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Spanked By His Housemates

"Jeff is regularly spanked by the younger girls in the house in front of friends, and then there is an unexpected change."

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They sat in the hallway, waiting. Livid. How many times did they have to go through this routine? How many times would he have to be disciplined before he did as he was told? 

He put the key in the latch and opened the door quietly. He tiptoed in and closed the door as quietly as possible and when he was distraught to see that Kelly was standing there, staring at him. Jeff stared at her, his mouth open, at his twenty-year-old housemate. There was another movement to Kelly’s side and Jeff saw that it was Bridget, his nineteen-year-old other housemate. He was speechless. 

Jeff was twenty-two years old. He had taken a couple of years out before going to Uni, which was why he was older than the girls. They were happy enough to find him placed in the same house as them, although it now seemed his main use to them was to drive them around so they didn’t have to worry about lifts, nor about drinking. 

Kelly moved forward and Bridget followed a little behind her. Kelly stood directly in front of Jeff. Kelly was, tall, slim, with a gorgeous face, wearing beige cotton shorts and a pretty white sleeveless cropped vest top with a flowery pattern. Bridget was a bit rounder but still pretty, wearing a very short beige skirt and a white sleeveless vest top. 

Kelly demanded, “Well? What do you mean by this? We told you to be back by midday. Just a quick game of football in the park and then you would be back, you said. It is now three o’ clock, and no phone call. Well? You know what we said. You must be on time. Well?” 

Jeff tried to be off-hand. “The game just went on a bit, but I’m back now.” He smiled, albeit weakly. 

Kelly stared hard at him, narrowing her eyes. He knew she did not believe him, but she cannot prove it can she, he told himself? 

Kelly asked sternly, “Where was your game, Jeff?” 

Jeff stammered a reply as he hadn’t been playing football at all. "Right. Yes. Erm it was at the Salton Street park, Kelly.” 

“So how come no one was there when Tammy walked through four hours ago?” 

Jeff stammered, “Tammy walked through the park?” he asked, clearly surprised. “Well, erm, not Salton Street, in fact, it was at Boyce Street. That’s right. OK?” 

Kelly continued in her very forceful tone, “Who else was there, Jeff? I want to call them.” 

“But Kelly, I’m telling you the truth.” This was not going well at all, thought Jeff, particularly as he was lying. 

“OK Jeff, so that’s the truth, is it?” 

“Sure Kelly, the truth.” 

Kelly gave one of her broad smiles. She went over to Jeff and put her arms around his neck and lifted up her face so she could kiss his cheek. After all, Jeff was a good few inches taller than her. He bent his cheek down and waited for the kiss, but there was no kiss. Instead, Kelly put her nose next to his cheek and took a deep breath. The smell of beer was all too clear. 

“How many did you have Jeff?” she asked quietly. 

“A few,” he answered, and then froze. Kelly drew herself back. Jeff stared at her, knowing he should have thought much more carefully about his answer. He knew now. 

Kelly sneered as she asked, “Tell me what we told you, Jeff.” 

Jeff looked at the floor and stayed silent as whilst he knew the answer, he didn’t want to say it out loud, although expected to be forced to by the dominant Kelly. 

Kelly walked around behind Jeff and tapped him gently on the bottom then came back around to face him again. 

“Well, Jeff?” she demanded. 

Jeff knew that the game was up. Very quickly. 

Jeff said whilst blushing, “That I must behave, or you and Bridget will spank me until I do behave.” Jeff knew what was bound to happen but tried, “Please Kelly, I am so very sorry.” He said it as though he meant it. Crikey, he did mean it. He knew he was going to be disciplined and had better sound as though he did not have to be taught much of a lesson this time so maybe they would accept he was already very sorry and would not repeat the misbehaviour. 

Kelly remained resolute. “Come on Jeff. You know what you have to say. Ask nicely now, or it will be worse for you.” 

