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The Crush

"A girl found an older girl attractive and wanted to be dominated by her"

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Emma didn't have the normal college girl crush as the sixteen-year-old didn't have a crush on her college teacher or the gym mistress or the headmistress, but, instead she had a crush on the Head-girl, eighteen-year-old Melissa.

Emma was slim with long dark brown hair she wore in a ponytail at college and looked pretty in her college uniform which was a gingham green and white checked short sleeved dress and with white ankle socks. Once sixteen-years-old and therefore a senior, she didn’t have to wear the uniform worn by the younger girls but she still loved to be seen in her gingham dress and felt so good in it.

Melissa was also slim with blonde hair that sat on her shoulders and as a senior wore a white short-sleeved blouse and a dark blue skirt. She was in to sports and had well-toned arms and legs.

Emma was looking down at a seated Melissa. They were at Melissa's house as she had agreed to help Emma with her project as she was struggling with it. The arrangement had been made just the day before.

Melissa had resisted to begin with. She knew Emma wasn't the best of students and had had to sit several prefect detentions which she held when she was the prefect in charge. She knew Emma had a short attention span and quickly fooled about even in class.

Emma, though, had such a strong crush on Melissa who she saw as almost an adult by comparison with herself, and treated her with more and more respect, and was one of the few people at the college she was scared to fool around with. She had once, and immediately got a prefects’ detention, whereas most of the teachers were far more lax and let the girls pretty much get away with anything. However, Emma loved the strict attitude Melissa always had and it intensified her crush on her and she often fantasied about Melissa disciplining her.

Emma pressed Melissa to help her knowing that she had a lot of knowledge about the subject matter of her project and Emma's form teacher, Miss Foster, helped by setting up a meeting between the two girls.

Melissa wasn't overly happy having to mentor the girl known as the class clown. However, what surprised Melissa was how seriously Emma listened to her during their first two-hour session together and didn't play up even once. Melissa asked Emma at the end of the session in a pointed tone, "How come you mess around so much in class but stayed focussed the whole time I was here?"

Emma knew she was quite immature at times but reckoned it was because she was never properly disciplined. She thought that if she had boundaries set and enforced then she would act her age much more. “I have difficulty concentrating, but I guess I’ve never suffered the consequences some colleges enforce.”

Melissa smiled.  “You mean if I was your teacher you wouldn't mess around in class?"

Emma bit her lip as she thought what to say. She so wanted Melissa to be a strict teacher like figure or maybe more a strict maternal figure, but much more important was the crush she had on Melissa. "I think if I was around you more I wouldn't mess around at all and if I did then if you disciplined me I would soon learn to behave."

Melissa was quite taken with Emma's frankness. "You mean if I sat in your class or helped you with your homework you would be more serious and be subject to my discipline?" Melissa had always wanted to discipline a younger girl and smiled at the thought, as unlikely as it was, of disciplining Emma.

Emma thought a moment before replying, "Well maybe I would just behave better if I knew you would punish me if I messed around."

Melissa realised that was the second reference that Emma had made to discipline and both times Emma made it clear that she would be the one disciplining her. Suddenly Melissa thought this could go somewhere to satisfy her long held fantasy because as head-girl she had always thought that as well as holding detention she should be allowed to cane misbehaving girls who, say, got a double prefect’s detention. Well, if not cane, then definitely spank them or at least smack their legs. "So, you would accept my discipline if a helped you with your homework again?" Melissa asked seriously.

Emma licked her lips and swallowed before replying, "I would, just as I would if I were your girlfriend and you thought I should be disciplined."

Melissa nodded at the third reference to her disciplining Emma. Melissa thought for a moment as she had to admit that as much as she didn't like the way Emma messed about in class, she did find her attractive, and when she was being serious a quite lovely girl as well. So, maybe if they did go out together, and she had disciplinary control over Emma, it might work out. Even if it didn't work out she would get to discipline Emma and get her wish of disciplining at least one of the misbehaving girls at the college.

