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Sally's Revenge - Chapter 3

"Sally spanks the woman who witnessed her being disciplined by her ex-headmistress"

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Chapter Three


It was exactly at 12:30 PM when Angie Brown walked into the shop. She tried to look like any of other shopper although inside was feeling quite tense.

Sally heard the jingling as the door opened, looked up, and saw Angie coming in. She thought she looked even more attractive than she had done yesterday. Her dark brown hair was too brown for it to be natural, Sally knew. It didn't really matter to her. She liked the dress that that she was wearing. A sleeveless floral patterned dress with a hem two thirds down her thigh. Sally thought she looked quite eye-catching for a 52-year-old.

Angie was focusing on the clothes but was also looking around the shop. She saw Sally serving a customer at the till. She was just as she remembered her. Flowing blond hair, in a short-sleeved pink and white top, and a white skirt.

When Sally completed the sale she came out from behind the counter as the customer walked towards the door and left the shop. Sally went up to the door and looked out before turning and walking up to Angie.

Sally asked in a stern voice, "Did you bring the bra with you, Angie?"

Angie looked around the shop nervously although already knew that only she and Sally were in there. She opened the bag and pulled out the bra.

Sally looked at the packaging and realised that it had been opened. Although she wouldn't be able to sell it again she decided that Angie being here was enough compensation.

Sally looked sternly at Angie and said, "Although I clearly got rushed out of the Headmistresses Study, it is normal for any girl who is caned to have to stand facing the wall for ten minutes. The Headmistress would get on with her work but the girl would have to stand there with her nose pressed against the wall, her hands folded behind back, and the hem of her dress well above the waist so her red bottom is on view. I have called you here today because I want you to suffer that same humiliation. The only difference is that you will be in one of the changing rooms so although you will hear other customers they are unlikely to actually see you."

Angie had not been sure why she was had been called to the shop. It was now perhaps a bit clearer. She supposed she didn't really mind doing corner time for ten minutes although wasn't happy that there was even a small chance that a customer could come in. However, she wasn’t going to argue.

Sally thought for a moment and added, "As you will be alone in the cubicle I want you to be fully naked. That will be more humiliation for you. There is a full-length mirror on three sides of the cubicle and so you can expect me to come in fairly often. Just make sure you do not finger yourself."

Angie swallowed hard at having to be naked. Still, having a mirror on three sides and her naked sounded quite sexy particularly if Miss Sally was going to keep coming into the changing room. She asked, "What will happen after ten minutes, Miss Sally?"

Sally smirked. "Oh the ten-minute rule is at school. I will be closing the shop at 1 o'clock and you will be standing in the cubicle fully naked with your nose pressed against the mirror for the full thirty minutes.

Angie she was rather less happy about half an hour. Surely one of the other customers was bound to come in to her cubicle in that amount of time. Still, she had told herself she had to obey Miss Sally. Indeed, she wanted to obey her because she liked the way she dealt with her yesterday and felt that she was a particularly strict lady. Indeed, the lady she decided last night whilst masturbating that she would like to get to know much better in a very intimate way.

Sally took Angie by the upper arm and led her towards the back of the shop. She opened the curtain to one of the cubicles and motioned for Angie to go inside.

Angie saw the three sided mirror inside.

Sally ordered, "Please get undressed, Angie. I will put your clothes in the stock room at the back of the shop." Sally then closed the curtain.

Once alone in the cubicle Angie unzipped her dress and pushed it down to the floor stepping out of it and putting it on the seat. She unzipped her bra and put that on top of her dress. Finally, she stepped out of her knickers.

Sally had been standing outside the cubicle as there were still no customers in the shop. She could tell that Angie had finished undressing and pulled the curtain open. She enjoyed seeing the shocked look on Angie's face. "I will take the clothes please," Sally ordered.

Angie was feeling more unsettled now that she was naked. She scooped up her clothes and handed them to Miss Sally.

Sally took the clothes and then ordered, "Now face the back wall and press your nose against the mirror, and fold your arms behind your back. Whatever you do you must under no circumstances finger yourself when in the cubicle. I will be very very annoyed if you do. Understood, Angie?”