He knew what he had to do. It had been this way for several months now since he had agreed that the girls were in charge, and he had to obey them, or get a spanking. That first time Jeff had come home the worse for drink and, without knowing how, ended up across Kelly’s lap and she spanked his bottom. Kelly and Bridget revelled in the power they had over Jeff. Just like now. 

Jeff was forced to answer, “Kelly, Bridget, I am very sorry for lying. I have been very naughty so please will you both put me across your knee and give me a good hard spanking on my bare bottom to teach me a lesson.” 

He looked with pleading eyes at Kelly. There she stood, and just twenty-years-old, and upright, slim, long black hair, a face like thunder though. A very cross face. It was then he remembered they wanted him back by midday because they were supposed to be going over to their friends, Tammy and Claire. The girls enjoyed being with their friends. Four girls together and they laughed all the time. No boys around and just a house full of women. 

Jeff knew he was in trouble. Real trouble. They will be very late now, and maybe too late. 

Jeff kept looking at the floor. Kelly was younger than him but so strict. She had set the rules for him and happily enforced them. What Jeff knew and accepted, though, was that women should control the household, no matter what their age and both girls knew how to spank to maximum effect. 

When he had received his first spanking from Kelly it changed the balance of power in the house, irrevocably. Kelly had put him across her knee and spanked him hard whilst scolding him. He had since found himself going across Kelly’s lap on a regular basis because he had done something wrong, and Kelly had to do that lots of times. The same with Bridget, more often than not them both spanking for the same offence. 

Jeff knew that the age of the person spanking him was not important. Once across someone’s lap, young or old, it is just another palm or hairbrush or slipper that was raining down on his bottom. It hurt. It always hurt, and he hated being spanked and dreaded knowing it was going to happen, and hated it whilst it was happening, and hated the soreness he was left with after it had happened. He hated it, but Kelly and Bridget would laugh whilst happily scolding him and spanking him at the same time.  

Kelly relished that first spanking. She thrashed him until his bottom was red and sore, until he sobbed until he begged her to stop, and when she felt he could not take any more, well she would carry on for a few more minutes just to make sure. “It is for your own good” Kelly would say. “If you can’t behave by yourself then I will just have to teach you a lesson until you do behave. You will get one of these every time you misbehave. Bridget will have the same rights over you, and she can certainly teach you a thing or two, and, by golly she will teach you a lot.” 

Since then, Kelly and Bridget have both spanked him. Strength was not important, they said, but quantity and the timing between each spank was the important thing, and Jeff struggled with every spanking. 

Now faced with the prospect of yet another spanking Jeff started to wince. He knew what was going to happen and that both Kelly and Bridget were each going to give him an almighty thrashing. 

“OK, Jeff. At least you know you are going to be spanked and it is just so unnecessary. All you had to do was be on time. Anyway, you know the rules.” 

He knew he was late, did not call, did not have a good reason, drank beer, and several glasses by his own admission, and of course, lied about playing football. He kept looking at the floor and said in a low voice showing his obedience, “OK Kelly, I know the rules and that I deserve a spanking” 

Kelly knew she was in control. “Ha. Right then, I’ll spank you first, so get ready.”  Kelly looked him in the eye and continued, “Jeff, you are late, we have missed going to our friends, you have lied, you have been drinking. That’s a terrible list.”  

Jeff was contrite and thinking it might help he said, “Sorry Kelly. Really I am. Shall I call your friends and apologise?” 

“No need Jeff. I have already. They said they would both come over here and will be here fairly soon.” 

Jeff went white as he knew what that meant. If he was still being punished when they arrived, then they would also watch. He had not been spanked in front of their friends before. Sure, they knew it happened, but they just hadn’t seen it, so this was bad. Very bad. 

Kelly smiled at him. “So, Jeff, shall we get going?” 

Jeff nodded his head, suddenly eager to get going to avoid the friends watching, and so aware that it was going to hurt as usual. However, the panic took over as he said, “Yes, yes please. What shall I do?” 

