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Punished For A Car Crash

"Margaret crashes and agrees to be soundly disciplined and more"

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Author's Notes

"My thanks to OldKnight who came up with the idea for the story and much of this story was written by him. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This is written from his perspective and sets out his ideas."


Hi all, I'm Allan and I'm seventy. I'm a little overweight but still in reasonable health and am a dirty old man and pervert!  

Well, some would consider me such.  

Why? Well, because I am continually thinking about sex and daydreaming, fantasising, and wishing about spanking girls' bottoms. Yes, there are few things that turn me on and excite me more than the sight of a lass, her bare bottom bright red and obviously very thoroughly smacked and very, very sore.  

However, I must instantly qualify that by saying only between consenting partners and never anything remotely harsh, brutal, or causing any real damage. I abhor and condemn physical assault of any kind on a woman.  

I am married and have been for twenty-two years. For the last twenty of those years though I have been totally celibate because my wife has no interest in me sexually.  

I have never believed in unfaithfulness in a relationship, but sadly would consider it now, albeit with the right partner. So, I read spanking stories on adult porn sites, like the one you are reading this on, watch spanking videos, and dream, fantasise, and write stories of spankings and sex I would love to witness or be involved in. 

So, having explained that I am going to write a spanking story I will first set down my ideas. I am one of the characters and will write the story from my perspective. In fact, some of this is true, some true but embellished, and some are just my wishes and utter fantasy. However, the ideas make the story. If you really care, you can try to guess which is which.


The story starts with a lady, Margaret, crashing into the back of my BMW. It turned out that she was texting on her phone and not paying attention.  

When we get out of the cars Margaret is very upset. She has forgotten to renew her car insurance and doesn't want the police or my insurance involved.  

Margaret is obviously distraught and as she only lives less than a mile away, I offer to see her home so that we can discuss what to do.  

We get to her place and chat whilst she makes us some cold drinks.  

Margaret is in a summery sleeveless dress and tells me she is in her forties. I see that she has a lovely figure with lots of curves. She is slightly overweight but that only accentuates her curves. She also tells me that she is in a chummy mummy chummy daughter relationship with Carrie, who is nineteen.  

We then get down to discuss the crash and Margaret asks how much the repair would be and I give her an inaccurate and relatively large figure. She blanches and asks why so much. I explain it is a very expensive BMW and they are not cheap to repair. She also does not know that the majority of the damage was caused by someone else and that the car is already booked in for repair to be paid for by their insurance.  

Margaret says she doesn't have that sort of money, so we talk about alternatives and sex obviously comes up.  

I explain to Margaret my fascination with spanking, in particular how I love to see a girl in school uniform having her bare bottom given a very real and genuinely very hard strapping until her bottom is very, VERY red, and obviously very, VERY sore. I explain as well how I find that it's even better if she is crying her little heart out because her bum is so sore. I clearly point out, though, that whilst I love real old-fashioned hidings, I hate cruelty or anything close but just love real, hard, sore discipline. We also talk about me enjoying a partner sexually and involving spanking in it which I hope will reel Margaret in.

It did and Margaret agrees to take regular, real, proper old-fashioned hidings from me with a strap or belt until she is genuinely a very sore, very sorry girl. Then we will go to bed together and make love and Margaret suggests that as the bill will be high our affair should last at least six months and that she should get at least three and maybe four or five good hidings every month starting today.  

So, we go to her bedroom where she undresses to just her bra and knickers and produces a razor strop that she had hidden away in her bedroom cupboard. As she hands it over to me, she confesses this very strap had blistered her bare bottom many, many times by a dominant girlfriend. She quivers as she tells me that it was a devil of a thing, and if used thoroughly, the way I had talked about, would certainly leave her howling and sobbing, and very sore, not just then but for several days afterwards.  

We discuss what a real hiding should be and agree on no less than twenty very firm strokes with her knickers on and no less than forty hard strokes on her bare bottom. She also agrees that if she is not hollering, kicking, wriggling madly, and crying her eyes out by the end that the hiding must continue until she is and then some.  

Handing me the strop she says this takes her back to her last strapping. That time was for having been caught stealing from a shop and her girlfriend was so annoyed with her that she insisted on teaching her a seriously painful lesson.

She recounts standing in the bedroom wearing just her bra and knickers. She had pushed her knickers down and had to bend over the back of a chair in her room. There the strop was applied hard to her bare bottom.  

She couldn't remember how many smacks with it she got, but does remember it being a very long, hard leathering and that she was put to bed straight after it. She remembered crying her eyes out kicking and screaming as the strop turned her bottom into a burning, stinging very sore furnace, and that lying in bed after was so uncomfortable.  

