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The Insurance Claim Outcome

"Two Grannies make a fraudulent insurance claim but are caught out"

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Janet and Angela were both sixty-eight, grandmas, and lived together. Their birthdays were just one week apart, and they celebrated their sixty-eighth birthday three weeks ago. They had invited all their friends and whilst the party started off very well, some of their friends drank too much, arguments started, things were thrown across the room, the TV screen was damaged, the curtains broken off the rail, and the sofa and armchairs were torn.

All of that was just in the living room. Further damage was done in each of the bedrooms as well as the kitchen.

Janet and Angela both knew that their insurance didn't cover this kind of damage, not even accidental damage. However, they knew they would find it difficult to pay for all of the repair work and decided they had to lie and make an insurance claim. Filling in the form, they claimed that someone had broken in when they weren't at home, ransacked the place, caused the damage, and then left. Just to add to the validity, they included a claim for some jewellery and some cash that was stolen.

In fact, the claim form looked as though it made sense. So much so, in fact, that the Insurance Company gave the case to an eighteen-year-old intern, Lucy, just to give her the experience of dealing with a claim.

However, when Lucy called at the house and carried out an inspection, she became suspicious that the damage was caused because of a party that went wrong rather than a break-in and subsequent vandalism. During her inspection, she found an empty bottle of wine under some of the furniture that had been broken, but then, as a clear indication that there had been a party taking place, she found party hats stuffed down the back of the sofa as well.

Lucy was certain it was a fraudulent claim but wanted to remain friendly with the two grannies, and even sat down and had a cup of tea with them. During the conversation, she smiled and said, "I must admire how you dress so well. I know it's summer, but I love the fact that you are both in sleeveless dresses and your hems are almost as short as the ones I would wear for a party."

Angela replied, "Oh we just love to dress like this. We know we have creases all over our faces, turkey necks, batwings, and fleshy thighs, but we also know that we turn heads when we dress like this out in public."

Lucy was speaking the truth as she loved women these grannies' age and even wanted to go out with them albeit with her the one in charge. So she replied, "I can see how so many people, even my age, will be jealous of the way that you look."

Lucy had already decided that she was going to submit a report that the claim was fraudulent, but rather than call the police, she saw a way of making these two grannies withdraw their claim. However, she didn't want that to be the end of it but thought that they should learn a lesson from this. After all, just because they cannot afford to carry out repairs for the damage that they are actually responsible for, it's no excuse to make a fraudulent claim.

The last thing Lucy said before leaving the house, was, "I will now submit my report. I'll let you know if I have any queries, but if not, I will then let you know when it has been agreed."

Lucy, therefore, made her report that the claim was fraudulent, but didn't submit it to her line manager. She had to admit to rather liking Janet and Angela, even though they were clearly fraudsters, and thought she had a better way for the claim to be withdrawn. She knew, however, that if that didn't work, the police would be notified.

Lucy worked out exactly how she would handle the matter to achieve a withdrawal of the claim. She knew that the office was closing at six o'clock the following day and she was due to have a party full of her friends at her house. Instead, she knew that she could access the office, and explained on the social media site all her friends belonged to that the party was going to be moved. She also explained what had happened and what she hoped to achieve.

She then notified Janet and Angela that the quickest way to get the payment for the claim was for them to come to the office to collect a cheque.

The two grannies were over the moon when they got the message the following lunchtime and started celebrating with a bottle of wine which they happily drank between them. By the time they were due to leave to get to Lucy's office, they were certainly tipsy. They also remembered what Lucy had said about the way they dressed, and were feeling so confident that they put on their skimpiest dresses which showed off their deep cleavages, as well as all the creases and drooping skin. Nevertheless, they were ever so confident as they went to Lucy's office that they were going to get the undeserved cheque to cover the damage done by their friends.

The two grannies got to the office and went out to the receptionist. They didn't know that this was one of Lucy's friends as they were quickly signed in and directed to the lift and told to go to the third floor. Even in the lift, the two grannies were giggling.