Kelly kept smiling, biting her lip trying not to laugh. She just found it so funny when Jeff knew the spanking was inevitable and wanted to get it over with. She enjoyed it really. Here she was, twenty-years-old about to spank twenty-two-year-old Jeff and knew that he was worried that it was going to hurt. Well, it sure was going to hurt. She would make sure of that because if he misbehaves then he deserved everything she and Bridget gave him.  

“OK, Jeff. Go upstairs. Bring down my hairbrush, you know the one, it’s on my bed. I put it there earlier, after phoning Tammy and Claire. Go on, off you go.” 

Jeff ran upstairs. He grabbed the brush and ran back downstairs again, dreading being spanked but dreading, even more, the thought of being spanked in front of their friends, and particularly Tammy who he had a real soft spot for. 

“OK Jeff, remove your shorts and underpants. You can keep your vest on.”  

Usually, he got undressed very slowly, but not today when time was running against him. 

“Ready, Kelly,” he said. 

“Right Jeff, move the chair to the middle of the room.” 

He quickly lifted the chair and placed it exactly where instructed. Kelly sat down and pointed to the floor to her right and commanded, “Hands on your head as usual please.” 

Jeff moved to that spot, and looked at the authoritative looking and sounding Kelly, waiting for the instruction to bend over. He thought how great-looking she was and even when about to be spanked he had to admit she was attractive. She wore her favourite spanking clothes, with bare arms and legs and her long hair was drawn back in a single ponytail. She looked strict and spoke with her stern teacher like voice. 

Kelly looked at Jeff, and more particularly at what was happening to him. He wasn’t yet aware, but his penis was quickly standing to attention. At least he wasn’t aware until she smiled, he looked quizzically, and Kelly pointed. Then he blushed, a deep crimson, before covering himself. 

“Take those hands away,” she snapped. “Or else,” she added when he didn’t move. Slowly he put his hands back on his head and felt his face burning. 

Kelly looked up at him, only partially resisting a brimming smile. “Why are you so naughty Jeff? Is it really so difficult to behave?” 

Jeff ignored his erection as best he could. “Sorry, Kelly. I promise to be good. I will be ever so good in the future. I promise.” 

Kelly was serious again. “It’s as though you enjoy being spanked, Jeff. Is that the case? Do you look forward to being put across my lap? Does it turn you on, like just now?” she added sharply. 

“No. I hate them. I really hate them. You and Bridget spank me so hard.” 

“So why do you make us spank you so often?” 

Jeff wondered that as well. Not because he wasn’t naughty or misbehaved because he was, but because he was much stronger than the girls, younger than himself, and he could easily fend them off. In fact, he could just as easily take both Kelly and Bridget across his own lap right now and give both the most severe spanking and they would bawl their eyes out, no question. 

However, he knew that he wasn’t going to do any of those things. He knew he was immature, and he misbehaved and caused little but aggravation to the girls. In fact, he readily agreed that if it wasn’t for being spanked, he would be a real tearaway. He knew he deserved to be spanked, and punished in all the ways they punish him, whether it be a spanking, or corner time, or early bedtime, or being grounded. He would then behave for a while, but before long would go back to his old ways. He hated being spanked but kept earning them because he just did not have the courage to say no because he was scared of how he would turn out if he broke loose from their control over him. No, let someone more mature than him have control over him, even if the girls were younger than him. He knew that was best. For him, anyway.   

Whilst he hated being spanked, Jeff at least knew the girls would look after him. Being spanked and cared for. That was his lot. Thank goodness they were prepared to put up with him, and they had made it clear they would be very different if he refused to be disciplined. So, hate it he might do, but fight it he could not, and he put up no resistance to them spanking or disciplining him. That was the way it was in this household, with the girls very much in charge because the one male was so immature. 

Kelly gave a sigh. “OK, Jeff, time for your lesson. Over you go.” She tapped her leg, and Jeff bent across her lap. 

Kelly had thin legs. Her thighs were also thin, and he sometimes felt that he would fall off them, but there he was, looking at the carpet again. He looked through the chair and saw his legs on the far side and Kelly’s slim legs just inches from his face. Then to the right, he saw what he knew were Bridget’s legs and knew that he was going to go across her lap afterwards. 