She also detailed, how, when she tried to soothe her sore bum by rubbing it, that she could feel the multiple ridges and stripes and welts across her bum, but the worst ones were in the crease of her bum and thighs which were agony and were the ones that still hurt the most three or four days later.  

Taking the offered strop from her I say that that is something like what I want to give her now.  

Margaret just gives me a rueful, knowing look and says, "I thought it might be. That is why I told you about it so you would know I understand that I deserve a thorough leathering for being so stupid, using my phone while driving, not paying attention, and not having insurance. I expect you to do this thoroughly and am fully in agreement that it is what I should get." After a moment's silence to emphasise the point she adds, "I also want you to enjoy making my bum so very sore and to make sure I don't enjoy it."  

So that's what she gets, and she does cry uncontrollably with tears streaming down her face and her bare bottom is so red and bruised by the strapping I gave her, but she is clearly turned on as well. So am I.  

We then go to bed and make love.  

The sex is just wonderful. I enjoy touching her body, the feel of her breasts and stiff erect nipples against my tongue is electric, and as I kiss, lick and finger her wet, very excited treasure I am in heaven. Even so, nothing is as mind-blowing as happens while licking and flicking with my tongue at her delightful rosebud as I bring her to orgasm not once but several times.  

Then I reckon it is my turn and, sliding up over her, my very excited, very stiff, erection easily slides into her saturated palace, our lips meet, and the kiss is sensational. After only two or three thrusts the excitement overtakes me, and I know I cannot hold back and am going to cum. I don't have a condom on, and I just manage to say to her that I am cumming, to warn her.  

She anxiously says she doesn't use birth control and not to cum inside her. I manage to calm myself down and am disappointed but start to withdraw from her. She tells me she really doesn't want to take the chance of getting pregnant. I tell her I really want to take that chance. She hesitates, but then wraps her arms around me and pulls me into her fully, and starts really grinding away. I tell her I cannot hold back anymore, and she grips me tightly and I cum heavily in her unprotected treasure.  

As I cum I feel sensations that I cannot even remember having before. It feels like my erection grows hugely, the head of my penis seems to swell, and as the tingling churning tightness in my groin grows, I feel the muscles contract, and the first of many large ejaculations rocket into her unprotected palace. Time after time I spasm and shoot into her.  

As we kiss, she whispers in my ear, "That's it, fill me, put that baby you want into my belly. I can feel your juices spurting deep inside, your warmth filling me."  

Laying on top of her, still feeling amazing sensations in my groin, my head very slowly clears, and I can start to think again. I don't want these sensations to end. Nor do I want to take my softening cock out of her heavenly hot, velvety glove, but slowly do.  

My head gets back to normal, at least almost. I apologise for my lack of control. I explain it has been over twenty years since I have had any physical relations of any sort with a woman and that she is simply overwhelmingly exciting and wonderful.  

Margaret is just fabulous and is very understanding. She tells me not to be at all concerned and that she is highly flattered that I was so excited by her. She tells me that we have many hours left in the day before her daughter gets back from college and that if I want to, we can have sex several more times before I have to leave.  

Selfishly, I ask her if I can cum inside her again each time. She just kisses me and nods.  

Once more I am overwhelmed by her and again start to tease, excite, and stimulate her in every way I can with my tongue until she again orgasms. As I try to continue, she takes hold of my head, pulls me from her delicious sex, and pulls me up to kiss me.  

Margaret says almost reluctantly, "Stop now, please, for a while, as I am getting too sensitive and tender. We need to wait a bit then we can fuck again, and you can fill me up once more, and try as I know you want to, to make me pregnant." She smiles and then adds, "I know you said you hadn't had sex for twenty years, so just one pointer. Focus on me more as I will take longer to get to an orgasm than you will. It's a common thing that men can get wrong, but I can see you will be a quick learner."

I think that over and am so thankful that Margaret has pointed it out and decided there and then to be more thoughtful towards Margaret.  

While we both recover, we talk about spanking and my love of seeing well-spanked girls' bottoms. She tells me since Carrie came to live with her when she was sixteen that she regularly spanked her daughter but hasn't for the last six months or so.  

Margaret tells me that when she did spank Carrie it was always a very hard spanking to teach her a lesson for misbehaving. It was intended to be a painful punishment and was. 

Margaret continued by explaining that she used a bedroom slipper and a thick leather belt on Carrie's tight bottom. Usually, she would use the slipper first over Carrie's knickers, the spanking being hard and long until she could see her bottom glowing through her knickers and definitely until she was certain that she was starting to cry or was very close to crying. Then she instructed Carrie to remove her knickers and would leather her already red but now bare bottom with the thick leather belt.

