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The Perfect Bitch Part 2 - the Spanking

"The world's worst roommate lays down the law."

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She said, “You clearly need more discipline. Get your clothes off and get into the living room. Now. I so should’ve spanked you last night.”

Half sitting upright and still tangled up in my sheets, I stared at her, my mouth hanging open. My mind was thinking Just say no and run away, but something much deeper inside my heart couldn’t resist her, couldn’t stand that I’d angered her, that I’d disappointed her.

She turned and walked out of my room; she’d changed into gray sweats, but her ass still looked amazing. Did she do yoga? Kick boxing? How do you get an ass like that? I really wanted to see her in a thong again, or naked. Naked would be really good.

Like I was in a trance, because maybe I was, I slowly climbed off the bed and followed her. I made it two steps into the living room, stopped and stared at her sitting on the couch, tapping the hairbrush against her thigh. She was still plenty pissed. She looked at me, which turned my legs to jello. “Didn’t I say to get undressed, then get into the living room? That's it, you’ve earned extras with the belt.”

Even those words couldn't increase the adrenaline that was pouring through my body, because it was already maxed out. I could’ve run a five-minute mile right then or done a thousand jumping jacks.

She hopped off the couch, came around behind it. “I really do not like repeating myself. Ever. Do you need help getting undressed?” Quick as a cat, she popped me on the back of my thigh with the hairbrush. Ouch. Holy crap it stung. “Get those shorts off. Or do you want more extras?”

“No, please…”

“Is that how you address me?” She popped me again on the thigh.

“Sorry, Miss.” I tried to unbutton my shorts, but my hands were shaking so bad, the first button wouldn’t come undone. And she was right there, so close, so damn tall, and all that was her—her anger, her beauty, her strength and confidence, her sexuality—overwhelming me.

“You’re a mess. Put your hands on your head. Stand still.”

That I managed to do. I stood there, embarrassed and with my hands on my head as she started to undo my shorts. Of course the button popped right open for her. Without any hesitation, she hooked her thumbs inside my shorts and panties and pulled them down to my ankles. Her beautiful, long brown hair brushed against the top of my thigh, so tantalizingly close to my clit. The cool air felt electric across the wetness that was everything between my legs. The amount she could wind me up without even trying was insane. She pulled my tee shirt over my head, maneuvered each of my hands out of it, and tossed it into the corner. I started to lower my hands, but a smack to my ass stopped that. "Keep them on top of your head." 

Her phone rang. Looking even more annoyed, she walked over to the counter. She looked at the phone, then said to herself, “I’ll have to call you back later.”

Her attention turned back to me, which I so craved and so scared the shit out of me. Her hand touched my lower back, and she guided me towards the wall near the bathroom door. She pointed to a spot on the wall. “This is your naughty spot. Touch your nose to the spot.” Feeling like a naughty three-year-old, I did. She said, “From now on, if I tell you you’ve earned a spanking, you will immediately strip and put your nose on this spot, hands on your head. Understand?”

“Yes, Miss.” I was happy I remembered the Miss, but her hand cracked into each cheek, then again.

“You’re not to speak while on your naughty spot. You may nod your head, but that’s all.”

I nodded.

“Again, if I say to get to your naughty spot, or that you’re going to be spanked, you get naked as quick as you can and get your nose exactly where it is now.” I nodded again, several times, so she knew I understood. “I don’t care if my friends or over, or yours, you do it.” Two more spanks, to emphasize the point. The thought of someone watching me get spanked, Oh God, that was wicked. “If you don’t move quick enough, I might have to think up something creative, something you really wouldn’t like." She stood there, thinking up something wicked. It didn't take her long. "Like putting you here for a whole day…with the front door open. Maybe every hour, spank that bottom and put you back on the spot. Think our neighbors would like to watch that?”