“Here Jeff, hold the hairbrush whilst I spank you.” Kelly held out the brush, and Jeff squirmed around and took it from her knowing it would be a constant reminder of what was to come. 

Kelly put her hand on Jeff’s bottom and slowly rubbed in circles and as he felt her warm hand, he hated the feeling because he knew what would soon follow. The hand lifted away and there was the slightest of movements before the first spank landed, followed by spank after spank. 

The spanking was relentless as usual, and his bottom was quickly stinging and becoming uncomfortable. In fact, both girls took their disciplinary responsibilities very seriously indeed and Jeff knew he was being thrashed and his bottom was going red. 

To Jeff’s horror, the doorbell rang, and he realised it was the friends. He heard the chattering when the door was answered. Yes, it was definitely them. 

He dared not look up but knew when Tammy and Claire entered the room. They both stopped for a second when they realised Jeff was lying across Kelly’s lap with his red bottom showing and the girls giggled.  

Kelly spoke first. “Well, I told you we spanked him. Now, do you believe us?” 

Tammy replied, with clear enjoyment in her voice, “Sure thing. His poor bottom already looks red so what have we missed?” 

Kelly answered, “I have spanked him for a bit already but there’s a lot longer to go, so make yourselves comfortable.” 

The girls sat down and watched as Kelly continued to discipline Jeff, spanking and scolding him, stepping it up to add some entertainment for her friends. She smirked as she said, “Do as you are told in the future, Jeff. Behave. If I tell you to do something, then do it the first time. Don’t make me ask you twice, once is enough. Be on time. I will not tolerate your lies. Do you understand, Jeff?” 

Jeff would have to say, “Yes,” or “I will,” or “I am sorry,” to each question or statement and it became harder to reply after a while and the tears ran down his face, and the sobbing didn’t help him, but put a smile on the girl's faces. 

After several more minutes of hard spanks, Kelly ordered, “Right Jeff, please give me the hairbrush.” 

Jeff passed the brush to Kelly. His bottom was already stinging but without any gap Kelly tapped his bottom lightly a couple of times and said, “Sixty spanks Jeff, for being late, lying, and drinking.” 

Jeff shot a look back to Kelly, albeit she was just a blurred figure. She had never given him so many spanks with the hairbrush before, but before he could say anything Kelly shot at him, “You’ve earned every spank, Jeff.” 

Jeff looked back at the floor knowing Kelly was right, as always. The next thing he felt was the awful sting of the brush. He hated being spanked with her open palm, even knowing her bare hand was on his bare bottom, but the sting of that brush was nothing in comparison. 

Kelly delivered all sixty spanks without any break. It was relentless. Sometimes the brush was splattered around his bottom but often Kelly hit the same spot time after time, and she could see that Jeff could not stop himself squirming even when she announced “Stop moving Jeff or I start again. Understand?” 

Jeff understood but could not help himself squirming within a few more spanks. He didn’t see Kelly smile at her friends, knowing she had given him an impossible instruction. 

By the end Jeff was crying, blubbering, sobbing, all at the same time, but then Kelly knew exactly how to make him do that. Eventually, Kelly said, “OK Jeff, you can get up now.” 

Jeff took a while, but edged himself up, conscious of not taking so long that Kelly would give him some extra smacks. She would do that without hesitation, he knew, just as he knew he had to be as quick as possible. Once standing, Jeff obediently stood in front of Kelly with his hands on his head. He knew he had to, even without being told. 

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Kelly looked at Jeff’s manhood. “Not standing to attention now, is he?” she giggled.  

Jeff blushed again, even with the pain, and heard Tammy and Claire giggling but dared not look around. 

“Right Jeff, Bridget will take her turn,” Kelly snapped. 

Jeff winced as his bottom was already stinging. Surely he could not take any more, but even as he was thinking this, Kelly stood up and Bridget sat down, having taken the brush from Kelly. 

