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The Exchange Student’s Friends Take Revenge

"Both Jeff and Georgina are spanked by Hannah’s friends for being rude to them"

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It was now several weeks since eighteen-year-old exchange student Hannah had first spanked Jeff and he had broken rule after rule since then and Hannah never hesitated to spank him each time. He continued to resist being spanked anywhere other than at home and in private because whilst he wanted to be spanked by the teenager he thought it too humiliating to be spanked in front of anyone else. However, he did, after a while, relent and let Georgina watch after the time that both he and Georgina had an argument that got out of hand and Hannah settled it by spanking them both which was, as expected, successful in making them both calm down and see sense.

Today, Hannah had invited several college friends over for the afternoon and they had had a most enjoyable time planning a project they were working on together. All of the girls were in their school uniform of a blue and white check gingham short-sleeved dress with a hem halfway down their thighs. 

As Jeff and Georgina walked into the house they had quite forgotten Hannah was going to have friends over, and they were arguing, once again. Jeff walked into the living room and saw all the girls sitting around the dining table working away at their project. He stayed quiet initially but then heard one of the girls, Beth, ask Hannah, “Is that Jeff? You know, the old man that you spank?”

Another girl giggled and said, “Don’t you spank her as well?” nodding towards Georgina.

Jeff and Georgina both knew that Hannah openly spoke about the discipline regime she ran at home but neither had been faced before with it being thrown into their faces quite so obviously. Georgina held back, although was thinking she would enjoy being spanked by Hannah with all of her friends watching. When she saw Jeff looking as though he was going to respond to the giggling he took hold of his arm and said as quietly as she could, “Hang on there, Jeff. Don’t get Hannah all riled up because you will not like what she will do to you.” Of course, Georgina knew that if Jeff blew his top then Hannah was more than likely to spank them both.

The warning struck a chord with Jeff and he managed to hold back from making the retorts that he wanted to make. However, one of the girls, Samantha, who was Hannah’s girlfriend, was still giggling and was then heard to say, “That’s it, Jeff, you do as you are told because us women are in charge.”

Jeff glared at Samantha and swallowed hard, trying to control his temper, but failed. He knew he shouldn’t say anything but couldn’t help himself and walked up to the table and, giving Samantha a ‘how dare you?’ stare, said in a tone of voice he reserved for the lowest of the low staff at his workplace, “I don’t think a kid your age even understands what being in charge means.”

Georgina smiled at the comment that Samantha had made and thought that Jeff was definitely on the wrong tack because these were friends of Hannah’s. In fact, Georgina was pretty sure that even if Hannah wasn’t in charge of them both she would have told Jeff off for being so rude, and, still thinking like that, said a bit more firmly, “Stop talking like that, Jeff. These are Hannah’s friends and you can see they are working on their homework together.”

Samantha was eighteen-years-old and didn’t like being called a kid. She snapped back with, “Well you can’t be that clever yourself if you need to be spanked so often by Hannah.”

Georgina could see that Jeff was getting embarrassed by the fact that the girls were referring to him being spanked. Of course, she knew he liked being spanked because he was sexually aroused when being spanked, and more so by a girl of eighteen rather than someone his own age or his mum’s age. However, she thought she should defend her husband and glared at Samantha and said in a cross sounding tone, “Maybe a good spanking would do you some good as well, young lady.”

Beth stepped back into the exchange with a sarcastic, “So that is coming from a woman who revels in being the office tart?”

Georgina knew her reputation was getting around and loved people to know how she would make out with work colleagues and felt deliciously humiliated by being told she was a tart by the eighteen-year-old. However, as usual, humiliation only got her more aroused and she forgot she was talking to Hannah’s young friends and replied, “Wait until you taste pussy juice or a man's cum and you’ll understand, young lady.” 

Hannah could see that the discussion was getting out of hand, slapped the table with the palm of her hand, and ordered, “That’s enough.” She then allowed everyone to calm down before saying sternly, “Well, Jeff, you know very well that one of the rules I set was not to argue with my friends and you have certainly broken that rule.” 

Hannah then gave Georgina one of her ‘you are a naughty girl’ looks and said, “Well I think that comment to Bess has earned you a spanking as well. So, we will take a break from doing  our project and deal with the two of you in the only way you both seem to understand.”

