didn’t steal anything and accepted their rules when at the camp, and, anyway, we didn’t have any real choice as we know we need to have a responsible person to control our weaknesses, and stealing has always been a major one. If we were left to our own devices you can be sure we will steal again and the police will be called and we would go to prison for sure. Obviously, we will try really hard not to steal, but at least this way if we do steal we are more likely to get a really hard spanking and learn from it.”

Mabel knew that Janet was correct but still felt happier hearing it spoken out loud and was more relaxed as they got to the holiday centre and were directed to their cabin.   

Emma and Cathy saw the car drive towards them and smiled to each other thinking how this could be quite good fun, and maybe as much fun as when they spanked the two naughty grannies just a few days ago in public in front of all the college girls. They recalled how Mabel and Janet had approached them saying that they really did need authoritative figures looking out for them and checking that they were behaving and keeping to the rules and, in particular, wanted to break their habit of stealing. Cathy explained to the two grannies that they were due to be away on holiday for two weeks together but it was in a cabin with two bedrooms and therefore big enough for the four of them, and suggested that the two grannies come and join them. However, she added firmly that it would only be on the basis that they accepted that they had to follow their instructions at all times and would be subject to their discipline. Mabel and Janet were anxious about the very real possibility of breaking the rules set by the two girls but readily agreed.

Mabel and Janet got out of the car and carried their cases into the cabin. They were both tense as they approached the two teenagers and had on forced smiles. However, they were welcomed by the smiling girls and directed to their bedroom. When they walked in they saw a double bed and looked questioningly at the two girls. Emma saw the look and explained, “The cabin has double beds in both bedrooms. It is designed for two couples, but we are going to be presenting ourselves to the other guests as you being our grannies and we being your granddaughters. That will only change if either or both of you misbehave and we need to discipline you. Then we intend saying that we are privately appointed correctional officers checking you have learned not to break the rules, but you have failed and so need to be disciplined.”

Mabel and Janet blushed as they glanced towards each other but the threat did confirm what they had discussed in the car. Mabel then turned to the girls and said, respectfully, “We will be keeping to the rules although understand what you have to do if we let ourselves down.”

Emma and Cathy were happy with the reply and then watched as the two grannies went into their bedroom to unpack. Only a short while later they both came out wearing low-cut sleeveless floral dresses but with very high hems more suited to women a third of their rage, but they had reckoned that if they could wear tight clothes there would be nowhere they could hide anything and that would prevent them from stealing.

Of course, the dresses showed off their fleshy arms with their bat wings, and fleshy thighs, as well as their large drooping breasts, but the tight style did make sense and was something that Cathy and Emma had pointed out to them when agreeing that they should come on holiday with them and suggested some of the clothing they should bring.

The girls spent most of the day swimming and sunbathing as Mabel and Janet looked on, smiling and chatting, and happily saw Emma and Cathy as their real granddaughters. It was nearly the end of the afternoon, though, when the grannies got bored and started to walk towards the bar and then it happened. Mabel saw a lady’s purse and Janet saw a lady’s handbag, and almost without thinking they each scooped them up and started to walk away. It was then they heard loud shouts from the two women who saw their purse and handbag being stolen.

Emma and Cathy heard the commotion and looked across and saw that it was involving Mabel and Janet. They were very annoyed as they got up from their sunbeds and walked quickly across the pool area. Once there they could see two women, also in bikinis, pointing fingers at the two grannies and accusing them of stealing.

Mabel and Janet had dropped the purse and handbag on the ground a few steps away and started to deny the accusations, but when they saw Emma and Cathy walking quickly towards them their resistance stopped and they stood still, blushing, looking at the floor.

Emma took control as soon as she got to the group. “What’s going on?” she demanded.

One of the women, Alice, explained, “Well, your two grannies just walked past us and picked up my purse and Lucy’s handbag, and walked off. What were they thinking of?”

Emma glared at the two grannies and then Alice and Lucy and explained, “This was just what we were afraid of. You see, we aren’t actually their granddaughters, but two correctional officers who they have paid to come on holiday with them following their training course which was supposed to stop their compunction of stealing. However, it clearly hasn’t worked and they know the consequences will be them getting a very public thrashing.”

Alice and Lucy gave shocked looks to each other, then smiled, and asked, “Do we get to watch?”

Emma said in a stern tone, “Everyone gets to watch.” 

With that, Emma went over to Mabel and grabbed her by the ear between her finger and thumb and snapped, “Let’s go over to where those high-backed chairs are and deal with your very naughty granny bottoms.“

As Cathy grabbed Janet’s ear and squeezed hard and pulled her towards the table and chairs, Alice asked gleefully, “Are you really going to spank them? Aren’t they much too old?”

