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'Schoolgirl' Reunion

"What happened when three women met for tea!"

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The three young women giggled like the schoolgirls they once were in the front room of Corrine's small house. This was the first time she had seen Judy and Phillipa since they had left St Mary's private school for girls almost three years ago. The giggles and reminiscences were all associated with their time there when they were three inseparable friends who played together and were punished together at the small boarding school.

"Remember old Mr. Magee?" Corrine initiated.

"Fetch my slipper young lady!!!" they all sang out together along with even more giggles.

"Those words used to terrify the pants off me," Judy remembered feigning a visible shudder.

"They used to set mine on fire," Phillipa giggled. "That slipper of his was huge, at least a size twelve."

"I remember once telling my dad that Magee had given me the slipper," Judy added. "I ended up over his knee for another swatting with his for getting into trouble!"

"It never really bothered me," Corrine said.

Judy swivelled in her seat to face her. "Just as well. You were always out at the front of the class touching your toes. I've lost count at how many times I saw Magee slipper your rear end."

"You could fetch his slipper off the hook in the school hall blindfolded," added Phillipa.

Corrine shuffled in her seat at the memory. "Yes I did make that journey quite a few times didn't I?"

"Anyone would think you actually enjoyed it," Judy observed.

Corrine flushed a little then admitted. "I did actually."

The other two stared at her in disbelief. "You're kidding," voiced Phillipa.

Corrine flushed a little more. "I really did. I still look back and remember my slipperings from him with some fondness."

Judy's face coloured a little. "I do remember my knickers being hot and sticky after he had slippered me. Kinda warm, you know..."

Phillipa shrieked. "Of course it was warm, he'd just tanned your backside with a size twelve!"

"I still get the slipper!" Corrine blurted out and the other two stopped talking immediately and stared at her.

After a short silence it was Phillipa who produced a sarcastic comment. "Don't tell me. Magee comes round once a week to tan your bottom for you."

Corrine was reticent about sharing her secret but it was too late now. "Of course not. But Dan does."

"Who's Dan?" the other two said in unison.

"He's my boyfriend," Corrine said. "He lives here with me."

"What's he like?" asked the ever inquisitive Phillipa.

Corrine looked to the ceiling for words to describe her man. "Well he's tall, very handsome, older than me and he actually IS a teacher!"

“NO WAY!” Both women were getting used to saying the same things at the same time. Curiosity got the better of Judy…

"Older. How old?" Judy pressed.

"Thirty-eight. And he's all MAN." She enthused.

"And he spanks you?" Judy added.

Corrine blushed again. "Only because I ask him to. If I fancy it I get changed into my old school uniform and when he gets in from work he knows what I want and orders me to fetch his slipper from the back of the cupboard door."

"Oh my gosh Corrine!" Phillipa shrieked. "He whacks you in your old uniform?"

"I don't believe you," Judy scorned.

"Just go to that cupboard and have a look behind the door," Corrine countered pointing to the storage cupboard under the stairs.

Judy fairly sprang to her feet and almost ran to the door and whipped it open. She shrieked as she saw the huge gym slipper hanging from a hook, just like the one at school in the hall. She retrieved it and rushed back into the room to show Phillipa.

"It's just like Magee's," Phillipa howled. "I bet that hurts."

"It's meant to," Corrine countered. "But it's still a fabulous feeling. Dan knows just how to raise my temperature."

Judy examined the huge black canvas gym slipper, her eyes bulging as she touched the old worn implement… her fingers running over its large area of rubber sole. "How many does he give you?"

"Six or twelve," Corrine explained. "It's my choice not his. If I ask for six then he slippers me over my skirt. If I want twelve then I get four on my skirt, four on my knickers and four on the bare."

Phillipa winced. "I know Magee tanned us with our skirts up occasionally but that was a rarity, but you never had in on the bare."

Corrine wriggled in her seat. "I know but it's absolutely fabulous." She smiled, "you should try it."

Judy was obviously interested in this. "Yeah, but who's going to slipper us," she asked beckoning between herself and Phillipa.

"Dan would do it," Corrine announced.

