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Sometimes A Lady Needs A Good Spanking - Part 4

"Marie and Calvin have sex in the morning then sex in the afternoon then she gets a sore arse"

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Author's Notes

"Part 3 was not in the spanking category because there was no spanking, guess what..."

Twenty-four-year-old Calvin Richardson set his alarm for just before six in the morning on the instructions of his fifty-seven-year-old boss, Marie Crowther. The reason that Marie, who was in the hotel room next door, had given Calvin that instruction was so that they could have an early morning fuck before going to their meeting with major clients Fentons.

When Calvin's alarm went off it took him a moment to suss out where he was; he had been in a deep sleep, and another moment to wonder why his alarm was going off before six, then he remembered. Next, he thought of his wife, who was probably still fast asleep in their bed at home and he then thought of the highly sexed mature woman in the room next door that he was expected to go and fuck.

It was Wednesday morning and Marie and Calvin had been in the hotel since Monday evening and had had sex several times. Calvin had also given Marie a very sound spanking on Monday, Marie liked getting her big arse spanked. Before this hotel stay, Calvin had spanked and fucked Marie in her office a month earlier.

They had held meetings with Fentons throughout Tuesday and there were to be further meetings this morning with Marie and Calvin, then they would be returning to their home town.

In the next room, Marie Crowther was awake and eagerly awaiting the young stud that was so good at fucking and spanking her; she was naked.

Calvin got out of his bed, pulled on a pair of trousers and picked up his room key. He did not bother about any clothing on his upper body because he was not expecting anyone to be wandering the hotel corridor at this hour. He left his room and tapped on Marie's door.

"Come in, sexy hunk," smiled Marie, dragging Calvin into her room. They kissed passionately as Calvin pawed Marie's backside and Marie undid his trousers. Calvin was as good as fully erect and the touch of Marie's hand on his now uncovered cock had him completely rigid.

Marie smiled then sank to her knees, pulling Calvin's trousers down and taking his penis in her mouth, although she was not planning on sucking him for long. After a few sucks, she helped Calvin out of the trousers at his feet and revealed her plan. "On your back, baby boy; I am going to ride you," said Marie.

Calvin then spoke for the first time. "Yes, Mrs Crowther," said Calvin, making Marie smile because she had said it was to be Mrs Crowther when they were in a business setting but Marie when they were together sexually. Calvin still called her Mrs Crowther more often than not but usually in this teasing way.

Calvin lay on his back on the bed and Marie knelt beside him, giving his erection a slow wank, before getting herself above his rigid penis and slowly lowering herself onto it. "Mmmm," purred Marie, as she impaled herself on Calvin's rod.

She slowly fed all of it into her and she had her eyes closed just taking in the feeling of the young man's big, hard penis going deeper and deeper inside her. She stayed still with Calvin fully inside her before she slowly raised her body a bit and then eased down.

She continued very slow riding for a while as her sexual excitement increased; she knew that she could make herself cum on this cock whenever she chose to.

Marie decided that she was ready to cum so she increased the pace of her riding as well as flexing relevant muscles and she had her first orgasm of the day whilst adding to Calvin's stimulation. She kept bouncing as Calvin fondled her swaying tits and she came for a second time before Calvin's penis spat out his spunk.

Marie remained with Calvin's cock lodged in her as they calmed from their climaxes. "I sometimes like a ride in the morning," chuckled Marie, although she did not often have the opportunity this early in the day because although she had several young men that fucked her from time to time, a six in the morning session was very rare.

"You are a sensational woman, Marie," said Calvin, still massaging her tits as their bodies relaxed.

"Well, thank you, young Mr Richardson; we had better get ourselves sorted out for breakfast and then this morning's meetings," said Marie, dismounting.

"Yes, see you at breakfast," replied Calvin, cleaning himself a bit before getting back into his trousers and going back to his room

Before breakfast, he was phoning his wife Tanya, something that he had been doing either before or after a fuck with Marie often over the last thirty-something hours. Calvin told his wife that the meetings should be finished by late morning and then he and his female boss would be travelling back. He did not know if it would mean going into the office on their return or maybe he would be home early.

Marie and Calvin met for breakfast but they were now acting as business people and not as a couple that had fucked several times since Monday evening. They then went to Fentons and the meetings went well and actually finished earlier than expected so, at eleven in the morning, Marie and Calvin were in Marie's car about to set off for home.

The drive should have taken just over three hours if they did it nonstop and Calvin had phoned Tanya to say that they were heading home but they would probably be going into the office on arrival in town, something that Marie had indicated.