Her fingers lightly ran up my spine. She said, “Oh, I like that idea. You better be good, so I don’t use that one on you.” A shiver went through me, hard and deep. She patted my butt. “Okay, I’m going to leave you here for a bit. When I come back, it will be time for your spanking.” She squeezed each butt cheek hard. “Enjoy how your ass feels now.”

She walked away, which I hated, not having her attention. The TV came on, and she flipped through channels for five or six minutes, apparently not finding anything she liked. The TV went off, and she walked into the bathroom, closed the door. My hands were falling asleep, so I quickly lowered them and shook my arms, my whole being focused on the bathroom door, for any hint of it opening. Thankfully it didn’t. Feeling like I’d gotten away with it, I put my hands back on my head. Maybe two minutes later, I heard the water running and she came back out. She went into her bedroom, rummaged around a bit, then came back and sat on the couch.

Then nothing, not a sound, which stretched out longer and longer. I knew it was getting close, that I was about to be spanked. The tension in the room grew heavier and heavier, my breathing speeding up with it. How much was it going to hurt? Still nothing, just the silence. Was she texting? Reading? I wanted to look but didn’t dare.

“Okay, it’s time. Come here." I was so on edge, I jumped with her words. This is it, I’m about to get spanked. I had the feeling it was going to happen a lot. I turned and took a step towards the couch.

“On your hands and knees would please me.”

I swallowed hard, then slowly slid down to my knees. The carpet felt scratchy and old, and I wondered if anyone else had ever crawled on it before, crawled towards a spanking. Were they as scared/nervous/excited as I was? I got to the front of the couch, her lovely feet suddenly right in front of me. I felt light headed, lost. I looked up at her, uncertain of what to do.

She lifted my head with her fingers, so I had to look into those damn eyes again. She must have been a very old soul, because no freshman should have had eyes like that—beautiful, yes, but they looked far older than her years, and wise, like they’d seen so much.

She said, “Ask to be spanked.“

What? That seemed like too much, but she was looking at me like it was the most normal thing on earth. With a little shrug, I said, “Miss, please spank me.”

That got a nod. “And why are you being spanked?”

“I…I woke you up last night.”

“What were you doing?”

In a whisper, I said, “Playing with myself.”

She picked up the hairbrush, took my hand and turned it palm up and smacked it with the hairbrush. Ouch ouch ouch. “Don’t forget your Miss’s.”

“Sorry, Miss.”

“And from now on, will you be playing with yourself without my permission?”

“Uh, no, Ma’am.”

“Good girl. And that’s right, from now on, nothing will be touching that little clit of yours unless I say so.”

“Yes, Miss.” God I liked that.

“So you were selfish, and you need to be punished?”

“Yes, Miss. Please spank me.”

She said, “You know you have the power to stop this. We can go back to just being roommates, pretend that you’re not staring at my ass or my tits all the time. Or my feet.”

I almost blurted out but you’re a horrible roommate. I swallowed instead, had to close my eyes, couldn’t stand her seeing more, seeing how much control she had over me. I had no idea if I could say no to anything she asked me to do. Okay, she didn’t ask me to do anything, I couldn’t say no to anything she told me to do. Ordered. I liked her orders. Her bossiness. That scared me. But more than anything, I wanted to be hers, and couldn’t stand the thought of being less than that.

She said, “Just say it. ‘Let’s go back to being roommates.’ Is that what you want? Or do you want to be my pet? My toy? My plaything, to do with as I please?”

I couldn’t talk. Couldn’t open my eyes. Couldn’t breathe. She waited, and I could feel the weight of what I was about to say, the choice I was about to make, that it would change my life and there would be no going back.

I opened my eyes.

“Well?” she asked.

“I…I…” I couldn’t say it, had no idea what was about to come out of my mouth. “I want to be yours.”

“My pet? My plaything?”

“Yes, your pet.”