Melissa decided to set out her understanding for Emma. "So, if we went out and you misbehaved you would let me discipline you?" Melissa was careful not to mention the type of discipline just yet but really fancied using the cane and giving Emma six of the best sounded awesome.

Emma was happy enough to accept Melissa's disciplinary control over her and had fantasised about it since joining the college last term. Being her girlfriend and disciplined by her was a double dream of hers.  "Sure thing, Melissa. In fact, you would decide and I wouldn't ever argue with you. Your decision would be final as far as I was concerned."

Melissa felt herself getting turned on by the conversation and decided that as it was established they would be girlfriends, asked, "What type of punishment do you think would be right then?"

Emma had thought about just that for ages and especially when in bed with her fingers stroking her pussy lips and flicking her taut clit or squeezing her taut nipples and bringing herself to an orgasm. So, feeling aroused, happily set out the discipline regime she had imagined. "The first punishment would be smacked legs. I reckon twelve smacks at least on each leg. If I persisted in misbehaving, then you would take my knickers down and give me a bare bottom spanking with your hand. If that didn't sort me out, then I would go back across your lap for another spanking with a hairbrush."

Melissa was definitely getting aroused by the harder and harder punishments. She rather liked the idea of smacking Emma's legs. Even now as it was summer Emma wore only ankle socks and otherwise had bare legs and she looked at them almost longing to smack them. Of course, a bare bottom spanking sounded even better and she knew that she would love to have Emma across her lap with her bare bottom ready for a spanking.

Melissa thought about the hairbrush and whilst that sounded good as well she knew her own desire to give the cane and so suggested, "Well I think the first two punishments work well but maybe instead of me using a hairbrush I should cane you?"

Emma nearly came at that suggestion and so wanted Melissa to cane her. It wasn't something she wanted a teacher or the headmistress to give her because that would just be too painful, but she reckoned that after the caning Melissa would be bound to rub her bottom and maybe even give her finger or tongue sex. If not, she would definitely give Melissa tongue sex and loved the thought of her wet tear-stained face against Melissa's inner thighs. "That sounds even better." After a moment, Emma added as though thinking she should still need to earn the punishment, "If the smacked legs and spanked bottom don't make me behave of course."

Melissa almost came with Emma's sort of agreement to be caned. "Oh yes, of course, I would give you the first two punishments first, “Melissa readily agreed.

So, once the agreement on discipline was made, Melissa immediately asked Emma out on a date. It was to go to a party but no one else would be there from their college as Melissa wanted to be sure it would work before letting her friends know she was going out with a girl in the class below.

The two girls walked together to the party. Emma wore a deliberately teenage style slinky white vest top showing off her flat tummy, a short skirt, and had bare legs. Melissa wore a pretty sleeveless very short dress and also had bare legs.

As they walked up the path to the house together Melissa smiled at Emma as she said, “Don’t forget if you act at all childishly I will be smacking your legs.”

Emma blushed as she loved to be told off by Melissa and looking submissive said, “I’ll try but if I need my legs smacked then I will accept your decision.”

Melissa gave Emma a kiss on her cheek loving the way she was submitting to her control and almost hoping she would be able to discipline Emma, and, of course, make out afterwards.

As it turned out, Emma did play the fool fairly quickly, albeit on purpose, as she wanted Melissa to smack her to show that she wasn't going to object. Indeed, when Melissa took hold of her arm and wagged her finger and whispered to her that she needed her legs smacked, Emma simply nodded her head and blushed but let Melissa lead her out of the room and take her upstairs. Emma could see that no one else realised what was about to happen.

Melissa took her to a bedroom upstairs where Melissa sat on the bed and took hold of Emma's left arm and turned her sideways on. She yanked up Emma's skirt and ordered her to hold the hem so it wouldn't fall back down. She rubbed the back of Emma's left leg and pulled her hand back and brought it back down with her open palm firmly smacking Emma's leg and was satisfied with the gasp Emma gave.