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Without exception, by the end, Carrie is crying wholeheartedly and her bottom is throbbing, and she had to stand on her naughty spot until she calmed down. That usually took a good thirty minutes and afterwards Carrie always found it too uncomfortable for many hours to sit on anything other than a thick cushion.  

Sometimes, on maybe half-a-dozen occasions, when Carrie had been particularly naughty, she even made her bend over for a repeat hiding on or even before the completion of her naughty spot time. On those occasions, she would concentrate a lot of the spanks on her very tender sit spot and the very tops of her thighs. The result of those spankings was Carrie sobbing uncontrollably. Her bare bottom would not just be red and sore but bright vivid scarlet and the very prominent welts on her sit spot and thigh tops would be exceedingly prominent.  

Carrie's eventual return to her naughty spot was a sight for sore eyes. There was no way she could remain still, and she was desperate to rub her by now agonisingly sore bottom. However, she never did as she knew that if she did another spanking would ensue. Her glowing red bottom jiggled and writhed the whole time through her second corner time-out, and she was usually still

crying with tears running down her cheeks even when her corner time was finished.  

However, Carrie always hugged and cuddled her at the end and apologised for having had to be spanked, and knew that she earned every thrashing she was given.  

By the end of this chat from Margaret, my cock was fully hard again. She saw this, smiled, and said that she saw that her telling me about her daughter's spankings really did excite me and she would give me more details over the next few months if I wanted. She then bent down and took my erection in her mouth which was another first for me, and when she could tell that I was getting too turned on and too close to cumming she stopped, as though teasing me.  

Margaret then said that as she stopped before I came, just as Carrie was sometimes smacked again on her already sore bottom for being naughty, she believed that she now deserved the same herself. She said that she had also been very naughty for allowing me to cum inside her without any protection and she should be spanked very seriously for allowing that.

However, she then admitted how she loved to be spanked and how it turned her on. She had never expected to enjoy being thrashed until her bottom throbbed, but when her girlfriend thrashed her with the strop, she found out how turned on she was by it. After that, they often used thrashing as foreplay and had the most amazing sex. However, on those occasions when she was really naughty, and her girlfriend thrashed her so hard it wasn't a turn-on but just a really painful sexless punishment aimed at teaching her a lesson. She got used to both types of thrashing, accepting the discipline spankings whenever her girlfriend decided she needed them. So, laughing at her own suggestion, whilst she said that she has been naughty and should be spanked again, she knew I would love the erotic effect it would have on her, and her bottom, and it would be tremendous foreplay.  

We kiss, cuddle, hug, and then she gets out of bed and puts two pillows on it, and then bends over them. She makes sure her still bright red and obviously very sore bottom is raised well up and tells me to take the strop to her already sore bare bottom until her bottom throbs, is swollen, and is covered with many more livid welts.  

I do so, and afterwards, while she is still crying, we get back into bed and cuddle. She climbs onto me, and we fuck again until I cum inside her once more making sure that she cums a lot more times than I do.  

Afterwards, as we cuddle each other, I hint that I wish I could have seen her spank Carrie. Margaret tells me about some more of the hidings she gave Carrie and we both get turned on and fuck for a third time. As I shoot my seed into her again, she asks me if she can go for the morning-after pill. I don't refuse her but say I would prefer if she didn't and would really enjoy it if she would take the risk of getting pregnant and I ask if we can do it several times more this week.  

Margaret snuggles in and says she supposes that I am going to fill her up each time we do.

I say, "Yes, several times if you will let me."  

Margaret just takes hold of my soft cock, strokes it, nods, and then says, "Yes, but if you get me pregnant then we will just have to deal with it." She then asks, "Is that what you want, to actually get me pregnant? I can tell you my most fertile times if you really want that and we can be sure of your best chance."  

It's my turn to nod and we drift off to sleep together.  

What Margaret doesn't know is I can't get her pregnant. I was sterilised when I was twenty-four but decided that I will wait until the week is out before I will tell her that.  

We agree to meet up again in a week's time to give her bottom a chance to recover before her next hiding, but I ask that we could get together for sex at the weekend, today being Friday.  

However, I get a surprise email from her the first thing the next day, Saturday, asking if I could come round tomorrow evening, Sunday, for a chat.  

I agree and turn up with some flowers and a bottle of fine wine but am surprised that Carrie is there. We sit down in the lounge. Carrie is dressed in what must have been her school uniform of a short-sleeved dress with buttons down the front and a belt, and ankle socks. Margaret is in a lovely skirt and blouse.  

