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Some Mistakes Happen

"It was Secret Santa Time at the office"

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

There was a real buzz around the office with just two weeks to go until the Christmas break.

Melanie, who was thirty-four and the PA to Natasha, looked at her boss and asked, "Hi Natasha, have you taken your Secret Santa present yet?"

Natasha was thirty-eight, and whilst her boss knew that she loved having Melanie as her PA, she worked hard and also had a haughty authoritative tone of voice that Natasha loved in other women.

Natasha replied with a friendly smile, "Actually, Melanie, I haven't. Thank you for reminding me."

Melanie held up a box and said, "Then pick one."

Natasha looked at the box, which was full of envelopes, and picked one out. She looked at Melanie and said, "I'll open it later."

Half an hour later, Natasha went and spoke with Melanie. She asked, looking quizzical, "This secret Santa gift is strange. It's a Booking Form for a free massage but at the Discipline Centre."

Melody kept a straight face as she replied, "Oh yes, I know about that one. There is a masseur there who is offering free massages to a very limited number of people. I think you'll find that one of the boxes says, '48+' and it's ticked, which is the secret indicator for their reception to direct you to the masseuse."

Natasha rather liked having massages, and when she saw the tick was where Melanie had said it would be, she said, "I see it is pre-booked for this afternoon."

Melanie replied with a smirk, "Then it's lucky you picked it out this morning. Anyway, you don't have any meetings in your diary, although I could always say that you do have a meeting, and then you won't even have to take the time off as holiday."

Natasha rather liked that as well, and replied, "That works for me. I guess I'll have lunch and then go straight there."

She looked again at the Booking Form and then stopped and asked, "It does say that the booking is addressed to, Miss Alice Lowe?"

Melanie explained, "Well, as a secret Santa, the person who got hold of the booking didn't know the name of who would pick it out and so made one up. You just need to go along and show the invitation, and they will direct you to the masseuse."

Natasha saw that it said her appointment was for 2:30 pm but asked that she get there about half an hour earlier than that. So, after having her lunch, she slipped out of the office and made her way to the Discipline Centre.

As Natasha stood outside the Discipline Centre, she had to admit to being slightly nervous because she would no doubt be meeting plenty of people who had broken the law and were actually being sent there to be disciplined. However, she was also excited at the chance to see inside as she had often wondered what it would be like to have to go there for a punishment and always got damp knickers as she thought about it. Anyway, she took a deep breath and then walked through the entrance door and went to the reception.

The receptionist was dressed in what was clearly a uniform of a short-sleeved open-necked beige shirt and when she got to the desk, saw that she also had on a dark brown skirt with a thick brown belt. When the officer looked at her, Natasha smiled as she held out the Booking Form and said, "Hi there, I am Miss Lowe, and have come for the free massage."

The receptionist, who had a name tag that said Officer Morley, took the Booking Form but without smiling looked at it and entered the details on her computer. When she handed the Booking Form back to Natasha she said, "I'm not sure anyone else has called it a free massage before now. Anyway, go to the changing room and they will direct you to where you have to go."

Natasha took it that Officer Morley was just being officious because that was her position. So, she replied, "Thank you, Officer Morley," and took the Booking Form and then walked in the direction she was pointed in.

The changing room was not that far away and Natasha quickly got there, passing a few other women mostly in uniform but some also wearing orange gowns, and supposed they were offenders here to be punished. Once she got to the door with the sign, 'Women's Changing Room,' she walked in and saw another reception desk and went up to it and saw the name tag on that officer was Officer Lewis. She went up to her and said, smiling, "I've come for the free massage, Officer Lewis. It was from a Secret Santa."

Officer Lewis was equally officious, and took the Booking Form, checked her computer, handed Natasha an orange gown, and then replied, "Secret Santa? That's a nice way to look at it. Anyway, you need to take all of your clothes off and put this gown on. Bring your clothes back here to me and I will then direct you to the punishment room." After a moment she added, "Although, of course, for you, it will be the massage room."

Natasha actually felt quite relaxed by that and smiled as she took the gown and then went into a changing cubicle. She quickly got undressed, kicking off her shoes, taking off her sleeveless dress, bra, and finally her knickers. She then put on the orange gown, which was short-sleeved, and tied up at the back. Well, she supposed that would help as she loved her neck and shoulders to be massaged.

Natasha then went back and gave her clothes to Officer Lewis who put them in a bag, with her name on it, and then put it into a locker behind the reception desk. After doing that, Officer Lewis said, "Go out through that door, turn left, and go to punishment room 11." Officer Lewis then smiled and said, "Of course, it's also known as massage room 11."

Natasha smiled back and said, "Thank you, Officer Lewis."