"Hey, count me out," Phillipa squealed.

"Your man would slipper me?" Judy asked in earnest. "And you wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not," Corrine explained. "Dan would love to do it. He enjoys spanking me. He says it makes him feel more like a man. Sort of in charge... You know."

"Wow!" Judy hissed. "Well I'm up for it. What about you Pippa?"

Phillipa blushed deeply. "No way," she howled. "Besides, I doubt he would do it."

Judy rounded on her. "You've always been a bit of a spoilsport Pippa," she mocked. "Remember when we had a bet on who could get the slipper off old Magee the most in a week? You didn't want to do that but you still got spanked and we had a hoot of a time comparing sore bottoms."

Phillipa blushed even more. "There was no beating Corrine. If you pardon the pun," she giggled. "I remember she was touching her toes almost every day that week. But it was fun," she conceded.

"That's settled then," Corrine announced. "Sort out your old school uniforms and come back here on Saturday evening. Dan will warm all three of our bottoms with his slipper."

"I'm not sure if I've still got mine," Phillipa said in an almost disappointed voice.

"I think I have," Judy began. "Or at least most of it. We can buy what we haven't got."

Corrine jumped in. "Don't forget your stockings. You know… the light tan ones we were allowed to wear in the fifth year. Dan likes those."

Giggles and laughter followed and the re-enactment was decided upon.

Saturday had arrived all too quickly for Phillipa and she was having second thoughts. She had managed to find her school blazer but her blouse and skirt had long disappeared. She and Judy had met up one lunch time and actually visited the outfitters shop in town where their parents used to buy their school stuff. Phillipa had bought everything except the blazer and Judy needed a school tie and stockings. Both needed a pair of buckled school shoes and the assistant thought it was odd that they both tried them on in the shop, probably thinking they were buying them for a younger sister!

When they arrived at Corrine's they were both dressed like schoolgirls beneath their overcoats and their old school pal was resplendent in hers. Phillipa's nerves came to a head when they were introduced to Dan for the first time. He was tall as Corrine had described, he was handsome, and he was macho! He wore a smart business suit and his trousers had knife sharp creases, his hair was brown and neatly trimmed and he towered over his young 'pupils'.

The three girls huddled together in the small room all wearing their identical uniforms of bottle green blazers edged with gold piping and school motif on the breast pocket, matching bottle green school skirts, pleated and just above the knee, yellow-gold blouses and green and gold striped school tie. All three wore black buckled shoes and white ankle socks over their tan coloured stockings, just as the regulations demanded for girls in the final year at the school. It was obvious Dan relished his dominant role and his huge manhood was impossible to hide. He decided that Corrine would go first followed by Phillipa and Judy last.

Corrine stood up and went over to him as he sat in a sturdy chair opposite them, her hands clasped in front of her in the classic 'naughty schoolgirl' pose.

Dan entered into the prearranged role of headmaster. "And what did I say would happen if you skipped class yet again young lady?" he asked.

Corrine shuffled nervously, probably more from excitement of what was to come. "You said you would slipper me, Sir," she squeaked.

"And how many strokes?"

"Twelve, Sir," she announced. The other two girls looked at each other in realisation that she had opted for a bare-bottomed portion to her punishment.

"You better fetch my slipper madam!" he ordered in the very tone once employed by old Mr Magee. His voice sent shivers up Phillipa and Judy's back. The order to 'fetch my slipper' filling their ears once again!

Corrine left the room and opened the cupboard returning with the huge size twelve cradled in her small hands.

Dan stood up and she offered him the plimsoll, which he took and flexed between his huge fingers. "Bend over and touch your toes, Corrine," he commanded.

She obeyed and stretched forward with her bottom towards her two friends and adopted a pose they hadn't seen for a few years, her skirt riding up the back of her legs to mid thigh displaying her stocking tops. Her head sank low and her fingers touched the tips of her highly polished shoes.

