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She's The Boss

"Harry is caned at College and spanked at home by his girlfriend"

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Harry had dreaded this moment ever since starting at sixth form college. Harry was eighteen and his girlfriend, Sarah, also eighteen, was the daughter of the headmistress at his sixth-form college. What he dreaded, and what was happening today, was that he had earned a double detention, which he was currently sitting, knowing that he would be called to attend the headmistress's study, to be caned by her, his girlfriend's mum.

Just as he dreaded, the school secretary came into the detention class and read out three names. "Will the following students please follow me: Ted, Cathy, and Harry."

The three students stood up and followed the secretary towards her office, which you had to enter first before getting to the door that led to the headmistress's study. Harry walked behind Cathy who was in her school dress of a blue and white gingham dress and white ankle socks and he couldn't take his eyes off her bottom as he thought about her being caned.

That was just a few moments ago and right now he and Cathy were sitting in the outer office on two chairs close to the door to the headmistress's study. They had already heard Ted yelp four times, which followed immediately after they heard a loud thwack. Cathy and Harry didn't look at each other but looked at the floor knowing that it would be their time soon enough. What they both knew was that, when being caned, they had to bare their bottoms and so the red welts would be both produced and then seen by the headmistress, Mrs Thompson.

Harry heard the fifth thwack and loud yelp and knew that a double detention earned six strokes for the boys and four for the girls, and therefore wasn't surprised when that sixth thwack and yelp was heard so clearly from just the other side of the door.

There was then silence, for a few moments anyway, before the study door opened and Ted came out. He was clutching his bottom and wiping away tears from his eyes as he went to the secretary's desk. This was all a new experience for Harry and he watched as Ted waited for the secretary to take complete the punishment log and then hand to him an envelope. He knew that the envelope contained the letter addressed to his parents requesting that they give him a spanking tonight as a further punishment.

Cathy was closest to the door and they both knew that she was going to be called in next. Indeed, as Ted left the secretary's office so the secretary called over, "Cathy, you are next. Go into the headmistress."

Although Harry was now sitting by himself, he was conscious of the secretary looking across at him from time to time. However, the next thing that made Harry grimace was the loud thwack and yelp that came from inside the headmistress's study. He knew that was Cathy suffering the first stroke of the cane and, then, as the second thwack and yelp quickly followed, Harry knew that was two strokes closer to when he would have to suffer the pain and the humiliation of having his own bottom caned.

The third thwack and yelp followed soon afterwards, and then the fourth. That was going to be the last stroke for Cathy he told himself but, when another thwack and yelp was heard, followed by a sixth, Harry looked at the secretary in wonderment as though asking, how come?

The secretary had a smirk on her face and said, "The girls have complained they aren't treated as equals with the boys at the college, so Mrs Thompson has now changed that.

That didn't help Harry as silence reigned for a short while after which the door to the headmistress's study opened and out came the sobbing Cathy who was rubbing her bottom as she walked towards the secretary's desk. Cathy kept sobbing and rubbing her bottom as she waited obediently and quietly, except for the sobbing, for the secretary to complete the punishment log and then hand Cathy the envelope to be given to her parents when she got home.

Harry looked at Cathy's bottom and, although covered by her dress, he pictured what the six red welts would look like.

As soon as Cathy left the secretary's office, the secretary looked at Harry and ordered, "In you go, lad."

Harry had to admit to a growing dread as he walked into the headmistress's study and saw Mrs Thompson standing by her desk. This was the moment Harry dreaded as he had seen Mrs Thompson so often at her house when he had gone to see Sarah. His attention was immediately grabbed by the sight of the cane on Mrs Thomson's desk as he stood, biting his lip, waiting to be told what to do to prepare himself for the caning.

The silence was deafening, and then, to his surprise, the door to the study opened again although he didn't look around. He heard the door close and then footsteps come towards him and then past him, and was so shocked to see Sarah going up to her mother. What could this mean, Harry asked himself as he looked from mother to daughter?

Mrs Thomson didn't say anything to Harry, but said to Sarah, "Six strokes. If he resists at all, make it twelve. If he doesn't take it from you then he will have to take it from me." She then turned and, not looking at Harry but only looking at the door to the study, she walked past Harry and out into the secretary's office.