“Oh yes, Miss Sally. I won’t finger myself unless you say I can. Ever.”

Sally was satisfied. “Okay. So get undressed.”

Angie did as she was told pressing her nose against the mirror and expected the curtain to be closed again.

Sally still realised there were no new customers in the shop. She therefore went and stood behind Angie and put her hand on her red bottom. She leaned in close and whispered into Angie’s ear, "I can see the cane marks are still there although less raised. However, your bottom is not very red. As the shop is still empty I will give you some spanks to redden your bottom cheeks.”

Angie scrunched up get face as Sally held her arm and landed the first spank on her bare bottom. She looked at Sally in the mirror as she continued to spank alternate bottom cheeks time and again.

The sound of the door opening was heard and Sally immediately stopped the spanks. She whispered to Angie, "I'll be back when she has gone."

Angie saw the curtain whisked shut and heard Sally welcome the customer. Mrs Edwards was her name and she wanted to try on some bras. Angie squirmed at the memory of how that was what she was looking for yesterday.

Sally helped Mrs Edwards find a small selection of bras and pointed her towards the changing rooms. "Not that one, Mrs Edwards. I use that one to discipline her naughty customers," she said with a laugh.

Angie held her breath not knowing whether the curtain would be opened again and she would be seen in all her naked glory together with her reddened bottom. However, Mrs Edwards laughed at what she believed to be a joke and went into the adjoining cubicle.

It still wasn't too comfortable for Angie having someone so close to her, but at least she was still alone in her cubicle. However, after a while she actually got more and more aroused thinking that if a customer did come in and saw her red bottom she would be humiliated which, after all, is just what happens to her when she was turned across a woman’s lap and spanked. She started to imagine what would happen if someone did come in. The other woman would no doubt be very embarrassed and she imagined that to prove her point Miss Sally would have to give her a long and hard spanking in front of the customer. She could feel her pussy getting very excited at the thought.

Mrs Edwards took quite a while to try on the bras. While she was in there another customer came into the shop and she heard Sally talking to her as well. Luckily, the time flew by and Angie heard both customers paying for their purchases and leaving the shop.

The curtain was thrown back and a stern looking Sally walked up and stood right behind Angie. She gave her a hard smack on both bottom cheeks.

Sally was looking at Angie through the mirror and made a particularly embarrassing observation. "Your nipples look as though they are particularly taut Angie. I rather think you are extremely turned on by having stood here for so long in the nude."


Angie blushed as she agreed " It was so scary and exciting at the same time. If your customer had opened the curtain she would have been so shocked I am sure it would have been humiliating for me but I think it is the humiliation that partly turns me on. The pain as well of course."

Sally smirked. "Well I asked you here to give you the rest of your punishment. The shop is now closed for the rest of the day and so we will be going upstairs to the flat which is up there. I will spank you again. I don't have a cane but I do have a very heavy wooden backed hairbrush which I will be using on you. So come with me. Your clothes will stay down here."

Sally grabbed Angie by the arm and led her to the back of the shop and into a corridor that led to a staircase.

Angie felt again like a naughty child being led by her parent to be punished. She still liked the feeling and it sent more flutters flying around her pussy even though Sally was squeezing her arm quite tightly. She certainly thought Sally was the strictest women she had ever met. Even more so than Mrs Jones.

They reached the top of the stairs and Sally unlocked the door to the flat. She pointed to the living room door and let go of Angie who walked into the room.

The room was a through living room so with living room furniture at one end and a dining table at the other.

Sally sat in one of the armchairs and ordered, "You will make us both a cup of tea. The kitchen is through there," Sally added pointing towards another door.

Angie went into the kitchen and quickly filled the kettle. She switched it on and stood waiting for the water to boil. She was standing by the window which was at the front of the shop. She looked out and saw a throng of late shoppers going to the shops that were still open. She noticed some people looking up at her. It took a few moments before she realised that they could see her through the window as she stood there naked. She quickly covered her breasts but noticed some of the passers-by looking up and smirking. She felt even more humiliated but supposed it was her own fault for forgetting that she was naked. She had got too used to it, she supposed.

The kettle boiled and Angie poured out two cups of tea. She took both into the living room and handed a cup to Sally.

