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The Competition Win

"Roger wins an S&M competition and gets his first spanking and caning"

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Roger was surprised when he opened the front door and saw a young woman who looked about twenty-five years old smiling at him saying, "Hi, I'm Emma. Congratulations, you are the winner."

Roger was fifty-three and married to Linda, who was fifty-one and who had left to go shopping just a few minutes earlier. They had been married for almost twenty-five years.

Roger was bemused as he asked, "What competition did I enter, Emma?"

Emma was still beaming a smile as she replied, "Our one on the 'DealWithMe,' spanking site.

Roger saw Emma smile as she held up a photograph of a woman dressed in a white short-sleeved blouse with a short dark blue skirt, and was holding a cane. Roger was blushing as he remembered he had seen that exact photograph several times as he looked at one of his favourite S&M websites, and quickly looked around and when he saw that no one was there was relieved, and he said quietly but urgently, "You had better come inside, Emma."

Roger let Emma pass him and go into the hallway and then turned and followed her and looked again and saw that she was wearing a short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt just like the lady in the picture. Was that deliberate or just a coincidence, he asked himself? However, he was too nervous at the fact she had the photo he so liked to think about that too much.

Emma had expected exactly the embarrassed reaction she got and happily went inside. She turned and saw that Roger was directing her towards the living room and so walked in.

Roger followed, and said in a worried tone, "I don't remember entering a competition, Emma."

Emma smiled again and replied, "Well it could be that you entered the competition without realising it. You had to click on this photograph and that automatically entered you into the competition."

Roger was still bemused, when he asked, "So what could I possibly have won?"

Emma was still smiling as she explained, "You get a free S&M session. We've monitored what you are interested in when on our website, and we reckon that you want to be both spanked and caned by a woman."

Roger was aware that that was exactly what he had fantasised about for many years but was still surprised that all of that could become so clear about him, albeit he had looked at the website many many times, as well as all of the other ones that he looked at of a similar type. So, he started to ask, "Well, Emma, I really,"

Emma snapped at Roger, "Miss Emma to you because I am here to 'deal with you' as the site name suggests."

Roger was quite taken by the authoritative tone and had to admit that, if he had won a competition, then maybe he might as well take the prize. After all, he knew that his wife was going to be out shopping for at least another two hours, so, entering into the swing of things, he replied contritely, "Sorry, Miss Emma."

Emma said sternly, "That's better," adding after a few moments, "Now let me give you your prize. That will be a bare bottom spanking with my hand and then six strokes of the cane."

Roger gasped at the level of the punishment although he supposed that he had always imagined something like that. Of course, he hadn't expected it to have happened in real life, and certainly not by winning a competition that he didn't even realise that he had entered. Still, it seemed that he had, and he had to admit to an increasing state of arousal at the thought of being disciplined by authoritative Miss Emma.

Emma could see that her stern retort had silenced Roger and even after several more moments he showed no signs of resistance. In fact, looking at his trousers, she could see he was actually starting to look forward to his prize. So, reckoning that she was now in charge, ordered, "That's better. Let's go to the dining table where you will turn a chair into the room, stand by it, and wait for me to be seated."

Roger glanced towards the dining table and, as Miss Emma walked towards it, he followed. She stood next to one of the chairs which he then obediently turned around and watched her sit down and looked at her lap and saw that the skirt had ridden right up her thighs and she was pretty much bare-legged. He saw Miss Emma then point towards his trousers and instruct sternly, "Get those trousers off, as well as your underpants."

Roger blanched at the thought of removing his clothes in front of this young lady but then reconciled that that would have to happen if he was going to be spanked on his bare bottom. He, therefore, did as he was told and moments later had stepped out of both his trousers and underpants, scooped them up, and threw them onto an adjacent chair. He then waited for further instructions.

Emma knew that she could have just told Roger to bend over her lap, but, instead, wanted to assert her control, and demanded, "Pick those up and fold them properly."

Roger was quite taken aback by the instruction but was now getting into submissive mode and, as he picked up his trousers, he realised he still had his erection. That stayed as he folded the trousers more neatly and put them back on the chair before picking up his underpants, folding them once, and putting them on top of his trousers. That was when he stood back up again and looked down at the very stern-looking Miss Emma.