Harry was so shocked as he stood there and looked at Sarah. She was his girlfriend, after all, although went to a different college. Of course, this was an after-hours detention and so she would've had plenty of time to get from her college to this one. Even so, none of it made sense as he looked at Sarah who looked as sweet as always in her green and white gingham dress and white ankle socks.

Sarah kept a very stern look on her face as she said in her usual, 'Do as I say, or else,' tone of voice which Harry found so sexy, "Mum didn't think that she should cane you given our relationship. She asked me last night what she should do, and I said, as a joke, that I should cane you. I got quite a shock when she said that was a good idea. She then told me what time I had to be here, so here I am. Anyway, I didn't have college this afternoon and went home. Mum has a selection of canes at home, and I used one on a cushion to practice. So, don't expect this to be light. I want your trousers and underpants off, and you bent over the back of his chair, placing your feet apart, grabbing the seat, and do exactly as I tell you. Now, do it."

Harry had very mixed feelings. He knew he was going to be caned today but expected it to be by Mrs Thomson. Now that Sarah had taken over that responsibility he was wondering whether, in retrospect, he would rather have been caned by the headmistress even though she was Sarah's mum, or by Sarah who was his girlfriend. He had to admit that he knew he had submissive tendencies and, amongst all the other great things he thought about Sarah, he had imagined himself being across her lap being spanked. That was one of his many fantasies of submission and a favourite one.

Harry was knocked out of his reverie by the firm instruction, "I said take your trousers and underpants off. I know it might not be the usual caning by the headmistress, but I think I am on a rather different level being your girlfriend. Anyway, mum told us that your six strokes becomes twelve if you disobey me."

Harry now jumped into action and undid his trousers and pushed them down, catching his underpants on the way, stepped out of them, scooped them up, and put them on another chair.

As he stood back up, he said, "Sorry, Sarah."

Sarah snapped back, "I am, Miss, to you right now, young man,"

Harry gasped as he replied, "Yes, Miss, sorry, Miss," but felt his penis stiffen at the scolding.

Sarah was enjoying the power she held over Harry and saw his trousers bulge and, whilst she wondered whether Harry was turned on by being submissive to her she was still surprised, pleasantly so, that he was now clearly aroused even with the caning about to happen. She had often reckoned that she was in charge of their relationship but now that she was in the exact position where Harry couldn't dispute anything, she felt so alive. Even as she watched Harry push his trousers and underpants down to the floor, and step out of them, she was having the same sexual feelings as though they were about to make out, instead of her being about to cane Harry.

Harry knew that Sarah was an alpha female and loved her because of it. Now, he was properly submitting to her authority, even though that authority had been given to her by her own mum, but he felt aroused even though he was about to suffer a level of pain he had never suffered before. The fact that all he had to do was simply do as he was told he found sexually arousing in itself

As Harry bent over the back of the chair and grabbed the seat, making sure his legs were parted, he looked at the floor behind him and saw Sarah's upside-down bare legs, and had often imagined himself looking at exactly those bare legs albeit bent across her lap as she spanked his bare bottom. That had been a regular fantasy of his and he had cum so many times picturing that as he lay in bed. Mind you, he also pictured that when on the bus or train, and knew he had a bulge in his trousers clearly visible to anyone who was looking at the time.

Harry also liked the thought that he was now experiencing his fantasy of being subject to his girlfriend's authority, whilst most other people would just imagine it. Even as he felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across his bottom he focused on Sarah's bare upside-down legs looking for when her calf muscles tensed, and he felt himself getting more and more aroused.

Sarah felt flutters flying around her vagina as she positioned herself behind her boyfriend, and when she started to rub the cane from side to side across his bottom those flutters became more intense. She even thought that she might cum in her knickers and smiled at the thought of her knickers being wetter than when she usually fantasised about scolding Harry or even smacking his bottom. She had always thought that would remain a fantasy, but when her mum told her yesterday that Harry had earned a caning, and agreed that it should be Sarah who caned him rather than her, she was excited and her knickers were wet from pretty much that moment onwards.