Sally ordered, "You will remain standing as you have been so naughty."

Once again Angie liked the way that Sally was being so strict with her. She was sure that if Sally was her mother she would never have let it get away with a single thing.

Sally looked up at Angie and said, "Once we have finished our tea you will be going back across my lap for a very long and very hard spanking. I will first of all use my hand then for a very long time use the heavy wooden backed hairbrush I told you about. Although each spank will not hurt as much as a cane stroke, by the time I am finished you will be telling me that you will never ever ever again steal anything. I think you will need this spanking to finally teach you a lesson about stealing."

Angie knew the cane strokes were still showing from yesterday's punishment and a second spanking would be stingier. However, she fully accepted that Sally was in control and knew best. She also thought how beautiful Sally looked with such a pretty face even when she glared at her although she was sure that she was just as pretty when smiling.

As she stood there still in the nude Angie was getting more and more turned on at the imminence of the spanking. She was looking forward to having another close-up view of Sally’s slim well-toned legs and having the feel of her bare tummy across Sally's bare thighs.

Sally was enjoying looking at the naked Angie. She was actually quite a sight. It didn't worry her that she was fifty-two-years-old and that she was just nineteen-years-old. After all, it hardly mattered what the respective ages are of the person giving the spanking and the person being spanked. What was important was that it was needed and, in this case, Sally knew that Angie definitely needed another long and hard spanking to get home the seriousness of the crime she had committed. It might just have been one bra this time but who was to say that she would not, next time, steal something much more valuable and be caught and taken to the police? Sally saw that she had a responsibility to try to make sure that and Angie learnt her lesson and never stole anything again. At the same time, the fact that Sally found Angie attractive and was turned on by her just by looking at her was an added bonus.

Sally finished her tea and saw that Angie had as well. She ordered, “Take the cups into the kitchen and wash them and put them on the draining board. When you come back you will go over to the side board and get the wooden banked hairbrush and bring it over to me. Go now."

Angie took Sally’s cup and walked into the kitchen. As she stood by the sink she was more careful this time and pulled the curtains closed first. She then washed up both cups and placed them on the draining board. She took a deep breath as she knew that within moments she was going to go back across her beloved Sally's lap. She so wanted to masturbate as she was so turned on but knew that if she did Sally would hear her and no doubt give her an even harsher penalty. Anyway, she didn't want to disobey Sally so obviously. She would have time enough to masturbate when she got home later on.

Angie went back into the living room and, as instructed, went and picked up the wooden backed hairbrush. As she lifted it she realised it was particularly heavy and would be extremely stingy when used on her bare bottom. Even so she went back and stood in front of Sally and handed the hairbrush to her.

Sally took the hairbrush and looked up at Angie and noticed that her nipples were still taut, and probably more so than when she was downstairs in front of the mirror. She knew that meant that Angie was turned on even more by the thought of being spanked. Sally reckoned that as she had already given Angie finger sex last time, she felt that she was able to lean forward and run her fingers along Angie's pussy lips just to see if she was damp. She leaned forward slightly and saw the look of surprise on Angie's face but  she stayed still and licked her lips in anticipation of Sally fingering her pussy lips.

Sally ran her fingers along Angie’s pussy lips and saw that indeed they were very damp. She looked up at Angie and asked, "Tell me, Angie. When you were alone in the cubicle did you finger yourself?"

Angie swallowed hard at the direct question. She knew that she had and didn't want to lie to Miss Sally. So she replied honestly, "I did Miss Sally but I did not come. I didn't dare come as there was a customer most of the time in the next door cubicle."

Sally knew that was likely to be true. "Okay, Angie, I do believe you and I can see that you are well turned on now. I can't decide whether to let you come before I spank you."

Angie replied quickly and honestly, "Please do let me come, Miss Sally. I really need to.

Sally thought for a moment and asked, "I was thinking of giving you thirty spanks with the hairbrush after my hand spanking. How many more should I give you if I let you come before your spanking?"

Angie wasn't sure how to reply. The hairbrush looked particularly heavy and was going to really hurt. Thirty spanks with it sounded an awful lot already. On the other hand, she really did want to come before and spanking. Angie tried, "Can I come if you give me an additional ten spanks with the hairbrush, Miss Sally?"