Emma decided to have some more fun and ordered, "Now take your top off and make sure that is folded neatly."

Roger winced at the instruction knowing that he would now be totally naked and wondered whether that was really fair given that this was a prize. However, as he looked at the stern face and demeanour of Miss Emma, he realised that he was getting even more aroused and suddenly became concerned about his quickly stiffening penis and what Miss Emma would think about that. Of course, he had imagined himself being sexually aroused when being disciplined, and quickly came to terms with the fact that he was. So, deciding to enjoy his prize, he smirked as he saw Miss Emma looking at his penis and thought she would be pleased.

Emma did look at Roger's penis and was pleased that it was erect, but knew that she wasn't going to show any emotion that would help Roger deal with the punishment she was going to give him. After all, Roger was being punished and needed to show respect for the person punishing them, and not admiration or arousal. So, keeping a stern look on her face, she ordered, "I told you to get your top off. I am running out of patience with you, so you had better do it quickly."

Roger was quite shocked at the severity of Emma's tone of voice and immediately pulled his top up over his head, folded it, and put it with his other clothes before standing back up and looking down at the glaring Miss Emma. Once again, he reminded himself that this was a prize so he may as well enjoy it, and a part of that prize was to obey every single instruction Miss Emma gave him, and that was what he now wanted to do.

Emma continued to keep a stern look on her face but enjoyed the sight of Roger obeying her so quickly, and reckoned that he was now getting into the submissive role she wanted. She let him dwell on the fact that he was totally naked for a few moments, before ordering sternly, "Get yourself across my lap."

Roger was breathing heavily in anticipation and as soon as he heard the instruction he leaned forward and balanced himself on the edge of the far side of the seat, and as he looked down at Miss Emma's bare thighs knew they were where his stiff penis would be resting. He didn't ask whether that would be okay because he rather liked the thought of it as he caught his fall with his hands on the floor and lowered his full weight including his stiff penis onto Miss Emma's bare thighs.

Emma kept the stony look on her face until Roger had passed by and was on his way down so that he would be looking at the floor and the backs of her legs. She then smiled because, as always, she looked forward to giving a naughty bottom a good hard and very long spanking. She knew that Roger was really a willing participant although this was the first time he would've been spanked. So, placing her hand on his bottom she started to rub in circles that transferred control totally from him to her. After several rubs, she raised her hand and brought her palm down on his far bottom cheek and, again as always, loved the way that the bottom surrendered to her hand, bounced back as she pulled her hand up, swirled around a bit, and then settled down just as her hand spanked down on his near bottom cheek and the same surrender happened.

Roger was tense as he felt his bottom being rubbed but rather assumed that he would be able to deal with anything which this young lady gave him. He was therefore surprised when the first spank landed and it hurt rather more than expected, although, of course, was quite manageable, just as the next several spanks were as manageable. However, as the spanks continued on alternate bottom cheeks so he found the stinging lasting more and more after each spank and then that the stinging became more and more intense. He supposed that he had expected it, but no longer wondered how come a young woman like Miss Emma could spank so hard and realised that her arms were well-toned and, when looking at her calf muscles saw that her legs were well-toned, so reckoned that she was a regular at the gym. It hardly mattered, after a while, because he was then more concerned about dealing with each spank so as not to embarrass himself by crying.

Emma was very pleased with the way that Roger was staying in position as she landed harder and harder spanks and knew that his bottom would be stinging. Even so, she continued to spank him for several minutes before changing to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again and then spanking the other bottom cheek time and again, also for several minutes. She knew that he was able to deal with that, and, as much as her own hand might sting, it would be nothing like the stinging that Roger would be experiencing.

Emma continued to spank Roger's bottom until she was happy with the red colour of both bare cheeks and then proceeded to spank the backs of his legs. She smiled again as she heard Roger's suddenly louder gasps as his legs were spanked, and Emma knew that that would hurt him much more and much more quickly than when spanking his bottom. Nevertheless, Emma's intent was to make the backs of his legs at least as red as each of his bottom cheeks and it was only once she was happy with that result that she stopped spanking Roger and ordered in a sarcastic tone, "Right then, Roger, you can now enjoy me giving you the cane."