Dan positioned himself behind her and gently swatted the back of her skirt as he determined his stroke length then engaged his back-swing and connected the huge sole of the slipper to her skirted bottom. She gave out a low murmur in recognition of the contact and remained bent over for the next, which arrived almost immediately. Dan repeated the strokes again on each side of her bottom then reached for the hem of her skirt lifting it clear of her cheeks and up over her back. She was wearing white cotton regulation knickers and suspenders in black, stretching down to the wide welt of her stockings. The redness of her cheeks flushed from around the crisp edge of her knickers where Dan had laid his slipper.

Once more he tapped her bottom gently before administering the first of four strokes to her knickers. "Yeeeooow!" came the response as the smooth sole bounced off her thin pants rapidly from one cheek to the other. It was all she could do to stay bent over as Dan finished her second batch of four slaps, the sound echoing around the room.

Phillipa crossed her legs and tugged at the hem of her skirt nervously as her turn approached and Judy watched mesmerised as Dan expertly slippered her friend's ever reddening bottom.

"Knickers down, Corrine," he commanded. Judy and Phillipa's faces reddened at the strict tone of his command.

Corrine's fingers left her toes and slid up her rod-straight legs to the waistband of her knickers and slowly peeled them down over her crimson red mounds, briefly snagging against the studs on her stockings before letting them hug her knees. She reached back to her toes and both girls and Dan stared at her bared red bottom in awe. The crisp sound of rubber against bare skin as he tapped each cheek in turn gave way to a rifle-shot like crack as he spanked the slipper against her bare rear. She howled like a banshee and both hands appeared across her flaming backside, rubbing it fiercely to evaporate some of the heat he had lit across her.

He flicked the slipper gently against her fingers. "Touch your toes girl," he barked. She obeyed instantly and Dan resumed her spanking. Another shriek indicated the second of her bare bottom strokes and Dan reached for the back of her neck to hold her over whilst he applied the slipper for the final two. She sprang to her feet like a gazelle the instant he released his grip on the back of her head and massaged her throbbing bottom eagerly whilst dancing from foot to foot in front of her two friends.

Dan turned to face the two girls still seated, Corrine was busy rubbing her sore bottom. "I should explain that if Corrine had jumped up during her slippering she would have been awarded extra punishment, what I refer to as a 'cheek to cheek spanking'." He turned to face his girlfriend who was still busy attending her rear end. "Perhaps a short demonstration is required Corrine."

The hapless girl looked at him as she too recognised the need for some clarification before the other two bent over for their punishment. She weaved her hips trying to get her knickers up without touching her bottom then smoothed down her skirt.

Dan handed back the slipper to Corrine. "Take this back my girl," he ordered. "I won't need it for just a while," then seated himself back in his sturdy chair as his girlfriend scurried off to replace the slipper on the back of the cupboard door. As she returned she was met with another order. "Skirt and knickers off young lady," he barked.

Corrine had hardly got her pants up from her bare bottomed punishment. Her hands left her throbbing bottom and fumbled with the waist buttons then unzipped her skirt. It sagged from her slim figure and she smartly stepped out of it and let it drop to the floor beside her. Down came her cotton knickers and after a bit of a struggle to get them over her clumpy shoes, discarded them on top of her fallen skirt. Her blouse did nothing to conceal her wispy patch of pubic hair nestling just above her entrance, her nakedness impossible to hide.

Her two friends watched in amazement as she then turned to Dan who by now had spread his legs wide. She stood between them briefly whilst the still seated man reached forward and encircled an arm around the girl's legs just below her scarlet bottom and hoisted her upwards tilting her forwards. Corrine went over his left shoulder, her head sinking behind him as her bottom reared up and nestled against the side of Dan's face. Now they could see why he called it his 'cheek to cheek' spanking! Her legs were long and taut as she struggled to keep her toes on the floor but Dan had his left hand still clamped around her legs just below her stocking tops. His other hand swung back and arrived with a 'SPATTT!' against the cheek furthest from his face followed quickly by another on her other cheek. Corrine howled as his hand-prints first left a white mark which quickly coloured up to match the rest of her bright red orbs. Dan's hand spanked her about eight times before lifting her from his shoulder back to her feet. Her hands returning to the busy task of fanning her tail!

"I think we'll have a short break," Dan announced.

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"Before Phillipa gets her punishment."

