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Punished by Auntie Geraldine in Norfolk - Nick’s Revenge

"We girls got Nick spanked nude, now it was his turn to watch all three of us get punished"

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Nick and I didn’t get much notice that we were going to stay with Mum’s schoolfriend ‘Auntie Geraldine’ in her pokey house in a grim little village in Norfolk. She lived there with her daughters Judy, seventeen and Rebecca, eighteen.

In the first part of this story I recounted how Rebecca and Judy had managed to trick Nick into being punished. But as well as seeing their mother give him the cane, totally naked, they also watched as Nick had his penis spanked because he couldn’t help getting aroused. Rebecca had been kind enough to help Nick later when she took some soothing cream into his room and applied it in all the right places.

I know Nick and I guessed he would be looking for some way to get the girls into trouble but I hadn’t guessed that it might include me. I should have known he’d realise that I’d had some part in the deceit.

After breakfast the next morning Auntie explained that she had to go to an important Church hall meeting and would be back in time for lunch. We had to promise to behave ourselves properly and do nothing that would cause her to be cross with us.

Nick and I looked at each other and he whispered, “Who talks like that nowadays?”

The girls suggested we play some board games, and I was surprised that Nick agreed readily. So for the next hour or so we played ‘ludo’ and then ‘snakes and ladders’. I realise now that Nick did not wish to show his hand too early.

Nick managed to get the conversation round to his punishment the previous day. Rebecca and Judy looked very embarrassed but Nick told them it was okay, he’d forgiven them and had really enjoyed Rebecca’s visit to his room to rub cream on his sore bum and reddened penis. We all laughed.

Nick then said “It seemed a bit unfair that you all saw me naked but stayed fully clothed yourselves.” Without pausing, he went on, “I think that you three should play ‘snakes and ladders’ but with a twist.”

He had Rebecca intrigued and she fell right into his trap “What sort of twist?”

Nick smiled, “Each time anyone slides down the snake they have to remove an item of clothing.”

After quite a bit of discussion we accepted that it had been, perhaps, a little unfair but Judy was not happy for Nick to watch as each of us took our clothes off. Nick suggested that if we played in the large hall area he would watch the game from the top of the stairs and turn away while each piece of clothing was removed. We all agreed.

Each of us started with just five items of clothing to make it fair. It was not long before all three of us had lost some clothing. Judy had only taken off her tights & shoes (counted as one item). I had had to remove the tights/shoes plus my skirt and Rebecca had lost the same plus her blouse.

Nick seemed quite relaxed about not watching us actually removing items of clothing and he returned to watch the game and us when instructed by Judy.

Another few throws and the game turned exciting as one after another we tumbled down the snakes and had to remove more clothes. Off came my blouse, so I was sitting in just my bra and panties. A couple of minutes later Judy had to take off her skirt and then soon after this Rebecca became the first to lose her bra. Now Nick’s eyes were on stalks as he studied her gorgeous firm breasts and strangely Rebecca seemed to revel in this exhibitionism.

It wasn’t over yet though. Judy went down a snake after throwing a double and on her second throw went down again. Nick was obliged to turn away as she slowly removed her blouse followed by her bra. I couldn’t help checking out her breasts, not as large or as pert as Rebecca’s but still very attractive and comparable to my own. When Nick was allowed to turn back he obviously liked what he saw and even from where we sat we could see the bulge growing in his trousers.

Soon afterwards, I had the same bad luck as Judy and slid down two snakes in succession. Nick turned away, and I took off my bra and slid down my panties to reveal my neatly trimmed, and by now very moist slit.

Seconds later the front door opened and Auntie stepped in loaded down with groceries. Her face said it all, and I glanced up the stairs to find Nick was no where to be seen.

Auntie seemed to be struck dumb for a second or two as she took in the picture of me, stark naked, trying to cover both breasts and my bush, and her daughters now standing next to me in just their knickers.

“What on earth is going on here?” she finally yelled.

At that point Nick came out of his room to come down stairs and gave a yell of surprise and stopped dead on the top step, pretending to cover his eyes.

“Go back to your room, Nick,” shouted Auntie. “Now will someone please explain what on earth you were doing?”

Each of us wished the ground would swallow us up, but said nothing.

“Right, go to your rooms and wait while I decide how to deal with this appalling behaviour.”

From the corner of my eye I saw that Nick was enjoying the view through a crack in his doorway and gave him two fingers.

A short while later Auntie came upstairs and asked if there was anything we wished to say to explain what she’d seen. Again there was no reply from the three of us.

