Michael Iveson was a forty-four-year-old bachelor and he was currently on a two-week touring holiday in Scotland. He was travelling alone and staying in Guest Houses and B&B's.
He was visiting a town in The Highlands and he had two nights booked in a Guest House. He had arrived the previous evening and was exploring the town the next morning. In the square was a museum that contained a mixture of things, mostly relating to the region.
Part of the building had artefacts from the 1745 uprising in favour of Bonnie Prince Charlie that culminated in the battle of Culloden and the rest of the building contained miscellaneous items. The museum was very popular, especially with tourists, but was not particularly busy at the moment.
Michael was in a room that contained all sorts of things and at this moment he was alone in there. In the centre of the room, there was a large table, but it was what was on the table that caught Michael's eye. It was a genuine birch rod as used in the British legal system for the punishment of delinquents until the 1940s, although it was used in prisons after then and in the Isle Of Man until the 1970s.
There was a card on the table indicating that the last birching sentence in this town had been carried out in 1948.
Michael's attention was drawn to the item and he found himself wondering just what it felt like to receive a thrashing on the bare buttocks with an item such as this. Michael had never received a beating of any sort, but for as long as he could remember, he had had an interest in stories of school canings and in more recent times he had become fixated on videos of males getting their arses whipped. He had a preference for videos with a female administering the beating, hopefully, a mature woman.
Sometimes, whilst he masturbated as he watched red lines appearing across a male backside in a video, he would think of going onto the internet and finding someone to do something similar to him. Sexually, Michael was bi-sexual, having had physical relationships with both males and females, but he really liked the idea of any corporal punishment on him being administered by a female.
Whilst Michael was looking at this birch rod and thinking what he was thinking, he had not heard someone else enter the room, so it was a surprise when a female voice said, in a Scottish accent, "Looks like that could do some damage to someone's bottom."
Michael turned to see a woman that was clearly older than him, although it was difficult to determine how much older, "Um, yes, um, it does," he stammered and he was sure that he must be blushing. He felt as though he had just been caught looking at a porn magazine or, worse still, with his erect penis in his hand, or both.
The woman was reasonably attractive and quite solidly built, just the sort of woman that he had envisaged himself bending over for, in fact.
"Don't worry, that item gets a lot of people's attention, " said the woman in a kindly tone.
"Yes, I imagine it does; Do you work in the museum?" said Michael, feeling slightly less embarrassed.
"No, but I often visit," replied the lady who really was rather good-looking.
Michael could not think of anything to say but thought he had better say something, "I am just in town for a couple of days," although his English accent had already indicated to the woman that he was not local.
"There was me thinking that you were born and bred here," teased the woman.
By then, a few more people had entered the room so Michael and the woman smiled at each other and moved on through the museum. They smiled at each other a couple of more times in the next few minutes and Michael was thinking of asking the woman if she would like to go for a drink. He had plucked up the courage to ask her, but when he looked around for her, she was nowhere to be seen. Michael felt strangely devastated.
The woman had every intention of talking to the quite handsome man again and she also intended to mention the birch rod again. When Michael left the museum, she was waiting in the square and Michael's face lit up when he saw her.
"Hello again," he said, but he felt strangely nervous.
"Hello to you, " she replied.
"Um, I don't suppose I could buy you a drink?" Michael said hopefully.
"Do you ask all women that catch you looking at birch rods for a drink?" she beamed.
"No, I ...oh, you are teasing me," Michael replied when he saw the woman's eyes almost laughing at his discomfort.
Michael was also starting to feel another discomfort because his penis was hardening in his trousers, he did not know if it was because of the woman, or because of the birch rod, or both.
"A drink would be nice, please," said the woman, who had noticed a forming bulge in the man's trousers.
Having advised Michael against the first bar that he had suggested, they were soon sat opposite each other in the corner of another bar with the drinks that Michael had purchased.
"Thank you, are you going to tell me your name?" the woman had asked when Michael had returned with the drinks.
"Oh, it is Michael, Michael Iveson, " replied Michael.
The woman held out her hand and they shook hands over the table, "Lorna, Lorna MacIntyre, pleased to meet you, Michael," she said.
"Pleased to meet you too, Lorna," said Michael, wondering how far this was going to go.
Michael went on to tell Lorna where his home was and where he was staying, along with where else he had so far been in Scotland and where else he intended to go.