“Mmmm…I’m going to have such wicked fun with you.” Her smile scared me. Excited me. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, then her tongue slowly traced my upper lip. That kiss might have been the best moment of my life. Then her voice got cold. “But once again you’ve forgotten your Miss’s. I’m afraid that’s six more with the belt.”

“Sorry, Miss.”

“Oh, you will be. Now, before a spanking, I think kissing my feet is an excellent way to show your submissiveness, your desire to please me.”

I’d missed her feet. I leaned down, eager and willing to kiss each toe, but she moved her foot away. “Uh uh, you need to ask first. Beg, really.”

“Please Miss, please let me kiss your feet.”

She nodded and extended her foot. I eagerly kissed her big toe, gave it a little lick, then worked my way down the line. “Some sucking would be good, too. I shouldn’t have to mention that. You should always try to exceed my expectations, always be learning what I like, what would please me. I should not have to tell you every little thing that pleases me.”

“Yes, Miss.” I sucked her big toe into my mouth, knowing I was naked in front of her, on my knees, my ass higher than my head, her fully clothed. I sucked hard, then ran the tip of my tongue around her toe.

“Mmm, good girl. That always makes me wet. And you are a good little toe-sucker. I bet you’d be a good little cock-sucker, too, if you weren’t a lesbian.” She let out a wicked little laugh. “Maybe we’ll have to see about that, too.” I wanted to object, but two of her toes were in my mouth, and I wasn’t sure I’d say no to even that.

“Okay, it’s time. Get over my lap.” The ice, the anger, was back in her voice. Reluctantly, I let her toes slip out of my mouth, looked up at her for a reprieve. There was none, she tapped her thigh with the hairbrush, and I climbed up and onto her lap. I so wished she wasn’t wearing the sweats, so I could feel the warmth of her skin, but couldn’t imagine asking her to take them off. Her hands guided me to where she wanted me, and it felt like my ass was way too far up in the air, way too vulnerable. “Put your arms behind your back.” I did, and she tied them together with something soft, I wasn’t sure what. “Keep your hands away from your ass. What will happen if you don’t?”

“More extras….Miss?” That felt close.

“Mm, you’re learning. Arch your back, get your butt up high. Please me.”

God, did those last two words work. I arched my back, strained, knowing I was showing her everything, my pussy, my asshole, my willingness to please her. Fuck.

“Good girl. Keep it nice and high.”

She ran a hand over my ass, slipped a finger over my asshole, slid it further down, to my pussy. “Still a wet, little slut, I see. An owned slut. We’ll see how wet you are when I’m done.”

Her hand rubbed my butt, then the hairbrush tapped my right cheek twice. I knew what was coming. Knew I’d never been spanked, not once in my life, but had always craved it, always rubbed my clit, thinking about it.


My body tensed, tight as a piano wire, but the first one didn’t hurt much. Of course she didn’t stop, crack crack crack crack, slowly growing harder and harder. After twenty or twenty-five, the pain started to build, my ass throbbing, my breathing harder and harder. The low ones were the worst, where my ass met my thighs.

She spanked me good.

I began to gasp with each crack, then the first tear started. My world shrunk down to my ass and the wicked hairbrush, and the sense of her so close to me. It hurt, it hurt a lot, but I wanted it, needed it. I'd upset her, been selfish, and I deserved it.

Crack, crack, crack, over and over and over, the hairbrush roasting my ass. The tears were running now, sobs mixed in with the gasps, then another door opened, and I was crying, snot flowing, the heat getting worse and worse. Crack, crack, crack. All over, both cheeks.

“You’re squirming around. Stop that. Get that ass back up nice and high. I really don’t think you can handle any more with the belt, but if I have to…”

I adjusted. Made sure my hands were away from my ass. Arched my back and lifted my poor, sore, and no doubt bruised ass up for her.

“Good girl.”

Crack, crack, crack, the pain building and building, until it was too much. “Please, Miss,” I said.

She did even pause, didn’t even acknowledge my begging. She did what she wanted.