Jeff and Georgina both knew not disputing a decision that Hannah made was also one of the rules and they had got quite used to accepting every decision that she made. Jeff winced at the prospect of another spanking, but more because of all the girls in the room whereas he was only ever spanked in private.  Georgina was thinking differently how she would happily undress and be spanked naked in front of all these teenagers and was already getting turned on by the prospect. 

Hannah was well aware that Jeff only liked to be spanked in private whilst Georgina was more than happy to have several people watching her being spanked whilst naked. However, Jeff had been rude to one of her friends and in front of all of the others so it seemed only right that he was spanked with everyone watching as well. She did think it was probably unfair to make him get undressed, whilst, on the other hand, because Georgina did not have any reservations of that kind she was quite happy Georgina should be spanked whilst she was naked. 

Hannah also thought about one further twist to reinforce the punishment. After all, she was used to enforcing the rules strictly and both Jeff and  Georgina knew that to be a fact. So she also stated firmly, “As you, Georgina, have just made that rude comment to Beth, she will be the one to spank you. Also, as you, Jeff, were rude to Samantha, she will be the one to spank you.”

Jeff was particularly horrified to be told that he was not going to be spanked by Hannah but instead by one of her friends. He now looked at Samantha, knowing he had been rude to her and certainly regretted the things that he had said. It was all on the spur of the moment and he wanted to explain that to both Samantha and Hannah, but, from the angry looks on both of the teenage girl’s faces, he was pretty sure that he wouldn’t be able to change Hannah’s decision.

Georgina looked at Beth and didn’t even think of arguing against being spanked by her. Georgina too had got used to being disciplined by eighteen-year-old Hannah but knew that there was really no difference between being spanked by her and being spanked by one of her friends. In fact, it was probably an even better lesson as she was going to be disciplined by the girl that she had been rude to. She even saw the look of intent on Beth’s face which was clearly meant to show Georgina that she was going to give her a very hard spanking. Georgina also glanced at Beth’s bare arms and saw that she was well-toned, and also had well-toned legs, and was clearly a young lady who, like Hannah, enjoyed going to the gym and working out and so was likely to be able to give a very hard spanking as well.

Samantha and Beth nodded towards each other and then both got up and turned their chairs into the room. Both girls pulled the hems of their dresses up to the top of their thighs knowing that it would be more humiliating for both Jeff and Georgina to be lying across their bare legs to be spanked.

Hannah kept control and ordered, “Right then, Georgina, you need to get undressed.”

Georgina swallowed hard but knew that she never minded being undressed no matter who was watching. She looked around at the girls and saw that they were all hiding smirks, with two of them holding their hands over their mouths to try to hide what were clearly broad grins. So, obeying Hannah’s instruction, she unzipped her dress and pushed it down towards the floor, catching her knickers on the way, stepping out of both, folding her dress, and putting it with her knickers on another chair. She then put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught it, and put it with the dress and knickers. She then stood naked and looked at Hannah and waited for the next instruction.

Hannah and the girls all watched Georgina undress with a growing sense of enjoyment. Once Georgina had got fully undressed, Hannah ordered, “Put your hands on your head whilst Jeff gets ready for his spanking.”

Jeff was getting more and more concerned as he watched Georgina get undressed. He wanted to remind Hannah that she always spanked him in private, with only Georgina watching on some occasions. He certainly didn’t want to undress in front of all of these eighteen-year-old girls, although he had come to accept that they all knew that he was regularly spanked by Hannah. He really did start to wonder why he allowed himself to become subject to the eighteen-year-old's authority, but then he again reminded himself that being spanked was a long-held fantasy of his and, although it hurt, he found it was sexually arousing. He wasn’t quite so sure now that he was going to be spanked by Samantha although, looking at her, there didn’t seem to be so much difference between her and Hannah, other than the fact that she wasn’t living in their house.

Hannah looked angrily at Jeff and ordered, “Go and stand by Samantha.”

Jeff wondered whether that instruction meant that he wouldn’t have to get undressed and so he immediately went and stood by Samantha looking down at her bare thighs. He was then actually relieved when Hannah ordered, “Push your trousers and underpants down to your ankles and bend over Samantha’s lap.”