“Very well, I will expect you downstairs in the lounge in five minutes, and I will cane you on your bare bottoms.”

Rebecca started to complain, “But it’s not fair, it wasn’t our idea …”

Auntie was furious at Rebecca’s efforts to wriggle out of the punishment. “Any more from any of you and I will make it ten strokes of the cane instead of six. Do you understand!”

We all nodded.

“Nick, come downstairs with me,” Auntie instructed ominously as she swept passed his room.

A couple of minutes later the three of us trooped in to the lounge. Nick had been brought down early in order to get the stool and implements ready. In addition to the cane we noted the little strap that Auntie had used on Nick’s penis when he’d become aroused during his punishment the day before.

Before we had chance to speculate why that was there Auntie began. “I am very disappointed in you girls. This sort of behaviour is not what I expect to find, particularly in my own home. You will each get six strokes of the cane on your bottoms and Nick will be watching. If you try to get up or stop one of the strokes you will receive an additional stroke. Is that clear?”

We all muttered that it was.

“Take off all your clothes.” Auntie instructed us.

As we removed our clothes I saw Nick’s eyes darting between Rebecca and Judy, taking in each revelation as the various items were removed. We were all under strict instructions to keep our hands by our sides so there was nothing we could do to avoid his gaze and we could all see the bulge growing in his trousers.

“Rebecca, as the eldest you will be punished first. Bend over here,” and Auntie pointed to the stool.

Rebecca was an extraordinarily good looking girl without her frumpy clothes. She was fit, in the old fashioned sense, a flat stomach, taut buts, fair sized breasts that were so firm they didn’t hang, they pointed down when she bent over the stool. Her thatch was neatly trimmed and dark like her hair. Nick was looking straight between her legs as Auntie repeatedly tapped the inside of her thigh until she had spread them to her satisfaction, and Nick’s, judging by his expression.

We'd all seen that Nick was getting excited by looking at Rebecca and Judy, but I could see that they were aroused knowing that a fit lad was watching them, stark naked and knowing they were so exposed in front of him. Rebecca's slit was glistening, and I spotted Judy wipe away something from the top of her thigh.

Auntie took up her position and swished the cane for effect. We all winced.

Swish, swish, swish, the cane came down across Rebecca’s gorgeous bum cheeks leaving red lines in their wake.

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Swish, and despite being quite used to this punishment Rebecca leapt up, grabbing her bum and waving those firm breast about. Nick squirmed and had to adjust his tackle as he became even more aroused.

“You will get an extra stroke for moving. I did warn you.” said Auntie sternly.

When Rebecca bent over the stool again it became obvious even to Auntie that she was aroused at being punished like this in front of Nick, and she glared at him. 

Auntie bent to examine her slit and warned Rebecca that her being aroused by Nick was no different from Nick’s penis getting stiff when they were watching him. 

Swish, swish, swish, the remaining three strokes hit home and Rebecca grimaced but stayed in place.

“You may get up now, Rebecca,” but added ominously, tapping the strap with the end of the cane, “I will be punishing you for becoming aroused by Nick after I finish caning Angie and Judy. You next, Angie.”

I suddenly felt very exposed. It was very different to watching someone else go through this experience. Obliged by Auntie tapping my thigh I had to move my legs and it was no use resisting as she just kept tapping. My feet were over 50cm apart before she seemed happy and by then I knew that everything was on show. Fortunately Nick had moved from directly behind the punishment stool to save a little of my dignity.

Swish, the first stroke took me by surprise, and I yelled out and leapt up. It really stung. My breasts are firm and compact but everyone saw them swing around as I got up so quickly

“You are not used to this are you, Angie?” said Auntie, “I’m giving you one extra stroke for getting up.”

I bent back over the stool, aware that my breasts were just as firm as Rebecca’s if a bit smaller. Amazing what goes through your mind at odd times.

I braced myself and was determined not to move again, but I did feel my juices starting to flow. I suppose just being in such an exposed position and strangers viewing my body, it was inevitable. Now I understood how it happened to Nick, you couldn’t control it.

Swish, swish, swish, I could feel the lines as they appeared on my bum but I stayed down, even though I yelled out on the second stroke. Just three to go.

Swish, swish, swish, and I shrieked but didn’t move. God that hurt.

“Well done for taking that so well,” and she paused, looking between my legs, “Just a moment.” she said, as she checked my wet slit, “You too will be punished with the strap after I’ve dealt with Judy.”

Judy took up her place over the stool and parted her thighs without being asked. She knew the routine. She had a light, almost furry mound which hid little of her already glistening slit and her breasts, though not quite up to Rebecca’s in size were still pretty impressive.