A few minutes later, which felt like three lifetimes, it did stop. She rubbed my very, very sore cheeks, squeezed them, which took my breath away. “It’s almost red enough. Twenty more on each cheek, and we’ll be done. Well, except for the belt.” It sounded like she was smiling. “Lift up, ask for the twenty.”

Though I didn’t think I could take twenty, I arched up. “Please, Miss, twenty more please.”

“Of course.” She did, first all twenty on my right cheek, then twenty more on my left. I was crying like a tired and hungry (and spanked) two-year-old when she was done.

She patted my bottom. “Good girl, you did well.” Those words cut through the pain, made me feel beyond proud. She continued to rub my ass, my lower back and my thighs, as she said sweet, little things, until my crying calmed down. Her hand continued to brush across my tortured bottom, little, light circles, her fingertips cool against the on-fire skin of my ass. The circles slowly moved to the line between my cheeks, then lower, teasing my asshole. I spread my legs for her, wide as I could on the couch, and her fingers went lower, to my pussy. Ever so slowly, a finger slid deep into me.

“You’re even wetter than before.”

The finger didn’t move, just sat there, driving me crazy. I moved my hips, trying to hump against it. She slid it out, then back in, freeing a low moan from my lips. Another finger joined the first, and both slid all the way into me, one slow millimeter at a time. Jesus, me the one that takes forever to come, and I was already close. The fingers slowly disappeared from my pussy, then, coated in my wetness, the slid lower and found my clit. Another moan, louder this time.

“Do you like that?”

I nodded. “Yes, Miss.” My voice was a husky mess.

Her fingertips pushed my clit around, in little circles, making it wet and slick. “Oh, God, please, please Miss.” I was so close, it felt so good, the mix of pain from my spanking, the waves of pleasure. I arched up, ready to come, maybe harder than the night before.

Her fingers disappeared.

I cried out, “Pleeeasssseeee…” So so so close. One more little rub and I’d be coming for her.

Roughly, she pushed me off her lap, back down onto the carpet, between the couch and the coffee table, her feet under me. My ass hit the scratchy carpet, and I cried out as I tried to hold my ass off the ground with my hands still tied.

She asked, “Did you really think I was going to let you come?”

I couldn’t talk, I just moaned my frustration, like an unhappy cow, as I rolled away from her.

“And I’m guessing you haven’t been taken to the edge before? Teased to the edge? That’s why they call it edging. You’re going to learn a lot about it. Trust me though, when I finally let you come, it will make it so much better.”

I gave her a wicked look, which probably wasn’t wise, considering the state of my ass. She just laughed at me, her anger gone. She leaned down, used her hand to push me back down onto the floor. I hissed as the carpet pressed into my ass, which she enjoyed. Still smiling, she kissed me.

Her smile turned wicked. “I almost forgot about the belt.” I’m certain she hadn’t forgotten. “Get your nose back against the wall, in your naughty spot.” She clapped her hands. “Now.”

I struggled to my feet, and she helped me up. I could feel every movement in the skin of my ass, wondered what it looked like and how long it would feel this way. My nose touched the white paint, and I wondered how long I'd be here this time, how often I'd be here. My pussy was still throbbing, still upset at being so close, still as frustrated as it had ever been. And she was going to do this all the time? God, when was she going to let me come? The not knowing--that thrilled me. The loss of control at what I’d always controlled, my most private thing.

She walked to the counter, and she must have picked up her phone, because the next thing I heard was, “Hi, sis, how are you?”

Her sister talked for a bit, then I heard, “Well, I just spanked my roommate.

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She was very a bad girl.” Humiliation filling me, I thought about running into my room, but her hand cracked into my sore ass. She whispered, “Don’t you dare think about moving.” To her sister, she said, “Yes, she does have a cute butt. Do you want to see a pic when I’m done?” She chuckled, and I knew the answer was yes.