As Emma continued to lead a gasping Mabel by her ear she explained, “I don’t think anyone is too old to be spanked. Equally, we are not too young to be the ones to give someone else a spanking.” Emma knew that the holiday camp was adults only and so everyone had to be at least sixteen-years-old to be there. She smiled as she made the comment and looked around at the guests that she was walking past and almost all of them had a smile on their faces.

In fact, the only people who weren’t smiling were Mabel and Janet who were both in pain as their ears were being squeezed between Emma and Cathy’s fingers and thumbs. When they got the gasping grannies to the chairs they were aiming for Emma and Cathy let go of the two grannies ears and Emma ordered, “Get your clothes off, you two naughty grannies.”

Mabel and Janet grimaced when told to get undressed in front of dozens of holiday guests. They looked around hoping for sympathetic looks but all they got were smiles and jokes about how two old women like them were still naughty enough to end up being spanked. So, they could do nothing and had to submit to the spanking that Emma and Cathy clearly intended giving them. 

So, just wanting the ground to open up and swallow them up, they unzipped their dresses, pushed them down to their waists catching their knickers on the way and pushing them also to the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, and putting them on a table. They were blushing an even deeper red as they then unclipped their bras letting them slip down their arms, caught them, and put them with their other clothes. As they turned towards the two very strict and angry looking teenagers, they heard Emma order, “Put your hands on top of your heads.”

Mabel and Janet both felt humiliated enough by having to get undressed in front of so many guests, but then when they had to stand with their hands on their heads with their stinging earlobes they felt like two very naughty schoolgirls and were even more humiliated. However, as they had time to think about what was happening they had to accept that the strict way the two teenagers were dealing with them really did make them regret, more than anything else, their stupidity of thinking they could get away with the blatant thefts. 

Mabel and Janet’s humiliation wasn’t anywhere near over, though, as they had to listen to the continuing derogatory comments from those watching about their creased skin, bat wings, turtlenecks, and fleshy thighs. It wasn’t so bad when some of the men referred to their drooping breasts, but knew they didn’t fancy them but more that they were just laughing at how large they were.

Emma and Cathy could see that both grannies were humiliated and let them wallow in that humiliation for a few more moments before going to a chair each, turning them so they faced each other, and sat down. Emma then glared at the two grannies and ordered, “Now get your naughty bottoms across our laps.”

Mabel and Janet were actually relieved to be told to bend over as at least they wouldn’t have to look at so many smiling faces. They did not look at Cathy and Emma’s well-toned bodies in their skimpy bikinis and thought how they would prefer to be good grannies and have tongue and finger sex with them. However, the spankings they were going to get were well earned and, looking down at their bare thighs, bent over and balanced themselves on the far side of the chair before lowering themselves and catching their falls with their hands on the ground. They then lowered their full weight across the bare laps and couldn’t help but see the upside-down legs of both girls, and their own legs dangling on the side of the chair. Then, as they felt Emma and Cathy’s hands rubbing their bottoms in circles they looked sideways and saw so many upside-down legs of those watching and still heard more of the derogatory comments about two naughty old women now being across the laps of two authoritative teenage girls who were going to give them such a well-deserved spanking.

As Emma and Cathy rubbed the two naughty bottoms on their laps they also heard the comments and wondered if some of them were because one or two, or even more, of those watching were envious of the two grannies and fancied being spanked themselves. That was an interesting thought for both of the teenage girls, and maybe they would take time afterwards to chat to some of the watching guests to find out, but first, they knew they had to give both grannies very long and very hard spankings.

Emma looked across at Cathy who smiled and nodded, and they both raised their hands and brought their palms down on the far bottom cheek across their laps. Just as always, they loved the way that the fleshy bottom surrendered to their hard spank, flattened, and then bounced back out as they raised their hands again and wobbled around just as Cathy and Emma landed a second spank on the near bottom cheek and watched the same effect. 

As the spankings continued so the laughing giggling audience made comments about how the two bottoms needed to be turned bright red, and Emma and Cathy proceeded to do just that by spanking alternate bottom cheeks time and time again.

Mabel and Janet were struggling before not too long just as they had done when being spanked previously. Of course, they knew that the spanking would reduce them to tears, again as always and that they wouldn’t be able to resist at all in case the police were called.

The girls knew that the two grannies would stay across their laps because of the various threats of further retribution if they disobeyed them, but also knew that both grannies got aroused by being spanked as well as by the humiliation. Therefore, knowing that there would be no resistance, Emma and Cathy continued to spank both grannies happily turning both bottom cheeks darker and darker shades of red, just as those watching and making their derogatory comments had requested. They did that for several minutes and actually longer than normal, but then they were all on holiday and there was a while to go before supper so the crowd were relaxed as they were watching and even cheering the girls on. 

