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Spanking Club Ruse

"A granny is caught stealing and suffers a punishment far more severe than at the spanking club"

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Lisa glared at the granny aged woman and demanded, “Stop. I need to check what’s in your bag.”

The older woman did stop, blushing, turned and looked at Lisa, and stood still.

Lisa was the nineteen-year-old manageress of the lady’s clothes department in the retail outlet. She was dressed for the hot summer weather in a short-sleeved white blouse and dark blue skirt with bare legs. Right then she had a very stern look on her young-looking face and her eyes blazed.

The older woman looked in her mid-sixties and was wearing a sleeveless floral dress with quite a short hem, and also with bare legs.

It was a little before ten o’clock in the evening which was the closing time for the store. There were very few people still shopping, although half a dozen lady shoppers were in the department and they all stopped and looked intently at what was happening.

Lisa went over to the older woman and said in an authoritative tone, “My name is Lisa and I am the manageress of this department. What is your name, madam?”

The older lady replied, blushing, “My name is Karen.” After a few moments, she added, “How can I help you, Lisa?”

Lisa kept the stern look on her face as she demanded, “I will need to look into your bag, Karen.”

Karen had a surprised look on her face, although, as she also blushed, those watching reckoned that she was likely to be lying. In any case, one of those watching was pretty sure she had seen Karen put a top into her bag after ripping off the price tag.

Karen acted the innocent and questioned the request. “Really, Lisa? I haven’t even got to the till yet.”

Lisa continued to glare at Karen as again she demanded, “I need to look in your bag. Now,” emphasising the final word.

Karen looked as though she gave up hope of avoiding her bag being searched and so held it out for Lisa to take.

Lisa took a hold of the bag, unzipped it, looked inside, and, with a satisfied, “Ah-ha,” she put her hand inside the bag and took out a top. She glared at Karen and said, “Look, here is the top and also inside the bag is the ripped off price tag.”

Karen tried, “I think it just fell off, Lisa.”

Lisa scoffed. “Really? Am I supposed to believe that? It is clear that you ripped off the price tag because even the cord attaching it to the label has been cut. That doesn’t happen by accident, does it?”

Karen had the definite look of someone who had been caught and pleaded, “Please, Lisa, don’t call the police. What if I admit to stealing the top? Can you deal with me? Please, Lisa.”

Lisa looked around and saw the knowing looks on the faces of those watching. She then glared at Karen and demanded, “How old are you, Karen?”

Karen blushed again as she replied, “Sixty-five-years-old,” adding anxiously, “Does that make a difference?”

Lisa smirked as she replied, “I think it does. I’m nineteen-years-old, and here you are asking me to deal with you. Well, old woman, I can think of one way to deal with you which may well teach you a lesson.” She didn’t tell the watching ladies that she was also a disciplinarian at the local spanking club.

Karen swallowed hard as she asked, “How would that be then, Lisa?”

Lisa kept on smirking as she replied, “Well, I think that naughty old granny aged women need to have their bare bottoms spanked, long and hard, until they are crying and blubbering uncontrollably, to teach them a well-needed lesson.”

Karen gasped in surprise and put her hand over her mouth, before replying, “Really? Do you think it’s right that someone your age should spank someone my age?”

Lisa replied firmly, “I think that is exactly right. After all, you are the one who has committed a crime and I am the one that has caught you. Would you be saying the same to a policewoman my age?”

Lisa and Karen both heard comments from some of those watching, who clearly agreed with what Lisa had just said.

Lisa knew that Karen had also heard the comments, and, still smirking, demanded to know, “Well, old granny woman, I’ve told you what I will need to do if I am to deal with you. Obviously, I can’t force you, but don’t think for one second that I will just let you walk out of here, even without the stolen top. So, you need to tell me, do you agree that I will deal with you the way that I have just said, or do you want me to make a phone call?”

Karen looked as though she was thinking about the alternatives, but, given the comments from the ladies watching, she knew they knew she had no real choice. So, blushing, she replied, “I agree to you dealing with me as you have just said, Lisa.”

Lisa glanced at the watching ladies with a look of satisfaction on her face, and, when she saw the support that she was clearly getting, she again glared at Karen and commanded, “When I give a spanking, the person I am spanking has to be naked. So, you had better get undressed, old granny woman.”

Karen again gasped and swallowed hard, and those watching wondered if Karen would baulk at the command and ask for Lisa to phone the police after all. However, Karen had no intention of doing that, and, after a few seconds of appearing to think hard, she replied, “Very well, Lisa. I accept your decision and you must discipline me however you feel is right. I made a very naughty mistake, and now I have to pay for it.”

