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The Naval Proxy, Part 2

"Louise's first visit to her occasional domme."

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Mike and Lousie had only a couple of short discussions about Louise's session with Janet. Those conversations had been begun by Mike and Louise felt as though it was Mike's desire to insure that she was really ok with the arrangement. All Louise had to do was think about how she felt when Mike was gone to know what her answer was.

Meanwhile, their life together continued on as usual. Louise rarely received a true punishment spanking from Mike; rather, he seemed to know when she was on edge and in need of a release. Of course, they also did other things in the bedroom. Their lovemaking always had an urgent edge to it, as if both of them knew deep down that they'd have to have something to remember during the long lonesome separation.

Time always flew for Louise when Mike was home. He spent days at the base. He didn't talk a lot about work (they still call it the silent service, of course), but said that he spent most of his time ashore either doing paperwork or training, but the days weren't overly long, so they had plenty of time together. Louise volunteered 3 days a week at a local animal shelter and kept herself busy other days either tending to their apartment or to her hobby of writing short stories and poems.

But as always, after two and a half months, the boat (as Mike always called it) came back and for a couple of weeks Mike was busy with the crew refitting the boat for its next trip, spending long days at the base. And then, once again, Louise would wave goodbye from the pier (more often then not with a warm bottom as a going away present) as the tugboats pushed the sub away from the pier and into the bay.

For most of the time Mike was home, she allowed herself to forget the new arrangment she had for her time alone. Now, though, that time had come again, and in only a couple of days, she'd be visiting Janet for her first spanking. This thought occurred to her more than once in the first days after Mike's departure. Every time, she remembered back to how that scene played out. She remembered Janet's businesslike outfit, and her autocratic demeanor. And every time she did, she felt that familiar feeling down below and forced her mind to change the subject. She knew she needed the spankings to clear her mind, but she felt a pang of guilt that she felt aroused without Mike being involved.

Of course in Mike's absense, she masturbated as much as any healthy woman would in her situation, but her fantasies always wound around Mike. Sometimes, it was Mike spanking her, sometimes he was fucking her fast and hard as he often did (and she thoroughly enjoyed). But it was always him and no one else. She'd never been with another woman before Janet (if that even really counted), and the thought didn't really do anything for her. But thinking about her spanking was another thing entirely. She shook her head. Maybe she needed her mind cleared in more ways than one.

Thursday arrived and as Louise woke up in the morning, her first thought was that today was the day. Her next thought was pondering how she was going to be on pins and needles until 2 o'clock. She didn't volunteer on Thursdays, so there was nothing to distract her unless she found something to do. So she did her best to fill the morning up with a long run and a bunch of housework. By noon, the apartmenet had never been so clean. She decided to have a little bit of lunch and then get herself ready.

Her head was spinning through lunch. She knew she was overthinking everything, wondering what to wear, wondering and worrying about what was going to happen. Every few minutes she would tell herself that this was exactly why she needed this (not quite letting her internal self name what it was), and then the internal dialog would spin around and start right back up. All the while, she poked at the leftover pasta she had warmed up, not really eating very much of it.

Before too long, she glanced over at the clock and saw that it was approaching one o'clock. Just time enough to take a shower, get dressed and get herself over to Janet's, and to her fate. She cleaned her lunch dishes and put them away, then went into the master bath.

To that point in the day, she was in her "frumpy" outfit - baggy workout pants and a T shirt. She kicked off her sandals, stripped off her clothes and turned towards the shower. As she did, she caught sight of herself in the full length mirror on the wall. She was fair, and her short blonde hair was unkempt at the moment. With her hands held at her sides, her curves were that much more obvious. She exercised regularly, but that never seemed to make a difference on her breasts and hips, with a definite narrowing at her waist. Mike always said it made for a large spanking target that took a while to adequately cover.

She looked down at her dusting of pubic hair, trimmed as always into a petite triangle just above the start of her vaginal notch. She remembered back to how embarassing it was to lift her skirt for Janet last time. As she thought that, she realized it was a little curious to think that. Had she been in the women's locker room at a gym, she wouldn't have hesitated to disrobe in front of her or any other women in sight. And when Mike spanked her, he always made her strip completely naked before he took her over his knee. But with him, it wasn't embarassing. Rather, it was the anticipation of what was about to happen that was always front and center. So why was it so embarassing to show her bare crotch to another woman?

She shook her head again and told herself to stop being distracted, then turned and got into the shower.