When the first smack landed Emma gasped. She hadn't had her legs smacked before but when fantasising about Melissa disciplining her she just thought having her legs smacked sounded sexy. Well, now she had had her first smack she knew it wasn't sexy. At least the smack itself wasn't but Melissa rubbing her leg was. However, as smack after smack landed the sexy feeling of the rubbing disappeared and was replaced with the awfulness of the hard smacks and her eyes soon filled with tears that dribbled down her face.

However, once the leg smacking was over Melissa turned Emma towards her and stood up and smiling said, "I hope you will behave now," and before Emma could answer had leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Emma pressed her lips against Melissa's and moments later Melissa's tongue was in her mouth and their tongues intertwined as they held each other tightly.

After the kiss, which lasted as long as any kiss Emma had had, they parted but smiled lovingly at each other.

Emma had found the smacks hard to handle and she had cried. However, she had taken the precaution not to wear any make-up. When Melissa commented on that and Emma admitted it was in case she needed to be disciplined, Melissa felt even better about their friendship.

Melissa ordered, “Hug please, as you are now back in my good books and hope you won’t earn a spanking as well.”

Emma fell lovingly in to Melissa’s open arms and felt secure and loved and knew she needed her legs smacked just then and no doubt would very often in future.

Melissa felt her maternal love for Emma and loved being in charge of her.

Both girls knew that their relationship was blossoming, with Melissa taking on the maternal disciplinary role and Emma the often naughty daughter role who knew she needed to be disciplined, and that it was only a matter of time before they made out together

As the days and weeks went by Melissa and Emma became closer and closer as they went around together. Melissa had smacked Emma’s legs ten times and had put her across her lap for a bare bottom spanking five times. Even so, Emma loved to be with Melissa more and more and they both enjoyed making out afterwards with finger and tongue sex and even with them both naked and kissing and licking the others breasts and sucking each-others taut nipples. In fact, it was like any teenage liaison except with the discipline aspect a sexually charged extra.

Today things moved on between the two girls. There was a party at Melissa’s house and lots of her college friends were there. Melissa and Emma had been an item for some weeks now and everyone knew that Emma was subject to Melissa's discipline. They knew there was rather more to the relationship than discipline although didn't know so much about how they made out after Emma had her legs smacked or bottom spanked, but that wasn't really their concern.

Emma was wearing a floral sleeveless very short dress and had bare legs. Melissa was wearing a pink vest top and shorts.

So far at the party, Emma had played up twice. The first time she had her legs smacked in front of everyone at the party. Emma cried, of course, but her not wearing makeup was a well-known fact and getting disciplined was now just expected.

However, when Emma played up a second-time Melissa told her off and said she had earned a spanking. Emma wanted a spanking though, as she loved to be spanked by Melissa with as many people as possible watching, and had soon realised that she loved the humiliation of being punished by Melissa in front of lots of their friends. Emma wasn't sure why she liked to be humiliated that way but every time she was the making up afterwards just got better and better.

Emma didn’t mean to, but got in to an argument with one of Melissa’s friends, and shouted at her until Melissa came over, grabbed her upper arm, and wagging her finger at her, said sternly, "You are so naughty,” and berated the doleful looking Emma.

Melissa ordered, "Lift your dress up above your waist and lower your knickers. You are going to get such a hard spanking, my girl."

Melissa sat on a dining chair and once again was going to spank Emma in front of a crowd of people. She knew that Emma loved the humiliation of a public spanking and so didn't mind at all.

Emma adjusted her clothes exactly as ordered and eased herself down across Melissa's oh so sexy bare thighs. Once across Melissa's lap Emma felt Melissa's hand rubbing her bottom and moments later gasped as the first spank landed. Emma loved being across Melissa's lap and the close-up view she had of the backs of her bare legs. She loved to be submissive and although she knew she had to suffer a hard spanking she was also looking forward to making up afterwards.