Karen’s acceptance drew further comments of support from those watching, including, “Well I bet the old woman regrets stealing that top now.”

Lisa savoured the comments and then ordered, “Right, old granny woman, stop messing me about and get undressed.”

Karen knew what she had to do as she put her arms behind her back and unzipped her dress, sliding the sleeves down her arms, catching her knickers as she pushed the dress towards the floor, and stepped out of both her dress and knickers. She scooped them up, folded the dress as well as she could, and put the dress and her knickers on a chair. She then put her arms back behind her back, unclipped her bra, slid the straps down her arms, caught the bra, and put it with her dress and knickers. She then turned and looked towards Lisa waiting for further instructions.

As Karen was undressing Lisa had walked over to a set of drawers, opened the top drawer, and took out a wooden-backed hairbrush. She then turned back and enjoyed watching Karen undress, displaying her turkey neck, gorgeous looking bat wings, large drooping breasts, fleshy tummy and thighs, and generally all of her creased skin. Lisa always did enjoy the sight of a naked granny aged woman, getting turned on by the sight, as well as by knowing that she was going to enjoy giving the granny a good hard spanking which would leave her knickers and pussy lips so very wet.

Karen was also being turned on, and more so when she saw the hairbrush which she knew would be so painful, but leave her gasping for an orgasm. Although none of those watching were aware, Karen was a member of the same spanking the club as Lisa and willingly went along and submitted to anyone at the club who wanted to give her a spanking, so long as they were a woman, mind, as she was a definite lesbian. She particularly enjoyed being spanked by teenage girls, exactly like Lisa, and had been spanked by her several times already at the spanking club. What both Karen and Lisa also enjoyed was giving and receiving a spanking in front of people who were not aware of their interest in exactly that. The authoritative power and respective submission were an added turn-on for both Lisa and Karen, and so Lisa asked Karen to act out this scenario here where she was the manageress, and Karen had immediately accepted.

Once Karen was undressed Lisa left her standing naked in front of those watching for a few moments, and saw how they continued to smirk and also make comments about how much the, ‘Thieving old woman,’ deserved to be spanked. This was a turn-on for both Karen and Lisa because it showed their role-play was working so well. Lisa had also spotted a couple of older ladies who seemed to be thinking more intensely than the others and wondered if they were likely to have the same submissive tendencies that Karen had. Maybe, later on, she would find out.

Lisa then went and sat on a chair, glared up at Karen, and ordered, “Now, get across my lap, old granny woman.”

Karen remained submissively obedient even though she had not come close to stealing the top. She did love the idea that those watching saw her as being a thief, which was certainly well against her own character, but even so, she went and eased herself down across Lisa’s lap. As always, she loved seeing the upside-down legs of the woman about to spank her, as well as her own dangling helplessly under the far side of the chair. She loved being submissive because it turned her on so much, as well as the pain of being spanked which turned her on even more. So, as she felt Lisa’s hand rubbing her bottom in circles, so she could feel her pussy quivering in anticipation. 

Lisa’s knickers were already damp as she raised her hand and brought her palm down on Karen’s far bottom cheek, loving the way, as always, the bottom cheek surrendered to her hand, flattened, bounced back up, and swirled around, just as she brought her hand down on Karen’s near bottom cheek. She then proceeded to spank Karen on alternate bottom cheeks, turning her lovely fleshy bottom darker and darker shades of red as she listened to Karen’s increasingly loud gasps of pain. Those gasps of pain increased as she used the heavy wooden-backed hairbrush on Karen’s fleshy bottom.

Lisa had been spanking Karen for several minutes and had given her twenty or so spanks with the hairbrush and loved the way she was turning Karen’s bottom blue-bruised as well as red before the young policewoman arrived. Lisa hadn’t noticed her initially, but heard her demand, “What’s going on here?”

As Lisa looked up, she saw a very young policewoman, probably her own age but certainly a teenager. She was in her uniform but without a jacket so a light blue short-sleeved blouse and a dark blue skirt. She had bare legs, presumably because it was so hot out as, normally, she would have had to wear the regulation blue tights. Lisa did see the name tag so knew her name was Officer Pearson.

Before Lisa could say anything, one of the women watching said, “That granny woman being spanked tried to steal this top and the manageress caught her.”

Lisa and Karen were both flummoxed by the comment and by the arrival of the policewoman because both knew that no theft has taken place, but how would they argue that now given that they had been so convincing when telling that story to those watching?

Officer Pearson asked the watching woman, “Has she admitted to her crime?”

The woman replied, “Yes, which is why the manageress is spanking her.”