The lift doors opened and Lucy was there to greet the two grannies, and said a cheery, "Follow me, ladies. The meeting room is this way." She then led the two grannies along the corridor and got to the conference room where she opened the door and beckoned them to walk through.

As soon as they did the walk-through, the two grannies were shocked to see so many girls in the room, probably twenty of them, and all were dressed as though for a party, even with glasses of wine in their hands.

They looked around with a questioning look to see Lucy still smiling.

As soon as the grannies turned around, Lucy said, "Just walk over towards those two high-backed chairs. I'll follow you."

Although surprised, both grannies could see how the girls in the room were enjoying themselves, and seeing that they were all wearing rather skimpy vest tops and shorts or miniskirts, nearly all of them with bare midriffs, and bare legs, they were both delighted that they were wearing their skimpy dresses. It never mattered to them but they were fleshier with creased skin, particularly as they knew that their cleavage certainly well exceeded practically all of the girls they passed by. That was why they got such excited and envious looks from the girls, they reckoned.

Janet and Angela were feeling calmer as they walked past the smiling and giggling girls making their way towards the high-backed chairs. As they got closer to them their attention was drawn to one of the girls wearing a vest top with a bare midriff, and a very short skirt, but what stood out was the muscles on her arms and the six-pack of her stomach. Clearly, this was a young lady who went to the gym a lot and used weights.

"I'm Amy," the girl said to the two grannies.

As they looked around they also spotted on each of the chairs a thick wooden-backed hairbrush and then, to their horror, they saw on the table behind two hook-ended senior canes. What kind of party was this? they thought to themselves.

At the same time, they both knew that they had a fetish for being spanked. They had joked about it over glasses of wine, wondering how much it would hurt because neither had been ever been spanked. They had even joked with friends who had been caned all those years ago at college and said how much it hurt, but they were laughing by the time the discussion was being held and told everyone that the pain didn't last very long. On the other hand, they brought themselves to tremendous orgasms when they got home even as their bottoms continued to sting.

So, as they looked at the hairbrushes and the canes their actual thoughts were what fun it would be to watch some of these girls on the receiving end.

Lucy saw that the two grannies had spotted the hairbrushes and canes, and then they turned to look at her. As they did, all of the girls in the room fell silent and were looking at the two grannies.

Lucy saw the look of surprise on their faces as they realised that they were now the centre of attention.

Lucy then explained, "So, ladies, your insurance claim. I've had further thoughts and it's clear that the claim is fraudulent." Lucy thought that being direct was the best approach to get the reaction from the two grannies.

Both Janet and Angela were blushing and looked at each other as they are wondering what to say, but their looks told everyone in the room that they knew that their claim was indeed fraudulent. That was confirmed when they both looked back at Lucy and neither knew what to say.

Lucy was still direct as she demanded, "So you both agree."

Janet was the first to recover and she asked a less than confident-sounding, "Why are you saying that?"

Lucy realised that the comment wasn't said with any confidence but was probably intended to buy some time. She said in a very stern tone, "I think the empty bottle of wine and the party hats said it all."

Whilst Lucy hadn't mentioned that at the time of her inspection, she did take photographs. Just then, to emphasise her point, flashing up on the large television screen on the wall, were the photographs that she had taken showing exactly what she meant. She saw the looks of horror on the faces of both grannies.

Angela was looking particularly distraught and turned and said, "Sorry."

Janet recovered and said, "We withdraw the claim."

Lucy let her silence hang in the air and could see the increased distress on both grannies' faces. Of course, she wasn't concerned about that but was going to move on to the next stage of what she intended to have happen here. She then responded still with a stern tone of voice, "Dealing with a fraudulent claim is not as easy as that. The fact is you have now admitted the fraud so this should become a police matter." She let that comment hang in the air as well.

Janet and Angela again looked at each other, increasingly distressed, and it was Angela who said, "Please don't. We'll do anything."

