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The Ladies Golf Team

"A ladies golf team loses an important match and a female committee member takes retribution with a cane"

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Author's Notes

"The idea for this story came from a Lush friend and I am writing it with her encouragement."

Sylvia Linighan, aged sixty-eight, was the captain of the senior ladies section of her local golf club and they had a very important match coming up. It was the final match of the league season for senior ladies teams and a win or a draw would give the league title to the club, a title that they had not won for more than a decade.

The opposition was the only team that could wrest the title from them and a win for them would see them take the title for the third consecutive year.

The team that Sylvia captained was particularly strong and very experienced this year and they were confident of getting enough points from the eight singles matches to win them the league although the opposition did have a couple of very good players.

The day before the match, Hillary Middleton-Smyth a committee member of similar age to Sylvia requested to see Sylvia at Hillary's home.

Hillary was very much a lesbian and she had several female lovers on the go including some ladies from the golf club but she had never bedded Sylvia, although she would rather like to have done.

Sylvia arrived at Hillary's house and they exchanged pleasantries. Sylvia was a bit wary of the reasons for her being there because although she was no stranger to lesbian sex herself, Hillary did not appeal to her.

"You do understand the significance of this match tomorrow, don't you Sylvia?" said Hillary.

"Yes of course; we have not won the league for years and we have a good chance of winning it now," replied Sylvia.

"I am telling you that you must win it," continued Hillary.

"Well, we will do our best and I am confident that we will," said Sylvia.

"I said you must win it and I will hold you personally responsible if you do not," Hillary went on.

"Well there are eight in each team and we will all be doing our best but I think it is a bit unfair to make me responsible for the performances of the other seven ladies," protested Sylvia.

"Not only make you responsible but I am telling you now that if the trophy is not ours by tomorrow evening I will cane your bottom," said Hillary.

"You are joking aren't you?" said a disbelieving Sylvia.

"No I am certainly not joking; If your team loses the match tomorrow you will report here, bare your bottom and take a dozen strokes of the cane," said Hillary.

"Don't be ridiculous," responded Sylvia.

"I am not being ridiculous and if you lose the match then that is exactly what will happen," said a very serious-looking Hillary.

Ms Middleton-Smyth was also a local magistrate and she often wished that she could cane some of the females that appeared before her. She did use the cane on some of her lovers and even occasionally had it applied to her own large bottom.

"This is stupid; You can't; I won't let you," Sylvia continued her protests.

"Then you had better make sure that the team wins the match," answered Hillary.

"I can't guarantee it," replied Sylvia.

"Then you must hope that your teammates perform otherwise you will get a very sore bottom; Good day," said Hillary, apparently ending the discussion.

"But, but..." a now nervous Sylvia stammered.

"I will see you tomorrow, before the match," said Hillary, almost pushing Sylvia out of the door.

Sylvia drove home thinking that it could not possibly happen. Hillary had no right to cane her and she was a grown woman and there is no way that she would bend over for a caning. Despite those thoughts, she was desperate for the match to be won the next day and not just because it would mean winning the league.

The day of the match arrived and Sylvia gave her pep talk to her team in the changing rooms.

The team was very experienced both in age and golf played with the 'junior' member being fifty-year-old Susan Kemp.

Sylvia gave her talk but could not get the nagging thought out of her head about losing and then bending over for a caning. She had continually tried to dismiss the possibility of getting caned on the basis that she would not submit to it but still, she kept imagining a cane slashing across her buttocks.

"Are you alright Sylvie, you seem distracted?" asked Helen Sims, a teammate, and long-time friend.

"Yeah, yeah, just a bit nervous about the match," replied Sylvia.

"Don't be nervous, it will be a thrashing," said Jane Freeman another team member, confidently but Sylvia cringed at her choice of words.

As they left the changing rooms, Hillary Middleton-Smyth was there. "I trust that you are going to win today, ladies," said Hillary generally, but with her eyes fixed on Sylvia.

"Yes, yes of course," echoed a couple of the women but Sylvia just smiled weakly.

Despite having the stronger all-round team, things did not start well and after all eight had played at least one hole only Sylvia and Helen were leading in their games with two other games even and Sylvia's team behind in four games.