Lisa was about to point out it was all a charade but saw the glaring looking from Officer Pearson and faltered.

Before Lisa or Karen could say anything, Officer Pearson commanded, “Right then, I’ll take her down to the police station because she needs to be dealt with properly and under the law.”

Karen was initially concerned that she was going to be sent to prison but realised that that would only happen if the retail outlet pressed charges. After all, she didn’t steal the top and it was just play-acting, and she would eventually admit to that. Now though, she found being pressured by the policewoman quite a turn on, even though she was a bit scared of what would happen to her at the police station. 

Officer Pearson glared at Karen and ordered, “Right, up you get and you are coming with me.”

Officer Pearson took out some handcuffs as Karen stood up and Karen obediently held out her arms and watched as they were attached to her wrists. It was only then that she realised that she wasn’t dressed. Karen also winced as Officer Pearson took out a rope and tied it around her waist, and knew she would be stopped from trying to run away even if she wanted to. The rope did make her feel as though she was more like a pet on a lead than an adult woman but supposed Officer Pearson was right to secure her just as she would any real thief.

Lisa knew of Karen’s submissive nature but didn’t know she was prepared to be taken away by the policewoman. However, she caught Karen’s eye and realised that she was up for it and supposed this wasn’t so different from accepting the authoritative control of someone else at the spanking club. The main difference would be that she would not have access to a safe word if the punishment got too much, but, given that it was the police they would be severe but she doubted they would take things too far. So, starting to feel envious of the police woman’s authority, Lisa held back.

Indeed, Karen loved being submissive and particularly to teenage girls, which she knew wasn’t so unusual. Anyway, she was now turned-on by having to obey what the teenager was telling her to do.

Officer Pearson ordered forcefully, “You will address me as ma’am, old granny woman.”

Karen immediately showed everyone she had accepted the policewoman’s authority over her with a submissive, “Yes, ma’am.”

Officer Pearson ordered, “Okay granny woman, as the police station is just next door there is no need for you to get dressed.”

Karen had no time to even start to object and gasped as she felt her cuffed arms being pulled by the teenage policewoman, but when she saw all of the smirks from the watching people she suddenly felt turned-on even more by the humiliation of being led away whilst naked. What was better, was that the policewoman looked as though she was about the same age as Lisa, which was an added bonus for her of being disciplined by a teenage policewoman. How much more authoritative could a teenage girl get, she told herself as her vagina quivered. 

As the walking pace was quite fast Karen found herself almost running just to stop being pulled over and, although she knew that meant her large drooping breasts and fleshy tummy and thighs would be wobbling all of the time, she still felt really good about her body and knew that when people saw her they always gave admiring looks. 

Karen was also helped by Officer Pearson landing hard smacks on her bare bottom as that made sure she didn’t slow down. Karen enjoyed the smacks, even though they stung, as she was getting right into being submissive for this authoritative teenager.

As they got to the exit to the retail outlet Karen suddenly wondered if she would be seen by anyone outside. That would be even more humiliating with all of them dressed except for her. However, as soon as they got out onto the pavement Karen looked around and didn’t see anyone. She breathed a sigh of relief, though as she continued to be in led at a pace by the young policewoman she did think it would be rather nice if one or two people saw her being led away. 

Just as she wondered that she saw walking towards them two teenage girls who initially looked shocked when they saw the naked Karen being pulled along by the police officer who was smacking her bottom every other step. However, as Karen passed by, she heard one of the teenage girls say to the either, “Wow, did you see those boobs. I wish mine were that size.”

As always, Karen smiled to herself when hearing comments like that, although couldn’t savour it too much as she was still being pulled at quite a speed towards the police station which was about fifty yards from the retail outlet.

Once inside the police station, the policewoman took Karen up to the reception desk. The receptionist, Officer Warren, was also in police uniform and also looked about eighteen or nineteen-years-old, and Officer Pearson said to her, “I’m going down to the cells. I need a punishment room to deal with this granny woman for stealing.”

Before replying Officer Warren smirked at the naked Karen and said a wistful, “Fab huge tits.” Officer Warren knew it was right to humiliate offenders to make them more submissive by knowing their place, and making direct and derogatory comments about them did just that.

Officer Pearson knew what Officer Warren was doing and smiled back and replied, “An even bigger bum that needs a lot of spanking and caning.”

Officer Warren was smirking still as she replied, “Yes, but all so creased.”

Officer Pearson was laughing as she replied, “That is what happens at her age.”

Officer Warren laughed and then looked at her desk and replied in a more serious work-like tone, “No problem with disciplining her, Officer Pearson. However, better than that, there is a training session on at the moment and it would help if you disciplined her in front of them.”