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Mabel and Janet were increasingly aware that their bottoms were stinging more and more. Of course, they both thought when they saw Emma and Cathy in their skimpy bikinis that they had such well-toned arms which were so capable of giving them very hard spankings and it was certainly proving to be the case. They also saw that they had well-toned albeit upside-down legs and that the girl’s calf muscles tensed as they were bringing their hands down giving a very hard spank each time, which they actually found erotic as well as painful.

Emma looked across at Cathy and nodded and both changed to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again, several times, before doing the same to the other bottom cheek. The bare bottom cheeks surrendered in exactly the same way as before but were turning even darker red with each series of spanks. At the same time, they heard the grannies letting out louder gasps and several “Ow, owww, owww’s,” as they tensed their legs and arms and kept their eyes tightly shut.

As they continued to spank the grannies Emma looked around and asked, “Has anyone got a wooden-backed hairbrush we could use?”

It was only a few seconds before they had replies from quite a few of the women who made their way towards them with some very heavy and thick wooden-backed hairbrushes which they knew would make excellent spanking paddles.

Emma said, “Thank you,” as she took one hairbrush from a lady, Alice, and Cathy also thanked another lady, Lucy, who gave her a similarly thick wooden-baked hairbrush.

Mabel and Janet were totally unaware that the spanking implements had been requested and given, although did start to feel something other than a hand rubbing their bottoms in circles. Neither was able to squirm around and look at their own bottom, but they could look sideways and saw the other's bottom and gasped as they saw the thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrush being rubbed in circles around the other's bottom. They both let out horrified groans as they turned to look towards the floor knowing that in just a few moments they were going to experience much worse pain than with the hand spanks.

Those watching still had broad grins on their faces as they watched the two teenagers rub the hairbrushes in circles around the very fleshy and already red bottoms and as they saw both hairbrushes raised smiled even more broadly. Then as both hairbrushes were brought down with loud thwacks and they heard the pain-filled yelps coming from both grannies they made encouraging comments such as, “Harder, harder,” and, “They deserve it,” and, “That will teach them.“

Not actually needing to be encouraged, on and on Emma and Cathy landed spank after spank with the thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrushes on alternate bottom cheeks, watching as the fleshy bottom cheeks surrendered faster and flatter than when they were being spanked with their hands, but still bounced back and swirled around just as the other bottom cheek was being spanked. 

Mabel and Janet weren’t able to cope with the very hard spanks and as well as tensing their arms and legs and shaking their heads with their eyes tightly closed, they dissolved into uncontrolled crying as they told themselves they would never ever steal again. 

Of course, Cathy and Emma were now quite used to spanking old ladies’ bare bottoms and wondered again whether there were any other women, or even men, watching, who might want the same to happen to them. In fact, as Emma kept on landing spank after spank she looked up at some of the watching faces and saw there were a few who looked thoughtful and, maybe subconsciously, had their hands on their own bottoms as though thinking they were naughty and were going to be spanked. Emma even thought about starting a spanking club, which she thought would be quite good fun as they were here for two weeks after all.

Once Emma was happy with the blue bruising on top of the deep red glowing bottom cheeks she glanced at Cathy, they nodded to each other, and stopped the spanking. However, they didn’t let the two grannies up but instead rubbed their bottoms with their hands and said sternly to the backs of their heads, “We will now be taking you two very naughty grannies back to the cabin to discuss your very poor behaviour, so, get up and stand facing us.” 

With that, both Mabel and Janet eased themselves up from the two teenager’s laps and, as instructed, stood still, although both couldn’t stop themselves rubbing and clutching their very sore and stinging bottom cheeks. However, even though their blurred vision they saw how annoyed the two girls were as they rubbed their bottoms before being told they could and there were even comments coming from those watching such as, “Well I think they deserve another spanking for that.” Both grannies gasped and were wide-eyed with panic and immediately stopped rubbing as they wondered if they would earn another spanking.

Emma looked around and saw Alice and Lucy and held up her hairbrush and said, “Thanks so much for letting us use these.”

Alice laughed and replied, “You keep them, girls, and use them again out here if you need to spank these old women thieves again.”

Emma smiled back and said, “Thank you. We will make sure we do just that.”

Emma then glared at the two grannies and thought they certainly deserved another spanking but had other punishments in mind first. So, she ordered, “Pick your clothes up and hold them,” and when they had they once again grabbed both grannies by their ears, squeezing very hard, and heard Mabel and Janet’s loud gasps as they led both grannies towards the cabins giving each granny another spank every few steps just to make sure they didn’t dally. 

Janet and Mabel kept gasping as they were led by their squeezed earlobes, feeling each hard spank every few steps, and knowing that those watching were laughing and smiling and giggling and encouraging Emma and Cathy to keep on spanking them. It was ever more humiliating for the two grannies because they were still naked and being continuously spanked in front of the hotel guests that they would continue to see for the next two weeks. Hopefully, they wouldn’t see the same spectacle again but they knew they would have to get used to having comments made about them all the time by those who had watched them being spanked. 