Sylvia was aware of the current state of play and although playing just well enough to be on top in her game her mind kept drifting back to Hillary Middleton-Smyth and her cane.

Play continued and despite what was going on in her head, Sylvia increased her lead in her match. The bad news was that Alison Hewitt, who had been halving her game, was now losing so at this stage Sylvia's team was 5.5 to 2.5 points behind and a caning looking more and more likely.

Sylvia was playing in the lead match and she won it to put her team's first point on the board but generally, things were now even worse because Helen, who had been leading, was now drawing.

Before Sylvia went back out onto the course to encourage her teammates, she saw Hillary near the clubhouse. "Not going well is it? Looks like I will be seeing you later," Hillary said with a scowl but Sylvia did not answer. She felt her buttocks clench as she went to watch some of the other golf, surely it was not really going to happen she thought to herself.

A second match was soon completed with sixty-one-year-old Christine Lewis losing her game which was a surprise because she was one of the better players.

Christine congratulated Sylvia on winning her match and apologised for losing hers. "I could not get going at all today; Let's hope that the others can pick up some points," said Christine, not knowing that her loss might be contributing to her captain getting a caning.

Helen's match finished level and almost immediately, fifty-nine-year-old Jennifer Murphy lost her game so now Sylvia's team was 2.5 to 1.5 points behind on completed games but currently level in one and losing the other three that were still in progress.

Helen stood with Sylvia as the other games got towards their conclusions. "Bad day at the office, isn't it?" said Helen, trying to remain cheerful.

"It is a fucking disaster," snapped Sylvia, which was out of character.

"Yeah, well, we have not played well," said Helen, not knowing that her friend's arse had a caning coming up.

Alison Hewitt won the last hole to halve her match but that was of little consolation in the grand scheme of things. especially as Cheryl Potter, who had been drawing, now lost her match. That made the score on completed matches 4-2 in the opposition's favour, so unless Susan Kemp and Jane Freeman, who were both losing, both won their matches then the overall match and the league were lost.

Susan Kemp lost her match and very soon thereafter, so did Jane Freeman so a match that Sylvia's team had been confident of winning and had really been expected to win, had been lost 6-2.

The team members were crestfallen but none of them as much as Sylvia, who now had to try to talk her way out of a caning from Hillary Middleton-Smyth.

After offering their congratulations to the jubilant winners, Sylvia and her team made their way back towards the clubhouse and changing rooms. Hillary Middleton-Smyth was standing there, her face red with fury. "You inept bunch of losers, that trophy was ours for the taking," raged Hillary.

A few of the women tried to mumble excuses and apologies but Hillary turned her attention to Sylvia. "You and I have some business to conclude, I expect you at my house this evening," spluttered Hillary.

"But that is not necessary," said Sylvia, softly.

"It is necessary; You were warned; Be there," shouted Hillary, before storming off.

"What the hell was that about?" asked a mystified Helen.

"N-n-n-nothing, nothing," stammered Sylvia.

"What was she going on about?" asked an equally confused Christine.

"Oh, um, I might tell you later," replied Sylvia, now thinking that her caning was inevitable.

They went back to the changing rooms and all were subdued but Sylvia even more so. She started thinking of the injustice of it all if she was to have her arse caned because the other seven team members underperformed. She was the only one that won her game for fucks sake!

She started thinking that if she was to be caned then so should the other seven women be.

The women showered and Sylvia glanced at some of the mature buttocks on display and imagined them with cane marks on them.

"Are you going to tell us what Middleton-Smyth was talking about?" sixty-year-old Jane Freeman asked Sylvia.

Sylvia had decided to not only tell the other women but to make a proposal. "Actually, I will. She called me to her house last night and said that if we lost the match she would hold me responsible and she would cane me," said Sylvia.

"What? You are joking right?" said fifty-seven-year-old Cheryl Potter.

"No, I am not joking, and nor was she," answered Sylvia.

"Shit! You are not going to let her do it, are you?" asked Alison Hewitt, aged sixty-four.

"Actually, I have been thinking that if I am to be caned then you seven should be too," said Sylvia.

"Yeah, right," said Susan Kemp, with a nervous laugh.