Phillipa's stomach sank like a lead balloon at the realisation that her time had almost arrived.

After coffee Dan placed down his cup and looked directly at his next pupil. "Come here Phillipa." She rose from her chair and stood beside Dan. His hand snaked around her waist and settled on her bottom, patting it gently over her skirt. "How many strokes do you deserve my girl?" he asked.

The girl looked sheepish at being treated like a schoolgirl and replied in a squeaky, barely audible voice. "Six sir." She felt her face warming up, probably as red as Corrine’s spanked bottom.

The other two groaned. "Typical," Judy retorted.

"Silence girl," Dan barked. Judy sat to attention. "Another outburst like that young lady and you'll be over my knee for a spanking before your slippering. Do you understand?"

Now Judy's voice was squeaky. "Yes sir."

He turned his attention back to Phillipa now standing with her hands clasped to the front of her skirt. "You realise my girl that you will receive six of the best over your skirt."

"Yes sir," she squeaked again.

"Very well," he agreed. "Fetch my slipper."

She left the room to collect the slipper from the back of the cupboard door. It was only a short distance but seemed like miles as she returned with the huge plimsoll cradled in her hands. Suddenly she was back in the classroom making the walk of shame between the desks having been sent to the School Hall to fetch the dreaded slipper… she handed it to Dan who was now standing waiting for her.

"Bend over and touch your toes," he commanded. Phillipa bent forward and stretched her arms down to meet her shiny shoes. "Legs straight my girl," he observed. "Head well down Phillipa and bottom up," he insisted, patting the back of her skirt with the slipper.

She obeyed him without uttering a word, feeling awkward in her bending position. A position she hadn't adopted since Magee had last tanned her with his slipper a few years ago now.

As with Corrine her skirt rode up to flash the tops of her stockings as she touched her toes. Dan measured the slipper against her bottom and whacked it hard across the seat of her pleated skirt. Phillipa squealed but remained bending fearing a 'cheek to cheek' bare bottomed appointment. Dan whacked her again in exactly the same spot before moving over to her other cheek and swatting her again. She was half way through and whimpering like a baby. The fourth made her wince and she almost jumped to her feet. Dan held the back of her neck and quickly disposed of the last two, one on each cheek before allowing her to stand. The girl rubbed her skirt vigorously before sliding her hands up to rub gently over her hot knickers to dispel the heat before being dismissed to replace the slipper on the hook in the cupboard.

Judy was on her feet before Phillipa had sat down. She was hot and moist below and almost panting in expectation of her spanking. "Twelve please sir," she said before being asked.

Corrine had given Dan a full briefing before the two girls had arrived and knew that Judy was eager for a good spanking. He sat down and beckoned her to him. "I've decided to punish you for your outburst earlier," he said. "Come here girl," he ordered. Judy flushed with surprise and shuffled slowly over to his side, her eyes wide and unblinking as Dan patted his leg. "Over my knee!"

Judy looked into his lap and noticed the huge bulge in the front of his trousers before leaning forward, Dan took over and pulled her across his knee. Up went the back of her skirt and Dan's cock lurched to full attention as he noticed how pretty Judy was, although the same age as Corrine her legs were much shapelier and her breasts almost twice the size. Dan began to swat her white knickers with his open hand, Judy squirmed on his lap gently massaging his bulky manhood beneath her as he spanked her bottom rapidly.

Judy's wide black suspender belts stretched taut beneath each side of her knickers gripping the dark tan welt of her stockings firmly as her bottom bounced gracefully under his palm. He put her back to her feet and her school skirt dropped back into place.

"Right my girl," he began. "How many strokes do you deserve?"

"Twelve Sir," she said without hesitation.

Even Corrine was surprised by her opting for the full amount after having just had a good spanking. Phillipa blushed for her meagre effort.

"Fetch my slipper girl," he ordered and Judy trotted off to the cupboard, returning with his huge plimsoll in her small hands and stood before him waiting his order, her ample breasts heaving beneath her bottle green blazer. He suddenly realised he was going to have her knickers down and almost shot his load at the prospect of spanking another woman’s bare bottom!

