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Summer Camp - Chapter One

"Discipline reigns at teenager's camp"

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Dan could not believe his luck. It was a really hot July, and he was on a school camping trip. He had just finished his exams and hoped to go to Uni in September. He had gone on the camping trip to help pass the time. On the first day at the camp he had met Lana, a truly beautiful girl his own age. They clicked and spent a lot of time together, albeit rarely alone. They joined in the events together though and got to spend time together that way.

Dan and Lana did snatch some alone time. Like the previous evening when they had walked away from the main group and into the woods. They both happily stripped off and made out. They happily caressed each other kissing and licking each other. Dan particularly loved sucking Lana’s taut nipples and kissing her full breasts. The tongue sex also blew Lana's mind and she returned the orgasm Ben gave her with a blow job for him. Lana loved the taste of cum in her mouth as much as Dan loved the perfume smell of Lana’s sex juice as he licked her wet pussy lips.

Today they had been on a trek of some ten miles over hilly terrain. They had set off together along with ten others who were mainly girls but there were four boys as well.

The four other boys set off at a really fast pace and were soon out of sight. Some of the girls were on the slow side and lagged behind. Dan, Lana, and two other girls, Emma and Kate, stayed together for most of the morning. They were together still when they stopped for lunch.

Dan was enjoying himself in the company of the three girls. He had most time for Lana of course. She wore a pink vest top and white shorts with bare legs. Her light brown hair was tied back in a ponytail although Dan knew that when Lana was dressed up her hair flowed down her back. Dan thought that she looked gorgeous. Her full breasts pushed out her vest top.

Emma was also in a vest top and shorts which were matching red. Kate was in a yellow vest top and white shorts. Both were attractive girls and like Lana had full breasts pushing out their tops.

Dan and Lana didn't realise it at the time but Emma and Kate were also an item. That became clear as they had lunch and the two girls were all over each other. They stayed dressed but they kissed and cuddled and Dan and Lana felt that if they weren't there the two girls would have made out properly.

Emma was whispering to Kate but it was obvious what they were saying. They were working out if Dan and Lana could be trusted to keep quiet if they did make out.

They all knew the rules though. They mustn't make out at any level. They were all eighteen-year-olds and as still at school deemed to be too young. It was legal as eighteen was the age of consent but as they were still at school the same rules applied to them as to all of the pupils.

They all knew the penalty as well. It was very clear. If caught doing anything they shouldn't then they could forget the fact they were eighteen-years-old. They would be given a bare bottom spanking wherever they were caught. Then when they got back to camp they would get the cane in front of the whole group. It was felt that that threat was enough to convince everyone not to do anything they shouldn't do.

Emma and Kate weren't put off though. They giggled as they kissed and after one particularly long kiss Emma asked Dan and Lana, "Fancy a foursome?"

Dan laughed. All he saw were three gorgeous girls and he reckoned it would be heaven if they all did it together.

Lana wasn't one to break the rules though. "No thanks, but you two go ahead if you want to." She made the assumption that Dan wouldn't really want to join in if she didn't.

Even so Emma asked, "How about you, Dan?"

Dan blushed, but seeing the look Lana gave him he knew there was only one answer. "That's okay, but like Lana said you go ahead if you want."

Kate asked, "You won't tell?"

Lana replied shaking her head firmly, "No way would we tell."

Emma and Kate looked at each other still smiling and it was clear what they were thinking.

Lana asked inquisitively, "You guys do know what the penalty is if you get caught, right?"

Emma replied shrugging her shoulders and using an off-hand tone of voice, "Sure we do. A spanking from one of the leaders wherever we are caught and then the cane back at camp. Who cares about that though? Both are a real turn on for us."

Dan was really surprised. "You are kidding, right? I haven't been spanked nor had the cane but I've seen the results and it obviously hurts."

Kate giggled as she said, "Oh it hurts alright. But haven't you heard about pain and pleasure going together? The best is if you get spanked or given the cane first and then make out."

"You mean you both like it?" Lana asked incredulously.

"Sure," Emma replied. "We both enjoy giving and receiving. Well we spank each other but have never had the cane.” Emma smiled at Kate and then added, “Not yet anyway"

Kate and Emma giggled again and returned to kissing each other.

Time was getting on and Dan looked at his watch. "We better get going if we are going to make it to camp on time."

Emma and Kate gave each other a last very long and groaning kiss before throwing their things back in to a rucksack.

Dan and Lana put their things back in to their rucksack but were too shy to kiss.

The four of them stayed together as they walked. An hour later they got to a pool. It was on the map and they decided that it was a good place to stop for a break.

Emma and Kate didn't want anything to eat. They drank some water and said, "How about skinny dipping. That water looks too good to miss out on."