Roger heard the instruction and eased himself up from Miss Emma's lap and found that he couldn't stop himself from rubbing his stinging bottom. He certainly struggled to deal with the spanking at least towards the end and had quite forgotten that he was also going to get the cane as part of his prize. However, as much as his bottom and legs stung, he also looked down and realised that his erection had quickly returned and, as much as the stinging was painful, he was surprised to find that he was still aroused and was looking forward to being caned. He couldn't understand why but supposed his fantasy had gone on for so many years that he really did want to know if he could handle being caned and, probably more importantly, whether he would be as aroused afterwards as he was before the caning.

Emma was again chuckling to myself when she realised that Roger was still being obedient, even though he rubbed his bottom without being told he could. Of course, when she was properly disciplining someone that kind of disobedience would earn additional strokes of the cane but realised that didn't quite work if, what she was really giving, was a prize. However, she wasn't, as she was here because Rogers's wife, Linda, knew that Roger was into corporal punishment from his internet history which she knew about but it seemed Roger didn't and decided she would be interested in helping him out. However, Emma knew that Linda felt she needed to check first and foremost that his interest was with him being submissive, and, secondly, assuming that it was, whether he wanted her to discipline him.

In fact, once Linda had found out that Roger had visited corporal punishment sites, quite repetitively, and it looked as though he was focused on women spanking and caning the men, she didn't want to raise it herself just in case she was wrong. So, she asked Emma, a friend of a friend's daughter who was in the local S&M scene, to come and deal with Roger on the basis of the competition which, of course, he hadn't ever entered, nor was there a competition. However, in reckoning that Roger would go for the experience, there was ample time for it to be done before she got back from her supposed shopping trip. Little did Roger know, but Linda was sitting in a coffee shop close by in the corner with her back towards the wall looking at her phone and seeing everything that Emma was seeing because of the camcorder she was wearing. So, Linda knew that Roger had accepted his spanking, and with his erection was now looking as though he would accept being caned, which boded well for later on.

As Emma stood up, she turned and opened her bag that was on the dining table and took out a senior hook-ended cane and saw the concerned look on Roger's face knowing that he had never been caned before nor, probably, had come so close to seeing a real cane. He looked even more concerned as she swished the cane twice and ordered, "Bend over and grab the seat of the chair, and make sure you don't get up until I have finished and told you that you can get up."

Roger was really worried as he went over to the chair, bent over and clasped the sides of the seat spreading his legs slightly apart to balance himself, and looked at the floor behind and saw Miss Emma's upside-down legs and then felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across his bottom. How was he going to cope, he asked himself. After all, the spanking ended up hurting him a lot more than he had expected, and so the cane was bound to be far far worse. He certainly didn't want to show himself up in front of this young woman although realised that he could simply say that he didn't want the rest of his prize and assumed that she would accept that. However, as much as he was getting concerned about the cane, he also knew that he was getting more and more aroused as the cane was rubbed from side to side across his bottom and Miss Emma's sexy legs tensed. So, he told himself that the die was cast and he would just have to deal with whatever pain he was going to suffer as, after all, he was a man.

The next moment, Roger realised that the cane was no longer being rubbed from side to side across his bottom and he looked immediately at Miss Emma's legs and saw that her calf muscles were tense and one leg slightly bent, and the very next moment the cane landed with a loud thwack and he felt the most horrendous pain. He knew that he yelped and threw his head back and that, through sheer determination, and maybe fear, he managed to keep hold of the seat of the chair even as the pain cascaded around his bottom. How could one stroke be so painful, he asked himself and wondered whether it was because he was spanked and had expected that to warm his bottom up. On the other hand, maybe the spanking had warmed his bottom up and the pain would've been even greater if he had not been spanked. His mind was all in a quandary, but that finished as the second stroke landed and he once again yelped as he held onto the chair and shook his head from side to side to deal with the pain.