"Do you live in town, Lorna?" Michael asked. She had no ring on her wedding finger, so he was hopeful that she was not married, although she could, of course, live with someone.
"Just outside town, a quite isolated cottage, all on my own," said Lorna with her eyes on Michael. She was pleased that the 'all on my own,' seemed to register with Michael, judging by his expression change. Lorna, who was actually aged fifty-eight, rather liked the thought of having this handsome man in her bed, but she also had other plans for him.
"An attractive woman like you should not be on her own, " said Michael, who was now very much fancying her.
"Oh, I do have guests from time to time," said Lorna, who was hoping that she was talking to her next one.
The conversation continued with them both a bit tentative about suggesting that they go to Lorna's cottage.
"What were you thinking when you were studying that birch rod?" asked Lorna, out of the blue.
"Oh, well, I, um..." started Michael, feeling suddenly reticent.
"I think you were imagining feeling it across your arse, am I right?" asked Lorna, with a slightly strange look in her eyes.
"No, no, I wasn't," replied Michael, not very convincingly.
"Do you like having your bottom whipped, Michael?" asked Lorna, who now certainly had a strange look in her eyes.
"No, no, I have never.." replied Michael, who had suddenly become tongue-tied.
"But you would like to?" said Lorna, more as a statement than a question.
Right at this moment, Michael would love to be bending over to take a thrashing from this attractive mature woman, but how could he tell her that?
His silence was all that Lorna needed, "Sometimes my guests are naughty boys or girls and I deal with them appropriately," said Lorna, with her eyes fixed on Michael.
Still no word from Michael, so Lorna pressed on, "Are you a naughty boy, Michael?"
"Yes Lorna, I am," Michael heard himself replying, but he was shocked that he had actually said it.
"I thought so; I do not have a birch rod, but I have a cane or a tawse, you can feel whichever you want," said Lorna.
Michael was back to stunned silence again, so Lorna continued talking, "I suggest you cancel tonight at your guest house and spend the night in my bed, after your beating."

"Oh yes Lorna," Michael agreed brightly. He was feeling trepidation but also exhilaration.
They talked a bit further and they decided that there was no reason not to go to Lorna's cottage as soon as Michael had sorted out his checking out from his guest house. That way, they could have sex before and after his 'punishment'.
Michael got his night at the guest house cancelled and the proprietor did not insist on him paying, but Michael did pay a proportion of the cost. Michael then drove behind Lorna to her cottage. He was very aroused by both the upcoming sex and the upcoming beating, he had not yet specified whether he wanted a caning or a tawsing.
On arrival at Lorna's cottage, she said, "We will forget about your smacked bottom until later, first we will go to my bed and we shall fuck,"
Michael's Scottish holiday had taken an unexpected twist, but he was very enthused about it.
As Michael followed Lorna up the stairs, he admired how her big backside stretched her skirt. Michael liked his women to have big backsides.
"Welcome to my bedroom, Mr Iveson, " said Lorna, as she turned and threw her arms around Michael's neck. The kissing that followed turned to snogging and Michael got his first feel of Lorna's arse as his erection pressed against her front.
Over the next couple of minutes, clothing got removed until they were both naked. Lorna was shown to have large tits with hard protruding nipples and quite a hairy cunt. Michael's erect penis was certainly not one to be ashamed of. Michael had not yet seen Lorna's bare arse, but he certainly got a good feel of it as they came together to kiss again.
Then Michael's fingers were working fast in Lorna's already wet cunt as she wanked his cock. They then moved to the bed as Lorna guided Michael's rigid penis into her slippery snatch and the fucking that had crossed both of their minds in or near the museum had now officially started.
It was quite a long session because although Michael had not had his cock inside a cunt for more than three weeks, he had quite good staying power and he had his hostess crying, "Argh, oh shit," in a Scottish accent as she came. He made her cum again before he felt his own climax about to arrive and he gave three very swift thrusts before he ejaculated hard and long.
A while later they were side by side and breathing normally, when Michael asked, "You said you often go to the museum, do you often pick people up near that birch rod?"
"Not all that often, but I can usually tell by how long they spend gazing at it whether they might be up for a good thrashing," replied Lorna, thereby reminding Michael that he was there for a thrashing.
