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The Princess Chronicles – Guest House Consequences

"Please read The Princess Chronicles - Playtime in the Guest House first..."

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My mind is racing; thoughts, so many thoughts: What did I do? Did I disappoint him, again? Is Sweets in trouble? He was really angry sounding, am I scared of Him angry? You are nuts princess, you trust Him with your life. You are no more scared of Him than of your pinkie finger, just stop. I keep thinking and thinking.

I haven’t even made it to the door of the house yet, I know better than to run around the pool. The last thing I want to happen is for my swimming privileges to be taken away. We have a gorgeous pool, slate beach entrance with a grotto area, a great place for parties or to just relax in the hidden hot tub area. I want to see if he is coming yet, I don’t turn around though. I just continue on my journey to my room.

I turn the knob, the alert from the alarm beeps, it startles me. My thoughts return to trying to get to my room. Goose bumps form all over my body as the cool air from the house hits my skin. Moments pass quite slowly. I can’t believe I’m going to be punished, and I don’t even know why. It is very rare, that I am sent to think without any thoughts given to me to ponder.

I did not touch myself. Sweets never touched me, right? No she didn’t, it was all me. I completed all my chores. I had nowhere to be. So I was not late to anything. My Knight is attempting to teach me to be on time or even early, I have a five minute grace period for appointments, that do not keep others waiting.

The tile under my feet is cold, the music on the radio is quiet but I can hear the song. ‘Your kiss, your kiss, is on her lips’ and now that is in my head. Oh why can I only remember that part of the song? The house is so quiet. I reach the stairs and begin to ascend when I hear the door bell.

Shit, what do I do? Answer it, or continue up the stairs. We are expecting a package, and it probably needs a signature, unless the guy just wants to ring the door bell and run. I begin to take a step down and...

“Princess, you have no clothes on,” my Knight says through the intercom.

“Oh dear he is right, what was I thinking, clearly I was not. How does He do that?”

We don’t have cameras, He always just knows. It is like He is in my head and my body all the time. The connection is uncanny at best, only one sided; His side, and it drives me bonkers.

Up the stairs I go, I pick up the pace. I must be in position when He gets to my room or I will automatically get swats and a privilege removed. Sometimes I don’t get a physical punishment, or privileges revoked. Those times I get a lecture by Him about my behavior or mistake, and that is worse. Although I can tell he is not in a lecture kind of mood. Almost to my room, the first door at the top of the stairs.

I reach for the handle and realize I hear noises on the inside, mind goes into over drive.

Who is in my room? Why is there someone in my room? It is MY room! The only place in the whole house that is mine, all mine. Most of my punishments happen here, my thinking, my school work, my writings, all the “my” stuff.

“WHO IS IN MY ROOM?” I yell as I open the door and scare Abby out of her wits. Abby is the 16 year old daughter of the lady that comes to clean twice a month. She come and helps out her mom sometimes, but apparently wasn’t told my room is off limits. I realize my error as I hear the intercom beep and here.

“Janie, who was at the door?” my Knight says to the cleaning lady.

I don’t wait for a response, I just continue to my thinking spot. Head facing the wall, nose touching the wall, toes touching the wall, hands laid on one another at the small of my back. I know Abby is watching me, but I have already screwed up and yelled in the house. I was going to my thinking spot, so I can’t say anything. I am naked and up against a wall like a child in time out, she is probably freaking out. Oh dear, what am I going to tell Sir? I’m supposed to be thinking, about what I don’t have a clue; but my thought process at the moment is so far from the reason I was sent to my room.

I am going nuts. I need a dark quiet room. I need to be fucked. I need to cum. I need my Knight. I need my Sweets. I need a drink. I need, I need, I need. I am quite the needy princess at the moment.

Footsteps on the stairs, footsteps in the hallway, the door is open, just like it is suppose to be. I can feel His presence in the doorway, just watching me. I am still, quiet as a mouse. That is the weirdest saying, really a mouse, their nails on the wood, they are not quiet, but whatever.

He walks in, sits on the comfy chaise lounge and says, “Princess, come here.”

