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Summer Job Turns Red

"A summer job leads Michael to meet his new disciplinarian girlfriend"

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Michael was on his second day at the shoe shop. He was supposed to be the assistant, but the Manager was off sick. He opened the store and stood close to the seating area and waited.

Michael was twenty-years-old and a student. It was summertime after his second year at College in Devon studying retail management. He was quite a presentable young man, but unfortunately, managing his finances was not his best feature. So he needed a summer job to help get funding towards his final year.

Whilst in Devon he was staying with his Aunt Jane. She was an attractive leggy blond young thirty-six-year-old. She was always immaculately dressed and was well known locally for looking sexy whether she was in her business suits when working as a Business Manager at the Bank or in her slinky sleeveless tight fitting dresses showing off her full figure and with bare legs when socialising. Auntie Jane was also much better than Michael at dealing with finances and was happy enough to guide her young nephew.

Michael was slightly over-awed by his Auntie. He usually was when faced with a confident woman. He found something so alluring about a woman with a, 'Do as I say,' voice. It never mattered what age the woman was. She could be sixteen or sixty-years-old. He would always stutter in her presence and his submissive persona would come to the fore. He couldn’t remember a time when he felt comfortable when talking to a confident woman. He just remembered how he would look at a woman and imagine himself across her lap. He had never been spanked when living at home, yet it seemed natural to be submissive to a strong-minded woman like his Auntie.

He was enjoying himself though staying with his Auntie. She was a fun lady and he didn’t mind when she told him off or wagged her finger by way of a warning. She never spanked him but even so he had happily masturbated time and again imagining that he had been.

Luckily for Michael his Auntie Jane knew a local family who had run a footwear business in the area for sixty years. Ruth Carter was a personal friend of hers. She was also thirty-six-years-old.

Michael was interviewed by Ruth. He listened to her explanation about the family business. He heard the words but wasn’t really listening. Ruth also had a haughty tone of voice, and she was telling him rather than asking. He supposed that Auntie Jane had already secured him the position in any case. As it turned out she had. He was going to be Assistant Manager at the shoe outlet in town. It was only small, and there was just a Manager and the Assistant Manager. The job was to cover for the Assistant Manager as she was going off on Maternity leave.

Michael looked around the shop waiting for his first customer of the day. His eyes settled on the range of horse whips hanging on the wall. The shop sold a selection of leather riding boots and the crops were seen as a simple accessory. However whilst he was standing waiting he often looked at the crops and imagined himself being whipped by Auntie Jane when she was in one of her slinky dresses.

His attention was caught by a rather voluptuous lady who came in to the shop. She was youngish, about twenty-five-years-old he reckoned. She was quite beautiful he thought with long wavy brunette hair that flowed over her shoulders and down her back. He loved brunettes. Her blue eyes were captivating. She was wearing an equestrian outfit comprising a tailored Hunting jacket, hip hugging Ivory Jodhpurs by Henry hall, which were matched with a pair of very expensive Ariat Bromont Field shiny black long riding boots. He recognised her immediately as Lady Rose. She was a fine upstanding lady whose family home was the Saddle Trees Estate on the edge of Bodmin Moor.

Lady Rose was well known for expecting everyone to run around her. If she snapped her fingers you had to jump. In the event she crooked her finger and with a glossy lipped wide smile she summoned Michael to where she was standing.

Michael hadn’t needed to be summoned that way as she was the only customer. However he had heard of her penchant for humiliating men of all ages and his heart missed a beat as he walked quickly over to her. “Hullo, Lady Rose. How can I help you today?” he asked smiling.

Lady Rose demanded, “I need you to stay by me whilst I look for some new riding boots.” She slipped off her jacket revealing a tight sleeveless polo blouse buttoned up to her neck. .

Michael was wide-eyed as again her haughty demeanour just wasn’t needed as he had no one else to serve.

Lady Rose walked around the shop until she saw the boots she wanted to try on. “I’ll try these on,” she said in her haughty voice as she sat on a chair and made quite a show of unzipping each of her boots in turn and sliding them off her feet. She sat back and looked sternly at Michael. “Please get them quickly,” she ordered.