Sally decided to continue to be awkward, much as a teacher or parent would be when wanting to teach a naughty child a lesson.

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"Show me how are fingered yourself in front of the mirror, Angie," Sally asked sternly. She added, "After all, I told specifically not to touch yourself.”

Angie remembered the instruction and also accepted that she had disobeyed Miss Sally So, feeling again like the naughty girl that she was, she put a hand in front of herself and showed Miss sally how she had touched herself, although carefully made sure that her fingers did not actually run along her pussy lips.

Sally saw that and Angie’s fingers were away from her pussy lips. She therefore ordered, "I very much doubt you did it like that when in front of the mirror. I am sure that your fingers actually ran along your pussy lips. Do as I have asked you. You are making me very cross.”

Angie realised her mistake. She knew that she had been silly to try to play games with Miss Sally. She was far too strict and attentive to fall for such a silly ruse. So she ran her fingers along her pussy lips and as she did she could feel herself getting quite quickly close to an orgasm.

Sally could see from the look on Angie’s face and the way her breathing changed that she was fingering herself properly and from the look on Angie’s face and the way her breathing changed knew that she was bringing herself to an organism. "Stop,” Sally ordered.

Angie was shocked by the instruction but did as she was told. However, she was so close to me orgasm now and wasn't sure whether she could stop it. She forced herself a best she could.

Sally asked, "Tell me again, Angie. How many extra spanks of the hairbrush should I give you if I let you come before your spanking?"

Angie was getting more and more desperate. "I think twenty extra spanks, Miss Sally."

Sally waited a few moments knowing that it would increase the tension for Angie. She could see that her fingers were still resting on her pussy lips and was pleased that she had not tried to lift them away. Of course it would have helped Angie to have taken a finger away but it showed that she was trying to do exactly what she was being told. Sally saw that Angie was desperately trying to avoid reaching her orgasm. After those few moments, Sally said decisively, "I think it will be an extra thirty spanks with the hairbrush."

Angie knew that the decision was now hers. She could either come straight away and take the additional thirty spanks, or she could have the spanking first. However, she knew that she was too far gone and replied, "Yes, Miss Sally. I will take the thirty extra spanks. May I please come now?"

Sally thought it only fair not to leave Angie hanging any longer. "Yes, Angie. You may come."

Angie was truly relieved and pressed down more firmly onto her pussy lips running her fingers up and down and edging them inside. She was masturbating while standing and soon realised her eyes were closed as she was bringing herself closer and closer to her orgasm. As she came she let out a series of erotic sighs and gasps and then exploded into a truly memorable orgasm. She realised that as she had been kept hanging for so long by Miss Sally that in fact it only increased her arousal. She had come with such a powerful orgasm that it took longer than usual for her to recover afterwards from her masturbation.

Sally had enjoyed watching Angie masturbate. The control that she exercised over Angie had also made her aroused. However, she knew that she could not masturbate herself just then. The focus had to be to discipline Angie but she knew there would be plenty of time afterwards once Angie had had gone to satisfy her own now highly erotic feelings.

When Sally was happy that Angie had recovered she made a point of shuffling her skirt right up to the top of her thighs so that Angie would be lying across her bare thighs. She then ordered, "Now get across my lap, Angie."

Angie had almost recovered from her orgasm as she eased herself across Sally's lap. Once again she lowered her full weight across Sally's lap. She so loved the feel of her bare tummy across Sally's bare thighs. The feel of Sally’s hand rubbing her bottom started to make her aroused again even though she knew that the spanking she was about to get was more than likely going to reduce her to tears very quickly.

Sally got the same thrill that she got before by having Angie across her lap. She now had the experience of having given her first spanking and was determined to make sure that this spanking was an even more forceful lesson. As she rubbed Angie’s bottom she could still feel the slightly raised wheals from the caning she gave her yesterday. She knew that she would not give Angie the cane today but was equally determined to make sure that the hairbrush spanking more than made up for that. She wasn't going to make it painful for the sake of the pain though. She really did want to teach Angie a lesson for stealing the bra and to give her the incentive not to steal again. Of course she had not yet worked out what that incentive should be.