I walk over to Him. Stand before Him; hands still at the small of my back, legs slightly apart, looking down.

“Kneel, princess.”

Damn really, He never makes me kneel. I have to kneel for lectures, well part of them. He wants me to have multiple things to help me remember the infraction so that I don’t do it again.

I kneel, looking straight in to His eyes, my hands laid on one another at the small of my back, shoulders straight, feet together, and knees slightly apart. He begins speaking,

“I have spoken to Sweets, now I will speak to you. Tell me why you are here.”

Oh man, I hate that. I don’t know what He is talking about. This line of talking always gets me in trouble. Here goes nothing:

“Well Sweets and I were bored and so I wanted to see how far she would let me go. Sir, it was amazing. You would be so proud of me. She thought I was going to wax her; she was ready to do anything I told her. I was having so much fun. I can’t wait to do it again.”

I don’t think I even took a breath, wow. I can’t tell if He is happy, amused, mad, disappointed or angry. Can’t believe I kept my position, I was so elated and excited while telling Him. Damn it, why won’t He respond, very annoying. Man, I need to stop talking in my head.

“Princess, stop. You know I want what you were thinking about and not the events that lead to you being here. I expect you to have been here thinking about the reason we are going to have this talk, not about the fun you had that got you to this point. If all I wanted you to do was to re-live the excitement you had today I would have just let you tell me this evening. I suppose you have no idea why you have made me so upset.”

“No, Sir, I do not,” I respond, take a breath and begin again.

“Sir, I don’t recall what I could have possibly done. I had all my chores done. I was to be nowhere today. I only had my playing with myself or having someone else play with me privileges revoked. I did not do any of that. Sweets was the only one that was touched, the only touching she did was kiss me. I was very sure so I would not get in to trouble. I would never….”

“PRINCESS!” He bellows.

Then calmly and sternly He begins again, “You know that is horse shit. The reason you’re here is because you know that the reason you can’t be touched by you or another is so that you don’t orgasm, not only that; who did you ask permission from? Sweets, she knows better than to give it to you.

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You tell her everything, so she knew you would be up here. You knew you were skirting a line that you can’t control. Now, go get the hair brush, the belt, the cane, and the clamps.”

I gasp loudly, frozen in position. I have really made him mad. I try to will myself up, it’s not working.


I jump up and run to retrieve the items. I toss them on the chaise, and realize that was a mistake. I can’t seem to do anything right. I begin to put them in the nice neat fashion that my Knight likes them in. His hand lays over mine. He grips it and pulls me to Him. Tears are streaming down my face, I can’t stop them. All I hear are his words:

“Princess, I love you, but you must obey me. Only doing what I say is not good enough. You knew full well what I meant. You know you can’t control your orgasm, and pleasing will bring you to orgasm just as much as receiving. Now you will be punished. Sweets will watch because she will also be punished. The door will remain open just as it was in the guest house. You didn’t care who saw what you were doing in there, so all can see what is going on in here.”

“But, but…” I begin to speak; a finger is put over my mouth to shush me.

“Princess, don’t test me. You have retrieved a fine selection for me to choose from do not make me use them all on you.” He kisses my forehead and says. “I love you, shall we begin?”

“Yes, Sir,” I whimper. I lay over his lap to await my punishment.

“Princess, you will say ‘thank you’ after each swat give you with my hand.”

The first one takes me by surprise, and I manage to get thank you out after each one. He is pleased that I’m able to keep my composure. My mind starts to wonder in the brief time when he pauses to rub my bottom.

“Sweets is watching, where is she? Is Abby still in here? Did Janie come in?”


“Princess, don’t worry about who is where, now stand and wait.”

Standing facing the wall, I can’t see the rest of the room. Geez, He did that on purpose. I don’t know how He knew, wait who am I fooling? He always knows what I am thinking, always. He goes to get the chair at my dressing table. He sits on it.