Officer Pearson smiled and asked, “Good one. Which room are they in?”

Officer Warren looked down at some papers on the desk and then replied, “The training session is in room K, which has a caning table because they are discussing the new corporal punishment regulations.”

Karen listened with increasing trepidation. She had heard all about the new corporal punishment rules which allowed the police to discipline offenders rather than send them to court. It was for minor offences but did include stealing small items, like the top. If that was the case, then her punishment would be rather stiffer than being caned at the spanking club. She wasn’t sure whether that was turning her on or making her scared, but it was too late to do anything now given Officer Pearson’s clear intention to discipline her. 

Officer Warren glared at Karen and demanded, “What are you guilty of?”

Karen blushed as she replied, “I am a thief who was caught shoplifting.” Of course, she knew it wasn’t really true but had to say it.

Officer Warren took out a registration form and took down Karen’s details including a contact number for someone who will come and collect her when released, all the time glancing at her naked body to make her feel more and more uncomfortable. She then took out her camera and ordered, “Look at the camera,” and took a series of mug shots.

Karen blushed at the thought of her naked body being on public record, at least with the police, but if those were the rules then she had no choice. She did wonder if the photo would be discarded once she admitted the stealing was just a show.

Officer Warren took three photos. One of Karen’s face, for the records, another including her large breasts, and a third of her reddened and slightly blue-bruised already spanked bottom because she had to take a photo highlighting any distinguishing marks and, ‘Spanked bottoms count,’ she explained. 

After taking the photos Officer Warren knew she had another duty to perform which humiliated the offender but was in the rules. So, she said to Officer Pearson, I need to body search her for drugs. Clearly, she isn’t hiding any in a pocket, as she is naked, but there are two places left,” and, as she spoke she slipped on a pair of plastic gloves and sprayed a wet solution on them.

Karen winced as she knew what was about to happen. It never had been crevice searched before but she had read about it and had wondered what it would be like, and supposed now she would find out.

Officer Warren came around to the front of the desk and glared at Karen and ordered, “Bend over, granny woman, and spread your legs.”

Karen did as she was told and held onto the desk for balance, and seconds later she felt Officer Warren’s stiff fingers push into her butt hole and wiggle around. Karen gasped at the initial shock but soon found the sensation quite erotic although incredibly humiliating at the same time. After a few moments of being fingered in her anus, she felt Officer Warren remove her fingers and then order her to turn around and keep her legs apart. After doing that she gasped as Officer Warren eased her finger inside her vagina and again wiggled her finger around. Karen continued to blush and feel humiliated and kept her eyes closed as Officer Warren’s face was inches from her own, although imagined being given finger sex, although it wasn’t.

Officer Warren didn’t care as she watched the pained and humiliated look on Karen’s face because she was an offender and had to submit to the rules. She knew some of the offending granny women actually enjoyed it as well, but that hardly mattered to her, as this was about carrying out a body search to catch offenders who broke the rules.

As Officer Warren removed her finger from her vagina, Karen breathed heavily, unsure why something so very personal had been humiliating, but, once over the shock, had also turned her on. As strange as it was, Karen wondered if she had found another truly humiliating punishment that was horrid whilst being done to her but left her with the need to finger herself once alone. 

Karen once again had her thoughts interrupted as Officer Pearson pulled at her cuffs and then led her along the corridor whilst again having her bottom smacked every other step. However, she actually felt aroused at the prospect of the humiliation she was going to suffer, although tense as well at the knowledge that, whatever happened, this was going to hurt rather more than being disciplined at the spanking club. 

When they got to the door to the meeting room Officer Pearson opened it and led Karen inside. Karen was blushing as she saw the looks of surprise on all of the trainee police officers faces. She was pleasantly surprised to see that all of the trainees were young women, which meant she wasn’t quite so embarrassed about being naked. That lack of embarrassment changed, though, as soon as she saw the canes and paddles and straps and tawses hanging on the wall next to the caning table because it brought home to her that the pain wasn’t far away now and she always found the pain hard to deal with and certainly not erotic. 

Officer Pearson went to the front of the room and, making Karen turn so that she was facing the trainee policewomen, explained, “This granny woman has been caught stealing. You have already been taught about the new rules, and how we must make decisions about the level of discipline that offenders must be made to suffer. As you know, the minimum is a bare bottom spanking and six strokes of the cane. However, I was told that this granny woman initially lied and said that she did not attempt to steal a top. That earns her six additional strokes of the cane.”