He stood up to receive the slipper and ordered her to bend over and touch her toes, which she did without question. Judy's head sank down below her waist as she reached for the tips of her black shoes just as her friends had before her, her shapely bottom rearing up for his attention, her green skirt stretching tightly across her hips. She had long hair, which she had sensibly gathered into a ponytail, now dangling helplessly towards the floor. Dan placed the huge slipper against her skirt and she straightened her legs in anticipation.

'SWATT! SWATT!' Dan flicked his wrist and delivered a resounding whack across each cheek in turn, her skirt rucked as it absorbed the strokes and she let our a husky 'ooooow!'

The other two girls huddled closely together on the leather sofa, Corrine still minus her skirt and knickers, which lay where she had left them, her bare bottom taking 'comfort' from the cool of the leather. She looked good in just her stockings and shoes Dan thought but a little odd in the blazer still buttoned up over her blouse. Phillipa huddled against her having only had a mild tanning across her derriere but her skirt was awry and he could see her stocking tops. His manhood was fully erect and obvious!

'SWATT! SWATT!' He whipped his slipper twice more across the seat of Judy's skirt and reached down for its hem, lifting it clear of her bottom and pulling it high up her back. Judy let out an expectant 'oooh!' as her underwear went on show. Dan tapped his slipper against her white knickers and drew back for the second part of her spanking.

'SLAPP! SLAPP!' went his plimsoll and 'Ooooow! Yeeoooow!' went Judy as the impact of the smooth rubber sole transferred its heat through the thin cotton of her pants. He gave her two more, bouncing his slipper expertly across the tightly stretched material and then gave her permission to stand.

Judy's skirt dropped back into place as she straightened up, her hands seeking her rear end as she looked Dan directly in the eye. She could feel the hard nubs of her nipples ripe with excitement against her tight bra and her womanhood, moist and hot inside her knickers. Both Corrine and Phillipa could sense Judy's sexual arousal as she stood before her ‘Headmaster’, inciting him to spank her hard.

"Right my girl," Dan said bringing her to attention. "Knickers down!"

Without hesitation Judy slid her hands up each side of her skirt and wriggled her hips as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her underwear and began to pull them down. Dan and the two girls watched intently as she slowly pulled them down, the little white cotton garment appearing beneath the hem of her skirt and over her knees before dropping into a little pool around her shoes. Without waiting for any further order she turned her bottom towards Dan and bent over reaching for the puddle of her knickers.

Dan lifted her skirt and exposed her bare bottom, both cheeks blotched red from her spanking, she instinctively tightened her cheeks, partly in preparation for her next four strokes and partly to prevent him seeing her pouting womanhood.

'SPATT! SPATT!' Dan bounced the rubber sole hard against her mounds and all composure vanished as Judy squealed and jumped to her feet with both hands clamped firmly to her bottom.

She was still doing an impressive ‘spanky dance’ as Dan shook his head. "Two more of the slipper then it’s a 'cheek to cheek' for you my girl."

Corrine shrieked with surprise and actually clapped her hands in delight at the prospect of her man giving Judy 'an over his shoulder' spanking. Judy's backside was like an oven but she wasn't stupid, she knew what the consequences of jumping up half way through would be, that’s why she did it!

"Bend over," he insisted. Judy retook her position and waited for him to lift her skirt. This time she didn't tighten her cheeks and treated him to a display of her glistening sex peeping from the top of her long legs.

'SPATT! SPATT!' He delivered her last two strokes of the slipper and watched her crimson orbs bobble as they absorbed them. His cock was bursting to be released and seemed to direct itself towards her pouting entrance.

That wasn't the end of it for Judy. She had one of his special 'cheek to cheek' spankings to come. "Take off your skirt and knickers," he told the still panting girl. Corrine watched as her friend unzipped her school skirt and slid it down her legs, stepping out of her already dropped knickers before looping the pleated skirt from around her shoes.