I’m waiting, my bottom all red on display for who knows who. I don’t move, I have him upset enough already. I can hear small movements around the room; I know someone is in here. Sweets is one, but who else? Oh why can’t I see them, this is torture. All in His plan, I am sure. The lecture within ear shot of Abby. Sweets, I am sure is in the room. He is trying my limits little by little.

Then I hear Him. “Princess, get on the chaise knees on the seat and arms on the side. You will get twenty swats with the belt and then ten with the cane. You will count each and every one then tell me 'thank you sir, may I have another?'"

He reads this in a book; I never had to count before. The finding while doing research was that counting and having to remember to say something keeps the punished from going in to subspace, and they most likely will remember the spanking all the more. It works, the last spanking I received, I was to do this and I was not able to make the pain just go numb. Stupid books.

Whoosh, the sound of the first one; I cringe and jump.

“One, Thank you Sir, May I have another?”

The succession is quite rapid, and the position varies from the top of my bottom to my mid thighs. He wants to be sure I never forget this punishment. Managing to get all the way to the end without moving much was a feat. All the way to twenty, my bottom is stinging, my thighs are burning. The sit spot is aching like a numbing tingle that is so painful, and there is no way how I can endure the cane.

He gently runs His hand over my back side, looking at his handy work and says,

“My, My princess you are reddened quite nicely, welts are starting to form. I see the wetness between your legs; just wait till that nice firm cane comes across your legs and bottom. Of course unless you want me to not put it there…”

I jump up and put my arms around him and say, “Sir, really no cane, please, please I have learned my lesson. I promise.”

He picks me up and sets me down on the chaise, and begins, “Whatever, princess, did I say that made you think no cane?”

My heart sank. Oh no, what does that mean? I thought, and I soon found out as He put the cuffs on my wrist and ankles. He does not attach them. He leans me back knees up and places my knees wide apart the spreader bar is attached to my ankles. He places my hands above my heads and instructs, “Sweets, come here and hold princess hands where they are, and Do Not Let them go, do you understand?”

Sweets responds, “Yes, Sir.”

Suddenly I hear the cane, and then feel it as it comes across my nipples. The next finds my pussy lips, not giving me any time to react. Sweets is hurting my wrist, she is tightening her grip every time He makes contact with me. He is alternating between my pussy and my breast until he gets to six. Then the last four are directly on my pussy, He manages to catch my clit when the cane comes down the center on the last one.

The pain is excruciating. I just lay there, I’m not moving until I have to. I know I will have to get up, my entire body is screaming from the thrashing. Tears streaming down my face, I look up at Sweets who has tears too.

“Princess, get up,” He says.

I get up and stand before Him; trying with all my might to not rub my backside or my breast. He looks at me heartbroken. I know that I have disappointed Him, in His eyes I have lied to myself about what His intended meaning was and that is not acceptable.

“Sir, please let me speak. I’m sorry I have disappointed you. There was no excuse for what happened. I will be better in the future.”

He looks sternly at me and begins, “You, my princess, have not been given permission to speak, preceding the statement with 'please' doesn’t constitute that it will be granted. You know what you have done and have been given the first part of your punishment. Now for the second part you will be blindfolded, you will be silent or you will be gagged and punished. There will be no release for you until I grant it. Now kneel.”

I kneel, looking straight in to His eyes, my hands laid on one another at the small of my back, shoulders straight, feet together, and knees slightly apart. A blindfold is placed over my eyes and secured at the back of my head. The clamps I brought with the other things are placed on my right nipple then my left.

I gasp loudly, biting my lip knowing better than to speak, but it hurts so badly. I hate the clamps. I feel them tighten, He is tightening them, and they are starting to go numb. He lets go of them and it feels as though they are being pulled down. Oh no he has put weights on them.

“Buzz, Buzz”. I hear it before I feel it. “Oh god, my nipples are vibrating. These are not my nipple clamps, they must be new.”

Then He speaks in a very hushed tone I can’t hear. “Sweets, you are in for a treat my dear.”

“MmMmMmMmMm.” I know that sound, it is Sweets.

Written by TxPrincess for publication on LushStories Only!

Written by TxPrincess
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