Whilst Jeff was at least relieved that he wouldn’t have to get totally undressed he was still concerned that he was going to be spanked so publicly. Also, as he pushed his trousers and underpants down towards his knees he realised that his penis was very much on view in any case, and, after all, that was the only part of his body that he ever needed to keep private. So, knowing that his bare bottom was going to be on show in any case, he quickly bent across Samantha’s lap which hid it from view, although he knew he still had an erection. However, as he settled himself across Samantha’s bare thighs so he calmed himself down as he looked at her well-toned upside-down legs and saw his own dangling under the far side of the chair. He momentarily wasn’t quite so relaxed as he saw several other pairs of bare upside-legs standing close to his face but soon accepted it, and even wondered why he had been so unsure about having an audience watch him being spanked and felt even more aroused than usual by the time Samantha started to rub his bottom in circles. 

Georgina had to stay standing but didn’t mind that she was naked with so many young women looking at her as she was confident about her body and was sure several girls would be wishing they had her curves. Standing naked with her hands on her head also added to her own arousal just as it did when at the office when she often had to obey the orders of the lowest grade members of staff whilst naked. She was the tart at the office and was happily being the tart here as well, so just felt more and more aroused by the predicament of her own making.

Hannah could see that Georgina was aroused by having to stand still with her hands on her head, the proof being her nipples were now so taut. She had seen it every time that Georgina had to undress before she spanked her and so wasn’t surprised at all. Having savoured the view once again, she ordered, “Okay, Georgina, now get across Beth’s lap.”

Georgina quickly looked around at several of the girl's faces and saw how they were all smiling as she eased herself down across Beth’s bare thighs. She always loved the feel of her own bare tummy nestling down on Hannah’s bare thighs and was getting the same sexual arousal as she lay across Beth’s. She looked at Beth’s bare upside-down legs inches from her face and rather liked the colour of Beth’s painted toenails, and then enjoyed the sight of her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair, noting that the colour of her toenails was not so dissimilar to Beth’s. She then looked around and saw several pairs of standing upside-down legs, and as the girls had all removed their shoes when coming into the house she could see that they all had their toenails painted in different but rather nice colours.

Hannah looked down at both Jeff and Georgina lying across Samantha and Beth’s laps and smiled as she watched both girls start to rub their bottoms in circles. She knew that she was being wicked by making Jeff and Georgina submit to two of her friends but it wasn’t going to be so much different to her spanking them. Her friends would be watching in any case so there was no difference there. In fact, having her friends spank them would be quicker than her having to spank them both one after the other, and certainly would be more enjoyable for everyone, at least everyone other than Jeff and Georgina. 

Jeff was now accepting the fact that he was going to be spanked for the first time in front of someone other than Georgina. However, as his bottom was rubbed in circles, he realised that there really wasn’t any difference because it was general knowledge between all of these friends that he was spanked by Hannah, and so the fact that they were actually watching him being spanked, or, indeed, that Samantha was actually going to be spanking him rather than Hannah, really made little difference. The end result was going to be the same, which he was pretty sure was going to be the normal stinging bottom and floods of tears.

Beth was happily rubbing Georgina’s bottom and kept thinking about how she was known as the tart at the office. Therefore, as well as rubbing her bottom in circles, she also rubbed her legs up and down, and then down her inner thigh. As she saw Georgina slightly part her legs she eased her finger along her pussy lips and realised that Georgina was already damp. Excited at the realisation that Georgina got aroused by being spanked, she looked around the room nodding down towards Georgina’s pussy lips and smiled at the girls who also realised what she had done.

Hannah also saw what Beth did, and, smiling, winked at Beth as though telling her that she already knew that Georgina was turned on by being spanked. She was also smiling as she explained to Samantha and Beth, “Listen here, girls, you will start by spanking each bottom cheek alternately, and then, when I give you the signal, you will spank the same bottom cheek six times in a row before spanking the other bottom cheek six times in a row. Once I’m happy with that you will then do the same to the backs of each of their legs. Clearly, the spanking will take quite some time, but that is definitely needed to teach these two very rude adults that their misbehaviour will only get them into more trouble.”