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Melissa was more annoyed than usual with Emma because she had argued with one of her best friends and had said some rather rude things to her. She saw this as a discipline spanking and wasn't sure that she would make out afterwards. However, she was sure that she would give Emma a hard spanking.

Emma was soon gasping as the spanks landed and stung so much. Emma knew from experience that Melissa was able to give a really hard spanking and that she would be crying well before it ended. That happened again today, and as the stinging intensified so Emma's tears started to run down her face.

Melissa saw that she was turning Emma's bottom deeper and deeper shades of red. She loved as well how she made Emma squirm around on her lap and kick her legs as she struggled to cope with the spanking. Melissa didn't go any softer on Emma as she knew that whilst she hated the pain of the spanking itself she loved making out afterwards with her stinging bottom and wet tear-stained face. So, as it was a discipline spanking, she may as well make it as painful as usual even if they didn’t make out afterwards.

Emma knew she would find the spanking unbearably hard and as usual she was crying freely as she was once again being disciplined for being a naughty girl. She never even thought that sixteen-years-old was too old to be spanked although would definitely have refused to be spanked by her mum. The difference was that her girlfriend was spanking her and they usually made out afterwards.

Melissa was landing harder spanks than usual to avenge her friend, but by the time she finished the spanking she was just loving spanking her girlfriends bare bottom, just as she always did.

Emma was crying uncontrollably and as she stood up she rubbed her bottom furiously whilst taking large spank-dance steps, not thinking that her pussy lips were on show for everyone watching.

Melissa smiled as she looked at Emma's stretched pussy lips and was looking forward to licking them later on.

Emma kept sniffing and sobbing and dancing and rubbing her bottom until she calmed down and was able to pull her knickers back up and lower her dress. Her bottom still stung but she knew she would cope with that. However, she also knew that it would be another two hours before they were due to leave and she wouldn't be able to make out with Melissa before they got back to her house.

After the spanking, Melissa once again gave Emma a maternal hug and this time rubbed her warmed bottom as she shush-shushed the still crying Emma. “You are so naughty but hopefully have learned your lesson.”

Emma hugged Melissa and loved her stinging bottom being rubbed and replied between sobs, “I have, Melissa. I am so sorry and know I deserved to be spanked.”

It was only an hour later that Melissa said sharply, "That is so naughty, Emma. I am going to have to punish you again."

Emma knew she shouldn't have thrown a hissy fit at another of Melissa's friends. Not that it was so bad, except both Melissa and Emma realised this was the first time that Emma was naughty again after her spanking. It left only one form of punishment which was a caning and Emma had never been caned before.

Melissa didn't have a cane there and so said sternly, "Right, I've had enough. We had better leave and go home." She didn't say that was so she could cane Emma but she was so wanting to do just that.

Emma knew what Melissa was going to do and although a caning was going to hurt like nothing before, she had wanted Melissa to cane her for some time now, and had masturbated several times picturing herself being caned.

No one at the party objected although equally no one knew what was going to happen as they just thought that Melissa really was annoyed and embarrassed at Emma's poor behaviour. No one knew that Emma had been deliberately naughty. Whilst Emma had been wary of being caned so far, now she knew it would mean a caning she really wanted to experience it.

A few minutes later Emma and Melissa were walking towards Melissa's house knowing her parents and two sisters were out so they would have the house to themselves. They chatted almost happily as they walked and whilst there was a clear tension and anticipation, both knew their pussies were damp and getting damper as they got closer to the house. However, once inside the house the chatting abruptly ended.

Melissa ordered, "I will be caning you on your bare bottom so go to the dining room and prepare yourself and be ready to bend over when I come back down with the cane."