Jeff looked at the nineteen-year-old. She was slightly heavier built than Kelly but was stronger. He knew she loved spanking him and had a meaner streak than Kelly and didn’t stop when she thought he had had enough. She only stopped when she wanted to stop. 

Now Bridget had to be the centre of Jeff’s attention looking at her as she held the hairbrush, and he begged, “Please Bridget. Can’t you do this tomorrow or the next day? Please, Bridget.” 

Jeff saw Bridget look up at her and she was smiling. His immediate thought was that she had such a young fresh-looking face and looked so pretty sitting there. Her short hair made her look a bit boyish but there was no mistaking she was a girl as she sat there in her very tight vest top which her full breasts pushed out so sexily, and as she was sitting down, he had just a great view of her cleavage. 

Bridget said sternly, “Look at me, Jeff, not my breasts, you naughty boy.”

Jeff blushed and looked at Bridget’s face as he said quickly, “Sorry, Bridget.”

“Quiet, Jeff, and go and stand facing the wall whilst I discuss your request with Kelly.” Of course, Bridget was used to it and not just from Jeff but enjoyed berating him for it. 

Jeff went to the wall and stood there with his hands on his head. He knew his vest had ridden up and his red bottom was on show and that all four girls would see his rosy, red bottom cheeks. He knew also his request would be denied but just wanted to have some respite, before the second spanking. 

He listened to the girls discussing what they had seen so far, and Tammy say, “Hey Kelly, you are such a good spanker. Just look at his red bottom.” 

Jeff heard Kelly reply, “Thanks.” 

Bridget then asked in a serious tone but a face that told everyone she was being sarcastic, “So, Kelly, should I wait to spank Jeff tomorrow? I know he will be really sore by then.” 

Kelly said, “I don’t think so Bridget, because he will probably earn another spanking for something else tomorrow.” 

It was so strange, listening to the two girls, both younger than himself, discussing the punishment he had already received, and when the next punishment was to be given. Tammy and Claire jumped in with questions and made suggestions as well and it was all so embarrassing for Jeff. After a while, he heard Kelly say, “No, he must be spanked again now. What do you say, Tammy?” 

At the very sound of her name, Jeff could not stop an erection from beginning and when she spoke, he stiffened further. He couldn’t stop himself as he found her so attractive, and so sexy. 

Tammy said, “I agree. Bridget needs to spank him now, to teach him a lesson.” 

“OK, that’s decided. We’ll have some coffee and then continue. Jeff can stay where he is.” 

So, they had coffee, looking over at Jeff and making comments about how sore his bottom must be.  

Jeff was deflated as had to listen to Kelly and Bridget discuss his punishment with their friends, also twenty and nineteen years old. Then before he knew it, he heard Kelly say, “Right Bridget, let's get going, shall we?” 

Jeff heard Bridget go over to the chair, and the other girls move their chairs around so they were facing her. 

“Over here Jeff, quickly please,” Bridget demanded. 

Jeff turned around and saw all the girls staring back at him and they were smiling, with very broad smiles. 

“I’ll get him, Bridget” called out Tammy.  

Suddenly the nineteen-year-old was coming over to him and he saw her luscious long black hair, her deep red sleeveless vest top, cropped showing off her flat stomach with the diamond stud in her bellybutton, her so short black skirt, and like the others had bare legs. There was nothing he could do to stop his penis standing back up straight as he watched the girl he fantasised about come over. 

Tammy looked at him, mouth dropping open, with such a beautiful smile. Then she said sternly, “Let’s go you little horror,” but instead of taking his arm, she grabbed his penis, clasping it in her palm, and gently tugged him forward. 

Jeff couldn’t stop himself. He heard all the girls burst out in laughter, but he just couldn’t help getting the erection, and any second now much worse.

Tammy felt the surge as the cum started to shoot up inside Jeff’s penis. Her mouth dropped open again as the hot sticky gel-like mush emptied out into her hand and she shrieked with laughter as Jeff shuddered and groaned as his load emptied.   

“Yeeuugghh,” Tammy said, holding up her hand in front of Jeff’s face, the slime running down past her wrist. 

