Richard Moran was a thirty-three-year-old single man in quite a well-paid job and he lived alone in a property in an expensive part of the small town. He had a number of female acquaintances, some of whom shared his bed from time to time, but did not have a steady girlfriend.
Richard had a long-held interest in spanking, or rather in being spanked, but other than a bit of play spanking he had not found a female that would indulge him although he did not often broach the subject anyway. The ideal woman to carry out the spanking, in his mind, would be considerably older than him and also be solidly built although not fat as such.
If he had a night at home without female company he would likely click on a sex site for a movie of a male getting his arse reddened by a mature female or maybe watch a DVD on the same subject or perhaps go through the many items of literature that he possessed on such things. He would also, naturally enough, wank himself until he spunked whilst indulging in this solo entertainment.
Richard actually employed a lady to clean his property twice a week, Tuesday's and Friday's, but as he was almost always at work they very rarely saw each other.
The lady was sixty-year-old Margaret Leech, a widow, and in some respects, she would be the ideal woman to administer his wished-for spanking but Richard thought her way too strait-laced to ever seriously consider her.
Although Richard obviously had no idea Margaret did in fact often spank her late husband Ralph and the spankings usually culminated in great sex. Margaret did not have a man in her life and had not had sex since a while before her husband sadly died and that was three years ago.
So for the time being Richard was left with his fantasies and Margaret was left without cock but on one Tuesday a series of events was to be accidentally set in motion that would solve both of those deficiencies.
Richard had watched one of his female spanks male DVD's on this Monday night and although he was normally careful to put things like this away deep in one of his wardrobes after viewing he had, completely unintentionally, neglected to do so and it had slipped to the floor and partially under a chair.
In cleaning the room on Tuesday, Margaret discovered the DVD but other than being surprised that Richard appeared to have an interest in such things she thought no more about it. As she did not know where the DVD actually belonged she left it out on the chair with a little note saying 'found on the floor'.
On getting home that evening Richard was slightly mortified at the thought that his apparently strait-laced cleaning lady had discovered his little secret and he imagined her being totally disgusted with him.
Although she had not thought much about it at the time Margaret found herself thinking about her discovery when she went to bed and as she was imagining the handsome thirty-three-year-old man over her knee her fingers were seeking out her cunt and clit. Margaret then did something that she hardly ever did, she masturbated to orgasm.
Richard had thought about leaving a note for Margaret on Friday apologising for the fact that she had had to see such a 'disgusting' item of entertainment but something in the back of his mind suggested something else. Richard, on purpose this time, left one of his magazines featuring FM spanking on the floor next to his bed and felt both excited and nervous about the prospect of Margaret's reaction when she discovered it.
At work, at a time that he knew that Margaret would be in his house, he felt ashamed and regretted leaving the magazine for the poor woman to discover and was convinced that she would be so disgusted that she would refuse to work for him ever again.
Margaret was actually far from disgusted and whilst thinking that the DVD being left out was a mistake there could be no doubt that Richard meant her to see the magazine. She had actually been ashamed of herself for masturbating whilst thinking of the man so much her junior and for thinking about him in the way that she had.
Having decided that there was no doubt that Richard had meant her to find the magazine Margaret now had to decide what to do about it. She thought of leaving it in the centre of the bed but then decided to turn things up another notch. She flicked through the magazine and found a picture of a mature woman spanking a bare arsed younger man over her knee with a hairbrush and she left the magazine on that page but put it on the pillow under the bedclothes so Richard would not see it until he went to bed.
Margaret was very moist between her legs and knew that she would be masturbating again that night.
Richard went home fully expecting to see a note from Margaret saying that she was quitting but he found nothing, not even the magazine which he concluded that she had probably put in a rubbish bin somewhere. It was not until he went to bed that night and pulled back the bedclothes that he saw what Margaret had left him and his cock jumped to erection and he furiously wanked until spunk spurted into the air.
He decided that he would phone Margaret on Saturday morning, a call that she partially expected and hoped for, but he then thought again. Several times he thought of phoning her during the weekend, as she did he, but no calls were made although both parties were almost certain what the other wanted.
By Tuesday both had decided that things had to be brought to a head but it was Richard that made sure that they were.
He first thought of taking the day off work and being there when Margaret arrived but then decided to prolong the sexual tension further by not just leaving one magazine by the bed but spreading multiple magazines and DVDs throughout the property. They all related to males being disciplined by females and, in most cases, the females were older.