Emma didn't argue and turned and walked in to the dining room and went over to the table. She knew the cane would hurt and had seen the results as several classmates had been caned and they showed her their caned bottoms with the raised welts, and each girl had red eyes and tear-stained faces. Nevertheless, Emma wanted to experience the pain now that she knew it was coming and quickly pushed her knickers down to her ankles and stepped out of them placing them on a dining chair.

Melissa came back downstairs carrying the cane and went straight to the dining room. She walked in and saw that Emma had stepped out of her knickers but wanting to impose her authority even more she decided to humiliate Emma by ordering her to get fully undressed.

Emma gasped at the instruction to undress spoken in such an authoritative tone but got a buzz from the feeling of humiliation she felt as she unzipped her dress and pushed it down to the floor and stepped out of it and placed it with her knickers. She then unclipped her bra and let it slide down her arms and caught it and placed it with her other clothes. She waited, fully naked, feeling both aroused by the humiliation and worried about the pain she was going to suffer, but was still anxious to get started.

When she watched Emma undress, Melissa could not stop herself smiling and wanted to undress as well but reckoned there was plenty of time for that. So, instead, she studied Emma's oh so beautiful body with her lovely breasts with their taut nipples which showed how turned-on she was, her well-toned arms, flat tummy, and lovely toned legs, as she swished the cane. Melissa felt so turned on as she savoured Emma’s naked body but after a few indulgent moments saw the anxiety in Emma's eyes and ordered, "Bend over the table with your legs well apart and grab the sides. I will be giving you six strokes."

Emma swallowed hard and bit her lip as she turned and submissively bent over the end of the table and grabbed hold of the sides.  

Melissa wondered whether Emma would like the pain of the punishment she was going to get or just the way the pain would sting after the punishment was over. It didn't matter to Melissa, though, as Emma had earned the caning she was about to get whether she enjoyed it or not.

Emma grasped hold of the table and her heart was beating so fast as she waited for her first ever caning.

Melissa stood slightly to the side but behind Emma and tapped the cane twice on her bare bottom to check she was positioned so the cane would land wholly on both bottom cheeks to maximise the pain. Once happy, she rubbed the cane across Emma's beautifully presented bare bottom before pulling her arm back and bringing the cane back down firmly, and, as intended, the end of the cane landed on the far bare bottom cheek and so the red welt that developed was the full width of both of Emma's bare bottom cheeks.

Emma gasped as the cane produced so much pain right across her bottom. She knew the cane would hurt, although not as much as it did, but it made it clearer how the raised welts were caused. Her gasp was repeated as the cane bit in to her bottom again and she threw her head back and hissed in and out through gritted teeth as she tried to cope with the pain.

Melissa saw the second welt develop just below the first as she listened to Emma's hissing breathing and knew, as she landed the third stroke just below the first two, that there would be more sounds of distress as the third welt developed.

Emma cried out as the fourth stroke landed and held on to the table edges as firmly as she could so she didn't get up as she so wanted to remain submissive to her dominant girlfriend. She knew she had earned the caning and once she knew she was going to be caned she was up for the new experience, although now found coping more and more difficult. At least there were just the last two strokes, she told herself, and hoped that she would cope with them.

Melissa aimed the fifth stroke of the cane just below the fourth and made sure it was harder than the earlier strokes. As she saw Emma's bottom cheeks cascade around she didn't wait even a second before landing the sixth stroke knowing the double stroke would cause Emma's bottom to sting the most. The cries and grunts and hissing breaths from Emma told her how much the double strokes had hurt.

Emma cried freely as the stinging pain raced around her bottom. She stayed bent across the table because she didn't want to make any assumptions and needed Melissa to continue to order her about. She even liked how Melissa rubbed the cane across her hot bottom cheeks and up and down the backs of her thighs. It was even erotic as Melissa eased the cane between her parted thighs and swished the cane lightly from side to side. The best, though, was when Melissa flicked the cane upwards ever so lightly but on to her stretched pussy lips and when she did it a second time almost came there and then.  