Karen looked around at the faces of those watching and saw them listening intently. She also saw how they all looked so young, but then they would, being police trainees as against her own granny age. It was quite clear that none of them considered themselves too young to take on the responsibility of disciplining offenders, but then no one had ever suggested that age was relevant. It was all about those in responsible positions compared to those who either needed an incentive to carry out their daily responsibilities properly or, like here, those who maintain the law and those who break it irrespective of everyone’s age. Karen knew that she hadn’t broken the law, but, she also knew from the quivering deep inside her pussy that she was so turned on by the prospect of being disciplined in front of so many teenage girls.

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Of course, what Karen was also thinking, was that whilst she got aroused by the thought of being disciplined, and by having her stinging bottom afterwards, she always found the punishment itself so hard to cope with. She fully expected the same to happen now, but that was always something she knew she had to accept if she was going to get the erotic feelings afterwards. In fact, she never did understand why she loved to go through so much pain but just that the arousal soon returned afterwards and it always led to the most amazing orgasms. It was pain leading to pleasure, was all she knew, and it worked for her.

Officer Pearson pulled Karen towards one of the chairs which was already placed facing the trainee police officers and, as she sat down, she continued to pull Karen so that she fell across her lap. Karen then had the normal upside-down erotically sexy view of the legs of the woman who was going to spank her, and once again they were clearly teenage legs.

Karen looked out towards those watching and saw a sea of upside-down legs and upside-down faces which all looked intently at her. This was clearly a group of trainee policewomen who wanted to learn, which was slightly different to those watching at the spanking club who were there to enjoy themselves. Karen had to admit that she was impressed that these teenagers were taking their training so seriously, but then she supposed that was for the greater good of the community at large because the crime rate had clearly reduced significantly since these new rules were brought into play. It was no longer just a slap on the wrist after a long delay waiting for a slot in court. Now the punishment was almost immediate and severe. Of course, the spanking club was for those who still wanted to either spank others or be spanked but kept to the law. Karen knew that she was one of those law abiders, and so this was going to be a very new experience for her. What set her heart racing, though, was that she had often imagined breaking the law to earn herself this kind of disciplinary spanking and caning, and so at least she was getting that experience even though, in reality, her confession had been a lie. She even smiled to herself thinking that maybe telling lies should earn this kind of discipline anyway.

Suddenly, Karen’s wandering mind focused on the hand that was now rubbing her bottom in circles. So, the part of all of this that she hated, which was the spanking and caning themselves, was about to start. She listened as Officer Pearson once again explained to those watching how important it was to deal with offenders properly. A light spanking didn’t do the offender any good at all because that would only lead to them to commit further offences. Karen knew that made sense and also liked the fact that everything was being explained to the others and not to her, almost as though she didn’t matter. Of course, as she was supposedly a thief then she didn’t matter, so that made sense as well.

Karen realised that Officer Pearson was no longer rubbing her bottom which meant she had raised her hand, and, as expected, next moment, she felt Officer Pearson’s hand spank down on her bottom. Karen gasped, just as she did again when her other bottom cheek was spanked, more so than usual at the start of a spanking because Lisa had already spanked her just a short while ago. Officer Pearson then proceeded to spank her bottom time and again, and, each time she did, so Karen gasped louder and louder and knew that she started to squirm around on the teenager’s lap. After all, once again, it never mattered that Officer Pearson was just a teenager whilst she was in her sixty’s. 

Karen had to admit that, as the spanking progressed, she could tell that Officer Pearson was certainly quite an expert at giving a spanking. She just continued to spank her on alternate bottom cheeks, time and again, without any pause. Karen knew, from her own experience, that that was the best way to make her bottom sting. Of course, when Officer Pearson changed to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again several times, before spanking the other bottom cheek several times in a row, so the stinging intensified much more quickly, and Karen knew that she was squirming around on Officer Pearson‘s lap far more, as well as tensing her arms and legs, all to try to cope with the increasing pain, which, of course, she failed to be able to do.

Karen also heard some of the comments made by those trainee police girls close by, some congratulating Officer Pearson on her spanking ability, whilst others pointed out that Karen’s fleshy bottom cheeks certainly surrendered so markedly to Officer Pearson’s palm, and others pointed out that Karen must be struggling just by looking at the way she was squirming around on Officer Pearson‘s lap making her drooping breasts swing from side to side.

Karen struggled, even more, when Officer Pearson started to spank the backs of her legs. She knew that always happened, and that, again as usual, her tears had started to flow. She knew that because as she opened her eyes to look at the backs of Officer Pearson’s upside-down legs they were blurred.