She walked into her bedroom, and they talked a while longer, but I couldn’t hear most of what she was saying. She came back out, still on the phone. “Yes, she’s about to get the belt. Yes, the same one I use on you when you are bad.” She rubbed something against my ass, and I realized it was the belt. Yikes. “Okay, it’s time to roast her butt. I’ll send you a pic afterwards. Bye sis, love you.”

She put the phone down and walked back to me. My heart was pounding in my ears, fear and adrenaline pumping through me. A felt a hand on my lower back, then a finger from her other hand pushed into my pussy. Without thinking, I spread my legs a little, arched my back, giving her better access. “Mm, so willing to please, good girl. And still so very wet. Shame to let that wetness go to waste.” Her finger slid out, then up, to my asshole. “This is what it means to be owned. That I own your holes, all of your holes. Reach down and spread your cheeks for me.” As gently as I could, I reached down and cupped my cheeks. Damn they were hot and tender. My face turning as red as my ass, I spread my cheeks.

“Good girl.”

Her finger, slick from my pussy, slid into my ass until it was buried there. “So nice and tight. We’re going to have to get a nice, big strap-on, so I can take your ass, really make you feel owned.” Every wicked picture she planted in my head turned me on. She pressed against me, pushing her finger even further into me, her body against mine. I could feel a hard nipple against the back of my shoulder, and the string of her sweats against my sore ass. In a whisper she asked, “Are you going to spread your cheeks for my big strap-on? Beg for it?”

The picture of it was too much—my ass high in the air, my face planted in her sheets, my tied hands spreading my red, red cheeks for her. My eyes closed, I nodded my head, one big long nod.

She said, “Yes, we’ll both enjoy that.” The finger slid out, then back in. Her finger played with me, then it was gone. “Okay, I’m going to wash my hands. Then it will be time for the belt.”

Far too quickly, she was back out of the bathroom, her hands playing with my sore cheeks.

Her voice strong, she said, “Step away from the wall.” I did. “Bend over, get your hands down to your feet, then step through, so they’re tied in front of you.” I did, my ass not liking the bending over part. I saw that my hands were tied with the belt from her bathrobe, then looked up and saw the belt in her hand. Holy shit. It was not a women’s belt, looked more like something a lumberjack would wear, old and wide and thick. I thought about her spanking her sister with it, wondered what her sister looked like, what her ass looked like afterwards.

Her hand took my arm, stood me up and led me to the back of the couch. “Bend over the couch.” I did, my hands on the cushions. “Further, rest on your elbows. I want you up on your toes, straining to please me.”

Oh Christ that felt vulnerable, my bottom so high, not being able to see anything behind me. She rubbed the belt over my ass. I knew it was going to hurt, but how much? Would I survive it?

She said, “You will ask for each one, and then thank me. Something like ‘Number one please Miss’ and ‘thank you Miss, number two please.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“It will hurt. But you will stay in position, keep that ass high for me. I do not want to see those heels touching the ground.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“If you stand up, or I’m not happy with your position, that one won’t count, and you’ll get two extras.” I closed my eyes, promising myself that I’d stay in position, please her.

“Ask for the first one.”

My voice weak, I said, “Number one, please Miss.”

“And why are you getting the first six?”

I had no idea, no memory of why. Then it came back to me. “I didn’t follow your directions, Miss.” The Miss was becoming second nature.

I heard a weird little whistling noise, didn’t put two and two together quick enough, when that God damn belt cracked into my ass. I cried out, barely managed not to scream and stand up. The hurt and the heat was blossoming out from my ass.

The belt tapped my ass, reminding me of what she wanted. “Thank you Miss. Number two please.”

Thwap! This one lower than the first, right where so many from the hairbrush had landed. The tears were back, already, twelve seeming like an impossible number.

She asked, “When I tell you you’ve earned a spanking, what are you to do?” Her voice sounded rough.

“Get naked and get to my naughty spot, Miss.”

