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The Old School Building

"Mark and Sarah visit an old school, Sarah feels empowered giving out discipline."

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Mark and Sarah strolled through the quintessential English village, hand in hand, admiring the charming cottages adorned with climbing roses. The sun warmed their faces as they approached an old school-turned-museum, its red brick facade beckoning them to explore its rich history.

"Welcome," Elizabeth greeted them, her stern blue eyes piercing through them. Dressed as a 1960s headmistress, her tight mid-thigh skirt and white blouse hugged her curvy figure, while her seamed stockings and high heels added a touch of authority. "I will be your guide today."

As they followed Elizabeth through the hallowed halls, Mark couldn't help but admire her shapely bottom, the seams of her stockings drawing his gaze. Sensing the direction of his attention, Sarah leaned in, whispering, "You're being quite naughty, staring at her like that. I may have to be your headmistress later and teach you a lesson." Her voice was playful and teasing, sparking a warmth in Mark's chest that grew as she squeezed his hand reassuringly.

Entering a classroom, Sarah spotted a leather strap hanging behind the door. "What's this for?" she asked innocently, reaching out to touch it.

"Ah, that's a tawse," Elizabeth explained, handing it to Sarah. "It was used to punish naughty children back in the day. Allow me to demonstrate." Positioning herself beside a high desk, Elizabeth bent over, her bottom thrust out provocatively as her skirt inched up to expose her stocking tops. Mark swallowed hard, his pulse quickening.

"Imagine a young schoolboy, trembling in fear, awaiting the sting of the strap on his bare bottom," Elizabeth said, her voice filled with excitement. She then turned her gaze to Sarah. "There's something empowering about taking control, administering discipline to someone who needs it."

Sarah listened intently, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she felt her panties grow damp. The thought of disciplining Mark stirred a newfound desire within her, and she glanced at him, catching his eyes lingering on Elizabeth's exposed stocking tops.

"Mark, are you paying attention?" Elizabeth asked, her voice sharp and authoritative. "Or do I need to remind you of the consequences for naughty boys?"

"I'm sorry, Miss," Mark stammered, quickly averting his gaze, but his racing heart betrayed his true feelings. The combination of Sarah's teasing words and Elizabeth's commanding presence had awakened something inside him, a longing he couldn't quite understand yet knew he craved.

"Elizabeth, would you mind demonstrating how the tawse feels on a bare bottom?" Sarah asked innocently, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm sure Mark could use a taste of what it was like for those naughty schoolboys."

Mark's face flushed red with shock and embarrassment at Sarah's suggestion. He glanced between the two women, his heart pounding in his chest. A part of him dreaded the thought of being disciplined, yet another couldn't help but be aroused by the idea.

"Are you sure, Sarah?" Elizabeth asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Mark, who fidgeted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Absolutely," Sarah replied confidently, giving Mark's hand a reassuring squeeze. "I think it would be quite educational."

"Very well." Elizabeth gestured at the high desk. "Mark, bend over the desk and lower your trousers."

Mark hesitated for a moment, his face burning with humiliation. But as he glanced at Sarah, he saw the excitement in her eyes and realized he didn't want to disappoint her. With shaky hands, he obeyed, exposing his underwear-clad bottom to the two women.

"Pull down his underwear, too," Sarah said softly, her voice filled with anticipation. "I want him to experience the full effect."

Elizabeth nodded and slowly lowered Mark's underwear, taking her time to savour the thrill of having him naked and exposed in front of them. Mark's arousal was evident, making him even more embarrassed.

"Please, I don't know if I can..." Mark stammered, but both women met his pleading with stern gazes.

"Quiet now, Mark," Elizabeth admonished. "You'll take your punishment like a good boy."

She raised the tawse and brought it down sharply across his bare bottom. The sound of striking leather flesh echoed through the room, followed by Mark's gasp of pain. Sarah watched, fascinated, as Elizabeth administered the strapping, each stroke leaving a red welt on his already sore bottom.

As she observed, Sarah found herself growing more and more aroused by the sight of her lover being disciplined by another woman. She bit her lip, trying to suppress a moan as she felt her panties grow damp with desire.