"I am serious; I won my fucking game; It is not my fault that we lost six-two," said Sylvia.

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"That is true but you are surely not serious about us getting caned, or you for that matter," said Helen Sims, who at sixty-seven was the second oldest in the team.

"I always thought that Hilary Middleton-Smyth was kinky," added Christine Lewis.

"Maybe Sylvia is too if she is going to get her bum caned," chuckled Cheryl, although the chuckle was nervous because she, like the other women, was trying to absorb what had been said and whether it was serious or not.

The atmosphere was strange because none of the women, apart from Sylvia, quite knew if she was serious about the canings or not.

"I am one hundred percent serious about this; Hillary said that she would cane me if we lost and I think that if I am to be caned, you all should be too," said Sylvia.

"No, no, no, no way," said Cheryl.

"Fuck off," said Jennifer, but the other five women said nothing.

Jennifer was concerned about the silence from the other women. "Somebody say something; You are not going to let this happen are you?" asked Jennifer of the other women.

"Well we did mostly play like shit and we should really have won the thing," said Christine Lewis, whilst not agreeing to a caning was not ruling it out either.

"You are not thinking of going along with this, are you?" asked Cheryl, concerned that the majority of the women were prepared to take a caning.

"It is not right that Sylvia should suffer for our poor play," said Helen.

"Shit! You are actually thinking of doing what Sylvia says, aren't you?" said Jennifer.

"I don't like the idea of being caned any more than you do but if Sylvia is going to get it then I guess we all should," said Jane Freeman.

"This is silly; We are all grown women; We can't be seriously thinking of bending over for the cane like we were naughty seventeen-year-olds," said Cheryl, realising that the majority view seemed to be that they should.

"As Jane said, it should be all of us," said Alison.

Cheryl and Jennifer, as the only two apparent dissenters, looked at each other. "It is madness," said Jennifer, no longer seemingly saying no.

"Shall I phone Hillary and ask her to deal with all of us?" asked Sylvia.

"Sounds like we are being sent to the fucking headmistress," said Cheryl, ruefully.

"I suppose that we are," said Christine.

"So are we all agreed that I phone her now?" asked Sylvia.

There were a couple of murmured 'yes's' and no 'no's' so Sylvia took that as agreement.

"Ms Middleton-Smyth, it is Sylvia Linighan," said Sylvia when Hillary answered the phone.

"Ah yes, I have been expecting you here for your beating," said Hillary, sounding slightly less enraged than she was when they spoke outside the clubhouse.

"That is why I am ringing; I have spoken to the other women in the team and we think that we all should be caned if you will do that," said Sylvia, although surveying the faces of the other women they did not all look very convinced.

"Very democratic; Well that is a lot of cane strokes but I am sure that I can manage," said Hillary, almost cheerfully thinking that she had eight mature bottoms to cane.

"Shall we come now? I can probably borrow the club's mini-bus," said Sylvia.

"Yes, yes, come now and I will teach all eight of you that you should have put more effort into today's match," replied Hillary.

Sylvia got the keys for the mini-bus and the eight women made the short journey to Hillary's house in total silence, each woman lost in her own thoughts.

Hillary met them at the door and ushered them into a large room in which the two instantly noticeable things were a schoolmistress type desk and a cane, the cane bringing a couple of stifled gasps from the women.

"It goes without saying that your golfing performances today were way below standard," said Hillary to the assembled women, most of whom had their heads bowed.

"I told Sylvia yesterday what would happen to her bottom if you managed to lose the game but I agree that it is right that you should all suffer the consequences of your abject failings," continued Hillary.

"I still hold Sylvia responsible and she will receive the twelve strokes of the cane promised, the rest of you will get six strokes each," said Hillary.

"You will each come to this desk in age order, youngest first, you will bare your bottoms and bend over for your caning," said Hillary, prompting more gasps from the women.

Three of them, Helen, Alison, and Sylvia had been caned as seventeen-year-olds at their respective schools but other than that none had any experience of the cane.

"Right, youngest first," said Hillary, picking up the cane and bending it between her hands.

"Please, please," sobbed Susan Kemp, who was the youngest by some way.