Moments later Natasha was out in the corridor, having turned left, and saw the doors on either side with the punishment room number on. This time she didn't see anyone else and soon got to punishment room 11, and opened the door, and walked in. She closed the door behind herself before turning around and looking around the room. The first thing she saw were two more police officers. She went up to them and saw their name tags said Officer Evans and Officer Smith. Both ladies looked to her to be in their mid-twenties.

Before Natasha could say anything, Officer Evans said, "Right, go and stand by that table, please."

Natasha found that particularly officious, but she did as she was told and went and stood next to the table that Officer Evans had pointed at. She looked down at it and saw there were leather cuffs at the far end, what looked like a leather strap which would be about the right position to tie around her waist, then two more down the legs of the table which would be at about her thigh level, and two cuffs close to the floor which she supposed would be about the right position for her ankles. It looked as though offenders were secured in place which wasn't needed for just a massage, which got Natasha slightly concerned, except both other officers had confirmed massages were carried out here. That was, unless they were joking, which really got Natasha worried but at the same time she was thrilled to see how offenders were secured when being punished and felt quivers flying around her vulva at the thought of being punished here herself.

Before Natasha could ask any questions about the table, Officer Evans ordered, "Right, slip your gown off and stretch your arms out to the far end of the table."

Officer Evans exchanged glances with Officer Smith before saying, sarcastically Natasha thought, "We will then give you your massage."

However, Natasha thought that at least made some sense because there was no reason to have her gown on if she was having a full body massage, and once again the Officer said she was going to have a massage. She also supposed that this was normally a punishment room, so those being punished would be secured in place, but that wasn't needed for a massage so she could just grab hold of the far end of the table but there would be no need to tie her down.

Once Natasha slipped her gown off she momentarily felt embarrassed by being naked with the two officers fully clothed, but even so, bent over and stretched her arms to the far end of the table.

Officer Evans stood just behind Natasha and said, "I see you are here for '48+' strokes."

Natasha knew the '48+' was the indicator that it was a massage she was getting and replied, "Yes, that's right."

Natasha felt one of her hands being tugged and looked around to see that Officer Smith had just secured her wrist into one of the leather cuffs. She pulled at it just as Officer Smith clasped hold of her other wrist, slipped her hand through the other cuff and pulled the strap tightly and secured it.

Natasha panicked and said, "Hey, I'm not here to be punished but given a massage. Now untie me."

Officer Evans said sternly, "You do know what the '+' means?"

Natasha pulled at both wrists and said aggressively, "No, but just untie me or I will be complaining to your bosses."

Officer Evans stood by Natasha and put her hand on her bare bottom and said sternly, "Forty-eight means the number of cane strokes, and the '+' means extras at our discretion." With that, she pulled her arm back and landed a hard spank on Natasha's far bottom cheek and another on her near bottom cheek.

Natasha gasped and pulled again at the wrist cuffs and shook her head saying loudly, "I told you to stop that. That isn't a Secret Santa massage."

Officer Evans landed two further hard spanks on each bottom cheek before saying in an even sterner tone of voice, "You are so right. This isn't a Secret Santa massage, it is a punishment. As I have said, forty-eight means forty-eight strokes of the cane. The '+' means extras, and I have decided you will now get twelve extras."

Natasha really panicked as she felt a leather strap being tightened around her waist, and she said, "I haven't done anything wrong. This is a mistake."

As the two officers secured the leather straps around Natasha's thighs, and then the ankle cuffs, Officer Evans said, "You offenders all say that. Now don't say another word or sixty strokes will become seventy-two strokes ever so quickly."

Natasha really didn't know what to do. She knew this should not have been a punishment for her but a massage. However, these two officers clearly weren't having that, and she was about to be given sixty strokes of the cane. Were they joking, or were they serious? She'd been at a hen party not so long ago when a police officer turned up sounding really officious until he started to strip. That was a really fun evening. Yes, this must be a joke, so she told herself to stay calm.

As she thought that, she reminded herself that quite often she had pictured herself when in bed being spanked and caned, and fingered herself to huge orgasms. She knew that her knickers were damp as she was speaking to the two receptionists because whilst they sounded officious, she was thinking how it was a shame that she was here for a massage rather than to be disciplined. Well, what if the Secret Santa present meant that she was actually being sent here to be disciplined? Maybe she would still have come? Maybe, if she was caned, she would still want to go somewhere private afterward, like to the toilet, and finger herself to a huge orgasm. She even thought about how that would make it the best Secret Santa present, or maybe any present that she had ever been given, and knew she had flutters flying around her vulva just then. It was such a shame, though, that she was here for a massage but she would make the best of it.