Having explained that, Hannah nodded again and both Beth and Samantha raised their hands and brought down their palms as hard as they could on the far bare bottom cheek. Both girls liked the way that the bottom cheek surrendered to her palm and then bounced back as she raised her hand, then swirled around a bit and settled down just to she landed her palm once again on the near bottom cheek. Neither waited to watch the reaction of the newly spanked bottom cheek and raised their palms and brought them down once again on the far bottom cheek and then proceeded to spank each bottom cheek in turn time and again. Neither had spanked anyone before, but were following Hannah’s instructions, and enjoyed how they were turning the two bare bottoms deeper and deeper shades of red.

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Hanna smiled as she watched the spanks continue to land on alternate bottom cheeks turning both bottoms deeper and deeper shades of red. She kept a smile on her face as Beth and Samantha continued to land spank after spank until she was happy with the redness, and then announced, “Now change to repeating the spanks on the same bottom cheek, girls.”

Beth and Samantha immediately focused on the far bottom cheek and landed spank after spank six times. They both saw how Jeff and Georgina found it more difficult to deal with the repetitive spanks by the way they were squirming around on their laps letting out louder and louder gasps and tensing their arms and legs. The girls watching also enjoyed the sight of the two adults suffering but didn’t have any sympathy for them because they agreed with Hannah that their rudeness needed to be reprimanded.

Jeff looked sideways and saw several of the upside-down bare legs shuffling around and heard the giggles and comments about how red his and Georgina’s bottoms were and realised the humiliation was turning him on and now could see why Georgina was so turned by it. The comments continued with, “I bet he isn’t enjoying it,” with the response, “Ask Sam if she can feel his penis or whether it is now droopy,” and then, “Maybe it will be erect as his manhood is on Sam’s legs.”

As Jeff listened to the derogatory comments he realised that he was being turned on by them and suddenly understood how that turned Georgina on. He felt his penis becoming more and more erect as he became more and more aroused but did manage to stop himself rubbing his penis against Samantha’s bare thighs although thought as well that the humiliation of finding his cum on her thighs when he eventually stood back up would be so erotic. Either way, he was now enjoying the spanking he had fully earned.

Georgina still relished the humiliation of being spanked whilst naked in front of any number of men and women and was still aroused by that humiliation. Of course, she equally understood that she had broken one of the rules set by Hannah, and so had earned yet another spanking. Even so, as the spanks made her bottom sting more and more she looked around at the pairs of bare legs inches from her face and told herself that she really wouldn’t mind any of the girls giving her a spanking.

Hannah could tell from the way that both Jeff and Georgina stayed obediently across Samantha and Beth‘s laps that they were fully in tune with being disciplined. Whilst she definitely enjoyed spanking both of them she was also finding it erotic watching them being spanked by her friends. Role reversal, after all, wasn’t just about carrying out the spanking herself but was also about having the authority to instruct anyone else to spank them. It was certainly a variation on the role reversal she had exercised up until now and she started to think about other friends who she could bring to the house to discipline Jeff and Georgina.

Beth and Samantha were both enjoying their ability to spank two adults who were easily their own parent’s age. Neither, though, was interested in spanking their own parents, but both had in mind parents of close friends of theirs who were quick enough to tell them off when they were visiting their home, and could certainly do with having their bottoms spanked as well.

Hannah could see that both girls were doing a good job because Jeff and Georgina were gasping louder and louder as they squirmed around on the two girls bare laps. Once happy with the darker shades of red of both bottoms, she then instructed, “You can now start to spank the backs of their legs, girls.”

Beth and Samantha happily changed to spanking the backs of both pairs of legs. They could tell immediately how the gasps coming from both Jeff and Georgina were suddenly even louder, and how they were squirming around on their laps far more, and tensing their arms and legs. They found it funny that two adults were so easily ordered across their laps to be spanked, and, not only that, were obediently staying in place as their bottoms and legs were clearly stinging more and more. Nevertheless, both girls continued to spank the backs of their legs because this was a new experience for both of them which they wanted to have for as long as possible.

As Hannah watched Beth and Samantha continue to spank the backs of the legs, she went over to the side cabinet, opened a drawer, and took out two wooden-backed paddle hairbrushes. There were several of these dotted around the house because Hannah didn’t have one particular room where she spanked either one of them so it was therefore far easier for the hairbrushes to be dotted around the house. She walked back over to the two girls and, now satisfied with the shade of red of both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs of both adults, she handed a hairbrush to each girl and said, “Now use these to add a blue tinge to both bottoms, girls.”