As Harry was looking at Sarah's legs, so he saw her calf muscles tense and, next moment, hearing the swish of the cane and then a loud thwack, felt the cane biting into his bottom sending him into a spasm of pain. It hurt far more than he had expected, but his focus had always been to submit to Sarah's authority and so he clasped hold of the seat to make sure that he didn't stand up. As he remained focused, so the cane struck him again and he gasped with the pain but stayed where he was. The third stroke followed and he again managed to keep a hold of the seat of the chair even though he was struggling much more than he had ever expected to do.

Sarah looked at the three lovely red welts that she had produced on Harry's bottom and felt even more turned on by the power that she now so clearly had over him. She loved it so much she wondered whether she should actually aim to become a headmistress herself, and so have this power over others, but, quickly shook that thought from her mind because, with this power over Harry would come other happiness, particularly involving her now quivering and very wet pussy lips.

The fourth stroke landed and Harry was reminded how Sarah was the one in charge here and, as he struggled to cope, the fifth stroke landed and he yelped with the pain cascading around his bottom. He opened his eyes to look again at Sarah's upside-down legs and gasped as he only saw their blurred outline and realised his eyes were full of tears. As the sixth stroke landed, he felt tears dribble down his face as he let out a sob, then another sob, and then another. What a wimp, he thought of himself, but what a stern authoritarian Sarah was he told himself being even more impressed with his girlfriend. Then he had a final worried thought of whether she would still be prepared to be his girlfriend now she had caned him?

Sarah savoured the six bright red raised welts she had produced on Harry's bottom, and listened to his sobbing, and knew that she would happily cane him again if ever the need arose. Of course, she also knew that there was a further delight she was going to experience later on as she ordered, "Okay, Harry, you can get up now."

Harry pushed himself up, and, as he did, he started to rub his bottom. He looked at Sarah but didn't notice the stern look on her face because his eyes were still full of tears. However, he immediately stopped rubbing his bottom as he heard Sarah's authoritative command, "You don't rub your bottom until you are outside the study, young man."

Sarah smiled to herself as Harry immediately obeyed her. She waited a few moments and then asked, "I think you said that your parents are away. So, who will deal with your punishment letter?"

Harry hadn't sorted that out yet. So, whilst still sobbing, he replied in an even more worried tone, "I don't know, Sarah, I mean, Miss." Harry was seriously concerned because he knew that if no one signed his punishment letter he would have to return for another caning and then be given another punishment letter. What was he to do?

Sarah still smiled as she watched Harry struggle with yet another quandary, however, to help him, she said, "No problem, Harry. I'll go home and then come around to yours. We can do our homework together and then I can give you a spanking. Mum has added me to the list of those who can deal with punishment letters if there is no one at home to deal with the student."

Harry was actually relieved with Sarah's offer and, with a smile, although still with blurred vision, he said a heartfelt, "Thank you, Miss."

Of course, Harry never knew that Sarah had lied when she told him her mum had told her she felt she shouldn't cane Harry but Sarah should. This was a set-up by Sarah who demanded the right to cane Harry, particularly as she knew that his parents were away and she would be able to spank him as well. Her mum actually had no qualms whatsoever in agreeing to Sarah's request because she always knew Harry needed Sarah's type of direction.

Sarah put a stern look on her face as she ordered, "It will be a very long and very hard spanking. Don't expect anything else just because I am your girlfriend."

Harry didn't mind that as he was owed a proper spanking under the college discipline rules, and was just relieved Sarah was prepared to spank him as well. However, he was relieved that she still referred to herself as his girlfriend so that worry now abated.

Sarah maintained control by then ordering, "Okay, Harry, you'd better go and report to the secretary."

Harry was still sniffing back tears as he replied, "Yes, Miss, thank you for caning me, Miss."

Sarah was very happy with Harry's submissive tone as she watched him step back into his underpants and trousers and walk out of the study. She immediately messaged her mum to say that she was finished and knew that she would be getting away from the study before her mum returned because there was no one else there to cane. She also thought she would wait for Harry to finish with the secretary before leaving herself.