“And if others are here, does that matter?”

“No, Miss.” She wouldn’t really spank me in front of my friends, would she?

The tap of the belt again.

“Thank you Miss. Number three, ple—“

Thwap! THWAP!

I wasn’t expecting the second one. It hurt sooooo much, right on top of the first. A scream ripped out of my lips and I stood up and turned around. I wanted to scream that wasn’t fair, but the look in her eyes stopped me cold. “Sorry, Miss.” Though it took all the will I had, I turned away from her and bent back over the couch.

“Thank you Miss. Number five, please.”

“You stood up. The second one didn’t count and you’ve earned two extras. And of course extras are given extra hard.”

“Yes, Miss. Sorry again Miss. Number four please.”

The fifth and sixth were misery, each one hurting more and more. After the seventh, I was crying hard again, lost in the pain in my ass and the overriding need to please her.

“Number seven, please M—“

She hit me with the double again, both of them low, the second entirely on my thighs, but this time I’d been half expecting it and managed to hold. That earned me a good girl.

By ten, the end was in sight, and I knew I could make it. For the last one, I arched up as high as I could. “Number twelve, please Miss.”

She put something extra into number twelve, and oh it hurt, burned a line across my poor ass. I was done, nothing left, and like a wet noodle, I slid down the back of the couch.

Her hand stopped me. “Don’t forget your extras. And you should always hold your position until I tell you to move.”

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t push myself back up, couldn’t put my ass up high for her. I had nothing left.

Her lips near my ear, she said in a whisper, “Don’t make me give you more extras. Get back over the couch and get that ass up for me. Please me. Now.” I tried, but couldn’t quite do it. She popped me on the thigh with the belt, and that was enough. I found something inside me I didn’t know I had, and reached up with one hand and grabbed the back of the couch. Slowly, so slowly, I pulled myself up, then half fell over the couch, my ass back to its normal position.

“Up on those toes.” I did. “Good girl.”

She did not make me ask for these. Thwap thwap! She didn’t lie, they were both the hardest yet. I held myself there, crying hard, and thankfully she didn’t make me wait long. Her hand patted me on the back. “Good girl. That was a very good girl.” She pulled me to her, her arms feeling so strong, and we both slowly settled down to the old carpet, me on top of her.

She comforted me, holding me close and whispering sweet things in my ear. “It’s all good now. You’ve paid for your selfishness. I’m proud of you. You did please me. Such a good little pet.” She held me and let me cry. If you would have promised me that – her holding me and talking to me, the warmth of her, her holding me so tight—I would have agreed to all of it, the hairbrush and the belt. It was worth it, and worth her not being angry with me anymore.

A long time later, when my crying had stopped, she lifted my chin and kissed me. She said, “Go clean yourself up, then I have a treat for you.”

I held up my still-tied hands, but she said, “No, let’s leave them like that for a bit.” So, very gingerly, I went to the bathroom, blew my nose and washed my face, with my hands still tied with her soft bathrobe belt. I could have easily untied it, but that didn’t seem wise. After I dried my face, I looked in the mirror. I could see half of my ass, an angry red mess, with lines from the edge of the belt. I turned so that I could see my ass fully, even lifted up on my toes to see all of it. Wow, what a mess. What would class be like on Monday, sitting in one of the hard, plastic chairs?

Her smiling face appeared in the mirror. “I almost forgot, we need a pic for my sis.” There was nothing inside me left to resist her. I bent over, resting my head on the counter. She pushed me to the left a bit, then I heard her phone make a click, then two more. “She’ll like that,” she said. “Okay, come with me.”

I followed her back into the bedroom, feeling every step in my ass. Tiny, tiny steps were the best. She said on the chair that matched the couch. “Put your hands behind your back again.” I did, again moving as slow as an old man and careful not to let the bathrobe tie touch my ass. “Now lay down in front of me.” She pointed to the spot in front of her. I went to my knees, then down, staying on my side. She smiled. “No silly, on your back.” Christ the carpet hurt on my ass. She pulled a bandanna out, a pink one. “You haven’t earned the right yet to see me naked.” She put the bandanna over my eyes, and I lifted my head so she could tie it.