Sally rubbed Angie’s bottom in circles before raising her hand and bringing her open palm down on Angie's bottom cheek. She liked the way that Angie’s bottom cheek reacted to her hand by cascading around and happily landed spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks for several minutes following the same pattern as yesterday. She happily returned Angie’s bottom to the same redness that she had achieved yesterday before changing to spanking the same bottom cheek time and again. She delighted in the way that Angie was beginning to squirm around showing that she was finding the spanking just as difficult to deal with as yesterday.

Angie had become quite relaxed as Sally had rubbed her bottom in circles. However, she now knew that Sally could spank very hard indeed and that the relaxation she was now feeling was very quickly going to turn into a more pain ridden experience. As she lay there she once again told herself that she must not steal and that Sally was teaching her a very valuable lesson. She certainly didn't hold it against Sally just she felt she would not be holding it against her mother or teacher if one of them were teaching her this same lesson.

Once the spanking started Angie quite quickly reacted to the increasingly intense stinging caused by each spank. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes which in fact she welcomed. She so wanted to learn her lesson and knew that Sally was teaching her well. She wasn't holding back and neither did Angie want her to.

Once Sally had turned Angie’s cheeks bright red she focused on the backs of the legs.

Just like yesterday, Angie cried out louder and louder as the stinging spanks landed on the legs.

Sally enjoyed listening to those increasingly loud gasps and grunts and knew that each one was enforcing the lesson that she was teaching.

Angie struggled even more with the spanks to the backs of her legs and tears were quickly flowing down her face.

Sally was satisfied with the way Angie she was now crying. She landed the last few spanks on the back of each leg with a particular flourish before turning and lifting up the wooden backed hairbrush. She turned back to Angie's bottom and tapped each bottom cheek once by way of a warning Angie she was about to use the hairbrush.

Angie felt the two light taps and readied herself for what she knew would be a very painful part of her discipline spanking. As the first spank landed she knew that she had been correct because she cried out throwing her head back before settling down again with her head close to the floor. As the spanks continued to land on alternate bottom cheeks she didn't react quite as badly as she did to that first spank but the stinging certainly intensified very quickly. She squirmed around on Sally's lap and kicked her legs uncontrollably. The spanking with the hairbrush was certainly hurting her much more than the cane had done so she now knew to fear the hairbrush just as much as she did the cane.

Sally continued to land each spank with a hairbrush with a flourish. She was certainly pleased with the reaction she was getting from Angie and could see the benefits of using a hairbrush. After all, she could carry the hairbrush around in her handbag for instant use almost anywhere whereas using a cane was much more restrictive. It wouldn't fit into her handbag for sure. She even smiled to herself at the thought that she could have Angie carry the hairbrush in her handbag and if she were naughty she could demand Angie hand over the hairbrush for her spanking. However, she didn't know if she would ever get to spank Angie again.

Sally had counted the spanks and knew that she had just five more for each bottom cheek. She focused and made the spanks harder and harder finishing with a flourish. Those last few spanks brought the loudest gasps and grunts and cries from Angie who continued to squirm around on her lap and kick her legs. Once the spanks had finished Sally looked at the back of Angie’s head and could see that she was crying uncontrollably and tears were not just running down her face but were dribbling onto the carpet.

Angie couldn't stop crying even after the spanks had stopped. She wasn't surprised of course because the spanking had been so hard. As she lay there crying she once again told herself that she must never steal again.

Sally rubbed Angie’s hot bottom and the backs of her legs and when she saw that she once again parted her legs and raised her bottom she knew that she wanted to be fingered. Sally was happy that she had taught Angie a good enough lesson and therefore saw no reason to hold back. So she ran her fingers along Angie’s wet again pussy lips and heard her gasps get louder and louder and as she edged her fingers inside her pussy and found her clit once again Sally brought her to yet another orgasm.

Angie was still crying even as Sally’s fingers edged into her pussy. However, she was so turned on not just because of the spanking but because of the respect and love that she had for Sally. It may well have been a very hard lesson but as she lay across Sally's lap she knew that she had found someone who understood her well enough not to hold back when she needed to be punished. She wondered whether Sally understood the feelings she now had for her. She hoped so.

