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The Tenant (Part Nine - Laura)

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When I got into the office I made a beeline for Jenny's desk. 'Lunch today? Got an idea I'd like to talk to you about.' 

She looked up, gave me a quick smile. 'Intriguing. Half twelve? Usual place?' I nodded, gave her shoulder a quick squeeze and headed for my own desk. At lunchtime, I got to the pub early and found a table out of the way, and earshot, of the common herd. 

Jenny demonstrated all the reticence and patience of a puppy when she breezed in. 'Come on, then, what's your idea? After the weekend, I'm all agog.'

'Patience. You must learn patience, grasshopper. First, we order lunch, then we talk.'

'Grasshopper my stripey arse,' said Jenny, glancing at the menu. 'I'll have a burger.'  

After we ordered I sat forward conspiratorially. 'Your sister was head girl, wasn't she?' 

'She was, the uppity little cow.' Jenny had never really liked her sister. Two years younger and with a habit for overachieving, which Jenny always thought made her look bad.

I nodded. 'And does your mum still refuse to throw out anything to do with her darling daughters?'    

'She's still a mental hoarder, but can't you stop being so bloody mysterious? Are you a spy now? Is this some kind of code?'

I laughed. 'No, but it's all to stay between us,' I tapped the side of my nose. 'Strictly entre nous. Know what I mean?'

'Not a fucking clue. Get on with it!'

I'd teased her enough, so decided to tell all before she started shouting. 'You and I are going to dig out your old school uniform, and your sister's, and give Jeff the thrill of his life. And,' I leaned in, mouth inches from Jenny's ear, 'get us both a damn good spanking.' I sat back and waited.

Jenny didn't say anything for the next 10 seconds, a lifetime for her. I watched the colour rise in her face as she thought it through. 'You mean,' she spoke slowly and deliberately, and, for her, very softly,' Jeff would spank me too? You're sure?' She sat back, a smile beginning to grow. 'Wow.' I know the way Jenny's mind works, so sat and waited patiently as she played the images in her mind. She snapped back to the present, looked me in the eye. 'Wait. have you asked him? Have you told him about the other night? About us?'

'We tell each other everything. We're getting kind of close.' This was the first time I had admitted this to anyone, including myself. Just then our food arrived. Jenny ignored her burger, which counted as a first for her. 'So it's more than lust and spanking,' she said. 'Is it love?'

I fiddled with my cheese and chorizo wrap. 'I think so, Jen. It feels different now than when we first started. Then, it was all about the novelty, the sex, the other thing. It was exciting, and made me feel more alive, and more sexual than I had for years. And now, well, I still feel every bit as sexual, still love the spanking and all, but I've started doing what I swore I wasn't going to do. I've started letting him into my life. Last night I even,' I leaned in close to Jenny's ear again, 'stopped myself from giving Jeff a good leathering so we could fuck. On my bed. The urge for romance overcame the urge to spank.' I sat back and started on my wrap. That seemed to remind Jenny it was lunchtime, and she attacked her burger. 

She watched me as she ate. When she'd finished, she daintily wiped her mouth. 'Well, I'm glad. Maybe you'll stop being such a moody cow, Now, when are we going to give Jeff his schoolgirl surprise?'

I laughed, and we made plans to raid her mum's loft on Wednesday, on the pretext of a fancy dress party, and have our own party on Saturday night. 

Jenny's mum had thrown out nothing since Jenny was born. Just finding both uniforms took us the best part of an hour. We did find some other relics that wold come in useful while we were looking. Our school blazers were maroon, and the school issue skirt was grey, far from flattering, and came past the knee. We turned up some much more suitable black mini-skirts, that Jenny had worn in her punk/goth phase. Back at her flat, amid much hilarity, we tried the costumes on. We had both filled out somewhat over the past ten years, and the blazers looked a bit on the tight side. Jenny could just fasten hers, but I was a little more developed in the bust area than her sister and would have to wear it open. We had found some school blouses, which could just be buttoned. With the ties and some decidedly non-regulation stockings and suspenders, we looked like extras from a St Trinian's film!