"Come here girl," demanded Hillary.

A sobbing Susan approached the desk.

"Bare your bottom," ordered Hillary.

With a loud sob, Susan did so. The other women had seen her bare bottom before but never in these circumstances.

"Bend over the desk, grip the far end and stay down until I tell you to get up," instructed Hillary.

Susan bent over and gripped the desk, her rounded cheeks on display to the other women and at the mercy of Hillary's cane.

Hillary tapped the cane against Susan's buttocks, raised it then slashed it down CRACK

There were gasps from some of the women and a shriek from Susan.

Hillary slowly applied six strokes to Susan's bottom, each one seemingly causing her more distress.

Susan stayed down, sobbing loudly and gripping the desk, six vivid red lines across her arse.

"Get up," ordered Hillary. Susan slowly pushed herself up and cupped her buttocks, she then moved to pull up her clothing.

"Leave them down, stand over there," instructed Hillary and Susan her red face tear-stained shuffled away.

"Next," said Hillary, and after some looks between the women, Cheryl Potter made her way to the desk.

She received her six strokes and was every bit as vocal as Susan had been before she shuffled away, her clothing still lowered and clutching her caned cheeks.

Jennifer Murphy received her six although she sprung up after the fourth stroke, grabbing her behind before being ordered to get back over.

There were now three women rubbing whipped arses as the others watched in trepidation although in two cases there was some sexual arousal.

Jane Freeman then presented her big bottom and Hillary put six red lines across it before she was sent away nursing her buttocks.

Jennifer Murphy was finding that her hot arse was causing her cunt to tingle, she was shocked to find that getting caned had apparently turned her on.

Christine Lewis received six strokes across her ample backside leaving just three women to be dealt with.

Alison Hewitt took her half dozen but two of the strokes were acknowledged by expletives, 'Fuck!' and 'Shit!'

There was only Helen and Sylvia left to be punished but Christine Lewis had now joined Jennifer Murphy in feeling turned on as she held her whipped arse.

Helen bent over and received her first caning in fifty years.

"Right Sylvia, your turn," said Hillary who, although having delivered forty-two strokes still felt strong enough to give the team captain the twelve strokes promised.

Seven women watched, most of them through tears, as Sylvia Linighan bared her bottom and bent over the desk.

Watching the other canings and anticipating her own had actually turned Sylvia on and her cunt was quite damp as she presented her arse for Hillary's cane.

Hillary slashed the cane across Sylvia's buttocks at intervals of about ten seconds and by the time that six strokes had been applied, Sylvia was close to cumming. It was actually the eighth stroke that made her orgasm and after twelve strokes had lashed her buttocks, she remained bent over physically shaking, partly from the caning and partly from the orgasm.

Jennifer Murphy had, almost sub-consciously, been fingering her cunt as she watched Sylvia get flogged and she let out a little yelp when she came, bringing a pained smile from Christine who herself had actually orgasmed a few minutes before.

"You have now all been suitably punished," announced a now breathless Hillary as Sylvia joined the other women, clutching her buttocks.

"I think that we will introduce the cane in relation to poor golfing performances by senior ladies in the future and if any of you ladies want to see me privately for a caning in the future, I would be happy to oblige," said Hillary, well aware that at least some of the women had been turned on by the process.

"I will leave you to compose yourselves and you can leave when you wish," continued Hillary, before leaving the room with the cane under her arm.

None of the women spoke initially but there was a general sense of embarrassment. Some were embarrassed by the whole proceedings and some were embarrassed because they quite enjoyed it. At least two of the women would very likely take Hillary Middleton-Smyth up on her offer to attend for a private caning in the future.

At last, one of the women broke the silence. "Well that was different," said Christine Lewis, as she eased her clothing back up over her caned arse, her cunt wet from the orgasm that she had had. She would probably return one day for a caning, bad golfing performance or not.

Nobody else said anything, there was still a lot of sobbing, but eventually, all the women put their clothing back in place.

The drive back to the golf club was particularly painful for Sylvia, the others were mostly able to keep part of their caned arses off the seat.

It had been a very memorable day but not for the anticipated reason of winning the league for the first time in more than ten years.

Written by PJH
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