Of course, the other reason Sarah wanted to stay in the headmistress's study, was that she sat down in the headmistress's chair, parted her legs, lifted the hem of her dress, eased her fingers inside the elastic of her knickers, and quickly brought herself to a wonderful orgasm. She pictured Harry's bottom staring up at her and then adding welt after welt. It really did turn her on, and, as she ran her fingers once again along her very wet pussy lips and flicked her taut clit, bringing herself to a second orgasm, she knew she couldn't wait to get Harry across her lap later on today. As she calmed down from her orgasms, she did remind herself to be careful with the clothes that she wore tonight because she was pretty sure that Harry was likely to cum when across her lap, and she certainly hoped he would be aroused as she spanked him.

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Harry closed the study door behind him, and, as he walked up to the secretary's desk, started to rub his stinging bottom. He waited for the secretary to complete the punishment log and obediently took his punishment letter and, as he walked back to the detention classroom, all he could think of was Sarah coming to the house later on and spanking him. He had fantasised about it so many times and now it could even become reality.

He kept on thinking about his impending spanking as he re-entered the detention classroom and saw everyone look up towards him, no doubt seeing his tear-stained face as they give him sympathetic looks. He calmed down as he continued to sit in the detention classroom but as he played over the caning in his mind so the bulge grew in his trousers which he couldn't hide. He even glanced sideways and saw Cathy was looking at the bulge and then looked at him and smiled. Harry was embarrassed, reckoning that Cathy would now tell all of her friends how he looked like he was turned on by being caned. Still, there were others who acted with bravado after being caned, and he could always make the same argument.

With the detention class over, Harry didn't talk to anyone as he walked away from the college and got home. He knew that he was going to walk into an empty house, and, given what was going to happen later, he was even happy that his parents were still away and hadn't returned unannounced, leaving Sarah his chosen option for his spanking.

It was only about thirty minutes before the doorbell rang, and Harry opened the door and let Sarah in. He gasped at how she looked because, instead of wearing her school uniform which he always thought she looked so pretty in, she was now wearing the sleeveless black very tight very short hemmed dress which was his favourite. This was the dress that he mainly pictured Sarah in when fantasising about her spanking him, and now that part of the fantasy was also going to come true.

Once Sarah was inside, they were chatting as though nothing unusual was going to happen. They got on with their homework, as conscientiously as usual, each doing the subject they had been set. Once that was done, Sarah made supper for them both and they ate and drank still chatting happily.

Once supper was finished, Sarah said in her usual authoritative voice, "It's time, Harry. Give me your punishment letter."

Harry blushed as he took the envelope from his pocket and handed it to Sarah and watched as she opened the envelope and made out that she was reading the letter, although, he rightly assumed, she had seen one just like it before.

Sarah put the letter on the table and ordered, "Right then, Harry, you need to lower your trousers and underpants. In fact, I suggest you take them both off so nothing gets caught up."

Henry swallowed hard at the instruction, but obeyed immediately and lowered his trousers, pushing them downwards, catching his underpants on the way, pushing them both to the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, and putting them on a chair. He then stood back up and waited for the next instruction.

Sarah was very happy with the way that Harry immediately followed her instructions. She was getting more and more excited again, although made sure she kept a stern look on her face so as to not give away her enjoyment. Nevertheless, when she saw that Harry was naked below his waist, she ordered, "It'll probably be easier if you take your shirt off as well. So, do it."

Harry knew that this meant that he would be naked whilst Sarah was fully clothed. However, she was in the black sleeveless dress he loved, so her arms were bare as were most of her legs, both of which he found so sexy. He would also be laying across her bare thighs and so there would be the added bonus of his penis, which he could see was already erect, would be lying across his girlfriend's thighs. So, happy again to obey his authoritative girlfriend, he happily undid the buttons of his shirt, slid the sleeves down his arms, caught it, and put the shirt on top of his other clothes. He was now fully naked as he turned once again and looked at his girlfriend.

Sarah was even more excited as she saw her now naked boyfriend. However, knowing she was about to spank him, which was something that she had wanted to do for quite some time purely for sexual reasons rather than discipline, she went and sat down on a chair.

She saw Harry's erection and, looking up, explained, "I'm going to lift my dress right up because I certainly don't want you staining it with your cum." As she said it, so she raised herself up slightly from the chair and pulled her hem up further so that all of her legs were bare. She certainly liked the idea of having her naked boyfriend's tummy and his erect penis lying across her bare thighs and thought the reasoning she gave would satisfy any qualms Harry might have had.