Lucy knew she was getting to the point, and demanded, "Does anything really mean anything?"

The two grannies clearly knew they had been caught out, and Angela replied, "Yes. We will do whatever you want to make this go away."

Lucy looked as though she was thinking but already knew what she was going to say. "You have certainly earned a punishment, and so the choice is this. If you don't want the police called you will have to accept that we will discipline you. That will involve a bare bottom spanking with our hands and then the hairbrush, as well as a caning. After that, we can accept the claim will be removed."

Janet and Angela again looked at each other and were wide-eyed. However, Lucy saw that they both almost had smirks on their faces. It was as though they were happy to take that punishment. Maybe they were, she asked herself.

Janet and Angela looked at themselves and were both thinking about the conversation they had had just last night. They had discussed a friend who had been caught stealing and joked between themselves that she deserved a good thrashing. Well, this was so similar to that, and here they were being offered that same punishment.

Lucy left it a few moments and then demanded, "Your decision, ladies."

Janet then looked around the room and asked, "Can it be done in private?"

Lucy retorted, "Of course not. These girls are here to watch you being disciplined." She didn't explain that they were all her friends but knew that with them all watching it would be an added humiliation to both grannies. After all, she knew they were both sixty-eight, whilst all of her friends were just eighteen, so pretty much a quarter their age. They were probably younger than their own grandchildren to put it into perspective.

Janet and Angela gave each other a final look and both nodded their heads acknowledging that they had no choice but to accept this punishment. Anything was better than being reported to the police, but they saw this had the added benefit of giving them the experience of being spanked that they had both hankered after for so long. Of course, they weren't expecting to be spanked by girls so young as this, nor in front of so many other girls, but that was still far better than being reported to the police.

Janet and Angela both turned and looked towards Lucy, swallowing hard as they acknowledged that they would accept the punishment.

Lucy ordered, "Right then, you very naughty grannies. I want you both to be completely undressed for your punishment."

Both grannies were surprised at that request but realised that once their knickers were taken off and their dresses lifted above their waists the only thing that would remain hidden behind their clothes would be their exceedingly full breasts. They even thought to themselves that the girls would be jealous as they saw their breasts swaying around and were clearly so much larger than their own. Actually, that made them both feel much more confident and ready to accept their punishment.

All the girls remained silent but were smiling as they watched the two grannies unzip their dresses and push them down towards the floor, catching their knickers on the way, stepping out of them both, and putting their clothes onto the table behind them where the canes were. They then both put their arms behind their backs, unclipped their bras, slipped them down their arms and caught them, and put them on the table with their other clothes. They then turned and faced all of the girls, standing as straight as they could, pushing out their breasts, and were actually smirking because, after all, only they knew their hidden desire to know what it was like to be spanked.

When she saw the two grannies were undressed, Lucy beckoned to Amy to sit on one of the chairs and she sat on the other one. As both girls were wearing micro shorts, they knew their legs were bare and so the grannies' bare tummies would be lying across their bare thighs. They hoped that it would be an added humiliation for the two grannies.

Before spanking them, though, Lucy ordered, "Right, both you very naughty grannies, put your hands on your heads and then follow every instruction."

Janet and Angela did as they were told and saw the looks they were getting from the girls in front of them. They saw lots of them looking at their breasts which, even with their hands on top of their heads were drooping and larger than a lot of the girls had. They again wondered if they were envious looks that they were getting, and certainly hoped so.

Lucy wanted to know if the two grannies had ever been spanked before, or got sexually aroused by being spanked. She knew that was possible and looked closely at their nipples and their pussy hair. She didn't think their nipples were yet taut, nor could she see any sex juice on their hair mounds, but she would be checking from time to time during the punishment.

The time had come to start the punishment and Lucy ordered, "Janet, you will come across my lap, and Angela, you will go across Amy's lap."

Angela was suddenly worried as she realised that she was going across the lap of a girl who was so muscular. She was bound to be able to spank much harder than Lucy but realised that she had no negotiating leverage at all.