Beth and Samantha were wide-eyed as they took hold of the hairbrush, glanced at each other and saw they were each smiling, rubbed the hairbrush around in circles, nodded to each other, raised hairbrush, and brought it down with a loud thwack on each bottom. They loved the way that the bottom cheeks surrendered far more than when being spanked with their hand, and happily continued to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks.

Hannah watched as the two girls spanked with the hairbrush, but after a dozen ordered, “You can both spank rather harder than that, girls.”

Beth and Samantha immediately followed Hannah’s instruction and brought the hairbrushes down with even more force. Initially, they were concerned by the way that both Jeff and Georgina let out louder and louder gasps, squirmed around in an even more animated way, shook their heads from side to side and hissed in an out through clenched teeth, thinking that they were spanking too hard. However, they both looked up at Hannah who nodded her head in approval, and, realising that both adults remained across their laps knowing that the spanking would continue as hard as it did then realised that it was right to spank that hard in order to deal with the two very naughty adults.

Jeff and Georgina both hated being spanked with the hairbrush, although both loved it as well because of the way it got them both so aroused once the spanking was over. They realised that Beth and Samantha were not spanking them as hard with a hairbrush as Hannah did, but that soon changed when they heard Hannah instructing them to spank them harder. So, as the spanking continued, Jeff and Georgina dissolved into their normal and uncontrolled crying state as they lay across the girl's laps accepting that they had broken the rules set by Hannah and had earned their spanking.

Hannah continued watching the spanking as she saw that both bottoms were now getting more and more blue bruised and knew that both Jeff and Georgina would find it very hard to sit down for many hours to come. That was, of course, the intention and, she knew, would be a great talking point for her and her friends.

Once satisfied that both bottoms were nicely bruised and that both Jeff and Georgina were crying uncontrollably, Hannah gave the instruction, “Okay, you can stop spanking them.” She added, “You two very naughty adults can get up now.”

Jeff and Georgina thought that that was the end of the punishment as they both stood up and, as they did, their hands rushed to their bottoms and they rubbed feverishly as they stepped from foot to foot doing what they knew was a humiliating spanking dance. As they did, they gasped with horror as they heard Hannah announce, “Both of you bend over and grab the chairs. You are both going to get six strokes of the cane.”

Jeff and Georgina both hated the cane even more than the hairbrush but knew they had to obey the authoritative Hannah. After all, they had given her disciplinary control over them for the specific purpose of disciplining them and knew it was absolutely up to her to decide what punishment they were given each time. As it was quite normal for Hannah to cane them both, so there was no reason to suppose that her friends couldn’t cane them as well and they both obediently bent over and clasped hold of the seat of the chair that Beth and Samantha had been sitting on to spank them. Both placed their legs slightly apart and presented their bottoms for their caning.

Beth and Samantha picked up the canes that Hannah had placed on the dining table and positioned themselves behind and to the side of the two very naughty adult bottoms that they were about to cane.

Hannah announced, “Two practice strokes each in addition to the six, girls, and I will tell you if they are hard enough.”

Beth and Samantha glanced at each other knowing that this was a more serious form of punishment. However, Hannah had been a good teacher so far and so they were confident that she would teach them how to use the cane. Both positioned themselves and rubbed the cane back and forth across the naughty bottom, pulled their arms back, and landed the cane with a loud crack. Both saw the cane cut into the naughty bottom, but both were conscious that the gasp was not as loud as when they landed the hairbrush. They both looked at Hannah who mouthed, ‘Harder, in fact, much harder.’

Beth and Samantha both took on board the instruction, pulled their arms back again, and this time landed the cane much more fiercely and both realised from the much louder yelp from both Jeff and Georgina that it now hurt more than the hairbrush. The two girls also looked towards Hannah who nodded and mouthed, ‘Just a bit harder but get going with the six.’

Beth and Samantha focused once again on the bare bottom they were caning and saw how there was only one proper raised red welt which told them that the first strobe clearly wasn’t hard enough but the second one was pretty much there. Therefore, when they pulled their arms back again aimed, and then brought their arms back down landing the cane with slightly more force than the previous stroke, they heard the rather louder yelp, saw that both Jeff and Georgina were shaking their heads and hissing in and out through clenched teeth clearly showing that they were now finding it hard to cope. The reaction showed Beth and Samantha they were getting the strength of the stroke correct, so, as they landed the cane with much more confidence and saw it bite into the bare bottom, bounce back out, and then very quickly saw the raised red welt quickly appear, they knew they were getting it right.