Auntie moved into position and so did Nick. Throughout Judy’s punishment I watched as his eyes glanced between her slit then over to Rebecca’s magnificent body and then back again, not wanting to miss anything.

Judy took her punishment without incident but her oozing juices did not go unnoticed by Auntie who was getting pretty cross with us girls. I’m sure she felt we were letting the side down. This has never happened before when I've spanked you so I know it is because Nick is here watching you. I am now going to give you four spanks on your naughty bits for becoming aroused when this is supposed to be your punishment.

Nick wasted no time asking Auntie “Why did I get six strokes on my penis when they are getting off with just four.”

Auntie was having none of his insolence, “How dare you question my authority. If you must know a girls parts are much more sensitive than a boys, but if I see you adjust your trousers one more time you will get some more.”

Auntie told the three of us to stand in a row facing her and Nick. He was now struggling to contain his throbbing member and Rebecca had the courage to laugh and point this out to Auntie. She gave him another glare and continued to get ready for phase two of our punishment.

She placed a foot stool directly in front of one of the armchairs and stepped to one side, picking up the strap.

“Rebecca sit on the stool, lie back in the chair. Now, bring your knees up and part them.”

Rebecca haltingly did as she’d been instructed leaving nothing to the imagination. Her slit was spread wide and positively oozing with thick juices. Nick had no option but to manually adjust his erection which was stretching the front of his trousers. Auntie flicked the strap across the ‘tent’ in his trousers as a warning.

Auntie stepped to Rebecca’s right, and thwack, she flicked the strap down across her swollen mound and thwack, again, before Rebecca could react.

We watched in amazement at this punishment being meeted out but we couldn’t argue with Auntie’s logic at punishing us in the same way as she’d punished Nick for being aroused.

Auntie parted Rebecca’s knees once more and thwack, thwack two more flicks of the strap hit home, making Rebecca groan.

I was next. It was so humiliating being displayed like this and again Nick had the good grace to avert his eyes during my punishment. It was perhaps a good job he did as I could not believe the wave of pleasure that accompanied each stroke. I kept my legs wide apart as Auntie rained down the flicks of her strap. It was all I could do to pretend it was hurting and like Rebecca I groaned aloud after the fourth stroke. WOW - it was such an amazing sensation, but I didn’t dare ask Auntie for more.

Judy was unaware of the pleasure to come as she took up her position and only spread her thighs after a few flicks of the cane on her leg.

Auntie moved into place and looked up in time to see Nick once more easing the pressure on his penis. “Right, young man, you are next. I did warn you.”

Rebecca and Judy exchanged excited glances. Thwack, thwack, thwack, Auntie was getting into her stride and Judy let out a long moan.

“Are you all right, girl?” asked Auntie but Judy just nodded and spread her legs again.

The final flick was a strong one bringing another loud moan from Judy and Rebecca and I shared a quick smile.

Auntie though had not forgotten all of Nicks attempts to keep his member comfortable and turned in time to find him again trying to control his unruly penis.

“Come over here Nick. I haven’t finished with the strap yet, have I?” she said pointedly staring at the bulge in his trousers. “Take off you trousers and pants.”

Nick removed the trousers. Then he slid down his underpants and his thick erection sprang out making Judy give a little shriek.

Auntie glared at her then took hold of Nick’s cock and slid back the foreskin. His shirt got in the way so she instructed him to remove that too.

We had all been near Auntie when she called him over and now watched in awe as his cock swung around during the shirt removal. By the time he was stark naked in front of us all his cock was standing out rigidly and throbbing.

Auntie slid back the foreskin again and thwack, thwack, thwack she flicked the strap across his shaft in quick succession and his cock bounced with each stroke. She examined her work and lifted the strap again making us all wince.

Thwack, thwack, two strokes landed on the head of Nick’s cock and thwack, one final stinging flick caught the very tip making him cry out and rub his cock.

“As that was the last stroke I will not make you take an extra one, on this occasion,” and with that Auntie strode off to return the implements to the kitchen.

Rebecca wasted no time and stroked her fingers along the full length of Nick’s shaft and rubbed the pre-cum around the helmet until he groaned aloud.

Auntie returned and instructed us all to go to our rooms, get dressed and wait and she would call us down for lunch in an hour or so.

I had a feeling that Nick might be planning an appointment with Rebecca and her soothing cream and the rest of us might want to relieve the tension on our own before getting dressed but we all dutifully went up stairs without a word.

Written by Angelheart
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