"The last one was an American woman about a month ago; She had a wonderful arse, but I do not know how she explained the cane marks to her girlfriend," confided Lorna.
"Did you have sex with the American woman too?" asked Michael.
"Aye, but I don't suppose that she told her girlfriend, " smiled Lorna, thinking of the sixty-nine that she had had with the woman.
Lorna and Michael, still naked at that point, had a light meal and then Lorna said, "Do you want the cane or the tawse?"
"Cane, " said Michael, who frequently wanked watching men getting their behinds caned by women in videos.
"Okay, we will do it soon, but I will want you dressed to start with," said Lorna.
Michael got dressed, as did Lorna, but she put on a tweed skirt and white blouse making her look very much like a headmistress.
"Right, I will call you downstairs when I am ready, " said Lorna, leaving Michael knowing that his first-ever caning was imminent.
"Micheal Iveson, come down here now," bellowed the Scottish voice.
Michael went downstairs, slightly frightened but certainly aroused. Lorna was not in the room that he expected her to be in but an, "In here," shout indicated where she was.
Michael entered the room with a sort of half-smile on his face but Lorna delivered a vicious slap to his cheek, "You have nothing to smile about, boy," she said and her eyes were ablaze.
"No, sorry," said Michael, who had tears in his eyes.
He soon had more tears because Lorna slapped him again, "Sorry, Miss," she shouted.
"Sorry Miss, " said Michael.
Lorna picked up a school-type cane and slashed it through the air. "Iveson, you will bend over that table and I will give you six strokes over your trousers, six over your underpants, and six on your bare bottom," announced Lorna as she bent the cane.
"Yes Miss, " said Michael before bending over the table.
Lorna stood behind him and slashed down six very powerful strokes at intervals of about twenty seconds with each SWISH! CRACK! stinging Michael's backside incrementally. With six strokes delivered, Michael was unsure whether he was enjoying it or not, although his penis was certainly hard.
Lorna put the cane down and reached around and undid Michael's trousers and pulled them down. She then lashed a further six strokes across his underpants-covered buttocks and after SWISH! THWACK! had sounded in the room a total of twelve times, Michael's arse was on fire and he was squirming and sobbing. His penis was rock hard.
The cane was put down again and then his underpants were lowered, once they had got beyond his erection, and Lorna, very turned on, was looking at Michael's bare cane marked arse.
SWISH! THWACK! Lorna put so much into those last six strokes and Michael was bucking and twisting and crying out, but he remained bent over.
Lorna was sweating and panting, with the cane vibrating in her hand, as she looked at the red lines across the man's posterior.
"Stand up Mr Iveson, " she said in an almost gentle voice that defied the violence that she had put into the beating.
Michael scrambled up and put his hands to his backside. His face was red and his eyes filled with tears, but his cock indicated that he had found the thrashing to be stimulating.
"You step out of these and go and lay on the bed, I will be up there soon, " said Lorna as she helped Michael struggle out of the trousers and pants at his feet. He made a very painful walk up the stairs and lay face down on the bed and cupped his buttocks. The buttocks that had just taken eighteen vicious strokes of the cane.
About fifteen minutes later, Lorna came into the room and got herself naked, "Would you like to fuck now?" she asked.
"Yes please, " replied a still rampant Michael and Lorna lay on her back and he mounted her. There was no holding back or even attempts to hold back as he fucked her hard and fast and Lorna came loudly before Michael shot his spunk into her.
Later that night, Michael got his first proper look at Lorna's arse and what a gorgeous arse it was. The attention that he gave it with his hands, fingers, and mouth had Lorna 'cooing' before she got on her knees and he fucked her from behind.
Michael had a bed & breakfast booked about eighty miles away for the next night, but there was no immediate hurry to leave town, so they fucked one more time mid-morning.
Michael's cane savaged arse was going to mean that his drive would not be too pleasant and Lorna gave him a cushion to see if that helped.
Before he left, they exchanged telephone numbers and it was agreed that if Michael Iveson ever visited this town again, it was hoped that they would get together. Whether the get-together would involve corporal punishment and sex was uncertain, but that it would involve sex was a certainty.
So Michael left, uncomfortably, reflecting on his visit to the museum in the Highland town. Lorna waved him off, reflecting on the great fucking that she had had over the last twenty-four hours.