Thankfully for Mabel and Janet, they got to the cabin and disappeared inside although their ears were still clasped tightly by the authoritative teenagers. However, the spanks stopped and their ears were released, but they heard the order, “Go and press your noses to the wall and keep your hands on your heads and legs well apart.”

Janet and Mabel actually felt a little bit relieved that they were no longer being led by their ears or having their bottoms spanked although still felt like naughty schoolgirls as they pressed their noses against the wall. As they looked at the blank wall an inch from their eyes they heard Emma and Cathy whispering although couldn’t quite hear what was being said but told themselves they would find out soon enough, and, whatever happened, it wouldn’t be good for their bottoms.

Emma and Cathy left the two grannies to wallow with their noses pressed against the wall for a few minutes before both sat on dining chairs and ordered, “Now come and stand in front of us you two naughty grannies.”

As Mabel and Janet turned, they saw that the two teenagers were sitting on the dining chairs, with their legs wide apart, and they no longer had their bikini trunks on and reckoned that they were going to be told to give both girls tongue sex. Well, as both had been facing the wall, they were thinking about being spanked and future punishments and, as they did, they were both getting more and more turned on and were thinking about masturbating. Well, it looked as though the two girls had similar thoughts, except they weren’t going to masturbate.

As though reading their minds, Emma ordered, “Both of you kneel down between our legs and give us a huge thank you for disciplining you.”

Mabel and Janet quickly did as they were told although, as always, found it difficult to kneel down, but did, holding onto the girl’s bare thighs to balance themselves. They then leaned in and kissed the girl’s inner thighs making their way up to their wet stretched pussy lips and heard the girl’s erotic gasps as they eased their tongues into their vaginas and also flicked their taut clits.

It didn’t take long for Emma and Cathy to reach their well-deserved and huge orgasms as they held on to the two grannies’ heads and wet tear-stained faces so their tongues continued to lick and suck their very wet pussies even after they came. They didn’t see anything wrong at all in making the grannies say thank you in this way, even though both were still sobbing, and knew that the two old women were every bit as aroused as well, but would have to wait for their orgasms.

After reaching their orgasms and recovering, the two girls released the granny’s heads, but kept glaring at them and ordered, “Now go back and press your noses against the wall again, with your legs apart and your hands on your heads again.”

Emma and Cathy smiled as they watched the two grannies get back up onto their feet, albeit not so steadily as they might have because of their age, and then walk back and press their noses against the walls. They knew that both grannies were aroused but that making them keep their hands on their heads and their legs apart would make sure that they could not masturbate. They decided to leave them there for ten minutes, knowing that both grannies would be wanting to masturbate, but, at the same time, would be telling themselves they must not steal again. That was the main purpose of the lesson, after all, and they would definitely be thinking that because their very red and blue bruised bottoms would be stinging so badly.

Emma and Cathy enjoyed the sight of the two very well-spanked bottoms and the continuing sobs, and after ten minutes, Emma ordered, “Okay, you too naughty grannies, you are released. Now come and stand in front of us.” 

Mabel and Janet hoped that their punishment was over as they turned and walked back across the room and stood in front of the two authoritative teenage girls. They so loved both of them and really respected them, and wanted them to be strict with them for the next two weeks, hoping that by then they really would have changed their attitude about stealing. Equally, they also wanted to go to their bedroom and deal with their aching quivering pussies but knew, though, they had to obey whatever the two girls told them and stand still and listen to whatever they were going to be told.

Emma knew what was going through the minds of the two grannies, and said, “I hope you have both learned your lesson. You will both stay naked for the rest of the evening and go without supper which is a normal punishment for naughty girls. Do you understand?”

Mabel and Janet both nodded and replied, “Yes you do.” Both liked the idea of being left alone once the girls went to supper as that would be an ideal time for them to deal with themselves, even if they were hungry by then.

So, happy the two grannies had learned their lesson and knew they were effectively grounded, the girls went outside to enjoy the last hour or so of sunshine, knowing that would be enough time for the grannies to deal with themselves. 

Mabel and Janet did go to their bedroom and lie on the bed and ease their fingers along their very wet pussy lips and eased their fingers inside and also flicked their very taut clits and gasped erotically as they both came. They were both so aroused still they didn’t speak but quickly gave themselves another orgasm as they thought about their stinging bottoms and sore earlobes and the two so authoritative strict girls they loved and respected. 

Eventually, Mabel and Janet were relaxed and turned towards each other and smiled. Mabel said, “I doubt we will get away without being spanked again in public.”

Mabel and Janet both smiled and both thought how deliciously erotic that would be even though ever so painful, but, then, the pain was the best foreplay they had ever had, they both knew, so whilst they must learn not to steal, maybe the lessons weren’t all bad.

Time would tell for all four of them.


Written by SusanHarper
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