Once Officer Evans and Officer Smith were happy that she was securely in place, Officer Evans went and collected the hook-ended senior cane. She went back to position herself and tapped the cane on Natasha's bottom, saying, "Now, Lowe, you will be getting a minimum of sixty strokes. You can cry out, but if you are rude, then expect extras."

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Natasha had practically convinced herself that it was a joke, but when she felt the cane, she lost it and said, "What the ffffff,' managing to stop herself from actually swearing at the realisation that would earn her extra strokes of the cane.

Even so, Officer Evans said sternly, "Instead of sixty read sixty-six."

All that Natasha did was let out of sob as she had never been caned before, and was really worried about receiving so many strokes. However, maybe it was fate that led her to get this Secret Santa invitation, because, after all, who other than Santa would know her long-held fantasy of wanting to experience being spanked and caned?

All those thoughts disappeared, though, as soon as the first stroke landed on her bottom. Natasha yelped and pulled at the wrist cuffs and shook her head all to try and cope with the pain, but of course that didn't happen. Then the second stroke landed and then the third, and each time Natasha yelped or said, 'Please, please, please, or, sorry, sorry, sorry."

Officer Evans was clearly very experienced at caning offenders. She knew that some offenders were better than others at coping with this type of punishment, but from the reaction she was getting right now, she knew she was dealing with someone who was finding it very hard to cope. So, she landed stroke after stroke, and, as usual, didn't leave any gaps at either every sixth stroke or even every twelfth stroke as she landed the cane time and again, and each time enjoyed hearing the loud thwack, and then watching the thick welt appear and harden.

As she kept on landing the cane and saw it bite into her bottom, Officer Evans smiled to herself at the way that this offender thought she was here to have a massage. Well, in a way this was a massage and she knew that there were those who enjoyed being thoroughly thrashed. She wondered for a moment whether this offender was one of them, but didn't let that hold up the punishment as she continued to land stroke after stroke.

It was quite noticeable how, whilst the yelps continued, the tears also flowed, and Officer Evans saw that as her incentive to cane even harder. After all, sympathy was not something she ever had to give, as every punishment given here was earned by the offender.

Once she got to forty-eight strokes, the original penalty, Officer Evans did think about the Secret Santa angle that was mentioned. Was it possible that there had been an error and that she was caning the wrong person? To satisfy herself, she stopped caning and asked, "Repeat your name."

Natasha was now crying uncontrollably, but did hear the question and gave a very wet reply, "Natasha White."

That did worry Officer Evans, who asked, "Are you sure your name isn't Alice Lowe?"

Natasha was still sniffing back tears as she replied, "No, Natasha White."

Officer Evans knew that very occasionally there had been this type of error and the wrong person was being punished. It still didn't explain how come Natasha White came to the Discipline Centre with a Booking Form for Alice Lowe, but maybe she ought to take some care here.

Officer Evans exchanged glances with Officer Smith and could see that she was on board, and so Officer Evans said to Natasha, "If you let us both rub your bottom and feel your welts, I can release you from twelve of the strokes."

Natasha eagerly replied, "Yes, please."

Officer Evans actually enjoyed rubbing her hand around a newly caned bottom and running her fingers along the welts. She did that happily for a few moments and then let Officer Smith do the same. They both always wondered whether the woman they were punishing got aroused by it and so Officer Evans said, "If you let me run my fingers along your pussy lips, I can release you from the rest of your strokes."

Again, Natasha replied eagerly, "Yes please, do that."

As Officer Evans ran her fingers up and down Natasha's pussy lips, she felt just how wet they were. She knew it wasn't pee but her sex juice, and that was emphasised by the fact that Natasha was starting to gasp erotically. Well, Officer Evans was certain now that Natasha wanted to be caned. She may not have enjoyed the caning itself, but that wasn't so surprising. After all, it was always the feeling afterwards that got those who wanted to be caned aroused.

Now she was happy that the mistake had been made, she didn't want to admit it but instead nodded to Officer Smith, and between them they released the ankle cuffs, thigh and waist straps, and wrist cuffs. Officer Evans then ordered, "Okay, you can now get up."

Natasha was relieved that the caning was over, but as she pushed herself upwards and stood, and her hands flew to her stinging, throbbing bottom cheeks and she rubbed and clutched them feverishly, she also felt erotic flutters flying around her vulva at the same time as she struggled to cope with the stinging pain. How could that happen, she wondered, but then she had fantasised about being caned, maybe not nearly so many times but still getting the cane, and now she had been she was getting exactly the feelings that she got in her imaginary canings when lying in bed and fingering herself to huge orgasms.

As she calmed down, she started to relish the real experience of her fantasy wishes and found herself believing in Santa, and was even thinking how she would enjoy coming back here for another caning.