Hannah was pleased with the way that both Jeff and Georgina were shaking their heads with their eyes tightly closed clearly struggling to cope with the pain. This was much more like how they reacted when she caned them, and so happily watched the third proper stroke land on both bottoms and produce pretty much the same reaction.

Jeff was no longer thinking at all about the watching girls but much more about how he was having to deal with the pain of, once again, being caned. Even though he knew that afterwards the stinging pain produced the most wonderful erection and arousal, he always hated the caning itself. However, he had to accept, quite naturally, that the whole purpose of the punishment was to teach him not to break the rules and so it made absolute sense that it hurt as much as it did.

Georgina went further in her own thoughts as she yelped when the fourth stroke landed, telling herself just how wonderfully humiliating it was to be caned in front of the teenage girls. As the fifth stroke landed she also reminded herself that she would have to say thank you, just as she did to Hannah, giving tongue sex. She really hoped that she would be told to do that in front of all of the girls, even if her nipples were squeezed to add to the sensation of her already intensely stinging bottom.

As the sixth stroke landed, both Jeff and Georgina gave their loudest yelps of all but, once again, as much as they hated the caning they knew that now it was over the stinging would be a turn-on.

Hannah happily counted the raised red welts on both bottoms before ordering, “Get up, you two naughty adults, and say thank you for being correctly punished.”

Georgina and Jeff eased themselves up and immediately rubbed their bottoms as they looked at Samantha and Beth.

Beth smiled as she sat back down on the chair and pushed her knickers down to her ankles, scooped them up, and sat back with her legs apart. She pointed to her pussy and ordered, “Down there, tart, and make me cum.”

Georgina hadn’t expected Beth to demand tongue sex but she was so glad she did and loved getting down onto her knees and leaning in towards Beth’s stretched pussy lips. This was just like at the office when she gave tongue sex or a blow-job to her colleagues, and she loved having to submit to Beth in the same way. She even loved how Beth leaned forward and squeezed her nipples which hurt so much but relished the pain.

Jeff looked at Samantha and wondered what she would demand by way of a thank you. She also sat back down on the chair but pointed to her legs and ordered, “Suck my toes.”

Jeff now knew he would be happy to be spanked in front of an audience in future, but thought that toe-sucking was beneath him. However, he got down onto his knees and did as he was told as he listened to Beth’s louder and louder erotic gasps. As he sucked and heard the continuing derogatory comments about his red welted bottom he knew that the whole humiliation thing was such a turn-on and he felt his erection return. He was less happy when Samantha ordered, “Lie across my lap and cum.”

Jeff gasped but went back across Samantha’s lap and rubbed his erect penis across her thighs wanting to bring himself to a quick orgasm. In fact, as he heard Beth cum he squirted his cum all over Samantha’s thighs and then he heard, “Now lick it all off.”

Jeff quickly got on to his knees and licked his cum off Samantha’s bare thighs and all the time got more and more aroused by the added humiliation and loved how the eighteen-year-old was controlling him, just like Hannah did.

Moments later Hannah ordered, “Okay, you two now punished adults. Go and get us some drinks and cake. Stay naked when you serve us.”

As Jeff and Georgina went to the kitchen, rubbing their bottoms as they walked, Hannah and Samantha sat on the sofa and hugged each other and Hannah gave Samantha finger sex bringing her to a huge orgasm which was her real thank you for spanking Jeff. They didn’t mind making out in front of their friends and two of the others were on an armchair doing the same to each other.

Georgina was still so aroused as she made the drinks and cut up the cakes and laid them out on two plates, chatting happily to Jeff who was certainly more relaxed now. By the time they brought the drinks and cakes back into the living room the teenagers were again doing their project. Even though both Jeff and Georgina were still naked and clearly submissive to the teenagers they were both now smiling at Hannah and her friends, knowing they had been correctly punished but were back in everyone’s good books again. Until the next time they misbehaved anyway, which wasn’t likely to be too far away.


Written by Peter242
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