Emma was very experienced at caning and always loved to see the red welts appear and made sure that she landed the third stroke under the first two. She also enjoyed listening to the pained yelp and seeing Roger's head shaking from side to side as she heard him hiss in and out through clenched teeth. She had seen and heard that same reaction so many times, and as she landed the fourth stroke just below the third, and the reaction was repeated, she knew that Roger really was submissive when it came to corporal punishment. All of that boded well for Linda, she told herself and hoped that she was watching everything that was happening on her phone.

Roger once again looked at Miss Emma's legs and realised they were blurred, but he no longer felt embarrassed by having tears well up in his eyes as the fifth stroke landed. He howled with the pain but remembered to keep a hold of the seat of the chair but couldn't stop himself from raising one leg. He did wonder if that was a normal reaction that Miss Emma was used to seeing but stayed focussed on the pain rather than dwelling on that thought. Even so, this was just so much more painful than he had expected, although, once again, he realised that he wanted this experience, and more of it, although didn't know whether it was the feeling of submission or the pain itself that was getting him more and more aroused. Right then he couldn't understand just why he was so aroused but, as the sixth stroke landed and he once again yelped with the pain, he reckoned that Emma was used to seeing this reaction from the other people that she must have caned.

As Roger recovered, he even wondered whether Emma would cane him again, but then supposed not as she was here just because he had won the prize. Even so, as the tears trickled down his face, he told himself he was now thankful that he had won the competition that he didn't even realise that he had entered and felt his arousal returning as was his erection.

Emma was delighted with the way things had gone and knew she would love to be a fly on the wall when Linda came home. However, she couldn't be and now had to close the punishment. She, therefore, said in a happier tone of voice, "Well done, Roger. You handled both the spanking and caning very well. You can now get dressed."

Roger took a few more moments to recover enough to push himself up, but, once he did, and got to a standing position, once again his hands flew to his bottom and he rubbed feverishly and stepped from foot to foot. He certainly wanted to go and look in the mirror and see the welts that he could feel but reckoned that it wouldn't be the done thing whilst Miss Emma was still here.

Emma made sure that her camcorder kept on showing Roger as he rubbed his bottom and did his spanking dance, and that his penis was erect once again. She knew that meant that he was seriously aroused by being disciplined and hoped that Linda would be up to demanding she take disciplinary control. Time would tell,

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Emma put the cane back in her bag, zipped it up, and then threw the straps over her shoulder and she stood and watched Roger finishing off getting dressed. Once he was dressed, Emma said smiling, "Well, Roger, I hope you enjoyed your prize?"

Roger looked at Miss Emma and realised his eyes were still blurred with tears. However, whilst sniffing back those tears he managed to say, "Yes, thank you, Miss Emma. It was certainly a tremendous experience for me and will make the photos more meaningful."

Emma allowed herself to smirk as she said, "It can be just Emma now." After a moment she then said in a questioning tone, "Just so you know, discipline isn't always about being under someone else's control, and can be more as a role play. I see from the photos on the side here that you have a wife. Maybe she could deal with you like I have?"

Roger gasped at the realisation that that could be true. Of course, Emma didn't realise that Linda was a quiet and reserved woman and not that sociable with people that she didn't know. However, with those that she did know she was very sociable and even assertive, and she knew him well enough.

Emma allowed her comment to hang in the air before saying, "I need to be off, Roger. I'm pleased to have met you and maybe you'll enter another competition?"

Roger was still rubbing his bottom as he smiled and replied, "You mean one that I mean to enter?"

Emma smiled and nodded, went up to Roger and held her hand out which she was pleased he took hold of and shook. She didn't think it right to exchange kisses although she would have done if he was one of her subs. He wasn't though, and she smiled as she walked past him and out into the hallway, opened the front door, turned again and saw that he had followed her, smiled again, and then walked out of the house and along the pathway.

Roger allowed himself time watching Emma disappear down the pathway before closing the door and then quickly went upstairs and into the bathroom. Once there he undid his trousers and pushed them down, catching his underpants on the way, and turned so he could then see his bottom in the mirror. When he did, he gasped at its redness and the six red raised welts, and as he remembered the pain, so he realised that once again his penis was stiffening. He was still at a loss why, because the pain really was so bad, but, then, he had hoped that would happen to him because he had read so many stories of people being punished and then being sexually aroused. In a way, he was so happy that it actually happened to him, but then he had to work out whether he would return to masturbating when looking at those websites or whether he could actually experience the real thing again.