Michael swallowed hard as he looked at Lady Rose’s lap, just as he had looked at women’s laps for so many years. As he walked to the stockroom, he pictured himself across that lap and having his bare bottom spanked by the quite captivating Lady Rose. He collected the boots from the stockroom and walked back to Lady Rose still picturing him across her lap. He missed altogether the fact he now had quite a stiff erection that was pushing out the front of his trousers.

Michael handed Lady Rose the boots and stood back to watch her try them on. He mused how much she reminded him of a gym teacher he had in his final year at school before university. He was sixteen-years-old and even so had often imagined himself across her lap. She would be wearing her gym kit, and so once he lowered his trousers and underpants his bare tummy was lying across her bare thighs. He had an erection of course, and the gym mistress would make remarks about it as she spanked him.

It was whilst he was fantasising about his old gym mistress that he saw the riding crop on the floor by Lady Rose’s feet. He caught his breath and it was then he felt his erection stiffen even more. He looked down and blushed and then quickly looked towards Lady Rose to see if she noticed his erection. He sighed with relief when he saw she was still focussing on trying on the boots.

Lady Rose stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She slyly looked towards Michael and checked he still had his erection and smiled at the sight of the protrusion of his trousers. Ruth had been right. He had a thing about strong women just as Ruth knew that she rather enjoyed humiliating men. In fact it was rather more than that for Lady Rose. She loved nothing more than to get her men drunk, have them give her pussy sex, and then put them across her lap and spank them.

Michael watched Lady Rose look at herself in the mirror. When she saw him glancing at her she slowly but deliberately undid the top three buttons of her blouse and smiled as she saw Michael biting his lip as he watched. She then picked up the riding crop and flexing it between her hands she turned and caught Michael’s eye and caught him in her enchanting gaze. He watched as her arm muscles tensed erotically. He loved looking at women’s bare arms, and her polo shirt showed hers off beautifully.

Lady Rose watched as Michael kept on blushing and was clearly aware of his own erection. She reckoned he was desperately trying to think about anything other than her to try to ease his stiffness. She could not help but smile at the sight of the young man’s distress. However she wasn’t going to help him. She flicked the crop, and the snapping sound led his trousers to push out even further.

Michael was trying hard to reduce his erection but when he saw Lady Rose bend over to look at her boots he could not help but look as her polo shirt fell forward and he had the most wonderful view of her very full breasts.

Lady Rose waited just a moment before looking and catching Michael’s eyes. She knew what she had done but made it look like his fault.

“How dare you, young man. Do you have no discretion? I come here because the staff know how to be courteous to their customers. I am one of the shops biggest spenders but with an attitude like yours I might just take my business elsewhere.” Lady Rose threatened Michael again. "What you did deserved the sack, and as I know the owners very well, I should tell them what you have done."

Michael was shocked. Could he be sacked? Surely not for just one mistake even if it was a huge one that obviously embarrassed an important customer. He needed to stop her telling the owner. "Please don't Lady Rose. I will do anything."

Lady Rose pursed her lips as though thinking about it. "Well I will need to do something equally as bad to you."

Maybe not what Michael wanted to hear but whatever she did would at least be better than losing his job. "Tell me what you need me to do Lady Rose." He was pleading with her but was ready to take off his top or even his trousers if she wanted to see his body.

Lady Rose stood up with her hands on her hips and spoke sternly to the now uncertain Michael. "Men like you need to be punished for staring at women's boobs. I mean really punished."

Well Michael had not considered being punished but supposed it may not be that bad. Maybe a few smacks of his legs or maybe a slap or two around his face. Michael was blushing at the thought. However, he needed the job, and if Lady Rose knew the owners, then she could easily get him sacked. How would he tell Auntie Jane he got sacked for looking at Lady Rose's breasts? So he warily asked in a worried tone, "What punishment?" As he stood still waiting to be told his fate he out of the blue thought how Lady Rose was looking so dominant and in many ways looked like the gym mistress he had fantasised about being spanked by when sixteen-years-old. He shook his thought at the poor timing of such a thought.

Lady Rose glared at Michael keeping her hands on her hips. She saw his erection was still pushing out the front of his trousers which she knew was a sign of being submissive when told off and said sternly, "I think men who leer at women need to be disciplined by women. In your case I think you need a good hard bare bottom spanking."

"A spanking?" Michael repeated. Oh my goodness he thought. It was as though she knew what he was thinking.