Dan and Lana looked embarrassed. Lana replied, "You guys go. We'll wait here for you."

Emma and Kate both stood up and without waiting started to undress. Neither girl showed any sign of embarrassment as they pulled their tops over their heads, undid their bras and slid the straps down their arms placing both items of clothing on the blanket they had been sitting on. Their shorts and knickers followed and moments later they were standing naked.

Dan was open-eyed as he gawked at the two naked girls. Sure he had seen Lana naked but here he was with two other gorgeous girl’s just feet away from him standing totally nude. Their full breasts stood beautifully proud and their Brazilian cut pussy's were so sexy.

Lana looked at the two girls as well, although she was comparing their bodies to her own and felt she fell short compared to both of them. She looked at Dan to see how he was reacting and slapped his arm when she saw his mouth had dropped open. "I'm here as well," she said strongly.

Dan was shaken by the slap and looking embarrassed he turned to Lana and said, "Really sorry. I wasn't thinking."

Lana was grown up enough to know how men thought. Show them a naked woman's body and they gawked so she wasn't surprised that Dan stared at the two naked girls.

Emma and Kate laughed as they turned and ran and jumped into the water hole.

Lana shook her head but smiled at Dan. Suddenly they were alone and she gave Dan a wicked smile. "Now we are alone we could do what we want?"

"What do you want to do?" Dan asked tentatively.

Lana kept smirking as she said, "I'll undress if you will."

Dan smiled. He only waited a moment before standing up and pulling his t-shirt over his head. He threw it on the floor before stepping out of his shorts and underpants. He turned and looked at Lana.

Lana smiled and stood up. She did exactly like the two girls had done and moments later stood just two feet away from Dan and was completely naked. She smiled as she saw Dan's mouth had dropped open just as it had when he gawked at the two girls. "So I'm not so bad then?" she asked cheekily, looking at his erection.

Dan stepped across to Lana and wrapping his arms around her put his hands on her bottom cheeks and pulled her close to him.

Lana kept smiling as she leaned in and welcomed Dan's tongue in to her mouth and eased her hand between their bodies and wrapped her hand around his already erect penis.

Dan kissed Lana's neck working his way down to her breasts and kissed her taut nipples.

The order to stand apart was sharp, and neither Lana nor Dan reacted immediately. It took the second order before they stopped kissing and looked towards the noise. They froze as they saw the two teachers glaring at them. Two women teachers who Lana and Dan remembered were newly qualified and were twenty-two-years-old so in fact not so much older than themselves.

Emma and Kate were suddenly coming out of the pool. They were dripping wet but Dan thought again how sexy they both looked.

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Two more teachers were on the bank waiting for them to get out. They were the same age as the first two.

Once Emma and Kate joined Lana and Dan there were three naked girls and one naked boy with four women teachers. Four angry women teachers.

"What do you four think you are doing?" one of the teachers demanded to know. She added, "You know the punishment for doing what you have done?"

Emma replied. "I think the rules say we get a spanking, Miss."

"Yes it does," the teacher replied. She looked at one of the others and said, "One each, Miss Roberts?"

All the teachers wore the same clothes. White t-shirts and white tennis skirts with a belt and they all had bare legs. Their hair was pulled back in to a ponytail just like the three girls. It wasn't fashion but what was right for the hot weather.

Miss Roberts smiled wickedly as she replied, "Let's do it, Miss East."

Miss East looked at Emma and ordered, "Come here young lady."

Miss Roberts ordered Kate to come to her.

Emma and Kate were smiling as they walked to the respective teacher who took them by the upper arm and led them to the two blankets.

Before reaching the blankets, Miss East glared at the two girls and explained, “You knew the rules and flouted them. You have undressed and most likely made out together.”

Kate and Emma blushed, which told the story.

Miss East continued. “The punishment is in two stages. You will be spanked here first. Then tonight you will be caned in front of everyone in the hall. Understood?”

Emma and Kate both knew that if they were caught then that was what the punishment was. They hadn’t minded as being disciplined turned them on. However, what was said next made them concerned that they had misjudged things.

Miss East explained, "We have found too often that students don't mind being spanked and caned and are in fact aroused by it. You will therefore both go to one of the blankets and give each other tongue sex. We find that after an orgasm a spanking is much less erotic. Go and do it now."

Shocked, but realising that Miss East was in no mood for an argument, they went to the closest blanket and eased themselves down onto the ground in a sixty-nine position. They edged their heads between the others inner thighs and started to lick the others pussy lips. Very soon they both forgot that they were being watched and succumbed to their increasingly intense orgasmic feelings. Their groans became longer and longer as their tongues licked deeper inside the others pussy and they enjoyed the groans the other was making. It was getting more and more the way that they had sex when they were by themselves. Finally, they both came at almost at the same time letting out long erotic orgasmic gasps as they reached their full orgasms.