Jeff was now humiliated, by the girl he loved, but it was his cum on her hand. 

Then Tammy did something Jeff had dreamt about, in bed, so often. Tammy, the beautiful Tammy, put her clean arm around his neck and kissed him full on the lips. 

Tammy then wagged her finger at Jeff and said, with a gorgeous smirk, “You naughty naughty boy. You and I need to have a very serious chat young man. Very serious indeed.”

Tammy dipped her index finger from her other hand into his mess and plonked a dollop onto his nose.

Yes, total humiliation now for Jeff, as he looked at her, so close to him, her eyes danced, her teeth shone, she licked her lips, and looked so so sexy. He stiffened again.

Tammy held out her hand, but this time she took Jeff by the arm and led him over to Bridget. She made him stand just to her right, then gave him a couple of firm smacks on his bare bottom, before saying sternly, “Don’t forget, we will have a very serious chat very soon.” After a moment she added, “If you want.”  

Jeff was rubbing his bottom whilst ogling Tammy and realised she had actually asked him out. He was gob-smacked and wanted to answer, but he took too long. 

Suddenly he heard an “Ahem.” It was Bridget. Jeff wanted to kiss Tammy again but knew he mustn’t. It would only annoy Bridget and he did not want to annoy her as she had that hairbrush in her hand. 

Bridget ordered, “OK Jeff, over.” 

The glorious Tammy moment had gone. Jeff bent forward and he lay across Bridget’s leg knowing he had to forget Tammy for a while but knew she was going to watch as he suffered at the hand of Bridget.  

Jeff immediately knew the difference between Kelly and Bridget. Bridget was fuller with a pear-shaped figure. She had a great pair of thighs on her and when he was across her lap, he felt the width of her thighs and the strength of her legs. There was something more substantial about her lap as well, and when Bridget placed her left hand on his back, he felt the difference in strength between her and Kelly. 

Bridget put her open palm on his bare bottom and rubbed in circles. She smiled at the other girls as she said, “Very warm bottom, Jeff. Do you think I can get it any warmer?” 

Jeff could tell she was smiling whilst he waited for his punishment to start and then felt her give him a couple of light slaps. Of course, he knew she was going to make his bottom warmer, and, actually, much warmer. He looked around and saw the other girls who were giggling, and he could see that they were enjoying themselves. A right little outing for them, he felt, and it didn’t matter that he would be sore for days. He won’t be sitting down for quite a while, and that’s for sure. 

Bridget landed the first spank and Jeff let out an anguished, ‘OOwww,’ telling all the girls how much the spank hurt.  

Jeff looked down at the carpet, and it was blurred, and he realised he had tears in his eyes. He then thought, so what if the other girls were there, watching a twenty-two-year-old grown-up man being spanked by a younger girl? So what if it looked strange as in this household it wasn’t strange at all, even though he was bent across the lap of this younger girl and was being spanked by her on his bare bottom. None of that mattered right now. Only one thing mattered, which was the pain. How does a nineteen-year-old spank so hard, he asked himself? 

Jeff didn’t know how long the spanking took but just knew that by the time he stood back up his bottom was burning, and the tops of his legs were stinging, his vision was blurred, and he was conscious of a warm body next to his. Then he felt the softness of a girl’s lips on his cheek, and her cool bare arms around his neck. Jeff opened his eyes to see Tammy’s face so close to his, her lips slightly open, and he felt her hand on his bottom.  

Tammy cooed, “OOhh, so warm Jeff. So lovely and warm.” 

Jeff felt her tongue enter his mouth and search out his tongue and as she did, he heard Kelly say, “Yeuk Tammy. He’s a naughty boy, you know.” 

Tammy replied, “Hey, no problem. You three go out. I’ll baby-sit the little fella.” 

Kelly asked, “You sure, Tammy?” 

Tammy smiled as she replied, “Sure. Go on. Go. Have fun.” 

Kelly Bridget and Claire chatted as they left the room and went out of the front door leaving Tammy and Jeff alone. 