The spanking seemed to go on much longer than when Karen was spanked at the spanking club. She also gasped when she heard Officer Pearson ask for a paddle to be handed to her. Karen knew that as much as being spanked by Officer Pearson’s hand hurt, a spanking with a wooden paddle hurt much much more. Still, a wooden paddle or wooden-backed hairbrush was standard at the spanking club so should have been expected here.

Karen felt the hard wooden paddle tapped on her bottom a couple of times as though to warn her of what was about to happen. Of course, Karen didn’t really need that warning because she knew exactly what a spanking with a wooden paddle felt like. So, when that first spank landed, she wasn’t surprised at all but did find that she still gasped, although that gasp was more like a yelp because of the more intense pain. Indeed, as each spank then landed so she let out louder and louder yelps as she tensed her arms and legs again although knew that her fleshy skin was wobbling because she couldn’t stop herself squirming around on Officer Pearson’s lap.

Eventually, the spanking did finish, and it was then that Karen realised that it wasn’t just a few tears that were flowing down her face but that she was crying and couldn’t stop even once the spanks ended. Her bottom was stinging more than usual after a spanking, but at least she was able to lie there across Officer Pearson’s lap and try to calm herself down. As she did, she heard comments again coming from the trainee policewomen about how blue-bruised her bottom was, but also how at least her breasts weren’t swinging from side to side any more. Karen once again felt humiliated by some of these comments but loved them at the same time as she knew some of the teenagers would be envious of her large breasts. 

Also, as usual, Karen had the most utmost respect for Officer Pearson, just as she did for all of the teenagers who spanked her so well. Her inbuilt need to submit always made her so thankful that she was dealt with so severely which, in turn, always gave her the most amazing orgasms afterwards.

Once again, though, Karen’s wandering thoughts of self-interest were redirected as she heard Officer Pearson order, “Okay, granny woman, get up. “

Karen knew she was still sobbing and sniffing back tears as she eased herself up from Officer Pearson‘s lap. Even though she still had on the handcuffs she was able to do that reasonably easily. She then stood and looked towards Officer Pearson, albeit through her blurred vision, and waited for the next instruction.

Officer Pearson didn’t give any verbal instructions but instead suddenly pulled Karen towards her, and, grabbing hold of her wrists, undid each of the handcuffs. Karen was a little surprised at that but then realised her hands were going to be released for only a short while because her ear was suddenly clasped between the thumb and finger of Office Pearson‘s hand, and she was pulled roughly towards the caning table. 

Karen was used to having her ear pulled because it was a standard way of showing her when she needed to be disciplined, just who was in charge, and it was always the other person. However, she struggled as her ear was pulled, and was relieved when she was let go as she was brought to the front of the caning table and heard Officer Pearson order, “Naughty thieving hands need to be punished as well as naughty bottoms, so hold your hands out, palms up.”

Karen hated her palms being caned but knew that was about to happen as Officer Pearson picked up a hook-ended cane placed the cane on her palm. She sniffed back more tears as she saw the cane raised up and then brought down with a thwack on her waiting hand, causing the most horrid pain and made her yelp. 

Worse was that Officer Pearson then caned her other palm, and then each palm, in turn, a full six times each, making red welts appear that Karen saw even through her blurred vision. This was far more pain-filled than at the spanking club, and Karen realised she couldn’t ask Officer Pearson to stop, which she could do at the spanking club. This was so horrid but was what she had imagined suffering, except it was far worse. Who would commit a crime after suffering this, Karen asked herself, although as the caning stopped and her hands stung so she told herself it meant this level of punishment imposed by the police was exactly right.

The pain wasn’t stopping as Officer Pearson pushed her in the back as she ordered, “Bend over and stretch your arms right up, granny woman. “

Karen was quite used to being tied down to a caning table and did as she was told. She actually loved having to stretch her arms forward knowing that her bottom was then perched across the edge of the caning table and ready for a caning. She stretched her arms up and didn’t resist at all as Officer Pearson connected each of her wrists to the leather cuffs which would keep her albeit stinging hands well away from her bottom during the caning. Officer Pearson then secured the leather straps around each of her thighs and then both ankle clasps, and then, finally, secured the strap across her waist, all of which made sure that Karen wasn’t going to be able to move at all no matter how much the caning hurt. She would be able to throw her head back, and she would, almost certainly, pull at the wrist cuffs, but she knew that would be to no avail, except it would show those watching just how much she was struggling with the pain. Even so, Karen told herself that that was no bad thing because it was important for these teenage policewomen to understand the impact of that pain on the offender.

Officer Pearson ordered, “Count each stroke and say thank you, ma’am, after each one or else the stroke won’t count.”