When she was done, she brushed her hair and headed into the bedroom and to the closet. She decided to wear almost the same outfit as before - skirt, sandals and a blouse - but she decided to put on a different blouse. Last time, it was the plain-ish yellow one she more or less picked at random, but something told her she could and should do better. She reached for a silk blouse that had a white background, but was printed all over with large flowers. She picked out a thong (blue this time) and a lacy bra and the same pleated knee-length skirt.

She got dressed and then returned to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Her mind told her she looked very, very pretty. And then another voice questioned the need. She was about to go to the home of a relative stranger and be spanked into incoherence. Why should she need - or want - to look pretty? But that voice was overridden. Almost of its own volition, her hand reached over to the vanity and picked up a bottle of perfume. The hand brought the bottle to her neck and she felt the cool mist land there and drift down to her chest. Her nose was filled with the scent of flowers. It went so well with her blouse. She smiled. The familiar voice told her it was time to go.

She got into her car and had her phone direct her. Before too long, she was back in the neighborhood of townhouses that she remembered. She parked and looked at the clock on the dash. She was a few minutes early, so she sat in the car for a moment. It wasn't long before the questioning voices began and she decided that waiting any longer was impossible. She got out and walked to the door and rang.

It took only a moment or two before the door opened to reveal Janet standing in the entry. She was still the tall, thin, raven haired woman Louise remembered, but there was a difference. She still wore a pantsuit, but the blouse under it was lower cut. Janet still had a smaller bust than Louise, but the blouse showed just a bit of cleavage. Janet's face bore just a slight smile. Louise hoped it was a welcoming one.

"Come in, Louise, you're right on time." With that, Janet took a step back and to the side to allow Louise to walk past her into the living room. The room was well lit, as before, and there was a couch and easy chair on opposite walls. Louise stopped in the middle of the room and Janet directed her to the couch before taking a seat in the easy chair.

"Well, Louise, it's been a while since we've seen each other. You've had a while to think about today, haven't you?"

Louise looked down at the floor in front of Janet and replied, "Yes, miss."

Out of the corner of her eye, Louise saw (or at least thought she saw) Janet's smile broaden just the slightest.

Janet continued, "Share your thoughts with me, Louise."

Louise took a deep breath and bit her lip. She pondered what to say. How open could she be with this woman? She had met only once before, but she had to admit that she was now firmly her alternate disciplinarian.

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"I... I don't know. It hasn't been that long since Mike left, but today especially, I haven't been able to think straight. I just keep going in circles and at the end of each one I tell myself that that's why I need a spanking."

Janet asked, "Since you met Mike, has anyone else spanked you?"

"No, miss. Just Mike."

"How do you feel about going over someone else's knee?"

Louise was prepared for this question, as it'd been a frequent topic of contemplation for her since her last visit. "Well, Mike knows, and it's not with another man, and it's what I know I need. So..."

Janet smiled. "Alright, Louise. I know Mike hasn't been gone very long, but I will be asking you this every week. Is there anything that you need to bring to my attention? Anything that you feel you need to atone for?"

Louise shook her head, "No, miss."

Janet appeared to Louise to consider something for just the briefest moment before she stood and spoke again, "Alright, Louise. Let's begin."

Janet walked over to Louse as Louise stood without being asked. Janet took Louise's former seat on the couch. Louise turned to face Janet.

Janet spoke, "Alright, Louise, reach under your skirt and remove your panties."

Louise could feel her heart begin to thump louder in her chest and the warm feeling from her pussy began to radiate outwards from between her legs. She reached down to pull the skirt up at her sides to get to the side of the thong and pull it down to her knees. She picked up one foot and then the other to step out of them. Janet gestured to the side of the couch and Louise reached over and tossed the panties over to the arm of the couch.

"Now, lift up your skirt in front and get into place. Do you remember how?"

Louise blushed and replied, "Yes, miss."

She picked up the skirt and bunched it as she pulled it up until it was wadded around her tummy. She knew that Janet was staring directly at her bare crotch and the volume went up several notches on the throbbing in her pussy. She knelt down to Janet's right side and used one hand to lower herself into place with her crotch over Janet's right thigh, her bottom in the air. Her breasts were to the left of Janet's left thigh and her left arm braced herself on the couch. Janet flipped the back of Louise's skirt until it was resting backwards on Louise's back. The sudden waft of air brought to Louise's attention how exposed she was.

Janet spoke again, "Let me have your right hand, Louise."

Louise moved her right hand up and back. Janet met her half way and took ahold of her wrist and directed it into the small of Louise's back.

"Well, Louise, here we are again. Are you ready for your spanking?"

Louise screwed her eyes shut and said, "Yes, miss."