Tammy turned to Jeff and again kissed him, her tongue entwining his in his mouth.  

Jeff was again getting an erection. 

Tammy said, “So Jeff, it’s time for that serious chat isn’t it.”  

“Yes, yes, Tammy. Yes please.” 

“Tell me, Jeff, will you obey everything I tell you?”   

“Must I?” 

Tammy gave him a smack on his bottom. “Yes, you will. It’s not really a question, but more a statement. If you are to be my boyfriend, that is?”   

“Boyfriend?” Jeff said, feeling euphoric. “In that case yes, of course, I will, Tammy.”  

“Good, now let’s get into a comfortable position to have our chat, shall we?” 

Jeff nodded and Tammy took him gently by the arm, walked over to the chair, and sat down.   

“Oh,” he said, realising the comfortable position Tammy meant was him across her lap.  

Tammy smiled.   

However, Jeff didn’t resist as she pulled him down across her lap, nor when she started to spank him, harder and harder, nor when he started to squirm, nor when he started to cry. 

Tammy kept on spanking Jeff as she snapped, “Don’t you ever lie to me, do you understand.”  

“I won’t,” Jeff stammered. 

Tammy added, “Because you will be answering to me in future and if you lie to Kelly or Bridget or to me then you will get more of this.” She gave Jeff a couple of dozen hard spanks.

Jeff was sobbing as he replied, looking at Tammy’s blurred bare legs inches from his face. “OK Tammy, I won’t ever lie to you.”

“Good. Now, I have to tell you about these,” she said sternly while pushing his legs apart and cupping his balls in her hand. “These are mine. Understood?”

“Yes, yes, Tammy. Of course. It hurts.”

“This is also mine,” as she released his balls, placed her hand on his bottom, and started to spank him again. This time he started to get an erection whilst Tammy spanked him. 

“Understood?” she repeated. 

“Yes, Tammy, sure thing,” he said, again realising his erection was still there, strengthening even. 

“Now kneel between my legs.” Jeff slid off Tammy’s legs and did as he was told, his head in a spin. 

“Kiss me, Jeff, just there,” Tammy instructed pointing to between her legs. It was only then that Jeff realised Tammy had removed her knickers and all he saw was her mound of hair, glistening wet, between her silky-smooth thighs. He pressed his against her soaking wet pussy lips and was rewarded with a loving groan and Tammy’s hips gyrating in time to his tongue, holding his head in close. He knew when she had cum and was ecstatic that he had given her an orgasm.  

Tammy recovered quickly and ordered, “Now get up and lie on your back on the couch.” 

Tammy watched as Jeff did as she instructed before following him and lying on top of him, her face inches away from his. “This is also mine,” she said as she kissed him hard, her tongue again in his mouth. 

Jeff smiled at Tammy as she lay there on top of him, looking at him and smiling. 

“I saw you in the pub, Jeff. So, you being disciplined is down to me. How about that, mister?” 

“Cool Tammy. How come Kelly and Bridget have gone out?”

“They know I fancied you but said they wanted to thrash you one last time, before I take over responsibility.” 

Jeff didn’t mind the change and asked, “How do you become responsible, Tammy?”

“I get a call from either Kelly or Bridget, and you have to come over to mine and I will thrash you. What do you think about that?”

“Has Kelly and Bridget agreed?”

“Yes. They agreed last week.”

Jeff questioned, “Hang on, last week?”

“Yup. You see today was the last time for Kelly and Bridget to spank you. It was a setup, silly.”

“Oh.” Then Jeff asked, “What about what we have just done?”

Tammy replied, “Oh, you do me every single time. I do you when you have been good.”

Jeff was smiling and feeling more relaxed as he exclaimed, “So, I am really all yours?” 

Tammy was still smiling as she explained, “To have and to thrash. My decision. My whim. You just have to obey me. You happy with that?” 

Jeff couldn’t believe how lucky he was, and replied eagerly, “Yes Tammy. Really happy.” 


Written by Peter242
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