"Look at you, Mark," Elizabeth said, momentarily pausing to admire her handiwork. "Your bottom is nice and red, just like a naughty schoolboy should be."

Mark squirmed beneath her touch, torn between shame and excitement. He couldn't deny that he had enjoyed the strapping, even as it hurt more than he'd thought possible.

Elizabeth paused, inspecting the damage she had inflicted on Mark's bottom. His skin was a deep shade of red, glowing with heat.

"Just a few more," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "So I can paint your lower bottom cheeks and thighs red so you will remember this strapping for a while."

Mark's face was a mask of shame and pleasure as Elizabeth continued her work. He felt Sarah watching him intently, and the feeling of being observed only heightened his pleasure.

Sarah watched as the crease between Mark's thighs and bottom turned a bright shade of red, and she ached to put her hand inside her panties. She wanted to touch herself, to bring herself to climax as she watched her lover being spanked in front of her by another woman.

"Thank you, Miss," Mark mumbled, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

Sarah took in the scene before her, her heart swelling with love and understanding for Mark. She knew then that she wanted to explore this side of their relationship further, to push their boundaries and delve deeper into their desires together.

"Thank you, Elizabeth," Sarah murmured, her voice filled with gratitude. "I think we've both learned a lot today."

"Anytime, dear," Elizabeth replied, a knowing smile playing on her lips as if seeing a secret world opening up before them.

As Sarah and Mark left the school museum, they stumbled across a charity shop. Inside were racks of clothes, furniture, and other miscellaneous items. Sarah browsed through the coats while Mark admired the shop's antique nicknacks.

Suddenly, Sarah's eyes widened when she spotted an old school cane leaning against a wall. She fascinatedly grasped it, feeling its flexible, lacquered surface, nearly radiating energy beneath his touch. Flexing the cane and then looking at a clothes rail of old school uniforms, she had an idea.

"Mark," she said in a low voice. "Come here." He obediently complied, standing in front of her expectantly. Sarah looked him up and down with a wicked grin on her face. "I want you in a schoolboy uniform," she purred, tracing her finger over his chest.

"Sarah, do we have to do this here?" Mark whispered, glancing nervously at the two young shop girls chatting by the counter.

"Of course we do," Sarah replied with a mischievous smile. "I want them to help us pick the perfect outfit for your spanking and caning later."

Mark blushed deeply at her words but knew better than to argue. The shop girls, one with short red hair and the other a brunette, looked up from their conversation and eyed the couple curiously.

"Could you help us find some shorts for my boyfriend here?" Sarah asked, taking Mark by the arm and leading him towards the clothing racks. "He needs something that will expose more of his bottom when he bends over for a spanking and caning later."

The redhead stifled a giggle while the brunette raised an eyebrow but said nothing. They eagerly led Sarah and Mark to a selection of vintage school uniforms, each girl holding a pair of shorts for Mark to try.

"Here, put these on," Sarah ordered, handing Mark a pair of dark grey shorts that looked too small for him.

Mark reluctantly slipped into the shorts, struggling to pull them over his hips. When he finally buttoned them, the fabric was stretched tight across his bottom, leaving little to the imagination.

"Perfect!" Sarah exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight. "Now touch your toes, and let's see how much of your bottom is exposed."

"Sarah, please..." Mark pleaded, his face burning with embarrassment.

"Touch your toes, Mark," she repeated firmly, and he reluctantly complied.

As Mark bent over, the shorts rode up, exposing the lower curve of his bottom cheeks and the bright red welts Elizabeth had left earlier. Sarah reached down and gave his upper thighs a hard slap, making Mark jump in surprise.

"Ooh, I like these," the redhead said, grinning wickedly. "But maybe we can find something even shorter?"

"Good idea," Sarah agreed, turning to the brunette. "Do you have other styles that would expose more of his bottom?"

"Let me see," the brunette replied, her eyes gleaming as she rummaged through the racks. She pulled out several more pairs of shorts, each shorter than the last.

Mark tried on each pair with increasing humiliation. He bent over and endured Sarah's smacks on his thighs, reigniting the burning pain from the earlier strapping. At the same time, the shop girls giggled and whispered amongst themselves. They compared the different shorts, discussing which would provide the least protection for Mark's upcoming punishment.