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Moments later both grannies were across the laps of the respective girls as ordered, and both were experiencing real submission for the first time. Their faces were close to the ground, the closest view was the floor or the girl's upside-down legs, and then to the side literally dozens of bare legs all upside-down. Finally, they saw their own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. This submission was emphasised when they felt the girl's hands rubbing their bottoms.

Lucy wasn't surprised that the two grannies had succumbed to her ruse. They were hardly likely to argue that there was nothing in the rules about being spanked because they had committed fraud and they were simply comparing one punishment to another. She was a little surprised that they had gone so meekly across their laps though, and again wondered if they both actually didn't mind being spanked. Maybe, she suddenly thought, it was something they had already experienced. Well, if they had, she was certainly going to find that out because she was now intent on making sure both grannies were going to cry buckets before their punishment was over.

Lucy saw no need to explain the punishment to the two grannies, so instead nodded towards Amy, both raised their arms, and then both brought their hands down on the granny's far bottom cheek. Lucy smiled as the fleshy bottom surrendered to her hand, as did the other bottom cheek when she spanked it. They both then proceeded to spank both grannies on alternate bottom cheeks, looking up from time to time at their friends and seeing them smiling, giggling, and making comments to each other. They had been promised a spectacle, and Lucy intended to make sure they got it.

Janet and Angela realised that the spanks hurt rather more than they had expected. Of course, Angela was struggling much more than Janet because Amy really was a tough girl. However, even Janet was gasping and squirming around on Lucy's lap as the spanks continued to land both on each bottom cheek and the backs of each leg. That got them both worried because they realised that when they eventually walked home everybody would see their red legs. However, they didn't reckon many would think they had been spanked, given their age, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Lucy and Amy continued to land very hard spanks on both granny's bottoms and legs turning them nicely bright red. They also changed from spanking alternate bottom cheeks to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row. Each time the bottom cheek surrendered to their hands, followed quickly by a gasp from each granny as well as having them both squirm around on their laps.

Although both grannies stayed obediently across their laps, Lucy didn't think that was a sign that they had been spanked before, and maybe they hadn't but they just wanted to be. It was also a possibility, Lucy reckoned.

Once Lucy was happy with the bright red colour she had turned Janet's bottom and legs and saw that Amy had done even better to Angela, she nodded towards Amy and both picked up the hairbrush. Moments later the sound of a wooden-backed hairbrush spanking down on the fleshy bottom cheeks created a resounding thwacking noise mixed in with the yelps coming from the two grannies. Lucy realised that they were both now struggling to cope but knew they deserved this punishment rather than just a slap on the wrist.

Janet and Angela were both struggling to cope, and both were already wondering how they could possibly have wanted to know what it was like to be spanked if this is what it really was like. Well, it really was like this, and had they known that this was the result if they were caught making their fraudulent claim, they both told themselves they would never have committed the fraud in the first place. They hadn't given it much thought but had reckoned that the worst that could have happened was that the claim was thrown out by the insurance company. When they saw that Lucy was such a young girl to be given the case, they assumed they would be able to easily deal with her and convince her that the fraudulent claim was a valid one. Well, they were wrong with almost every count, it was certainly now suffering because of it.

Their struggling wasn't helped by the comments they could hear from the girls watching about how fleshy their bottom cheeks were, and how it was so sexy to see their breasts swaying from side to side as they squirmed around on the lap they were lying across. They also kept being referred to as naughty grannies, and the comments made it clear that the girls thought that they fully deserved this punishment. They even told themselves they did, not least of all because they were stupid enough to think they could get away with it.

Lucy hadn't thought about how many spanks should be landed with the hairbrush, but when she saw several pretty blue bruises start to develop she told herself that she and Amy could continue until almost all of their fleshy bottoms were covered in bruises. Why not, she told herself.