Richard set off to work with an erection because he knew that some sort of 'explosion' must happen soon.
Margaret arrived for work knowing that she would discover 'something' but she gasped when she went from room to room picking up what Richard had left. Before she thought of doing any cleaning she had her knickers off and masturbated to one of her best 'cums' ever. She then had to decide what to do next about the situation but she too knew that it was about to reach its conclusion.
What she did was put all of the literature and DVDs in a neat pile and on the top left a note written in red ink and in capital letters saying 'I WILL BE BACK AT 7PM TO DEAL WITH YOU.'
She went home to make herself more presentable because not only did she expect to be giving the younger man a good spanking she also hoped to get her first fucking in more than three years. Richard came home to find the note and spent the time leading up to seven o'clock in a state of high sexual arousal.
Margaret Leech was actually a very attractive woman when she wanted to be and she set off for Richard's house nicely made up and, of course, in possession of her hard-backed hairbrush.
This was actually going to be the first time that they had seen each other face to face in more than a month.
Although she obviously had a key she rang the doorbell on the dot of 7pm and Richard, in a mixture of nerves and sexual excitement, opened it. Margaret did not speak but made eye contact and brushed past the younger man and into his house. As she went past him Richard found himself looking at her arse which certainly filled the skirt that she was wearing.
Still, not a single word had been spoken but Margaret fetched a chair from the kitchen and placed it in the living room. She took her hairbrush from her handbag and looked at the open-mouthed Richard Moran and said, "Trousers down."
He stood stunned for a moment because although he had been hoping for something like this for years he still could not believe that it was actually happening.
"Trousers down now," said Margaret with a bit more force and Richard found his hands fiddling with his belt and zip and then felt his trousers slipping down to his feet. Margaret looked at the large bulge in the man's underpants and then instructed, "Those down too."
Richard lowered his underpants to join his trousers at his feet and his erection stood proud. This was the first erect cock that Margaret had seen in years and it was certainly an impressive one but she had other things to attend to first.
She hitched her skirt up towards her waist revealing a lot of bare and quite thick thigh and then sat her substantial backside on the chair and, pointing at her lap, said to Richard, "Over."
Richard had not uttered a word since his cleaning lady had entered the house and he still didn't as he shuffled towards her with his clothing at his ankles and put himself over her lap. His erection eventually fitted in between her thighs and Margaret surveyed the firm male buttocks that she was about to thrash.
She circled the hairbrush on Richard's left arse cheek before raising it and bringing it down with a loud CRACK a second CRACK exploded on his right cheek and then there was a series of pistol like CRACK's as the hairbrush bounced from one buttock to the other.
On and on the hiding went, sometimes one cheek to the other and sometimes several on one cheek and Richard was bucking, writhing and groaning as this mature woman turned his arse red. His penis was still rock hard and, as he twisted, he sometimes got friction from Margaret's thighs as still, she beat him CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK.
Neither of them was counting the number of spanks but it must already be fifty or more as the hairbrush continued to make a loud impact on bare buttock. Richard was almost humping her between her thighs now as he bucked and he was getting very close to ejaculation as his arse and the backs of his thighs felt on fire.
Sensing that he was close, Margaret had also been able to gauge when Ralph was close to cumming, she gave him a series of particularly hard whacks on one spot and with almost a roar Richard fired spunk at and on Margaret's bare thighs. She continued to spank a bit longer as Richard's body tensed and then sort of slumped in relaxation. Finally, she stopped, she was breathless and her knickers were wet and, after looking at the glowing buttocks on her lap, she announced, "Get up."
Richard slowly struggled off her lap and put his hands towards his buttocks but Margaret said, "Put your hands on your head," an order to which he complied. His cock had now deflated somewhat but still had a dribble of semen on its end.
"Thank me for giving you the hiding that you deserved and desired," was Margaret's next instruction.
Richard now spoke his first words since her arrival, "Tttthank you for giving me the hiding that (sob) I deserved and desired."
"Okay, you may touch your bottom," she said and Richard's hands went to try to soothe his well-spanked cheeks.

"Ssssory about the mess," said a sobbing Richard indicating the spunk on Margaret's thighs.
"That's alright, my late husband often came while I was spanking him," confided Margaret who now wanted to turn things towards the possibility of a fuck. "We had some of the best sex of our lives when he had a sore arse too, " she added as her eyes went to Richard's penis which appeared to be hardening.