Sally could see that Angie was coming down after her orgasm. She ordered, "You can now get up, Angie. You can face the wall and press your nose right into the corner until I call you away. This is your chance to think through everything that you have done wrong and to make sure that you do not do it ever again.”

Angie eased herself up from Sally’s lap and went and pressed her nose right into the corner of the wall. She made sure that her arms were folded behind her back because she did not want to rub her bottom before Sally gave her permission to. Equally, she didn't think it right that she ask for permission yet because she was still under punishment. As she had her nose pressed into the corner, she did exactly as Sally had ordered. She told herself that she would never again steal, but if she did she would own up to Sally and get her to give her an even harder spanking next time.

Sally watched as Angie she kept her nose pressed into the corner with her glistening red bottom on show. She was getting more and more aroused as she looked at Angie. So what that she was fifty-two-years-old. She needed discipline and who better to give it to her. When Angie was good she would give her love as well. In fact, giving her the discipline was also a show of love, she told herself.

Now that the punishment was over, Sally started to think about how to sort out her own arousal. Suddenly it all made sense. She started to undress as she continued to look at Angie. She placed her top on the bed and stepping out of her skirt placed it on top of the dress. Finally, she stepped out of her knickers and put them on top of her other clothes. She was getting more and more aroused and ran her finger along her pussy lips and saw that she was already damp.

Feeling more and more aroused, she walked over and stood behind Angie. She ran her hands between Angie and the wall and caressed both of her breasts, feeling both nipples still to be taut, just as her own were. She whispered into Angie’s ear, "You can now come away from the wall, Angie."

As Angie turned around she still felt just like a naughty little girl about to face her mother after her spanking. As she turned she burst into tears again and said, "I am so sorry Miss Sally. I won't ever steal again."

Sally smiled and, leaning forward, gave Angie a kiss on her lips. She said, "Well now that we have taught you your lesson, I need you to help me."

Angie was still sniffing back her tears as she replied, "What help would you like Miss Sally? I will do anything for you."

Sally smiled again. “Well if you ran your fingers along my pussy lips you would see that I am very aroused. I need you to help me with that. I need you to show me how to give tongue sex."

Angie’s eyes were starting to clear. It was only now that she realised that Sally was naked. She gasped with delight. She looked down and saw Angie’s beautifully pert breasts and saw that her nipples were just as taut as her own. She realised that all of the things that she had thought about Sally such as her being so strict may be feelings that were returned by Sally. Maybe after all she would be able to see Sally again. For now, though, she happily nodded her head and replied, "Let's go to the bed, Miss Sally. I will give you the best sex ever. You have been the best teacher ever and I want to thank you any way that I can."

As Sally sat on the bed and parted her legs, so that her pussy lips were stretched, she asked Angie who was now kissing her inner thighs, "You do know that this type of spanking is a lesson that lasts only for a while. You will most likely soon forget the spanking and may well steal again. Maybe I should come and see you from time to time to remind you?"

Angie looked up and smiled. "You mean come and see me and give me another spanking to remind me not to steal, Miss Sally?"

Sally smiled at Angie. "I mean I should give you another spanking on a regular basis and then we can follow that with the tongue sex you are about to teach me."

Angie replied with a smile, "I would really love that, Miss Sally."

As Angie continued to kiss Sally’s thighs working her way up and then licking and kissing and sucking Sally’s pussy lips, she heard Sally reply between erotic gasps, "So would I."

Sally quickly started to gasp louder and louder as Angie kissed her pussy lips. She was already aroused and when she came she knew it was probably the best orgasm she had ever had.

Afterwards Angie guided Sally up the bed and was soon lying on top of her kissing her lips and cheeks and neck and breasts and her tummy and worked her way back down to her pussy lips. This time though Sally also kissed Angie’s tummy and soon enough her pussy lips. They brought themselves each to another organism.

As they both recovered still kissing the others pussy lips both knew this was something that they wanted to repeat with each other time and again. Both were so very thankful for that incident in the Headmistresses Study.


Written by SusanHarper
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