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"Alright, this is the one," Sarah announced, holding up a pair of shorts that barely covered Mark's bottom. "Put these on, and let's ensure they're perfect."

Mark donned the tiny shorts, feeling utterly exposed as Sarah made him stand with his legs apart and back arched, forcing his bottom out. He could feel the cool air on his red thighs and lower bottom cheeks, knowing that all three women were watching intently.

"Excellent choice, ladies," Sarah praised the shop girls, who both beamed at the compliment.

"Have fun," the redhead winked as Sarah paid for their purchases, leaving Mark wondering what he'd gotten himself into.


Back at their hotel, Sarah changed into a short pleated skirt that barely covered her satin panties. As she walked around the room, Mark caught glimpses of the fabric hugging her curves, and he couldn't help but feel a stirring of arousal.

"Stand up straight, Mark," Sarah ordered, slipping effortlessly into the role of a strict headmistress. "You're a naughty schoolboy and need to be disciplined."

"Sarah," Mark began, but she cut him off with a stern look.

"Silence! You will address me as 'Miss' from now on."

Mark swallowed hard, his heart racing as he watched Sarah's transformation. He knew she was enjoying this newfound power over him; strangely, so was he.

"Y-yes, Miss," he stammered, feeling humiliated and excited by the prospect of what would come.

"Over my knee, Mark," Sarah instructed, tapping her lap sternly. She had fully embraced the role of the old-fashioned headmistress, which both excited and intimidated Mark.

"Y-yes, Miss," he replied, hesitating momentarily before moving to position himself over her lap. His heart raced as he felt Sarah's firm hand on his lower back, securing him in place.

"Let's begin," she said, her voice steady and authoritative. With that, she raised her hand and brought it down on Mark'sis sit spot with a resounding smack, making Mark wince.

"Ow, Miss," he gasped, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks—not just from embarrassment but also from the sting of her hand.

"Naughty boys need to learn their lesson," Sarah scolded, continuing to spank his sit spot until it turned red. As she spanked him, she could feel the wetness grow between her legs—she was undeniably turned on by exercising this control over Mark.

"Shorts down," she ordered, pausing her punishment momentarily.

"Miss, please," Mark pleaded, but Sarah's icy glare silenced any further protests. Reluctantly, he pulled his shorts down, exposing his thin white cotton underwear.

Sarah took her time adjusting his underwear, pulling them up just enough so she could easily access his lower bare bottom cheeks without any protection. Mark clenched his teeth, bracing himself for what was to come.

"Please remember your place, young man," she admonished before resuming spanking. The smacks echoed throughout the room as Mark tried his best to endure the increasing pain.

"Miss... I'm sorry," he whimpered, his face flushed and his eyes watering from the stinging sensation.

"Sorry won't save you now, Mark," she said firmly before hooking her fingers around the waistband of his underwear and pulling them down to his ankles, leaving him completely bare.

"Miss... please," he begged again, but his pleas only encouraged Sarah further.

"Your punishment must continue until I'm satisfied you've learned your lesson," she stated, delivering a particularly harsh smack that made Mark flinch. As she continued to spank him, she revelled in the newfound power dynamic between them—her arousal growing with each blow.

"Please, Miss, I'll be good," Mark sobbed, unable to hold back tears any longer.

"Remember this feeling, Mark," Sarah said softly. "I expect better behaviour from you in the future."

"Alright, Mark," Sarah said firmly as the spanking ended, "I think you've had enough of that. But your punishment is not over yet." She stood up and walked over to the cane she had purchased earlier, picking it up with a sense of authority. "Now for the final part of your lesson."

Mark's heart raced in his chest as he watched Sarah approach him, the thin cane gripped tightly in her hand. He swallowed hard, unable to tear his eyes away from the authentic school instrument about to be used on his already sore and reddened bottom.

"Please, Miss... I've learned my lesson, I promise," he pleaded, but Sarah merely shook her head.