Karen told herself to make sure she followed every instruction as she knew that she wouldn’t be allowed to get away with anything. She heard the swishing of the cane and managed to look around and saw that Officer Pearson had positioned herself ready to give the caning. Karen did like the way that she could only ever make out what was happening by interpreting what she saw through her blurred vision. It made the anticipation even more exciting although also knew that as she looked around the look on her face would show her distress which would yet again help the teenage policewomen understand the impact the caning had on the offender, with the intention being it hurt so much as an incentive not to re-offend.

As Karen lay there, secured to the training table, and felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom, she heard a few comments being made by the trainee policewomen explaining to each other the importance of making sure that the cane landed fully on the bottom cheeks and not allow the end to land in the air. Of course, those comments were linked to others saying, sarcastically but purposely loud enough to humiliate Karen further, that it was a lot easier for Officer Pearson this time because the bottom she going to cane was so large. Well, at least the teenage policewomen were enjoying the training session, even if now Karen didn’t.

Even as Karen was listening to those comments she yelped as she felt the first stroke land sending pain cascading around her bottom. Once again, it was a harder stroke than she normally got, which had to be. After all, at the spanking club, those giving the cane built up the intensity over the first few strokes. Here, though, Officer Pearson knew that shouldn’t be the case when dealing with an offender, and went straight into very hard strokes of the cane. 

Karen did focus and even with the pain managed to say, “One. Thank you, ma’am.”

The second stroke quickly followed and then the third stroke. Each time, Karen threw her head back with the pain, pulling at the wrist cuffs, but all the time knowing she wasn’t able to do anything to move her stinging bottom out of the way of that horribly painful cane. She made sure, though, that she counted out the stroke and said thank you, ma’am, to the every so adept at caning Officer Pearson.

Karen knew that comments were continuing to be made by the police trainees, because, after all, this was a training session. Now though the comments were serious ones with the girls telling each other the important points to look out for. 

As the fourth stroke landed and then the fifth, followed by the sixth stroke after the almost standard gap between strokes, so Karen yelped louder and louder, threw her head back more and more, hissed in and out through clenched teeth, her eyes were tightly closed, and all she could think of was how was she going to get through six more of these horrendously hard pain-filled cane strokes. Karen again counted the strokes each time and even with the pain being so great she forced herself to count each stroke out and say thank you.

As the seventh stroke landed, followed by the eighth and then the ninth stroke, Karen kept asking herself how come she so happily submitted to this kind of pain. She knew why, of course, because being disciplined was right for her as it was the one thing that reminded her to do things properly. She told herself that going to the spanking club was quasi-discipline, and she always made herself think of something she had done wrong as she was being spanked and caned there. What she really wanted, and needed, was a girlfriend who would give her maternal love and direction, as well as very strict discipline. That would be her ideal, and she wondered whether Officer Pearson or, indeed, any of the watching police trainees, could fill that role. What better, she told herself, than someone their age taking on that maternal disciplinary role with full authority over her, and thought how lucky other granny women her age were who had found that loving relationship.

The tenth stroke followed and Karen knew that she was now crying uncontrollably. As the eleventh stroke landed she wasn’t sure whether she was still pulling at the cuffs that secured her so well to the caning table because all she could think of was the pain cascading around her bottom. The twelfth landed once again causing her to yelp out loud, and having lost count of the strokes she had been given, she couldn’t work out why there was a gap and reckoned she had been given all twelve strokes. Having counted each stroke and therefore knowing it was the last stroke, her, “Thank you, ma’am,” was followed by an almost thankful sigh thinking her punishment was over.

No such luck, Karen realised, as Officer Pearson explained to those watching, “As well as her offence, this granny woman failed to address me and Officer Warren in reception with proper respect on three separate occasions. That earns an extra stroke for each additional offence.”

Karen realised it was true that she had forgotten to address Officer Pearson, and Officer Warren, as ‘Ma’am,’ although Officer Pearson clearly hadn’t.

Karen was still crying but did hear what was said, and yelped as once again another stroke landed on her bottom. The second stroke followed making her cry out once more, and then the third stroke. After that, she collapsed with her forehead resting on the table as she knew that she was crying still uncontrollably but hoped that this time her punishment was over, as she again counted each stroke and said thank you to her ma’am who really was so correctly strict with her, as every policewoman should be, of course.

Karen was increasingly tense as she realised that Officer Pearson wasn’t yet releasing her cuffs and the straps, but heard her ask those watching, “Do you will see how it was necessary to make every stroke a hard one?”