Even as they were both calming down, they kept their tongues inside the others pussy lips enjoying the smell and taste of the others sex juice. However, almost together, they remembered those watching and looked up.

A smirking Miss East was looking back down at the two girls. "Right then, girls. You will now get ready to be spanked. You, Emma, will go to the other blanket. You will then both kneel on all fours with your palms and elbows flat on the ground. Your legs will be as far apart as you can get them and you will lower your tummies. That way your bottoms will be stuck right out. Do it now" Miss East ordered sternly.

Emma and Kate blushed as they did as they were told and moments later were both on all fours with their legs wide apart and their tummies lowered so their stretched bottom cheeks were pointing upwards. Lana was directly behind Kate and saw her stretched puss lips which were accentuated because of the Brazilian cut. She told herself to get one of them for herself.

The two teachers knelt by each of the girls and without waiting started to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks with their open palms. They kept going for several minutes.

Dan and Lana were wide eyed and licked their lips as they watched the spankings. They had seen the smiles on the two girl’s faces and reckoned they really didn't mind being spanked. They both watched in awe as the two naked girls were kneeling on the ground with their breasts swaying as the girls reacted to the spanks. Dan was standing behind Emma and as her legs were well apart he could see her stretched pussy lips. He wondered if she was still feeling turned on. He was turned on and his erection was stiff again.

Lana could not stop herself running her fingers along her own pussy lips as she was also aroused by what she was watching. Until now she had not considered spanking as an erotic thing to do. However, her mind was changing.

It seemed surreal to both Lana and Dan. Two naked girls being spanked by two teachers so far from any school buildings. They noticed that both teachers were smiling as they spanked the two girls. They were teachers but only a few years older than they were so it didn’t seem so bad to Dan and Lana.

Kate and Emma were starting to struggle as the spanks landed on the same bottom cheek a dozen times or more before the teacher spanked the other bottom cheek the same number of times. However, it did seem that they were coping although Lana wondered if they were enjoying the spanking as much as they had hoped having already had one orgasm.

Miss Roberts and Miss East stopped landing spanks and looked at each other and nodded. They both unclipped their belts and, slipping them out of the loops of the skirts wrapped the buckle end around their fingers. Nodding again, they pulled their arms back and whipped the belts down onto the already reddened bottoms of the two girls. They proceeded to land the belt time and again all over the girl’s bare bottoms turning them much redder.

Emma and Kate were now crying out louder and louder as the spanking continued with the belt. Whilst both girls were quite happy to be spanked with a hand, neither had been spanked with an implement. They were already anxious about being caned later on and neither had expected to be receiving the belt right now. It hurt as well, they both admitted to themselves. Still, they hoped the stinging pain would be a turn on later on assuming they could make use of that before the caning of course.

Dan and Lana did not count the number of times the belt landed on each girl. They wished they had counted as that would have given them both an idea of how many times they would also receive the belt when it was their turn to be spanked. They just grew more and more anxious as they listened to Emma and Kate crying out ever louder and louder as their bottoms started to glow red and show tinges of blue bruising. Dan wondered what would happen when the two girls were caned later on over their bruises.

Miss East nodded to Miss Roberts and between them they decided the spankings could stop.

Miss East ordered, "Both of you girls get up."

Lana and Dan watched as the two girls eased themselves up into a standing position and turned to look at the two teachers. Immediately both girls started to rub their bottoms and step from foot to foot. They were wide steps and Dan could see the stretched pussy lips which he felt were still wet with their sex juice and the saliva from the others tongue sex. Or maybe it was sex juice from the spanking he wondered hopefully?

Miss East and Miss Roberts grinned as they watched Emma and Kate keep doing the spanking dance whist rubbing their bottoms. Miss East reminded them, "Don't forget that you will both be caned in the hall tonight. You will both be taken to a room beforehand where you will have to give the other tongue sex again to relieve your erotic feelings before being disciplined.”

Miss East saw the two girls were still distressed with their sore bottoms. She added, “Feel free to make out again girls if you want to. After a moment and seeing the happier looks on the girl’s faces she added sternly, “I can happily spank you again if you do.”

Emma and Kate looked like they would be crying again as their hopes were dashed. These were two cruel teachers, they told themselves. However, they also knew they had knowingly broken the rules and had paid for it so maybe they deserved it. Well they had paid half the price only, of course. They were still going to be caned later on.

Miss East still smiled as she turned to the other teachers and said, "You can now deal with the other two."

Dan and Lana glanced at the other two teachers, realising that their spankings were about to happen.

To be continued …


Written by Peter242
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