"Six strokes, Mark. Bend over the bed and present your bare bottom," she ordered, and Mark knew there was no escape. Reluctantly, he obeyed, positioning himself over the edge of the bed, his bottom exposed and vulnerable.

"Legs apart, young man. I want a clear target for each stroke," she instructed, tapping the cane against his thighs until he spread his legs wider. As Sarah lined up the first stroke, Mark tensed, bracing himself for the sharp pain that was about to follow.

"Count each one out loud and thank me for it," Sarah commanded before delivering the first stroke with a swift, precise motion.

"Ow! One... thank you, Miss," Mark choked out, tears welling up as the pain coursed through him. The impact of the cane sent a shiver down his spine, and, despite the pain, he couldn't deny the arousal that accompanied it.

"Remember why you're being punished, Mark," Sarah reminded him, her voice firm but laced with concern. She raised the cane again and brought it down again, eliciting another gasp of pain and a shaky "Two... thank you, Miss," from Mark.

Mark's mind raced with shame, pain, and desire as Sarah continued the caning. Each stroke left a thin, red line across his already tender bottom, adding to the symphony of sensations he was experiencing. As the count reached six, he felt an odd mixture of relief and disappointment that the punishment was over.

"Six... thank you, Miss," he whispered, tears streaming down his face. He had never felt so alive, emotionally stripped bare by the combination of pain and pleasure. His erection throbbed, betraying his arousal at the events that had just transpired.

"Stand up, Mark," Sarah said gently, setting the cane aside. She could see the punishment's effect on him, his body shaking and his cock harder than ever. The sight both surprised and thrilled her; the realization that they had discovered a shared kink brought her closer to him than ever before.

"Thank you for teaching me my lesson, Miss," Mark mumbled, his voice thick with emotion. "I promise I'll be a good boy from now on."

"Good," Sarah replied softly, a warm smile spreading across her face. "But if you ever misbehave again, just remember... the cane is always ready to remind you of your place."

"Kneel, Mark," Sarah commanded, her voice firm yet sultry as she stood before him. With the cane now resting against the wall, she glanced down at her boyfriend's still-trembling form and felt a wave of desire washing over her.

"Y-yes, Miss," Mark stuttered, his face flushed with embarrassment and excitement. He sank to his knees in front of Sarah, his eyes never leaving her shapely legs encased in seamed stockings.

"Good boy," Sarah murmured, lifting her airy skirt to expose her satin panties. "Now, I want you to use your talented tongue to pleasure me through my panties."

Mark's heart raced at her words, his mouth going dry. "Yes, Miss," he whispered, leaning forward and pressing his lips against the damp fabric covering her most intimate area. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils, driving him wild with lust.

"Ah... that's it," Sarah moaned softly, her hand resting on Mark's head, gently guiding him as he licked and sucked at her through the thin material. Each stroke of his tongue sent shivers up her spine, taking her closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.

"Please, Miss... may I remove your panties?" Mark asked between licks, desperate to taste her fully.

"Not yet," Sarah breathed, her body quivering with anticipation. "I want you to make me come like this... to prove how much you've learned from your punishment."

"Understood, Miss," Mark replied, his voice thick with desire. He redoubled his efforts, focusing all his attention on bringing her to climax while still constrained by the barrier of her panties.

As Sarah's moans grew louder and more frequent, she couldn't help but think about how much their relationship had evolved since they'd first met Elizabeth. The power she felt as Mark submitted to her, the thrill of administering discipline, and the shared intimacy of exploring their newfound kink had only strengthened their bond.

"Mark," Sarah panted, her climax imminent, "I want you to know... I will be your headmistress for the rest of our lives."

The thought of a lifetime of such experiences with Sarah sent a shudder through Mark's body, his erection throbbing at the prospect. He continued his oral ministrations with renewed enthusiasm, determined to prove his devotion to her.

"Y-yes, Miss," he managed to gasp, his voice muffled by the fabric of her panties. "I look forward to being under your control... always."

"Good boy," Sarah whispered, her body finally succumbing to the waves of pleasure. As she rode out her orgasm, one hand clutching the back of Mark's head while the other gripped the edge of the desk for support, she knew without a doubt that they were truly meant for each other.

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