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The Reckoning

"A young woman starts her journey into the world of corporal punishment"

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My name is Amanda Johnson I am twenty-five years old, I finally left full-time education this summer. I had barely passed my business studies degree and like many students, my finances are in poor shape. After a nervous few months, I secured a job in IT Security Sales. The problem was that the position was in Poole, Dorset, I live in the West Midlands. As I had attended University in my hometown this would be my first time stepping out on my own.

My Mother used to work with someone who lived in Dorset and found that her friend’s daughter lived alone and had a large house in an affluent area of Poole. This house had a self-contained flat in an annex. After a bit of persuasion, I was offered this annex at a reasonable rent for a six-month period.

I travelled to Poole in the first week of August and met Anita for the first time. She was in her mid-thirties, tall, and very striking. She was self-assured, and her house was fantastic. She worked for an American bank and was responsible for their Middle East Investments. I soon discovered she was a very driven person and worked long hours and judging by the house got high rewards. She did not seem to have much of a social life she did have a few callers who came and stayed for an hour and left. She was however the image of a high-performing successful businesswoman. I was quite in awe of her and would love to be as successful as she obviously was.

The annex was attached to the main house and although there was a connecting door we agreed this would be kept locked. So, I had my own front door for the first time in my life, it all felt very exciting.

I spent that weekend looking around the town and all too soon Monday brought the first day in the new job. Everything was good for the first few weeks before it all started to go wrong. I fell in with the wrong crowd and spent too much of my time partying and living beyond my means. My new friend Shelia never seemed to have any money and I seemed to always be paying for drinks and tickets for the events we attended. Things came to a head when she asked to borrow £1000 until Monday, I reluctantly agreed. By Monday she had disappeared along with my money. That money was going to pay the rent.

In a panic, I knocked on Anita’s front door and asked if I could talk to her. She showed me into her lounge and after getting coffees I explained.

“I cannot pay the rent this month, I am so very sorry.”

Anita looked closely at me. “You knew the rent is due on the first of the month, why can you not pay?” She remained calm but there was a steely edge to her voice.

“I lent some money to a friend, and she has disappeared.”

"You have no other money?”

 “No,” at this point it all came out. I started crying and told Anita about the fact I had maxed out all my credit cards, my overdraft was at its limit, my boss was concerned about my performance at work, and that my so-called friends had let me down.

Anita listened and said. “I have also been worried about you. You are out all the time, I looked into the annex the other day and it is a tip. I am disappointed in you.”

I was ashamed at her disappointment, and I knew she had every right to feel the way she did.

“Do you want to get yourself back on track?” Anita asked. She looked at me and it seemed to me she could see into my soul.

“Yes, I am in a total mess, and I don’t know what to do for the best.”

“You need structure and discipline.” This was the first time I had heard her use the word discipline and it did not register. Very soon it would have a whole new meaning in my life. “I will give you a very stark choice, you accept my help in putting you back on the right track. That means we work together to come up with a plan and you will stick to it. Or I am afraid I will have to ask you to vacate the annex by the weekend.”

“Please I want to stay.”

“So, you accept you need structure and discipline?”

“Yes, please I look at your success and I would love to be more like you.”

“We are going to meet every Thursday evening for a reckoning, which means we will look back at the last week and set goals for the next week. Shortcomings will have consequences. Are you still happy?”

“What do you mean by consequences?”

“I mean corporal punishment; I am a very firm believer in its merits.”

“You mean to spank me?”

“Spank you yes, more often I mean to cane you.”

I stared at her open-mouthed. I had never been spanked and certainly never caned. There was however just a small part of me that was curious, and I was ashamed to admit a little excited.

“You have managed to get yourself in a complete mess, your life appears to be going nowhere but downhill and I am offering you a way to get everything on track. I am not a sadist, but I do believe that corporal punishment is an effective way of bringing about change. I was bought up in a strict regime I owe a lot of my success today to being able to live a disciplined life.”

I sat for what seemed a long time contemplating what I had just been told, I did want to get back on track and was ashamed of the situation I was in. I was also scared of submitting myself to the cane. However, there was still the excitement lurking behind the fear.

“Well do you accept my terms?”

"Yes, I do, but I am very scared.”

 “That is a good place to start, it will help you to focus on getting everything back together. On Thursday come over a seven o’clock. We will talk about your finances, your goals, and how you are going to improve. I would also warn you to expect your first punishment on Friday evening.”

On Thursday I was shown into the dining room. We sat side by side at the table and went through my finances in detail. We agreed on a plan to get things back in order. We also agreed I should start to get fitter as I was putting weight on. I would also keep the annex tidy and that it would be inspected regularly. We discussed my job and what was needed to make it a success. As we would be talking on a far more regular basis, we agreed the connecting door would be left unlocked. After two hours I was feeling much happier I could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel if was still a long tunnel but there was a way forward.

“So, you agree that we have a plan?”

“Yes, thank you so much, Anita.”

“You may not thank me tomorrow. I propose to give you six strokes of the cane tomorrow evening. This is less than a usual punishment, but you will then know what to expect.”