There was a general murmuring of enthusiastic responses with everyone agreeing with Officer Pearson. Karen heard the responses and was at least encouraged that it did sound as though her punishment was over.

Officer Pearson then said, “The training session is now over, ladies. Any who want to can come up and feel this granny woman’s bottom. The welts are raised and you can, of course, give her a smack on each bottom cheek as well.”

Karen was horrified but as trainee after trainee stood behind her and rubbed her bottom in circles, chatting happily as they made comments to each other about the red raised welts and blue bruises from the paddle, so Karen felt the quivers flying around her vagina. If anything, the erotic sensation was increased with the smack on each bottom cheek that each trainee gave her. Indeed, she thought she might even suggest that this happened at the spanking club after a caning there.

Karen was further humiliated, though, when she heard one of the trainee policewomen say, “Have you seen how her sex juice has dribbled down the inside of her thigh. My goodness, does this granny woman actually get turned on by being punished like this?”

Officer Pearson replied, “It isn’t so unusual. It probably means that she imagines herself being spanked and caned when in bed, no doubt with her vibe. No problem there, though, because what she does by herself is up to her. The important thing is that this was real discipline and real pain and if she happens to be turned on then so be it.”

The trainee policewomen seemed to understand that from the replies they gave Officer Pearson and even as they trooped out of the room Karen continued to hear more comments referring to her blue-bruised as well as red-welted fleshy bottom cheeks, her turtleneck, her bat wings, and all the other creases she had. They were joking and laughing and giggling, but the comments continued to flow as added humiliation for her but it also showed they had learnt a lot about how to discipline offenders and were clearly looking forward to being able to do so themselves.

Once alone, Officer Pearson undid the cuffs and straps and ordered, “Get up, granny woman.”

As Karen got up, she wanted to rub her stinging bottom but couldn’t as Officer Pearson immediately put the handcuffs back on before saying, “It’s a night in the cells for you, granny.”

Karen wanted to point out that her clothes were at the retail outlet, although realised that would be closed anyway, so didn’t mention it. 

As though knowing what Karen was thinking, before going to the cell Officer Pearson took out her phone and dialled the contact number Karen had given for her responsible adult. It was Marsha, the twenty-year-old daughter of her closest friend. Karen was further humiliated as Officer Pearson showed her Karen’s naked body and red and blue and welted bottom and explained why she was in a police cell totally naked. Marsha looked really annoyed but agreed to get Karen’s clothes from the store in the morning and bring them to the police station and collect Karen. Her final degrading comment was, “You are really naughty, auntie Karen.”

She just gasped at the further humiliation but was soon gasping again as she was pulled along again by Officer Pearson, and again had her bottom smacked as she was led to the cells. 

Once there, Officer Pearson walked Karen into a cell before taking her cuffs off. As Karen immediately started to rub her bottom Officer Pearson gave her a hard slap around the face and said sternly, “None of that until you are locked in your cell, granny woman.”

Karen gasped with the pain but immediately stopped rubbing her bottom, again knowing she had to obey the teenage policewoman. She even remembered to say, “Sorry, ma’am.”

Officer Pearson seemed happy with the respectful reply and said, “That’s okay, Karen.”

Karen loved being called by her first name rather than granny woman but realised that Officer Pearson used that to enforce her superiority over her. However, she used one more request that she knew would humiliate her further. “Now kneel on the floor and kiss my boot.”

Karen gasped at that instruction but actually had so much respect for Officer Pearson she felt it was right to do. Moments later she was kneeling and kissing her boot. 

As Karen got up so her submission was further enforced as Officer Pearson took hold of her arm, turned her around, and smacked both bottom cheeks six times, before ordering, “Be good,” as she raised her boot onto Karen’s bottom and pushed her towards the bed. Then, without saying anything, she turned and closed the cell door, locking it, and Karen heard her footsteps disappearing back along the corridor. 

Karen heard the silence and after a short while, during which she rubbed her stinging bottom, she calmed down and lay on the bed. It wasn’t long before her fingers moved from her bottom to her pussy and then only a few moments more before she got her first tremendous orgasm. As she lay there still caressing her very wet pussy lips, she thought over the punishment and the humiliating but clearly envious comments from the police trainees about her large breasts and gave herself her second orgasm.

Karen quite forgot that she was innocent of any crime but did tell herself how great it would be to have one of those teenage policewomen as her girlfriend who would be ever so strict with her. It was what she needed, for sure, and hoped that very soon her desire would come true. In the meantime, she would savour being in a police cell knowing she would tell the truth in the morning, after phoning Lisa to bring her clothes around, anyway.


Written by SusanHarper
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