I could tell she stood up over me, and she let her sweats fall on top of my stomach. Then the little cammy landed on my face. “Are you imagining what I look like naked?”

“Yes, Miss. Beautiful, I’m sure.”

Her toe pushed the cammy out of the way, so she could put it in my mouth. Greedily, I sucked on it. “Spanking you turned me on. It always does. I think a few orgasms sounds like a perfect ending to the morning.” Her toe disappeared, then something else soft landed on my face. It smelled of her, and I realized it was her panties, probably the little white thong she’d been wearing the night before.

“Mm, I love being naked, love having you before me, naked and helpless.”

“Me, too Miss. May I please lick you?” The bandanna wasn’t perfect, I could see a little of her calf, occasionally a flash of her feet. But I couldn’t see anything I wanted to see…

“Hm, I’m not sure you’ve earned that yet.” She didn’t say anything else, just let the silence linger on.

“Uh, Miss, what do I need to do to lick your beautiful pussy?”

“Does it matter? Is there anything I’d ask of you that you’d say no to?”

I thought about that. Several things popped into my head, like her little cock-sucking comment earlier, that I hoped I’d say no to. “I…I don’t think so…Miss.”

“Good girl. But there are so many possibilities. Have you take the trash out naked. Have you show your ass to one of your friends. Have you kiss my feet in the student square on Monday.” The trash one scared me—it was three flights down the stairs, then fifty feet out the back door. The other two didn’t seem as bad. “But we’ll save those. I think for this one, you just have to take another spanking in the morning. My hand, and the wooden spoon. Neither would hurt much, if your ass wasn’t already a mess.”

I swallowed, wondering how sore I’d be in the morning.

“Tell me, my pet, isn’t that very kind of me? Just a little spanking to lick my lovely cunt? You’ve been wanting to stick your tongue in it since the moment we met. I could tell by the look in your eyes.”

I got the feeling that it wasn’t a good deal. That she already knew how sore my ass was going to be in the morning. “Or should I just have you lick and suck my toes as I rub my clit?” She sat down, put her big toe back in my mouth, and I knew her fingers had already found her clit. “It would be a shame if I found another reason to spank you in the morning.”

You know, I know and she knew I’d do anything for a taste of her pussy. Around her toe I managed, “Please Miss.”

She took her toe out. “What was that?”

“Please, Miss, please let me lick your beautiful pussy. Pretty please.”

“Begging always turns me on. So you’ll ask for a spanking in the morning?”

“Yes, Miss. Anything for your pussy.” She liked that.

“Really? Maybe I should have you do all those things I said. Mmmm, that would be fun. And my pussy is worth it, of course.”

She pushed her toe into my mouth. “Suck on that, baby. Mmm, suck on that.” I did, sucking hard, wondering if she was just teasing me with her pussy. Her voice turned husky and low. “That’s it, what a good little toe sucker you are. I can’t wait until you’re sucking on a nice, big cock for me, getting it good and hard, so I can ride it.” She was turning herself on, which was making me wet and horny as hell. I sucked for all I was worth. “Oh, and I am going to make you do all those things. I can’t wait to have you kiss my foot in the student square, at noon, maybe on a Friday, when everyone is there.” God, she wouldn’t, would she? “And take out the trash. When would be the worst time to make you do that? In the morning, or after everyone gets home? And we’ll need that ass red, of course.