Although I had been expecting something like this it was still a shock. “Yes, I suppose so.”

“I want you dressed for bed at seven o’clock tomorrow evening. I will see you in your bedroom and I expect you to take your punishment well. After my visit, you will want to go to bed for the night, although you will probably sleep on your stomach. I will see you tomorrow.”

Although terrified there was a twinge in my pussy when she said this. We said good night and I was left to worry about tomorrow.

All the next day my mind was in turmoil. What was it going to be like? Would I be able to stand it? Along with many other thoughts. Also, there was excitement, it was hidden but definitely there. That evening I had a bath and dressed for bed. I chose my winter nightie that was both very long and made of thick material, in addition, I wore my biggest panties. I was not certain they would make any difference but it was worth trying. By six-fifty I was sitting on my bed awaiting my fate. It seemed like a long ten minutes, but all too soon I heard the connecting door open and Anita entered my room. She was dressed formally and in her hand was a cane. I had never seen one close up before and I could not take my eyes off it.

“Are you ready?” She was straight down to business.

“I think so, yes.”

“Then place all four of your pillows in the middle of the bed and lay yourself over them bottom uppermost.”

I did as I had been requested.

“Right pull your nightie up.”

This was it. I have a shapely body, my boobs are full and I do have a broad bottom, but I like to think it is shapely. I am not going to win any beauty contests, but I am comfortable with myself. I got into the position requested. My bottom shapely or otherwise felt very vulnerable when laid over the pillows. It also felt very large.

“Do you normally wear knickers to bed?”

“No,” I replied.

“Then why are you wearing them now? Are you trying to avoid your punishment?”

“I thought it would be ok.”

“I asked you to be dressed for bed. You disobeyed. Take them off, you will now receive an extra stroke.”

I stood and took off my knickers and put them on the floor.

“You should get an extra stroke for dropping your clothes on the floor, you need to be tidier. I will overlook it this time. Back over the pillows.”

I could not believe she even thought of punishing me more for putting my knickers on the floor.

I got back into position bottom uppermost.

“Legs wide apart.”

I opened my legs. In this position there was nothing hidden, my pussy and all my charms were visible to Anita. Five minutes ago this woman had never seen me naked and here I was spread-eagled before her gaze.

“Right seven strokes, I will give you four from this side of the bed and three from the opposite side. Keep your bottom always pushed up, I also like to punish a relaxed bottom. No unnecessary noise and do not protect your bottom with your hands. Is that clear?”

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“Yes,” I replied miserably.

“First one coming up.”

I heard the whoosh of the cane and a split second later it impacted in the centre of my bottom, I screamed and jumped and put my hands back to rub the pain away. I could not believe the sting of that first stroke.

“Did you not hear what I said about making a fuss?”

“I am so sorry, it hurts.”

“It is meant to. It means you will remember and hopefully change to avoid the same fate in the future. That stroke does not count. Seven more to come.”

I gripped the duvet and held on. The next few minutes were so painful but finally, I managed to take my punishment without incurring any additional strokes. My bottom was on fire.

“That completes your first caning. In the future, I will expect you to remain still and dignified during your punishment. You will receive a minimum of three strokes every Friday we will decide the exact number at the Thursday reckoning. With this, she left.

I walked stiff-legged to the bathroom, washed the tears off my face, and inspected my poor bottom. Eight stripes were visible each adding to the pain that I felt. I went back to bed and as Anita has predicted I lay on my stomach. After an hour, the pain turned slowly to a warm glow, and excitement returned. I felt myself getting wet and reached down to masturbate myself to orgasm. I was re-living the caning and the dominant Anita filled my thoughts. Eventually, I drifted off to a night of deep sleep.

At eight-thirty on Saturday morning. I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I had been dozing and not expecting to be disturbed. Before I could answer Anita entered the room. “I have come to inspect the damage and to apply some cream to your bottom. Roll over.”

My mind was still muddled by sleep, I had been laying on my side but rolled over as the duvet was pulled aside.

“This would be easier without your nightie. Can you take it off for me?”

I should have said something but instead, I complied and found myself naked face down on the bed.

“Legs apart.”

I did as I had been asked and again found myself exposed to Anita’s gaze. Anita started rubbing smoothing cream into my bottom and it felt lovely. She ran her fingers along my stripes and started to rub the cream into the crease of my bottom. She then explored where my bottom met my thighs and rubbed cream onto my inner legs. She then paused.

“Did you masturbate last night?”

There seemed no point in denying it as she could see my pussy and no doubt, she knew the answer to her question already.

“Yes, I did,” I said blushing.

“And what did you think about?”

“You,” I answered honestly.

“Interesting, and was I punishing you?”

“Yes, with your cane.”

“Very interesting.”

The massage went on for another few minutes. During this time Anita’s fingers brushed my pussy and I vainly tried to push myself onto her fingers. Then Anita said. “Your pubic hair is unruly. I wish you to shave it off. Present yourself in my kitchen this time tomorrow and I will inspect both your bottom and your pussy.” With this, she left.