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He was speechless, though, as he swallowed hard.

Lady Rose was enjoying herself as she always did when she was dominating a man. "Go and put up the closed sign and lock the door. Then come back and stand in front of me boy," she ordered simply, assuming Michael would obey her.

Michael was quite taken by the way Lady Rose was ordering him about. She had obviously decided to spank him whether he agreed or not. That even helped him he supposed because he could tell anyone who found out that it was against his will and he had to agree or risk losing his job. So he turned and did as he was told turning the sign on the door to closed and locking it.

When he returned to where Lady Rose was he saw that she had already turned a chair in to the room and had sat down. "Get your trousers and underpants down boy," she ordered.

Michael had already reconciled himself to be spanked by the very dominant Lady Rose. He took a deep breath and undid his trousers pushing them down to his ankles, and putting his thumbs inside the elastic of his underpants, he pushed them down as well. As he stood up again he noticed the ballet shoe in her hand and gasped.

Lady Rose smiled as she saw Michael's still erect penis. That was a good sign that he really did like dominant women. However she also knew what might happen and so stated authoritatively, "Looking at your penis I will have to take my jodhpurs off." Lady Rose knew exactly what she was doing. Seeing that Michael was so aroused still by the prospect of going across her lap she knew that if she took her jodhpurs off he would be lying across her bare thighs.

Michael watched as Lady Rose stepped out of her jodhpurs. His erection was getting even stiffer as she stepped out of one leg and then the other. He watched as Lady Rose sat back on the chair and he focussed on her bare thighs knowing that his penis would soon be pressing down on them. It made him even more erect.

Lady Rose glared up at Michael and ordered, "Now get across my knee boy."

Michael eased himself down across Lady Rose's lap and rather enjoyed the feel of his penis pressing down on her bare thighs. Although he had fantasised about being spanked for so many years, and doing exactly this, which was bending across a dominant woman's lap, he found the real experience far better than even he had imagined. Once he had lowered himself fully across her lap, he looked under the chair and saw his legs on the far aside. He felt even more submissive when Lady Rose started to rub his bottom with what he knew would be her open palm.

Lady Rose looked down at Michael’s bare bottom which noted was a particularly spankable one. She had, after all, spanked many bottoms even at her age, but maybe it was also because she found Michael to be rather attractive and someone who she felt she would get on well with. She certainly was always the dominant partner with whoever she went out with, but as she rubbed Michael’s bottom, she felt more at ease with Michael compared to many other men she had known.

Having happily manoeuvred the whole thing Lady Rose pursed her lips knowing that she wanted to give Michael a hard spanking and because of the way his penis remained so erect she reckoned that he too wanted a hard spanking. So with that thought she raised her hand and brought her open palm down hard on Michael's bare bottom. She enjoyed listening to Michael's gasp as that first spank landed and as Michael stayed in position knew that they both wanted the spanking to continue. Lady Rose didn't delay therefore in raising her hand again and spanking Michaels other bare bottom cheek just as hard.

Michael gasped when that first spank landed although realised it was more from surprise than pain. He had fantasised so often about this very act so even as the spanks continued to land and the stinging from each spank started to intensify, he just wanted to stay in position across Lady Rose's lap to experience the full spanking.

Lady Rose was increasingly confident that Michael would stay in place as she continued her spanking. Equally as usually happened as she watched the bottom on her lap turn brighter and redder and she heard the louder and louder gasps so she knew that her pussy was getting damper and damper. She had tried once being submissive but simply did not enjoy being spanked. She reckoned it might have been because when she was younger her mother spanked her regularly in order to try to control her unruly behaviour and that she related spanking solely to being properly disciplined.

On the other hand, she knew from her discussions with some of the men and women that she regularly spanked that they had never been spanked when younger or perhaps only once. It was generally so that they also fantasised about being spanked and perhaps pictured being spanked by an adult such as a school teacher rather than their own parents. Whichever way it was, however, she knew that she was sexually aroused when giving a spanking at the same time as the person she was spanking, whether a man or a woman, became sexually aroused as the pain intensified.