I'd insisted on wearing the head girl blazer; it was my idea after all. Time for a bit of practice. When I was getting changed I'd clocked a pair of summer flip-flops in the wardrobe. I picked one up now, assumed a stern expression.

'Jenny, just what kind of skirt is that to wear? Not exactly regulation.' I sat at the end of the bed. 'Come here.'

Jenny's face registered surprise, then pleasure, then eagerness, all in seconds. As she lowered herself over my lap I noticed she was trembling slightly. With anticipation? With her toes touching the carpet she could just reach the floor with her hands. I lifted the black mini that was partly covering her rear, to give me a perfect prospect of a rounded, pert backside partly covered in non-regulation lace panties. Her stocking suspenders bit nicely into the smooth roundness of the legs. 

Time stopped as I rested the stippled sole of the flip-flop on the lacy orbs on my lap. I tapped it once, twice, three times, then raised it high, swung down hard. The Crack! was loud in the small bedroom, as was Jenny's cry.

'Aaah! Fuck!'

I swung again. Crack! An intake of breath from Jenny. Another Crack!

'Oooow. Jesus!'

I was finding my rhythm, and a barrage of slaps rained down on the bouncing cheeks in quick succession, left cheek, right cheek, left, right, with the occasional stinging slap across the whole width of that pert backside. Bright red skin was now contrasting sharply with the white lace, and Jenny was squirming on my lap, kicking her legs wildly and giving voice to a series of cries and squeals. I released my grip and she was on her feet in an instant, hands clutched to her stinging backside. 

'Jesus, Jesus, that fucking hurts.'

She was hopping from foot to foot, trying vainly to quell the fire I'd lit. Eventually, she stopped, and slowly peeled the lace briefs from her burning backside. I took her hand and gently led her to the bed, laid her face down and stroked the angry redness.

'You got any body lotion?' I asked.

From the mattress came a single muffled word. 'Bathroom.' I found some cocoa butter and gently smoothed it on to her punished bottom. She let out a deep shuddering sigh. 'God, that feels good.' I concentrated on the reddened buttocks first, then started to spread it a little further, into the cleft between her thighs.

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My hands travelled further, and my probing fingers found the moist entrance to her clit. She pushed back into my hand, and arched her back, raising her bottom. I took my hand away and gently turned her over on her back. A long, low moan escaped her throat as she lay back and opened her legs wide. I lowered my mouth to her lips.  

Much later we parted with a quick smooch, then a slower one, and arranged for Jenny to turn up at mine at seven the next Saturday. As I was driving home, both uniforms in a bin bag on the seat beside me, I realised that I'd spent so long pleasuring Jenny that I'd missed out on a spanking, and sex. The thought made me randy. I found Jeff in the garage, using a cross trainer instead of his usual weights machines for once.

'Your muscles developed enough then, big boy?' I teased. He stepped down from the machine and grabbed me in a bear hug. 

'I've missed you. Haven't seen you since Monday. What you got in the bag?' He started to reach for it.

'Never you mind. And you're all sweaty. If you're after a shag you'd either better shower or wait for me to get down here and build up a sweat of my own.'

Before he could answer I skipped up the stairs and stowed the bin bag away. I opened the laptop and clicked the link. Jeff was back on his favourite weight machine, and he was staring at the camera, with a huge smile plastered on his face. I laughed and started to get changed into my gym gear. Time for a quick workout and then some sweaty sex.

I was on the treadmill for about twenty minutes when I was grabbed in a bear hug by my landlord.

'Come with me,' he said and led me out of the gym towards his house.

I found myself, for the first time, in Jeff's bedroom. I didn't waste time in peeling off my gym gear and just beat him in getting naked; he was sitting on the edge of the bed pulling off one last sock when I stood in front of him.

'Take a look at my ass,' I commanded and turned round so he could do just that. 'What do you see?'

'Perfection. Round, firm, sweet perfection,' he said reverently.

