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The Correction Centre Penalty - Chapter 1

"Two girls are arrested and dealt with at the Discipline Centre"

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Emma and Wendy were waiting on the corner with two men, Danny and Jack. They were arguing and the women were getting more and more annoyed.

Emma and Wendy were seventeen-years-old and at the local girls boarding school. Danny and Jack were both in their mid-twenties, and had met the girls at a club and agreed to help them.

They were arguing and passers-by wondered if the really hot summers day had caused tempers to fray.

The two girls were dressed in cropped vest tops, very tight shorts, so with bare legs and arms, and slip-ons, which was their standard clothing in the sweltering heat of summer. The men wore vest tops, looser shorts, and plimsolls.

The arguing got louder and people around them started to be concerned as this type of shouting easily turned into fighting in the heat. Two passers-by were particularly concerned and went on their wrist phones calling the Authorities.

Just as was feared, in a fit of anger Emma slapped Danny around the face and Wendy did the same to Jack, and soon the women were shouting even more loudly.

A few moments later the police van arrived and three officers got out and stood between the women and the men.

“What’s going on?” the senior officer demanded.

“They started it,” Jack said rubbing his face.

“Did one of them slap you?” the Officer asked but, when he saw Danny was also rubbing his face, he realised both men had been slapped. 

“Is that true?” the officer demanded to know, glaring at the two girls.

Emma and Wendy looked at each other then back at the Officer, and then answered in an aggressive tone, “Yes, but …”

They were cut short by the Officer. “You can explain back at the Centre,” and turned to his two colleagues and ordered, “Cuff them.”

Moments later both girls had their wrists secured tightly together behind their backs. 

It was the year 2207 and people called the Authority at the slightest excuse as disturbing the peace was now one of the most hated crimes.

“Into the van,” the Officer ordered.

The two girls could not resist and were held firmly by the upper arm as they were led towards the vehicle, then forced inside, and made to sit down. 

The Officers got in afterwards and one gave the order, “Back to the Centre,” and the driverless vehicle sped off towards the Centre.

Once at the Centre the Officers ordered the two girls out of the van. The girls were grabbed by their upper arms and steered out of the van. They stood there momentarily looking up at the sign, which said, ‘Correction Centre.’ 

The building was large and daunting. It was one of several in the town and they were privately run by Company’s who bid to provide the service and each time someone was brought here and dealt with the Company got a commission payment from the Authorities. It worked well as the Company by-passed the Courts as they held their own investigation and dealt with the culprit themselves if found guilty.

The officers quickly led the girls into the building and, once inside, they went to the Action Response Desk, where the Officer explained, “These two women slapped two men around the face.”

The Action Response Clerk looked at her tablet screen and pressed a few keys to establish which Correction Team was available. The answer flashed up, ‘Room 73.’

The Action Response Clerk told the Officers who knew their way around the building and they took the two girls upstairs to Room 73. 

Emma and Wendy could do nothing as they were led along the corridor to the lift, went up to the second floor, and then along another corridor towards the designated room. They followed several other people secured by cuffs being led along the corridor who mainly disappeared into numbered rooms off the corridor. They all looked sombre as they looked back down the corridor, clearly wishing that they weren’t about to go through the door, the girls reckoned. Others coming the other way towards the girls all had red-rimmed eyes and most were crying as they were led along by the Officers.

The girls counted down the room numbers knowing theirs was not far away. When they got there the door clicked open and the girls were forced to go inside. Once inside, the Officer released the girls from their cuffs, then left, closing the door behind him, and the girls heard the lock click shut.

The door at the far end of the room opened, and a tannoy ordered, “Go through.”

The two girls walked through knowing there was no way out and they would have to face the Correction Team, or JJE’s as they were commonly referred to, meaning, judge jury and executioner.

Emma and Wendy walked through and the door shut behind them. To the side, another door opened and three women walked through, all in Correction Team uniforms of khaki short-sleeved shirts open at the neck, khaki shorts with turn-ups, knee-length socks and plimsolls. They sat at the desk and told the girls, “Stand with your hands behind your backs.”

Two of the Officers whispered to each other. The girls didn’t hear what they said but they gave them both a questioning look.

The two girls did as they were told and remained silent as the three women Officers settled down and looked at the sheets of paper in front of them.

The senior officer asked for the girl’s details. 

Emma went first. ‘Emma Lowe, living at 72d Parkside Apartments, am twenty-two years old, and am a Legal Executive.’