As Officer Evans saw that Natasha was recovering, she said, "You had better get back to the changing room and get your clothes and then leave." As she said it, Officer Smith handed the gown back to Natasha and watched her quickly slip it back on and tie it up at the back.

As Natasha was ready to leave, she remembered reading that after being thrashed, saying a thank you was in order as a show of respect and she loved the fact she had been under the control and authority of these police women. She therefore turned to both Officer Evans and Officer Smith and said, "Thank you for caning me." After a moment she felt obliged to say the truth which was, "I know I expected a massage but you made it the best Secret Santa present ever, for me."

It actually made Officer Evans and Officer Smith feel better because it showed again that Natasha wanted to be caned and therefore it wasn't just by chance that she was here, but more likely by design. Was it really a Secret Santa present, they asked themselves, but if it was then they certainly handed out what was expected.

Officer Evans thought she should tell Natasha, "You may want to go to the bathroom before leaving as your makeup is really smudged by your tears."

Natasha was pleased that was pointed out and replied, "Yes, I will. Thank you for telling me."

Natasha was still sniffing back tears as she left the punishment room and went back to the changing room. By then, Officer Evans had sent a message saying care should be taken in what was said because it appeared that an error had been made and that this lady was not Alice Lowe.

Officer Lewis saw the message and said very little as Natasha got dressed again and walked back out into the corridor.

Natasha was walking towards reception but saw the lady's toilet. She remembered her smudged makeup but knew that was one of the reasons to go in. She knew she didn't need to use the toilet other than to have somewhere to sit and out of sight and didn't think twice as she walked into the toilet, saw that it was empty, went into a cubicle, shut the door, yanked up her dress and pushed down her knickers, and sat down on the lid of the toilet pan. Moments later, she had fingered herself to a huge orgasm but fought hard to stifle the sounds. She knew she was successful at doing that.

After that, she pulled her knickers back up and straightened out her dress and then stood in front of the mirror and washed away the smudged makeup before leaving the toilets, and then walked back to the main reception where Officer Morley had also received the message from Officer Evans and took care in not saying anything as Natasha walked out of the Discipline Centre.

As Natasha left the Discipline Centre and crossed the road, she was surprised to find Melanie standing there.

Melanie was smiling as she asked, "Did you enjoy the massage, Natasha?"

Natasha saw the quite serious look on Melanie's face which immediately set her thinking and she asked, "Did you know it wasn't for a massage?"

Melanie replied honestly, "As your PA I have often had to switch off your computer and there are at least a dozen times that I have checked the history and seen you have been looking at sites involving women spanking and caning other women, and it was very clear to me that you wanted to be on the receiving end because they were about boss ladies who willingly submitted to more junior staff in the office. So, when a friend of mine got that penalty, I used my computer skills to redo it, and when it was your choice to pick your Santa secret present, every envelope had only a copy of that form in it. I made sure that no one else was around. So, yes, I did now and in fact engineered it because I think that was exactly the Secret Santa present that you wanted, but would never have asked for."

Melanie waited to see just what reaction Natasha would give her. Of course, she half expected to be sacked.

Natasha wasn't cross but was actually pleased that Melanie had discovered her dark secret. She also wanted to admit one other truth and told Melanie, "When I have pictured myself being spanked and caned I have so often seen myself across your lap having my bare bottom spanked by you, and bent over a chair or the arm of the sofa and having my bottom caned by you."

Melanie couldn't stop smirking as she replied, "Yes, Natasha, I did see that punishment request on your computer as well. It mentioned us both by name. Actually, I would love to give you a bare bottom spanking and a bare bottom caning and have you lick and suck me to an orgasm as I did the same to you."

Natasha blushed as she said, "I am sorry but I haven't got you a present."

Melanie smiled as she replied, "Yes, you have. You, and that is the best present ever."

Natasha lent forward and kissed Melanie on the lips and then said, "I thought what you had already given me was the best Secret Santa present ever, but what you have now told me is an even better present having my PA with disciplinary control over me, and I know that you will be spanking and caning me on a very regular basis."

Melanie replied, "Yes, I will be, Natasha. Long hard and pain-filled spankings and canings. I think this is going to be the best Christmas ever for both of us, and the start of a new life together, and one that Santa has made possible for us."

Melanie smiled as she replied, “Yes, you have. You, and that is the best present ever.”

Natasha lent forward and kissed Melanie on the lips and then said, “I thought what you had already given me was the best secret Santa present ever, but what you have now told me is an even better present having my PA with disciplinary control over me, and I know that you will be spanking and caning me on a very regular basis.”

Melanie replied, “Yes, I will be, Natasha. Long hard and pain-filled spankings and canings. I think this is going to be the best Christmas ever for both of us, and the start of a new life together, and one that Santa has made possible for us.”

Written by SusanHarper
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