It took several dozen more very hard spanks with the hairbrushes to get both fleshy bottoms covered in bruises, but, once they were, Lucy again indicated to Amy that they can stop spanking with the hairbrushes. Once they had stopped, Lucy was conscious of the fact that both grannies were crying, so she was happy that the lesson was being learned. However, she was ready to move on to the even more painful punishment of the caning. So, she ordered, "Get up you naughty grannies and bend over so you can both be caned for your fraudulent act."

Even though both Janet and Angela were crying they did hear the instruction, as well as the giggles and encouraging comments from the girls watching. They had to admit to finding that both humiliating, but, somehow, making them aroused that they were the centre of attention. They weren't enjoying the actual thrashing and did not doubt at all that they would hate being caned, but they were experiencing a punishment they had dreamed of, and when thinking about it in bed they had so often fingered themselves to tremendous orgasms and they just hoped that would be the same after their real punishment was over.

As soon as Lucy and Amy had stood up Lucy ordered, "Bend over and grab the seat of the chair and place your legs apart. I want your bottoms presented properly and ready for the cane."

Both grannies again obediently did as they were told, and as they bent over and clasped hold of the side of the seats they made sure that their legs were placed apart. With their heads looking down at the floor behind them they both saw Lucy and Amy position themselves and heard them swish the canes a couple of times. The sound was scary, but also sent quivers flying around their vaginas, so fear was mixed with the anticipation of sexual arousal which got them both excited.

Lucy again wanted to see whether both grannies were sexually aroused by being punished in this way. She actually hoped so because she had always fancied having a girlfriend their age, but also being in charge and being able to spank them. It was never being sadistic, but always as foreplay to lovemaking.

So, Lucy nodded towards Amy and then eased the cane between Janet's parted legs, and swished lightly from side to side hitting her inner thighs. She smiled as she saw Janet part her legs even further, squealing as she did so. Then, ever so gently, she flicked the cane upwards directly onto Janet's stretched pussy lips and smiled again as she gasped.

As Janet realised that the cane strokes hitting her inner thighs were not hard at all she found it quite exciting. Then, when the cane, again ever so lightly, struck her pussy lips, she got really excited thinking this was so similar to fingering herself. Of course, that was countered by the concern that she would be hit too hard, but immediately realised that so long as she trusted Lucy then this was the type of submission she hankered after. Indeed, it brought out all of her feelings of submission that she had felt, and even the girls making further comments of derision and pressing Lucy and Amy to cane the naughty grannies really hard woke up even a stronger desire to be submissive to an authoritative woman. She could even see that submitting to a girl Lucy's age, just a quarter of her own age, was yet more humiliation but in such a good way for her.

Lucy was happy with the erotic gasps that Janet had made when the cane was flicked up onto her pussy lips and was now thinking this had to be a really hard caning of her already bruised bottom cheeks. Again, she nodded towards Amy, they both withdrew the cane from within the naughty grannies' legs, positioned themselves properly, pulled their arms back, and landed a very hard stroke of the cane right across the middle of their bottom cheeks. That was rewarded with a loud yelp from both naughty grannies, and cheers from the girls watching.

Lucy and Amy then landed stroke after stroke on the naughty grannies' bottoms. They were both excited as they drew red-raised welt after red-raised welt across their bottoms, and listened to yelp after yelp as each stroke landed. Even so, both grannies continued to stay bent over, clearly accepting every single part of the punishment, including this very hard caning. Lucy even got excited at the thought that this was exactly the type of submissive granny-aged woman that she wanted to have as a girlfriend, and was starting to think of that possibility.

Janet was struggling more than she had expected, which was saying something as she had always expected the cane to hurt, particularly when landing on her already spanked bare bottom. However, she quickly lost count of the number of strokes she received, focusing on keeping a hold of the seat of the chair because she was intent on showing Lucy her total submission.

Angela was also horrified at the pain but was elated by the way that she was submitting to Amy. She found her muscular arms a delight and had the desire to submit to her in a way that she had never felt about anyone else. She had looked on her computer at sites that involved spanking and caning, and had often sat there looking at the screen, totally naked, fingering herself to huge orgasms, but had never experienced it. That had now changed, and she knew this was something that she so wanted to have happen to her again. She even loved that she was being thrashed by a girl so young compared to herself, which added to the excitement for her.