In the event, Harry's erection was actually getting even stiffer as he watched Sarah bare her legs. He even fancied suggesting that she get undressed, like him, but then reminded himself that she was the one in charge and had to make all of the decisions and that he found that quite arousing in itself.

When Sarah was happy that her dress was high enough, she glared up at Harry and ordered, pointing at her lap, "Get across my lap, young man, so I can deal with you."

Harry quickly eased himself down, balancing on the far side of the chair and then lowering himself until his hands caught his fall on the floor. He then lowered his full weight across Sarah's soft bare thighs loving the feel of his tummy on them. He didn't even mind that much when he felt Sarah's hand on his bare bottom cheeks and rubbing in circles, seeing that as caressing him as foreplay to making out. Of course, rubbing his bottom in circles was foreplay for something rather different than making out, although he also knew that many people found being spanked sexually arousing, and now knew for sure that he did as well.

As Sarah looked down at Harry's bare bottom across her lap, enjoying, in particular, the six raised red welts, as she placed her palm on his far bottom cheek and started to rub in circles. As she ran her fingers along the welts as well, she continued to feel the increasingly intense quivers flying around her vagina. Still excited, she raised her hand and brought her stiffened palm down firmly on Harry's bare bottom, and enjoyed listening to his gasp of pain.

However, she wasn't going to hold back from spanking her boyfriend because she knew she was going to enjoy it so much and also felt that Harry was going to enjoy being submissive too, so she proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, and, as she did, she reminded herself how she had from time to time patted Harry on his bottom and, whilst he blushed, he certainly didn't tell her to stop.

Harry had never been spanked before and found he enjoyed his submissive position as he saw Sarah's upside-down bare legs and the underside of her bare thighs, as well as his own legs dangling on the far side of the chair, and as she started to rub his bottom in circles and, he knew, was running her fingers along his cane welts, he was turned on by submitting once again to her authority.

He recalled how he liked the way that he looked at Sarah's upside-down legs earlier when about to be caned by her, and this was actually more of a turn-on because her legs were so much closer to his face. He wasn't even concerned about being so obviously submissive, because, if she did make fun of him, he could just admit to having to submit to her to comply with both the caning for the double detention and the spanking for the punishment letter. He hoped, however, that Sarah had the opposite feelings to him, in that she was getting aroused by spanking him just as he was getting aroused by being spanked by Sarah.

Sarah was loving it as she focused on spanking Harry's bottom, initially on alternate bottom cheeks, but then changing to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again before spanking the other bottom cheek time and again. She was pleased that she did have the forethought to check online the best methods to both cane someone and spank them, and as she had already put into practice caning Harry so effectively, she was anxious to make sure that the spanking she delivered would satisfy her own sexual desires, as well as, hopefully, his.

Harry was certainly struggling as the spanking got more intense, although he did like the way that Sarah's calf muscles as they tensed, telling him that the next spank was on its way, although, to be fair, spanking was very different to caning because, whilst the caning had a gap between each stroke, there was no need for that gap between each spank which Sarah was quite rightly giving him without any breaks. It was probably better this way, he reckoned because it emphasised her authority over him and his submissiveness to her.

Sarah proceeded to spank Harry persistently and hard, loving the way that his bottom turned redder although the welts continued to protrude. She was sure that Harry would struggle even more with the spanking because he had been caned but that was still no reason to make the spanks anything other than hard. That was what was said online, and she could see from Harry's reaction that that was the best way to discipline him. After all, the punishment letter made it clear that the spanking had to be long and hard, and that was best for the student because that helped teach the lesson much better.

Harry felt tears once again well up in his eyes, and, after just a few more spanks, they started to dribble down his face as he at first sobbed and then he cried.

Sarah loved the way that Harry was squirming around on her lap as she continued to spank him, and was also listening to the way that he kept saying sorry which was confirming that he was continuing to struggle more and more with the spanking. This all increased as she started to spank the backs of his legs, which again she had discovered online caused him even more pain. She still didn't feel any sympathy because it was his own fault that he got the detentions although she was now so aroused sexually, and more so as she heard Harry crying, so resolved to give him just another few dozen spanks before finishing.