“Oh, pet, I’m about to come, I’m going to come.” I moved to get another toe in my mouth, and sucked on two of them. “Oh, oh, oh, I’m coming. Fuck fuck fuck.” Then her toes were gone and she was moving above me. First I smelled her, then her pussy was all over my mouth, wet and hot and smelling so much of her. I pushed my tongue in as far as I could. Her finger bumped into my lip—she was still fingering her clit. “Yes, yes, yes, lick me, lick me pet. Get that tongue deeper, deeper, yes that’s it. Oh God. I’m going to come again.” She did, she came on my face, her juices everywhere. I was so happy to please her, so happy I was the one that was making her come. She was shuddering above me, shaking hard, making the weird little noises we all make when we come. I kept licking, wanting her to never stop coming. She pulled off my tongue, yelled, “Fuck,” and collapsed on top of me. Her head found my thigh, her spread legs above my chest. She laid there a minute, breathing hard.

I could see her legs, almost see her pussy. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see it before she allowed It.

She chuckled. “Mm, good girl, pet. That was wonderful.” She blew on my pussy, and I spread my legs, even though I knew there was no chance she’d lick me. She brushed her fingers ever so lightly over my pussy. “I’m afraid it will be awhile before you come again.” She kept teasing it. “Maybe when I get to twenty, maybe then. That will motivate you to get your tongue back in my pussy every chance you get.”

To answer her, I reached over and licked her calf.

She said, “Should I have another one now? A soft one?” She slid her body back, her pussy trailing between my breasts, leaving a wet trail. But it wasn’t her pussy that arrived at my lips, it was too low. Her ass cheeks pushed against my lips.

“You want that too, don’t you? Beg for it.”

Did I want that? “Please, Miss. Please let me lick your ass.”

Her cheeks spread—she must have pulled them apart—and then her tiny asshole was against my lips. Another first for the day. Tentatively, I pushed my tongue forward and into her, tasted her.

“Good girl.” She pushed back, sat up halfway, burying me inside her. “Oh god, yes, lick it while I rub my pussy.”

My tongue went further in, deeper into her, which earned me a groan. She pushed my hips sideways, smacked her hand against my ass. I jumped, going even further into your ass. “Oh, your ass is so hot, the bruises are going to be so nice.” She sat all the way up, not worried about suffocating me, and started to rub. “That’s it, lick faster and faster.”

I literally thought, if I die like this, I’m okay with that. Can anything get more submissive than that?

Fortunately, she came in a hurry, with my tongue deep in her ass, her ass cheeks bouncing all over my face, came harder than the first two, from the sound of it. Definitely not a soft one. I kept licking, kept my tongue in her ass, wanting so much to please her, until it was too much and she pulled away. She collapsed again, this time next to me, her arm over my stomach.

Sometime later--I think we both fell asleep for a bit--she stirred, kissed me, then got up and put her clothes back on before sliding the bandanna off. I blinked, adjusting to the brightness as she gave me another kiss. She walked to her phone, sent a couple of texts, then came back and sat across from me, legs crossed. I'd managed to sit up and lean against the couch.

She said, "I'm going to eat with Jordan and Adrian." She looked around the apartment, a big smile breaking across her face. "This place is a mess. Make sure it's not when I get back." Her eyes met mine, daring me to disagree. I gestured to my hands still loosely tied behind my back.

She reached over and untied one wrist, then the other. My freedom didn't last long. She took the bathrobe belt and tied it to one ankle, then the other, so that I could spread my legs maybe two feet, but no wider than that. "That will remind you that you're owned." She kissed me again, which I was really liking.

Casually she asked, "What do you think will happen if I'm not happy with things when I get home?"

"A spanking?"

"Yes, if everything isn't perfect. But if it is..."

She helped me up, pushed me against the wall. I gasped, my ass still way beyond tender. She kissed me, hard and deep and like she owned me. Damn she could kiss.

She left me there, savoring her kiss, as she went in the bathroom and took a shower. When she came out, I was halfway done with the dishes. She squeezed my ass, hard, and gave me one last kiss.

On her way out, she said, "I think the trash needs to be taken out."

"Yes, Miss."

Written by 19Savant
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