Roger was taken by surprise when he heard a key in the lock to the front door downstairs and realised that it must be Linda. He panicked as he realised just how soon after Emma had left that she was returning home. Even so, he quickly pulled up his underpants and then his trousers, and quickly looked in the mirror to see if he's eyes were still red. They were, but he wasn't sure what he could do about that, so reckoned, as he went downstairs, he would say that he had just washed his face and got soap in his eyes.

As Roger got downstairs, he was met with a smiling Linda who saw that Roger's eyes are still red and had to ask in a made-up concerned tone, "What's wrong?"

Roger explained that he had just washed his face and got soap in his eyes, and was glad to see that Linda seemed to accept the reason for his red eyes. He watched Linda walk into the kitchen and put the kettle on and was carrying on as though nothing had happened. Maybe he got away with it, he told himself, and then sort of wished Linda would agree to spanking and caning him. He didn't reckon that he could ask, though, because he would have to admit that he had just won a competition prize and she would be furious with him.

Linda was playing over in her mind everything she saw on the camcorder and did smile to herself as she made two cups of coffee and put them on the table and sat down, looked up at Roger and said, "How have you been whilst I was out?"

Roger reckoned that Linda wanted to have a chat so sat down gingerly, telling himself he must be careful because if Linda saw his bottom, she would know for sure what had happened.

After a few minutes, Linda asked casually, "Any phone calls or people calling at the house whilst I was shopping?"

Roger was immediately thrown by the question and had never been a good liar, and blushed as he replied, "No one."

Linda glanced up as she asked the question and saw that Roger was blushing. Of course, she knew in any case that he was lying, but smiled to herself that he was still unable to hide any secrets from her.

Linda looked as though she accepted the answer, and continued chatting. "Well, let me show you some new clothes I have bought so I can get your opinion." She deliberately didn't say that she had bought the clothes whilst out shopping because she had bought them several days ago. However, she went upstairs and got changed and, when she came back downstairs and walked into the kitchen, she saw the look of total surprise on Rogers's face. Again, ignoring that, she casually asked, "Well, do you like what I am wearing?"

Roger was completely thrown because Linda was now wearing the same white short-sleeved blouse and dark blue short skirt both Emma and the woman in the photograph wore. How could that be, he asked himself?

Linda could see the look of surprise and lack of understanding in Roger's face. So, knowing she had the upper hand, she asked again in a sterner tone, "So, Roger, no one phoned and no one came to the house, did they?"

Roger still didn't know what to say but did like the way that Linda was now being so authoritative, just as she was normally when they were alone or with people that she knew. Still, he had to lie again, and replied whilst blushing, "No one."

Linda immediately retorted with, "Not even Emma?"

Roger gasped, "You know about Emma?"

Linda replied in a more stern voice than normal, "Yes, I know that Emma came. I, therefore, know that you have lied to me. Maybe I should give you the same punishment that Emma gave you?"

Roger knew that he was floundering. Is that why Linda was now in the same clothes as Emma wore? After all, it was so unlikely that she would have chosen exactly the same clothes as Emma and the woman in the photograph just by chance.

Seeing that Roger was still floundering, Linda then demanded more firmly, "So do you like what I am wearing?"

Roger nodded his head and took a few moments to reply, "Yes, I do."

Linda then went to the side of the cabinet where earlier she had hidden from view a cane that Emma had given her. She picked it up, turned and faced Roger and demanded, "Do you like me better if I am holding this?"

Roger was wide-eyed as he saw the cane but he realised then that as Linda knew all about Emma, she also knew what she had done to him. He winced as he replied, "Yes, Miss Linda, erm, I mean, Linda," and felt himself blush a very deep red.

Linda kept a stern look on her face and said, "Good, because I want to use this on you right now. I know you have had six strokes and I am going to give you six more. So, I want you to take down your trousers and underpants and bend over and grab the chair." After just another moment she snapped, "Do it now."