Emma knew she was lying about her age and where she lived and what she did at work. However, she knew the Officer’s wouldn’t bother to check those details.

“Any previous offences?” the officer asked.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Emma answered. “Two. Both bad behaviour in public and the punishments were carried out here.”

Wendy went next and told the Officers her personal details and previous record, also lying and saying she was the same age as Emma.

They gave the girls a questioning look again but shrugged their shoulders, and the girls reckoned the Officers were bored and disinterested. Certainly no details given were checked.

The three Correction Team women glanced at each other knowing the two women were guilty again but were still obliged to question them.

The Team Leader asked Emma “What happened?”

Emma replied, “I got mad with the man as he wouldn’t take me to lunch and I just lost it and slapped him around the face.”

“You too?” the leader asked Wendy.

“Yes, Ma’am” she replied quietly.

The Team Leader looked at the other two and they all nodded in agreement and up on the screen flashed the verdict, ‘Guilty.’

The three Team members conversed quietly although the two girls could hear the discussion which centred around the penalty. They were both well aware that loutish behaviour was frowned upon and they were certainly going to be punished and it was a question of the extent.

On the two previous occasions, both girls had been spanked on the Spankalator, which was a machine with an arm to which an implement of punishment was attached. Those two previous times they were given the paddle, the first time a medium thickness plastic paddle, and the second time a far thicker plastic paddle. Both had holes in for increased intensity, and both times the machine was set with the number of strokes and left to do its work. Fifty strokes were a normal punishment at the Centre, which is what they got both times.

The Leader looked sternly at the two girls, and she said sternly, “Your behaviour is unacceptable. Worse, is that you are now serial offenders.”

The Leader pressed some keys and looked at the screen as the penalty was displayed. ‘Four face slaps and fifty strokes on the bottom and legs with a three-pronged leather tawse.”

Emma and Wendy exchanged glances. Both were blushing as they saw their tariff as neither had been given the tawse before. 

The two more junior Correction Officers stood and each went over to one of the girls. 

“Get undressed,” one of the Officer’s instructed. 

There was a cupboard against the wall and Emma and Wendy went over to it and quickly undressed, placing their clothes inside the cupboard. They were conscious of getting undressed in front of the three Officers but did so and stood waiting, naked, and apprehensive.

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“Follow me,” one said addressing both girls.

A door behind them opened and they followed the Correction Officers through into what they knew would be the Adjustment Chamber, knowing that was short for attitude adjustment, and, as they walked in, they saw the two identical spankalator machines.

The door closed and the two Corrective Officers again cuffed the two girls so that their arms were secured behind their backs so they both stood naked and defenceless in front of the two stern looking Officers.

One officer went up to Emma and put her hand on her face. Emma licked her lips as the Officer pulled her hand back and in almost a blur brought her open palm back down slapping Emma hard on her face.

Emma gasped as the stinging spread across her face. The face slap was firm and caused Emma to look sideways, and as she turned her face back to look at the Correction Officer the second face slap landed immediately. Once again, the pain spread across her face.

This time when Emma straightened up the slap hit her other cheek and she found herself looking the other way. Her eyes were watery and she could only see a blur as she looked back to face forwards again and the fourth face slap landed.

Emma took a few moments to recover and, when she did, she heard a sob from her side and realised Wendy had suffered her four face slaps at the same time.

Both girls focussed, just, on the Corrective Officers who first removed their cuffs and then pointed towards the two Spankalators. One officer ordered, “Go and bend over them and stretch your arms out in front of you.”

Emma and Wendy were forced to go and stand in front of one spankalator each. It was a simple contraption, being a bench with an adjustable height so the girls could bend over at the waist whatever their own height and still leave their bottoms unprotected and in the perfect position to be thrashed. They bent over and stretched their arms forward and watched the Officers secure their wrists with the leather cuffs. Their legs were placed well apart and their thighs secured to the bench, as were both ankles also secured. 

To the side was the spanking part of the machine, placed in just the right position so the implement would land directly on the girl’s bottoms, and the girls looked sideways and watched as the Officers attached the three-pronged leather tawse to the arm of the machine.

The girl’s bottoms were now in position and ready for the tawse to be whipped down on their unprotected bottom cheeks. Wendy saw the tawse move downwards sharply and when the triple prongs landed across her bottom she cried out in pain, hearing an echoing pain and she realised that Emma had also received her first lash.