Now that they were on their own, Marie and Calvin were flirting and giggling as Marie complimented Calvin on his lovemaking abilities. "I imagine your Tanya is longing for you to get back and give her what she has missed for the last two nights," said Marie, not unkindly although feeling a hint of jealousy.

"Yeah, I hope that I can manage it after the work that you have had me doing," laughed Calvin.

"Oh, poor baby; has your horny female boss been making you fuck her?" pouted Marie.

"Not making me because I love doing it but she certainly likes shagging," answered Calvin.

"You got that right and as I don't know when we will next get a chance I was thinking of going to my house when we get back to town," smiled Marie.

"You serious? For sex?" responded a surprised Calvin.

"Of course for sex; don't you want to give this horny mature slut another fucking?" smirked Marie.

"I thought that we were going back to the office," said Calvin, wondering if he would be able to perform properly with Tanya later if his cock was put to use in the afternoon.

"Change of plan, sweetie; and I am the boss," laughed the seemingly insatiable Marie.

"Yeah, you are the boss but fucking hell, Marie, you will wear me out," protested Calvin, although he was not protesting too much.

They did stop for fuel and to get a coffee but then continued their journey and at about two-thirty, they pulled into the driveway of Marie and Michael's large house. "Wow! Nice house, Mrs Crowther," said an impressed Calvin.

"Thank you, baby, but I am not proposing to give you the tour, just show you my bedroom," smiled Marie, as they got out of her car.

"Your bedroom? Don't you sleep with Michael, or shouldn't I ask?" said Calvin, to whom Michael had taken a fancy soon after he had started working for the company.

"It is fine to ask and no, Michael is not interested in me sexually in the slightest and has not been for a while," replied Marie.

"Oh," said Calvin, wondering if Michael was exclusively homosexual or whether he had a woman on the side somewhere.

They were now inside the house. "Let's go fuck, baby boy," laughed Marie, almost dragging Calvin up the stairs.

They were both in the clothing that they had worn for the meeting although Calvin's jacket and tie and Marie's jacket had been removed before their journey started and were still in Marie's car.

"This is my bedroom, this is my bed and this is where you are going to fuck me," giggled Marie, before locking her lips on Calvin's and massaging his cock through his trousers. Calvin's hands, as ever, were drawn to Marie's arse and he cupped her large buttocks.

Calvin found himself uncontrollably aroused by this woman but he was feeling particularly guilty at the moment because it seemed to him that it was one thing fucking her in a hotel room two hundred miles away but now he was about to fuck her within four miles of his wife and home.

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Calvin's guilt started to fade when Marie undid and pulled down his trousers, followed by his boxers and started sucking his erection. Marie Crowther was working his cock with her lips and tongue and he was in paradise although he knew that she wanted to be fucked so she was not likely to blow him to ejaculation.

Marie took her mouth off Calvin's prick; she was ready to fuck. "Give it to me hard, lover," Marie said, her eyes on fire with lust as she undid and removed her skirt.

Calvin's fingers went to Marie's sexual area and he fingered her cunt through her knickers, which were already wet, as Marie undid Calvin's shirt. Soon, the pair of them were naked and Marie led Calvin to her bed and gently pulled him down with her as she lowered herself onto the bed's surface.

They snogged as Marie guided Calvin's rod into her very ready cunt and then Calvin raised Marie's legs into the air and he was looking down at her with his penis deep inside her. "You want it hard, do you, Mrs Crowther?" said Calvin who, for the moment, was in control.

"Yes, big boy; give your horny boss the fucking that she needs," answered Marie.

"We will do it at my pace, you slut," said Calvin, partially withdrawing and holding that position.

"Oh Calvin, whatever you say, baby," said Marie, giving her much younger lover full control of the situation.

Calvin started with a series of very slow hip movements, never quite going all the way in and never quite fully withdrawing; Marie was loving it. "Mmmm, oh fuck, oh baby, you have got this horny bitch so turned on," Marie mumbled.

Calvin kept the languid movements going for a while and then suddenly accelerated to hard and fast thrusting. "Shit! fuck, oh fuck, fuck, fuck," wailed Marie as she came hard. Calvin kept going hard and fast as he fucked Marie through her orgasm; he then slowed right down again.

"Oh baby, I have never had a lover as good as you," said Marie when she had calmed a bit, as Calvin slowly slid his penis in and out of her.

"Yeah, I bet you say that to all of them," replied Calvin.

"No, honey, I mean it, you are the best," said Marie, and she meant it.

"Time for another orgasm, Mrs Crowther," said Calvin, who started fast fucking again and Marie screamed as she came.

Calvin was now almost ready to unload but he decided that as this was their last fuck for a while if not ever, he would leave Marie with a parting gift. "I want to spunk on your tits and face, Marie," said a slightly breathless Calvin.