Roger really didn't want six more strokes of the cane but at the same time what he really didn't understand was how come he was once again getting aroused by the thought of being caned. Not just that, he had fantasised about his wife disciplining him as he looked at the websites he visited and pictured her on the screen spanking and caning his bottom. Well, she was now offering to cane him so why should he resist? Mind you, he told himself looking at how stern his wife looked that he doubted she would accept no as the answer anyway.

As Roger went towards the dining chair that was still turned into the room and stood in front of it as he lowered his trousers catching his underpants on the way, pushing both down to his ankles, so he knew that he was getting more and more turned on by the prospect of his wife having disciplinary authority over him. He didn't even think it would be such a bad thing because he knew that she got quite stressed at times with his belligerent attitude and his sometimes excessive drinking with friends. He even pictured, as he bent over and clasped the sides of the seat, Linda giving him a, "You're going to get it when we get home," look and rather liked the vision.

Linda was now more confident than ever about taking disciplinary control over Roger. When she discovered Roger's liking for S&M sites and had worked out that his preference was to be submissive to a dominant woman, she saw the benefits for both of them. She would give Roger what he clearly wanted, and she would no longer have to argue with him because she could simply make the decision to deal with him just like she was about to deal with him. It could also be a foreplay to lovemaking, she told herself with a grin.

Roger looked behind and saw that it was now Linda's upside-down legs positioning themselves and, whilst not as well-toned as Emma's, he welcomed this even more.

Linda looked at the six existing raised red welts as she rubbed the cane from side to side across Rogers's bottom, just as she had seen Emma doing. However, she ignored those welts knowing that she was going to add six more as she pulled her own back and knew from the practice she had had when using the cane on a cushion just how hard she could cane him and brought the came down with a loud thwack and watched as Roger's bottom surrendered to the cane before quickly rebounding and swirling around.

Linda was so sure she wanted this to become the norm and rubbed the cane from side to side again and, looking at the back of Roger's head, said in a very stern tone, "I love you so much and I know you love me so from now on my word is the law."

Roger realised that Linda didn't wait for an answer but brought the cane down again so it bit into his bottom causing even more pain than when Emma caned him. Roger yelped, shook his head from side to side, and hissed in and out through clenched teeth, all with his eyes tightly closed as the pain engulfed him. However, it took just a few moments for him to realise that, as well as the pain, he was feeling so aroused by Linda's dominant attitude and, of course, he wanted to obey her. He was just about to say so when the third stroke bit into his bottom and he once again struggled to cope with the stinging pain. However, as he did, so he realised he was even more aroused.

Linda knew she had hit Roger hard with the cane, but knew that he was able to cope with it even though he was struggling and wasn't too worried that he didn't answer straight away because she knew that he would be having to deal with the pain first. Therefore, she saw no reason to wait and pulled her arm back and landed another stroke. She was enjoying the reaction that Roger had because, as much as he was struggling with the pain, he was definitely being obedient and staying in place, just as he had done with Emma. Of course, she knew that Emma could not threaten Roger with additional strokes if he got up because that would have increased his so-called prize. However, she was not in the same position and so ordered, "I can see you are struggling, Roger, but make no mistake, if you get up before I am finished and tell you that you can get up, I will be giving you additional strokes."

Roger heard the threat and that made him clasp hold of the seat of the chair even more firmly and realised that by obeying Linda he really was submitting to her disciplinary control. As he thought that, as well as the pain cascading around his bottom, he realised that once again he was getting even more aroused. That was interrupted by the fourth stroke of the cane but he did focus first on keeping hold of the chair and only then focused on the pain.

Linda was still enjoying making Roger suffer, although she realised that her own sexual feelings were aroused. She felt her vagina quivering and was pretty sure that her knickers were damp. She really had hoped this would be the case and, full of joy, she pulled her arm back and landed the fifth stroke and gasped herself as she watched the fifth red welt develop. Then, as she pulled her arm back and landed the sixth stroke which she made the hardest of them all, she knew that she had to repeat this and was going to force Roger to answer her demand about her word being the law.