Carrie speaks first and explains how she had been brought up in a home and had met Margaret, who she always called mum when she was sixteen. They had sat at the same table in a busy coffee bar, got talking, got on, decided to date each other, and before long she moved in with Margaret. Carrie explained to me how she had missed out on having a strict mother relationship and asked her new mum to be both strict with her and to discipline her whenever she disobeyed her. Spanking was the chosen discipline method, and her mum was very strict and until just a few months ago spanked her at least once a week.  

When I must have looked spellbound, Carrie continued, "Mum stopped spanking me because I made a mistake and told her how I got turned on by being spanked and so was naughty on purpose. She decided she wouldn't spank me again for that reason which I always regretted. Now, though, Mum has told me what has happened, how much she is due to pay you for damaging your car, and what she has agreed to do with you to make up for it. I would like to make you this offer. I can imagine how exciting it is to have sex with my mum and understand the thrill of trying to get her pregnant, but we really don't want that. So, we chatted this through and I offered to allow you to see me getting my bottom thrashed which you told mum the thought of excited you."  

Carrie looks at me to see if I was going to disagree, but when I don't, she continues. "Mum agrees to have full sex with you once she is on the pill and until then you will use condoms. She will get that started as soon as possible as she enjoys fucking with you and loves the feeling when you climax inside her. For my part, mum will give me a proper, very real hiding once every week, except for the week of my periods. However, so as you don't miss out the week immediately following my period, I will get two hidings on the same day that following week."  

Carrie again waits a few moments but sees I am spellbound and want her to continue, which she does.  

"As I say the hidings will be very real, will be with a belt or strap, and will be on my knickers then my bare bottom. We have agreed I will get a minimum of twenty-four smacks over my knickers and a minimum of thirty-six smacks on my bare bottom. Yes, that is a minimum, and mum and I will agree to the exact number just before the hiding starts. You will be allowed to see it for real the week where I get two hidings and the rest we will video and send you to see immediately after each hiding. We will use my phone and my mum's. Mine will record my face and my mum's my bottom so that you will see everything."  

I keep nodding whenever Carrie stops this most electric description of how she will be thrashed by her mum as part of the payment to me.  

Carrie continues. "If you would agree to this then we will start right away. I will go upstairs to my room and bend over my bed. Mum and you will then come up and mum will use the big strop on me. Now, last week was my period so this week I am due two hidings and as it's already six o'clock I will get two hidings tonight. One right now. You could then take us to dinner.....maybe....please...and the second hiding will be just before I go to bed at 10.30. Just because they are close together, I will not be getting off lightly as both will be hard and long and very real and make me very sore. The fact I am getting a second hiding on my already very sore bare bottom is my fault for making the offer. We have also agreed that this first hiding will make me extra sore. I will be getting thirty-six smacks over my knickers and fifty on my bare bottom with, as I say, that thick razor strop."  

So, I watch her get two wonderful hidings after which I make love to Margaret several times. Margaret even let me cum inside her those times saying she will get the pill soon and that's when I told her I was sterile and she was safe,  

Margaret laughed and hugged me and said, "So Carrie is going to let you see her get thrashed many times needlessly. I won't tell her so you can still enjoy her sore bare red bum. Anyway, she will enjoy me thrashing her again."  

I stay the night and the next morning, Monday, we are all sitting eating breakfast and Carrie is wriggling at the breakfast table.  

"Is your bum sore?" I ask her.  

Carrie gives a rueful smile and says, "Yes, very. Sitting down today at college is going to be a bit uncomfortable."  

"Only a bit?" I joke.  

Carrie looks at me and asks with a smile, "Do you want me to go to college with a really fresh sore bum?"  

I smile as I reply, "I would love that to happen."  

Carrie says to her mum, "Do you still have that old school cane you hid behind your wardrobe?"  

"Yes," was the reply.  

Carrie replies as though the decision has been made, "OK, I'm off to my room to take my skirt and knickers off and bend over a couple of pillows on the bed. Will you cane my bare bottom with eighteen of your very hardest strokes, mum?"  

Fifteen minutes later Carrie walks out the front door with tears streaming down her face and sobbing. I know because I saw that her backside was striped and welted and obviously very, very, sore. I can also see then that Carrie enjoys the hidings she gets, and didn't want them to stop, which I have to admit is a real plus to my relationship with Margaret.  

Margaret and I went back to bed and made love several times but only after I strapped and caned her fabulous bare bottom until she howled, and her bottom was as striped and welted as Carrie's. After all, Margaret also enjoys being soundly thrashed to tears and beyond and we are both turned on by that.


Now, I think that makes a fabulous story of how spanking and sex go hand in hand for so many of us. But what is true and what is made up?

Written by SusanHarper
Contributing Authors
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