'Well, yeah, obviously,' I said. 'Anything else? What about the colour?'

'Alabaster. Also perfection.'

'It's the same colour as the rest of me, is it not?'

'Of course it is...'

I looked over my shoulder and saw his expression change as the penny dropped. I shrieked as his strong hands grabbed me by the waist and he flung me over his lap. He opened his legs wide, balancing me, and I tensed my body, holding my legs straight out behind me, knowing that this showed my cheeks off to their best advantage. I could tell how much Jeff appreciated this by the rapid growth of his erection against my groin as he rested his right hand on my perfect, alabaster rear. 

'Time to introduce a little colour.'

I felt the hand leave my cheek and cried out with pleasure as it landed again with a Smack! that echoed round the room. The familiar warmth started to spread, and I squirmed and bucked on his lap as his hand, cupped slightly for maximum effect, slapped one cheek then the other in a rapid succession of hard blows. The impact made my legs kick air as my hands held onto his leg for dear life. The rapid fire staccato sound of my cheeks turning a deep red echoed around the room, mingling with my cries of pain and pleasure. I could feel his erection, rock hard, pressing against me, which gave my writhing an added pleasure.

After a good two minutes of steady, hard spanking he stopped and cupped my burning globes.

'God, how I've missed this,' he said. I was panting too much to reply. I tried to get up, but he held me down with his left arm. 'Who said you could get up?' he growled.

A powerful open-handed Smack! against both cheeks had me arch my back and cry out. Two more full, powerful Smacks across my burning backside and I was on my feet, hips gyrating as my hands tried vainly to put out the fire.

I glanced down at Jeff's erection, which looked about ready to explode. Without any warning, his hands were at my waist again, and I was on my back on the bed. I just had time to register the coolness of the sheets on my smarting backside and spread my legs wide when I felt a rock hard erection presenting itself at the gates of heaven.

Jeff steadied himself on his arms and with a single fluid movement drove in, filling me completely. I moaned in ecstasy as he started slowly pulling almost fully out, so only the tip of his cock was inside me, then plunging back to the root. With each thrust, he pressed my punished backside into the mattress, and I started to respond to the pain with a determined pelvic upthrust. Jeff kept his deliberate pace, but I wanted more. My thrusts became quicker, sharper, and he got the message. The pace of our coupling increased and soon we were slamming into each other as if there were no tomorrow. I felt that slow sweet churning inside that signalled the start of my orgasm.

I called out: 'Harder! Fuck me!' and dug my nails into his back. I felt his cock twist, and thicken. He grunted and pumped into me as my orgasm peaked and my entire body arched in ecstasy.

Utterly spent, we lay together while the aftershocks subsided. Jeff raised his head, his cock still inside me, and kissed me full on the mouth. I held his head above me. I had always thought his eyes were brown, but now I could see flecks of lighter brown, almost like highlights, in them. The connection I felt with him at that point was so intense it was almost physical.

'I love your eyes,' I said, and pulled his head down for another long, sensuous kiss. I felt him twitch inside me. 

'I love your eyes too, they're amazing,' he said. 'I love everything about you.'

He took a deep breath, and I found I was holding my own breath. He smiled, a wide, free smile.

'I love you, Laura.'

His cock, held in my vice-like grip, started to harden and grow. I savoured the feeling as he filled me again. When he was back to his best I wrapped my legs around his and clasped both hands on his ass.

'Slowly this time,' I whispered. 'Let's make it last.'

We hardly moved at all for so long I lost track of time, concentrating on the tiniest movement of his cock and my hips. Sex became almost entirely cerebral; we seemed to meld into one being, one entity. When we gave in to our lust and moved we moved together, more in tune with each other than ever before. Our shared climax was the most sensual experience of my life. I know it was the same for Jeff.

After it was over I curled my leg round his and settled my head into the hollow of his shoulder. It felt right. I was sated, utterly relaxed, and my bottom stung in a way that I just knew it would still be sore tomorrow. Life did not get any better than this.

Written by rxx
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