"You mean that you have often given a man a spanking?" asked Richard still rubbing his arse.
"Only my husband until now but yes, often," said Margaret before sinking to her knees and taking Richard's semi-erect cock in her mouth. She sucked and licked him to full erection before almost pleading, "Will you fuck me?"
"Oh Margaret, yes, yes, of course," replied Richard whose throbbing arse was adding to the feelings in his prick.
Margaret's first thought was to have him on the living room carpet but then her 'work' head took over and she thought of the difficulties of removing sexual fluid from the carpet so she said, "Your bed, I think," and then laughed when Richard found his movement restricted by both the clothing around his feet and his very sore arse. He solved one problem by removing his trousers and underpants but he certainly still had a very sore arse.
They got to Richard's bedroom, Margaret a bit quicker than him, and she removed her skirt and her blouse and then her bra. Richard removed his shirt and then Magaret had her very damp knickers off to reveal a healthy bush around her wet vagina. Richard took a moment to look at this very attractive mature woman before they locked in a kiss and then found themselves on the bed.
With Richard's cock in her hand Margaret said, "It has been a very long time for me," to which Richard replied, "I will try to make it memorable for you."
Richard had his cock at her wet entrance but was very careful with slowly easing into her as her vagina got used to accepting a penis for the first time in ages. He gradually got all the way in and Margaret sighed as she felt a hard cock inside her after so long. Richard waited for her to adjust her position before slowly starting to rock backwards and forwards and Margaret oohed and aahed with each movement.
Once she had got accustomed to these feelings she said, "This feels so good, now fuck me please."
Richard was more a gentle lovemaking man than a fast fucking one but he did start to increase the speed and the power of his thrusts and very soon Margaret had her first penis induced orgasm in years, "Oh, oh, oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck," as her body spasmed. Richard increased the speed further and was now sliding in and out of her quite rapidly and she came for a second time.
Margaret's legs were swinging a bit wildly and sometimes her heel would make contact with a spanked buttock but Richard was finding that having a stinging arse was a huge turn-on. He could feel his spunk rising and thought that he would be a gentleman and see where Margaret wanted his semen, "Margaret, I am going to cum, where....?" he started to ask but she, in the process of cumming again squealed, "In my cunt, cum in my cunt," and almost immediately Richard did so and did so hard.
Once they had both stopped climaxing they kissed and both, sort of insanely, giggled.
"Well that is how you should treat your cleaner," laughed Margaret.
"And every boss should get his arse tanned by his cleaner," replied Richard.
They lay in silence for a while until Richard asked, "Do you want to stay the night?"
After a bit of thought, Margaret replied, "It is very tempting but not tonight, another time perhaps, if there is another time."
"I would certainly hope there is, for spanking and for sex," said her new lover.
"I hope so too," said Margaret before giving Richard a long lingering kiss.
They lay in each other's arms for a while before she said, "I had better be going otherwise I will be here all night," and she got off the bed.
Richard admired her large round arse as she bent over to pick up her discarded knickers and made a mental note to take her from behind at some point.
As she got dressed Margaret announced, "I have got a cane at home by the way."
Caning in UK state schools was banned about the time that Richard was born but the cane was another implement of punishment that fascinated him, "Fuck, I can just imagine bending over for a caning from you," he said, with his cock reacting.
"Then one day you will if you promise to fuck me afterwards, " said Margaret.
"Oh yeah, I promise," he said, starting to feel horny again.
Margaret completed getting dressed and said, "I will let myself out, thank you for the fuck, it was wonderful."
"No thank you, for the fuck and the spanking, we must do it again," replied Richard.
"Oh we will although to appreciate the spankings they need to be spaced out a bit," she advised.
"Yes, but that does mean that the fucking has to be spaced out," replied Richard.
She kissed him again and said, "Nope, the fucking can be quite frequent," and then she was off, collecting her hairbrush and handbag from downstairs on the way.
She was next due to be at Richard's house on Friday.
Later that night Richard messaged Margaret a photo that he had taken of his red buttocks with the aid of a mirror with the message, 'You did this'. Later still he sent a picture of his erect cock with a message, 'You did this too.'
It seemed that the relationship between a house owner and his cleaner had changed and also it seemed that they would be seeing each other much more frequently in the future.