Harry gave up trying to cope as he felt the tears dribble down his face and he started to cry. After all, this was the usual result of being spanked, particularly as those spanks were landing on the six raised welts that Sarah had given him just a couple of hours earlier.

However, he wasn't holding any of this against Sarah. After all, his earning the double detention was his own fault, and he was ever so thankful that Sarah managed to take responsibility for caning him away from her mum. Although humiliating and embarrassing to be spanked by his girlfriend it was certainly a lot better than being spanked by his girlfriend's mum. So, giving up any resistance and just accepting the spanking for what it was, he dissolved into uncontrolled crying knowing that it was Sarah's sole decision to decide when the spanking should stop.

After what seemed an age Harry was relieved when Sarah had now stopped spanking him although he couldn't stop himself from crying. He did like the way that Sarah continued to rub his bottom and squeeze his bottom cheeks, as well as rub the backs of his legs. Everything was very tender, but that just seem to exaggerate the sensuality of her rubbing, and it was also still exciting continuing to be across her lap even after she stopped spanking him because the erotic feelings of submission quickly returned.

Sarah knew that she enjoyed spanking Harry and wanted to again, and wanted to manoeuvre that position. She didn't reckon it would be so difficult as she watched as he stood up and he started to rub his bottom and she looked down at her lap and saw Harry's cum all over her thighs. She looked up, feigning a glaring look, pointing at her lap, and said sternly, "Look, Harry, at what you have left on my thighs."

Harry was wide-eyed although his vision was still blurred. He had thought that he had cum when over her lap but wasn't sure. Now he was sure and, blushing, said, "Sorry, Miss."

As soon as Harry had addressed her as, 'Miss,' Sarah knew that he was going to be up for being spanked again. So, she ordered, "We will need to check if you really are turned on by being spanked, so I am going to have to spank you again, aren't I?"

Harry's vision was clearing as he looked at Sarah with such longing. As he savoured her with her bare arms and bare legs he knew that was why he loved her in that dress, and, now he had actually experienced bending across those bare thighs and being spanked by her, he really was up for trying it again. So, wishing to remain obedient, he replied, "Whatever you say, Miss."

Sarah again imposed her control by saying in a stern tone, "Just to be clear, Harry, I will be doing it when I say so and not when you ask. I'm in charge."

Harry's erection returned as Sarah spoke so sternly to him, and he again replied, "Yes, Miss."

Sarah thought it was going to be so funny if Harry addressed her as, 'Miss,' in front of any of their friends. However, if that happened, so be it and it would be a turn-on for both of them most likely."

Sarah then ordered, "Well, Harry, as you have already cum, and I want to cum, get on your knees and do me."

Harry looked down, speechless, as Sarah parted her legs. He saw that she wasn't wearing any knickers and his mouth dropped open.

Sarah saw the look of surprise on Harry's face and, smiling, replied, "I was pretty sure I wouldn't need them, and, in any case, they were only going to get damp."

So, Harry now knew, Sarah was also aroused, although she was aroused when spanking him whilst he was aroused whilst being spanked by her. Still, all of his dreams seemed to be coming true all at once. So, willingly, he fell to his knees between Sarah's parted legs and started to kiss her inner thighs, working his way up to her stretched and clearly very damp pussy lips.

As he licked her lips, easing his tongue deeper inside and also flicking her taught clit, so it didn't take very long at all for her to let out increasingly louder erotic gasps. Harry didn't even mind that Sarah held the back of his head so his face was firmly in place between her legs. Why should he mind, after all, he told himself?

So, as they were both thinking their own thoughts, Harry was looking forward to being spanked again, and, now he knew that Sarah's mum had a stock of canes at home, maybe Sarah would even cane him again. At the same time, Sarah had worked out that if she dealt with Harry at her house, she knew that her mum had her selection of canes, and it would be so great to be able to repeat the punishment that she had given Harry today.

What they were both thinking was how great it was that Sarah could satisfy her wish to be in control and Harry's submissive feeling to be controlled, with discipline used as their sexual foreplay. That was the basis of a sound relationship, they told themselves, both looking forward to that developing.

Written by Peter242
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