There was a moment's delay and then the crack reached Louise's ears at the same moment the painful burn in her left cheek arrived at her brain. It was followed less than a second later by the next, and then another until the sound was matched by a high pitched whine coming from Louise's mouth. The hard strokes kept coming at a furious pace as Louise's eyes began to tear up and the whine transitioned to open sobbing. And, as always, there was nothing in Louise's entire universe except for the fire in her bottom that continued to build with every painful stroke and the heavy crying from deep within her soul.

Louise had no idea how much time passed before her first distinct thought was the distant awareness that she wasn't being spanked anymore. There was still no room for anything but the crying for a little while longer, but presently she felt Janet urging her to turn over and sit up in Janet's lap. As she did, Louise buried her face in Janet's bosom and wrapped her arms around her back. Janet returned the embrace and began stroking Louise's hair.

"There there, Louise. That's right. Let it all out. It's ok. That's a good girl."

The two of them rocked back and forth like that for a bit longer as Louise's crying calmed down.

Louise looked up into Janet's eyes. Janet said, "Do you feel better now, Louise?"

Louise smiled and replied, "Yes, miss."

She really did feel supremely calm in that moment. Her bottom still throbbed with nearly unbearable heat, but there was another source of heat in the vicinity that she recognized as well. As she pondered that, Janet moved her hand upwards and caressed the side of Louise's face. Louise was momentarily puzzled, but Janet spoke, "You smell lovely Louise. Did you do something special today?"

Louise blushed and said, "Yes, miss. I put on a little perfume."

Janet asked, "Why did you do that, Louise?"

Louise couldn't answer. Janet moved her hand slightly downwards to Louise's chin and urged it upwards as she leaned her own head downwards to meet Louise's lips with her own. Janet's lips were warm and soft and Louise's pussy clenched and a gasp escaped her lips after the first kiss. But the first was followed by a second and Louise felt a flush of excitement fill her.

The two women kissed once again. Janet's right hand remained on the side of Louise's neck and her left hand was wrapped around her lower back. As they continued to kiss, Janet's right hand moved down to rest on the fullness of Louise's left breast. It paused there only briefly and contined to move downwards until it came to rest on Louise's crotch, pressing inwards through the fabric of her skirt.

Louise felt Janet's hand there and a moan escaped her lips and she moved her thighs slightly apart. Janet's hand moved as it bunched up Louise's skirt and came to rest again, this time on Louise's naked crotch. Her fingers curled inwards to caress the wrinkled lips of Louise's pussy. All the while, Louise and Janet kept up a sensual dance with their lips.

Janet moved her head to speak into Louise's ear. "What do you want now, Louise?"

Louise could only respond, "Oh, please..."

"Please, what, Louise?"

"Oh please, miss... please, I want to cum..."

Janet's mouth returned to Louise's and as they kissed again, Janet began to rub Louise's sex in a circle, making Louise moan loudly. Slowly the rubbing picked up tempo. After a minute or two of this, Louise felt Janet use two fingers to spread her labia apart and run another finger down the center from the opening of her juicy cunt up to her clit. She moved her mouth away from Louise's and said, "My, you're very wet, aren't you, Louise?"

Louise replied, "Oh, yes, miss, yessss..." her words disolving into a moan.

Janet kept her finger moving in slow circles around Louise's clit, occasionally dipping down into the source of Louise's juices. Meanwhile, Louise began to moan more constantly. Janet dipped her head lower and began to kiss Louise on the side of her neck. Then she placed two fingers on either side of Louise's labia right next to her clit and started quickly moving them side to side. Louise's moans became breathy and more urgent.

Janet increased the tempo of her vibrating fingers as Louise's gasps came faster and louder. And then faster than she expected, Louise's orgasm crashed into her like a wrecking ball and she threw her head back and every muscle in her body seemed to tense up and she cried out, past words. The orgasm surged through her and then left her and she sagged into Janet's arms like a marionette whose strings were cut. Janet moved her hand away from Louise's crotch and held her for a moment while Louise just breathed.

After a moment, Louise came to her senses and turned to look Janet in the eyes, "Oh, thank you, miss. Thank you."

Janet smiled and kissed Louise again and then said, "You're welcome, Louise. Is that what you needed?"

"Yes, miss. Yes," was all Louise could say.

They kissed for another minute and then Louise felt Janet urge her to her feet before standing. Louise turned around and they embraced again, Louise turning her chin upwards to meet Janet's lips once more.

Janet spoke, "I look forward to seeing you next week, Louise. Now, don't forget your panties there on the couch."

Louise smiled and blushed slightly. She broke from their embrace and retreived her panties from the arm of the couch. She held them in one hand as Janet showed her out.




Written by Sensei
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