Dan watched as Judy unsheathed her magnificent legs, dropping both skirt and knickers on top of Corrine's before standing before him in just her stockings and suspenders, her blazer still buttoned up over her gold blouse and school tie. He sat down and beckoned her to him and she shuffled towards him, her tan coloured stockings contrasting with the almost white skin above the welt, the vee of her pubic patch wispy and fair. Dan ogled her treasures with eager eyes then flicked to Corrine, her hand between her legs teasing her rosebud, his cock was ready to enjoy her assets the minute the two girls had gone!

As with Corrine before her he had parted his knees and pulled her close to him before tilting her across his left shoulder, her blistered orbs next to his face. Her feminine scent blended with her perfume entering his nostrils from such close quarters and again his cock stood fully to attention.

Corrine and Phillipa both squirmed on the sofa as they saw Judy's head sink down his back, her scarlet cheeks perched high on his shoulder, her long legs clamped with his left arm just below her stocking tops. 'SMACKK! SMACKK! SMACKK! SMACKK!'

Dan's hand whipped her bare bottom rapidly forcing Judy's feet to take to the air and dance from her pivoted position. Corrine's own bare bottom tingled at her recollection of being in the same position and knew exactly how hot her friends backside was getting. It felt strange to see how she must look when bent over her man's shoulder, her pussy glowed hot with excitement and her finger continued to tease her bud.

Dan's hand was huge, so large in fact that he could span both her cheeks with each spank. He slapped Judy's bare bottom hard and fast until he felt she had had enough and allowed her to regain her footing, her hands immediately went to her tender rear ignoring the superb view of her pussy she was giving him.

"Go and sit next to Corrine," Dan decreed. "Phillipa, you will come here," he barked.

Phillipa looked shocked but began to rise from the sofa.

She was about to say something but he spoke first. "I have decided to spank you again," he said sternly. "You will take off your skirt and knickers and come here."

"But I haven't…" she began.

"Don't argue, come here girl."

"Go on Pippa," Judy goaded. "Yes, do as he says," said Corrine.

Phillipa stood up knowing that her friends would insist on it and moved to just in front of Dan who was still sitting.

"Well?" he asked. "What are you waiting for?"

Phillipa knew when she was outnumbered and actually felt excited at the prospect of stripping for him, she unzipped her skirt and dropped it before kicking it off her feet onto the growing pile. Her white cotton knickers were much larger than the other two girls, almost like gym shorts and her suspenders stretched from beneath the short distance to her stocking tops.

Dan gave her a determined look and she hooked her fingers into the elastic and pulled them down to her knees. "Take them right off," he insisted. She dropped them to the floor and pulled them from around her shoes, depositing them on the top of her crumpled skirt. Without further delay he reached forward and looped his arm around her waist and pulled her up to his front, tipped her forward and perched her squarely across his shoulder. Her bared bottom reared up to the obvious delight of the other two girls and Dan prepared her for a good spanking. Her cheeks were little more than pink tinged after her paltry six over her skirt, he was about to redress that balance!

His hand moved rapidly from one cheek to the other and back again… her slender body wiggling like an eel over his shoulder. Both Corrine and Judy were mesmerised, the sharp sound of his palm against her peach like skin and her squeals music to their ears!

Sliding her from his shoulder Phillipa hugged her bottom, pushing back against her hands and wiggling her hips, her pubic mound on full display, her eyes fixed on the massive bulge in his trousers!


Corrine moaned in deep satisfaction. Her two friends had gone home and her man, excited from spanking the three girls had just slid his throbbing cock between her widely spread legs. Her hot bottom squirmed against the mattress as Dan hovered over her supported on his arms each side of her head, penetrating her deep inside. She snaked her hands around him and held on, clamping her pussy around his hard cock…

“Hmmmm Danny Magee… you know how to use that old slipper much better than your Dad ever did… aaaahhhhhrrrrrggggg! I’m glad you found it and brought it to me… aahhhhhhhhh… ohhhh… ohhh gosh… I can tell you enjoyed spanking Judy and Pippa… aaaahhhhhhhhgggggghhhh…”

Dan pumped his hot load into her with a force she had never experienced before and climaxed herself at the same time. She knew he had to spank her friends again. But would she reveal her little secret!

Written by NikkiP
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