Roger had lost count of the strokes but as the gap was far greater than any previous stroke, and the cane was no longer being rubbed from side to side across his bottom, he hoped that that really was six strokes. He was still hissing in and out through clenched teeth and breathing heavily as he waited for Linda to tell him what to do next, which he hoped was going to be that he could get up and rub his seriously stinging bottom. Therefore, he was so relieved when he heard that exact instruction.

Linda let Roger stay bent over for a short while after the sixth stroke as a further form of control over him. However, once satisfied that he was obeying her, she ordered, "Okay, Roger, you can get up now. You can also rub your bottom if you need to."

Roger pushed himself up and thankfully was able to rub his bottom feverishly although couldn't stop himself also stepping from foot to foot. Of course, it wasn't just six strokes that he'd just received but six more strokes on top of the six that Emma gave him as well as the spanking that she had also given him. However, what it meant was that his long-held fantasy had come true and he wondered whether Linda would be happy enough to continue to discipline him. He then remembered she had already demanded to know that he accepted her word as law, and he hoped that was exactly what she meant.

After rubbing his bottom and dancing from foot to foot for a few moments, Roger looked towards Linda, although she was just a blurred form as his eyes were full of tears. However, he gave the answer that he wanted to give to her question, "Yes, Linda, your word is now law."

Linda knew that she was breathing heavily as she always did when she was aroused and, although making love was now irregular, she immediately went and sat down on the dining chair, pushing her knickers down to the floor and scooping them up and putting them on the next chair, and sat with her legs wide apart. She glared up at Roger and ordered, "Now get on your knees and say thank you."

Whilst Linda was still blurred, he could see that she had sat down and was sitting with her legs wide apart so knew what he had to do. He stepped forward, lowered himself to his knees, leaned forward, and started to kiss Linda's inner thighs, working his way up very quickly to her stretched and now very wet pussy lips. He licked her lips several times before easing his tongue inside her vagina whilst also flicking her now very taut clit. Roger knew it was only seconds before Linda let out longer and longer erotic gasps and very quickly came more intensely than he could ever remember her doing. Even after her orgasm, he continued to gently lick her pussy lips as she groaned erotically.

Linda knew that Roger had very rarely given her tongue sex but saw it as another way to control him, making him give her an orgasm whilst he had to cope with his erection. She had seen it on those websites that Roger had visited and so it seemed quite natural to her, but what she did know as well, now, was that she had had one of the most incredible orgasms she had ever had, which strengthened her resolve to retain disciplinary control over Roger for the two very good reasons of control itself and sexual satisfaction.

Roger wondered whether Linda would return the favour but saw her stand up and straighten out her skirt, although she had not put her knickers back on.

Linda went over to Roger and smiled as she said, "I bet you used to masturbate when looking at your websites, so go to the bathroom and do yourself. Naughty boys need to sort themselves out."

Roger supposed that was fair and was about to go upstairs when Linda leaned in and kissed him on the lips. She then said to him in a very loving tone, "When you are a good boy, we will have sex together, and that will include when we use spanking and caning as foreplay. However, when you are a bad boy, you will get spanked and caned as discipline and you will give me tongue sex. I rather enjoyed that today, so that will be my incentive to be strict with you, and your incentive to be good to have sex with me."

Roger loved that scenario even more and felt so good as he went upstairs to the bathroom and gave himself a wonderful hand job, just like he did when looking at the sites. What he also realised was that he had a far more amazing orgasm having been caned than he did when looking at the pictures, so that set him thinking hard about, maybe, getting punished on purpose.

Linda was also delighted because she saw this as the start of a new love life with the man she loved, and that made her so happy. She now hoped that Roger wouldn't behave too well all the time and would earn another caning on a regular basis, or maybe she would even just spank and cane him when he wasn't misbehaving and then have good boy sex afterwards. There were so many options, she realised.

Linda was already thinking about getting more canes and a few wooden-backed hairbrushes and thought maybe she would go onto the websites once more and see what other implements would be good to get. Then she would ban Roger from visiting those sites so he could focus on her discipline. Yes, it was all good, Linda told herself very happily, and when she heard Roger gasping in the bathroom she knew that he would go with it all as well.

Written by Peter242
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