Marie was still breathing heavily after her latest orgasm but did manage to reply. "Yes, yes, do it stud," Marie panted.

Calvin withdrew and positioned himself over Marie's upper body with his cock in his hand; a couple of jerks and he splattered his cum over Marie's tits and face leaving her shrieking with laughter.

"Well, that was fun," laughed Marie when they had both settled a bit.

"Yeah, it was great," replied Calvin, who had an idea for another parting gift for Marie.

Before Calvin could tell her about his idea, Marie was talking again. "We will shower, then call in at the office, then I will drop you home," announced Marie.

"Slight change of plan, Mrs Crowther; we will shower and then I will spank your arse and then we will call at the office," responded Calvin.

"Another spanking? You gave me a good hiding on Monday night," said Marie, although quite fancying the idea.

"I did; now you will be calling in at the office with a sore arse," said Calvin.

"Oh, you brute; let's shower," laughed Marie, now looking forward to another arse warming.

They showered together in Marie's en suite. The time was now well into the afternoon but there was still enough time for Marie to get a spanking and to appear in the office with her buttocks burning.

Calvin sat on a chair and pulled Marie over his lap; there were no preliminaries and Calvin went straight into a hard spanking. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP Calvin's hand bounced rapidly from cheek to cheek as he gave his boss a good spanking.

On and on it went and Marie's behind was red and her cunt bubbling; she was loving it.

Still, Calvin slapped Marie's large buttocks and she was relishing it; she was about to cum.

"Mmmm, fuck, cumming," announced Marie as her young employee kept spanking.

Calvin tanned her arse until Marie finished orgasming; they were both breathless.

"Get dressed, we are going into work," said Calvin, pushing Marie off his lap but not roughly.

"Can't we fuck again instead?" said Marie, kneeling with her hands on her spanked cheeks.

"No; you can walk through the office with your bottom stinging," said Calvin, starting to put his clothes on.

Marie got dressed; she thought it would be highly erotic going through the office with the employees not realising that her buttocks were red.

They drove to work with Marie's buttocks tingling; they then entered the office with Calvin walking slightly behind Marie indicating that she was in charge. "Good afternoon, everyone," said Marie cheerfully, her arse cheeks glowing under her knickers and skirt.

Calvin went to his desk and Marie headed for her office. "Hello, Sally," Marie smiled at her PA who Marie was pretty sure fancied her.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Crowther; did the meetings go well?" smiled Sally in return, thinking that her boss looked fucking gorgeous although not knowing that she looked gorgeous partly because of the fucking.

"Very well, thank you, Sally; anything to report here?" said Marie, still smiling and quite turned on because she was talking to her PA whilst having a sore arse. Marie found herself wondering if Sally would spank her one day.

"No, everything has been fine," replied Sally, thinking that Marie Crowther seemed very flirty.

"Oh, you didn't miss me then," Marie almost pouted as she put her big arse down on her seat, momentarily forgetting her recent spanking.

Sally thought that the expression that crossed her boss's face as she sat down was rather strange but replied to Marie's previous words. "I did miss you, Mrs Crowther," the forty-year-old Sally Russell heard herself say, then she regretted saying it.

"Thank you, Sally, that is sweet of you," smiled Marie, squirming her arse on her chair and deciding that she wanted to bed her seemingly infatuated PA.

Calvin had to endure some teasing from his male workmates about having two days and nights away with Marie Crowther and although some of them thought that he might be fucking her, none of them imagined how much.

What was left of the afternoon passed and then Marie phoned Calvin's internal number. "I will drop you home now if you wish," said Marie, in a not unsexy voice.

"Thank you, Mrs Crowther, that would be very good of you," replied Calvin.

They got into Marie's car for the journey to Calvin's house. "How's your arse?" smirked Calvin.

"Sore; I can show you if you want," smiled Marie.

"Thanks, but you had better not," replied Calvin.

"I will gladly show you my arse anytime we get a chance," said Marie. Calvin did not reply because they were getting into dangerous territory.

Marie dropped Calvin at his home and he took his suitcase and things from her boot. "Thank you, Mrs Crowther, goodbye," Calvin waved as he headed for his wife who was waiting on their doorstep.

"Goodbye, Calvin, thank you for all your excellent work," said Marie, through her wound-down car window.

Tanya threw her arms around her husband's neck. "God, I have missed you," said Tanya, bringing back his feelings of guilt as Marie drove away.

Calvin did manage to fuck his wife that night although she worked him hard.

Calvin Richardson's business trip with his female boss was over but future sex with Marie Crowther seemed very likely.

Written by PJH
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