I was immensely aroused. I could not understand what was happening to me.

I spent Saturday tidying up the annex. I had let it get in a mess and I felt much better for both the distraction of the activity and for the achievement. I reflected it as strange that I was going to shave myself that evening even though I had never done this before, but it felt like the right thing to do.

In the bath that evening I shaved it felt very weird although very sexy, I admired my stripes again in the bathroom mirror. I was strangely proud of them. I did feel I deserved them and bizarrely I felt that somehow, they had helped me turn over a new leaf. I slept soundly that night better than for a long time.

Eight-thirty on Sunday morning. I walked into Anita’s kitchen dressed only in my dressing gown.

“Glad to see you are punctual, do you want coffee?”

We chatted for twenty minutes or so and the atmosphere felt very different than previously. I was strangely comfortable.

Anita finally said. “Let’s see the results then.”

I stepped out of my dressing gown and showed my stripes.

“Bend forward,” I did as I was told. I lent onto the breakfast table and felt Anita kneel behind me. I sensed her head close to my bottom and then felt her gently cup my buttocks and gently pull them apart.

“You have left a few hairs here, around your anus. Remember that at the reckoning on Thursday it will be one extra stroke of the cane.”

I could not believe it; I was to be caned for failing to shave my anus properly. I bit off the reply I was going to give and instead said. “Thank you I will do better in the future.”

I received a slap on my bottom and Anita said. “That looks a lot neater, almost good enough to eat.” She smiled at me, and I felt a now-familiar pulse through my pussy.

“Let’s spend an hour this afternoon discussing your job and how you can make that better. Then I would like you to come over at just before seven o’clock this evening there is something I would like you to see.” No other information was forthcoming.

That afternoon we discussed my job, Anita had some great ideas for improving my performance at work, we discussed sales strategies and she shared many tips on winning business. It was obvious to me why she was so successful. At the end of the session, I felt more in control of that part of my life as well.

Later I found myself in her lounge just before seven o’clock. The doorbell rang and Anita showed a gentleman into the room. He looked extremely nervous and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw me sitting on the sofa.

Anita said. “Amanda this is Peter, Peter this is Amanda. Peter is here for his monthly punishment this evening. Amanda has just started her punishment regime and I thought it would be good for her to witness your caning.”

Peter went bright red, and I was sure I looked the same.

“Peter, I want you naked.”

“But she is here,” he stammered.

“Consider it part of your punishment. If it helps you Amanda is herself sitting on a striped bottom from her caning on Friday. Now strip or I will be awarding extras.”

I watched as Peter slowly and reluctantly removed his clothing. He was trying as much as possible to hide from me. This is no easy task when you are naked and no more than three yards from someone.

“Arms by your side and face this way.”

Peter stood facing us, his penis was fully erect. His face was a picture of misery. Here he was stood naked in front of a stranger he met five minutes earlier.

“Right stand in the corner facing the wall. Amanda, you stay there and no talking. I will go and prepare myself.” With this, she left. It was a very strange atmosphere in the room. Peter stood naked facing the wall, and I was on the sofa watching him. Eventually, Anita came back into the room, and what a sight. She was wearing a black latex basque, black gloves, stockings, and suspenders with knee-length black boots. She looked extremely strict and very, very sexy. She was holding a cane in her right hand.

“I do like to dress for the occasion. Right Peter you know the position. Remember to bend right over and keep still during your punishment.”

Peter turned and said. “Yes, Mistress.” He walked to the middle of the room turned and bent right over his hands were holding his legs behind his knees and his pale white bottom was facing me.

“What do you say.”

“Can you please cane my bottom, Mistress?”

I could not believe it. I had never heard someone being called Mistress. Although looking at Anita I could see why. Peter was bent right over, his legs braced and ready for his punishment. I was finding this very exciting; my pussy was flooded.

“Keep yourself in that position. Twelve strokes coming up.”

With this, she walked to stand next to him and tapped his bottom with the cane. There was a look of intense concentration on her face. She drew back the cane and landed the first stroke. Immediately a white line appeared across Peter's bottom, and this quickly turned a vivid red. Peter did manage to stay in position for the first five strokes and then he jerked as the cane struck him low across his buttocks.

“What did I say, you must keep still. That stroke will be repeated and a penalty stroke added.”

I could not believe it. I thought he was doing well. I was however fascinated. He did manage to avoid any other additional strokes and his bottom did look very sore after his fourteen strokes.

“Well done, you may dress now. I will see you next month.”

I noticed his erection had gone as Peter hurriedly dressed and left the house.

“What do you think of this outfit I was asked.”

 “You look stunning I answered. Powerful and a bit scary.”

 “You do say the nicest things.”

 “Do you punish many people?”

 “Currently I have seven people who regularly come here and about ten others who visit on an ad-hoc basis.”

 She said this as if this was perfectly normal.

 “Did you enjoy watching?”

 “Yes, it was scary but also exciting.”

 As I stood to leave, Anita came to me and gave me a passionate kiss goodnight. “I also find you exciting were her final words to me.”

 The End.

Written by DorsetP
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