Melissa looked down at the six beautifully hard raised red welts and feeling so turned on by giving her first ever caning ordered, “Get up, Emma, and say thank you on your knees and with your tongue.”

Emma didn't need any encouragement and moments later Melissa sat on a dining chair with her legs apart and Emma was kneeling between her parted legs with her wet face pressing against Melissa’s inner thighs as she was kissing and licking her stretched pussy lips and brought Melissa to a wonderfully explosive orgasm like she had never ever had before.

Once Melissa had settled back down she cupped Emma’s face in her hands and, leaning forward, pressed her lips onto Emma’s and edged her tongue in to her welcoming submissive mouth and entwined their tongues as they hugged and caressed each other.

Melissa smiled as she remembered how Emma had reacted to the cane on her pussy lips and knew that her tongue would be the next thing Emma would feel there. "Get up, Emma, and sit on the chair with your legs apart. It’s my turn.” Melissa ordered.

Emma eased herself up and, turning, sat as gingerly as she could on the dining chair but even being careful she gasped as her stinging bottom pressed down on the seat. However, she steadied herself and, as ordered, sat with her legs apart half-expecting Melissa to smack her inner thighs. However, when she felt Melissa kissing her inner thighs instead of smacking them she knew her punishment was over and they would now make up.

Melissa sank to her knees and leaning forward kissed Emma's inner thighs and edged along towards her stretched pussy lips and enjoyed listening to Emma’s increasingly erotic groans. Once her face was snugly wedged between Emma's thighs and her tongue was running up and down her wet pussy lips she knew Emma was relaxed and enjoying being brought to an orgasm.

Emma groaned even more erotically as she felt Melissa's tongue kiss and lick her pussy and was gently gyrating her thighs as Melissa pressed her tongue inside her until she gave out a long erotic orgasmic gasp as she came.

Emma slowly recovered and when she had looked down at a smiling Melissa inches from her face, and felt such love just then as Melissa leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

After several loving kisses Melissa knelt back and still smiling but wagging her finger said sternly, "No more naughtiness young lady or you will get the cane again. Understood?"

Emma sat back and knew she still had that same crush on Melissa she had had before they went out and, loving being submissive, replied, "Yes, Melissa, I know."

Melissa added, "Next time it will be twelve strokes."

Emma blushed as she smiled at Melissa and replied, "I understand."

Emma realised she loved to be humiliated by Melissa and being caned in front of an audience would be even more humiliating than a spanking as she would be crying so much more. On the plus-side, aw well, the making out afterwards would be more erotic than ever before because her bottom and legs would be stinging so much more than with just a spanking.

Melissa saw Emma thinking as she asked, " So, are you happy for me to keep on dealing with you even though I will be very strict with you?"

Emma was quick to reply, "Definitely, Melissa, because I have never had anyone before be strict with me and I know it has already helped me behave better."

Melissa laughed. "Don't you worry as I will be really strict, set lots of rules for you, and you won't get any second chances either as you need to be dealt with firmly.” Melissa looked stern for a few moments and then broke in to a smile and added, “On the other hand, you are also so loving when you focus, and I want lots of that as well.”

Emma knew she still had a massive crush on Melissa, but now it was in the open and she not only had a girlfriend she loved but one who would deal with her strictly, set boundaries, and not give her any leeway, which was just what she needed.

Melissa smiled still as she was more than happy with Emma misbehaving. She had always liked her but her immature behaviour had held her back from asking her out. Now she had disciplinary control over Emma it just didn't matter if she acted immaturely as she would spank and cane her really hard. So, she saw only pluses in their relationship which would mean lots of punishments for Emma and lots of tongue sex for them both.

Both girls knew they were with someone who was exactly right for them and looked forward to many more punishments and lots of tongue and finger sex making out afterwards.

Written by SusanHarper
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