Once Lucy had got to twenty-four strokes she signalled to Amy to rest a while, and she lent down close to Janet's face, and said, "I hope you are learning your lesson, you naughty granny." She saw how Janet's large breasts were hanging so seductively as she was bent over, and took one breast in her hand and caressed it, gently squeezing the nipple and feeling how taut it was, telling her once again just how turned on Janet was.

Even with her bottom stinging so much, and she was crying uncontrollably when Janet felt Lucy's hand caressing her breast she loved the feeling. She immediately saw this as her submission to the authoritative Lucy, who had every right both to discipline her in whatever way she felt was right and to impose her control, even by touching her breasts or other very personal parts of her body. In fact, she knew she would love it right then if Lucy were to finger her throbbing pussy lips, but knew it was not her place to ask. However, she was getting more aroused than she had been for a long time and loved the feeling.

Lucy knew she was in control and loved being so, and so as she finished caressing Janet's breast she changed to rubbing her bottom in circles, then the backs of her legs, then the inside of her thighs, and deliberately ran her fingers along Janet's very wet pussy lips, again telling her just how aroused the naughty granny was.

Amy saw what Lucy was doing to Janet and did the same to Angela, and smiled as she realised that her pussy lips were extremely damp.

Most of the girls watching realised what Lucy and Amy were doing, and when they saw the looks on the faces of the grannies, clearly letting out orgasmic gasps, they also knew that these naughty grannies were being turned on by being spanked and caned. That's when they started their chants of "Harder, harder," and started to cheer and clap as Lucy and Amy once again set about caning the two very naughty granny bottoms.

As Lucy and Amy got to the last few strokes, they even managed to make sure that they were harder than all of the other strokes, and achieved even louder yelps from the naughty grannies.

Lucy and Amy were both satisfied with the way that both grannies were crying uncontrollably, as well as how gorgeous their fleshy bottoms now looked with all those red welts painted across both bottom cheeks. They left them there for a few moments before Lucy ordered, "Okay, you naughty grannies, you can get up now but we still need to discuss your fraudulent claim."

As soon as Janet and Angela pushed themselves up, they immediately clutched and rubbed their stinging bottoms and stepped from foot to foot doing what they always imagined they would do which was the spanking dance. The tears were flooding down their cheeks but as they danced from foot to foot and knew that their breasts were swaying they had no doubt the teenage girls were enjoying the sight of their distress.

Once they had calmed down, Janet looked at Lucy and Amy, albeit through her still blurred vision, and between sniffing back tears, said, "We will of course withdraw the claim."

Lucy replied sternly, "Good, and I hope you have learned your lesson."

Janet replied, "Yes, we have. In fact, we have learnt a very good lesson, although I am wondering whether it should be repeated from time to time?"

There was a chorus from the girls watching of, "Do it, do it, do it."

Lucy and Amy looked at each other Lucy then said, "Actually, I agree. How about on Sunday night you come to my house, Janet and Angela go to Amy's house, and we both punish you again just like today. It probably makes sense if you then stayed the night."

There was silence only for a moment before Janet replied, "Yes please." A moment later Angela replied, "Yes please, me as well."

The girls watching all cheered, and they were all very confident that both grannies would get turned on again as well and that Janet and Amy would be up for lovemaking as part of the punishment.

As Janet and Angela got dressed, they too were wondering if Lucy and Amy were turned on by punishing them. They still couldn't see either girl clearly enough because their vision was still blurry, but were looking forward to Sunday when they would find out. They weren't going to be surprised, however, if that was the case which would then bode well for the future and were already getting aroused at the ever-so-good prospect of having two young girlfriends who would have full and unquestioned disciplinary authority over them. That was a real turn-on for both grannies.

Written by SusanHarper
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