The machine didn’t waver as the tawse was pulled back and only a few seconds later whipped down on them again. They both cried out as the stinging pain spread across their bottoms.

Again and again the machine pulled its arm back and whipped its painful implement back down across the girl’s reddening bottoms and their cries filled the room as, time and again, with only a few seconds gap, the three-tailed tawse consistently found its target.

After twenty strokes the girls were crying and their bottoms were stinging under the persistent torrent of spanks.

After thirty strokes both girl’s bottoms were a burning glowing red, but worse was to come as the tawse was directed at the tops of the girls’ legs and their soft fleshy thighs crumpled under the impact of the leather. Although the girls uselessly strained at the cuffs, they were held securely as ten strokes landed across their thighs before the machine edged its way back up their bottoms.

Still the girls strained at the cuffs as they cried out as the strokes continued relentlessly, but no compassion was ever given once the machine was set and the girls stayed bent over, their bottoms soundly thrashed, unable to prevent the constant attention of the machine’s painful cargo.

Well before the strokes ended both girls cried uncontrollably even as the strokes continued until their penalty was fulfilled.

The Officers kept the girls secured until they were sure they would remain standing once released and not fall over, and, after a minute, that time came and the girl’s cuffs were released.

Once standing, and with their punishment over, both girls were allowed to rub their bottoms and their thighs but the pain remained and they were sure would remain for hours to come.

“Leave,” the Officers ordered simply. The door opened and both girls left the Adjustment Chamber. They saw the senior officer in the next room and she just nodded towards the other cupboard and the girls quickly got dressed again albeit when it came to their knickers they carefully eased the elastic over their burning thighs and bottom cheeks. 

The Officer didn’t even look their way as they got dressed, still sobbing, as she had seen it all before, the girls reckoned.

Rubbing their bottoms still, they left the outer room and entered the corridor. Immediately a guard cuffed their wrists and the girls were secured again and led along the corridor into the lift and back to the ground floor. As they walked along the corridor, they saw people coming the other way with their hands cuffed behind their backs and with worried looks when seeing the girls red-rimmed eyes. 

The girls got back to the front desk where their handcuffs were undone, but they weren’t released until they were signed out at the Action Response Clerks desk.

Moments afterwards the girls were back out in the fresh air albeit with burning stinging bottoms, and they quickly walked away turning the corner out of sight of the Centre.

Two men were waiting for them just around the corner. Danny and Jack both smiled as they saw the girls.

The two girls went over to them, flung their arms around the men’s necks, and hugged them. “Thank you so much, guys,” Emma said. 

Wendy added her thanks saying happily but looking at Emma, “We need to get home.” Looking back at the men she asked, “Shall we see you next week so we will get taken to the Correction Centre again?”

Danny and Jack nodded their heads, smiling, and happily replied, “That would be cool, girls.”

Danny held out his hand and Emma made the payment. Not much, but it was enough to give the men a good night out.

Emma and Wendy then walked off chatting happily as they rubbed their stinging bottoms and their slapped faces.

Emma mused, “It is incredible how easy it was to get in and we lied about everything.”

Wendy smiled. “Shouldn’t we be annoyed that they just accepted we were twenty-two-years-old? We are only seventeen-years-old after all.”

Emma smiled back. “Who would have thought, eh? We got those false ID’s so we could buy alcohol, but instead have used them to get out butts spanked.”

Emma said happily, “It is great how these Centres don’t share information. You can lie and get away with it.”

Wendy smiled. “Yeah, but I have seen those Officers before and I reckon they recognised us, but just didn’t connect.”

“Didn’t want to connect more like,” Emma scoffed. “After all, if they caught us and sent us away without a punishment, they lose their commission.”

“Very true,” Wendy agreed.

Emma asked, “So are you up for saying four previous offences next time we get taken to the Centre.”

Wendy smiled ruefully as she replied, “Four gets us the cane and that will really hurt.”

Emma said gleefully, “Sure, but the tawse hurt so much more than the paddle and I feel great so I really do want the cane. We can always revert to one or two previous offences after that as they don’t check.”

“Sure, why not,” agreed Wendy. After a moment she added, “The thrashing today has got me so turned on.”

“Me too,” Emma agreed. “Still, let’s get the project written up first then we can, let’s say, erm, help each other?”

“Too right,” Wendy agreed.

They were both still rubbing their bottoms not caring who saw them as they walked back to the boarding school still discussing how great their stinging bottoms felt and looking forward to making out together.



Written by Peter242
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