As spank after spank landed on his bare bottom so Michael felt the pain of each spank more and more intensely. He tried to focus on whether his penis had remained erect but the pain of the spanks took more of his focus. He raised his bottom up slightly with the intention of trying to feel whether his penis was still stiff even with his bottom stinging. He felt that whilst the erection was not as stiff as before the spanking it was it was still sufficiently erect to tell him that being submissive was something that made him sexually aroused.

He even enjoyed looking again under the chair and seeing his legs on the far side which increased his feeling of submission. He wondered if that would was even more intensified as Lady Rose was not wearing her jodhpurs and so he was able to see the backs of her bare legs. As he saw all of this the pain intensified but he was now glad he was across lady Rose’s lap being spanked and wished he had been spanked before now. Either way, at least he would keep his job.

Of course as Michael thought that in reality he wasn't sure whether this would be enough to stop Lady Rose telling his boss about looking at her breasts. He was so befuddled as the spanking continued and he tried to stop second guessing what lady Rose would do afterwards. He decided to just experience the spanking for now.

There was a gap between spanks and Michael thought the spanking was over. He was wrong though as he felt two light taps on his bottom and remembered the ballet shoe. Next moment the shoe was spanked down on his bottom and he again gasped as the stinging took hold. The stinging intensified as the spanks with the ballet shoe continued apace and he felt the tears run down his face. He saw himself as a grown man reduced to a schoolboy. However in a way it turned him on even more as he looked at the backs of lady Rose’s legs.

Lady Rose looked down at Michael’s bottom and saw that it was now bright red. As Michael had not tried to get up she was ever more confident that he would accept an even harder spanking. She therefore ordered, "Get up boy and stand in front of me."

Michael eased himself up from Lady Rose’s lap and stood and looked down at her. He still could not take his eyes from her bare thighs even as the tears continued to fill his eyes and run down his face.

Lady Rose stood up and ordered, "Bend over and grab the seat of the chair boy. I am going to use that riding crop on your bare bottom."

Michael gasped as he looked sideways and saw the riding crop. Maybe that would not be as welcome as Lady Rose’s bare hands or even the ballet shoe he told himself. Nevertheless, he wanted to obey this dominant woman and did as he was told and bent over and grasped both sides of the chair seat.

Lady Rose smiled as she picked up the crop and positioned herself behind Michael. She really did like the way that he was submissive. She tapped the crop twice on his bottom and then pulling the crop back she whipped her arm down and listened to both the crack of the crop as it hit Michael’s bottom and the much louder gasp that Michael made as the pain cascaded around his bottom. She had often used the crop before on other people’s bottoms and knew that the pain was quite intense. But even so, she happily raised her arm again and smiled at that cracking sound and Michaels even louder gasp.

As this was the first time that Lady Rose had used the crop on Michael, she decided that three strokes would be sufficient. She made sure that the last stroke was the hardest of all and listened again with a smile on her face as this time Michael cried out. Even so, she smiled to herself as she watched Michael struggle to keep a hold of the seat of the chair and to stay in position.

After a few moments Lady Rose ordered, "You can get up Michael. Consider yourself punished."

Michael eased himself up and turned to look again at Lady Rose. He saw only a blur as more tears ran down his face. He was sobbing but asked, "Will you be telling my boss? I really am sorry Lady Rose"

Lady Rose listened to Michael sniff back his tears but enjoyed sounding annoyed as she said sternly, "I won't on one condition."

"Anything Lady Rose," Michael said earnestly.

This time Michael could see even through his tear-filled eyes that Lady Rose was smiling. "Okay. I won't tell if you agree to go out with me." Lady Rose laughed as she added, "With me in charge of course."

Michael could not believe what he heard. "You mean it was all a game?"

Lady Rose replied, "Only because I like you and find you attractive."

Michael was astounded. "But I find you attractive, Lady Rose."

Lady Rose took Michael’s face in her hands and said, “Then we make quite a couple,” before pressing her lips against his.

Michael kissed Lady Rose back and pulling his face back a few inches he asked, “I guess you’ll spank me again if I gaze at your breasts, Lady Rose.”

Lady Rose replied, “For doing that and for lots of other naughty things, my boy.”

“I thought so,” Michael replied smiling and delighting in his new girlfriend, knowing he rather liked the idea that she was in charge. He was sure his Auntie Jane would approve as well.

Written by SusanHarper
Contributing Authors
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